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Articles rated:
07 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2001
12, 7.2001
astro-ph/0107207 Discovery of a cataclysmic variable with a sub-stellar companion
astro-ph/0107208 Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group and in the Local Volume
astro-ph/0107209 Pair-production multiplicities in rotation-powered pulsars
astro-ph/0107210 Off-Axis Cluster Mergers: Effects of a Strongly Peaked Dark Matter Profile
astro-ph/0107211 The BIMA Survey of Nearby Galaxies (BIMA SONG): I. The Radial Distribution of CO Emission in Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0107212 Discovery of water vapor around IRC+10216 as evidence for comets orbiting another star
astro-ph/0107213 Carbon Flashes in the Heavy Element Ocean on Accreting Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0107214 Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. II. Dynamo models
astro-ph/0107215 Metals in the Universe and Diffuse Background Radiation
astro-ph/0107216 Annihilation Radiation in the Galaxy
astro-ph/0107217 Pair Production and Radiation Effects in Clouds Illuminated by Gamma Ray Sources
astro-ph/0107218 The Nuclear Disk in the Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4486A
astro-ph/0107219 Membership of 23 stars towards the bulge globular clusters NGC 6528 and NGC 6553
astro-ph/0107220 MSX, 2MASS, and the LMC: A Combined Near and Mid Infrared View
astro-ph/0107221 Chandra Observation of the Radio Source / X-ray Gas Interaction in the Cooling Flow Cluster Abell 2052
astro-ph/0107222 Tracking The Baryon Density From The Big Bang To The Present
astro-ph/0107223 Water Vapor in Carbon-rich AGB Stars from the Vaporization of Icy Orbiting Bodies
astro-ph/0107224 Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Seyfert 2 Galaxies
astro-ph/0107225 High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Seyfert 2 Galaxies
astro-ph/0107226 KeV Astrophysics With GeV Beams; Blazing a New Trail on the Summitt of Nuclear Astrophysics
astro-ph/0107227 Accelerated Particles from Shocks Formed in Merging Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0107228 Compact Objects and Accretion Disks
astro-ph/0107229 Gravitational Radiation Evolution of Accreting Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0107230 Fractional diffusion of cosmic rays
astro-ph/0107231 Mass composition of cosmic rays in anomalous diffusion model: comparison with experiment
astro-ph/0107232 Orbital decay of satellites crossing an accretion disc
astro-ph/0107233 Gravitational lensing statistical properties in general FRW cosmologies with dark energy component(s): analytic results
astro-ph/0107234 Determining the Cosmic Equation of State Using Future Gravitational Wave Detectors
astro-ph/0107235 The Spectra of Red Quasars
astro-ph/0107236 The transient X-ray pulsar 4U 0115+63 from quiescence to outburst through the centrifugal transition
astro-ph/0107237 Ram pressure stripping and galaxy orbits: The case of the Virgo cluster
astro-ph/0107238 X-ray emission from young stars in Taurus-Auriga-Perseus: Luminosity functions and the rotation-activity-age relation
astro-ph/0107239 Probing for Dark Matter within Spiral Galaxy Disks
astro-ph/0107240 BeppoSAX observations of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy RX J1702.5+3247
astro-ph/0107241 Formation of Spheroidal Galaxies: The Sub-MM View
astro-ph/0107242 Cosmological constant and the fate of the DDM theory
astro-ph/0107243 Spectra of binaries classified as lambda Boo stars
astro-ph/0107244 A Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Spiral Galaxy Luminosities. II. Morphology-Dependent Multiwavelength Emission Properties
astro-ph/0107245 Cosmological perturbations in the bulk and on the brane
astro-ph/0107246 Primordial space-time foam as an origin of cosmological matter-antimatter asymmetry
astro-ph/0107247 High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Accretion Disk Corona Source 4U 1822-37
astro-ph/0107248 The Shapes of Galaxies and Their Halos as Traced by Stars: The Milky Way Dark Halo and The LMC Disk
astro-ph/0107249 Chemical Evolution of Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0107250 A Map of the Ionized Component of the Intermediate Velocity Cloud Complex K
astro-ph/0107251 Kinematics of Herbig-Haro Objects and Jets in the Orion Nebula
astro-ph/0107252 The Submillimeter Properties of the 1 Ms Chandra Deep Field North X-ray Sample
astro-ph/0107253 Anomalous diffusion of the cosmic rays: steady-state solution
astro-ph/0107254 Propagation of cosmic ray electrons in the Galaxy
astro-ph/0107255 Theoretical Models of Multi-waveband QSO Luminosity Functions
astro-ph/0107256 SN1A data and the CMB of Modified Curvature at short and long distances
astro-ph/0107257 Non-linear evolution of thermally unstable slim accretion discs with a diffusive form of viscosity
astro-ph/0107258 Star Formation in a Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxies
astro-ph/0107259 Intrinsic energy cut-off in diffusive shock acceleration: possible reason for non-detection of TeV-protons in SNRs
astro-ph/0107260 Bayesian analysis of neutrinos observed from supernova SN 1987A
astro-ph/0107261 Evolutionary Binary Sequences for Low- and Intermediate-Mass X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/0107262 Sensitivity of a Ground-Based Infrared Interferometer for Aperture Synthesis Imaging
astro-ph/0107263 Structural properties of spiral galaxies with and without an AGN: morphology and kinematics
astro-ph/0107264 Submillimeter CO Line Emission from Orion
astro-ph/0107265 Recovering the Internal Dynamics and the Shapes of Galaxy Clusters: Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/0107266 Confidence limits of evolutionary synthesis models III. On time-integrated quantities
astro-ph/0107267 Ionized Gas in Spheroids: The SAURON Survey
astro-ph/0107268 FLAIR-II spectroscopy of two DENIS J-band galaxy samples
astro-ph/0107269 Carbon Monoxide in type II supernovae
astro-ph/0107270 X-ray spectral imaging and Doppler mapping of Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/0107271 A possible use for polarizers in imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
astro-ph/0107272 Hydrodynamics of photoionized columns in the Eagle Nebula, M 16
astro-ph/0107273 Population Synthesis and the Diagnostics of High-redshift Galaxies
astro-ph/0107274 Observing the first galaxies - a case for an intermediate resolution multi-object IR spectrograph
astro-ph/0107275 Radio and X-ray diffuse emission in six clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/0107276 Cosmology studies with GRB afterglows
astro-ph/0107277 Colors and Spectra of Kuiper Belt Objects
astro-ph/0107278 Limits on Pulsar Parameters for Pulsed detections with H.E.S.S
astro-ph/0107279 DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. VIII. Additional Variables in the Field M33B Discovered with Image Subtraction
astro-ph/0107280 Detailed Structure and Dynamics in Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Lunar Wake
astro-ph/0107281 Conversion Problems: How (Not) to Determine Molecular Masses in Dwarf Galaxies
astro-ph/0107282 The distance to the Vela pulsar gauged with HST parallax oservations
astro-ph/0107283 Gas Properties in the Starburst Centers of Barred Galaxies
astro-ph/0107284 How Cold Dark Matter Theory Explains Milgrom’s Law
astro-ph/0107285 A Grid of Synthetic Stellar UV Fluxes
astro-ph/0107286 New infrared star clusters and candidates in the Galaxy detected with 2MASS
astro-ph/0107287 Dynamics of a Massive Black Hole at the Center of a Dense Stellar System
astro-ph/0107288 RXTE Monitoring of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937
astro-ph/0107289 Diagnostics of composite starburst+Seyfert 2 nuclei: Hints on the starburst-AGN connection
astro-ph/0107290 Sub-mm Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations
astro-ph/0107291 Halo Tracing with Atomic Hydrogen
astro-ph/0107292 Chandra Observations of G11.2-0.3: Implications for Pulsar Ages
astro-ph/0107293 The Infuence of Omega_baryon on High-Redshift Structure
astro-ph/0107294 The Detection of Lyman-alpha Absorption from Nine Nearby Galaxies
astro-ph/0107295 Discovery of the Galaxy Proximity Effect and Implications for Measurements of the Ionizing Background Radiation at Low Redshifts
astro-ph/0107296 Twenty Years of Timing SS433
astro-ph/0107297 Formation Scenarios for Globular Clusters and Their Host Galaxies
astro-ph/0107298 Dynamical Evolution of the Mass Function of Globular Star Clusters
astro-ph/0107299 Density waves in the central regions of galaxies
astro-ph/0107300 Discrete dynamical classes for galaxy discs and the implication of a second generation of Tully-Fisher methods
astro-ph/0107301 Measurement of the Crab Flux Above 60 GeV with the CELESTE Cherenkov Telescope
astro-ph/0107302 The globular cluster system of M31
astro-ph/0107303 Laudatores Temporis Acti, or Why Cosmology is Alive and Well - A Reply to Disney
astro-ph/0107304 Extremely Metal-Poor Stars. VIII. High-Resolution, High-Signal-To-Noise Analysis of Five Stars with [Fe/H] < -3.5
astro-ph/0107305 On the analysis of 900 optical rotation curves: the universal rotation curve as a power law and the development of a theory-independent dark-matter modeller
astro-ph/0107306 Puzzles in astrophysics in the past and present
astro-ph/0107307 On the 1/3 factor in the CMB Sachs-Wolfe effect
astro-ph/0107308 Numerical Methods for the Simulation of Dynamical Mass Transfer in Binaries
astro-ph/0107309 A new sample of giant radio galaxies from the WENSS survey: I - Sample definition, selection effects and first results
astro-ph/0107310 HD Molecular Lines in an Absorption System at Redshift z = 2.3377
astro-ph/0107311 Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 1835
astro-ph/0107312 Photometric Variability of the Gravitational Lens 0142-100 (UM 673)
astro-ph/0107313 Available Energy for Life on a Planet, with or without Stellar Radiation
astro-ph/0107314 Chandra X-Ray Observatory Observation of the High-Redshift Cluster MS 1054-0321
astro-ph/0107315 Structure of Magnetocentrifugal Disk-Winds: From the Launching Surface to Large Distances
astro-ph/0107316 Engineering the Zero-Point Field and Polarizable Vacuum For Interstellar Flight
astro-ph/0107317 Cometary activity in 2060 Chiron at minimum brightness
astro-ph/0107318 The Unique Type Ia Supernova 2000cx in NGC 524
astro-ph/0107319 Testing non-Gaussianity in CMB Maps by Morphological Statistic
astro-ph/0107320 Westbrook’s Molecular Gun: Discovery of Near-IR Micro-Structures in AFGL 618
astro-ph/0107321 Applications of scalar attractor solutions to Cosmology
astro-ph/0107322 Interferometric Mapping of Magnetic Fields in Star-forming Regions I. W51 e1/e2 Molecular Cores
astro-ph/0107323 Low-Ionization BAL QSOs in Ultraluminous Infrared Systems
astro-ph/0107324 The Rest-Frame Optical Properties of z~3 Galaxies
astro-ph/0107325 Is the observable Universe generic?
astro-ph/0107326 High-resolution rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies: Data
astro-ph/0107327 A Heuristic Introduction to Radioastronomical Polarization
astro-ph/0107328 Crosscorrelation Spectropolarimetry In Single-Dish Radio Astronomy
astro-ph/0107329 Line ratios for Helium-like ions: Applications to collision-dominated plasmas
astro-ph/0107330 Non-Equilibrium Ionization States of GRB Environments
astro-ph/0107331 A Possible Emission Feature in an X-ray Afterglow of GRB970828 as a Radiative Recombination Edge
astro-ph/0107332 Detection of differential rotation in psi Cap with profile analysis
astro-ph/0107333 Dynamics of gravitational clustering IV. The probability distribution of rare events
astro-ph/0107334 Testing the effective scale of Quantum Gravity with the next generation of Gamma Ray Telescopes
astro-ph/0107335 Discovery of X-ray emission from the proto-stellar jet L1551 IRS5 (HH 154)
astro-ph/0107336 The Intriguing New Cataclysmic Variable KUV03580+0614
astro-ph/0107337 The IR counterpart of the black-hole candidate 4U 1630-47
astro-ph/0107338 BeppoSAX observation of the eclipsing dipping X-ray binary X1658-298
astro-ph/0107339 The dynamics of the dE galaxy FS76 : bridging the kinematic dichotomy between Es and dEs
astro-ph/0107340 The Spatial Clustering of Distant, z~1, Early-Type Galaxies
astro-ph/0107341 Variable Stars in the Unusual, Metal-Rich Globular Cluster NGC 6441
astro-ph/0107342 Source Ellipticity and the Statistics of Lensed Arcs
astro-ph/0107343 The mass donor of Scorpius X-1 revealed
astro-ph/0107344 Deep HST WFPC2 Photometry of M31’s Thick Disk(?)
astro-ph/0107345 The Evolution of Adiabatic Supernova Remnants in a Turbulent, Magnetized Medium
astro-ph/0107346 Elliptical Beams in CMB Temperature and Polarization Anisotropy Experiments: An Analytic Approach
astro-ph/0107347 Uncloaking the High Redshift Galaxy Population With The Complete Optical and Radio Absorption Line System (CORALS) Survey
astro-ph/0107348 The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - VII. Constraining Cosmology from Redshift Space Distortions via xi(sigma,pi)
astro-ph/0107349 All-Stokes Parameterization of the Main Beam and First Sidelobe for the Arecibo Radio Telescope
astro-ph/0107350 An assessment of the rotation rates of the host stars of extrasolar planets
astro-ph/0107351 A free-floating planet population in the Galaxy?
astro-ph/0107352 Mueller Matrix Parameters for Radio Telescopes and their Observational Determination
astro-ph/0107353 Ellipticals and Bars: Central Masses and Friction
astro-ph/0107354 ASCA Observation of MS 1603.6+2600 (=UW Coronae Borealis): a Dipping Low-Mass X-ray Binary in the Outer Halo?
astro-ph/0107355 Global star formation history: A Local Group perspective
astro-ph/0107356 Warm Absorbers in AGN: A Multi-Temperature Wind
astro-ph/0107357 Surface Brightness Fluctuations of Fornax Cluster Galaxies: Calibration of Infrared SBFs and Evidence for Recent Star Formation
astro-ph/0107358 The Kinematics of High Proper Motion Halo White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0107359 No Supermassive Black Hole in M33?
astro-ph/0107360 Neutrino Heating in an Inhomogeneous Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Model
astro-ph/0107361 The Altitude of an Infrared Bright Cloud Feature on Neptune from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
astro-ph/0107362 The X-ray Globular Cluster Population in NGC 1399
astro-ph/0107363 Observing the CMB with the AMiBA
astro-ph/0107364 Globular Clusters around Galaxies in Groups
astro-ph/0107365 Star Formation in M51 Triggered by Galaxy Interaction
astro-ph/0107366 High-resolution rotation curves of LSB galaxies: Mass Models
astro-ph/0107367 On the optical and X-ray afterglows of gamma ray bursts
astro-ph/0107368 New Nuclear Reaction Flow during r-Process Nucleosynthesis in Supernovae: Critical Role of Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei
astro-ph/0107369 CO(J=6-5) Observations of the Quasar SDSS1044-0125 at z = 5.8
astro-ph/0107370 A multiwavelength strategy for identifying celestial gamma-ray sources
astro-ph/0107371 Are some breaks in GRB afterglows caused by their spectra?
astro-ph/0107372 BeppoSAX spectroscopy of MR 2251-178: a test for ionized reflection in radio quiet QSOs
astro-ph/0107373 The Neutral Hydrogen Content of Fornax Cluster Galaxies
astro-ph/0107374 Hydrodynamic simulations of merging clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/0107375 Mass ratios of the components in T Tauri binary systems and implications for multiple star formation
astro-ph/0107376 AGB variables in Baade’s windows
astro-ph/0107377 Monte Carlo transition probabilities
astro-ph/0107378 Constraining the quintessence equation of state with SnIa data and CMB peaks
astro-ph/0107379 Sersic 159-03: discovery of the brightest soft X-ray excess emitting cluster of galaxies
astro-ph/0107380 A Chandra observation of the long-duration X-ray transient KS 1731-260 in quiescence: too cold a neutron star?
astro-ph/0107381 Relativistic effects in the solar EOS
astro-ph/0107382 Vela, its X-ray nebula, and the polarization of pulsar radiation
astro-ph/0107383 Fast Clustering Analysis of Inhomogeneous Megapixel CMB maps
astro-ph/0107384 Optimal detection of sources on a homogeneous and isotropic background
astro-ph/0107385 A photometric and spectroscopic study of dwarf and giant galaxies in the Coma cluster - II. Spectroscopic observations
astro-ph/0107386 Cosmological observations in scalar-tensor quintessence
astro-ph/0107387 X-ray Novae and the Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons
astro-ph/0107388 Stellar Collisions and the Interior Structure of Blue Stragglers
astro-ph/0107389 On the Possible Sources of D/H Dispersion at High Redshift
astro-ph/0107390 Atomic and molecular gas in the merger galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A) and its environment
astro-ph/0107391 Cepheid Calibration of the Peak Brightness of SNe Ia. XI. SN 1998aq in NGC 3982
astro-ph/0107392 The Chandra Deep Field North Survey. VII. X-ray Emission from Lyman Break Galaxies
astro-ph/0107393 Synergy Between Observations of AGN with GLAST and MAXI - Detecting X-ray Precursors of Gamma-ray Flares in Blazars
astro-ph/0107394 Heating of the intergalactic medium due to structure formation
astro-ph/0107395 Lane-Emden Equation: Picard vs Pade
astro-ph/0107396 An XMM-Newton view of the serendipitous sources in the PKS0312-770 field
astro-ph/0107397 A proposed theoretical basis for a MOND cosmology: I. The inertial frame
astro-ph/0107398 Recent Progress in CdTe and CdZnTe Detectors
astro-ph/0107399 On the GRB progenitors: possible consequences for supernovae connection with gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0107400 AMS, a particle spectrometer in space
astro-ph/0107401 M31 Globular Clusters in the HST Archive: I. Cluster Detection and Completeness
astro-ph/0107402 Gravity’s smoking gun?
astro-ph/0107403 Galaxy Evolution with ALMA
astro-ph/0107404 Towards a Mass and Radius Determination of the Nearby Isolated Neutron Star RX J185635-3754
astro-ph/0107405 BZ Cam during its 1999/2000 optical low state
astro-ph/0107406 Parallel Programming with MatlabMPI
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