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26 January 2025

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astro-ph/0102001 Formation and Evolution of Black Hole X-ray Transient Systems
astro-ph/0102002 Signature Studies of Cosmic Magnetic Monopoles
astro-ph/0102003 Resolving the Image of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows with Gravitational Microlensing
astro-ph/0102004 The proper motion of the neutron star RXJ1856.5-3754 as measured by optical and X-ray imaging
astro-ph/0102005 Gauge-ready formulation of the cosmological kinetic theory in generalized gravity theories
astro-ph/0102006 Identification of the 4486,4504A emission lines in O-type spectra
astro-ph/0102007 The INTEGRAL Core Observing Programme
astro-ph/0102008 Seismic detection of stellar tachoclines
astro-ph/0102009 Enigmatic low-velocity jet-like features in planetary nebulae
astro-ph/0102009 Enigmatic low-velocity jet-like features in planetary nebulae
astro-ph/0102011 Disc-like Objects in Hierarchical Hydrodynamical Simulations: Comparison with Observations
astro-ph/0102012 Multi-Epoch VLBA Observations of EGRET-Detected Quasars and BL Lac Objects: Connection between Superluminal Ejections and Gamma-Ray Flares in Blazars
astro-ph/0102013 The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy as a microlensing target
astro-ph/0102014 An abundance analysis for four Red Horizontal Branch Stars in the extremely metal rich globular cluster NGC 6528
astro-ph/0102015 Evolution of Proto-Neutron Stars with Quarks
astro-ph/0102016 The ATESP Radio Survey IV. Optical Identifications and Spectroscopy in the EIS-A Region
astro-ph/0102017 The Zoo of X-ray Pulsars
astro-ph/0102018 A One-sided, Highly Relativistic Jet from Cygnus X-3
astro-ph/0102019 Results of a LMXB survey: variation in the height of the neutron star blackbody emission region
astro-ph/0102020 Romano’s star in M33 - LBV candidate or LBV?
astro-ph/0102021 ROSAT X-Ray Observations of the Spiral Galaxy M81
astro-ph/0102022 Radiative Bulk Viscosity
astro-ph/0102023 NICMOS Imaging of the Cores of M 31 and M 32
astro-ph/0102024 Impact of Gas Removal on the Evolution of Embedded Clusters
astro-ph/0102025 Galactosynthesis Predictions at High Redshift
astro-ph/0102026 Recycled Pulsars Discovered at High Radio Frequency
astro-ph/0102027 Photometric detection of high proper motions in dense stellar fields using Difference Image Analysis
astro-ph/0102028 Microlensing of collimated Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows
astro-ph/0102029 Linear nonadiabatic properties of SX Phoenicis variables
astro-ph/0102030 Computer simulations of interferometric imaging with the VLT interferometer and its AMBER instrument
astro-ph/0102031 On calculation of microlensing light curve by gravitational lens caustic
astro-ph/0102032 In Support of Inflation
astro-ph/0102033 Value of the Cosmological Constant: Theory versus Experiment
astro-ph/0102034 A new sample of large angular size radio galaxies. I. The radio data
astro-ph/0102035 Effects of non-thermal tails in Maxwellian electron distributions on synchrotron and Compton processes
astro-ph/0102036 A wide field survey at the Northern Ecliptic Pole: II. Number counts and galaxy colours in B_j, R, and K
astro-ph/0102037 AGN and starbursts at high redshift: High resolution EVN radio observations of the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/0102038 H3+ Between the Stars
astro-ph/0102039 Modes of Multiple Star Formation
astro-ph/0102040 X-ray Reflection By Photoionized Accretion Discs
astro-ph/0102041 High Energy Large Area Surveys: from BeppoSAX to Chandra and XMM
astro-ph/0102042 The near-infrared and ice-band variability of Haro 6-10
astro-ph/0102043 The Infrared Evolution of Sakurai’s Object
astro-ph/0102044 Morphology and Galactic Distribution of PNs: a New Scenario
astro-ph/0102045 Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of black hole accretion
astro-ph/0102046 QSO environments at intermediate redshifts
astro-ph/0102047 Neutron star cooling in transiently accreting low mass binaries: a new tool for probing nuclear matter
astro-ph/0102048 The effect of radiative cooling on scaling laws of X-ray groups and clusters
astro-ph/0102049 Resolution of the Age Discrepancies in Pulsar/SNR Associations
astro-ph/0102050 Annual modulation in IDV of quasar 0917+624 due to Interstellar Scintillation
astro-ph/0102051 An atlas of mid-infrared dust emission in spiral galaxies
astro-ph/0102052 Atmospheric Turbulence Measurements with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer
astro-ph/0102053 Comparing Optical and Near Infrared Luminosity Functions
astro-ph/0102054 Search for an Near-IR Counterpart to the Cas A X-ray Point Source
astro-ph/0102055 Pinpointing the massive black hole in the Galactic Center with gravitationally lensed stars
astro-ph/0102056 Galaxy Formation and Evolution: Recent Progress
astro-ph/0102057 A Sober Assessment of Cosmology at the New Millennium
astro-ph/0102058 Gravitational Memory ? - a Perturbative Approach
astro-ph/0102059 Infrared Spectroscopy of Brown Dwarfs: the onset of methane absorption in L dwarfs and the L/T transition
astro-ph/0102060 The elementary spike produced by a pure $e^+e^-$ pair-electromagnetic pulse from a Black Hole: The PEM Pulse
astro-ph/0102061 A probabilistic formulation for Empirical Population Synthesis: Sampling methods and tests
astro-ph/0102062 Clustering in the Universe: from Highly Nonlinear Structures to Homogeneity
astro-ph/0102063 The likelihood of GODs’ existence: Improving the SN1987a constraint on the size of large compact dimensions
astro-ph/0102064 Strip Searching for Supernovae
astro-ph/0102065 Spectral variability of Ultra Luminous Compact X-ray Sources in Nearby Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0102066 A `superoutburst’ in XTE J1118+480
astro-ph/0102067 On the Covariance of the Mixmaster Chaoticity
astro-ph/0102068 A 3D MHD model of astrophysical flows: algorithms, tests and parallelisation
astro-ph/0102069 Dynamical modeling of large scale asymmetries in the beta Pictoris dust disk
astro-ph/0102070 Radio Emission from the X-ray transient XTE J1550-564
astro-ph/0102071 Supernova Ia Predicted without the Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/0102072 The disc instability model of dwarf-novae and low-mass X-ray binary transients
astro-ph/0102073 Ultraviolet and visible spectropolarimetric variability in P Cygni
astro-ph/0102074 Competitive accretion in embedded stellar cluster
astro-ph/0102075 The optical counterpart to SAX J1808.4-3658: observations in quiescence
astro-ph/0102076 Intergalactic Magnetic Fields from Quasar Outflows
astro-ph/0102077 The Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/0102078 A Next Generation High-speed Data Acquisition System for Multi-channel Infrared and Optical Photometry
astro-ph/0102079 Dynamical Friction in dE Globular Cluster Systems
astro-ph/0102080 A Short Timescale Candidate Microlensing Event in the POINT-AGAPE Pixel Lensing Survey of M31
astro-ph/0102081 Lensing Properties of Scale-Free Galaxies
astro-ph/0102082 No Need for Dark Matter in Galaxies?
astro-ph/0102083 Superluminal motion in a compact steep spectrum radio source 3C 138
astro-ph/0102084 X-ray Observations of the New Pulsar--Supernova Remnant System PSR J1119-6127 and SNR G292.2-0.5
astro-ph/0102085 Arecibo imaging of compact high-velocity clouds
astro-ph/0102086 Simulating galaxy surveys with FIRST (PACS & SPIRE)
astro-ph/0102087 The X-ray nebula of the filled center supernova remnant 3C58 and its interaction with the environment
astro-ph/0102088 Spectra and evolution of two X-ray sources in M81
astro-ph/0102089 AGAPEROS: Searching for variable stars in the LMC Bar with the Pixel Method. I. Detection, astrometry and cross-identification
astro-ph/0102090 Internal color gradients and the color-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies
astro-ph/0102091 Modeling the production of flares in $gamma$-ray quasars
astro-ph/0102092 Bispectrum speckle interferometry observations and radiative transfer modelling of the red supergiant NML Cyg: Multiple dust-shell structures evidencing previous superwind phases
astro-ph/0102093 FUSE Limits on FUV Emission from Warm Gas in Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0102094 Decay of cosmological constant as Bose condensate evaporation
astro-ph/0102095 How to distinguish a nearly flat Universe from a flat Universe using the orientation independence of a comoving standard ruler
astro-ph/0102096 Are there any Young Galaxies in our local universe?
astro-ph/0102097 Inner magnetospheric accelerators in high magnetic field pulsars
astro-ph/0102098 On the nature of soft Gamma-ray repeaters
astro-ph/0102099 On the comoving distance as an arc-length in four dimensions
astro-ph/0102099 On the comoving distance as an arc-length in four dimensions
astro-ph/0102101 Correlation function of ultra-high energy cosmic rays favors point sources
astro-ph/0102102 How to make CMB maps from huge timelines with small computers
astro-ph/0102103 Multiwavelength observations revealing the outbursts of the two soft X-ray transients XTE J1859+226 and XTE J1118+480
astro-ph/0102104 Analysis of ProNaOS submillimeter maps in the M42 Orion Nebula - Temperature - spectral index inverse correlation in several regions
astro-ph/0102105 On the nature of the microquasar V4641 Sagittari
astro-ph/0102106 10^20 eV Cosmic Ray and Particle Physics with IceCube
astro-ph/0102107 K-shell dielectronic resonances in photoabsorption: differential oscillator strengths for Li-like C IV, O VI, and Fe XXIV
astro-ph/0102108 X-ray Emitting Groups in the Infall Region of Abell 2199
astro-ph/0102109 Induced Gravity Model Based on External Impinging Neutrinos: Calculation of G in Terms of Collision Phenomena and Inferences to Inertial Mass and Atomic Quantization
astro-ph/0102110 Collimated Fast Winds in Wide Binary Progenitors of Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0102111 Spectral and temporal properties of X-ray emission from the ultra-luminous source X-9 in M81
astro-ph/0102112 Time delay in QSO 0957+561 from 1984-99 optical data
astro-ph/0102113 Deep VLT search for globular clusters in NGC 5128: color-magnitude diagrams and globular cluster luminosity function
astro-ph/0102114 X-ray states and radio emission in the black hole candidate XTE J1550-564
astro-ph/0102115 The Cannonball Model of Gamma Ray Bursts: Lines in the X-Ray Afterglow
astro-ph/0102116 The far-infrared--submm spectral energy distribution of high-redshift quasars
astro-ph/0102117 How big were the first cosmological objects?
astro-ph/0102118 The origin of the runaway high-mass X-ray binary HD153919/4U1700-37
astro-ph/0102119 The Influence of Hydrodynamical Winds on Hot Accretion Disk Solutions
astro-ph/0102120 A Determination of the Local Density of White Dwarf Stars
astro-ph/0102121 Accretion in stellar clusters and the IMF
astro-ph/0102122 Observations and theoretical models of gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0102123 DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. VI. Variables in the Central Part of M33
astro-ph/0102124 Exploring the Small Scale Structure of N103B
astro-ph/0102125 NICMOS Observations of Extragalactic Cepheids. I. Photometry Database and a Test of the Standard Extinction Law
astro-ph/0102126 Astronomical engineering: a strategy for modifying planetary orbits
astro-ph/0102127 Multi-Epoch Multiwavelength Spectra and Models for Blazar 3C~279
astro-ph/0102128 The Structure and Star-Formation History of NGC 5461
astro-ph/0102129 X-ray Observations of Young Supernova Remnants
astro-ph/0102130 A VLA H92alpha Study of the Arched Filament Complex Near the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0102131 Binary Masses as a Test for Pre-Main-Sequence Models
astro-ph/0102132 Public Imaging Surveys: Scientific Opportunities
astro-ph/0102133 Central Matter Distributions in Rich Clusters of Galaxies from z~0 to z~0.5
astro-ph/0102134 Abundance Gradients and the Formation of the Milky Way
astro-ph/0102135 Evolution on the AGB and beyond: On the formation of H-deficient post-AGB stars
astro-ph/0102136 Galaxy Associations within the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/0102137 Non-axisymmetric accretion on the classical TTS RW Aur A
astro-ph/0102138 Cosmological parameter determination from Planck and SDSS data in LambdaCHDM cosmologies
astro-ph/0102139 A new Monte Carlo code for star cluster simulations: I. Relaxation
astro-ph/0102140 Large Area Lyman Alpha survey: finding young galaxies at z=4.5
astro-ph/0102141 Common-Envelope Evolution: the Nucleosynthesis in Mergers of Massive Stars
astro-ph/0102142 CCD-based observations of PG 0856+121 and a theoretical analysis of its oscillation modes
astro-ph/0102143 Strong Chaos in the N-body problem and Microcanonical Thermodynamics of collisionless self gravitating systems
astro-ph/0102144 Early-universe constraints on a time-varying fine structure constant
astro-ph/0102145 A Module for Radiation Hydrodynamic Calculations With ZEUS-2D Using Flux-Limited Diffusion
astro-ph/0102146 In the Shadow of the Accretion Disk: Higher Resolution Imaging of the Central Parsec in NGC 4261
astro-ph/0102147 Distances and Metallicities of High- and Intermediate-Velocity Clouds
astro-ph/0102148 HI spectra and column densities toward HVC and IVC probes
astro-ph/0102149 X-ray Halos and Large Grains in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/0102150 Multifrequency studies of the enigmatic gamma-ray source 3EG J1835+5918
astro-ph/0102151 Chandra X-ray Spectroscopic Imaging of Sgr A* and the Central Parsec of the Galaxy
astro-ph/0102152 CMB (And Other) Challenges To BBN
astro-ph/0102153 Constructing, characterizing, and simulating Gaussian and higher-order point distributions
astro-ph/0102154 Radio Properties of Infrared Selected Galaxies in the IRAS 2 Jy Sample
astro-ph/0102155 The Initial Mass Function and its Variation
astro-ph/0102156 On the X-ray fast-time variability of Sco X-2 (GX 349+2)
astro-ph/0102157 Pulsar motions from neutrino oscillations induced by a violation of the equivalence principle
astro-ph/0102158 The optical afterglow and host galaxy of GRB000926
astro-ph/0102159 NICS-TNG infrared spectroscopy of NGC1068: the first extragalactic measurement of [PII] and a new tool to constrain the origin of [FeII] line emission in galaxies
astro-ph/0102160 Measuring the galaxy power spectrum with multiresolution decomposition -- II. diagonal and off-diagonal power spectra of the LCRS galaxies
astro-ph/0102161 Progenitors of GRB originated in the dense star cluster
astro-ph/0102162 A new deuterium abundance measurement from a damped Ly-alpha system at z_abs = 3.025
astro-ph/0102163 The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - IV. The QSO Power Spectrum from the 10k Catalogue
astro-ph/0102164 Bubbles in galactic haloes
astro-ph/0102165 Cluster physics from joint weak gravitational lensing and Sunyaev-Zel’dovich data
astro-ph/0102166 The radio-loudness dichotomy: environment or black-hole mass?
astro-ph/0102167 Mapping the inner accretion disk of the galactic black hole J1550-564 through its rise to outburst
astro-ph/0102168 General Properties of Recurrent Bursts from SGRs
astro-ph/0102169 Stochastic Gravitational Radiation from Phase Transitions
astro-ph/0102170 On the Fast Spectral Variability of GRBs
astro-ph/0102171 Thermal stability of self-gravitating, optically thin accretion disks
astro-ph/0102172 Magnetic Fields and the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/0102173 Prospects for radio detection of extremely high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos in the Moon
astro-ph/0102174 Revisiting the calculations of inflationary perturbations
astro-ph/0102175 Pair Multiplicities and Pulsar Death
astro-ph/0102176 The Evolution of Radio Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift
astro-ph/0102177 The extraordinarily bright optical afterglow of GRB 991208 and its host galaxy
astro-ph/0102178 Magnetic Screening in Accreting Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0102179 The NACRE Thermonuclear Reaction Compilation and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/0102180 Evolution of the Luminosity Function and Colors of Galaxies in a Lambda-CDM Universe
astro-ph/0102181 Real-Time Difference Imaging Analysis of MOA Galactic Bulge Observations During 2000
astro-ph/0102182 Hydrogen model atmospheres for white dwarf stars
astro-ph/0102183 A Chandra Study of Sgr A East: A Supernova Remnant Regulating The Activity Of Our Galactic Center?
astro-ph/0102184 Study by MOA of extra-solar planets in gravitational microlensing events of high magnification
astro-ph/0102185 Relativistic velocity singularities
astro-ph/0102186 The jet model for Sgr A*: radio and X-ray spectrum
astro-ph/0102187 Perturbed Friedmann cosmologies filled with dust and radiation
astro-ph/0102188 Chemical evolution and depletion pattern in Damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems
astro-ph/0102189 Evidence Supporting the Universality of the IMF
astro-ph/0102190 The Large-Scale Tidal Velocity Field
astro-ph/0102191 Velocity and density spectra of the Small Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0102192 Discovery of a bipolar and highly variable mass outflow from the symbiotic binary StHa 190
astro-ph/0102193 The Variability of R,N,C Stars from HIPPARCOS and AAVSO Data
astro-ph/0102194 Intra-Day Variability and the Interstellar Medium Towards 0917+624
astro-ph/0102195 Evolution of Power Spectrum in Non-Gaussian Models
astro-ph/0102196 Evolution of photoionization and star formation in starbursts and HII galaxies
astro-ph/0102197 Morphology of the large-scale structure
astro-ph/0102198 Mm/submm observations of symbiotic binary stars: implications for the mass loss and mass exchange
astro-ph/0102199 A Rapid X-ray Flare in the Radio-loud Narrow Line Quasar PKS 0558-504
astro-ph/0102200 HI deficiency in the galaxy cluster ACO 3627. ATCA observations in the Great Attractor region
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