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07 February 2025

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cond-mat/0107012 Complex-Temperature Phase Diagrams for the q-State Potts Model on Self-Dual Families of Graphs and the Nature of the $q o infty$ Limit
cond-mat/0107013 Fat Fisher Zeroes
cond-mat/0107014 Coupling and Dissociation in Artificial Molecules
cond-mat/0107015 Electrical transport through individual DNA molecules
cond-mat/0107016 Tunneling current characteristics in bilayer quantum Hall systems
cond-mat/0107017 Small-q phonon-mediated superconductivity in organic kappa-BEDT-TTF compounds
cond-mat/0107018 Fluctuations and Market Friction in Financial Trading
cond-mat/0107019 The Phase Diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/0107020 Nucleation in Systems with Elastic Forces
cond-mat/0107021 Universal relation between the dispersion curve and the ground-state correlation length in 1D antiferromagnetic quantum spin systems
cond-mat/0107022 Kink Radiation on Small Discrete Periodic Damped Driven Nonlinear sine-Gordon Arrays
cond-mat/0107023 Dynamics of the maximum marginal likelihood hyper-parameter estimation in image restoration : gradient descent vs. EM algorithm
cond-mat/0107024 Thermodynamic Formalism of the Harmonic Measure of Diffusion Limited Aggregates: Phase Transition and Converged $f(alpha)$
cond-mat/0107025 Thermodynamics and Spin Tunneling Dynamics in Ferric Wheels with Excess Spin
cond-mat/0107026 Spin-1 effective Hamiltonian with three degenerate orbitals: An application to the case of V_2O_3
cond-mat/0107027 Helium nanodroplets and trapped Bose-Einstein condensates as prototypes of finite quantum fluids
cond-mat/0107028 Quantized vortices in mixed 3He-4He drops
cond-mat/0107029 High-T_c Superconductivity of van der Waals Condensates
cond-mat/0107030 Photonic band structure of highly deformable, self-assembling systems
cond-mat/0107031 Growth of c-oriented MgB2 thin films by Pulsed Laser Deposition: structural characterization and electronic anisotropy
cond-mat/0107032 Atom laser divergence
cond-mat/0107033 On the way to a Gutzwiller density functional theory
cond-mat/0107034 Microstructure and superconducting properties of hot isostatically pressed MgB2
cond-mat/0107035 Stability of the Kauffman Model
cond-mat/0107036 Precursors of catastrophe in the BTW, Manna and random fiber bundle models of failure
cond-mat/0107037 Single-hole dynamics in the half-filled two-dimensional Kondo-Hubbard model
cond-mat/0107038 Microscopic theory of non local pair correlations in metallic F/S/F trilayers
cond-mat/0107039 Electromechanical Limits of Polymersomes
cond-mat/0107040 Exact solution of the multi-component Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions
cond-mat/0107041 How to be master of your domains
cond-mat/0107042 From Mott insulator to overdoped superconductor: Evolution of the electronic structure of cuprates studied by ARPES
cond-mat/0107043 Anomalous Quasiparticle Lifetime in Graphite: Band Structure Effects
cond-mat/0107044 Peak Effect of Jc and Nonlinear E-J Characteristies of High-Tc Superconductors
cond-mat/0107045 Scaling Behavior of Anomalous Hall Effect and Longitudinal Nonlinear Response in High-Tc Superconductors
cond-mat/0107046 Evidence for an unconventional magnetic instability in the spin-tetrahedra system Cu_2Te_2O_5Br_2
cond-mat/0107047 Zn-doping effect on the magnetotransport properties of Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6+delta} single crystals
cond-mat/0107048 The charge and low-frequency response of normal-superconducting heterostructures
cond-mat/0107049 Thickness dependence of the ground-state properties in thin films of the heavy-fermion compound CeCu_6
cond-mat/0107050 Random phase approximation for multi-band Hubbard models
cond-mat/0107051 Human behavior as origin of traffic phases
cond-mat/0107052 Pinhole calculations of the Josephson effect in 3He-B
cond-mat/0107053 Persistence in One-dimensional Ising Models with Parallel Dynamics
cond-mat/0107054 Effects of nonlinearity in wave propagation in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
cond-mat/0107055 The role of symmetry on interface states in magnetic tunnel junctions
cond-mat/0107056 Optimizing Traffic Lights in a Cellular Automaton Model for City Traffic
cond-mat/0107057 Characteristic features of the temperature dependence of the surface impedance in polycrystalline MgB$_2$ samples
cond-mat/0107058 The influence of the mutual drag of carrier-phonon system on the thermopower and the transverse Nernst-Ettingshausen effect
cond-mat/0107059 Josephson current between chiral superconductors
cond-mat/0107060 Anomalous quantum confined Stark effects in stacked InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots
cond-mat/0107061 Unusual Field-Dependence of the Intragrain Superconductive Transition in RuSr2EuCu2O8
cond-mat/0107062 Interplay between Spin and Phonon Fluctuations in the double-exchange model for the manganites
cond-mat/0107063 Importance of Correlation Effects on Magnetic Anisotropy in Fe and Ni
cond-mat/0107064 Estimate of the Cutoff Errors in the Ewald Summation for Dipolar Systems
cond-mat/0107065 Nonextensive statistics and incomplete information
cond-mat/0107066 Immunization of complex networks
cond-mat/0107067 Low temperature resistance minimum in non-superconducting 3R-Nb_{1+x}S_2 and 3R-Ga_xNbS_2
cond-mat/0107068 Electronic and Magnetic Structures of Sr2FeMoO6
cond-mat/0107069 Sr$_3$CuIrO$_6$, a spin-chain compound with random ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic interactions
cond-mat/0107070 Polarizable particles aggregation under rotating magnetic fields using scattering dichroism
cond-mat/0107071 Quantum Orders and Symmetric Spin Liquids
cond-mat/0107072 Identification and Characterization of Two Energy Gaps in Superconducting MgB2 by Specific-Heat Measurements
cond-mat/0107073 Nature of the Electronic Excitations near the Brillouin Zone Boundary of Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$
cond-mat/0107074 Predictability of Currency Market Exchange
cond-mat/0107075 Magnetic Properties of a Pressure-induced Superconductor UGe$_2$
cond-mat/0107076 Linearity and Scaling of a Statistical Model for the Species Abundance Distribution
cond-mat/0107077 Enhancement of parametric pumping due to Andreev reflection
cond-mat/0107078 Parametric pumping at finite frequency
cond-mat/0107079 Inhomogeneous Systems and their Rectification Properties
cond-mat/0107080 Effect of quantum entanglement on Aharonov-Bohm oscillations, spin-polarized transport and current magnification effect
cond-mat/0107081 Crystal Growth and Characterization of Doped CZT Crystals
cond-mat/0107082 Field Theoretic Studies of Quantum Spin Systems in One Dimension
cond-mat/0107083 Low density approach to the Kondo-lattice model
cond-mat/0107084 Electronic conduction in multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Role of intershell coupling and incommensurability
cond-mat/0107085 Thermal Properties of Heavy Fermion Compound YbP
cond-mat/0107086 Comment on "Quantum Melting of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Vortex Lattice in $kappa-(ET)_2Cu(NCS)_2$"
cond-mat/0107087 Comment on ``New Vortex-Matter Size Effect Observed in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$"
cond-mat/0107088 Thermal treatment of the minority game
cond-mat/0107089 Unusual electronic ground state of a prototype cuprate: band splitting of single CuO_2-plane Bi_2 Sr_(2-x) La_x CuO_(6+delta)
cond-mat/0107090 Deppining of a Superfluid Vortex Inside a Circular Defect
cond-mat/0107091 Effect of magnetic field on impurity bound states in high-temperature superconductors
cond-mat/0107092 Manifestation of multiband optical properties of MgB$_2$
cond-mat/0107093 Structural glass on a lattice in the limit of infinite dimensions
cond-mat/0107094 Staggered orbital currents in the half-filled two-leg ladder
cond-mat/0107095 Mott-insulator transition in Ca(2-x)Sr(x)RuO4: A study of the electronic and magnetic properties
cond-mat/0107096 Chiral Correction to the Spin Fluctuation Feedback in two-dimensional p-wave Superconductors
cond-mat/0107097 Exchange Bias Theory: a Review
cond-mat/0107098 Two Modes of Solid State Nucleation - Ferrites, Martensites and Isothermal Transformation Curves
cond-mat/0107099 Fluctuation Effect in Superconductivity in an Electron Model with d-Wave Attraction
cond-mat/0107099 Fluctuation Effect in Superconductivity in an Electron Model with d-Wave Attraction
cond-mat/0107101 The C=C Stretching Vibrations of k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)_2]Br and Its Isotope Analogues
cond-mat/0107102 Disorder-induced phonon self-energy of semiconductors with binary isotopic composition
cond-mat/0107103 Propagation of exciton pulses in semiconductors
cond-mat/0107104 Scattering theory on graphs
cond-mat/0107105 Ground-state properties of the Falicov-Kimball model with correlated hopping in two dimensions
cond-mat/0107106 The asymptotic behaviour of the exact and approximative $ u=1/2$ Chern-Simons Green’s functions
cond-mat/0107107 Gompertz law in simple computer model of aging of biological population
cond-mat/0107108 A note on cluster methods for strongly correlated electron systems
cond-mat/0107109 Synthesis and pinning properties of the infinite-layer superconductor Sr0.9La0.1CuO
cond-mat/0107110 Effect of nearest neighbor repulsion on the low frequency phase diagram of a quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein chain
cond-mat/0107111 Heisenberg exchange parameters of molecular magnets from the high-temperature susceptibility expansion
cond-mat/0107112 Connectivity of neutral networks and structural conservation in protein evolution
cond-mat/0107113 Superconducting gap and pair breaking in CeRu2 studied by point contacts
cond-mat/0107114 Luttinger liquid superlattices
cond-mat/0107115 Ground-State Phase Diagram of Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets on the Anisotropic Dimerized Square Lattice
cond-mat/0107116 Longitudinal spin transport in diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices: the effect of the giant Zeeman splitting
cond-mat/0107117 Spontaneous emission of atoms via collisions of Bose-Einstein condensates
cond-mat/0107118 The two dimensional Hubbard Model at half-filling: I. Convergent Contributions
cond-mat/0107119 Electrical conductivity of lithium at megabar pressures
cond-mat/0107120 Low temperature thermal properties of mesoscopic normal-metal/superconductor heterostructures
cond-mat/0107121 Ge-substitutional defects and the r3xr3 <--> 3x3 transition in alpha--SnGe(111)
cond-mat/0107122 Evidence for a Nodeless Gap from the Superfluid Density of Optimally Doped Pr_{1.855}Ce_{0.145}CuO_{4-y} Films
cond-mat/0107123 Electronic Structure, Bonding and Optical Spectrum of MgB2
cond-mat/0107124 T_c for homogeneous dilute Bose gases: a second-order result
cond-mat/0107125 ZrZn2: geometrical enhancement of the local DOS and quantum design of magnetic instabilities
cond-mat/0107126 Persistent current and Drude weight in one-dimensional rings with substitution potentials
cond-mat/0107127 Magnetization in quasiperiodic magnetic multilayers with biquadratic exchange and uniaxial anisotropy
cond-mat/0107128 Pressure-induced phase transitions of halogen-bridged binuclear metal complexes R_4[Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)_4X]nH_2O
cond-mat/0107129 Bose-Einstein transition in a dilute interacting gas
cond-mat/0107130 Noise-induced dynamics in bistable systems with delay
cond-mat/0107131 Fractal Spin Glass Properties of Low Energy Configurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain
cond-mat/0107132 Heat Capacity of the Pressure-induced Superconductivity in Itinerant Ferromagnet UGe$_2$
cond-mat/0107133 Full counting statistics of a general quantum mechanical variable
cond-mat/0107134 Equilibrium Distribution of the Inherent States and their Dynamics in Glassy Systems and Granular Media
cond-mat/0107135 Polymers in long-range-correlated disorder
cond-mat/0107136 Front Propagation in Chaotic and Noisy Reaction-Diffusion Systems: a Discrete-Time Map Approach
cond-mat/0107137 Infinite series of magnetization plateaus in the frustrated dimer-plaquette chain
cond-mat/0107138 Renormalized mean-field theory of the neutron scattering in cuprate superconductors
cond-mat/0107139 Disorder Driven Critical Behavior of Periodic Elastic Media in a Crystal Potential
cond-mat/0107140 Conductance scaling at the band center of wide wires with pure non--diagonal disorder
cond-mat/0107141 Retrieval behavior and thermodynamic properties of symmetrically diluted Q-Ising neural networks
cond-mat/0107142 Quenches and crunchs: Does the system explore in aging the same part of the configuration space explored in equilibrium ?
cond-mat/0107143 Positive Feedback, Memory and the Predictability of Earthquakes
cond-mat/0107144 Reversal of thermopower oscillations in mesoscopic Andreev interferometer
cond-mat/0107145 Spin polarization and g-factor of a dilute GaAs two-dimensional electron system
cond-mat/0107146 Boundary polarization in the six-vertex model
cond-mat/0107147 Current-Driven Conformational Changes, Charging and Negative Differential Resistance in Molecular Wires
cond-mat/0107148 Evolution of rarefaction pulses into vortex rings
cond-mat/0107149 Diffusion equation and spin drag in spin-polarized transport
cond-mat/0107150 The Dynamics of the Linear Random Farmer Model
cond-mat/0107151 Multiparticle ring exchange in the Wigner glass and its possible relevance to strongly interacting two-dimensional electron systems in the presence of disorder
cond-mat/0107152 Violation of Quasineutrality in Semiconductor Transport: The Dember Effect
cond-mat/0107153 Self Consistent Expansion for the Molecular Beam Epitaxy Equation
cond-mat/0107154 Correlation between the residual resistance ratio and magnetoresistance in MgB2
cond-mat/0107155 Electron-electron bound states in parity-preserving QED_3 applied to high-T_c cuprate superconductors
cond-mat/0107156 Dephasing of entangled qubits
cond-mat/0107157 Dephasing of interacting tunneling systems
cond-mat/0107158 Reaction, Levy Flights, and Quenched Disorder
cond-mat/0107159 Magnetic anomalies in the spin chain system, Sr$_3$Cu$_{1-x}$Zn$_x$IrO$_6$
cond-mat/0107160 Waves on an interface between two phase-separated Bose-Einstein condensates
cond-mat/0107161 Absence of a pseudogap in the in-plane infrared response of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+d)
cond-mat/0107162 Elastic critical behaviour in a 3d model for polymer gels
cond-mat/0107163 Thermodynamic approach to dense granular matter: a numerical realization of a decisive experiment
cond-mat/0107164 Synthesis of MgB2 from elements
cond-mat/0107165 Commensurability effects in Andreev antidot billiards
cond-mat/0107166 Mesoscopic Thermal Transport through a Weak Link
cond-mat/0107167 Thermoelectric power of nondegenerate Kane semiconductors under the conditions of mutual electron-phonon drag in a high electric field
cond-mat/0107168 Thermal fluctuations correction to magnetization and specific heat of vortex solids in type II superconductors
cond-mat/0107169 On the Magnetism of the Normal State in MgB2
cond-mat/0107170 Metal-to-insulator transition and magnetic ordering in CaRu_{1-x}Cu_xO_3
cond-mat/0107171 "Forbidden" transitions between quantum Hall and insulating phases in p-SiGe heterostructures
cond-mat/0107172 Critical Exponents for the Ferromagnetism in Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites
cond-mat/0107173 Predictability of catastrophic events: material rupture, earthquakes, turbulence, financial crashes and human birth
cond-mat/0107174 Vortex Nucleation and Array Formation in a Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate
cond-mat/0107175 Transport in Single Channel Quantum Wires
cond-mat/0107176 Deceptive signals of phase transitions in small magnetic clusters
cond-mat/0107177 Hydrogen Bonds, Hydrophobicity Forces and the Character of the Collapse Transition
cond-mat/0107178 Ring-Driven Shear Thickening in Wormlike Micelles?
cond-mat/0107179 On the correlation energies for two interacting electrons in a parabolic quantum dot
cond-mat/0107180 Propagation of wave packets in randomly stratified media
cond-mat/0107181 Formation of magnetic characteristics and hyperfine fields in metal-metalloid alloys
cond-mat/0107182 Phases of Neon, Xenon, and Methane adsorbed on nanotube bundles
cond-mat/0107183 XY frustrated systems: continuous exponents in discontinuous phase transitions
cond-mat/0107184 Stationary states of Bose-Einstein condensates in single- and multi-well trapping potentials
cond-mat/0107185 Colloidal dipolar interactions in 2D smectic C films
cond-mat/0107186 Cu NQR study of host and guest spin dynamics in impurity-doped YBa2Cu4O8
cond-mat/0107187 Spin Dynamics near the Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in Impurity-Doped YBa2Cu4O8
cond-mat/0107188 The formation of vortex loops (strings) in continuous phase transitions
cond-mat/0107189 Superconductivity in the Model of Elastic Jelly
cond-mat/0107190 Risk Aversion and Coherent Risk Measures: a Spectral Representation Theorem
cond-mat/0107191 Crystallographic Method for Exact Describing Quasicrystal Structures
cond-mat/0107192 First-Principles Approach to Electrorotation Assay
cond-mat/0107193 Ge(001)-(2 1 0 3)-Pb <-> (2 1 0 6)-Pb: low-temperature two-dimensional phase transition
cond-mat/0107194 Coherent low-energy charge transport in a diffusive S-N-S junction
cond-mat/0107195 Imaging of atomic orbitals with the Atomic Force Microscope - experiments and simulations
cond-mat/0107196 Phenomenological two-gap model for the specific heat of MgB_2
cond-mat/0107197 Oscillating magnetoresistance in diluted magnetic semiconductor barrier structures
cond-mat/0107198 Geometric approach to the dynamic glass transition
cond-mat/0107199 Titanium single electron transistor fabricated by electron-beam lithography
cond-mat/0107200 Nature of insulating state in NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ above charge-ordering transition: a cluster DMFT study
cond-mat/0107201 Random-cluster multi-histogram sampling for the q-state Potts model
cond-mat/0107202 Critical Behaviour near the Mott Metal-Insulator Transition in a Two-band Hubbard Model
cond-mat/0107203 ARPES Study of X-Point Band Overlaps in LaB$_6$ and SmB$_6$ - Contrast to SrB$_6$ and EuB$_6$
cond-mat/0107204 Resonating Valence Bond Wave Functions for Strongly Frustrated Spin Systems
cond-mat/0107205 High Pressure Studies of Tc and Lattice Parameters of MgB2
cond-mat/0107206 Orbital effect of a magnetic field on the low temperature state in the organic metal $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$KHg(SCN)$_4$
cond-mat/0107207 Semiconductor Superlattices: A model system for nonlinear transport
cond-mat/0107208 Introducing Variety in Risk Management
cond-mat/0107209 Scenario of strongly non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation
cond-mat/0107210 Statistical mechanics of secondary structures formed by random RNA sequences
cond-mat/0107211 Photoemission view of electron fractionalization in quasi-one dimensional metal Li$_{0.9}$Mo$_6$O$_{17}$
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