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26 January 2025
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2025, 2001
12, 9.2001
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astro-ph/0108520 Non-hydrostatic gas in the core of the relaxed galaxy cluster A1795
astro-ph/0108523 Chandra Observations of Nearby Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0109001 The Halo Occupation Distribution: Towards an Empirical Determination of the Relation Between Galaxies and Mass
astro-ph/0109002 An inverse Compton scattering (ICS) model of pulsar emission: II. frequency behavior of pulse profiles
astro-ph/0109003 Distributed Data Acquisition System for Pachmarhi Array of Cerenkov Telescopes
astro-ph/0109004 Water in K and M giant stars unveiled by ISO
astro-ph/0109005 Measurements of light transmission in deep sea with the AC9 trasmissometer
astro-ph/0109006 Metallicities and Abundance Ratios from Quasar Broad Emission Lines
astro-ph/0109007 Measurements of Cosmic-ray Low-energy Antiproton and Proton Spectra in a Transient Period of the Solar Field Reversal
astro-ph/0109008 The ionization fraction in alpha-models of protoplanetary disks
astro-ph/0109009 Optical observations of the dark Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 000210
astro-ph/0109009 Optical observations of the dark Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 000210
astro-ph/0109011 Blob Ejection from Advection-dominated Accretion Flow II: the Multiwavelength Properties of Light Curves
astro-ph/0109012 First Results from the COLA Project- the Radio-FIR Correlation and Compact Radio Cores in Southern COLA Galaxies
astro-ph/0109013 Dust Absorption and the Cosmic UV Flux Density
astro-ph/0109014 Variability and spectral classification of LMC giants: results from DENIS and EROS
astro-ph/0109015 Cascades in the Earth’s magnetosphere initiated by photons with the parameters of the highest energy AGASA events
astro-ph/0109016 Modified Newtonian Dynamics of Large Scale Structure
astro-ph/0109017 Scaling and correlation analysis of galactic images
astro-ph/0109018 Confirming the Metal-Rich Nature of Stars with Giant Planets
astro-ph/0109019 Slim Disk: Viscosity Prescriptions and Observational Implications
astro-ph/0109020 GRB 000301C: a possible short/intermediate duration burst connected to a DLA system
astro-ph/0109021 Molecular ions in L1544. I. Kinematics
astro-ph/0109022 Bubbles, feedback and the intra-cluster medium: three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations
astro-ph/0109023 Molecular ions in L1544. II. The ionization degree
astro-ph/0109024 The role of the screen factor in GRBs
astro-ph/0109025 Cosmological implications of galaxy clusters: best-fit models
astro-ph/0109026 Extensive Air Showers from Ultra High Energy Gluinos
astro-ph/0109027 Energy Distribution of Micro-events in the Quiet Solar Corona
astro-ph/0109028 Age as the Second Parameter in NGC 288 / NGC 362? I. Turnoff Ages: a Purely Differential Comparison
astro-ph/0109029 Disruption of satellites in cosmological haloes
astro-ph/0109030 A Systematic Study of X-Ray Substructure of Galaxy Clusters Detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey
astro-ph/0109031 The BeppoSAX 0.1 - 100 keV Spectrum of the X-ray Pulsar 4U 1538-52
astro-ph/0109032 Solar quadrupole moment and purely relativistic gravitation contributions to Mercury’s perihelion Advance
astro-ph/0109033 ISO Observations of the dusty quasar BR1202-0725
astro-ph/0109034 The youngest massive star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/0109035 The Dust Opacity of Star-Forming Galaxies
astro-ph/0109036 An upper limit on the X-ray luminosity of the black hole - microlens OGLE-1999-BUL-32
astro-ph/0109037 Gamma-Ray Bursts as a Probe of Cosmology
astro-ph/0109038 The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems: SIRTF Legacy Science in the VLT Era
astro-ph/0109039 A Spectral Atlas of the Pre-WN Candidate HD 326823
astro-ph/0109040 Clusters of Galaxies - Keys to Cosmology
astro-ph/0109041 An x-ray detector using PIN photodiodes for the axion helioscope
astro-ph/0109042 Binaries discovered by the SPY project I. HE 1047-0436: a subdwarf B + white dwarf system
astro-ph/0109043 The Effects of Weak Gravitational Lensing on Determinations of the Cosmology from Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/0109044 Follow-up observations from observatories based in Spain
astro-ph/0109045 Cosmological structure problem of the ekpyrotic scenario
astro-ph/0109046 The large-scale ionised outflow of CH Cygni
astro-ph/0109047 Dark energy and the angular size - redshift diagram for milliarcsecond radio sources
astro-ph/0109048 The Spectral Energy Distribution of HH30 IRS: Constraining The Circumstellar Dust Size Distribution
astro-ph/0109049 Magnetically Driven Precession of Warped Disks and Milli-Hertz Variabilities in Accreting X-Ray Pulsars
astro-ph/0109050 Weighing black holes with warm absorbers
astro-ph/0109051 The first million years of the Sun: A calculation of formation and early evolution of a solar-mass star
astro-ph/0109052 Extragalactic Star Clusters: Speculations on the Future
astro-ph/0109053 Spectral Properties of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0109054 Characterization of extrasolar terrestrial planets from diurnal photometric variability
astro-ph/0109055 Optical emission from high velocity clouds and the ionization sources in the Galactic halo
astro-ph/0109056 Viewing the circumnuclear medium "through" the radio absorption
astro-ph/0109057 GAIA Spectroscopy and Radial Velocities
astro-ph/0109058 Energy deposition due to neutrino pair annhilation near rotating neutron stars
astro-ph/0109059 Color--Magnitude Diagram and Luminosity Function of M4 Near the Hydrogen-Burning Limit
astro-ph/0109060 MIFS: A Mega Integral Field Spectrograph for the VLT
astro-ph/0109061 A close look into an intermediate redshift galaxy using STIS
astro-ph/0109062 Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems - II. Post-collapse, equal mass system
astro-ph/0109063 Intrinsic Galaxy Alignments and Weak Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/0109064 On the role of the UV and X-ray radiation in driving a disk wind in X-ray binaries
astro-ph/0109065 Limits on the early afterglow phase of gamma-ray burst sources from TAROT-1
astro-ph/0109066 Nova Sco 2001 (V1178 Sco)
astro-ph/0109067 The effects of seeing on Sersic profiles. II. The Moffat PSF
astro-ph/0109068 Spectroscopic Analysis of Two Carbon Rich Post-AGB Stars
astro-ph/0109069 The Burst and Transient Source Experiment Earth Occultation Technique
astro-ph/0109070 Coping with Type Ia Supernova "Evolution" When Probing the Nature of the Dark Energy
astro-ph/0109071 The Evolution of Helium and Hydrogen Ionization Corrections as HII Regions Age
astro-ph/0109072 The Heating of the ICM: Energy Crisis and viable solutions
astro-ph/0109073 Age as the Second Parameter in NGC 288/NGC 362? II. The Horizontal Branch Revisited
astro-ph/0109074 First Results from SPARO: Evidence for Large-Scale Toroidal Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0109075 Detection, photometry and slitless radial velocities of 535 planetary nebulae in the flattened elliptical galaxy NGC 4697
astro-ph/0109076 Young Clusters in the Nuclear Starburst of M 83
astro-ph/0109077 Constrained Simulations of the Real Universe: II. Observational Signatures of Intergalactic Gas in the Local Supercluster Region
astro-ph/0109078 Inclusion of turbulence in solar modeling
astro-ph/0109079 H_alpha emission line morphologies of Markarian starburst galaxies
astro-ph/0109080 Kinematics of the local universe IX. The Perseus-Pisces supercluster and the Tolman-Bondi model
astro-ph/0109081 The Nature of the 10 Kilosecond X-ray Flare in Sgr A*
astro-ph/0109082 3D Spatial Distribution of the Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/0109083 On the relation between the IR continuum and the active galactic nucleus in Seyfert galaxies
astro-ph/0109084 The contribution of primordial globular clusters to the central galactic activity
astro-ph/0109085 Kinemetry: quantifying kinematic maps
astro-ph/0109086 A blind HI survey of the M81 group
astro-ph/0109087 Gas Rich Galaxies and the HI Mass Function
astro-ph/0109088 Where May Ultra-Fast Rotating Neutron Stars Be Hidden?
astro-ph/0109089 Supernovae in Deep Hubble Space Telescope Galaxy Cluster Fields: Cluster Rates and Field Counts
astro-ph/0109090 Mass Loss and Magnetospheres: X-rays from Hot Stars and Young Stellar Objects
astro-ph/0109091 Nucleosynthesis of s-elements in zero-metal AGB stars
astro-ph/0109092 Dynamics of line-driven disk winds
astro-ph/0109093 Gamma-ray signatures of classical novae
astro-ph/0109094 Near Infrared Observations of the Giant HII Region W49A: A Starbirth Cluster
astro-ph/0109095 High-Resolution Mid-Infrared Imaging of G339.88-1.26
astro-ph/0109096 The environment of FS Tau observed with HST WFPC2 in narrow-band emission line filters
astro-ph/0109097 Constraints on flat cosmologies with tracking Quintessence from Cosmic Microwave Background observations
astro-ph/0109098 A high-velocity black hole on a Galactic-halo orbit in the solar neighborhood
astro-ph/0109099 Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs around Sigma Orionis
astro-ph/0109099 Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs around Sigma Orionis
astro-ph/0109101 Redshifts for 2410 Galaxies in the Century Survey Region
astro-ph/0109102 Observations of the Extended Distribution of Ionized Hydrogen in the Plane of M31
astro-ph/0109103 Multiplicity of X-Ray Selected T Tauri Stars in Chamaeleon
astro-ph/0109104 The Lyman Break Galaxies: their Progenitors and Descendants
astro-ph/0109105 Overproduction of primordial helium-4 in the presence of neutrino oscillations
astro-ph/0109106 S 111 and the polarization of the B[e] supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/0109107 Short Distance Physics and the Consistency Relation for Scalar and Tensor Fluctuations in the Inflationary Universe
astro-ph/0109108 Hydrogen 21-Centimeter Emission from a Galaxy at Cosmological Distance
astro-ph/0109109 Axisymmetric Galaxy Distribution and the Center of the Universe
astro-ph/0109110 The Static Universe Hypothesis: Theoretical Basis and Observational Tests of the Hypothesis
astro-ph/0109111 Cosmological Hydrogen Reionization with Three Dimensional Radiative Transfer
astro-ph/0109112 Planetary nebulae as mass tracers of their parent galaxies: biases in the estimate of the kinematical quantities
astro-ph/0109113 Photoionization Models of NGC 346
astro-ph/0109114 Cosmological Implications of the PSCz PDF and its Moments
astro-ph/0109115 A comprehensive study of reported high metallicity giant HII regions. I. Detailed abundance analysis
astro-ph/0109116 Optical identification of sources from the HELLAS2XMM survey
astro-ph/0109117 X-ray bright optically quiet galaxies: the case of P3
astro-ph/0109118 Components of the Milky Way and GAIA
astro-ph/0109119 A GRB Detection System using the BGO-Shield of the INTEGRAL-Spectrometer SPI
astro-ph/0109120 X-ray Spectra and Light Curves of AR Lac: Temperature Structure, Abundances, and Variability
astro-ph/0109121 Population Gradients in Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals
astro-ph/0109122 Development of an XSPEC-Based Spectral Analysis System for the Coded-Aperture Hard X-ray Balloon Payload EXITE2
astro-ph/0109123 Bayesian blind component separation for Cosmic Microwave Background observations
astro-ph/0109124 Properties of Relativistic Jets in Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
astro-ph/0109125 Formation of internal shock waves in bent jets
astro-ph/0109126 REM Optical Slitless Spectrograph (ROSS): an instrument for prompt low resolution spectroscopy of Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0109127 On a matrix method for the study of small perturbations in galaxies
astro-ph/0109128 Photon Bunching at TeV Energies
astro-ph/0109129 Mutual Constraints Between Reionization Models and Parameter Extraction From Cosmic Microwave Background Data
astro-ph/0109130 Measuring the Cosmic Equation of State with Counts of Galaxies II: Error Budget for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
astro-ph/0109131 Measuring the Cosmic Equation of State with Galaxy Clusters in the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
astro-ph/0109132 The Optical Luminosity Function of Virialized Systems
astro-ph/0109133 EUVE Observations of Nonmagnetic Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/0109134 The Mass-To-Light Function of Virialized Systems and the Relationship Between Their Optical and X-ray Properties
astro-ph/0109135 Mapping the interstellar dust with near-infrared observations: An optimized multi-band technique
astro-ph/0109136 The quiescent light curve and evolutionary state of GRO J1655-40
astro-ph/0109137 V348 Puppis: a new SW Sex star in the period gap
astro-ph/0109138 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies and the Origin of QSOs
astro-ph/0109139 Mg_2-sigma in Early-Type Galaxies and Spiral Bulges
astro-ph/0109140 A multivariate study of mass composition for simulated showers at the Auger South Observatory
astro-ph/0109141 Chandra Observations of the Lensing Cluster EMSS 1358+6245: Implications for Self-Interacting Dark Matter
astro-ph/0109142 Secular evolution in the central regions of galaxies
astro-ph/0109143 The Nature of the Faint Radio Population
astro-ph/0109144 The GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM)
astro-ph/0109145 Limits on the TeV flux of diffuse gamma rays as measured with the HEGRA air shower array
astro-ph/0109146 The discovery of the "21" micron and "30" micron emission features in Planetary Nebulae with Wolf-Rayet central stars
astro-ph/0109147 The Distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud Cluster NGC 1866
astro-ph/0109148 The Infrared Continuum Spectrum of VY CMa
astro-ph/0109149 Nova Sagittarii 1998 (V4633 Sgr) - a permanent superhump system or an asynchronous polar?
astro-ph/0109150 On the kinematic deconvolution of the local neighbourhood luminosity function
astro-ph/0109151 Principal Component Analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies: Revealing The Tensor Degeneracy
astro-ph/0109152 Evidence for a non-zero Lambda and a low matter density from a combined analysis of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies
astro-ph/0109153 Using supercluster geometry as a cosmological probe
astro-ph/0109154 Water Maser Emission from the Active Nucleus in M51
astro-ph/0109155 H_2 molecules in damped systems
astro-ph/0109156 Obscured Accretion and Black Holes
astro-ph/0109157 Empirical calibration of the near-IR Ca II triplet - I. The stellar library and index definition
astro-ph/0109158 Empirical calibration of the near-IR Ca II triplet - II. The stellar atmospheric parameters
astro-ph/0109159 Rotational Studies of Late-Type Stars. VII. M34 (NGC 1039) and the Evolution of Angular Momentum and Activity in Young Solar-Type Stars
astro-ph/0109160 A High Resolution X-ray Image of the Jet in M 87
astro-ph/0109161 Sulfur, Chlorine, & Argon Abundances in Planetary Nebulae. IIB: Abundances in a Southern Sample
astro-ph/0109162 Non-linear Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect
astro-ph/0109163 3D Identification and Reconstruction of z~1 Clusters: Prospects for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
astro-ph/0109164 Spectral Reduction Software for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
astro-ph/0109165 Synchrotron and Synchrotron Self-Compton Spectral Signatures and Blazar Emission Models
astro-ph/0109166 Detection of H3+ in the interstellar medium of IRAS 08572+3915
astro-ph/0109167 The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: A targeted study of catalogued clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/0109168 Evolution of Planetary Nebulae I. An improved synthetic model
astro-ph/0109169 On some Uncertainties in Evolutionary Synthesis Models
astro-ph/0109170 Detection of Circular Polarization in M81*
astro-ph/0109171 Cataclysmic Variables with Evolved Secondaries and the Progenitors of AM CVn Stars
astro-ph/0109172 Exploring the Early Universe with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0109173 The initial conditions of isolated star formation. V: ISOPHOT imaging and the temperature and energy balance of pre-stellar cores
astro-ph/0109174 Oscillation power across the HR diagram : sensitivity to the convection treatment
astro-ph/0109175 Atomic T Tauri disk winds heated by ambipolar diffusion I- Thermal structure
astro-ph/0109176 Atomic T Tauri disk winds heated by ambipolar diffusion II- Observational tests
astro-ph/0109177 Magnetic fields in cluster cores: Faraday rotation in A400 and A2634
astro-ph/0109178 ECLAIRs: A microsatellite for the prompt optical and X-ray emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0109179 Changes in the trajectory of the radio jet in 0735+178?
astro-ph/0109180 Secular and orbital variability of Cir X-1 observed in optical spectra
astro-ph/0109181 OPTIMA: A Photon Counting High-Speed Photometer
astro-ph/0109182 Gravity and Non-gravity Modes in the VIRMOS-DESCART Weak Lensing Survey
astro-ph/0109183 Drifting sub-pulses in two newly discovered pulsars
astro-ph/0109184 Primordial Magnetic Fields from Dark Energy
astro-ph/0109185 Neutron capture and 2.2 MeV emission in the atmosphere of the secondary of an X-ray binary
astro-ph/0109186 Simulations of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich maps and their applications
astro-ph/0109187 Separation of instrumental and astrophysical foregrounds for mapping CMB anisotropies
astro-ph/0109188 A new sample of large angular size radio galaxies. II. The optical data
astro-ph/0109189 HST Ultraviolet and Ground-based Optical Spectropolarimetry of IRAS QSOs: Dusty Scattering in Luminous AGN
astro-ph/0109190 Atomic and Molecular Gas in the Starburst Galaxy NGC4945
astro-ph/0109191 Molecular Gas in the Galactic Halo and Beyond
astro-ph/0109192 The Outer Halo Cluster System of NGC 1399
astro-ph/0109193 The burst behavior of the eclipsing low-mass X-ray binary MXB 1659-298
astro-ph/0109194 Galactic Cosmochronometry from Radioactive Elements in the Spectra of Very Old Metal-Poor Stars
astro-ph/0109195 Chemical Abundance Variations in Globular Clusters: Recent Results from Mildly Metal-Poor M5
astro-ph/0109196 Vortex Configurations, Oscillations and Pinning in Neutron Star Crust
astro-ph/0109197 The Dyer-Roeder distance-redshift relation in inhomogeneous universes
astro-ph/0109198 Chandra Observations of the Luminous IR Galaxy NGC3256
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