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26 January 2025
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2025, 2004
12, 7.2004
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astro-ph/0407005 Galactic Center Extinction: Evidence for Metallic Needles in the General Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/0407006 The Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey: The Large Magellanic Cloud Stellar Catalog and Extinction Map
astro-ph/0407007 Spatially Resolved Ultraviolet Spectra of the High-Velocity Nuclear Outflow of NGC 1068
astro-ph/0407008 Modelling the Pan-Spectral Energy Distribution of Starburst Galaxies: I. The role of ISM pressure & the Molecular Cloud Dissipation Timescale
astro-ph/0407009 A Cluster of 1.3 cm Continuum Sources in OMC1 South
astro-ph/0407009 A Cluster of 1.3 cm Continuum Sources in OMC1 South
astro-ph/0407011 Limits on a Dynamically Varying Fine Structure Constant
astro-ph/0407012 A Possible Origin of Bimodal Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0407013 Quantum cosmological effects from the high redshift supernova observations
astro-ph/0407014 Oxygen and nitrogen abundances in nearby galaxies. Correlations between oxygen abundance and macroscopic properties
astro-ph/0407015 Empirical modeling of the stellar spectrum of galaxies
astro-ph/0407016 gamma-ray emission from microquasars: a numerical model for LSI+61 303
astro-ph/0407017 Studies of orbital parameters and pulse profile of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294
astro-ph/0407018 Discovery of a new INTEGRAL source: IGR J19140+0951
astro-ph/0407019 DENIS detections of highly obscured galaxies in the area around PKS1343-601
astro-ph/0407020 Principal Component Analysis of RR Lyrae light curves
astro-ph/0407021 Evolution at z>0.5 of the X-ray properties of simulated galaxy clusters: comparison with the observational constraints
astro-ph/0407022 New light on Dark Cosmos
astro-ph/0407023 Revisiting the Magnification of Type Ia Supernovae with SDSS
astro-ph/0407024 Connecting Cosmology and Colliders
astro-ph/0407025 The X-ray Outburst of H1743-322: High-Frequency QPOs with a 3:2 Frequency Ratio
astro-ph/0407026 Chandra Observations and Models of the Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnant W44: Global Trends
astro-ph/0407027 Bayesian Power Spectrum Analysis of the First-Year WMAP data
astro-ph/0407028 Power spectrum estimation from high-resolution maps by Gibbs sampling
astro-ph/0407029 Physical Structure of Planetary Nebulae. II. NGC 7662
astro-ph/0407030 Mz 3, a Multipolar Nebula in the Making
astro-ph/0407031 High Resolution Imaging of the HeII lambda 4686 Emission Line Nebula Associated with the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source in Holmberg II
astro-ph/0407032 Weighting the Clusters of Galaxies with Weak Gravitational Lensing: The problem of the mass-sheet degeneracy
astro-ph/0407033 The Low- and Intermediate-Mass Stellar Population in the Small Magellanic Cloud: The Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0407034 Volume Filling Factors of the ISM Phases in Star Forming Galaxies - I. The Role of the Disk-Halo Interaction
astro-ph/0407035 The Disk Wind in the Young Binaries and the Origin of the Cyclic Activity of Young Stars
astro-ph/0407036 A Possible Brown Dwarf Companion to the White Dwarf GD1400
astro-ph/0407037 The Thermal Regulation of Gravitational Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks II. Extended Simulations with Varied Cooling Rates
astro-ph/0407038 The VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey II. Data Calibration and Imaging
astro-ph/0407039 The Effect of Rotational Gravity Darkening on Magnetically Torqued Be Star Disks
astro-ph/0407040 Continuous Limit of Multiple Lens Effect and the Optical Scalar Equation
astro-ph/0407041 The VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey: III. Imaging Results for the First 102 Sources
astro-ph/0407042 On the Nature of Feedback Heating in Cooling Flow Clusters
astro-ph/0407043 Stellar complexes in M33
astro-ph/0407044 Muon Track Reconstruction and Data Selection Techniques in AMANDA
astro-ph/0407045 Resolving the large scale spectral variability of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577: Evidence for a new emission component and absorption by cold dense matter
astro-ph/0407046 Analysis of RGU Photometry in Selected Area 51
astro-ph/0407047 Late Universe expansion dominated by domain walls and dissipative dark matter
astro-ph/0407048 Future Universe With w < -1 Without Big Smash
astro-ph/0407049 Nuclear Activity and the Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/0407050 The Cygnus X region - a multiwavelength view
astro-ph/0407051 Supernova 1993J: a veiled pulsar in a binary system?
astro-ph/0407052 On the destruction of star-forming clouds
astro-ph/0407053 Blind component separation in wavelet space. Application to CMB analysis
astro-ph/0407054 Far-Ultraviolet Surveys of Globular Clusters: Hunting for the Products of Stellar Collisions and Near Misses
astro-ph/0407055 Image reconstruction technique and optical monitoring of the QSO2237+0305 from Maidanak Observatory in 2002 -- 2003
astro-ph/0407056 Scaling Laws in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
astro-ph/0407057 The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Small Amplitude Variable Red Giants in the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/0407058 Cosmological simulations of the intracluster medium
astro-ph/0407059 Single field consistency relation for the 3-point function
astro-ph/0407060 Helioseismological Implications of Recent Solar Abundance Determinations
astro-ph/0407061 Distributions of Galaxy Spectral Types in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
astro-ph/0407062 Hot Radiative Accretion onto a Spinning Neutron Star
astro-ph/0407063 Constraining the Structure of GRB Jets Through the log(N)-log(S) Distribution
astro-ph/0407064 TeV neutrinos from core collapse supernovae and hypernovae
astro-ph/0407065 Abundances of metal-rich H II regions in M51
astro-ph/0407066 UV star-formation rates of GRB host galaxies
astro-ph/0407067 Beyond the iron group: heavy metals in hot subdwarfs
astro-ph/0407068 Fuelling starbursts and AGN
astro-ph/0407069 The VSOP 5-GHz AGN Survey: IV. The Angular Size/Brightness Temperature Distribution
astro-ph/0407070 Long term variability of Cygnus X-1, III. Radio-X-ray correlations
astro-ph/0407071 Cataclysmic Variables from SDSS III. The Third Year
astro-ph/0407072 Theory of Parabolic Arcs in Interstellar Scintillation Spectra
astro-ph/0407073 Bihelical Magnetic Relaxation and Large Scale Magnetic Field Growth
astro-ph/0407074 Astrophysical Quark Matter
astro-ph/0407075 On the alignment of classical T Tauri stars with the magnetic field in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud
astro-ph/0407076 Spectral Properties of Low Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/0407077 Nuclear star formation in the quasar PG1126-041 from adaptive optics assisted spectroscopy
astro-ph/0407078 The Phoenix Deep Survey: the radio properties of the hard X-ray selected sample
astro-ph/0407079 Near-IR speckle imaging of massive young stellar objects
astro-ph/0407080 XMM-Newton EPIC Observation of the Galaxy Cluster A3667
astro-ph/0407081 Multipole invariants and non-Gaussianity
astro-ph/0407082 Gamma-Ray Burst Detection with INTEGRAL/SPI
astro-ph/0407083 Superbursts at near-Eddington mass accretion rates
astro-ph/0407084 High energy photon emission in the early afterglow of GRB’s
astro-ph/0407085 A BeppoSAX-WFC viewpoint of new INTEGRAL sources, particularly IGR J17544-2619
astro-ph/0407086 Quarks, Electrons, and Atoms in Closely Related Universes
astro-ph/0407087 New BeppoSAX-WFC results on superbursts
astro-ph/0407088 Initial Scientific Results from Phase-Referenced Astrometry of Sub-Arcsecond Binaries
astro-ph/0407089 Detecting Sunyaev-Zel’dovich clusters with PLANCK: I. Construction of all-sky thermal and kinetic SZ-maps
astro-ph/0407090 Detecting Sunyaev-Zel’dovich clusters with PLANCK: II. Foreground components and optimised filtering schemes
astro-ph/0407091 Distinguishing Bare Quark Stars from Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0407092 Magnetically Driven Accretion in the Kerr Metric III: Unbound Outflows
astro-ph/0407093 The Timescale and Mode of Star Formation in Clusters
astro-ph/0407094 Constraints on the dark energy equation of state from recent supernova data
astro-ph/0407095 How Do Galaxies Get Their Gas?
astro-ph/0407096 Submillimetre Constraints on Hyper-Extremely Red Objects in the Subaru Deep Field
astro-ph/0407097 Redshifts and Distribution of ACO Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0407098 The Cluster M/L and the Value of Omega_m
astro-ph/0407099 Dust emission model of Lyman-break galaxies
astro-ph/0407099 Dust emission model of Lyman-break galaxies
astro-ph/0407101 Compilation and R-matrix analysis of Big Bang nuclear reaction rates
astro-ph/0407102 The Dense Molecular Cores in the IRAS 21391+5802 region
astro-ph/0407103 First Results from THINGS: The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey
astro-ph/0407104 Stability of SN Ia progenitors against radial oscillations
astro-ph/0407105 The hot core-ultracompact HII connection in G10.47+0.03
astro-ph/0407106 The Origin of the IMF from Core Mass Functions
astro-ph/0407107 Can dark energy evolve to the Phantom?
astro-ph/0407108 Separation of correlated astrophysical sources using multiple-lag data covariance matrices
astro-ph/0407109 Light pollution at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
astro-ph/0407110 Ellipticals at z=0 from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations: Clues on Age Effects in their Stellar Populations
astro-ph/0407111 Dark matter distribution function from non-extensive statistical mechanics
astro-ph/0407112 Branching ratio of Type Ib/c supernovae into GRB-supernovae
astro-ph/0407113 On the class of Oe stars
astro-ph/0407114 Gamma-ray Polarimetry with Compton Telescope
astro-ph/0407115 Origin of the Soft Excess in X-ray Pulsars
astro-ph/0407116 HI Observations of the Local Group Dwarf WLM
astro-ph/0407117 Impact of Reionization on the Stellar Populations of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies
astro-ph/0407118 The Crab Nebula and Pulsar between 500 GeV and 80 TeV: Observations with the HEGRA stereoscopic air Cherenkov telescopes
astro-ph/0407119 The Crab nebula: Linking MeV synchrotron and 50 TeV inverse Compton photons
astro-ph/0407120 Variability in the stellar initial mass function at high mass: coalescence models for starburst clusters
astro-ph/0407121 Chandra Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Study and Multi-Wavelength Imaging of the Supernova Remnant 3C 397 (G41.1-0.3)
astro-ph/0407122 On the vorticity of the Universe
astro-ph/0407123 A possible feature of thermal matter in relativistic jets of radio-loud quasars
astro-ph/0407124 The Additional Line Component within the Iron Kalpha Profile in MCG-6-30-15: Evidence for Blob Ejection?
astro-ph/0407125 Slim Disks with Transition Regions and Applications to Microquasars and Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
astro-ph/0407126 Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed with the Spectrometer SPI Onboard INTEGRAL
astro-ph/0407127 The broad-band properties of the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Sources
astro-ph/0407128 Clean optical spectrum of the radio jet of 3C 120
astro-ph/0407129 Search for 44Ti gamma-ray line emission from GRO J0852-4642 with INTEGRAL/SPI
astro-ph/0407130 First results from the ATCA 18 GHz pilot survey
astro-ph/0407131 Old Galaxies in the Young Universe
astro-ph/0407132 Neutrino signatures of supernova shock and reverse shock propagation
astro-ph/0407133 Spectroscopy of PNe in Sextans A, Sextans B, NGC 3109 and Fornax
astro-ph/0407134 Lens modelling and H_0 estimate in quadruply lensed systems
astro-ph/0407135 The Solution of the Milne Problem for Magnetized Atmosphere
astro-ph/0407136 Self-Consistent Theory of Halo Mergers
astro-ph/0407137 Measurements of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) with Glast
astro-ph/0407138 A search for outstanding sources of PeV cosmic rays: Cassiopeia A, the Crab Nebula, the Monogem Ring--But how about M33 and the Virgo cluster?
astro-ph/0407139 Near-IR observations of UCHII regions
astro-ph/0407140 High energy emission from starburst galaxies
astro-ph/0407141 Discovery of multiple shells around V838 Monocerotis
astro-ph/0407142 Atmospheric Phase Correction Using Total Power Radiometry at the Submillimeter Array
astro-ph/0407143 Signatures of Galactic Superwinds: Inhomogeneous Metal Enrichment of the Lyman Alpha Forest
astro-ph/0407144 The GLAST Burst Monitor
astro-ph/0407145 SN Ib 1990I: Clumping and Dust in the Ejecta?
astro-ph/0407146 The First HET Planet: A Companion to HD 37605
astro-ph/0407147 The GRB980425-SN1998bw Association in the EMBH Model
astro-ph/0407148 CLOVER - A new instrument for measuring the B-mode polarization of the CMB
astro-ph/0407149 Relativistic Binary Pulsar B1913+16: Thirty Years of Observations and Analysis
astro-ph/0407150 Reanalysis of the spectrum of the z=10 galaxy
astro-ph/0407151 In-flight performance and calibration of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the Spitzer Space Telescope
astro-ph/0407152 Bar Parameters From Halpha Observations: Tremaine-Weinberg method with Halpha velocity fields
astro-ph/0407153 Detection of Formaldehyde Towards the Extreme Carbon Star IRC+10216
astro-ph/0407154 Complex molecules in the hot core of the low mass protostar NGC1333-IRAS4A
astro-ph/0407155 Strange Quark Matter and Compact Stars
astro-ph/0407156 Assessing the galaxy population out to z ~ 2 using the Hubble Deep Field South
astro-ph/0407157 The Unusual Tidal Dwarf Candidate in the Merger System NGC 3227/6: Star Formation in a Tidal Shock?
astro-ph/0407158 Dark Energy Probes in Light of the CMB
astro-ph/0407159 Early Star Formation and Chemical Evolution in Proto-Galactic Clouds
astro-ph/0407160 Hot Disk Corona and Magnetic Turbulence in Radio-Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei: Observational Constraints
astro-ph/0407161 H2O megamasers: Accretion disks, jet interaction, outflows or massive star formation?
astro-ph/0407162 Undetected Sources Allow Transmission of the Lyman-alpha Line From Galaxies Prior to Reionization
astro-ph/0407163 Multi-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac object S4 0954+658
astro-ph/0407164 Trails of Solar System Minor Bodies on WFC/ACS Images
astro-ph/0407165 Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Some General Features, and Recent Developments Concerning Air Shower Computations
astro-ph/0407166 Prompt and afterglow X-ray emission from the X-Ray Flash of 2002 April 27
astro-ph/0407167 A Radio and Mid-Infrared Survey of Northern Bright-Rimmed Clouds
astro-ph/0407168 The distances to Galactic low-mass X-ray binaries: consequences for black hole luminosities and kicks
astro-ph/0407169 Submillimeter Observations of Titan: Global Measures of Stratospheric Temperature, CO, HCN, HC3N, and the Isotopic Ratios 12C/13C and 14N/15N
astro-ph/0407170 On the evolution of star forming galaxies
astro-ph/0407171 The evolutionary sequence of active galactic nuclei and galaxy formation revealed
astro-ph/0407172 The Galactic 26Al Problem and The Close Binary SNIb/c Solution?
astro-ph/0407173 Angular diameters, fluxes and extinction of compact planetary nebulae: further evidence for steeper extinction towards the Bulge
astro-ph/0407174 "Mariage des Maillages": A new numerical approach for 3D relativistic core collapse simulations
astro-ph/0407175 The generalized Roche model
astro-ph/0407176 Surprising Sun
astro-ph/0407177 Optical and near infrared observations of SN 1998bu
astro-ph/0407178 High-Resolution, Wide-Field Imaging of the Galactic Center Region at 330 MHz
astro-ph/0407179 Interpreting the High Frequency QPO Power Spectra of Accreting Black Holes
astro-ph/0407180 Young Crab-like pulsars and luminous X-ray sources in starbursts and optically dull galaxies
astro-ph/0407181 Super-Eddington accretion rates in Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies
astro-ph/0407182 Implications of the Measured Image Size for the Radio Afterglow of GRB 030329
astro-ph/0407183 The Ionizing Source of the Nucleus of NGC1097
astro-ph/0407184 Neutrino Oscillations at Supernova Core Bounce Generate the Strongest Gravitational-Wave Bursts
astro-ph/0407185 Cosmological simulations of the high-redshift radio universe
astro-ph/0407186 Identification and Characterization of Faint Emission Lines in the Spectrum of the Planetary Nebula IC 418
astro-ph/0407187 Does regenerated emission change the high-energy signal from gamma-ray burst afterglows?
astro-ph/0407188 Metallicity in the Galactic Center: The Arches cluster
astro-ph/0407189 Census of the Galactic Centre early-type stars using spectro-imagery
astro-ph/0407190 Dark energy cosmology with generalized linear equation of state
astro-ph/0407191 Spectroscopy of Planetary Nebulae in Sextans A and Sextans B
astro-ph/0407192 Spectroscopic surveys:a different approach to data reduction
astro-ph/0407193 Star Formation Histories in the Local Group
astro-ph/0407194 Response to "Reanalysis of the spectrum of the z=10 galaxy ISAAC/VLT observations of a lensed galaxy at z=10.0" by Weatherley et al. (astro-ph/0407150)
astro-ph/0407195 The slowly expanding envelope of CRL618 probed with HC3N rotational ladders
astro-ph/0407196 Interacting Quintessence, Cosmic Acceleration and the Coincidence Problem
astro-ph/0407197 Probes of Jet-Disk-Coupling in AGN from Combined VLBI and X-Ray Observations
astro-ph/0407198 Testing cosmological models and understanding cosmological parameter determinations with metaparameters
astro-ph/0407199 A charge transfer inefficiency correction model for the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer
astro-ph/0407200 MOCASSIN: 3D photoionisation and dust radiative transfer modelling of PNe
astro-ph/0407201 Eyes Wide Open - Optimising Cosmological Surveys in a Crowded Market
astro-ph/0407202 The Missing Luminous Blue Variables and the Bistability Jump
astro-ph/0407203 A Composite Extreme Ultraviolet QSO Spectrum from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
astro-ph/0407204 Complementary constraints from FR IIb radio galaxies and X-ray gas mass fractions in clusters on non-standard cosmological models
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