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13 February 2025
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2025, 2005
12, 11.2005
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astro-ph/0511009 A Hubble Space Telescope study of SCUBA submillimetre galaxies
astro-ph/0511012 Cosmological Parameters from the Comparison of the 2MASS Gravity Field with Peculiar Velocity Surveys
astro-ph/0511013 Magnetic Reynolds number dependence of reconnection rate and flow structure of the self-similar evolution model of fast magnetic reconnection
astro-ph/0511014 First Detection of Millimeter/Submillimeter Extragalactic H2O Maser Emission
astro-ph/0511015 Keck Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters in the Virgo Cluster Dwarf Elliptical VCC 1386
astro-ph/0511016 On the Hydrodynamic Interaction of Shock Waves with Interstellar Clouds. II. The Effect of Smooth Cloud Boundaries on Cloud Destruction and Cloud Turbulence
astro-ph/0511017 Ideal bandpasses for type Ia supernova cosmology
astro-ph/0511018 A dynamical systems approach to a thin accretion disc and its time-dependent behaviour on large length scales
astro-ph/0511019 O Star X-ray Line Profiles Explained by Radiation Transfer in Inhomogeneous Stellar Wind
astro-ph/0511020 The Bologna Open Cluster Chemical Evolution (BOCCE) Project: midterm results from the photometric sample
astro-ph/0511021 Gaseous abundances in M82
astro-ph/0511022 An X-ray source population study of the Andromeda galaxy M 31
astro-ph/0511023 Magnetic topologies and two-class coronal mass ejections: a numerical magnetohydrodynamic study
astro-ph/0511024 Search for SiO masers in nearby Miras pulsating in the first overtone mode
astro-ph/0511025 The impact of galactic winds from LBGs on the Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/0511026 COSMOGRAIL: the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses III. Redshift of the lensing galaxy in eight gravitationally lensed quasars
astro-ph/0511027 QuantEYE: The Quantum Optics Instrument for OWL
astro-ph/0511028 How do galactic winds affect the Lyalpha forest?
astro-ph/0511029 Supernova limits on brane world cosmology
astro-ph/0511030 An optically thick inner corona geometry for the Very High State Galactic Black Hole XTE J1550-564
astro-ph/0511031 A new comprehensive set of elemental abundances in DLAs - II. Data analysis and chemical variation studies
astro-ph/0511032 The Automatic Real-Time GRB Pipeline of the 2-m Liverpool Telescope
astro-ph/0511033 Dynamical Mass Estimates for Two Luminous Star Clusters in Galactic Merger Remnants
astro-ph/0511034 The AGN-starburst connection, Galactic superwinds, and M_BH - sigma
astro-ph/0511035 Hydrodynamics of Cometary Compact HII Regions
astro-ph/0511036 Specsim: The MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer Simulator
astro-ph/0511037 Disk heating by more than one spiral density wave
astro-ph/0511038 Line-profile variations in pulsating subdwarf-B stars as a pulsation mode diagnostic
astro-ph/0511039 Swift XRT Observations of X-ray Flares in GRB Afterglows
astro-ph/0511040 Comparison of the Legacy and Gold SnIa Dataset Constraints on Dark Energy Models
astro-ph/0511041 Quantitative bispectra from multifield inflation
astro-ph/0511042 A statistical study of SUMER spectral images: events, turbulence, and intermittency
astro-ph/0511043 Dark Matter at the Fermi Scale
astro-ph/0511044 Chandra Sample of Galaxy Clusters at z=0.4-0.55: Evolution in the Mass-Temperature Relation
astro-ph/0511045 First Determination of the Distance and Fundamental Properties of an Eclipsing Binary in The Andromeda Galaxy
astro-ph/0511046 New Models for a Triaxial Milky Way Spheroid and Effect on the Microlensing Optical Depth to the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0511047 An approximate solver for Riemann and Riemann-like Ellipsoidal Configurations
astro-ph/0511048 Massive star feedback - from the first stars to the present
astro-ph/0511049 Distribution of Gamma-ray Burst Ejecta Energy with Lorentz Factor
astro-ph/0511050 The Pisces-Cetus Supercluster: a remarkable filament of galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and Sloan Digital Sky surveys
astro-ph/0511051 The Origin and Nature of Neptune-like Planets Orbiting Close to Solar Type Stars
astro-ph/0511052 New XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Most Luminous and Distant Quasars
astro-ph/0511054 Searching For Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect Beyond Temperature Anisotropies: CMB E-mode Polarization-Galaxy Cross Correlation
astro-ph/0511055 Understanding the behavior of Prometheus and Pandora
astro-ph/0511056 X-Ray Evidence for Multiple Absorbing Structures in Seyfert Nuclei
astro-ph/0511057 The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Optical Properties of X-ray Detected Sources
astro-ph/0511058 A Method to Measure the Flatness of the LSST Focal Plane Assembly in Situ
astro-ph/0511059 Infall and Outflow around the HH 212 protostellar system
astro-ph/0511060 The kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovitch effect as a dark energy probe
astro-ph/0511061 Correlation properties of the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect and implications for Dark Energy
astro-ph/0511062 Performance Tuning of N-Body Codes on Modern Microprocessors: I. Direct Integration with a Hermite Scheme on x86_64 Architecture
astro-ph/0511063 Milliarcsecond-Scale Structure in the Gamma-Ray Loud Quasar PKS 1622-297
astro-ph/0511064 Determining the cosmic ray ionization rate in dynamically evolving clouds
astro-ph/0511065 Korean VLBI Network: the First Dedicated Mm-Wavelength VLBI Network in East Asia
astro-ph/0511066 The impact on the general properties of HII galaxies in the local universe of the visibility of the [OIII]l 4363 line
astro-ph/0511067 Discovery and modelling of disc precession in the M31 X-ray binary Bo 158?
astro-ph/0511068 Gravitational Radiation from Newborn Magnetars
astro-ph/0511069 The Lifetime of Grand Design
astro-ph/0511070 Characteristics of Solar Flare Doppler Shift Oscillations Observed with the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer on Yohkoh
astro-ph/0511071 Thermal neutrinos from hot GRB fireballs
astro-ph/0511072 The Iron K-shell features of MXB 1728-34 from a Simultaneous Chandra-RXTE Observation
astro-ph/0511073 Comments on Backreaction and Cosmic Acceleration
astro-ph/0511074 Evolution of the First Stars: CNO Yields and the C-rich Extremely Metal Poor Stars
astro-ph/0511075 The polarisation signature from microlensing of circumstellar envelopes in caustic crossing events
astro-ph/0511076 Merger driven ULIRG-QSO evolution: The case of 3C 48
astro-ph/0511077 New insights into ultraluminous X-ray sources from deep XMM-Newton observations
astro-ph/0511078 XMM-Newton and Deep Optical Observations of the OTELO fields: the Groth-Westphal Strip
astro-ph/0511079 A Catalog of MSX Infrared Dark Cloud Candidates
astro-ph/0511080 Effects of Rotation on Mass Loss for Population III stars
astro-ph/0511081 The Nature of the Peculiar Virgo Cluster Galaxies NGC 4064 and NGC 4424
astro-ph/0511082 On the width and shape of gaps in protoplanetary disks
astro-ph/0511083 Observational Constraints on Dust Disk Lifetimes: Implications for Planet Formation
astro-ph/0511084 A Coherent Timing Solution for the Nearby Isolated Neutron Star RX J1308.6+2127/RBS 1223
astro-ph/0511085 CSL-1: Lensing by a Cosmic String or a Dark Matter Filament?
astro-ph/0511086 Learning from the Scatter in Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/0511087 Complexity on Small Scales: The Metallicity Distribution of the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
astro-ph/0511088 Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients: A new class of high mass X-ray binaries unveiled by INTEGRAL
astro-ph/0511089 First cosmic shear results from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Wide Synoptic Legacy Survey
astro-ph/0511090 Cosmic Shear Analysis with CFHTLS Deep data
astro-ph/0511091 Properties of the energetic particle distributions during the October 28, 2003 solar flare from INTEGRAL/SPI observations
astro-ph/0511092 C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars: I. Silicate emission and grain growth
astro-ph/0511093 An unbiased search for the signatures of protostars in the rho Ophiuchi Molecular Cloud. II. Millimetre continuum observations
astro-ph/0511094 A Spitzer Search for Infrared Excesses around Massive Young White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0511095 Observational characteristics of dense cores with deeply embedded young protostars
astro-ph/0511096 The X-ray Telescope on board Swift: status and main results
astro-ph/0511097 A Catalog of Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the IRAS Survey and the Second Data Release of the SDSS
astro-ph/0511098 Ground-based Gamma-Ray Observations of Pulsars and their Nebulae: Towards a New Order
astro-ph/0511099 High precision determination of the atmospheric parameters and abundances of the COROT main targets
astro-ph/0511100 FUSE and HST/STIS far-ultraviolet observations of AM Herculis in an extended low state
astro-ph/0511101 X-ray binaries in Sculptor
astro-ph/0511102 NIR Imaging and Spectroscopy of AGN hosts at z < 0.06
astro-ph/0511103 A new XMM-Newton observation of Pictor A radio lobes confirms the non-thermal origin of the X-ray emission
astro-ph/0511104 Aperture calculation of the Pierre Auger Observatory surface detector
astro-ph/0511105 Tracing the first stars with cosmic infrared background fluctuations
astro-ph/0511106 Strange Pulsar Hypothesis
astro-ph/0511107 XRT Light curves: Morphology, Flares and Energy
astro-ph/0511108 Gamma Ray Bursts: recent results obtained by the SWIFT mission
astro-ph/0511109 Microstructures of planetary nebulae with large telescopes
astro-ph/0511110 Diffuse Radio Sources in Groups and Poor Clusters
astro-ph/0511111 Do we really know how to derive the basic PNe parameters?
astro-ph/0511112 Evidence for a high energy curvature in the XMM-Newton spectrum of the ULX NGC1313 X-1
astro-ph/0511113 Unbiased Studies of Diffuse Extragalactic Radio Sources
astro-ph/0511114 On the nitrogen abundance of FLIERs: the outer knots of the planetary nebula NGC 7009
astro-ph/0511115 IGR J17252-3616: an accreting pulsar observed by INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0511116 AGN Feedback Causes Downsizing
astro-ph/0511117 Quasars in the MAMBO blank field survey
astro-ph/0511118 Stellar mass loss and the Intra-Cluster Medium in Galactic globular clusters: a deep radio survey for HI and OH
astro-ph/0511119 Metallicity and Nuclear Star Formation in Nearby Galaxy Pairs: Evidence for Tidally Induced Gas Flows
astro-ph/0511120 A Classical Treatment of Island Cosmology
astro-ph/0511121 Gravitational Lensing & Stellar Dynamics
astro-ph/0511122 Stellar Populations of Elliptical Galaxies in Virgo Cluster I. : The Data and Stellar Population Analysis
astro-ph/0511123 A unified accretion-ejection paradigm for Black Hole X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/0511124 Comments on Long-Wavelength Backreaction and Dark Energy
astro-ph/0511125 Prospects for population synthesis in the H band: NeMo grids of stellar atmospheres compared to observations
astro-ph/0511126 Solar Gravity Modes: Present and Future
astro-ph/0511127 Theoretical Uncertainties in Inflationary Predictions
astro-ph/0511128 RR Lyrae-based calibration of the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function
astro-ph/0511129 A novel technique for wide-field polarimetry with a radiotelescope array
astro-ph/0511130 B and I-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac objects S5 2007+777 and 3C371
astro-ph/0511131 Physical constants and the Gurzadyan-Xue formula for the dark energy
astro-ph/0511132 Prompt optical observations of GRB050319 with the Swift UVOT
astro-ph/0511133 A new sample of broad-absorption-line quasars exhibiting the ghost of lyman alpha
astro-ph/0511134 Spectrophotometric properties of galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z ~ 0.2--1.0) I. Sample description, photometric properties and spectral measurements
astro-ph/0511135 Spectrophotometric properties of galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z ~ 0.2--1.0) II. The Luminosity -- Metallicity relation
astro-ph/0511136 Atmospheric Chemistry in Giant Planets, Brown Dwarfs, and Low-Mass Dwarf Stars II. Sulfur and Phosphorus
astro-ph/0511137 Observations of Binary and Single Wolf-Rayet Stars with XMM-Newton and Chandra
astro-ph/0511138 GOYA Survey: U and B Number Counts in the Groth-Westphal Strip
astro-ph/0511139 Next generation of IACT arrays: scientific objectives versus energy domains
astro-ph/0511140 Constraints on the Physics of Type Ia Supernovae from the X-Ray Spectrum of the Tycho Supernova Remnant
astro-ph/0511141 Redshift space 21 cm power spectra from reionization
astro-ph/0511142 Magnetized hypermassive neutron star collapse: a central engine for short gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0511143 A general relativistic argument for dark matter existence without invoking non-Keplerian rotation curves and gravitational-lensing data
astro-ph/0511144 Abundances in red giant stars of NGC 2808 and correlations between chemical anomalies and global parameters in globular clusters
astro-ph/0511145 X-ray Emission from the 3C 273 Jet
astro-ph/0511146 On the generation of density perturbations at the end of inflation
astro-ph/0511147 Dust Production in the High-Redshift Universe
astro-ph/0511148 Resonance scattering polarization of hydrogen lines in the presence of turbulent electric fields
astro-ph/0511149 Attenuation of VHE gamma rays by the Milky Way interstellar radiation field
astro-ph/0511150 Internal Structure of Massive Terrestrial Planets
astro-ph/0511151 Heating Cooling Flows with Weak Shock Waves
astro-ph/0511152 Baryonically Closed Galaxy Groups
astro-ph/0511153 Impact of Varying Atmospheric Profiles on Extensive Air Shower Observation: Fluorescence Light Emission and Energy Reconstruction
astro-ph/0511154 The optical flare and afterglow light curve of GRB 050904 at redshift z=6.29
astro-ph/0511155 Bar-Halo Friction in Galaxies II: Metastability
astro-ph/0511156 Radio-far-infrared Correlation and Cosmic Ray Electrons in Starburst Galaxies and Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/0511157 AGNs and Starbursts: What Is the Real Connection?
astro-ph/0511158 The colours of the Sun
astro-ph/0511159 Emission Measure Distribution and Abundances Measurements During High-T Flares
astro-ph/0511160 An Observational Test of Holographic Inflation
astro-ph/0511161 Impact of Systematic Errors in Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Surveys of Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0511162 Photometry of the Type Ia Supernovae 1999cc, 1999cl, and 2000cf
astro-ph/0511163 Cosmological model with viscosity media (dark fluid) described by an effective equation of state
astro-ph/0511164 Galaxy halo masses and satellite fractions from galaxy-galaxy lensing in the SDSS: stellar mass, luminosity, morphology, and environment dependencies
astro-ph/0511165 Dynamical Expansion of Ionization and Dissociation Front around a Massive Star. II. On the Generality of Triggered Star Formation
astro-ph/0511166 Ultra low-mass star and substellar formation in sigma Orionis
astro-ph/0511167 Quintessence Dark Energy Inspired by Dual Role of the Ricci Scalar
astro-ph/0511168 X-ray emission of brown dwarfs: Towards constraining the dependence on age, luminosity, and temperature
astro-ph/0511169 A search for distant radio galaxies from SUMSS and NVSS: II. Optical Spectroscopy
astro-ph/0511170 Discovery of a Promissing Candidate of WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Novae, ASAS 160048-4846.2: Evidence for Double-Peaked Humps
astro-ph/0511171 The impact of CoRoT on close binary research
astro-ph/0511172 Filling factors and scale heights of the DIG in the Milky Way
astro-ph/0511173 Core collapse supernovae: magnetorotational explosion
astro-ph/0511174 The metallicity dependence of WR wind models
astro-ph/0511175 Exploring the Lower Mass Function in the young open Cluster IC 4665
astro-ph/0511176 Binaries as astrophysical laboratories: an overview
astro-ph/0511177 The Current Status and Prospect of the Ta Experiment
astro-ph/0511178 Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the massive protostellar outflow source IRAS 23151+5912
astro-ph/0511179 Minimal models of cooling neutron stars with accreted envelopes
astro-ph/0511180 Astrobiologically Interesting Stars within 10 parsecs of the Sun
astro-ph/0511181 Massive Primordial Black Holes in Hybrid Inflation
astro-ph/0511182 Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. II. The nature of four unidentified sources
astro-ph/0511183 Fluctuations of the luminosity distance
astro-ph/0511184 The XMM-LSS cluster sample and its cosmological applications
astro-ph/0511185 On the complex X-ray structure tracing the motion of Geminga
astro-ph/0511186 Dust-scattered X-ray halos around gamma-ray bursts: GRB 031203 revisited and the new case of GRB 050713A
astro-ph/0511187 Supernovae astrophysics from Middle Age documents
astro-ph/0511188 An empirical calibration of sulphur abundance in ionised gaseous nebulae
astro-ph/0511189 The kinematical structure of gravitationally lensed arcs
astro-ph/0511190 On the intensity and spatial morphology of the 511 keV emission in the Milky Way
astro-ph/0511191 A highly-ionized absorber as a new explanation for the spectral changes during dips from X-ray binaries
astro-ph/0511192 The Effects of Alfven Waves and Radiation Pressure in Dusty Winds of Late-Type Stars. II. Dust-Cyclotron Damping
astro-ph/0511193 Binaries Like to be Twins: Implications for Doubly Degenerate Binaries, the Supernova Ia Rate and Other Interacting Binaries
astro-ph/0511194 Nucleosynthesis in Early Supernova Winds II: The Role of Neutrinos
astro-ph/0511195 The ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Survey: The X-ray Catalog
astro-ph/0511196 The Volume Fraction of Ionized Intergalactic Gas at Redshift z=6.5
astro-ph/0511197 Seeing Darkness: the New Cosmology
astro-ph/0511198 Non-Gaussianity from Broken Symmetries
astro-ph/0511199 The High-Velocity Outflow of PG 1211+143: An Unbiased View Based on Several Observations
astro-ph/0511200 On the wavelet analysis of CMB time ordered data: application to Archeops
astro-ph/0511201 The OSER project
astro-ph/0511202 A Radio and X-Ray Study of Historical Supernovae in M83
astro-ph/0511203 Extracting Star Formation Histories from Medium-resolution Galaxy Spectra
astro-ph/0511204 Polarimetry of binary stars
astro-ph/0511205 Is GRB 050904 a super-long burst?
astro-ph/0511206 A New Population of Planetary Nebulae Discovered in the Large Magellanic Cloud (I): Preliminary Sample
astro-ph/0511207 A spectroscopic study of southern (candidate) gamma Doradus stars. I. Time series analysis
astro-ph/0511208 Observational results for northern and southern (candidate) gamma Doradus stars
astro-ph/0511209 Analysis of MERCATOR data Part I: variable B stars
astro-ph/0511210 Polarization of Starlight by Unresolved and Oblate Extra-solar Planet in Elliptical Orbit
astro-ph/0511211 Non-axisymmetric instabilities in shocked adiabatic accretion flows
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