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15 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2004
12, 12.2004
astro-ph/0412604 An optimal filter for the detection of galaxy clusters through weak lensing
astro-ph/0412605 Source subtraction for the extended Very Small Array and 33-GHz source count estimates
astro-ph/0412606 Constraining the local radiation field and the grain size distribution in dust SED modelling of dwarf galaxies
astro-ph/0412607 Mapping on the HEALPix grid
astro-ph/0412608 Iron Fluorescent Line Emission from Young Stellar Objects in the Orion Nebula
astro-ph/0412609 Dark Energy from Large Extra Dimensions
astro-ph/0412610 KASCADE: Astrophysical results and tests of hadronic interaction models
astro-ph/0412611 CFC+: Improved dynamics and gravitational waveforms from relativistic core collapse simulations
astro-ph/0412612 Galaxy Collisions, Gas Stripping and Star Formation in the Evolution of Galaxies
astro-ph/0412613 Observing Trans-Planckian Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/0412614 The end of the Dark Ages in MOND
astro-ph/0412615 Weak lensing measurements of dark matter halos of galaxies from COMBO-17
astro-ph/0412616 Rapid H-alpha variability in T Coronae Borealis
astro-ph/0412617 Search for Point Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Above 40 EeV Using a Maximum Likelihood Ratio Test
astro-ph/0412618 Probing quantum decoherence in atmospheric neutrino oscillations with a neutrino telescope
astro-ph/0412619 Exactly Solvable SFT Inspired Phantom Model
astro-ph/0412620 Indirect Evidence for WIMP Annihilation from Diffuse Galactic Gamma Rays
astro-ph/0412621 Evidence for transient clumps and gas chemical evolution in the CS core of L673
astro-ph/0412622 Stellar Collisions and Black Hole Formation in Dense Star Clusters
astro-ph/0412623 Detection of Gamma-rays around 1TeV from RX J0852.0-4622 by CANGAROO-II
astro-ph/0412624 Cosmological Evolution of Interacting Phantom Energy with Dark Matter
astro-ph/0412625 Effects of rotation on the revival of a stalled shock in supernova explosions
astro-ph/0412626 Galaxy Bias and Halo-Occupation Numbers from Large-Scale Clustering
astro-ph/0412627 Photometric Observation And Period Study of GO Cygni
astro-ph/0412628 Spherical Collapse Model
astro-ph/0412629 Observing Magnetic Fields on Large Scales
astro-ph/0412630 Cosmological Lower Bound on Dark Matter Masses from the Soft Gamma-ray Background
astro-ph/0412631 Large Scale Clustering of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars: Impact of the Baryon Density and the Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/0412632 Covariance of the One-Dimensional Mass Power Spectrum
astro-ph/0412633 The continuum and narrow line region of the NLS1 galaxy Mrk 766
astro-ph/0412634 Clarifying Inflation Models: the Precise Inflationary Potential from Effective Field Theory and the WMAP data
astro-ph/0412635 Population synthesis for low and intermediate mass binaries
astro-ph/0412636 X-ray Periodicity in AGN
astro-ph/0412637 A photometric study of the newly discovered eclipsing cataclysmic variable SDSS J040714.78-064425.1
astro-ph/0412638 Supernovae constraints on models of dark energy revisited
astro-ph/0412639 Neutrino Phenomenology
astro-ph/0412640 Search for solar antineutrinos and constraints on the neutrino background from PBHs
astro-ph/0412641 The ATNF Pulsar Catalogue
astro-ph/0412642 Shower spectrum and detection of tau from Earth-skimming neutrinos
astro-ph/0412643 The two-fluid analysis of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in dusty layer of a protoplanetary disk: A possible path toward the planetesimal formation through the gravitational instability
astro-ph/0412644 Model atmospheres and X-ray spectra of iron-rich bursting neutron stars. II. Iron rich Comptonized Spectra
astro-ph/0412645 The All Sky Automated Survey. The Catalog of Variable Stars. IV.18^h - 24^h Quarter of the Southern Hemisphere
astro-ph/0412646 An analytic study of the gravitational wave pulsar signal with spin down effects
astro-ph/0412647 May Gravity detect Tsunami ?
astro-ph/0412648 The Discovery of Primeval Large-Scale Structures with Forming Clusters at Redshift 6
astro-ph/0412649 Limits on variations in fundamental constants from 21-cm and ultraviolet quasar absorption lines
astro-ph/0412650 Interstellar scintillation as a probe of microarcsecond scale structure in quasars
astro-ph/0412651 Compact Structure in FIRST Survey Sources
astro-ph/0412652 An alternative to the dark matter paradigm: relativistic MOND gravitation
astro-ph/0412653 VLBI polarimetric observations of 3C147
astro-ph/0412654 Calculations of fission rates for r-process nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/0412655 Tracking the curved jet in PKS 1502+106
astro-ph/0412656 An extremely curved relativistic jet in PKS 2136+141
astro-ph/0412657 The asymmetric compact jet of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/0412658 Kinematics and dynamics of relativistic jets on large and small scales
astro-ph/0412659 A detailed study of the nuclear region of Mrk 273
astro-ph/0412660 The highest redshift radio quasar as seen with the EVN and the VLA
astro-ph/0412661 Spitzer 24 micron imaging of Faint Radio Sources in the FLSv: a new radio-loud, Mid-IR/optically obscured population?
astro-ph/0412662 On the polar caps of the 3 Musketeers
astro-ph/0412663 Evolution of dense stellar clusters
astro-ph/0412664 Titan’s Wind and Unanticipated Temperature Asymmetry
astro-ph/0412665 The Orion Nebula in the mid-IR
astro-ph/0412666 Hydromagnetic energy spectra from large eddy simulations
astro-ph/0412667 Halo Luminosity Function From Photometric Calibration of the Revised NLTT
astro-ph/0412668 Cool Customers in the Stellar Graveyard I: Limits to Extrasolar Planets Around the White Dwarf G29-38
astro-ph/0412669 Cool Customers in the Stellar Graveyard II: Limits to Substellar Objects Around Nearby DAZ White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0412670 Chandra Studies of Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0412671 How Dark is ’Dark’? Electromagnetic Interactions in the Dark Sector
astro-ph/0412672 Bulk Compton Emission in the GRB Internal Shock Model
astro-ph/0412673 OH in Messier 82
astro-ph/0412674 Multi-Frequency VLBI Observations of GHz-Peaked Spectrum Sources
astro-ph/0412675 The simultaneous VLA observations of Sgr A* from 90 to 0.7 cm
astro-ph/0412676 LFVN observations of active galactic nuclei
astro-ph/0412677 EVN observations of the lens system B0128+437
astro-ph/0412678 A VLBI Study of the Gravitational Lens JVAS B0218+357
astro-ph/0412679 MERLIN 6-GHz maser emission from W3(OH)
astro-ph/0412680 Observations of H2O maser sources in Orion-Monoceros Molecular Clouds with VERA
astro-ph/0412681 Astrometry of W49N - OH43.8-0.1 H2O maser pair with VERA
astro-ph/0412682 Probing the polarization characteristics of SS433 on mas scales
astro-ph/0412683 Microquasar Observations with MERLIN
astro-ph/0412684 Recent Results from the EVN MkIV Data Processor at JIVE
astro-ph/0412685 The Australian experience with the PC-EVN recorder
astro-ph/0412686 From truck to optical fibre: the coming-of-age of eVLBI
astro-ph/0412687 What is the primary beam response of an interferometer with unequal elements?
astro-ph/0412688 East Asian VLBI Activities
astro-ph/0412689 Construction of the Korean VLBI Network (KVN)
astro-ph/0412690 Spacecraft Design of VSOP-2
astro-ph/0412691 VSI-E Software Suite
astro-ph/0412692 How to improve the High Frequency capabilities of SRT
astro-ph/0412693 IVS Products for Precise Global Reference Frames
astro-ph/0412694 First results of European VLBI radar observations of space objects
astro-ph/0412695 Rapid X-ray Variability of Seyfert 1 Galaxies
astro-ph/0412696 VLBI-experiments on research of solar wind plasma
astro-ph/0412697 A simple test for periodic signals in red noise
astro-ph/0412698 Tidally limited star clusters -- comparing gaseous models with other techniques
astro-ph/0412699 A Search for Stellar Populations in High Velocity Clouds
astro-ph/0412700 Disk Planet Interactions and Early Evolution in Young Planetary Systems
astro-ph/0412701 Supernova observations fit Einstein-deSitter expansion in 4-sphere
astro-ph/0412702 Dissipative Photosphere Models of Gamma-ray Bursts and X-ray Flashes
astro-ph/0412703 Adaptive Scheduling Algorithms for Planet Searches
astro-ph/0412704 Phantom Thermodynamics Revisited
astro-ph/0412705 On the method of estimating emission altitude from relativistic phase shift in pulsars
astro-ph/0412706 NIR Spectroscopy of Luminous Infrared Galaxies and the Hydrogen Recombination Photon Deficit
astro-ph/0412707 Search for radiative pumping lines of OH masers: I. The 34.6um absorption line towards 1612 MHz OH maser sources
astro-ph/0412708 Spectral evolution of and radiation energy generation by coeval stellar populations with different initial composition and chemical enrichment
astro-ph/0501001 The Cosmic Microwave Background Bipolar Power Spectrum: Basic Formalism and Applications
astro-ph/0501002 Physics of Supernovae
astro-ph/0501003 Plasma Frequency Shift Due to a Slowly Rotating Compact Star
astro-ph/0501004 Regimes of Stability and Scaling Relations for the Removal Time in the Asteroid Belt: A Simple Kinetic Model and Numerical Tests
astro-ph/0501005 Linear Theory of Thin, Radially-Stratified Disks
astro-ph/0501006 Nonhelical turbulent dynamos: shocks and shear
astro-ph/0501007 The Cluster Soft Excess: new faces of an old enigma
astro-ph/0501008 Warm Molecular Gas Traced with CO J=7->6 in the Galaxy’s Central 2 Parsecs: Dynamical Heating of the Circumnuclear Disk
astro-ph/0501009 Comments on "Sudden future singularities "
astro-ph/0501009 Comments on "Sudden future singularities "
astro-ph/0501011 Discovering the microJy Radio VLBI Sky via "Full-beam" Self-calibration
astro-ph/0501012 Analysis of a XMM-Newton Spectrum of the Extremely Hot White Dwarf in Nova V4743 Sgr
astro-ph/0501013 Real vs. simulated relativistic jets
astro-ph/0501014 86 GHz polarimetry of OVV1633+382 after a major mm flare
astro-ph/0501015 Radio-loud and radio-quiet X-ray binaries: LSI+61o303 Galaxies
astro-ph/0501016 VLBI observations of young Type II supernovae
astro-ph/0501017 Continuum EVN and MERLIN observations of Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/0501018 Packet Loss in High Data Rate Internet Data Transfer for eVLBI
astro-ph/0501019 Cryogenic Filters for RFI Mitigation in Radioastronomy
astro-ph/0501020 On the Near-term Space VLBI Mission VSOP-2
astro-ph/0501021 Long-range interactions between dark-matter particles in a model with a cosmological, spontaneously-broken chiral symmetry
astro-ph/0501022 Star Formation in Isolated Disk Galaxies. I. Models and Characteristics of Nonlinear Gravitational Collapse
astro-ph/0501023 Evidence for unusual events in high energy cosmic ray interactions
astro-ph/0501024 The far-infrared emission line and continuum spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068
astro-ph/0501025 Discovering M-Dwarf Companions with STEPS
astro-ph/0501026 Constraints on the Cardassian Expansion from the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey Gravitational Lens Statistics
astro-ph/0501027 Local Starbursts: Perspectives from the Optical
astro-ph/0501028 Hidden bipolarity in red supergiant winds
astro-ph/0501029 Redshift-Space Distortions with the Halo Occupation Distribution I: Numerical Simulations
astro-ph/0501030 A Possible High Nova Rate for Two Local Group Dwarf Galaxies: M32 and NGC 205
astro-ph/0501031 A Chandra Study of the Multi-Component X-ray Emission from the X-shaped Radio Galaxy 3C 403
astro-ph/0501032 Evidence for Correlated Titanium and Deuterium Depletion in the Galactic ISM
astro-ph/0501033 Rates of Horizontal Tau Air-Showers observable by satellites
astro-ph/0501034 Self-Consistent Dynamic Models of Steady Ionization Fronts I. Weak-D and Weak-R Fronts
astro-ph/0501035 A 32 m Parabolic Antenna in Peru At 3,370m of Altitude
astro-ph/0501036 Strong effects of time-dependent ionization in early SN 1987A
astro-ph/0501037 An H alpha survey of cluster galaxies V: cluster - field comparison for early-type galaxies
astro-ph/0501038 The Insignificance of P-R Drag in Detectable Extrasolar Planetesimal Belts
astro-ph/0501039 New Gamma-Ray Probe of the Baryonic Dark Matter
astro-ph/0501040 Discovery of magnetic fields in central stars of planetary nebulae
astro-ph/0501041 A unified description of anti-dynamo conditions for incompressible flows
astro-ph/0501042 Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: II. Emission-Line Luminosity Function
astro-ph/0501043 Large scale correlations of quasar polarisation vectors: Hints of extreme scale structures?
astro-ph/0501044 Calculating the submillimeter emissivity of dust grains in spiral galaxies
astro-ph/0501045 Radiation Transfer Models in Galaxies
astro-ph/0501046 IceTop Status in 2004
astro-ph/0501047 Dust in a merging galaxy sequence: the SCUBA view
astro-ph/0501048 Modelling the dust content of spiral galaxies: More dust mass vs. enhanced dust grain emissivity
astro-ph/0501049 How do brown dwarves form?
astro-ph/0501050 Wakes in Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/0501051 G337.2+0.1: a new X-ray supernova remnant?
astro-ph/0501052 A Search for Variable Stars and Planetary Occultations in NGC2301 I: Techniques
astro-ph/0501053 The Spitzer Space Telescope First-Look Survey: Neutral Hydrogen Emission
astro-ph/0501054 An OVI Baryon Census of the Low-z Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/0501055 Are two kinds of dark matter seen in Galactic gamma rays?
astro-ph/0501056 Chandra Observations of MBM12 and Models of the Local Bubble
astro-ph/0501057 Dealing with Dark Energy
astro-ph/0501058 Deep Extragalactic X-ray Surveys
astro-ph/0501059 Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: I. Sample Selection
astro-ph/0501060 Low-frequency constraints on the spectra of the lobes of the microquasar GRS 1758-258
astro-ph/0501061 Highly Ionized High-Velocity Clouds: Hot Intergalactic Medium or Galactic Halo?
astro-ph/0501062 Multi-epoch VLBA observations of T Tauri South
astro-ph/0501063 The Weak Lensing Bispectrum
astro-ph/0501064 Discovery of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934
astro-ph/0501065 Properties of Type Ia Supernova Host Galaxies
astro-ph/0501066 The Evolutionary History of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 1052
astro-ph/0501067 Thermal Processing of Silicate Dust in the Solar Nebula: Clues from Primitive Chondrite Matrices
astro-ph/0501068 EVN observations of eleven GHz-Peaked-Spectrum radio sources at 2.3/8.4GHz
astro-ph/0501069 The Impact of Gravitational Redshift on Systemic Water Maser Emission in NGC 4258
astro-ph/0501070 High Mach-number Bondi--Hoyle--Lyttleton flow around a small accretor
astro-ph/0501071 Stabilization of helium shell burning by rotation in accreting white dwarfs
astro-ph/0501072 Modeling CHANDRA Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer Observations of Classical Novae with PHOENIX
astro-ph/0501073 The r-mode instability: Analytical solution with gravitational radiation reaction
astro-ph/0501074 The Pierre Auger Observatory -Status and Prospects -
astro-ph/0501075 The Decay of Accreting Triple Systems as Brown Dwarf Formation Scenario
astro-ph/0501076 On the nature of EXO 0423.4-0840
astro-ph/0501077 Modelling Alkali Line Absorption and Molecular Bands in Cool DAZs
astro-ph/0501078 Evolution of oxygen isotopic composition in the inner solar nebula
astro-ph/0501079 Crown Detectors to Observe Horizontal and Upward Air-Showers
astro-ph/0501080 Observations of the Transient X-ray Pulsar KS 1947+300 by the INTEGRAL and RXTE Observatories
astro-ph/0501081 Twenty-one centimeter tomography with foregrounds
astro-ph/0501082 Preliminary analysis of an extreme helium sdO star: BD+25 4655
astro-ph/0501083 The Dwarf Spheroidal Companions to M31: Variable Stars in Andromeda I and Andromeda III
astro-ph/0501084 Origins of the 1/4 keV Soft X-Ray Background
astro-ph/0501085 Constraining age and metallicity of bulges embedded in low surface brightness galaxies
astro-ph/0501086 Redshifted 21 cm Emission From the Pre-Reionization Era II. HII Regions Around Individual Quasars
astro-ph/0501087 Simultaneous X-ray and Optical Observations of EX Hydrae
astro-ph/0501088 The Assembly of Diversity in the Morphologies and Stellar Populations of High-Redshift Galaxies
astro-ph/0501089 Can Astronomy Manage Its Data?
astro-ph/0501090 Periodicities of Quasar Redshifts in Large Area Surveys
astro-ph/0501091 Hypervirial Models of Stellar Systems
astro-ph/0501092 Cusped Spherical Stellar Systems with Anisotropic Velocities
astro-ph/0501093 Observations of Solar Flare Doppler Shift Oscillations with the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer on Yohkoh
astro-ph/0501094 Thermal emission from Isolated Neutron Stars and their surface magnetic field: going quadrupolar?
astro-ph/0501095 Gravitationally lensed radio emission associated with SMM J16359+6612, a multiply imaged submillimeter galaxy behind A2218
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