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astro-ph/0107407 Penetrating the Mask: The Gravitational Torque of Bars
astro-ph/0107408 Theory of Turbulent Accretion Disks
astro-ph/0107409 Three-Dimensional Spectral Classification of Low-Metallicity Stars Using Artificial Neural Networks
astro-ph/0107410 The formation of black hole low-mass X-ray binaries: through case B or case C mass transfer?
astro-ph/0107411 Variable gamma-ray emission from the Be/X-ray transient A0535+26?
astro-ph/0107412 Magnetic Helix Formation Driven by Keplerian Disk Rotation in an External Plasma Pressure --- The Initial Expansion Stage
astro-ph/0107413 Measurement of the bias parameter from weak lensing
astro-ph/0107414 HST STIS Observations of PG 0946+301: the Highest Quality UV Spectrum of a BALQSO
astro-ph/0107415 Photoionization Models for BALQSO PG 0946+301
astro-ph/0107416 Analysis of Systematic Effects and Statistical Uncertainties in Angular Clustering of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data
astro-ph/0107417 The Angular Correlation Function of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data
astro-ph/0107418 The Angular Power Spectrum of Galaxies from Early SDSS Data
astro-ph/0107419 KL Estimation of the Power Spectrum Parameters from the Angular Distribution of Galaxies in Early SDSS Data
astro-ph/0107420 Time and entropy
astro-ph/0107421 The 3D Power Spectrum from Angular Clustering of Galaxies in Early SDSS Data
astro-ph/0107422 Long-Term RXTE Monitoring of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars
astro-ph/0107423 Dark Matter in the center of galaxies and galaxy clusters: ruling out the CDM scenario?
astro-ph/0107424 Soft Cores in Late-Type Dwarf and LSB Galaxies from Halpha Observations
astro-ph/0107425 Star Formation in the Interacting Pair NGC7733/34
astro-ph/0107426 Photospheric Abundances: Problems, Updates, Implications
astro-ph/0107427 The Status of the STACEE Observatory
astro-ph/0107428 A Perturbed Tri-Polytropic Model of the Sun
astro-ph/0107429 Galactic origin of the alleged extragalactic gamma-ray background radiation
astro-ph/0107430 Some Consequences of the Law of Local Energy Conservation in the Gravitational Field
astro-ph/0107431 Shapes and Shears, Stars and Smears: Optimal Measurements for Weak Lensing
astro-ph/0107432 Synchrotron Self-Comptonized Emission of Low Energy Cosmic Ray Electrons in the Universe: I) Individual Sources
astro-ph/0107433 Wide field weak lensing observations of A1689
astro-ph/0107434 Cosmological parameters from the clustering of AGN
astro-ph/0107435 PMN J0134-0931: A gravitationally lensed quasar with an unusual radio morphology
astro-ph/0107436 Energetics of Tev Blazars and Physical Constraints on their Emission Regions
astro-ph/0107437 The build-up of halos within Press-Schechter theory
astro-ph/0107438 Galactic Superwinds Circa 2001
astro-ph/0107439 Fabry-Perot Kinematics of HH 202, 203-204 in the Orion Nebula: Are they part of a Big Bipolar Outflow?
astro-ph/0107440 Classification of Planetary Nebulae by their Departure from Axisymmetry
astro-ph/0107441 The Reddest Quasars
astro-ph/0107442 The Central Mass and Phase-Space Densities of Dark Matter Halos: Cosmological Implications
astro-ph/0107443 Can HST Measure the Mass of the Isolated Neutron Star RX J185635-3754 ?
astro-ph/0107444 X-ray source population of the Galactic center region obtained with ASCA
astro-ph/0107445 SSC of MAXI experiment
astro-ph/0107446 The SCUBA 8-mJy survey - I: Sub-millimetre maps, sources and number counts
astro-ph/0107447 The Clustering Properties of Lyman-Break Galaxies at Redshift z~3
astro-ph/0107448 The Luminosity Function and Surface Brightness Distribution of HI Selected Galaxies
astro-ph/0107449 Far Ultraviolet and H-alpha Imaging of Nearby Spirals: The OB Stellar Population in the Diffuse Ionized Gas
astro-ph/0107450 The Chandra Deep Field North Survey. VI. The Nature of the Optically Faint X-ray Source Population
astro-ph/0107451 A small area faint KX redshift survey for QSOs in the ESO Imaging Survey Chandra Deep Field South
astro-ph/0107452 Evolution of X-ray Luminous Clusters from z=0.3 to z=0.8
astro-ph/0107453 Future Island Universes in a Background Universe Accelerated by Cosmological Constant and by Quintessence
astro-ph/0107454 Gradient Particle Magnetohydrodynamics
astro-ph/0107455 VLT optical observations of V821 Ara(=GX339-4) in an extended "off" state
astro-ph/0107456 A source of high-velocity white dwarfs
astro-ph/0107457 A Practical Relativistic Model of Microarcsecond Astrometry in Space
astro-ph/0107458 Evidence for Circumstellar Disks around Young Brown Dwarfs in the Trapezium Cluster
astro-ph/0107459 HST NICMOS Photometry of the reddened bulge globular clusters NGC 6528, Terzan 5, Liller 1, UKS 1 and Terzan 4
astro-ph/0107460 The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - VIII. Absorption systems in the 10k catalogue
astro-ph/0107461 ROSAT PSPC observations of nearby spiral galaxies - II. Statistical properties
astro-ph/0107462 Ambipolar Drift in a Turbulent Medium
astro-ph/0107463 FUSE Observations of U Geminorum During Outburst and Decline
astro-ph/0107464 Spectral Consequences of Deviation from Spherical Composition Symmetry in Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/0107465 The DLAs contribution to the metal content of the high z Universe
astro-ph/0107466 Towards A Mean-Field Formulation Of The Babcock-Leighton Type Solar Dynamo. I. Alpha Coefficient Versus Durney’s Double Ring Approach
astro-ph/0107467 The Spectacular BHR 71 Outflow
astro-ph/0107468 Detection of the 67.9 keV and 78.4 keV lines associated with the radioactive decay of Ti-44 in Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/0107469 The Spectrum and Accurate Location of GRS 1758-258
astro-ph/0107470 Using Pulsars to Detect Massive Black Hole Binaries via Gravitational Radiation: Sagittarius A* and Nearby Galaxies
astro-ph/0107471 Infrared Surface Brightness Fluctuations of the Coma Elliptical NGC 4874 and the Value of the Hubble Constant
astro-ph/0107472 On the Column Density of AGN Outflows: the Case of NGC 5548
astro-ph/0107473 Hubble and FUSE studies of Ly-alpha absorbers at low redshift
astro-ph/0107474 On the Neutral Gas Content and Environment of NGC 3109 and the Antlia Dwarf Galaxy
astro-ph/0107475 The optical long `period’ of LMC X-3
astro-ph/0107476 A nuclear many-body theory at finite temperature applied to protoneutron star
astro-ph/0107477 The mass of the white dwarf in the recurrent nova U Scorpii
astro-ph/0107478 4mu spectra of AGB stars I: Observations
astro-ph/0107479 Velocity dispersions of dwarf spheroidal galaxies: dark matter versus MOND
astro-ph/0107480 The X-ray emission of the Intermediate Polar V709 Cas
astro-ph/0107481 The Local Ly-alpha forest: Association of absorbers with galaxies, voids, and superclusters
astro-ph/0107482 Maximum likelihood method for estimating the mass and period distributions of extra-solar planets
astro-ph/0107483 The Influence of the Starburst on the ISM in NGC 1569
astro-ph/0107484 The Fine Structure and Outskirts of DDO 154
astro-ph/0107485 Associated absorption and radio source growth
astro-ph/0107486 An efficient photoelectric X-ray Polarimeter for the study of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0107487 Thermal Desorption of Water-Ice in the Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/0107488 X-Ray Beaming due to Resonance Scattering in the Accretion Column of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/0107489 HST Imagery and CFHT Fabry-Perot 2-D Spectroscopy in Halpha of the Ejected Nebula M1-67: Turbulent Status
astro-ph/0107490 Constraints on the radial mass distribution of dark matter halos from rotation curves
astro-ph/0107491 Globular Cluster Population of Hickson Compact Group 22a and 90c
astro-ph/0107492 Production of Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron by Hypernovae
astro-ph/0107493 Untangling the X-ray Emission From the Sa Galaxy NGC1291 With Chandra
astro-ph/0107494 Clumpy outer Galaxy molecular clouds and the steepening of the IMF
astro-ph/0107495 The Contribution of HI-Rich Galaxies to the Damped Absorber Population at z=0
astro-ph/0107496 Are High-Velocity Clouds the Building Blocks of the Local Group?
astro-ph/0107497 Astrophysical constraints on a possible neutrino ball at the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0107498 Molecular gas in nearby powerful radio galaxies
astro-ph/0107499 The nature of the progenitor of the Type II-P supernova 1999em
astro-ph/0107500 Direct and indirect detection of WIMPs
astro-ph/0107501 HI absorption from the central kpc of radio galaxies: effect of orientation or interstellar medium?
astro-ph/0107502 Adiabatic and Isocurvature Perturbations from Inflation: Power Spectra and Consistency Relations
astro-ph/0107503 Cosmological Constant from Conformal Fluctuations of the Metric
astro-ph/0107504 Discovery of depressions in the X-ray emission of the distant galaxy cluster RBS797 in a CHANDRA observation
astro-ph/0107505 High Speed photometry of faint Cataclysmic Variables: I. V359 Cen, XZ Eri, HY Lup, V351 Pup, V630 Sgr, YY Tel, CQ Vel, CE-315
astro-ph/0107506 Multicolor observations of the Hubble Deep Field South
astro-ph/0107507 Can Photoionization Squelching Resolve the Sub-structure Crisis?
astro-ph/0107508 Studies of Magnetic and Suspected-Magnetic Southern White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0107509 Exploring Brown Dwarf Disks
astro-ph/0107510 Ubiquitous variability of X-ray absorbing column densities in Seyfert 2 Galaxies
astro-ph/0107511 Giant Pulses from the Millisecond Pulsar B1821-24
astro-ph/0107512 A Simple Varying-alpha Cosmology
astro-ph/0107513 Identification of the LMXB and Faint X-ray Sources in NGC 6652
astro-ph/0107514 XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Galactic Microquasar GRS 1758-258 in the Peculiar Off/Soft State
astro-ph/0107515 A SCUBA Scanmap of the HDF: Measuring the bright end of the sub-mm source counts
astro-ph/0107516 Small Scale Structure at High Redshift: III. The Clumpiness of the Intergalactic Medium on Sub-kpc Scales
astro-ph/0107517 Properties of Microlensing Light Curve Anomalies Induced by Multiple Planets
astro-ph/0107518 Astrometric Method to Break the Photometric Degeneracy between Binary-source and Planetary Microlensing Perturbations
astro-ph/0107519 Deep Radio, Optical, and Infrared Observations of SGR 1900+14
astro-ph/0107520 High-Resolution X-ray and Radio Observations of SGR 1900+14 in the Immediate Aftermath of a Giant Flare
astro-ph/0107521 Existence of Large Scale Synchrotron X-ray Jets in Radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0107522 Local Column Density Distribution Function from HI selected galaxies
astro-ph/0107523 2-Point Moments in Cosmological Large Scale Structure: I. Theory and Comparison with Simulations
astro-ph/0107524 Backwards galaxy formation with only a few parameters
astro-ph/0107525 Structure Formation and the Time Dependence of Quintessence
astro-ph/0107526 The Canada-France deep fields survey-I: 100,000 galaxies, 1 deg^2: a precise measurement of omega( heta) to IAB~25
astro-ph/0107527 The dependence of cosmological parameters estimated from the microwave background on non-gaussianity
astro-ph/0107528 Black hole mass and velocity dispersion of narrow line region in active galactic nuclei and narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies
astro-ph/0107529 A comparison of DA white dwarf temperatures and gravities from Lyman and Balmer line studies
astro-ph/0107530 Particle acceleration by ultra-relativistic shocks: theory and simulations
astro-ph/0107531 Hard X-ray tails and cyclotron features in X-ray pulsars
astro-ph/0107532 Relativistic Beaming and Flux Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0107533 The star cluster system of the 3 Gyr old merger remnant NGC 1316: Clues from optical and near-infrared photometry
astro-ph/0107534 A New Observational Upper Limit to the Low Redshift Ionizing Background Radiation
astro-ph/0107535 The GRB Host Galaxies and Redshifts
astro-ph/0107536 Ultraviolet Broad Absorption Features and the Spectral Energy Distribution of the QSO PG 1351+64
astro-ph/0107537 Power Spectra for Galaxy Shape Correlations
astro-ph/0107538 Squelched Galaxies and Dark Halos
astro-ph/0107539 The Afterglow and the Host Galaxy of the Dark Burst GRB 970828
astro-ph/0107540 X-Ray Synchrotron Emission from 10-100 TeV Cosmic-Ray Electrons in the Supernova Remnant SN 1006
astro-ph/0107541 Galaxy Correlation Statistics of Mock Catalogs for the DEEP2 Survey
astro-ph/0107542 An Overview of the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey
astro-ph/0107543 The Effect of a Binary Source Companion on the Astrometric Microlensing Behavior
astro-ph/0107544 Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect from halo rotation
astro-ph/0107545 Turning to the Dark Side: Evidence for Circumburst Extinction of Gamma-Ray Bursts with Dark Optical Afterglows
astro-ph/0107546 Dust Sublimation and Fragmentation in the Circumburst Medium: Evidence for a Large, Massive Cloud Origin for Gamma-Ray Bursts with Dark Optical Afterglows
astro-ph/0107547 Evidence for a Molecular Cloud Origin for Gamma-Ray Bursts: Implications for the Nature of Star Formation in the Universe
astro-ph/0107548 USA Observation of Spectral and Timing Evolution During the 2000 Outburst of XTE J1550-564
astro-ph/0107549 Determining the Gamma-Ray Burst Rate as a Function of Redshift
astro-ph/0107550 Dark Matter is Baryons
astro-ph/0107551 The Role of Dust in GRB Afterglows
astro-ph/0107552 Simulated Radio Images and Light Curves of Young Supernovae
astro-ph/0107553 The nature of the dwarf population in Abell 868
astro-ph/0107554 Why Every Bipolar Planetary Nebula is `Unique’
astro-ph/0107555 Cosmological perturbations from multi-field inflation in generalized Einstein theories
astro-ph/0107556 Physical Constraints From Broadband Afterglow Fits:GRB000926 as an Example
astro-ph/0107557 Evidence for a heated gas bubble inside the "cooling flow" region of MKW3s
astro-ph/0107558 The Centaurus A Northern Middle Lobe as a Buoyant Bubble
astro-ph/0107559 Chandra Observations of MRK 273: Unveiling the Central AGN and the Extended Hot Gas Halo
astro-ph/0107560 Microlensing in M31; Preliminary lightcurves from MEGA
astro-ph/0107561 Galactic Winds in Starburst Irregular Galaxies
astro-ph/0107562 A multi-Lorentzian timing study of the atoll sources 4U 0614+09 and 4U 1728-34
astro-ph/0107563 Coupling emitted light and chemical yields from stars: a basic constraint to population synthesis models of galaxies
astro-ph/0107564 Characteristics Of A Magnetic Buoyancy Driven Solar Dynamo Model
astro-ph/0107565 High Energy Phenomena in Blazars
astro-ph/0107566 Probing the physics of relativistic jets through X-ray observations
astro-ph/0107567 Constraining the Collisional Nature of the Dark Matter Through Observations of Gravitational Wakes
astro-ph/0107568 The Long-Term Future of Extragalactic Astronomy
astro-ph/0107569 Rotational Brownian Motion of a Massive Binary
astro-ph/0107570 Multi-stage Three Dimensional Sweeping and Annealing of Disc Galaxies in Clusters
astro-ph/0107571 Dark Energy and the Preposterous Universe
astro-ph/0107572 Theory and Extragalactic Masers
astro-ph/0107573 Natural Quintessence and Large Extra Dimensions
astro-ph/0107574 Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the CfA Seyfert 2s: Near-infrared Surface Photometry and Nuclear Bars
astro-ph/0107575 Growth of supermassive black holes and metallicity in quasars
astro-ph/0107576 Seismic study of stellar convective cores
astro-ph/0107577 The impact of cooling and pre-heating on the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect
astro-ph/0107578 Design Study of CANGAROO-III, Stereoscopic Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes for sub-TeV Gamma-ray
astro-ph/0107579 Wide-Spectrum Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops
astro-ph/0107580 A Weakly Nonlinear Alfvenic Pulse in a Transversely Inhomogeneous Medium
astro-ph/0107581 Integral/IBIS Observations of persistent black hole spectral states during the Core Program
astro-ph/0107582 Exploring the Gamma Ray Horizon with the next generation of Gamma Ray Telescopes. Part 1: Theoretical predictions
astro-ph/0107583 Is the old nova RW UMi (1956) an intermediate polar?
astro-ph/0107584 The X-ray view of highly obscured AGN
astro-ph/0107585 The SCUBA 8-mJy survey - II: Multiwavelength analysis of bright sub-mm sources
astro-ph/0107586 The Fundamental Plane of Spiral Galaxies: Search from Observational Data
astro-ph/0107587 The INTEGRAL/IBIS telescope modelling
astro-ph/0107588 Estimate of the Cosmological Bispectrum from the MAXIMA-1 Cosmic Microwave Background Map
astro-ph/0107589 High-energy neutrino emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0107590 An Inner Molecular Bar or Disk in NGC 5195
astro-ph/0107591 Formation and Evolution of the Trans-Neptunian Belt and Dust
astro-ph/0107592 Characteristics of air showers created by extremely high energy gamma-rays
astro-ph/0107593 A Second Intense Burst with Photospheric Radius Expansion from X2127+119 in M15
astro-ph/0107594 Parsec-Scale Jet Polarization Properties of a Complete Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei at 43 GHz
astro-ph/0107595 On the application of differences in intrinsic fluctuations of Cherenkov light images for separation of air showers
astro-ph/0107596 H2+ ion in a strong magnetic field: Lowest gerade and ungerade electronic states
astro-ph/0107597 Clustering of SCUBA galaxies and implications for the Planck mission
astro-ph/0107598 Near Infrared Spectra of Compact Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0107599 The Relationship Between the Circular Polarization and the Magnetic Field for Astrophysical Masers with Weak Zeeman Splitting
astro-ph/0107600 Long-duration neutron star X-ray transients in quiescence: the Chandra observation of KS 1731-260
astro-ph/0107601 Suppression of Gravitational Structure Formation by Cosmological Accretion Heating
astro-ph/0107602 Spectroscopy with Single Dish Radio Telescopes
astro-ph/0107603 The Star Formation History of NGC 6822
astro-ph/0107604 Southern Galactic Plane Survey Measurements of the Spatial Power Spectrum of Interstellar H I in the Inner Galaxy
astro-ph/0107605 Measurement of the cosmic microwave background bispectrum on the COBE DMR sky maps
cond-mat/0107007 Short-Range Correlations in He-4 Liquid and Small He-4 Droplets described by the Unitary Correlation Operator Method
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