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08 February 2025

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cond-mat/0107212 Intentional Walks on Scale Free Small Worlds
cond-mat/0107213 Spectral Response of Al/Si Photodiode as IR Sensor
cond-mat/0107214 Generalizing the Extensive Postulates
cond-mat/0107215 Theory of Ferromagnetism in Ca1-xLaxB6
cond-mat/0107216 The Superconducting Gap in MgB_2: Electronic Raman Scattering Measurements of Single Crystals
cond-mat/0107217 Preparation of Bi4ti3o12 Thin Films by a Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition (PLAD) Method and their Applications for Ultraviole Detectors
cond-mat/0107218 Antiferromagnetic ordering in a 90 K copper oxide superconductor
cond-mat/0107219 Kinetic theory of point vortices: diffusion coefficient and systematic drift
cond-mat/0107220 Dilation of the Giant Vortex State in a Mesoscopic Superconducting Loop
cond-mat/0107221 Vicious Random Walkers and a Discretization of Gaussian Random Matrix Ensembles
cond-mat/0107222 Phase diagram of the Hubbard chain with two atoms per cell
cond-mat/0107223 Exact Scaling Functions for Self-Avoiding Loops and Branched Polymers
cond-mat/0107224 First-Principles Calculation of Electric Field Gradients and Hyperfine Couplings in YBa2Cu3O7
cond-mat/0107225 On the Finite Size Scaling in Disordered Systems
cond-mat/0107226 Modeling electricity loads in California: ARMA models with hyperbolic noise
cond-mat/0107227 Kondo effect in Ce(x)La(1-x)Cu(2.05)Si(2) intermetallics
cond-mat/0107228 Statistical Features of Drainage Basins in Mars Channel Networks
cond-mat/0107229 Composition, structure and stability of RuO_2(110) as a function of oxygen pressure
cond-mat/0107230 Time-dependent energy absorption changes during ultrafast lattice deformation
cond-mat/0107231 An extended-phase-space dynamics for the generalized nonextensive thermostatistics
cond-mat/0107232 Proximity effects at ferromagnet-superconductor interfaces
cond-mat/0107233 Numerical Confirmation of Late-time t^{1/2} Growth in Three-dimensional Phase Ordering
cond-mat/0107234 Experimental evidence of the spin selection rule in KLL Auger transition
cond-mat/0107235 Conformal off-diagonal boundary density profiles on a semi-infinite strip
cond-mat/0107236 Harms and benefits from social imitation
cond-mat/0107237 Self-organized branching process for a one-dimensional ricepile model
cond-mat/0107238 The Asymmetric Exclusion Process revisited: Fluctuations and Dynamics in the Domain Wall Picture
cond-mat/0107239 Temperature and junction-type dependency of Andreev reflection in MgB2
cond-mat/0107240 Temperature dependence of the microwave surface impedance measured on different kinds of MgB$_2$ samples
cond-mat/0107241 Theory of Electron-Phonon Dynamics in Insulating Nanoparticles
cond-mat/0107242 Influence of oxygen isotope exchange on the ground state of manganites
cond-mat/0107244 Anomalous electronic structure and pseudogap effects in Nd_1.85Ce_0.15CuO_4
cond-mat/0107245 Augmented space recursion for partially disordered systems
cond-mat/0107246 Probability distribution of the sizes of largest erased-loops in loop-erased random walks
cond-mat/0107247 Reactive Hall constant of Strongly Correlated Electrons
cond-mat/0107248 Mean-field analysis of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates
cond-mat/0107249 Replica-symmetry breaking in dynamical glasses
cond-mat/0107250 Theory of Angular Magnetoresistance in CPP spin valves
cond-mat/0107251 The Onset of Mackey-Glass Leukemia at the Edge of Chaos
cond-mat/0107252 Superconducting proximity effect in clean ferromagnetic layers
cond-mat/0107253 Interacting fermions in self-similar potentials
cond-mat/0107254 Novel Josephson Junction Geometries in NbCu bilayers fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Microscope
cond-mat/0107255 Ferromagnetism in the Hubbard model
cond-mat/0107256 Ensemble properties of securities traded in the NASDAQ market
cond-mat/0107257 Theory of electron spectroscopies
cond-mat/0107258 Magnetic exchange interaction induced by a Josephson current
cond-mat/0107259 Energy gap and London penetration depth of MgB_2 films determined by microwave resonator measurement
cond-mat/0107260 Non-regular eigenstate of the XXX model as some limit of the Bethe state
cond-mat/0107261 Strong friction limit in quantum mechanics: the Quantum Smoluchowski equation
cond-mat/0107262 Direct experimental verification of applicability of single-site model for angle integrated photoemission of small $T_{K}$ concentrated Ce compounds
cond-mat/0107263 Hidden topological order in $^{23}Na (F=1)$ Bose-Einstein Condensates
cond-mat/0107264 Short-range correlation in the uniform electron gas: Extended Overhauser model
cond-mat/0107265 Spin torque in a magnetic trilayer coupled to a superconductor
cond-mat/0107266 Multiple phase transitions in Ce(Rh,Ir,Co)In5 heavy-fermion superconductors
cond-mat/0107267 Epidemic outbreaks in complex heterogeneous networks
cond-mat/0107268 Long-Time Effects in a Simulation Model of Sputter Erosion
cond-mat/0107269 Diploid versus Haploid Organisms
cond-mat/0107270 The Hydrodynamical Limit of Quantum Hall system
cond-mat/0107271 P-wave pairing and ferromagnetism in the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions
cond-mat/0107272 Activation Energy in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet and Non-Hartree-Fock Skyrmions
cond-mat/0107273 Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum interference devices made by local oxidation of niobium ultrathin films
cond-mat/0107274 Weak Long-Ranged Casimir Attraction in Colloidal Crystals
cond-mat/0107275 Origin of the pseudogap phase: Precursor superconductivity versus a competing energy gap scenario
cond-mat/0107276 Monoclinic phase in the relaxor-based piezo-/ ferroelectric Pb(Mg$_{1/3}$Nb$_{2/3})O_3$-PbTiO$_3$ system
cond-mat/0107277 Scaling in the growth of geographically subdivided populations: invariant patterns from a continent-wide biological survey
cond-mat/0107278 Neutron scattering study of dipolar spin ice Ho_2Sn_2O_7: Frustrated pyrochlore magnet
cond-mat/0107279 Properties of cage rearrangements observed near the colloidal glass transition
cond-mat/0107280 Quantum feedback control of a solid-state two-level system
cond-mat/0107281 Theory of melting of vortex lattice in high Tc superconductors
cond-mat/0107282 Antiferromagnetic integer-spin chains in a staggered magnetic field: approaching the thermodynamic limit through the infinite-size DMRG
cond-mat/0107283 Pairing symmetry transitions in the even-denominator FQHE system
cond-mat/0107284 Bursts in a fiber bundle model with continuous damage
cond-mat/0107285 Transport and dynamics on open quantum graphs
cond-mat/0107286 Solution of a one-dimensional stochastic model with branching and coagulation reactions
cond-mat/0107287 Relation between flux formation and pairing in doped antiferromagnets
cond-mat/0107288 Heavy-fermion and spin-liquid behavior in a Kondo lattice with magnetic frustration
cond-mat/0107289 Andreev reflection in Au/La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} point-contact junctions: separation between pseudogap and phase-coherence gap
cond-mat/0107290 Magnetic properties of the Anderson model: a local moment approach
cond-mat/0107291 Filling-Control Metal-Insulator Transition in the Hubbard Model Studied by the Operator Projection Method
cond-mat/0107292 The controllable pi - SQUID
cond-mat/0107293 Theory of shot noise in space-charge limited diffusive conduction regime
cond-mat/0107294 Unconventional antiferromagnetic correlations of the doped Haldane gap system Y$_2$BaNi$_{1-x}$Zn$_x$O$_5$
cond-mat/0107295 Large deviations in rarefied quantum gases
cond-mat/0107296 Global quantum Hall phase diagram from visibility diagrams
cond-mat/0107297 On the Role of Exchange Interaction in Magnetic Ordering and Conductivity of Manganites
cond-mat/0107298 Collapse of attractive Bose-Einstein condensed vortex states in a cylindrical trap
cond-mat/0107299 On the Behavior of the Lifshitz Line in Ternary Homopolymer/Diblock-Copolymer Blends
cond-mat/0107300 Colossal Effects in Transition Metal Oxides Caused by Intrinsic Inhomogeneities
cond-mat/0107301 Probing exotic spin correlations by Muon Spin depolarization measurements with applications to spin glass dynamics
cond-mat/0107302 Skyrmion Physics in Bose-Einstein Ferromagnets
cond-mat/0107303 The Pseudogap in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-delta}$ from NMR in High Magnetic Fields
cond-mat/0107304 Longitudinal spin-fluctuations and superconductivity in ferromagnetic ZrZn$_{2}$ from ab initio calculations
cond-mat/0107305 Interacting quantum spin chains. [Invited paper for the International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS-2001.]
cond-mat/0107306 Effective theory of incompressible quantum Hall liquid crystals
cond-mat/0107307 Iron under Earth’s core conditions: Liquid-state thermodynamics and high-pressure melting curve
cond-mat/0107308 Lower Critical Dimension of Ising Spin Glasses
cond-mat/0107309 Superconductivity in the Correlated Pyrochlore Cd_2Re_2O_7
cond-mat/0107310 Observation of Quantum Shock Waves Created with Ultra Compressed Slow Light Pulses in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
cond-mat/0107311 Deformation potential scattering from dislocations in III-V nitride quantum wells
cond-mat/0107312 On surface energy of graphene and carbon nanoclusters
cond-mat/0107313 Numerical simulation of a binary communication channel: Comparison between a replica calculation and an exact solution
cond-mat/0107314 The self-similarity properties of natural images resemble those of turbulent flows
cond-mat/0107315 A Thermodynamic Model for Prebiotic Protein Function
cond-mat/0107316 The multi-fractal structure of contrast changes in natural images: from sharp edges to textures
cond-mat/0107317 Breakdown of self-organized criticality
cond-mat/0107318 Renormalization group for network models of Quantum Hall transitions
cond-mat/0107319 Lattice vibrations of alpha’-NaV_2O_5 in the low-temperature phase. Magnetic bound states?
cond-mat/0107320 Correlations in the Sine-Gordon Model with Finite Soliton Density
cond-mat/0107321 Confined states in two-dimensional flat elliptic quantum dots and elliptic quantum wires
cond-mat/0107322 Slow dynamics and aging in a non-randomly frustrated spin system
cond-mat/0107323 Density response of cuprates and renormalization of breathing phonons
cond-mat/0107324 Direct observation of nm-scale Mg- and B-oxide phases at grain boundaries in MgB2
cond-mat/0107325 Photoinduced Changes of Reflectivity in Single Crystals of YBa2Cu3O6.5 (Ortho II)
cond-mat/0107326 Note on the Path-Integral Variational Approach in the Many-Body Theory
cond-mat/0107327 Unstable decay and state selection II
cond-mat/0107328 Two-stage spin-flop transitions in S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic spin chain BaCu_2Si_2O_7
cond-mat/0107329 Scaling function and universal amplitude combinations for self-avoiding polygons
cond-mat/0107330 Application a-Si:H and Its Alloys for Photoreceptor Devices
cond-mat/0107331 Continuous canonical transformation for the double exchange model
cond-mat/0107332 Scene dependence of the non-gaussian scaling properties of natural images
cond-mat/0107333 Multiscaling and information content of natural color images
cond-mat/0107334 Time Reversal for Classical Waves in Random Media
cond-mat/0107335 Multifractal wavelet filter of natural images
cond-mat/0107336 Critical state theory for nonparallel flux line lattices in type-II superconductors
cond-mat/0107337 Microwave absorption in s- and d-wave disordered superconductors
cond-mat/0107338 The effect of charge fluctuation on a normal-superconducting-normal single-electron transistor
cond-mat/0107339 Topological Charge Order in a Frustrated XY Model and Related systems
cond-mat/0107340 Thermodynamic Properties of the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas in the Low-Density Limit
cond-mat/0107341 Environment induced localization and superselection rules in a gas of pyramidal molecules
cond-mat/0107342 Interaction induced localization in a gas of pyramidal molecules
cond-mat/0107343 Temperature dependences of the surface resistance and the diamagnetic shielding susceptibility at T_c-T<
cond-mat/0107344 Anomalous Levy decoherence
cond-mat/0107345 Thermodynamics of self-gravitating systems
cond-mat/0107346 Absolute spin-valve effect with superconducting proximity structures
cond-mat/0107347 Discovery of microscopic electronic inhomogeneity in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
cond-mat/0107348 Relaxation of an Electron System : Conserving Approximation
cond-mat/0107349 Optical studies of charge dynamics in c-axis oriented superconducting MgB2 films
cond-mat/0107350 Friction force on a vortex due to the scattering of superfluid excitations in helium II
cond-mat/0107351 Influence of mass polydispersity on dynamics of simple liquids and colloids
cond-mat/0107352 Thermopower and thermal conductivity of superconducting perovskite $MgCNi_3$
cond-mat/0107353 Cu Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of the Spin-Peierls Compound Cu1-xMgxGeO3: A Possibility of Precursory Dimerization
cond-mat/0107354 Observation of Andreev reflection in the c-axis transport of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x} single crystals near T_c and search for the preformed-pair state
cond-mat/0107355 Competition between charge/spin-density-wave orders and superconductivity in La$_{1.875}$Ba$_{0.125-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$
cond-mat/0107356 Parity-broken ground state for the spin-1 pyrochlore antiferromagnet
cond-mat/0107357 Temperature Dependent 5f-states in URu_2Si_2
cond-mat/0107358 Towards device-size atomistic models of amorphous silicon
cond-mat/0107359 Does Berry phase exist for a system coupled to its environment?
cond-mat/0107360 Theory of Thermoelectric Power in High-Tc Superconductors
cond-mat/0107361 The Distribution of the Energy Gap and Josephson IcRn Product in Bi2212 by Tunneling Spectroscopy
cond-mat/0107362 Perturbation of infinite networks of resistors
cond-mat/0107363 Non-Ergodic Behaviour of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Random Ensembles for Bosons
cond-mat/0107364 Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Ensembles of Random Matrices for Bosons
cond-mat/0107365 Two-hole dynamics in spin ladders
cond-mat/0107366 Zero-temperature responses of a 3D spin glass in a field
cond-mat/0107367 Reversible stretching of homopolymers and random heteropolymers
cond-mat/0107368 Possible realization of Josephson charge qubits in two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
cond-mat/0107369 Analysis of the resistance in p-SiGe over a wide temperature range
cond-mat/0107370 High Temperature PI/2-SQUID
cond-mat/0107371 Dynamical exponents of an even-parity-conserving contact process with diffusion
cond-mat/0107372 Comment on "Discovery of microscopic electronic inhomogeneity in the high-$T_c$ superconductor $Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x}$", cond-mat/0107347
cond-mat/0107373 Luttinger liquid with asymmetric dispersion
cond-mat/0107374 Oxygen impurities in NiAl: Relaxation effects
cond-mat/0107375 Optical investigation on the electronic structures of Y_{2}Ru_{2}O_{7}, CaRuO_{3}, SrRuO_{3}, and Bi_{2}Ru_{2}O_{7}
cond-mat/0107376 Metastability in Glauber dynamics in the low-temperature limit: Beyond exponential asymptotics
cond-mat/0107377 Resonant X-Ray Scattering from the Quadrupolar Ordering Phase of CeB_6
cond-mat/0107378 Origin of heavy quasiparticles in UPt_3
cond-mat/0107379 Spontaneous magnetization and Hall effect in superconductors with broken time-reversal symmetry
cond-mat/0107380 From the Fermi Liquid Towards the Wigner Solid in Two Dimensions
cond-mat/0107381 Modeling Elasticity in Crystal Growth
cond-mat/0107382 Cluster expansion for dimerized spin systems
cond-mat/0107383 Microscopic versus mesoscopic local density of states in one-dimensional localization
cond-mat/0107384 How round is round? On accuracy in complex dielectric permittivity calculations: A finite-size scaling approach
cond-mat/0107385 Spin-orbit coupling effects on quantum transport in lateral semiconductor dots
cond-mat/0107386 Electron spin relaxation in semiconductors and semiconductor structures
cond-mat/0107387 Quantum fluctuations in one-dimensional arrays of condensates
cond-mat/0107388 Ruthenocuprates: Intrinsic magnetic multilayers
cond-mat/0107389 Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets versus Nonlinear $sigma$ Model Without the Large S Limit
cond-mat/0107390 Correlation functions for composite operators in the Hubbard model
cond-mat/0107391 Growing random networks under constraints
cond-mat/0107392 Granular Drag on a Discrete Object: Shape Effects on Jamming
cond-mat/0107393 Magnetization of coupled spin clusters in Ladder Geometry
cond-mat/0107394 Nonlinear Relaxation in Population Dynamics
cond-mat/0107395 Universal Conductance Distributions in the Crossover between Diffusive and Localization Regimes
cond-mat/0107396 Noise-enhanced stability of periodically driven metastable states
cond-mat/0107397 Anomalies of ac driven solitary waves with internal modes: Nonparametric resonances induced by parametric forces
cond-mat/0107398 Field-domain spintronics in magnetic semiconductor multiple quantum wells
cond-mat/0107399 Quantum magnets: a brief overview
cond-mat/0107400 Formation of a stable deacagonal quasicrystalline Al-Pd-Mn surface layer
cond-mat/0107401 Renormalization group and 1/N expansion for 3-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson models
cond-mat/0107402 Spin-relaxation and magnetoresistance in FM/SC/FM tunnel junctions
cond-mat/0107403 Critical-point scaling function for the specific heat of a Ginzburg-Landau superconductor
cond-mat/0107404 The Random Field Ising Model on Hierarchical Lattices I: Phase Diagram and Thermodynamics
cond-mat/0107405 The Cavity Approach to Noisy Learning in Nonlinear Perceptrons
cond-mat/0107406 Fluctuations Indicate Strong Interlayer Coupling in Cuprate Superconductors
cond-mat/0107407 The Random Field Ising Model on Hierarchical Lattices II: Ground State Critical Properties
cond-mat/0107408 Magneto-polarisability of mesoscopic systems
cond-mat/0107409 Adsorption of a semiflexible polymer onto interfaces and surfaces
cond-mat/0107410 Vortex structure of thin mesoscopic disks in the presence of an inhomogeneous magnetic field
cond-mat/0107411 Finite driving rates in interface models of Barkhausen noise
cond-mat/0107412 Hopping conductivity in the quantum Hall effect -- revival of universal scaling
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