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26 January 2025
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2025, 2004
12, 5.2004
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astro-ph/0405003 Chandra X-ray observations of Young Clusters II. Orion Flanking Fields Data
astro-ph/0405004 Discovery of a Variable Star Population in NGC 2808
astro-ph/0405005 Gamma ray bursts and the origin of galactic positrons
astro-ph/0405006 Neutrinos from pre-supernova star
astro-ph/0405007 Low-order multipole maps of CMB anisotropy derived from WMAP
astro-ph/0405008 Design and Status of IceCube
astro-ph/0405009 The Chemical Properties of Milky Way and M31 Globular Clusters: I. A Comparative Study
astro-ph/0405009 The Chemical Properties of Milky Way and M31 Globular Clusters: I. A Comparative Study
astro-ph/0405011 Radio Jets in Cooling Cores
astro-ph/0405012 Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope
astro-ph/0405013 The Lyman-alpha Forest Power Spectrum from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
astro-ph/0405014 An Interpretation of the $h u_{peak}$ - $E_{iso}$ Correlation for GRB
astro-ph/0405015 SALT and RR Lyrae variables: Our Galaxy, The Magellanic Clouds and the Local Group
astro-ph/0405016 The early evolution of Globular Clusters: the case of NGC 2808
astro-ph/0405017 High-mass microquasars and low-latitude gamma-ray sources
astro-ph/0405018 Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae towards the direction of the galactic anticenter
astro-ph/0405019 The Density of Coronal Plasma in Active Stellar Coronae
astro-ph/0405020 Observations of jet dissipation
astro-ph/0405021 Substructure Analysis of Selected Low Richness 2dFGRS Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0405022 Rotation periods for very low mass stars in the Pleiades
astro-ph/0405023 SPI Measurements of the Diffuse Galactic Hard X-ray Continuum
astro-ph/0405024 Growth of massive black holes by super-Eddington accretion
astro-ph/0405025 The ELODIE archive
astro-ph/0405026 The Chandra Deep Field-North Survey: XVII. Evolution of magnetic activity in old late-type stars
astro-ph/0405027 Full--Sphere Simulations of a Circulation--Dominated Solar Dynamo: Exploring the Parity Issue
astro-ph/0405028 The mass estimate in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
astro-ph/0405029 Fifty-Nine Reasons for a Supernova to not Explode
astro-ph/0405030 The U-band Galaxy Luminosity Function of Nearby Clusters
astro-ph/0405031 The Structure, Kinematics and Physical Properties of the Molecular Gas in the Starburst Nucleus of NGC 253
astro-ph/0405032 Two simple problems in semiclassical dense matter physics
astro-ph/0405033 First Results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search in the Soudan Underground Lab
astro-ph/0405034 A dichotomy in dust-jet orientation in radio galaxies
astro-ph/0405035 Clustering of Submillimeter-Selected Galaxies
astro-ph/0405036 Computer Simulations of Nonthermal Particles in Clusters of Galaxies: Application to the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/0405037 Millimeter and Submillimeter Survey of the R Corona Australis Region
astro-ph/0405038 Ten Years of Super Star Cluster Research
astro-ph/0405039 Muon and Tau Neutrinos Spectra from Solar Flares
astro-ph/0405040 Effects of Ellipticity and Shear on Gravitational Lens Statistics
astro-ph/0405041 Constraining Born-Infeld models of dark energy with CMB anisotropies
astro-ph/0405042 Spectroscopic source redshifts and parameter constraints from weak lensing and CMB
astro-ph/0405043 The K Band Luminosity Functions of Galaxies in High Redshift Clusters
astro-ph/0405044 Observations of Water Vapor Outflow from NML Cygnus
astro-ph/0405045 Multi-wavelength analysis of the dust emission in the Small Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0405046 Diffusion of Ultra High Energy Protons in Galaxy Clusters and Secondary X and Gamma Ray Emissions
astro-ph/0405047 Feeding AGN: new results from the NUGA survey
astro-ph/0405048 Impact of Varying Atmospheric Profiles on Extensive Air Shower Observation: - Atmospheric Density and Primary Mass Reconstruction -
astro-ph/0405049 Galactic Evolution of Nitrogen
astro-ph/0405050 Cu and Zn in the early Galaxy
astro-ph/0405051 The Kast Ground Based UV Spectral Survey of 79 QSOs at Redshift 2 for Lyman Alpha Forest and Metal Absorption
astro-ph/0405052 Astrophysical magnetic fields and nonlinear dynamo theory
astro-ph/0405053 Evolution of irradiated Circumbinary Disks
astro-ph/0405054 No Planet Around HD 219542 B
astro-ph/0405055 The K20 survey. VI. The Distribution of the Stellar Masses in Galaxies up to z~2
astro-ph/0405056 An Overdensity of Extremely Red Objects Around Faint Mid-IR galaxies
astro-ph/0405057 Cooling of neutron stars: effects of accreted envelopes, magnetic field and crustal superfluidity
astro-ph/0405058 Searching for High Redshift Clusters
astro-ph/0405059 Using the filaments in the LCRS to test the LambdaCDM model
astro-ph/0405060 Formation and Evolution of Structures in the Universe
astro-ph/0405061 Long-term optical/infrared variability in the quiescent X-ray transient V404 Cyg
astro-ph/0405062 GRB 021211 as a Faint Analogue of GRB 990123: Exploring the Similarities and Differences in their Optical Afterglows
astro-ph/0405063 Direct Determinations of the Redshift Behavior of the Pressure, Energy Density, and Equation of State of the Dark Energy and the Acceleration of the Universe
astro-ph/0405064 Mass, Age, and Space Distributions of Star Clusters
astro-ph/0405065 128Xe and 130Xe: Testing He-shell burning in AGB stars
astro-ph/0405066 Problem of neutrino handedness in weak interactions
astro-ph/0405067 Testing Strong-field Gravity with Quasi-Periodic Oscillations
astro-ph/0405068 Millisecond Pulsar Searches and Double Neutron Star Binaries
astro-ph/0405069 Large Scale Structure in the Local Universe: The 2MASS Galaxy Catalog
astro-ph/0405070 Strong lensing by cluster-sized haloes in dark-energy cosmologies
astro-ph/0405071 Quasars as Absorption Probes of the J0053+1234 Region
astro-ph/0405072 Magnetic extraction of energy from accretion disc around a rotating black hole
astro-ph/0405073 A Toy Model for Magnetic Extraction of Energy from Black Hole Accretion Disc
astro-ph/0405074 Time delay of photons of different energies in multi-dimensional cosmological models
astro-ph/0405075 ISOCAM observations of the L1551 star formation region
astro-ph/0405076 Galaxies in Present-day Clusters: Evolutionary Constraints from Their Distributions and Kinematics
astro-ph/0405077 X-ray Detections of Two Young Bona-Fide Brown Dwarfs
astro-ph/0405078 A Detailed View of the Fundamental Plane of Early-Type Galaxies in Clusters at z~0.2
astro-ph/0405079 Evolutionary Status of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Poor Clusters
astro-ph/0405080 The cosmic evolution of low-luminosity radio sources from the SDSS DR1
astro-ph/0405081 Internal kinematics of spiral galaxies in distant rich galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0405082 Detection of a companion to the pulsating sdB Feige 48
astro-ph/0405083 Another origin of cosmological redshifts
astro-ph/0405084 Five-Dimensional Cosmological Scaling Solution
astro-ph/0405085 W49A North - Global or Local or No Collapse?
astro-ph/0405086 On the determination of oxygen abundances in chromospherically active stars
astro-ph/0405087 New Grids of ATLAS9 Model Atmospheres
astro-ph/0405088 Determination of the Night Sky Background around the Crab pulsar using its optical pulsation
astro-ph/0405089 Crust cooling curves of accretion-heated neutron stars
astro-ph/0405090 The role of the time step and overshooting in the modelling of PMS evolution: the case of EK Cephei
astro-ph/0405091 Dying Radio Galaxies In Clusters
astro-ph/0405092 XMM-Newton study of A3562 and its immediate Shapley environs
astro-ph/0405093 Obscured star formation in the central region of the dwarf galaxy NGC5253
astro-ph/0405094 The Origin and Properties of Intracluster Stars in a Rich Cluster
astro-ph/0405095 Black Hole Growth & the M_BH--Bulge Relations
astro-ph/0405096 Dark Energy with w>-4/3
astro-ph/0405097 Morphology and Evolution in Galaxy Clusters I: Simulated Clusters in the Adiabatic limit and with Radiative Cooling
astro-ph/0405098 The profiles of the 3 to 12 $mu$m PAH features
astro-ph/0405099 Shapes and Positions of Black Hole Shadows in Accretion Disks and Spin Parameters of Black Holes
astro-ph/0405099 Shapes and Positions of Black Hole Shadows in Accretion Disks and Spin Parameters of Black Holes
astro-ph/0405101 Calibrated stellar models for metal-poor population
astro-ph/0405102 Properties of Spiral and Elliptical Galaxy Progenitors at z > 1
astro-ph/0405103 Spatial and velocity coincidence of 4765- and 1720-MHz OH masers in two star-forming regions Cep A and W75N
astro-ph/0405104 Broad band X-ray spectra of short bursts from SGR 1900+14
astro-ph/0405105 An embedded circumnuclear disk in Mrk 273
astro-ph/0405106 Identifying a black hole X-ray transient in M31 with XMM-Newton and Chandra
astro-ph/0405107 The nuclear ring in the unbarred galaxy NGC 278: result of a minor merger?
astro-ph/0405108 The equilibrium state of the dense electron-nuclear plasma in the self-gravitational field. The stellar mass distribution and stellar magnetic fields
astro-ph/0405109 Neutrinos from extragalactic cosmic ray interactions in the far infrared background
astro-ph/0405110 Multiwavelength Observation of WIMP Annihilation
astro-ph/0405111 First determination of the dynamical mass of a binary L dwarf
astro-ph/0405112 The gas content of peculiar galaxies: strongly interacting systems
astro-ph/0405113 Black Hole Induced Ejections
astro-ph/0405114 Second Epoch Global VLBI Observations of Compact Radio Sources in the M82 Starburst Galaxy
astro-ph/0405115 The Hubble constant from gravitational lens CLASS B0218+357 using the Advanced Camera for Surveys
astro-ph/0405116 XMM-Newton observations of three high redshift radio galaxies
astro-ph/0405117 Simulating star formation in molecular cores II. The effects of different levels of turbulence
astro-ph/0405118 Cosmological parameter estimation with large scale structure and supernovae data
astro-ph/0405119 An intense soft-excess and evidence for light bending in the luminous narrow-line quasar PHL 1092
astro-ph/0405120 Phaseless VLBI mapping of compact extragalactic radio sources
astro-ph/0405121 The Sample of Gamma-ray Bursts Observed With SPI-ACS
astro-ph/0405122 Confronting the Superbubble Model with X-ray Observations of 30 Dor C
astro-ph/0405123 Compton Echoes from Gamma-Ray Bursts: Unveiling Misaligned Jets in Nearby Type Ib/c Supernovae
astro-ph/0405124 The Mass of the MACHO-LMC-5 Lens Star
astro-ph/0405125 Extragalactic Ultracompact HII Regions: Probing the Birth Environments of Super Star Clusters
astro-ph/0405126 Implications of Quasar Black Hole Masses at High Redshifts
astro-ph/0405127 Altair: The Brightest Delta Scuti Star
astro-ph/0405128 Probing the Evolution of the Galaxy Interaction/Merger Rate Using Collisional Ring Galaxies
astro-ph/0405129 Rotation of Early B-type Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud - The role of evolution and metallicity
astro-ph/0405130 It’s EZ to Evolve ZAMS Stars: A Program Derived from Eggleton’s Stellar Evolution Code
astro-ph/0405131 Radio pulsars as progenitors of AXPs and SGRs: magnetic field evolution through pulsar glitches
astro-ph/0405132 Seismology of the Accreting White Dwarf in GW Lib
astro-ph/0405133 A Comprehensive Catalogue of Variable Stars in the field of 47 Tucanae
astro-ph/0405134 The XMM-Newton/2dF survey - V. the radio properties of the X-ray population
astro-ph/0405135 The INTEGRAL view of the Soft Gamma-ray Repeater SGR 1806-20
astro-ph/0405136 Linking Gas Fractions to Bimodalities in Galaxy Properties
astro-ph/0405137 Globular Clusters and Horizontal Branch
astro-ph/0405138 A Survey of z>5.7 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III: Discovery of Five Additional Quasars
astro-ph/0405139 Temperature and Entropy Fields of Baryonic Gas in the Universe
astro-ph/0405140 VERA Observation of the W49N H2O Maser Outburst in 2003 October
astro-ph/0405141 Quenched millimetre emission from Cygnus X-1 in a soft X-ray state
astro-ph/0405142 Bending instability in galaxies: the stellar disk thickness and the mass of spheroidal component
astro-ph/0405143 Gravitational lensing magnification without multiple imaging
astro-ph/0405144 How are AGN Found?
astro-ph/0405145 An investigation of the absolute circular polarization in radio pulsars
astro-ph/0405146 A multi-wavelength search for a counterpart of the unidentified gamma-ray source 3EG J2020+4017 (2CG078+2)
astro-ph/0405147 Gravitational lensing in a concordance LCDM universe: The importance of secondary matter along the line of sight
astro-ph/0405148 Are the sungrazing comets the inner source of pickup ions and energetic neutral atoms?
astro-ph/0405149 Acoustic causality in relativistic shells
astro-ph/0405150 Deep Dredge-up in Intermediate-Mass TP-AGB Stars
astro-ph/0405151 Supernova light curve models for the bump in the Optical Counterpart of X-Ray Flash 030723
astro-ph/0405152 Log-parabolic spectra and particle acceleration in blazars - II: The BeppoSAX wide band X-ray spectra of Mkn 501
astro-ph/0405153 A Chandra Observation of a TW Hydrae Association Brown Dwarf
astro-ph/0405154 Center-to-Limb Variation of Solar Line Profiles as a Test of NLTE Line Formation Calculations
astro-ph/0405155 The local surface density of disc matter mapped by Hipparcos
astro-ph/0405156 The very bright SCUBA galaxy count: looking for SCUBA galaxies with the Mexican Hat Wavelet
astro-ph/0405157 Gravity of Cosmic Fluctuations in CMB and Matter Power
astro-ph/0405158 Partial Covering Interpretation of the X-Ray Spectrum of the NLS1 1H 0707-495
astro-ph/0405159 Long-term spectral changes in the partial-covering candidate NLS1 1H 0707-495
astro-ph/0405160 X-ray reflection in the NLS1 1H 0707-495
astro-ph/0405161 A population of extreme mid-to-near-infrared sources: obscured AGN and dusty starbursts
astro-ph/0405162 Type Ia Supernovae: An Asymmetric Deflagration Model
astro-ph/0405163 Type Ia Supernova Explosion: Gravitationally Confined Detonation
astro-ph/0405164 Dynamical Friction of Galactic Center Star Clusters with an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole
astro-ph/0405165 A Mushroom-shaped Structure from the Impact of a Cloud with the Galactic Disk
astro-ph/0405166 Vela X at 31 GHz
astro-ph/0405167 The Solar Galactic Environment
astro-ph/0405168 Black hole masses in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
astro-ph/0405169 Bipolar outflow on the Asymptotic Giant Branch - the case of IRC+10011
astro-ph/0405170 Theory of disk accretion onto supermassive black holes
astro-ph/0405171 Starburst-AGN Connection: A Lesson from High-z Powerful Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/0405172 Reflection Component in the Hard X-Ray Emission from the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 1210
astro-ph/0405173 Structure and kinematics of edge-on galaxy discs -- II. Observations of the neutral hydrogen
astro-ph/0405174 Structure and kinematics of edge-on galaxy discs -- III. The rotation curves in the gas
astro-ph/0405175 Solar Cycle Variations of p-Mode Frequencies
astro-ph/0405176 A photometric study of faint galaxies in the field of GRB000926
astro-ph/0405177 Submillimetre Observations of z>6 Quasars
astro-ph/0405178 Millisecond Pulsars as Tools of Fundamental Physics
astro-ph/0405179 The double pulsar -- A new testbed for relativistic gravity
astro-ph/0405180 Revealing the X-ray emission processes of old rotation-powered pulsars: XMM-Newton Observations of PSR B0950+08,PSR B0823+26 and PSR J2043+2740
astro-ph/0405181 Primordial magnetic field and non-Gaussianity of the 1-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data
astro-ph/0405182 Evidence for a Neutron Star in the non-pulsating massive X-ray binary 4U2206+54
astro-ph/0405183 The Design of Radio Telescope Array Configurations using Multiobjective Optimization: Imaging Performance versus Cable Length
astro-ph/0405184 Cosmological Magnetic Fields vs. CMB
astro-ph/0405185 Non-linear inflationary perturbations
astro-ph/0405186 Near Infrared Intraday Variability of Mrk 421
astro-ph/0405187 Evidence for Solar Metallicities in Massive Star-forming Galaxies at z>~2
astro-ph/0405188 The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey III. Chandra and HST Observations of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries and Globular Clusters in M87
astro-ph/0405189 The Effect of Gas Cooling on the Shapes of Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/0405190 High Resolution Mid-Infrared Observations of Low-Luminosity AGN with the Keck Telescope and LWS
astro-ph/0405191 Profile variability of the H-alpha and H-beta broad emission lines in NGC5548
astro-ph/0405192 Al(26) Studies with INTEGRAL’s Spectrometer SPI
astro-ph/0405193 A large stellar evolution database for population synthesis studies. I. Scaled solar models and isochrones
astro-ph/0405194 The Highly Relativistic Binary Pulsar PSR J0737-3039A: Discovery and Implications
astro-ph/0405195 PAHs in Circumstellar Disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars
astro-ph/0405196 The Minimal Cooling of Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0405197 Kinematic and structural analysis of the Minispiral in the Galactic Center from BEAR spectro-imagery
astro-ph/0405198 The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood: Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of 14,000 F and G dwarfs
astro-ph/0405199 Discovery of Optical Bursts from MS1603.6+2600 = UW CrB
astro-ph/0405200 Sources for Gravitational Fields and Cosmology
astro-ph/0405201 A bound on galactic mass loss rates obtaind from globular cluster dynamics
astro-ph/0405202 High Speed Photometry of SDSS J013701.06-091234.9
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