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26 January 2025
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2025, 2004
12, 9.2004
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astro-ph/0409005 Signatures of Incomplete Paschen-Back Splitting in the Polarization Profiles of the He I 10830 multiplet
astro-ph/0409006 The Fundamental Plane Evolution of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies
astro-ph/0409007 Full-sky correlation functions for CMB experiments with asymmetric window functions
astro-ph/0409008 Magnetospheres and Disk Accretion in Herbig Ae/Be Stars
astro-ph/0409009 QSO-Galaxy Association and Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/0409009 QSO-Galaxy Association and Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/0409011 Confirmation of the effectiveness of sub-mm source redshift estimation based on rest-frame radio to FIR photometry
astro-ph/0409012 The Serendipitous Extragalactic X-Ray Source Identification (SEXSI) Program: II. Optical Imaging
astro-ph/0409013 Young core collapse supernova remnants and their supernovae
astro-ph/0409014 An optical absorption study of the Helix Planetary Nebula: NaI and CaII lines, and a search for diffuse bands
astro-ph/0409015 The variable cyclotron line in GX 301-2
astro-ph/0409016 On the mass of the gravitational lenses in LMC
astro-ph/0409017 Pumping of a Planetesimal Disc by a Rapidly Migrating Planet
astro-ph/0409018 The First Cosmic Structures and their Effects
astro-ph/0409019 Equilibrium properties of self-interacting neutrinos in the quasi-particle approach
astro-ph/0409020 Fundamental Physics with the SKA:Strong-Field Tests of Gravity Using Pulsars and Black Holes
astro-ph/0409021 e-VLBI... a Wide-field Imaging Instrument with milliarcsecond Resolution & microJy Sensitivity
astro-ph/0409022 Gamma rays precursors and afterglows surrounding UHECR events: Z-burst model is still alive
astro-ph/0409023 Surface Brightness and Stellar Populations at the Outer Edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud: No Stellar Halo Yet
astro-ph/0409024 Y2 Isochrones with an Improved Core Overshoot
astro-ph/0409025 Distances of Quasars and Quasar-Like Galaxies: Further Evidence that QSOs may be Ejected from Active Galaxies
astro-ph/0409026 Rapid Oscillations in Cataclysmic Variables, and a Comparison with X-Ray Binaries
astro-ph/0409027 WMAP Microwave Emission Interpreted as Dark Matter Annihilation in the Inner Galaxy
astro-ph/0409028 Noise in strong lensing cosmography
astro-ph/0409029 Constraints on the role of synchrotron X-rays from jets of accreting black holes
astro-ph/0409030 Constraints on Dark Energy Models from Galaxy Clusters with Multiple Arcs
astro-ph/0409031 Structure and star formation in disk galaxies III. Nuclear and circumnuclear H alpha emission
astro-ph/0409032 Superburst Ignition and Implications for Neutron Star Interiors
astro-ph/0409033 On the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
astro-ph/0409034 High energy neutrinos from radio-quiet AGNs
astro-ph/0409035 Rotating Core Collapse and Bipolar Supernova Explosions
astro-ph/0409036 Optical and Infrared Photometry of the Type Ia Supernovae 1991T, 1991bg, 1999ek, 2001bt, 2001cn, 2001cz, and 2002bo
astro-ph/0409037 Mass Segregation and Tidal Tails of the Globular Cluster NGC 7492
astro-ph/0409038 Dark energy and CMB bispectrum
astro-ph/0409039 Radio Detection of Cosmic Ray Extensive Air Showers: present status of the CODALEMA experiment
astro-ph/0409040 Systematic study of (g,n) reaction rates for Z>=78 isotopes
astro-ph/0409041 A new photometric technique for the joint selection of star-forming and passive galaxies at 1.4
astro-ph/0409042 Cosmological Phase Transitions
astro-ph/0409043 Search for Low-Mass Exoplanets by Gravitational Microlensing at High Magnification
astro-ph/0409044 Anti-Hierarchical Growth of Supermassive Black Holes and QSO lifetimes
astro-ph/0409045 An Expanded RXTE Survey of X-ray Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
astro-ph/0409046 Radial velocities and membership of stars in the old, distant open cluster Berkeley 29
astro-ph/0409047 Pulsar Slot Gaps and Unidentified EGRET Sources
astro-ph/0409048 Are the WMAP angular magnification measurements consistent with an inhomogeneous critical density Universe?
astro-ph/0409049 Why the astrophysical Black Hole Candidates may not be black holes at all
astro-ph/0409050 The tidally disturbed luminous compact blue galaxy Mkn 1087 and its surroundings
astro-ph/0409051 Excitation of Disk Oscillations by Warps: A Model of kHz QPOs
astro-ph/0409052 Reconstructing the Primordial Spectrum with CMB Temperature and Polarization
astro-ph/0409053 The Interplanetary Network Supplement to the BATSE Catalogs of Untriggered Cosmic Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0409054 A Search for Dense Molecular Gas in High Redshift Infrared-Luminous Galaxies
astro-ph/0409055 Particle Energies and Filling Fractions of Radio Bubbles in Cluster Cores
astro-ph/0409056 Orbital Phase Spectroscopy of GX 301--2 with RXTE-PCA
astro-ph/0409057 The Molecular and Dust Envelope of HD 56126
astro-ph/0409058 Clusters of galaxies in the microwave band: influence of the motion of the Solar System
astro-ph/0409059 Evolving dark energy equation of state and CMB/LSS cross-correlation
astro-ph/0409060 The Unique Eclipsing System KH 15D: New Photometric Data
astro-ph/0409061 HST observations of nuclear stellar disks
astro-ph/0409062 Black-hole ejecta by frame-dragging along the axis of rotation
astro-ph/0409063 Sunyaev Zel’dovich polarization simulation
astro-ph/0409064 Quasars as bubbles of dark matter: evidence for axion and tachyon matter in the Universe
astro-ph/0409065 HI and Galaxy Formation in Loose Groups
astro-ph/0409066 A photometrically and kinematically distinct core in the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy
astro-ph/0409067 Gravitational Collapse and Equilibrium Conditions of a Toroidal Vortex with Thermal Pressure
astro-ph/0409068 Self-Regulated AGN Heating in Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/0409069 Astrophysical Lasers Operating in optical Fe II Lines Lines in Stellar Ejecta of Eta Carinae
astro-ph/0409070 Hydrodynamical simulations of the jet in the symbiotic star MWC 560 I. Structure, emission and synthetic absorption line profiles
astro-ph/0409071 Testing for double inflation with WMAP
astro-ph/0409072 Dynamical state and star formation properties of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 3921
astro-ph/0409073 Dynamics of the Universe with global rotation
astro-ph/0409074 Spectroscopic Properties of Void Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
astro-ph/0409075 The impact of thermal gas in AGN jets on the low-frequency emission
astro-ph/0409076 Grad-Shafranov Approach To Axisymmetric Stationary Flows In Astrophysics
astro-ph/0409077 Fermion Scattering off a CP-violating Bubble Wall in the Background of a Uniform Magnetic Field
astro-ph/0409078 Similarity solutions for radiation in time-dependent relativistic flows
astro-ph/0409079 An HST STIS Observation of VW Hydri at the Exact FUV Onset of an Outburst
astro-ph/0409080 DAzLE: The Dark Ages z (redshift) Lyman-alpha Explorer
astro-ph/0409081 Harmonic projection and multipole Vectors
astro-ph/0409082 Archival light curves from the Bamberg Sky Patrol - CFOctantis, 1964-1976
astro-ph/0409083 The Composition of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy and Implications for Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution
astro-ph/0409084 Galactic Metallicity Gradients Derived from a Sample of OB Stars
astro-ph/0409085 Multipixel characterization of imaging CZT detectors for hard X-ray imaging and spectroscopy
astro-ph/0409086 Galaxy Groups Associated with Gravitational Lenses and H_0 from B1608+656
astro-ph/0409087 The Chandra Large Area Synoptic X-ray Survey (CLASXS) of the Lockman Hole-Northwest: The X-ray Catalog
astro-ph/0409088 An Optical Catalog of the Chandra Large Area Synoptic X-ray Survey Sources
astro-ph/0409089 Ambipolar-Diffusion Timescale, Star-Formation Timescale, and the Ages of Molecular Clouds: Is There a Discrepancy?
astro-ph/0409090 Spectroscopic Properties of the z=4.5 Lyman-alpha Emitters
astro-ph/0409091 Complex X-ray Absorption and the Fe Kalpha Profile in NGC 3516
astro-ph/0409092 Multi-wavelength observations of the Galactic black hole transient 4U1543-47 during outburst decay: state transitions and jet contribution
astro-ph/0409093 Extragalactic source counts in the 20-50 keV energy band from the deep observation of the Coma region by INTEGRAL/IBIS
astro-ph/0409094 The Infrared Sky
astro-ph/0409095 Strong Gravitational Lensing with SKA
astro-ph/0409096 The Gould Belt, star formation, and the local interstellar medium
astro-ph/0409097 The accretion history of the Universe with the SKA
astro-ph/0409098 Cosmic Magnetic Fields and Their Influence on Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Propagation
astro-ph/0409099 The Growth of the Earliest Supermassive Black Holes and Their Contribution to Reionization
astro-ph/0409099 The Growth of the Earliest Supermassive Black Holes and Their Contribution to Reionization
astro-ph/0409101 Nuclear vs. Circumnuclear Activity
astro-ph/0409102 Weak lensing and gravity theories
astro-ph/0409103 Pseudobulges in Barred S0 Galaxies
astro-ph/0409104 Pulsar Wind Nebulae in EGRET Error Boxes
astro-ph/0409105 Molecular Line Observations of Carbon-Chain-Producing Regions L1495B and L1521B
astro-ph/0409106 Inflation parameters from Gauss-Bonnet braneworld
astro-ph/0409107 A Hot Saturn Planet Orbiting HD 88133, from the N2K Consortium
astro-ph/0409108 Large scale diffuse light in the Coma cluster: a multi-scale approach
astro-ph/0409109 Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Presence of Strong Quantizing Magnetic Fields- A Nambu-Jona-Lasino Model with Semi-Classical Approximation
astro-ph/0409110 Mid-IR emission of galaxies in the Virgo cluster and in the Coma supercluster.IV. The nature of the dust heating sources
astro-ph/0409111 A quantum gravitational model of redshifts
astro-ph/0409112 An L0 dwarf companion in the brown dwarf desert, at 30 AU
astro-ph/0409113 The ASTRA Spectrophotometer: A July 2004 Progress Report
astro-ph/0409114 Massive Star Populations in Wolf-Rayet Galaxies
astro-ph/0409115 A Near-Infrared (JHK) Survey of the Vicinity of the HII region NGC 7538: Evidence for a Young Embedded Cluster
astro-ph/0409116 Lithium and its isotopic ratio 6Li/7Li in the atmospheres of some sharp-lined roAp star
astro-ph/0409117 IR spectroscopy of pre-cataclysmic binaries
astro-ph/0409118 Mapping Tidal Streams around Galactic Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0409119 Determining cosmological parameters from X-ray measurements of strong lensing clusters
astro-ph/0409120 Oscillations of magnetic stars: II. Axisymmetric toroidal and non-axisymmetric shear Alfven modes in a spherical shell
astro-ph/0409121 Has DAMA Detected Self-Interacting Dark Matter?
astro-ph/0409122 Black hole hunting in the Andromeda Galaxy
astro-ph/0409123 Gas near active galactic nuclei: A search for the 4.7micron CO band
astro-ph/0409124 The intermediate-redshift galaxy cluster CL 0048-2942. Stellar populations
astro-ph/0409125 Compact radio cores: from the first black holes to the last
astro-ph/0409126 A radial velocity search for p-modes in betaVir
astro-ph/0409127 The statistical nature of the second order corrections to the thermal SZE
astro-ph/0409128 Global Characteristics of X-Ray Flashes and X-Ray-Rich GRBs Observed by HETE-2
astro-ph/0409129 Distant source image motion due to gravitational field of the Galaxy stars
astro-ph/0409130 Classifying the zoo of ultraluminous X-ray sources
astro-ph/0409131 The current status of observational cosmology
astro-ph/0409132 Strong Lensing Analysis of A1689 from Deep Advanced Camera Images
astro-ph/0409133 The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey - First epoch VVDS-Deep survey: 11564 spectra with 17.5<=IAB<=24, and the redshift distribution over 0< z <=5
astro-ph/0409134 The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function up to z=2 in first epoch data
astro-ph/0409135 The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey - The evolution of galaxy clustering to z=2 from first epoch observations
astro-ph/0409136 Hot subdwarfs from the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey - I. Atmospheric parameters and cool companions of sdB stars
astro-ph/0409137 On the importance of local sources of radiation for quasar absorption line systems
astro-ph/0409138 The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: Computing the two point correlation statistics and associated uncertainties
astro-ph/0409139 A family of models of partially relaxed stellar systems I. Dynamical properties
astro-ph/0409140 A Measurement of the UHECR Spectrum with the HiRes FADC Detector
astro-ph/0409141 Measuring Changes in the Fundamental Constants with Redshifted Radio Absorption Lines
astro-ph/0409142 The Method of a Two-Point Conditional Column Density for Estimating the Fractal Dimension of the Galaxy Distribution
astro-ph/0409143 On Kinetic Theory Viscosity in a Rotating Gas
astro-ph/0409144 The Influence of Black Hole Mass and Accretion Rate on the FRI/FRII Radio Galaxy Dichotomy
astro-ph/0409145 The distribution of two-dimensional eccentricity of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect and X-ray surface brightness profiles
astro-ph/0409146 Models of Stellar structure for asteroseismology
astro-ph/0409147 Molecular absorption in Cen A on VLBI scales
astro-ph/0409148 Mass Loss Timescale of Star Clusters in External Tidal Field
astro-ph/0409149 Why do some spotted stars become bluer as they become fainter?
astro-ph/0409150 Sample of minor merger of galaxies: Optical CCD surface photometry and HII region propertie
astro-ph/0409151 Multidimensional analysis of X-ray variability of AGN
astro-ph/0409152 Spectropolarimetry and Infrared Photometry of Magnetic White Dwarfs: Vacuum Polarization Effect or Magnetic CIA?
astro-ph/0409153 HI Observations of an Ultra-Compact High-Velocity Cloud
astro-ph/0409154 On the Origin of Radio Emission in the X-ray States of XTE J1650-500 during the 2001-2002 Outburst
astro-ph/0409155 Relativistic Jets in the RXTE Era
astro-ph/0409156 On the Unpulsed Radio Emission from J0737-3039
astro-ph/0409157 The Solar--Stellar Connection
astro-ph/0409158 The Complex Interstellar Na I Absorption toward h and Chi Persei
astro-ph/0409159 Test results of a prototype designed to detect horizontal cosmic ray flux
astro-ph/0409160 A Supergiants
astro-ph/0409161 Parametrization of Dark Energy Equation of State
astro-ph/0409162 Voids in a $Lambda$CDM Universe
astro-ph/0409163 The CMB spectrum in Cardassian models
astro-ph/0409164 Intermediate-velocity gas observed towards the Shajn 147 SNR
astro-ph/0409165 Clues on post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Evolution and Planetary Nebulae Populations from the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/0409166 Dark Energy - a Pedagogic Review
astro-ph/0409167 The SuperMACHO Microlensing Survey
astro-ph/0409168 Late States of Stellar Evolution
astro-ph/0409169 21 cm Absorption Studies with the Square Kilometer Array
astro-ph/0409170 Signatures of Explosion Models for SN ~Ia & Cosmology
astro-ph/0409171 The Initial-Final Mass Relationship: Spectroscopy of White Dwarfs in NGC 2099 (M37)
astro-ph/0409172 The Dearth of Massive, Helium-Rich White Dwarfs in Young Open Star Clusters
astro-ph/0409173 The Equilibrium Structure of CDM Halos
astro-ph/0409174 Spin-Orbit Resonance and the Evolution of Compact Binary Systems
astro-ph/0409175 Peculiar Velocity and Deaberration of the Sky
astro-ph/0409176 Radio emission from the Cygnus Loop and its spectral characteristics
astro-ph/0409177 Cluster mergers, core oscillations, and cold fronts
astro-ph/0409178 Ultracool Subdwarfs: Metal-poor Stars and Brown Dwarfs Extending into the Late-type M, L and T Dwarf Regimes
astro-ph/0409179 Discovery of a Second L Subdwarf in the Two Micron All Sky Survey
astro-ph/0409180 Deep Radio Continuum Studies with the SKA: Evolution of Radio AGN Populations
astro-ph/0409181 HCN and HCO+ emission in the disk of M31
astro-ph/0409182 Nonlinear Particle Acceleration at Reverse Shocks in Supernova Remnants
astro-ph/0409183 Dust Attenuation in Late-Type Galaxies. I. Effects on Bulge and Disk Components
astro-ph/0409184 ULTRACAM photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variables XZ Eri and DV UMa
astro-ph/0409185 Signature of Electron Capture in Iron-Rich Ejecta of SN 2003du
astro-ph/0409186 Meteor light curves: the relevant parameters
astro-ph/0409187 Tracing the cosmological assembly of stars and supermassive black holes in galaxies
astro-ph/0409188 Model of the W3(OH) environment based on data for both maser and ’quasi-thermal’ methanol lines
astro-ph/0409189 Spatially varying mass function of MACHOs in the galactic halo and interpretation of microlensing results
astro-ph/0409190 Accretion Signatures from Massive Young Stellar Objects
astro-ph/0409191 GZK horizon and magnetic fields
astro-ph/0409192 Dynamo action in late-type giants
astro-ph/0409193 On the Saturation of Astrophysical Dynamos: Numerical Experiments with the No-cosines flow
astro-ph/0409194 Applying Magnetized Accretion-Ejection Models to Microquasars: a preliminary step
astro-ph/0409195 Wide-Field Imaging from Space of Early-Type Galaxies and Their Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0409196 What controls the C IV line profile in active galactic nuclei?
astro-ph/0409197 Deep Field Surveys - A Radio View
astro-ph/0409198 Effect of Hot Baryons on the Weak-Lensing Shear Power Spectrum
astro-ph/0409199 A Period and a Prediction for the Of?p Spectrum Alternator HD 191612
astro-ph/0409200 First spectra of the W UMa system V524 Monocerotis
astro-ph/0409201 The Mass Function and Average Mass Loss Rate of Dark Matter Subhaloes
astro-ph/0409202 Atomic data from the Iron Project.LVIII. New radiative transition probabilities for Fe IV including fine structure
astro-ph/0409203 Dynamic Tides and the Evolution of Stars in Close Binaries
astro-ph/0409204 Probing the Eclipse of J0737-3039A with Scintillation
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