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26 January 2025

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astro-ph/0104488 Experiment Design and First Season Observations with the Degree Angular Scale Interferometer
astro-ph/0104489 DASI First Results: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Angular Power Spectrum
astro-ph/0104490 Cosmological Parameter Extraction from the First Season of Observations with DASI
astro-ph/0105001 The X-ray Source SLX 1732-304 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1: The Spectral States and an X-ray Burst
astro-ph/0105002 Low State of the X-ray Burster SLX 1732-304 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1 According to RXTE Data
astro-ph/0105003 Small-Scale Variations of HI Spectra from Interstellar Scintillatio
astro-ph/0105004 The Physics of Protoneutron Star Winds: Implications for r-Process Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/0105005 Accelerating Universe and Event Horizon
astro-ph/0105006 The Distance to SN 1999em from the Expanding Photosphere Method
astro-ph/0105007 How accurately can the SZ effect measure peculiar cluster velocities and bulk flows?
astro-ph/0105008 On the Distribution of Haloes, Galaxies and Mass
astro-ph/0105009 Russell Lecture: Dark Star Formation and Cooling Instability
astro-ph/0105009 Russell Lecture: Dark Star Formation and Cooling Instability
astro-ph/0105011 RX J0848+4456: Disentangling a Moderate Redshift Cluster
astro-ph/0105012 On the Escape of Ionizing Radiation from Starbursts
astro-ph/0105013 Mayall II = G1 in M31: Giant Globular Cluster or Core of a Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy ?
astro-ph/0105014 Optical spectroscopy of X-Mega targets in the Carina Nebula. II. The massive double-lined O-type binary HD 93205
astro-ph/0105015 Optical spectroscopy of X-MEGA targets I. CPD -59 2635: A New Double-Lined O type Binary in the Carina Nebula
astro-ph/0105016 VLBA Observations of Astrometric Reference Sources in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0105017 A Dynamical Mass Constraint for Pre-Main-Sequence Evolutionary Tracks: The Binary NTT 045251+3016
astro-ph/0105018 Halo White Dwarfs, Thick Disks and a Sanity Check
astro-ph/0105019 A SCUBA survey of the NGC 2068/2071 protoclusters
astro-ph/0105020 Mass-Temperature Relation of Galaxy Clusters: A Theoretical Study
astro-ph/0105021 Evolution of the dust mass loss with luminosity along the giant branch of the globular cluster 47 Tuc
astro-ph/0105022 Characteristic X-ray Variability of TeV Blazars: Probing the Link between the Jet and the Central Engine
astro-ph/0105023 Statistical Properties of Galactic Starlight Polarization
astro-ph/0105024 FUSE observations of hot white dwarfs
astro-ph/0105025 K-band versus I-band Surface Brightness Fluctuations as distance indicators
astro-ph/0105026 Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies: Structure, Star Formation, and Color-Magnitude Diagrams
astro-ph/0105027 An optical and near IR study of the old open cluster NGC 2141
astro-ph/0105028 Ring Formation in Magnetically Subcritical Clouds and Multiple Star Formation
astro-ph/0105029 Five-year Monitorings of TeV Blazars with ASCA and RXTE
astro-ph/0105030 Nbody2: A Direct N-Body Integration Code
astro-ph/0105031 Can Post T Tauri Stars Be Found? Yes!
astro-ph/0105032 NICMOS imaging search for damped Lya galaxies
astro-ph/0105033 X-ray Line Emission from Evaporating and Condensing Accretion Disk Atmospheres
astro-ph/0105034 Compton cooling in the afterglow of gamma-ray bursts: Application to GRB 980923 and GRB 971214
astro-ph/0105035 Models of the SL9 Impacts I. Ballistic Monte-Carlo Plume
astro-ph/0105036 Fractal Structure of Molecular Clouds
astro-ph/0105037 The Young Stellar Group Associated with HD 199143
astro-ph/0105038 Spectral Line Imaging Observations of 1E0102.2-7219
astro-ph/0105039 Models of the SL9 Impacts II. Radiative-hydrodynamic Modeling of the Plume Splashback
astro-ph/0105040 Ionization Structure and the Reverse Shock in E0102-72
astro-ph/0105041 A Wind Driven Warping Instability in Accretion Disks
astro-ph/0105042 Millisecond Oscillations and Photospheric Radius Expansion in Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0105043 Serendipitously Detected Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/0105044 Mg II Absorber Number Density at z~0.05: Implications for Omega_DLA Evolution
astro-ph/0105045 Stellar models in IR calibration
astro-ph/0105046 How Dim Accreting Black Holes Could Be?
astro-ph/0105047 Nucleon Superfluidity vs Observations of Cooling Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0105048 Spectral Gamma-ray Signatures of Cosmological Dark Matter Annihilation
astro-ph/0105049 Hard X-ray emission from the galaxy cluster A3667
astro-ph/0105050 Research Note: Rotation and the wind momentum-luminosity relation for extragalactic distances
astro-ph/0105051 Stellar evolution with rotation VII: Low metallicity models and the blue to red supergiant ratio in the SMC
astro-ph/0105052 Pulses, Spectral Lags, Durations, and Hardness Ratios in Long GRBs
astro-ph/0105053 The shape of $eta$ Carinae and LBV Nebulae
astro-ph/0105054 Formation of massive stars by growing accretion rate
astro-ph/0105055 Afterglow Emission from Highly Collimated Jets with Flat Electron Spectra: Application to the GRB 010222 Case?
astro-ph/0105056 Mass loss rate determinations of southern OB stars
astro-ph/0105057 The physics of kHz QPOs---strong gravity’s coupled anharmonic oscillators
astro-ph/0105058 Ionization and Velocity Structure in the Supernova Remnant E0102-72
astro-ph/0105059 Non-Isotropic Angular Distribution for Very Short-Time Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0105060 High Resolution Spectroscopy of Two Oxygen-Rich SNRs with the Chandra HETG
astro-ph/0105061 Measuring Angular Diameter Distances through Halo Clustering
astro-ph/0105062 Cosmological implications of the MAXIMA-I high resolution Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy measurement
astro-ph/0105063 Non-Gaussian Aspects of Thermal and Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effects
astro-ph/0105064 Infrared Observations of Nova Muscae 1991: Black Hole Mass Determination from Ellipsoidal Variations
astro-ph/0105065 Metal Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium in Cosmological Simulations
astro-ph/0105066 The r-modes of rotating fluids
astro-ph/0105067 Apsidal Alignment in Upsilon Andromedae
astro-ph/0105068 Accelerated Universe from Gravity Leaking to Extra Dimensions
astro-ph/0105069 The Soft X-ray Properties of Nearby Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei and their Contribution to the Cosmic X-ray Background
astro-ph/0105070 Further Analysis of Stellar Magnetic Cycle Periods
astro-ph/0105071 Optimization of radio astronomical observations using Allan variance measurements
astro-ph/0105072 Optical Coordinates of Southern Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0105073 Time Dilation and Quasar Variability
astro-ph/0105074 On the typical timescale for the chemical enrichment from SNeIa in Galaxies
astro-ph/0105075 The first ISO ERO: a dusty quasar at z = 1.5
astro-ph/0105076 Scatter broadening of pulsars in the direction of the Gum nebula
astro-ph/0105077 A precise determination of angular momentum in the black hole candidate GRO J1655-40
astro-ph/0105078 The symbiotic star CH Cygni. I. Non-thermal bipolar jets
astro-ph/0105079 Radiative transfer in disc galaxies I - A comparison of four methods to solve the transfer equation in plane-parallel geometry
astro-ph/0105080 Radiative transfer in disc galaxies II - The influence of scattering and geometry on the attenuation curve
astro-ph/0105081 The Host Galaxy of GRB980703 at Radio Wavelengths - a Nuclear Starburst in a ULIRG
astro-ph/0105082 The Angular Momentum Content of Dwarf Galaxies: New Challenges for the Theory of Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/0105083 The X-ray Emission from the Nucleus of the Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy NGC 3226
astro-ph/0105084 X-ray Spectroscopy of Accretion Disks and Stellar Winds in X-Ray Binaries
astro-ph/0105085 The Evolution of the Lyman Alpha Forest From Redshift 3 to 0
astro-ph/0105086 Deep Near-Infrared Imaging Surveys and the Stellar Content of High Redshift Galaxies
astro-ph/0105087 The Stellar Populations and Evolution of Lyman Break Galaxies
astro-ph/0105088 The Absorbers Toward CSO 118: Superclustering at {z~3}, or an Intrinsic Absorption Complex?
astro-ph/0105089 Geodetic Precession in Binary Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0105090 Pulsar Timing Observations and Tests of General Relativity in Double-Neutron-Star Binaries
astro-ph/0105091 Is cosmology consistent?
astro-ph/0105092 A cosmological study of the star formation history in the solar neighbourhood
astro-ph/0105093 Merger shocks in galaxy clusters A665 and A2163 and their relation to radio halos
astro-ph/0105094 The Cannonball Model of Gamma Ray Bursts: high-energy neutrinos and $gamma$-rays
astro-ph/0105095 The Fundamental Plane of Spiral Galaxies: Theoretical Expectations
astro-ph/0105096 The Radio-to-Submillimeter Flux Density Ratio of Galaxies as a Measure of Redshift
astro-ph/0105097 The role of non-thermal electrons in the hydrogen and calcium lines of stellar flares
astro-ph/0105098 N-Body Code with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
astro-ph/0105099 Can the quintessence be a complex scalar field?
astro-ph/0105099 Can the quintessence be a complex scalar field?
astro-ph/0105101 8-13um Dust Emission Features in Galactic Bulge Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0105102 Heating of Intracluster Gas by Jet Activities of AGN: Is the "Preheating" Scenario Realistic?
astro-ph/0105103 The oxygen abundance distribution in M101
astro-ph/0105104 Luminosity density estimation from redshift surveys and the mass density of the Universe
astro-ph/0105105 Thermal Conductivity of Neutrons in Neutron Star Cores
astro-ph/0105106 X-ray emission from the Sculptor galaxy NGC 300
astro-ph/0105107 Numerical Simulation of Non-Gaussian Random Fields with Prescribed Correlation Structure
astro-ph/0105108 Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Are Different
astro-ph/0105109 Quark-Nova
astro-ph/0105110 Temporal and Spectral Characteristics of Short Bursts from the Soft Gamma Repeaters 1806-20 and 1900+14
astro-ph/0105111 Spherical Mexican Hat wavelet: an application to detect non-Gaussianity in the COBE-DMR maps
astro-ph/0105112 A Sample of Radius-Expansion Bursters Observed by the BeppoSAX-WFCs
astro-ph/0105113 An excursion set model of hierarchical clustering: Ellipsoidal collapse and the moving barrier
astro-ph/0105114 Detection of a redshift 3.04 filament
astro-ph/0105115 Multiwavelength Observations of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564 during the 2000 Outburst
astro-ph/0105116 Finding Brown Dwarf Companions with HST/NICMOS
astro-ph/0105117 The Angular Trispectrum of the CMB
astro-ph/0105118 When the Hubble Sequence Appeared ?: Morphology, Color, and Number-Density Evolution of the Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field North
astro-ph/0105119 V4334 Sgr (Sakurai’s Nova): The Distance Problem
astro-ph/0105120 Modeling the Dust Shell of V4334 Sgr
astro-ph/0105121 Evaluating GAIA performances on eclipsing binaries. I. Orbits and stellar parameters for V505 Per, V570 Per and OO Peg
astro-ph/0105122 New Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0105123 Testing Tidal-Torque Theory: I. Spin Amplitude and Direction
astro-ph/0105124 The Large Bright Quasar Survey VII. The LBQS and FIRST Surveys
astro-ph/0105125 ASCA observations of deep ROSAT fields V. The X-ray spectrum of hard X-ray selected QSOs
astro-ph/0105126 The Swinburne Intermediate Latitude Pulsar Survey
astro-ph/0105127 Hypernova Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution
astro-ph/0105128 Ubiquity: Relativistic Winds from Young Rotation-Powered Pulsars
astro-ph/0105129 Cosmology from Cosmic Microwave Background and Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0105130 Cosmology, Particles, and the Unity of Science
astro-ph/0105131 Discovery of an absorbed cluster of galaxies (XMMU J183225.4-103645) close to the Galactic plane with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0105132 Radial-Velocity Monitoring of Members and Candidate Members of the TW Hydrae Association
astro-ph/0105133 Circumnuclear Spiral Arms and Starburst Rings in Magnetized Barred Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0105134 Local Goup HVCs: Status of the Evidence
astro-ph/0105135 The QUEST RR Lyrae Survey: Confirmation of the Clump at 50 kpc and Other Over-Densities in the Outer Halo
astro-ph/0105136 Modelling the H Lyman lines in evolved late-type stars
astro-ph/0105137 Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations of Convection in Radiation-Dominated Accretion Disks
astro-ph/0105138 A Map of the Northern Sky: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey in Its First Year
astro-ph/0105139 Nonlinear effects in time-resolved spectra of DAVs
astro-ph/0105140 The lower boundary of the accretion column in magnetic cataclysmic variables
astro-ph/0105141 Resonant Excitation of Nonradial Modes in RR Lyr Stars
astro-ph/0105142 Spherical Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0105143 Relativistic Thomas-Fermi Model at Finite Temperatures
astro-ph/0105144 Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance for the Sculptor Group Dwarf ESO 540-032
astro-ph/0105145 Hot Stars in Globular Cluster - A Spectroscopist’s View
astro-ph/0105146 Emission line outflows in PKS1549-79: the effects of the early stages of radio source evolution?
astro-ph/0105147 Gas cooling within the diffuse ISM of late-type galaxies
astro-ph/0105148 The BOOMERANG North America Instrument: a balloon-borne bolometric radiometer optimized for measurements of cosmic background radiation anisotropies from 0.3 to 4 degrees
astro-ph/0105149 BeppoSAX Observations of 1 Jy BL Lacertae Objects. I
astro-ph/0105150 Non-Gaussian morphology on large scales: Minkowski functionals of the REFLEX cluster catalogue
astro-ph/0105151 Current Star Formation in Post-Starburst Galaxies?
astro-ph/0105152 Star formation losses due to tidal debris in `hierarchical’ galaxy formation
astro-ph/0105153 Nuclear reaction rates and energy in stellar plasmas : The effect of highly damped modes
astro-ph/0105154 Infrared Spectroscopy of Substellar Objects in Orion
astro-ph/0105155 HST Observations of Young Star Clusters in Interacting Galaxies
astro-ph/0105156 Constraints on SIDM with flavor mixing
astro-ph/0105157 Gliese 569B: A young multiple brown dwarf system?
astro-ph/0105158 The Universal Mass Accretion History of CDM Haloes
astro-ph/0105159 The BL Lac heart of Centaurus A
astro-ph/0105160 The "Extra-Solar Giant Planets" are Brown Dwarfs
astro-ph/0105161 Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy with Cosine-Type Quintessence
astro-ph/0105162 Periodic orbits in warped disk
astro-ph/0105163 Pair creation at shocks. Application to the high energy emission of compact objects
astro-ph/0105164 Accretion-Induced Conversion of High-Velocity Neutron Stars to Strange Stars in Supernovae and Implications for Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0105165 Testing Tidal-Torque Theory: II. Alignment of Inertia and Shear and the Characteristics of Proto-haloes
astro-ph/0105166 VLT Observations of Turnoff stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397
astro-ph/0105167 On the accuracy of GAIA radial velocities
astro-ph/0105168 Modeling Angular-Momentum History in Dark-Matter Halos
astro-ph/0105169 The INES System IV: The IUE Absolute Flux Scale
astro-ph/0105170 A near-solar metallicity damped Lyman-alpha system toward the BAL quasar Tol 1037-2703
astro-ph/0105171 Unified model for quasar absorption line systems
astro-ph/0105172 X-ray emission and variability of young, nearby stars
astro-ph/0105173 Keck II spectroscopy of mHz quasi-periodic oscillations in Hercules X-1
astro-ph/0105174 A Multi-Wavelength Study of the Young Star Clusters and Interstellar Medium in the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/9)
astro-ph/0105175 Torsional Oscillations of Magnetized Relativistic Stars
astro-ph/0105176 13CI in high-mass star-forming clouds
astro-ph/0105177 Stochastic force in gravitational systems
astro-ph/0105178 Shapelets: I. A Method for Image Analysis
astro-ph/0105179 Shapelets: II. A Method for Weak Lensing Measurements
astro-ph/0105180 Contributions of GRBs and Cen A-like Radio Galaxies to the Cosmic Gamma-ray Background
astro-ph/0105181 Simulating Reionization in Numerical Cosmology
astro-ph/0105182 The new X-ray transient SAX J1711.6-3808: decoupling between its 3-20 keV luminosity and its state transitions
astro-ph/0105183 Two-Body Relaxation in Cosmological Simulations
astro-ph/0105184 Problems for MOND in Clusters and the Ly-alpha Forest
astro-ph/0105185 Self-Similar Hot Accretion Flow onto a Rotating Neutron Star: Structure and Stability
astro-ph/0105186 V and R-band Galaxy Luminosity Functions and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies in the Century Survey
astro-ph/0105187 Another Channel to detect Close-in Binary Companions via Gravitational Microlensing
astro-ph/0105188 Measuring the Black Hole Spin in Sgr A*
astro-ph/0105189 Numerical Analyses of Weakly Nonlinear Velocity-Density Coupling
astro-ph/0105190 Accretion physics of AM Herculis binaries, I. Results from one-dimensional stationary radiation hydrodynamics
astro-ph/0105191 COMPTEL Observations of the Blazar PKS 1622-297 during a Gamma-Ray High State in 1995
astro-ph/0105192 The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: Current Status and Future Prospects
astro-ph/0105193 AGN: The High-Energy Status before INTEGRAL
astro-ph/0105194 Chandra measurements of 3C 220.1’s X-ray core and cluster
astro-ph/0105195 The stellar content of the super star clusters in NGC 1569
astro-ph/0105196 Inversion of the Lyman-$alpha$ forest: 3D investigation of the intergalactic medium
astro-ph/0105197 Panel Discussion on Observing Simulations and Simulating Observations
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