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13 February 2025

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astro-ph/0510814 The spin temperature and 21cm brightness of the intergalactic medium in the pre-reionization era
astro-ph/0511053 The Fundamental Scaling Relations of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/0511637 First Light and Reionization: A Conference Summary
astro-ph/0512003 Chandra Detection of Local Warm-Hot Gas Toward Markarian 279
astro-ph/0512007 Spitzer Number Counts of AGN in the GOODS fields
astro-ph/0512008 Obscured and Unobscured AGN Evolution and the X-ray background
astro-ph/0512009 The interior of the SNR RX J0852.0-4622 (Vela Jr) at radio wavelengths
astro-ph/0512010 The Cosmic Reionization History as Revealed by the CMB Doppler--21-cm Correlation
astro-ph/0512011 Inward Motions of the Compact SiO Masers Around VX Sagittarii
astro-ph/0512012 Recent and Future Observations in the X-ray and Gamma-ray Bands: Chandra, Suzaku, GLAST, and NuSTAR
astro-ph/0512013 Biological Effects of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Critical distances for severe damage on the biota
astro-ph/0512014 Probing the early universe with inflationary gravitational waves
astro-ph/0512015 INTEGRAL/IBIS Extragalactic survey: 20-100 keV selected AGN
astro-ph/0512016 A Close Look at the Population of Supersoft and Quasi-Soft X-Ray Sources Observed in M31 with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0512017 Cosmic microwave background multipole alignments in slab topologies
astro-ph/0512018 A Note on Crossing the Phantom Divide in Hybrid Dark Energy Model
astro-ph/0512019 A population synthesis study on the faint X-ray sources in the Galactic center region
astro-ph/0512020 Gradient and dispersion analyses of the WMAP data
astro-ph/0512021 Mass loss and orbital period decrease in detached chromospherically active binaries
astro-ph/0512022 Precession of the Super-Massive Black Hole in NGC 1275 (3C 84)?
astro-ph/0512023 Equation of state description of the dark energy transition between quintessence and phantom regimes
astro-ph/0512024 Why is the mass function of NGC 6218 flat?
astro-ph/0512025 IR Emission from AGNs
astro-ph/0512026 Correlated spectral and temporal changes in 3C 390.3: a new link between AGN and Galactic Black Hole Binaries?
astro-ph/0512027 Simulating Star Formation and Feedback in Galactic Disk Models
astro-ph/0512028 The shaping of planetary nebula Sh 2-188 through interaction with the interstellar medium
astro-ph/0512029 What best constrains galaxy evolution in the local Universe?
astro-ph/0512030 A Parallel Adaptive P3M code with Hierarchical Particle Reordering
astro-ph/0512031 A Simple Method To Find All Lensed Quasars
astro-ph/0512032 Star Cluster Evolution with Primordial Binaries
astro-ph/0512033 Effects of neutrino-driven kicks on the supernova explosion mechanism
astro-ph/0512034 FIRST-based survey of Compact Steep Spectrum sources, III. MERLIN and VLBI observations of subarcsecond-scale objects
astro-ph/0512035 Star formation and stellar populations in the Wolf-Rayet(?) luminous compact blue galaxy IRAS 08339+6517
astro-ph/0512036 The puzzling case of 56 Pegasi: A fast rotator seen nearly face-on?
astro-ph/0512037 Spitzer Observations of Deeply Obscured Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0512038 The design and performance of the Gaia photometric system
astro-ph/0512039 The Carnegie Supernova Project: The Low-Redshift Survey
astro-ph/0512040 A New Fast Parallel Statistical Measurement Technique for Computational Cosmology
astro-ph/0512041 R-modes of accreting hyperon stars as persistent sources of gravitational waves
astro-ph/0512042 Selecting damped Lyman-alpha systems through CaII absorption. I: Dust depletions and reddening at z~1
astro-ph/0512043 Observational Constraints on the Ages of Molecular Clouds and the Star-Formation Timescale: Ambipolar-Diffusion--Controlled or Turbulence-Induced Star Formation?
astro-ph/0512044 The Sloan-Lens ACS Survey II: stellar populations and internal structure of early-type lens galaxies
astro-ph/0512045 Direct Measurements of Gas Bulk Flows in the ICM of the Centaurus Cluster with the Chandra Satellite
astro-ph/0512046 Molecular Gas, Kinematics, and OB Star Formation in the Spiral Arms of the Southern Milky Way
astro-ph/0512047 Time Variability in the X-ray Nebula Powered by Pulsar B1509-58
astro-ph/0512048 Perspectives on Galactic Dynamics via General Relativity
astro-ph/0512049 3D Numerical Experimentation on the Core Helium Flash of low-mass Red Giants
astro-ph/0512050 The First Spatially Resolved Mid-IR Spectra of NGC 1068 Obtained at Diffraction-limited Resolution with LWS at Keck I Telescope
astro-ph/0512051 Template Rotation Curves for Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/0512052 Afterglow spectrum of a gamma-ray burst with the highest known redshift z=6.295
astro-ph/0512053 Atmospheric Biomarkers and their Evolution over Geological Timescales
astro-ph/0512054 RR Lyrae stars in the inner Large Magellanic Cloud: Halo-like location with a disk-like distribution
astro-ph/0512055 Probing for evolutionary links between local ULIRGs and QSOs from NIR spectroscopy
astro-ph/0512056 Axisymmetric and triaxial MOND density-potential pairs
astro-ph/0512057 Star formation in hosts of young radio galaxies
astro-ph/0512058 The Cosmological Constant in Brane Cosmology
astro-ph/0512059 XMM-Newton observation of the Soft Gamma Ray Repeater SGR 1627-41 in a low luminosity state
astro-ph/0512060 GMRT observations of the field of INTEGRAL X-ray sources- II (newly discovered hard X-ray sources)
astro-ph/0512061 Low Frequency Radio Observations of GRS1915+105 with GMRT
astro-ph/0512062 Triaxial Orbit-based Models Of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/0512063 Imaging and integral field spectroscopy of shocked H2 around G25.65+1.05
astro-ph/0512064 Revealing the mid-infrared emission structure of IRAS 16594-4656 and IRAS 07027-7934
astro-ph/0512065 Explosions of O-Ne-Mg Cores, the Crab Supernova, and Subluminous Type II-P Supernovae
astro-ph/0512066 Enhancing the tensor-to-scalar ratio in simple inflation
astro-ph/0512067 Testing the Self-Consistency of MOND With Three-Dimensional Galaxy Kinematics
astro-ph/0512068 Meridional Transport in the Stratosphere of Jupiter
astro-ph/0512069 Infrared Luminosity Function of the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/0512070 A survey of weak MgII absorbers at redshift <z>=1.78
astro-ph/0512071 Breaking the Degeneracies Between Cosmology and Galaxy Bias
astro-ph/0512072 The Eclipsing Binary V1061 Cygni: Confronting Stellar Evolution Models for Active and Inactive Solar-Type Stars
astro-ph/0512073 The Effect of Gravitational Recoil on Black Holes Forming in a Hierarchical Universe
astro-ph/0512074 Adaptive Binning of X-ray data with Weighted Voronoi Tesselations
astro-ph/0512075 Three-Body Affairs in the Outer Solar System
astro-ph/0512076 Supernovae constraints on dark energy and modified gravity models
astro-ph/0512077 Challenges in Non-Linear Gravitational Clustering
astro-ph/0512078 Far-flung Filaments of Ejecta in the Young Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8
astro-ph/0512079 Cluster magnetic fields from large-scale-structure and galaxy-cluster shocks
astro-ph/0512080 A Survey of z>5.7 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Discovery of Seven Additional Quasars
astro-ph/0512081 GRB 050408: An Atypical Gamma-Ray Burst as a Probe of an Atypical Galactic Environment
astro-ph/0512082 Constraining the Evolution of the Ionizing Background and the Epoch of Reionization with z ~ 6 Quasars II: A Sample of 19 Quasars
astro-ph/0512083 Cannonballs in the context of Gamma Ray Bursts: Formation sites ?
astro-ph/0512084 Testing Rotational Mixing Predictions with New Boron Abundances in Main Sequence B-type Stars
astro-ph/0512085 Large-scale galaxy correlations as a test for dark energy
astro-ph/0512086 New evidence for strong nonthermal effects in Tycho’s supernova remnant
astro-ph/0512087 GMRT Observations of Microquasar V4641 Sgr
astro-ph/0512088 Nonideal strongly magnetized plasmas of neutron stars and their electromagnetic radiation
astro-ph/0512089 Exact Wave Propagation in a Spacetime with a Cosmic String
astro-ph/0512090 Diffusion of Cosmic Rays in Expanding Universe. (I)
astro-ph/0512091 Birth and fate of hot-Neptune planets
astro-ph/0512092 Analysis of ground-based differential imager performance
astro-ph/0512093 On the Detection of Artefacts in Spectro-astrometry
astro-ph/0512094 The low-mass pre-main sequence population of the stellar association LH 52 in the Large Magellanic Cloud discovered with Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Observations
astro-ph/0512095 Orbital phase spectroscopy of X-ray pulsars to study the stellar wind of the companion
astro-ph/0512096 Spectropolarimetric investigation of the propagation of magnetoacoustic waves and shock formation in sunspot atmospheres
astro-ph/0512097 Analytical r-mode solution with gravitational radiation reaction force
astro-ph/0512098 H2 active jets in the near IR as a probe of protostellar evolution
astro-ph/0512099 Do fast winds dominate the dynamics of planetary nebulae?
astro-ph/0512100 Recent developments of the ACS spectral extraction software aXe
astro-ph/0512101 Calibration of ACS Prism Slitless Spectroscopy Modes
astro-ph/0512102 Slitless spectroscopy with the Advanced Camera for Surveys
astro-ph/0512103 Supernovae Ia observations in the Lemaitre--Tolman model
astro-ph/0512104 Cluster Masses from CMB and Galaxy Weak Lensing
astro-ph/0512105 Multiplicity-Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
astro-ph/0512106 Probing dark matter with X-ray binaries
astro-ph/0512107 Frequency dependence of orthogonal polarisation modes in pulsars
astro-ph/0512108 The Space Interferometry Mission Astrometric Grid Giant-Star Survey. I. Stellar Parameters and Radial Velocity Variability
astro-ph/0512109 The age of the main population of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Solving the "M giant conundrum"
astro-ph/0512110 Massive stars and the energy balance of the interstellar medium. II. The 35 solar mass star and a solution to the "missing wind problem"
astro-ph/0512111 A model for the X-ray absorption in Compton--thin AGN
astro-ph/0512112 The integrated bispectrum as a test of CMB non-Gaussianity: detection power and limits on f_NL with WMAP data
astro-ph/0512113 J0041+3224: a new double-double radio galaxy
astro-ph/0512114 Guidelines for axion identification in astrophysical observations
astro-ph/0512115 Saturn’s Icy Moon Rhea: a Prediction for Bulk Chemical Composition and Physical Structure at the Time of the Cassini Spacecraft First Flyby
astro-ph/0512116 Adaptive Optics Imaging of Low-redshift Damped Lyman-alpha Quasar Absorbers
astro-ph/0512117 Chaplygin gas may prevent big trip
astro-ph/0512118 Kinematics and star formation activity in the z=2.03954 damped Lyman-alpha system towards PKS 0458-020
astro-ph/0512119 Objective Subclass Determination of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Unknown Spectral Objects
astro-ph/0512120 Critical revision of the ZEPLIN-I sensitivity to WIMP interactions
astro-ph/0512121 The AGN tori sizes: a remark on astro-ph/0512025 by Moshe Elitzur
astro-ph/0512122 CO J=6-5 observations of TW Hya with the SMA
astro-ph/0512123 The Role of Primordial Kicks on Black Hole Merger Rates
astro-ph/0512124 Phantom-like behaviour in dilatonic brane-world scenario with induced gravity
astro-ph/0512125 Muon-Induced Background Study for Underground Laboratories
astro-ph/0512126 Polarization of light from warm clouds above an accretion disk: effects of strong-gravity near a black hole
astro-ph/0512127 Galaxies in SDSS and DEEP2: a quiet life on the blue sequence?
astro-ph/0512128 The Duck Redux: An Improved Proper Motion Upper Limit for the Pulsar B1757-24 Near the Supernova Remnant G5.4-1.2
astro-ph/0512129 Constraining the reionization history with QSO absorption spectra
astro-ph/0512130 The First High-Resolution Spectra of 1.3 L Subdwarfs
astro-ph/0512131 UBVI CCD Photometry of the Old Open Cluster Berkeley 17
astro-ph/0512132 Chemical Compositions of Red Giant Stars in Old Large Magellanic Cloud Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0512133 Roche Lobes in the Second Post-Newtonian Approximation
astro-ph/0512134 Turbulent magnetic dynamo excitation at low magnetic Prandtl number
astro-ph/0512135 Dark Energy Anisotropic Stress and Large Scale Structure Formation
astro-ph/0512136 The Role of the Equation of State in Binary Mergers
astro-ph/0512137 Numerical Simulations of the Onset and Stability of Dynamical Mass Transfer in Binaries
astro-ph/0512138 The Phoenix Deep Survey: The star-formation rates and the stellar masses of EROs
astro-ph/0512139 Source Extractor for Dummies v5
astro-ph/0512140 Polarization transfer in pulsar magnetosphere
astro-ph/0512141 Time-resolved observations of the short period CV SDSS J123813.73-033933.0
astro-ph/0512142 12C/13C in atmospheres of red giants and peculiar stars
astro-ph/0512143 Discovery of Counter-Rotating Gas in the Galaxies NGC1596 and NGC3203 and the Incidence of Gas Counter-Rotation in S0 Galaxies
astro-ph/0512144 Gaps below strange star crusts
astro-ph/0512145 The periods of the intermediate polar RX J0153.3+7446
astro-ph/0512146 Interpreting the Hydrogen IR Lines - Impact of Improved Electron Collision Data
astro-ph/0512147 Probing the evolution of the near-IR luminosity function of galaxies to z ~ 3 in the Hubble Deep Field South
astro-ph/0512148 Viscosity in cosmological simulations of clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/0512149 Confirmation of the $eps$ -- $eiso$ (Amati) relation from the X-ray flash XRF 050416A observed by Swift/BAT
astro-ph/0512150 Dynamic tides in rotating objects: orbital circularisation of extra solar planets for realistic planet models
astro-ph/0512151 NLTE analyses of sdB stars: progress and prospects
astro-ph/0512152 Improved helium line formation for EHe stars
astro-ph/0512153 Non-LTE metal abundances in V652 Her and HD144941
astro-ph/0512154 Implications for the Cosmic Reionization from the Optical Afterglow Spectrum of the Gamma-Ray Burst 050904 at z = 6.3
astro-ph/0512155 Evading the astrophysical limits on light pseudoscalars
astro-ph/0512156 The sense of rotation of satellite galaxies in cosmological dark matter haloes
astro-ph/0512157 The XMM-Newton Slew Survey: a wide-angle survey in the 0.2 - 12 keV band
astro-ph/0512158 Accreting White Dwarfs among the Planetary Nebulae Most Luminous in [O III]5007 Emission
astro-ph/0512159 Correlated Fluctuations in Luminosity Distance and the (Surprising) Importance of Peculiar Motion in Supernova Surveys
astro-ph/0512160 Cluster infall in the concordance LCDM model
astro-ph/0512161 Kinematics and Metallicity of M31 Red Giants: The Giant Southern Stream and Discovery of a Second Cold Component at R = 20 kpc
astro-ph/0512162 Gamma Rays from Compton Scattering in the Jets of Microquasars: Application to LS 5039
astro-ph/0512163 High Metallicity, Photoionised Gas in Intergalactic Large-Scale Filaments
astro-ph/0512164 Gamma Ray Bursts as Possible High Energy Sources
astro-ph/0512165 Surface photometry and structure of high redshift disk galaxies in the HDF-S NICMOS field
astro-ph/0512166 Very Small-Scale Clustering and Merger Rate of Luminous Red Galaxies
astro-ph/0512167 The Beylkin-Cramer Summation Rule and A New Fast Algorithm of Cosmic Statistics for Large Data Sets
astro-ph/0512168 A Chandra X-ray observation of the globular cluster Terzan 1
astro-ph/0512169 Redshifts and Velocity Dispersions of Galaxy Clusters in the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster
astro-ph/0512170 Modelling and Correcting the Time-Dependent ACS PSF
astro-ph/0512171 037-B327 in M31: Luminous Globular Cluster or Core of a Former Dwarf Spheroidal Companion to M31?
astro-ph/0512172 Age Estimations of M31 Globular Clusters from Their Spectral Energy Distributions
astro-ph/0512173 Spectral Energy Distributions of M81 Globular Clusters in BATC Multicolor Survey
astro-ph/0512174 Development of Multi-Fourier Transform interferometer :Fundamental
astro-ph/0512175 Massive elliptical galaxies : From cores to haloes
astro-ph/0512176 Evidence of a Change in the Long Term Spin-down Rate of the X-ray Pulsar 4U 1907+09
astro-ph/0512177 Calibration of Gamma-Ray Burst Luminosity Indicators
astro-ph/0512178 Two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic model for limit-cycle oscillations of luminous accretion disks
astro-ph/0512179 The Very Early Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows Powered by Structured Jets
astro-ph/0512180 L_X-T Relation and Related Properties of Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0512181 Is FLARE for Solar flare?
astro-ph/0512182 The stability of toroidal fields in stars
astro-ph/0512183 Reduced Wolf-Rayet Line Luminosities at Low Metallicity
astro-ph/0512184 The MAGIC Telescope
astro-ph/0512185 Multiband photometric detection of a huge flare on the M9 dwarf 2MASSW J1707183+643933
astro-ph/0512186 VLT-ISAAC 3-5 micron spectroscopy of embedded young low-mass stars. III. Intermediate-mass sources in Vela
astro-ph/0512187 Simulating Cosmic Reionization at Large Scales I: the Geometry of Reionization
astro-ph/0512188 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from Sequestered X Bursts
astro-ph/0512189 Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations with Spectral Neutrino Transport II. Models for Different Progenitor Stars
astro-ph/0512190 SS 433 : a phenomenon imitating a Wolf-Rayet star
astro-ph/0512191 10 New Very Low Mass Close Binaries Resolved in the Visible
astro-ph/0512192 Acceleration of low energy charged particles by gravitational waves
astro-ph/0512193 Star-burst regions in the LMC
astro-ph/0512194 Constraints on Alternatives to Supermassive Black Holes
astro-ph/0512195 Scale-invariant Perturbations from Chaotic Inflation
astro-ph/0512196 On the "canonical behaviour" of the X-ray afterglows of the Gamma Ray Bursts observed with Swift’s XRT
astro-ph/0512197 First-order formalism and dark energy
astro-ph/0512198 Planets in Stellar Clusters Extensive Search. IV. A detection of a possible transiting planet candidate in the open cluster NGC 2158
astro-ph/0512199 MHD simulations of radiative jets from young stellar objects: Halpha emission
astro-ph/0512200 Kinemetry: a generalisation of photometry to the higher moments of the line-of-sight velocity distribution
astro-ph/0512201 Acoustic oscillations in the SDSS DR4 Luminous Red Galaxy sample power spectrum
astro-ph/0512202 Spatially-resolved mid-infrared spectroscopy of NGC 1068: the nature and distribution of the nuclear material
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