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astro-ph/0402009 Simulation of a Combined SZE and Weak Lensing Cluster Survey for AMiBA Experiment
astro-ph/0402009 Simulation of a Combined SZE and Weak Lensing Cluster Survey for AMiBA Experiment
astro-ph/0402011 OH Absorption in the Line of Sight Towards Sagittarius B2
astro-ph/0402012 The importance of discovering a 3:2 twin-peak QPO in a ULX or how to solve the puzzle of intermediate mass black holes
astro-ph/0402013 High-frequency QPOs as a problem in physics: non-linear resonance
astro-ph/0402014 Methanol: a diagnostic tool for high-mass star-forming regions
astro-ph/0402015 UYSO 1 - An Extremely Young Massive Stellar Object
astro-ph/0402016 Disappearance of N2H+ from the Gas Phase in the Class 0 Protostar IRAM 04191
astro-ph/0402017 Line-of-sight distribution of water towards the SgrB2 complex
astro-ph/0402018 A Masing Molecular Cloud in the Central Parsecs of Mrk348
astro-ph/0402019 Galactic Center Molecular Clouds
astro-ph/0402020 Perspective from a Younger Generation -- The Astro-Spectroscopy of Gisbert Winnewisser
astro-ph/0402021 Structure and Stability of Prestellar Cores
astro-ph/0402022 Constraining the Magnetic Effects on HI Rotation Curves and the Need for Dark Halos
astro-ph/0402023 Rayleigh Scattering Cross Section Redward of Ly$alpha$ by Atomic Hydrogen
astro-ph/0402024 Binaries with Compact Components: Theoretical and Observational Challenges
astro-ph/0402025 Orientations of Spin and Magnetic Dipole Axes of Pulsars in the J0737--3039 Binary Based on Polarimetry Observations at the Green Bank Telescope
astro-ph/0402026 On the Center Shifts of Raman Scattered He II and H$alpha$ Wings in Symbiotic Stars
astro-ph/0402027 A Hard X-ray survey of the Galactic Center with INTEGRAL/IBIS. Catalog of sources
astro-ph/0402028 The MHD Alfven wave oscillation model of kHz Quasi Periodic Oscillations of Accreting X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/0402029 Seyfert galaxies in UZC-Compact Groups
astro-ph/0402030 The Environmental Dependence of the Relations between Stellar Mass, Structure, Star Formation and Nuclear Activity in Galaxies
astro-ph/0402031 AX J0049.4-7323 - a close look at a neutron star interacting with a circumstellar disk
astro-ph/0402032 Testing the paradigm of adiabaticity
astro-ph/0402033 Wimp/Neutralino Direct Detection
astro-ph/0402034 Circumstellar dust shells of hot post-AGB stars
astro-ph/0402035 X Ray Observations of Classical and recurrent Novae in Outburst
astro-ph/0402036 On the discovery of an enormous ionized halo around the hot DO white dwarf PG1034+001
astro-ph/0402037 PAHs and crystalline silicates in the post-AGB star IRAS 16279-4757
astro-ph/0402038 Gravoturbulent Fragmentation
astro-ph/0402039 L1521E: the first starless core with no molecular depletion
astro-ph/0402040 A New View of the Supersoft X-Ray Source Cal 87 Observed with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0402041 A stroboscopic method for phase resolved pulsar observations
astro-ph/0402042 SDSS J1240-01: A New AM CVn Candidate from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
astro-ph/0402043 Chemical abundances in quasar host galaxies and environments from narrow absorption line systems
astro-ph/0402044 Semi-analytic Simulations of Galactic Winds: Volume Filling Factor, Ejection of Metals and Parameter Study
astro-ph/0402045 Dark Matter: Introduction
astro-ph/0402046 Testing White Dwarf Crystallization Theory with Asteroseismology of the Massive Pulsating DA Star BPM 37093
astro-ph/0402047 Gravitational Redshifts in Simulated Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0402048 The metallicity-luminosity relation at medium redshift based on faint CADIS emission line galaxies
astro-ph/0402049 NGC 1535: UV Observations and Models
astro-ph/0402050 Searching evidences for spiral shocks in the quiescent accretion disk of U Gem
astro-ph/0402051 A Theoretical Model for Mars Crater-Size Frequency Distribution
astro-ph/0402052 Sgr A* at low radio frequencies: GMRT observations
astro-ph/0402053 Monitoring and Discovering X-ray Pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0402054 Results of a search for new microquasars in the Galaxy
astro-ph/0402055 Formation times and masses of dark matter haloes
astro-ph/0402056 How black holes get their kicks: Gravitational radiation recoil revisited
astro-ph/0402057 Consequences of gravitational radiation recoil
astro-ph/0402058 Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors Confront Observations
astro-ph/0402059 What can we learn from Accretion Disc Eclipse Mapping experiments?
astro-ph/0402060 Covariant Linear Perturbation Formalism
astro-ph/0402061 New Nonthermal Filaments at the Galactic Center: Are They Tracing a Globally Ordered Magnetic Field?
astro-ph/0402062 E+A Galaxies and the Formation of Early Type Galaxies at z~0
astro-ph/0402063 Cosmological perturbations and noncommutative tachyon inflation
astro-ph/0402064 The Mid-IR Emission Structure of IRAS 16594-4656
astro-ph/0402065 Observational Cosmology
astro-ph/0402066 Evidence of a mis-aligned secondary bar in the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0402067 CMB constraints on interacting cosmological models
astro-ph/0402068 W Hya : molecular inventory by ISO-SWS
astro-ph/0402069 $C^infty$ perturbations of FRW models with a cosmological constant
astro-ph/0402070 SS433:the microquasar link with ULXs?
astro-ph/0402071 UV(IUE) spectra of hot post-AGB candidates
astro-ph/0402072 A multiband study of Hercules A. I. ROSAT observations of the intracluster medium
astro-ph/0402073 Energy release due to antineutrino untrapping from hot quark stars
astro-ph/0402074 HST/FOS Eclipse mapping of IP Pegasi in outburst
astro-ph/0402075 X-ray behaviour of Circinus X-1 - I: X-ray Dips as a diagnostic of periodic behaviour
astro-ph/0402076 X-ray spectral and timing properties of the 2001 superburst of 4U 1636-536
astro-ph/0402077 Spectra and Light Curves of GRB Afterglows
astro-ph/0402078 Mid-infrared observations of young stellar objects in the vicinity of sigma Orionis
astro-ph/0402079 On the globular cluster formation history of NGC 5128
astro-ph/0402080 Probing the Evolution of the Dark Energy Density with Future Supernova Surveys
astro-ph/0402081 Star Formation in Cluster Cooling Flows
astro-ph/0402082 The relation between AGN hard X-ray emission and mid-infrared continuum from ISO spectra: Scatter and unification aspects
astro-ph/0402083 High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy
astro-ph/0402084 Resonance in Forced Oscillations of an Accretion Disk and Kilohertz Quasi Periodic Oscillations
astro-ph/0402085 The Host Galaxy of GRB 031203: Implications of its low metallicity, low redshift, and starburst nature
astro-ph/0402086 A Plausible Galactic Spiral Pattern and its Rotation Speed
astro-ph/0402087 Diffuse X-ray Emission in a Deep Chandra Image of the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0402088 Spectral Features in the Thermal Emission from Isolated Neutron Stars: Dependence on Magnetic Field Strengths
astro-ph/0402089 Gamma-ray Luminosity and Death Lines of Pulsars with Outer Gaps
astro-ph/0402090 Observational Evidence of Pitch Angle Isotropization by IMF Waves
astro-ph/0402091 Gravitational Waves from Extragalactic Inspiraling Binaries: Selection Effects and Expected Detection Rates
astro-ph/0402092 Influence of shower fluctuations and primary composition on studies of the shower longitudinal development
astro-ph/0402093 Bowen Fluorescence from Companion Stars in X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/0402094 The Top Ten solar analogs in the ELODIE library
astro-ph/0402095 Mapping the 3-D dark matter with weak lensing in COMBO-17
astro-ph/0402096 BeppoSAX observations of the accretion-powered X-ray pulsar SMC X-1
astro-ph/0402097 Kinematic solar dynamo models with a deep meridional flow
astro-ph/0402098 A filamentary structure of massive star-forming galaxies associated with an X-ray absorbed QSO at z=1.8
astro-ph/0402099 Interferometric observations of the supergiant stars alpha Orionis and alpha Herculis with FLUOR at IOTA
astro-ph/0402099 Interferometric observations of the supergiant stars alpha Orionis and alpha Herculis with FLUOR at IOTA
astro-ph/0402101 Relativistic Iron Lines in Galactic Black Holes: Recent Results and Lines in the ASCA Archive
astro-ph/0402102 XMM-Newton spectral and timing analysis of the faint millisecond pulsars PSR J0751+1807 and PSR J1012+5307
astro-ph/0402103 Some updates on the role of Magnetic Fields in Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/0402104 HD 77407 and GJ 577: two new young stellar binaries detected with the Calar Alto Adaptive Optics system ALFA
astro-ph/0402105 XMM-Newton observations of the BL Lac MS0205.7+3509: a dense, low-metallicity absorber
astro-ph/0402106 Probing Sgr A* with theory of large masses without events horizon
astro-ph/0402107 Bimodal distribution of the autocorrelation function in gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0402108 X-ray emission from a metal depleted accretion shock onto the classical T Tauri star TW Hya
astro-ph/0402109 Alternative Dark Energy Models: An Overview
astro-ph/0402110 POX 52: A Dwarf Seyfert 1 Galaxy With An Intermediate-Mass Black Hole
astro-ph/0402111 Jet Deflection via Cross winds: Laboratory Astrophysical Studies
astro-ph/0402112 Deuterium and Li7 Concordance in Inhomogeneous Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Models
astro-ph/0402113 Probing Kolmogorov turbulence beyond the Magellanic Clouds: The Power of Southern Hemisphere’s largest optical telescope (11m), SALT
astro-ph/0402114 What do we (not) know theoretically about solar neutrino fluxes?
astro-ph/0402115 The intergalactic medium temperature and Compton y parameter
astro-ph/0402116 Keck spectroscopy of CLASS gravitational lenses
astro-ph/0402117 Optical Properties of faint FIRST Variable Radio Sources
astro-ph/0402118 Faint High-Latitude Carbon Stars Discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: An Initial Catalog
astro-ph/0402119 On the Shallow Decay of Some GRB Afterglows
astro-ph/0402120 A mid-IR survey of the L 1641-N region with ISOCAM
astro-ph/0402121 JETGET - An analysis and visualization tool for (magneto-)hydrodynamic jet simulations
astro-ph/0402122 From the Skyrme model to hypothetical Skyrmion stars: Astrophysical implications
astro-ph/0402123 Time-dependence in Relativistic Collisionless Shocks: Theory of the Variable "Wisps" in the Crab Nebula
astro-ph/0402124 Correction of UBV photometry for emission lines
astro-ph/0402125 Observational studies of Cataclysmic Variable evolution: Of samples, biases and surprises
astro-ph/0402126 Photometric structure of the peculiar galaxy ESO 235-G58
astro-ph/0402127 Timing and spectral studies of the transient X-ray pulsar EXO 053109-6609.2 with ASCA and Beppo-SAX
astro-ph/0402128 Radio, optical and infrared observations of CLASS B0128+437
astro-ph/0402129 Cosmological perturbation theory
astro-ph/0402130 Lane-Emden Equation: perturbation method
astro-ph/0402131 Observations of Abell 4059 with Chandra, HST and VLA: unraveling a complex cluster/radio-galaxy interaction
astro-ph/0402132 TeV signatures of compact UHECR accelerators
astro-ph/0402133 EXITE2 Observation of the SIGMA Source GRS 1227+025
astro-ph/0402134 Microquasars
astro-ph/0402135 A portable modeler of lensed quasars
astro-ph/0402136 Isolated Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0402137 Tools for Identifying Spurious Luminosity Offsets in Tully-Fisher Studies: Application at Low Redshift and Implications for High Redshift
astro-ph/0402138 Shaping the Kuiper belt size spectrum by shattering large but strengthless bodies
astro-ph/0402139 A Deep Chandra Observation of the Distant Galaxy Cluster MS1137.5+6625
astro-ph/0402140 The X-Ray Derived Cosmological Star Formation History and the Galaxy X-Ray Luminosity Functions in the Chandra Deep Fields North and South
astro-ph/0402141 Photometry of symbiotic stars XI. EG And, Z And, BF Cyg, CH Cyg, CI Cyg, V1329 Cyg, TX CVn, AG Dra, RW Hya, QW Sge, IV Vir and the LMXB V934 Her
astro-ph/0402142 Motion and Properties of Nuclear Radio Components in Seyfert Galaxies Seen with VLBI
astro-ph/0402143 Neutron Star Cooling
astro-ph/0402144 On the Kinematics of Tidal Debris from Omega Cen’s Progenitor Galaxy
astro-ph/0402145 Period-color and amplitude-color relations in classical Cepheid variables
astro-ph/0402146 Gas flow in close binary star systems
astro-ph/0402147 Constraints on a Putative Pulsar in SN 1987A
astro-ph/0402148 Colliding molecular clouds in head-on galaxy collisions
astro-ph/0402149 Anomalous Flux Ratios in Gravitational Lenses: For or Against CDM?
astro-ph/0402150 Local Axisymmetric Diffusive Stability of Weakly-Magnetized, Differentially-Rotating, Stratified Fluids
astro-ph/0402151 A Two-Dimensional Hydrostatically Equilibrium Atmosphere of a Neutron Star with Given Differential Rotation
astro-ph/0402152 Detecting the Attenuation of Blazar Gamma-ray Emission by Extragalactic Background Light with GLAST
astro-ph/0402153 The Possibility of Emersion of the Outer Layers in a Massive Star Simultaneously with Iron-Core Collapse: A Hydrodynamic Model
astro-ph/0402154 An X-ray review of MS1054-0321: hot or not?
astro-ph/0402155 Properties of groups of galaxies in the vicinity of massive clusters
astro-ph/0402156 Far-IR spectroscopy towards Sagittarius B2
astro-ph/0402157 The spacetime associated with galactic dark matter halos
astro-ph/0402158 Relativistic Phenomena in Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0402159 Time Evolution of the Fine Structure Constant in a Two-Field Quintessence Model
astro-ph/0402160 Velocity and spatial biases in CDM subhalo distributions
astro-ph/0402161 A Redshift Survey of Nearby Galaxy Groups: the Shape of the Mass Density Profile
astro-ph/0402162 The Probability Distribution of Binary Pulsar Coalescence Rate Estimates. II. Neutron Star-White Dwarf Binaries
astro-ph/0402163 Severe Constraints on Off-Axis GRB Jets in Type Ibc Supernovae From Late-Time Radio Observations
astro-ph/0402164 Internal shocks and the blazar sequence. Low and intermediate power BL Lac objects
astro-ph/0402165 Quasi-geometrical Optics Approximation in Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/0402166 A direct imaging search for wide (sub)stellar companions around rad-vel planet host stars
astro-ph/0402167 Search for substellar companions using AO - first results obtained with NAOS-CONICA
astro-ph/0402168 A search for wide (sub)stellar companions around extrasolar planet host stars
astro-ph/0402169 The Existence of an Old Quasar at $z = 3.91$ and its Implications for $Lambda(t)$ Deflationary Cosmologies
astro-ph/0402170 The Large-Scale Magnetic Field Structure of Our Galaxy: Efficiently Deduced from Pulsar Rotation Measures
astro-ph/0402171 Discovery of very nearby ultracool dwarfs from DENIS
astro-ph/0402172 2MASS J05185995-2828372: Discovery of an Unresolved L/T Binary
astro-ph/0402173 Analysis of the Kamionkowski-Loeb method of reducing cosmic variance with CMB polarization
astro-ph/0402174 NIR Luminosity Function of Galaxies in Close Major-Merger Pairs and Mass Dependence of Merger Rate
astro-ph/0402175 Soft Gamma Repeaters and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars: Together Forever
astro-ph/0402176 (Anomalous) X-ray Pulsars
astro-ph/0402177 Limits on the time variation of the electromagnetic fine-structure constant in the low energy limit from absorption lines in the spectra of distant quasars
astro-ph/0402178 Stability of accretion disk around rotating black holes
astro-ph/0402179 Theoretical Description of kHz QPOs in accreting LMXB systems
astro-ph/0402180 Structure Function Studies for Turbulent Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/0402181 Long Term Timing Observations of PSR B1509-58
astro-ph/0402182 A 20 cm Search for Pulsars in Globular Clusters with Arecibo and the GBT
astro-ph/0402183 PSR J2021+3651: A New Gamma-Ray Pulsar Candidate
astro-ph/0402184 Gravitational waves from axisymmetrically oscillating neutron stars in general relativistic simulations
astro-ph/0402185 Density perturbations in generalized Einstein scenarios and constraints on nonminimal couplings from the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/0402186 Spectral Classification and Effective Temperatures of L and T Dwarfs Based of Near-Infrared Spectra
astro-ph/0402187 High-resolution N-body Simulations of Galactic Cannibalism: The Magellanic Stream
astro-ph/0402188 A rotational and variability study of a large sample of PMS stars in NGC 2264
astro-ph/0402189 HS2237+8154: On the onset of mass transfer or entering the period gap?
astro-ph/0402190 The implications of disc instabilities on cataclysmic variable structure and evolution
astro-ph/0402191 The Toroidal Iron Atmosphere of a Protoneutron Star: Numerical Solution
astro-ph/0402192 Dust in the Photospheric Environment II. Effect on the Near Infrared Spectra of L and T Dwarfs
astro-ph/0402193 High resolution infrared spectra of bulge globular clusters: The extreme chemical abundances of Terzan 4 and Terzan 5
astro-ph/0402194 Effective Compton Cross Section in Non-Degenerate High Temperature Media
astro-ph/0402195 HST/WFPC2 Study of the Trapezium Cluster: the Influence of Circumstellar Disks on the Initial Mass Function
astro-ph/0402196 The Galactic center interstellar medium as seen by ISO
astro-ph/0402197 X-ray Sources and their Optical Counterparts in the Globular Cluster M4
astro-ph/0402198 Radioactive Al26 and Fe60 in the Milky Way: implications of the RHESSI detection of Fe60
astro-ph/0402199 Iron Line Profiles in Strong Gravity
astro-ph/0402200 Neutron Star Formation and Birth Properties
astro-ph/0402201 The use of Petersen diagrams and period ratios in investigating the pulsational content of stars in the classical Instability Strip
astro-ph/0402202 Bias in the Estimation of Global Luminosity Functions
astro-ph/0402203 VVDS: early results on LSS distribution to z~1.5
astro-ph/0402204 X-ray and Optical Filaments in M87
astro-ph/0402205 Nitrogen Enriched Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey First Data Release
astro-ph/0402206 Conduction and Turbulent Mixing in Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0402207 The Effective Temperatures of Hot Stars II. The Early-O Types
astro-ph/0402208 Probing Dark Energy Using Its Density Instead of Its Equation of State
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