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26 January 2025
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2025, 2004
12, 4.2004
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astro-ph/0404002 Enhanced cooling of neutron stars via Cooper-pairing neutrino emission
astro-ph/0404006 Action Model of Infall into the Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/0404007 VLBA Astrometry of Compact Radio Sources in the Spitzer First-Look Survey
astro-ph/0404008 Formation and Collapse of Nonaxisymmetric Protostellar Cores in Planar Magnetic Molecular Clouds
astro-ph/0404009 Measuring the Slope of the Dust Extinction Law and the Power Spectrum of Dust Clouds Using Differentially-Reddened Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0404009 Measuring the Slope of the Dust Extinction Law and the Power Spectrum of Dust Clouds Using Differentially-Reddened Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0404011 Performance of a Low Noise Front-end ASIC for Si/CdTe Detectors in Compton Gamma-ray Telescope
astro-ph/0404012 Mc Neil’s Nebula in Orion: The Outburst History
astro-ph/0404013 Galaxy Structures and External Perturbations in Gravitational Lenses
astro-ph/0404014 Rotation and accretion of very low mass objects in the SigmaOri cluster
astro-ph/0404015 Stellar Feedback Processes: Their Impact on Star Formation and Galactic Evolution
astro-ph/0404016 Classical T Tauri stars as sources of parsec-scale optical outflows
astro-ph/0404017 INTEGRAL observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud region
astro-ph/0404018 First results on the HMXRB Pulsar SAXJ2103.5+4545 with INTEGRAL
astro-ph/0404019 The INTEGRAL Burst Alert System: Results and Future Perspectives
astro-ph/0404020 Hydrodynamic stability of rotationally supported flows: Linear and nonlinear 2D shearing box results
astro-ph/0404021 Inflationary spectra, decoherence, and two-mode coherent states
astro-ph/0404022 The Inflationary Paradigm: Predictions for CMB
astro-ph/0404023 Simulating Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0404024 Detection of Polarized Broad Emission in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 573
astro-ph/0404025 The Diffuse Light in Simulations of Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0404026 Molecular gas in the galaxy M83. II - Kinematics of the molecular gas
astro-ph/0404027 Search for gamma-ray line emission from the radioactive decay of 60Fe with SPI
astro-ph/0404028 Low mass stars, brown dwarf candidates and the mass function of the young open cluster NGC 2547
astro-ph/0404029 Metal enrichment in near-IR luminous galaxies at z~2: signatures of proto-ellipticals?
astro-ph/0404030 Multi-wavelength INTEGRAL NEtwork (MINE) observations of the microquasar GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/0404031 Transmission- to reflection-dominated transition in Seyfert 2 galaxies: the XMM-Newton view
astro-ph/0404032 Light Thoughts on Dark Energy
astro-ph/0404033 Probing Dark Matter Haloes with Satellite Kinematics
astro-ph/0404034 The SAURON project - III. Integral-field absorption-line kinematics of 48 elliptical and lenticular galaxies
astro-ph/0404035 Discovery and Evolution of an Unusual Luminous Variable Star in NGC 3432 (Supernova 2000ch)
astro-ph/0404036 UBVI Surface Photometry of the Spiral Galaxy NGC 300 in the Sculptor Group
astro-ph/0404037 The Hot and Cold Spots in the WMAP Data are Not Hot and Cold Enough
astro-ph/0404038 The first broad-band persistent X-ray spectrum of the dipping low mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676
astro-ph/0404039 XMM-Newton results on the ultracompact Low Mass X-ray Binary 4U~1850-087 in the Globular Cluster NGC6712
astro-ph/0404040 ISOCAM survey and dust models of 3CR radio galaxies and quasars
astro-ph/0404041 The counter-streaming instability in dwarf ellipticals with off-center nuclei
astro-ph/0404042 Observations of the Brackett decrement in the Class I source HH100 IR
astro-ph/0404043 Transient Accelerated Expansion and Double Quintessence
astro-ph/0404044 The HELLAS2XMM survey: VI. X-ray absorption in the 1dfAGN sample through a spectral analysis
astro-ph/0404045 Achronal cosmic future
astro-ph/0404046 INTEGRAL and RXTE observations of broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111
astro-ph/0404047 The density and masses of obscured Black Holes
astro-ph/0404048 The XMM-Newton/2dF survey IV. The X-ray spectral properties of the hard sources
astro-ph/0404049 New nearby stars in the Liverpool-Edinburgh high proper motion survey selected by DENIS photometry
astro-ph/0404050 The complex X-ray spectrum of NGC 4507
astro-ph/0404051 A 4 - 6 GHz Spectral Scan and 8 - 10 GHz Observations of the Dark Cloud TMC-1
astro-ph/0404052 News from Galactic Black Holes
astro-ph/0404053 The magnetism of the very quiet Sun
astro-ph/0404054 Discovery of a Dusty Ring in the Coalsack: A Dense Core Caught in the Act of Formation?
astro-ph/0404055 Neutrino oscillations and supernovae
astro-ph/0404056 Dust heating by the interstellar radiation field in models of turbulent molecular clouds
astro-ph/0404057 Kepler and the Kuiper Belt
astro-ph/0404058 The orbital period distribution of wide binary millisecond pulsars
astro-ph/0404059 An Optical Survey of the Position Error Contours of Unidentified High Energy Gamma-Ray Sources at Galactic Latitude b >|20| degrees
astro-ph/0404060 Radiative cooling, heating and thermal conduction in M87
astro-ph/0404061 Meeting the Cool Neighbors VIII: A preliminary 20-parsec census from the NLTT catalogue
astro-ph/0404062 Uncorrelated Estimates of Dark Energy Evolution
astro-ph/0404063 Tiny-Scale Molecular Structures in the Magellanic Clouds (Part 1)
astro-ph/0404064 Atomic X-Ray Spectra of Accretion Disk Atmospheres in the Kerr Metric
astro-ph/0404065 First Evidence of Circumstellar Disks around Blue Straggler Stars
astro-ph/0404066 The relation between galaxy activity and the dynamics of compact groups of galaxies
astro-ph/0404067 Superposition of blackbodies and the dipole anisotropy: A possibility to calibrate CMB experiments
astro-ph/0404068 A Comprehensive Study of Young Black Hole Populations
astro-ph/0404069 SX Phoenicis Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 5466
astro-ph/0404070 Two programs for studying stellar evolution and nuclear astrophysics
astro-ph/0404071 Observational constraints on the cosmological evolution of dual-population radio sources
astro-ph/0404072 The substellar population of the young cluster lambda Orionis
astro-ph/0404073 Large-Scale Radio Structure in the Universe: Giant Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/0404074 Some Current Theoretical Issues around Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/0404075 The Detection of Terrestrial Planets via Gravitational Microlensing: Space vs. Ground-based Surveys
astro-ph/0404076 GeV and higher energy photon interactions in gamma-ray burst fireballs and surroundings
astro-ph/0404077 R=100,000 Spectroscopy of Photodissociation Regions: H2 Rotational Lines in the Orion Bar
astro-ph/0404078 XMM-Newton observations of the sigma Ori cluster. I. The complex RGS spectrum of the hot star sigma Ori AB
astro-ph/0404079 Cooling delay for protoquark stars due to neutrino trapping
astro-ph/0404080 From Reference Frames to Relativistic Experiments: Absolute and Relative Radio Astrometry
astro-ph/0404081 Study of changes in the Solar Environment
astro-ph/0404082 Rapid Oscillations in Cataclysmic Variables. XVI. DW Cancri
astro-ph/0404083 Forecast for Epoch-of-Reionization as viewable by the PrimevAl Structure Telescope (PAST)
astro-ph/0404084 Observing the build-up of the colour-magnitude relation at redshift ~0.8
astro-ph/0404085 The angular power spectrum of NVSS radio galaxies
astro-ph/0404086 Exact solutions for the interacting tachyonic-dark matter system
astro-ph/0404087 X-ray number counts of star forming galaxies
astro-ph/0404088 FUSE search for 10^5-10^6 K gas in the rich clusters of galaxies Abell 2029 and Abell 3112
astro-ph/0404089 Stellar dynamics of blue compact galaxies: I. Decoupled star-gas kinematics in ESO 400-G43
astro-ph/0404090 The IceCube Project
astro-ph/0404091 Accretion stream mapping with genetically modified "fire-flies"
astro-ph/0404092 Ellipticity and Deviations from Orthogonality in the Polarization Modes of PSR B0329+54
astro-ph/0404093 A systematic search for massive young stars in the Galaxy - the RMS survey
astro-ph/0404094 The vertical structure of T Tauri accretion discs IV. Self-irradiation of the disc in the FU Orionis outburst phase
astro-ph/0404095 The Expansion of Space: Free Particle Motion and the Cosmological Redshift
astro-ph/0404096 The Baikal Neutrino Telescope: Results, Plans, Lessons
astro-ph/0404097 High-energy emission from the stellar wind collisions in gamma-2 Velorum
astro-ph/0404098 The distance to the LMC cluster Reticulum from the K-band Period-Luminosity-Metallicity relation of RR Lyrae stars
astro-ph/0404099 Fluid Stability Below the Neutrinospheres of Supernova Progenitors and the Dominant Role of Lepto-Entropy Fingers
astro-ph/0404099 Fluid Stability Below the Neutrinospheres of Supernova Progenitors and the Dominant Role of Lepto-Entropy Fingers
astro-ph/0404101 The effect of evaporation on the evolution of close-in giant planets
astro-ph/0404102 X-Ray Eclipse Timing in the LMXB EXO0748-676
astro-ph/0404103 BUDDA: A New Two-Dimensional Bulge/Disk Decomposition Code for Detailed Structural Analysis of Galaxies
astro-ph/0404104 The PSR J0514-4002A binary system in NGC 1851
astro-ph/0404105 Eclipsing Binary Pulsars
astro-ph/0404106 On the Formation and Evolution of Stellar Bars in Galaxies
astro-ph/0404107 On the Kinetic Energy and Radiative Efficiency of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0404108 Dynamo threshold in a turbulent medium
astro-ph/0404109 First Sources in Infrared Light: Stars, Supernovae and Miniquasars
astro-ph/0404110 Active Galactic Nuclei with Candidate Intermediate-Mass Black Holes
astro-ph/0404111 Limits on deviations from the inverse-square law on megaparsec scales
astro-ph/0404112 Statistical Probes of Reionization With 21 cm Tomography
astro-ph/0404113 Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937: Pulsed Flux Flares and Large Torque Variations
astro-ph/0404114 Rapporteur talk for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (HE 1.3, 1.4, 1.5): Messengers of the Extreme Universe
astro-ph/0404115 A new mid-infrared map of the BN/KL region using the Keck telescope
astro-ph/0404116 Search for class II methanol masers at 23.1 GHz
astro-ph/0404117 Dark matter in the framework of shell-universe
astro-ph/0404118 Trajectory and orbit of the EN200204 Laskarzew fireball
astro-ph/0404119 Estimating galaxy cluster magnetic fields by the classical and hadronic minimum energy criterion
astro-ph/0404120 Photometric and dynamic evolution of an isolated disc galaxy simulation
astro-ph/0404121 Discovery of the optical counterpart to the X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545
astro-ph/0404122 Interacting quintessence and the coincidence problem
astro-ph/0404123 Chemical abundances of the Galactic H II region NGC 3576 derived from VLT echelle spectrophotometry
astro-ph/0404124 Detection of a radio halo in the Virgo cluster
astro-ph/0404125 Optical and infrared photometry of new very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the Sigma Orionis cluster
astro-ph/0404126 Preliminary INTEGRAL Analysis of GRB040106
astro-ph/0404127 Galactic cannibalism and CDM density profiles
astro-ph/0404128 Variability in the quiescent state of neutron star transients
astro-ph/0404129 Number Counts of Bright Extremely Red Objects: Evolved Massive Galaxies at z~1
astro-ph/0404130 Connecting Quantum and Cosmic Scales by a Decreasing-Light-Speed Model
astro-ph/0404131 Observing z>7 sources with the GTC
astro-ph/0404132 Probing Turbulence in the Coma Galaxy Cluster
astro-ph/0404133 Strong Emission Line HII Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Catalog of DR1 Objects with Oxygen Abundances from Te easurements
astro-ph/0404134 Cosmic microwave background power spectrum estimation with the destriping technique
astro-ph/0404135 Collimated Escaping Vortical Polar e-e+ Jets Intrinsically Produced by Rotating Black Holes and Penrose Processes
astro-ph/0404136 Globular Cluster X-ray Sources
astro-ph/0404137 Study of Small-Scale Anisotropy of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays Observed in Stereo by HiRes
astro-ph/0404138 The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey. I. Introduction to the Survey
astro-ph/0404139 Nonthermal Radiation Processes in X-ray Jets
astro-ph/0404140 Gamma-ray burst early afterglows: reverse shock emission from an arbitrarily magnetized ejecta
astro-ph/0404141 Radio Observations of the 13hr XMM/ROSAT Deep X-ray Survey Area
astro-ph/0404142 X-ray Temperatures for the EMSS High Redshift Cluster Sample: Constraints on Cosmology and the Dark Energy Equation of State
astro-ph/0404143 The Three-point Correlation Function of Galaxies: Comparing Halo Occupation Models with Observations
astro-ph/0404144 A Model for the Optical/IR Emission from Magnetars
astro-ph/0404145 A Chandra View of The Morphological And Spectral Evolution of Supernova Remnant 1987A
astro-ph/0404146 Cosmic acceleration in brane cosmology
astro-ph/0404147 Limits on I-band microvariability of the Galactic Bulge Miras
astro-ph/0404148 A Keck/HIRES Study of Kinematics of the Cold Interstellar Medium in Dwarf Starburst Galaxies
astro-ph/0404149 Green Bank Telescope Measurement of the Systemic Velocity of the Double Pulsar Binary J0737-3039 and Implications for its Formation
astro-ph/0404150 Measuring transverse velocities in gravitationally lensed extragalactic systems using an annual parallax effect
astro-ph/0404151 Detections of the 2175 AA Dust Feature at 1.4z 1.5 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
astro-ph/0404152 General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Collapsars: Rotating Black Hole Cases
astro-ph/0404153 Global dynamics of radiatively inefficient accretion flows: advection versus convection
astro-ph/0404154 Phantom-like GCG and the constraints of its parameters via cosmological dynamics
astro-ph/0404155 The WEBT BL Lacertae Campaign 2001 and its extension
astro-ph/0404156 Phenomenological Analogies in Black Hole Systems of all Masses
astro-ph/0404157 A large area search for radio-loud quasars within the epoch of reionization
astro-ph/0404158 RR Lyrae stars in the outer region of the globular cluster M3: a shortage of long periods at r ~ 3.5 to 6 arcmin ?
astro-ph/0404159 Probing Relativistic Winds: The case of PSRJ07370-3039 A & B
astro-ph/0404160 Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Formation of Cold Fronts in Clusters of Galaxies including Heat Conduction
astro-ph/0404161 The Delta Scuti star FG Vir. V. The 2002 photometric multisite campaign
astro-ph/0404162 Long-term optical variability of the blazars PKS 2005-489 and PKS 2155-304
astro-ph/0404163 Periodic bursts of Star Formation in Irregular Galaxies
astro-ph/0404164 Thick Disks of Lenticular Galaxies
astro-ph/0404165 Direct Urca Process in a Neutron Star Mantle
astro-ph/0404166 Planetary Migration and Extrasolar Planets in the 2/1 Mean-Motion Resonance
astro-ph/0404167 Three New Binary Pulsars Discovered With Parkes
astro-ph/0404168 Modeling Galaxy-Mass Correlations in Dissipationless Simulations
astro-ph/0404169 Time-dependent secular evolution in galaxies
astro-ph/0404170 Tidal Dynamics of Relativistic Flows Near Black Holes
astro-ph/0404171 HS 0837+4717 -- a metal-deficient blue compact galaxy with large nitrogen excess
astro-ph/0404172 Starburst activity in the host galaxy of the z=2.58 quasar J1409+5628
astro-ph/0404173 Gravitational Wave and X-ray Signals from Stellar Disruption by a Massive Black Hole
astro-ph/0404174 Properties and Interpretations of Giant Micropulses and Giant Pulses from Pulsars
astro-ph/0404175 Dusty, Radiation Pressure Dominated Photoionization. I. Model Description, Structure And Grids
astro-ph/0404176 Dusty, Radiation Pressure Dominated Photoionization. II. Multi-Wavelength Emission Line Diagnostics for Narrow Line Regions
astro-ph/0404177 Modelling the Pan-Spectral Energy Distributions of Starburst & Active Galaxies
astro-ph/0404178 Dusty, Radiation Pressure Dominated Photoionization: The Solution to the Narrow Line Region Problem
astro-ph/0404179 Cepheid distances from infrared long-baseline interferometry - II. Calibration of the Period-Radius and Period-Luminosity relations
astro-ph/0404180 The angular size of dwarf stars and subgiants - Surface brightness relations calibrated by interferometry
astro-ph/0404181 New Binary and Millisecond Pulsars from Arecibo Drift-Scan Searches
astro-ph/0404182 On the ellipticity of galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0404183 Luminous Infrared Starbursts in a Cluster of Galaxies
astro-ph/0404184 The Large-Scale Environment of Groups & Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0404185 The Clustering of XMM-Newton Hard X-ray Sources
astro-ph/0404186 Application of the Voronoi Tessellation Technique for Galaxy Cluster Search in the Münster Red Sky Survey
astro-ph/0404187 Iron Line Spectroscopy of NGC4593 with XMM-Newton: Where is the Black Hole Accretion Disk?
astro-ph/0404188 Orbital Periodicities in the Hard Emission from X-ray Transient - Black Hole Candidates Between Outbursts
astro-ph/0404189 Direct Evidence for Dynamical Evolution of Luminosity Functions of Globular Cluster Systems: HST/ACS observations of the 3-Gyr-old merger remnant NGC 1316
astro-ph/0404190 Global axisymmetric stability analysis for a composite system of two gravitationally coupled scale-free discs
astro-ph/0404191 The Observation of Circumstellar Disks: Dust and Gas Components
astro-ph/0404192 The Large Magellanic Cloud: Structure and Kinematics
astro-ph/0404193 Pronounced long term flux variability of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E1048.1-5937
astro-ph/0404194 XMM-Newton probes the stellar population in Cha I South
astro-ph/0404195 An Enlarged Cosmic Shear Survey with the William Herschel Telescope
astro-ph/0404196 Constraints from Gravitational Recoil on the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift
astro-ph/0404197 Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the WR 38/WR38a Cluster
astro-ph/0404198 The Sensitivity of Infall Molecular Line Profiles to the Ambient Radiation Field
astro-ph/0404199 Multi-Color Photometry of the 2001 Superoutburst of WZ sagittae
astro-ph/0404200 Correcting the chromatic and airmass dependent extinction for TIMMI2 spectra
astro-ph/0404201 Accelerating universe from gravitational leakage into extra dimensions: confrontation with SNeIa
astro-ph/0404202 A new alternative model to dark energy
astro-ph/0404203 Direct evidence of efficient cosmic ray acceleration and magnetic field amplification in Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/0404204 Holography and Variable Cosmological Constant
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