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08 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2004
12, 12.2004
astro-ph/0501096 Galactic Positrons From Localized Sources
astro-ph/0501097 Rapid variability of the arcsec-scale X-ray jets of SS 433
astro-ph/0501098 Mass Selection Bias in Galaxy Cluster Peculiar Velocities from the Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect
astro-ph/0501099 Clusters and groups of galaxies in the 2dF galaxy redshift survey
astro-ph/0501099 Clusters and groups of galaxies in the 2dF galaxy redshift survey
astro-ph/0501101 Photometric Confirmation of MACHO Large Magellanic Cloud Microlensing Events
astro-ph/0501102 Evolutionary constraints on the masses of the components of HDE 226868/Cyg X-1 binary system
astro-ph/0501103 A Spitzer Study of Dusty Disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association
astro-ph/0501104 Dark-Energy Evolution Across the Cosmological-Constant Boundary
astro-ph/0501105 X-ray Luminosity and Absorption Column Fluctuations in the H2O Maser Galaxy NGC 4258 from Weeks to Years
astro-ph/0501106 Emission-line profile modelling of structured T Tauri magnetospheres
astro-ph/0501107 Can We Probe the Atmospheric Composition of an Extrasolar Planet from its Reflection Spectrum in a High-Magnification Microlensing Event?
astro-ph/0501108 A Study of Synthetic and Observed H_alpha Spectra of TT Hydrae
astro-ph/0501109 Phase Functions and Light Curves of Wide Separation Extrasolar Giant Planets
astro-ph/0501110 The SDSS u-band Galaxy Survey: Luminosity functions and evolution
astro-ph/0501111 The EBEX Experiment
astro-ph/0501112 Phase Transition Between superfluid and Normal states of Neutrons in Neutron Stars--The Origin of Glitches of Pulsars
astro-ph/0501113 An Empirical Calibration of the Completeness of the SDSS Quasar Survey
astro-ph/0501114 Relativistic Corrections to the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect for Clusters of Galaxies. V. Effect of the Motion of the Observer
astro-ph/0501115 CMBR Constraint on a Modified Chaplygin Gas Model
astro-ph/0501116 A comprehensive range of X-ray ionized reflection models
astro-ph/0501117 Emission line galaxies in clusters
astro-ph/0501118 On the composition of ices incorporated in Ceres
astro-ph/0501119 Expanding advanced civilizations in the universe
astro-ph/0501120 Spectroscopy of GRB 021004: a structured jet ploughing through a massive stellar wind
astro-ph/0501121 Physical implications of INTEGRAL/SPI gamma-ray line measurements of the 2003 October 28 solar flare
astro-ph/0501122 Simultaneous X-ray and UV spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548.II. Physical conditions in the X-ray absorber
astro-ph/0501123 INTEGRAL/IBIS search for e-e+ annihilation radiation from the Galactic Center Region
astro-ph/0501124 Ultra-high energy cosmic ray propagation in the Universe
astro-ph/0501125 The s-process weak component: uncertainties due to convective overshooting
astro-ph/0501126 Measured Cosmological Mass Density in the WHIM: the Solution to the ’Missing Baryons’ Problem
astro-ph/0501127 Centrally Condensed Collapse of Starless Cores
astro-ph/0501128 Chemical Constraints on the Water and Total Oxygen Abundances in the Deep Atmosphere of Saturn
astro-ph/0501129 The discrepancy between solar abundances and helioseismology
astro-ph/0501130 Inflationary Perturbations and Precision Cosmology
astro-ph/0501131 The Evolution of Binary Fractions in Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0501132 Finding Clusters in SZ Surveys
astro-ph/0501133 Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays from collisional annihilation revisited
astro-ph/0501134 Sensitive VLBI Observations of the z = 4.7 QSO BRI 1202-0725
astro-ph/0501135 Statistical Confirmation of a Stellar Upper Mass Limit
astro-ph/0501136 Hierarchical Triggering of Star Formation by Superbubbles in W3/W4
astro-ph/0501137 The Effects of Radiative Cooling on the Entropy Distribution of Intracluster Gas
astro-ph/0501138 The IMF Long Ago and Far Away: Faint Stars in the Ursa Minor dSph Galaxy
astro-ph/0501139 Models of Five Absorption Line Systems Along the Line of Sight Toward PG0117+213
astro-ph/0501140 Image of Fomalhaut Dust Ring at 350 Microns: Relative Column Density Map Shows Pericenter-Apocenter Asymmetry
astro-ph/0501141 Impact of stochastic gas motions on galaxy cluster abundance profiles
astro-ph/0501142 Blue Stragglers as Stellar Collision Products: the Angular Momentum Question
astro-ph/0501143 How is the Diamagnetic Effect (DME) Relevant to Stellar Surface Phenomena?
astro-ph/0501144 GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey; IV. Methods for the Image reduction of multi-chip Cameras
astro-ph/0501145 Planets in Stellar Clusters Extensive Search. III. A search for transiting planets in the metal-rich open cluster NGC 6791
astro-ph/0501146 Radiative transfer problem in dusty galaxies: ray-tracing approach
astro-ph/0501147 IGM metal enrichment through dust sputtering
astro-ph/0501148 A NICMOS Direct Imaging Search for Giant Planets around the Single White Dwarfs in the Hyades
astro-ph/0501149 Massive elliptical galaxies in X-rays: the role of late gas accretion
astro-ph/0501150 HST/ACS weak lensing analysis of the galaxy cluster RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24
astro-ph/0501151 Spherical galaxy models with power law logarithmic slope
astro-ph/0501152 The Effect of Inhomogeneities on the Luminosity Distance-Redshift Relation: is Dark Energy Necessary in a Perturbed Universe?
astro-ph/0501153 Particle acceleration in astrophysical shear flows
astro-ph/0501154 Stability of density-stratified viscous Taylor-Couette flows
astro-ph/0501155 Results from observations of AGNs with the H.E.S.S. telescope system and Future plans
astro-ph/0501156 Spectral and temporal signatures of ultrarelativistic protons in compact sources
astro-ph/0501157 The relation between optical and X-ray variability in Seyfert galaxies
astro-ph/0501158 Extinction curves expected in young galaxies
astro-ph/0501159 The sub-arcsecond dusty environment of Eta Carinae
astro-ph/0501160 Photoionising feedback in star cluster formation
astro-ph/0501161 Magnetic Field Clumping in Massive Star-Forming Regions as Determined from Excited-State OH Absorption and Maser Emission
astro-ph/0501162 First VLTI/MIDI observations of a Be star: Alpha Ara
astro-ph/0501163 Photometric properties and origin of bulges in SB0 galaxies
astro-ph/0501164 Helium recombination spectra as temperature diagnostics for planetary nebulae
astro-ph/0501165 Time-series Paschen-beta spectroscopy of SU Aurigae
astro-ph/0501166 The Outer Cluster System of NGC 1399: Preliminary Results
astro-ph/0501167 CMB B-mode polarization from Thomson scattering in the local universe
astro-ph/0501168 On variations in the fine-structure constant and stellar pollution of quasar absorption systems
astro-ph/0501169 Correlations between bright submillimetre sources and low-redshift galaxies
astro-ph/0501170 West-Side Story (On the History of Density-Wave Spiral Theories in the 1960s)
astro-ph/0501171 Detection of the Baryon Acoustic Peak in the Large-Scale Correlation Function of SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies
astro-ph/0501172 Proper Motion of the Irradiated Jet HH 399 in the Trifid Nebula
astro-ph/0501173 The Disk and Extraplanar Regions of NGC 55
astro-ph/0501174 The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Power-spectrum analysis of the final dataset and cosmological implications
astro-ph/0501175 AGN heating and dissipative processes in galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0501176 Supernova Ia without Accelerated Expansion The First Global Failure of Relativity Theory
astro-ph/0501177 Discovery of an Unbound Hyper-Velocity Star in the Milky Way Halo
astro-ph/0501178 SDSS J210014.12+004446.0: A New Dwarf Nova with Quiescent Superhumps?
astro-ph/0501179 Secular evolution of galactic discs: constraints on phase-space density
astro-ph/0501180 The optical spectroscopy of extraterrestrial molecules
astro-ph/0501181 A New Algorithm for the Detection of Inter-cluster Galaxy Filaments using Galaxy Orientation Alignments
astro-ph/0501182 Galaxy Groups at 0.3 <= z <= 0.55. I. Group Properties
astro-ph/0501183 Galaxy Groups at 0.3 <= z <= 0.55. II. Evolution to z ~ 0
astro-ph/0501184 Optical Monitoring of BL Lac Object S5 0716+714 with High Temporal Resolution
astro-ph/0501185 Accurate numerical potential and field in razor-thin axisymmetric discs
astro-ph/0501186 The distribution of kHz QPO frequencies in bright LMXBs
astro-ph/0501187 The Mid-IR spatially resolved environment of OH26.5+0.6 at maximum luminosity
astro-ph/0501188 The optical-to-radio spectral energy distributions of low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies
astro-ph/0501189 The Shape of Space after WMAP data
astro-ph/0501190 Neutral Hydrogen Gas in Interacting Galaxies: The NGC 1511 galaxy group
astro-ph/0501191 Kilo-gauss Magnetic Fields in three DA White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0501192 On dynamics of relativistic shock waves with losses in gamma-ray burst sources
astro-ph/0501193 A Multiwavelength Investigation of Unidentified EGRET Sources
astro-ph/0501194 Intergalactic stars in z~0.25 galaxy clusters: systematic properties from stacking of Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging data
astro-ph/0501195 Outstanding Problems in Particle Astrophysics
astro-ph/0501196 Dynamical Evolution of Barred Galaxies
astro-ph/0501197 High-energy emission from off-axis relativistic jets
astro-ph/0501198 The Effects of Photon Bubble Instability in Radiation-Dominated Accretion Disks
astro-ph/0501199 SGARFACE: A Novel Detector For Microsecond Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0501200 An Open Inflationary Model for Dimensional Reduction and its Effects on the Observable Parameters of the Universe
astro-ph/0501201 Systematic errors in weak lensing: application to SDSS galaxy-galaxy weak lensing
astro-ph/0501202 When Darwin Met Einstein: Gravitational Lens Inversion with Genetic Algorithms
astro-ph/0501203 On highly eccentric stellar trajectories interacting with a self-gravitating disc in Sgr A*
astro-ph/0501204 Evolutionary Stellar Population Synthesis at High Spectral Resolution: Optical Wavelengths
astro-ph/0501205 Structure and kinematics of edge-on galaxy discs -- IV. The kinematics of the stellar discs
astro-ph/0501206 The transient hard X-ray tail of GX 17+2: new BeppoSAX results
astro-ph/0501207 X-rays and young clusters: Membership, IMFs and distances
astro-ph/0501208 Circumstellar discs around solar-mass stars in NGC 6611
astro-ph/0501209 Geometric model of dark energy
astro-ph/0501210 Search for pulsating PMS stars in NGC 6383
astro-ph/0501211 A Bayesian view on Faraday rotation maps - Seeing the magnetic power spectra in galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0501212 Kinematics of Nearby Subdwarf Stars
astro-ph/0501213 A Study of the Near-Ultraviolet Spectrum of Vega
astro-ph/0501214 The merging cluster Abell 85 caught between meals by XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0501215 X-ray variability, viscous time scale and Lindblad resonances in LMXBs
astro-ph/0501216 Analysis of historical meteor and meteor shower records: Korea, China, and Japan
astro-ph/0501217 Reconstruction of primordial density fields
astro-ph/0501218 Long-term Scintillation Observations of Five Pulsars at 1540 MHz
astro-ph/0501219 FORS spectroscopy of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South
astro-ph/0501220 Origins of Brown Dwarfs
astro-ph/0501221 The Dependence of Galaxy Shape on Luminosity and Surface Brightness Profile
astro-ph/0501222 On viscosity, conduction and sound waves in the intracluster medium
astro-ph/0501223 X-rays, pre-main sequence stars and planet formation
astro-ph/0501224 The Morphology - Density Relation in z ~ 1 Clusters
astro-ph/0501225 A High-Resolution Stellar Library for Evolutionary Population Synthesis
astro-ph/0501226 Pulsars in Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0501227 Effects of cooling and star formation on the baryon fractions in clusters
astro-ph/0501228 Understanding B-type supergiants in the low metallicity environment of the SMC II
astro-ph/0501229 Aperture effects on Star Formation Rate, Metallicity and Reddening
astro-ph/0501230 Twenty-One Millisecond Pulsars in Terzan 5 Using the Green Bank Telescope
astro-ph/0501231 Prospects of Non-Riemannian Cosmology
astro-ph/0501232 Sources for Metals in the Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/0501233 Constraints on the small-scale power spectrum of density fluctuations from high-redshift gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0501234 Constraining Brans-Dicke Gravity with Millisecond Pulsars in Ultracompact Binaries
astro-ph/0501235 The r-Process: Current Understanding and Future Tests
astro-ph/0501236 A JavaScript Passive Evolution Calculator
astro-ph/0501237 Nuclear physics and astrophysics of the r-process
astro-ph/0501238 Gravitational Waves from binary black holes in the extreme mass ratio regime: Self-force calculations
astro-ph/0501239 Coherence Constraint on the Existence of Cosmic Defects
astro-ph/0501240 Investigating the Andromeda Stream: I. Simple Analytic Bulge-Disk-Halo Model for M31
astro-ph/0501241 Investigating the Andromeda Stream: II. Orbital Fits and Properties of the Progenitor
astro-ph/0501242 Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources: Evidence for Very Efficient Formation of Population III Stars Contributing to the Cosmic Near-Infrared Background Excess?
astro-ph/0501243 Quasilinear Drift Of Cosmic Rays In Weak Turbulent Electromagnetic Fields
astro-ph/0501244 Circumstellar and Circumbinary Disks in Eccentric Stellar Binaries
astro-ph/0501245 Contribution to diffuse gamma-rays in the Galactic center region from unresolved millisecond pulsars
astro-ph/0501246 Possibility of Measuring the Width of Narrow Fe II Astrophysical Laser Lines in the Vicinity of Eta Carinae by means of Brown-Twiss-Townes Heterodyne Correlation Interferometry
astro-ph/0501247 Three-micron spectra of AGB stars and supergiants in nearby galaxies
astro-ph/0501248 Line identification in soft X-ray spectra of stellar coronae by comparison with the hottest white dwarf’s photosphere: Procyon, alpha Cen A+B, and H1504+65
astro-ph/0501249 ABELL 43 a second pulsating "hybrid PG 1159 star"
astro-ph/0501250 A search for CI J=2--1 emission in IRAS F10214+4724
astro-ph/0501251 Overview on direct and indirect measurements of cosmic rays - Some thoughts on galactic cosmic rays and the knee
astro-ph/0501252 Spectral Analyses of DO White Dwarfs and PG1159 Stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
astro-ph/0501253 IR mergers and IR QSOs with galactic winds. III. Mrk 231: composite outflow with multiple expanding bubbles and BALs (an exploding young QSO?)
astro-ph/0501254 Lattice QCD Constraints on Hybrid and Quark Stars
astro-ph/0501255 NLTE Analysis of the Ultra-short Period White-dwarf Binary RX J0806.3+1527
astro-ph/0501256 Origin of the Joint Distribution of Structural Parameters in Disc Galaxies
astro-ph/0501257 The Connection between the Narrow-Line Region and the UV Absorbers in Seyfert Galaxies
astro-ph/0501258 Competitive Accretion and the IMF
astro-ph/0501259 Properties of Ly-alpha emitters around the radio galaxy MRC 0316-257
astro-ph/0501260 The Formation of Massive Binary Stars
astro-ph/0501261 First Results from the CHARA Array. I. An Interferometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Fast Rotator alpha Leonis (Regulus)
astro-ph/0501262 New seismological results on the G0 IV eta Bootis
astro-ph/0501263 Asteroseismology of the Beta Cephei star Nu Eridani: photometric observations and pulsational frequency analysis
astro-ph/0501264 Accretion-driven millisecond X-ray pulsars
astro-ph/0501265 Very high energy gamma rays from the composite SNR G0.9+0.1
astro-ph/0501266 New High Proper Motion Stars from the Digitized Sky Survey. III. Stars with proper motions 0.45
astro-ph/0501267 Three-Dimensional Vortices in Stratified Protoplanetary Disks
astro-ph/0501268 Probing the origins of voids with the CMB
astro-ph/0501269 The UNSW Extrasolar Planet Search: Methods and First Results from a Field Centred on NGC 6633
astro-ph/0501270 Models of Procyon A including seismic constraints
astro-ph/0501271 Solar-like oscillations in Procyon A
astro-ph/0501272 Using distant globular clusters as a test for gravitational theories
astro-ph/0501273 Tidal streams in a MOND potential: constraints from Sagittarius
astro-ph/0501274 Cosmic-rays: an unsolved mystery at all energies!
astro-ph/0501275 Signs of WHIM in the soft X-ray background
astro-ph/0501276 Dark Energy and Non-linear Perturbations
astro-ph/0501277 Class Transitions and Two Component Accretion Flow in GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/0501278 Modelling and interpreting optical spectra of galaxies at R=10000
astro-ph/0501279 Signatures of Accretion Shocks in Broadband Spectrum of Advective Flows Around Black Holes
astro-ph/0501280 Spectral Properties of Black Holes in Gamma Rays
astro-ph/0501281 Identification of Shocks in the Spectra from Black Holes
astro-ph/0501282 Evidence of Class Transitions in GRS 1915+105 from IXAE Data
astro-ph/0501283 Molecular Hydrogen Formation During Dense Interstellar Cloud Collapse
astro-ph/0501284 Signature of Accretion Shocks in Emitted Radiation From a Two Temperature Advective Flows Around Black Holes
astro-ph/0501285 SS 433: Results of a Recent Multi-wavelength Campaign
astro-ph/0501286 Analytical studies of particle dynamics in bending waves in planetary rings
astro-ph/0501287 Mass accretion rate of the galactic black hole A0620-00 in its quiescent state
astro-ph/0501288 VLF observation during Leonid Meteor Shower-2002 from Kolkata
astro-ph/0501289 Monitoring of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID) from Kolkata (INDIA)
astro-ph/0501290 Role of Disk models in Indentifying Astrophysical Black Holes
astro-ph/0501291 Precessions in Relativity
astro-ph/0501292 Spectral Properties of a Two Component and Two Temperature Advective Flow
astro-ph/0501293 QPOs from Radial and Vertical Oscillation of Shocks in Advective Accretion Flows
astro-ph/0501294 Spectral Signatures of Winds from Accretion Disks Around Black Holes
astro-ph/0501295 Photometric Evidence of Bullets in SS433 Jet
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