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26 January 2025

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astro-ph/0102506 Radio Continuum Survey of an Optically-Selected Sample of Nearby Seyfert Galaxies
astro-ph/0103001 Binaries and Globular Cluster Dynamics
astro-ph/0103002 The evolutionary time scale of Sakurai’s object: A test of convection theory?
astro-ph/0103003 Modeling the evolution of Sakurai’s object
astro-ph/0103004 Stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis of Post-AGB Stars
astro-ph/0103005 Zodiacal Infrared Foreground Prediction for Space Based Infrared Interferometer Missions
astro-ph/0103006 G-band Spectral Synthesis in Solar Magnetic Concentrations
astro-ph/0103007 Relativistic large scale jets and minimum power requirements
astro-ph/0103008 Lengths of the First days of the Universe
astro-ph/0103009 Cusped Mass Models Of Gravitational Lenses
astro-ph/0103009 Cusped Mass Models Of Gravitational Lenses
astro-ph/0103011 New results on the temporal structure of GRBs
astro-ph/0103012 Ground-Based Coronagraphy with High Order Adaptive Optics
astro-ph/0103013 ROSAT-HRI detection of the Class I protostar YLW16A in the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud
astro-ph/0103014 New Results from the X-ray and Optical Survey of the Chandra Deep Field South: The 300ks Exposure
astro-ph/0103015 Supernova Explosions and Neutron Star Formation
astro-ph/0103016 Evidence for Prolonged Main Sequence Stellar Evolution of F Stars in close binaries
astro-ph/0103017 Large-Scale Structure, Theory and Statistics
astro-ph/0103018 Possible Detection of Baryonic Fluctuations in the Large-Scale Structure Power Spectrum
astro-ph/0103019 The Formation of Brown Dwarfs as Ejected Stellar Embryos
astro-ph/0103020 Cosmic Radio Jets
astro-ph/0103021 New Insights from HST Studies of Globular Cluster Systems I: Colors, Distances and Specific Frequencies of 28 Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/0103022 Quark Stars as inner engines for Gamma Ray Bursts?
astro-ph/0103023 Center of Light Curves for Whitney Fold and Cusp
astro-ph/0103024 General Relativistic Simulations of Stellar Core Collapse and Postbounce Evolution with Boltzmann Neutrino Transport
astro-ph/0103025 Cold Molecular Gas, PDRs, and the Origin of HI in Galaxies
astro-ph/0103026 The First Observations of the Second Brightest Quasar
astro-ph/0103027 An Adaptive Optics Survey for Companions to Stars with Extra-Solar Planets
astro-ph/0103028 Evidence For and Against Collimation of Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0103029 Weak Lensing Measurements of 42 SDSS/RASS Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0103030 Distributions of secondary muons at sea level from cosmic gamma rays below 10 TeV
astro-ph/0103031 The Radio and Gamma-Ray Luminosities of Blazars
astro-ph/0103032 Raman Scattered He II Line in the Planetary Nebula M2-9 and the Symbiotic Stars RR Telescopii and He 2-106
astro-ph/0103033 The Departure of Eta Carinae from Axisymmetry and the Binary Hypothesis
astro-ph/0103034 The Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 1999by: Spectroscopy at Early Epochs
astro-ph/0103035 The CH out-of-plane bending modes of PAH molecules in astrophysical environments
astro-ph/0103036 Submillimeter CO emission from shock-heated gas in the L1157 outflow
astro-ph/0103037 The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions III.: W31
astro-ph/0103038 Light Curves from an Expanding Relativistic Jet
astro-ph/0103039 The Ursa Major Cluster of Galaxies. III. Optical observations of dwarf galaxies and the luminosity function down to M_R=-11
astro-ph/0103040 The Galaxy and Mass N-Point Correlation Functions: a Blast from the Past
astro-ph/0103041 Chandra X-ray Observations of the Quadruply Lensed Quasar RX J0911.4+0551
astro-ph/0103042 Surveying the Sky with the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager: Expected Constraints on Galaxy Cluster Evolution and Cosmology
astro-ph/0103043 An Auger test of the Cen A model of highest energy cosmic rays
astro-ph/0103044 Modeling the Low State Spectrum of the X-Ray Nova XTE J1118+480
astro-ph/0103045 A Black Hole in the Superluminal source SAX J1819.3-2525 (V4641 Sgr)
astro-ph/0103046 H0 from an orientation-unbiased sample of SZ and X-ray clusters
astro-ph/0103047 Constraints on inflation from CMB and Lyman-alpha forest
astro-ph/0103048 Polarization Insights for Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0103049 Clusters in the Precision Cosmology Era
astro-ph/0103050 Warm Dark Matter, Small Scale Crisis, and the High Redshift Universe
astro-ph/0103051 Complete and Simultaneous Spectral Observations of the Black-Hole X-ray Nova XTE J1118+480
astro-ph/0103052 Merging Timescales and Merger Rates of Star Clusters in Dense Star Cluster Complexes
astro-ph/0103053 The local power spectrum and correlation hierarchy of the cosmic mass field
astro-ph/0103054 Optical observations of BL Lacertae from 1997 to 1999
astro-ph/0103055 A survey of hard spectrum ROSAT sources 2: optical identification of hard sources
astro-ph/0103056 The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - 10K@2K!
astro-ph/0103057 Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in warped accretion discs
astro-ph/0103058 The Host Galaxy and Optical Light Curve of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 980703
astro-ph/0103059 Stellar populations in the nuclear regions of nearby radiogalaxies
astro-ph/0103060 The evolution of core and surface magnetic field in isolated neutron stars
astro-ph/0103061 Magnetic Stresses at the Inner Edges of Accretion Disks Around Black Holes
astro-ph/0103062 Observational evidence for mass ejection during soft X-ray dips in GRS1915+105
astro-ph/0103063 The Abundance Distribution in the Extrasolar-Planet Host Star HD19994
astro-ph/0103064 First Results from the 2dF QSO redshift survey
astro-ph/0103065 Infrared and Millimetric Study of the Young Outflow Cepheus E
astro-ph/0103066 IC 10: More evidence that it is a blue compact dwarf
astro-ph/0103067 Interpreting the Cosmic Infrared Background: Constraints on the Evolution of the Dust Enshrouded Star Formation Rate
astro-ph/0103068 Likelihood analysis of the CfA2+SSRS2 and of the Las Campanas redshift surveys
astro-ph/0103069 Hubble’s Nobel Prize
astro-ph/0103070 Face-on SS433 stars as a possible new type of extragalactic X-ray sources
astro-ph/0103071 ESO Imaging Survey. Deep Public Survey: Multi-Color Optical Data for the Chandra Deep Field South
astro-ph/0103072 A Mapping Survey of the 12CO and 13CO Emission in Galaxies
astro-ph/0103073 Extensive Air Shower Simulations with CORSIKA and the Influence of High-Energy Hadronic Interaction Models
astro-ph/0103074 QSO host galaxy star formation history from multicolour data
astro-ph/0103075 Supernova constraints on spatial variations of the vacuum energy density
astro-ph/0103076 Magellanic Clouds Planetary Nebulae: an updated view on stellar evolution and populations
astro-ph/0103077 Properties of the circumnuclear medium in Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0103078 The Cosmic Infrared Background at 1.25 microns and 2.2 microns using DIRBE and 2MASS: a contribution not due to galaxies ?
astro-ph/0103079 First results from the Isaac Newton Telescope Wide Angle Survey: The z>5 quasar survey
astro-ph/0103080 The spin-down problem in the white dwarf of AE Aquarii: numerical study of a turn-over scenario
astro-ph/0103081 The Redshift of the Optical Transient Associated with GRB 010222
astro-ph/0103082 Bumpy Power Spectra and Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0103083 A Simple Model for r-Process Scatter and Halo Evolution
astro-ph/0103084 FUSE and HST STIS Observations of Hot and Cold Gas in the AB Aurigae System
astro-ph/0103085 The Anisotropy of the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/0103086 The mysterious HI deficiency of NGC 3175
astro-ph/0103087 The radio-luminosity - black hole mass correlation for quasars from the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey, and a ``unification scheme’’ for radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars
astro-ph/0103088 Gravitational waves from relativistic rotational core collapse
astro-ph/0103089 Pulsar wind nebulae around the southern pulsars PSR B1643-43 and PSR B1706-44
astro-ph/0103090 On the quiescence of the Hubble flow in the vicinity of the Local Group
astro-ph/0103091 A new approach to the problem of modes in the Mestel disk
astro-ph/0103092 The evolution of the galaxy distribution
astro-ph/0103093 Strong gravitational lensing by multiple galaxies
astro-ph/0103094 Caustic Rings and Cold Dark Matter
astro-ph/0103095 Neutrino Propagation in Dense Astrophysical Systems
astro-ph/0103096 Magnetic Collimation in PNe
astro-ph/0103097 Investigation of charge sharing among electrode strips for a CdZnTe detector
astro-ph/0103098 Observational Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of Binary Stars
astro-ph/0103099 HIPASS Detection of an Intergalactic Gas Cloud in the NGC 2442 Group
astro-ph/0103099 HIPASS Detection of an Intergalactic Gas Cloud in the NGC 2442 Group
astro-ph/0103101 Infrared Emission from the Radio Supernebula in NGC 5253: A Proto-Globular Cluster?
astro-ph/0103102 Mass Density Profiles of LSB Galaxies
astro-ph/0103103 Chandra observtaion of A2256 - a cluster at the early stage of merging
astro-ph/0103104 Evolution and Nucleosynthesis of Zero Metal Intermediate Mass Stars
astro-ph/0103105 Backflow in Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
astro-ph/0103106 Measurement of the (gamma,n) reaction rates of the nuclides 190Pt, 192Pt, and 198Pt in the astrophysical gamma-process
astro-ph/0103107 On the second overtone stability among SMC Cepheids
astro-ph/0103108 Radiative Hydromagnetic Shocks in Relativistic Outflow Sources
astro-ph/0103109 Understanding the radio emission geometry of PSR B0329+54
astro-ph/0103110 Quantitative Analysis of the Void Size Distribution in the LCRS and in CDM Models
astro-ph/0103111 The metamorphosis of SN1998bw
astro-ph/0103112 The luminosity function of QSO host galaxies
astro-ph/0103113 The Evolution of the Luminosity Function in Deep Fields: A Comparison with CDM Models
astro-ph/0103114 Unusual Radio Properties of the BL Lac Object 0820+225
astro-ph/0103115 On the X-ray time lags in the black hole candidates
astro-ph/0103116 Asymmetric Beam Combination for Optical Interferometry
astro-ph/0103117 Exotic Matter research in Space
astro-ph/0103118 The kinematics of molecular clumps surrounding hot cores in G29.96-0.02 and G31.41+0.31
astro-ph/0103119 Deep H I observations of the compact high-velocity cloud HVC125+41-207
astro-ph/0103120 Near-infrared polarimetric observations of the afterglow of GRB 000301C
astro-ph/0103121 Observation of the Halo of NGC 3077 Near the "Garland" Region Using the Hubble Space Telescope
astro-ph/0103122 Small Second Acoustic Peak from Interacting Cold Dark Matter?
astro-ph/0103123 A wide-field spectroscopic survey of the cluster of galaxies Cl0024+1654: I. The catalogue
astro-ph/0103124 VLA Detection of the Ionized Stellar Winds Arising from Massive Stars in the Galactic Center Arches Cluster
astro-ph/0103125 Recurrent very-long type-I X-ray bursts in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53
astro-ph/0103126 New Temperatures of Diffuse Interstellar Gas: Thermally Unstable Gas
astro-ph/0103127 Clustering in Deep (Submillimeter) Surveys
astro-ph/0103128 Disk/corona model of the mean spectra of radio-quiet and radio-loud QSO
astro-ph/0103129 Analysis of hysteresis effect in p mode frequency shifts and solar activity indices
astro-ph/0103130 The Star Formation Histories of Local Galaxies: Continuous or Intermittent?
astro-ph/0103131 Phase-resolved HST/STIS spectroscopy of the exposed white dwarf in the high-field polar AR UMa
astro-ph/0103132 Lithium in the Coma Berenices open cluster
astro-ph/0103133 Horizontal Branch Models as a Test of Mixing on the RGB
astro-ph/0103134 II: Bayesian Methods for Cosmological Parameter Estimation from Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements
astro-ph/0103135 Resonance Line Scattering in Supernova Remnant Shocks
astro-ph/0103136 FUSE Observations of Molecular Hydrogen in Translucent Interstellar Clouds: II. The Line of Sight Toward HD 110432
astro-ph/0103137 Primordial Black Holes and the Asymmetrical Distribution of Short GRB Events
astro-ph/0103138 Supernova II Neutrino Bursts and Neutrino Massive Mixing
astro-ph/0103139 Diffusion of the scalar field energy due to the backscattering off Schwarzschild geometry
astro-ph/0103140 Phase Dependent Spectral Variability of 4U1907+09
astro-ph/0103141 Reprocessing the Hipparcos data for evolved giant stars II. Absolute magnitudes for the R-type carbon stars
astro-ph/0103142 Cosmological Constraints on Terrestrial Planet Formation
astro-ph/0103143 A measurement of the cosmological mass density from clustering in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
astro-ph/0103144 Spherical collapse of supermassive stars: neutrino emission and gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0103145 On The Parent Population of Radio Galaxies and the FR I--II Dichotomy
astro-ph/0103146 ’Round the Clock Observations of the Q0957+561 A,B Gravitationally Lensed Quasar
astro-ph/0103147 Cosmic Ray "Knee": A Herald of New Physics?
astro-ph/0103148 FIR and Radio emission in star forming galaxies
astro-ph/0103149 Rayleigh Scattering and Microwave Background Fluctuations
astro-ph/0103150 Antiprotons from spallations of cosmic rays on interstellar matter
astro-ph/0103151 Physical Conditions in the Foreground Gas of Reflection Nebulae: NGC 2023, vdB 102, and NGC 7023
astro-ph/0103152 Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from relic topological defects
astro-ph/0103153 PN-Carbon Yields and the Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy
astro-ph/0103154 Comparative Analysis of GALLEX-GNO Solar Neutrino Data and SOHO/MDI Helioseismology Data; Further Evidence for Rotational Modulation of the Solar Neutrino Flux
astro-ph/0103155 The new sample of Giant radio sources: I. Radio imaging, optical identification and spectroscopy of selected candidates
astro-ph/0103156 Semi-analytic galaxy formation: understanding the high redshift universe
astro-ph/0103157 Populations of X-ray binaries and the dynamical history of their host galaxies
astro-ph/0103158 Exploring Topology of the Universe in the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/0103159 Gravitational instability of finite isothermal spheres
astro-ph/0103160 Contribution of nuclei accelerated by gamma-ray pulsars to cosmic rays in the Galaxy
astro-ph/0103161 The Vacuum Energy from a New Perspective
astro-ph/0103162 Nucleosynthesis in Advective Accretion Disk around Compact Object
astro-ph/0103163 Temporal evolution of f-mode frequencies and radius
astro-ph/0103164 On the solar rotation rate in the upper convection zone
astro-ph/0103165 The Galactic Habitable Zone I. Galactic Chemical Evolution
astro-ph/0103166 Black hole X-ray transients: mass accumulation in the disk - constraints for the viscosity
astro-ph/0103167 Recent star formation in very luminous infrared galaxies
astro-ph/0103168 Pressure imbalance of FRII radio source lobes: a role of energetic proton population
astro-ph/0103169 INTEGRAL and Nuclear Astrophysics
astro-ph/0103170 D/H Measurements
astro-ph/0103171 The X-ray Spectrum of the Vela Pulsar Resolved with Chandra
astro-ph/0103172 Variable Interstellar Absorption toward the Halo Star HD 219188 - Implications for Small-Scale Interstellar Structure
astro-ph/0103173 Signals of primordial phase transitions on CMB maps
astro-ph/0103174 Atomic T Tauri disk winds heated by ambipolar diffusion
astro-ph/0103175 Constraining the Properties of Dark Energy
astro-ph/0103176 High Sensitivity, High Spectral Resolution, Mid-infrared Spectroscopy
astro-ph/0103177 Probing the Early Universe with the S-Z Effect
astro-ph/0103178 Relativistic close coupling calculations for photoionization and recombination of Ne-like Fe XVII
astro-ph/0103179 HST Observations of SGR 0526-66: New Constraints on Accretion and Magnetar Models
astro-ph/0103180 Time Variable Faraday Rotation Measures of 3C-273 and 3C-279
astro-ph/0103181 Star Formation Thresholds in Galactic Disks
astro-ph/0103182 On the two types of steady hard X-ray states of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/0103183 Soft X-ray Properties of ULIRGs Based on a Large and Complete Sample
astro-ph/0103184 Radio and Infrared Properties of Dust-Enshrouded Wolf-Rayet Stars
astro-ph/0103185 Dusty Debris Around Solar-Type Stars: Temporal Disk Evolution
astro-ph/0103186 High energy particles from gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0103187 Infrared Observations and Modeling of one of the Coolest T Dwarfs, Gl 570D
astro-ph/0103188 Empirical relations for cluster RR Lyrae stars revisited
astro-ph/0103189 Why Canonical Disks Cannot Produce Advection Dominated Flows
astro-ph/0103190 Sub-arcsecond imaging of SiO in the HH 211 protostellar jet
astro-ph/0103191 Evolution of magnetic field curvature in the Kulsrud-Anderson dynamo theory
astro-ph/0103192 Temporal properties of short GRBs
astro-ph/0103193 The Measurement of Disk Ellipticity in Nearby Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0103194 Quintessence and the first Doppler peak
astro-ph/0103195 High Energy Neutrino Astronomy: Towards Kilometer-Scale Detectors
astro-ph/0103196 X-ray, Optical, and Radio Observations of the Type II Supernovae 1999em and 1998S
astro-ph/0103197 A Molecular Gas of z<0.2 Infrared-Excess, Optical QSOs
astro-ph/0103198 A Classic Type 2 QSO
astro-ph/0103199 The Probability Distribution Function of Column Density in Molecular Clouds
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