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13 February 2025

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astro-ph/0502006 Recurrent ~24 h Periods in RXTE ASM Data
astro-ph/0502007 Chandra Observations of Gravitational Lenses B1600+434 and B1608+656
astro-ph/0502008 Superorbital Period in the High Mass X-ray Binary 2S 0114+650
astro-ph/0502009 A multiwavelength study of the remnant of nova GK Persei
astro-ph/0502009 A multiwavelength study of the remnant of nova GK Persei
astro-ph/0502011 Effelsberg HI observations of compact high-velocity clouds
astro-ph/0502012 Comments on "Bigger Rip with no dark energy"
astro-ph/0502013 The Spectral Variability of Pulsating Stars: PG1159-035
astro-ph/0502014 Solar-like oscillations in the F9 V beta Virginis
astro-ph/0502015 Discovery of new Milky Way star cluster candidates in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog IV. Follow-up observations of cluster candidates in the Galactic plane
astro-ph/0502016 First VLBI mapping of circumstellar 29SiO maser emission
astro-ph/0502017 Cosmic Rays Astrophysics and Neutrino Astronomy beyond and beneath the Horizons
astro-ph/0502018 Full characterization of binary-lens event OGLE-2002-BLG-069 from PLANET observations
astro-ph/0502019 Restoration of Brightness Distributions across Quasar’s Accretion Disk from Observations of High Magnification Events in Components of Gravitational Lens QSO 2237+0305
astro-ph/0502020 Using the EXIST Active Shields for Earth Occultation Observations of X-ray Sources
astro-ph/0502021 The gravitational collapse of ONe electron-degenerate cores and white dwarfs: the role of $^{24}$Mg and $^{12}$C revisited
astro-ph/0502022 Local Starbursts in a Cosmological Context
astro-ph/0502023 Measuring Accretion in Young Substellar Objects: Approaching the Planetary Mass Regime
astro-ph/0502024 Density and Temperature Structure of TMC-1C from 450 and 850 micron Maps
astro-ph/0502025 Discovery of new Milky Way star cluster candidates in the 2MASS point source catalog III. Follow-up observations of cluster candidates in the Galactic Center region
astro-ph/0502026 Dynamics and Radiation of Young Type-Ia Supernova Remnants: Important Physical Processes
astro-ph/0502027 The Broad-Band Spectrum and Infrared Variability of the Magnetar AXP 1E1048.1-5937
astro-ph/0502028 Keck Spectroscopy of distant GOODS Spheroidal Galaxies: Downsizing in a Hierarchical Universe
astro-ph/0502029 Searching for Early Ionization with the Primeval Structure Telescope
astro-ph/0502030 New radio observations of QSO 0957+561 confirm optical-to radio time delay
astro-ph/0502031 Energy Conditions and Segre Classification of Phantom Fields
astro-ph/0502032 Cosmological Surprises from Braneworld models of Dark Energy
astro-ph/0502033 The Secular Decrease of the Crab Nebula at 927 and 151.5 MHz
astro-ph/0502034 Cosmological model with energy transfer
astro-ph/0502035 Nuclear Accretion in Galaxies of the Local Universe: Clues from Chandra Observations
astro-ph/0502036 GMRT Observations of the Group Holmberg 124: Evolution by Tidal Forces and Ram Pressure ?
astro-ph/0502037 Modelling Kinematics and Dark Matter: The Halos of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/0502038 High-speed, energy-resolved, STJ observations of the AM Her system V2301 Oph
astro-ph/0502039 A Northern Sky Survey for Steady TeV Gamma-Ray Point Sources Using the Tibet Air Shower Array
astro-ph/0502040 GALEX UV observations of the interacting galaxy NGC 4438 in the Virgo cluster
astro-ph/0502041 The GALEX UV luminosity function of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1367
astro-ph/0502042 Pulsating young brown dwarfs
astro-ph/0502043 A fossil origin for the magnetic fields of A-stars and white dwarfs
astro-ph/0502044 Accretion of cool stellar winds on Sgr A*: another puzzle of the Galactic Centre?
astro-ph/0502045 Low Temperature Opacities
astro-ph/0502046 Progenitors of Core-Collapse Supernovae
astro-ph/0502047 An extensive library of 2500-10500 Ang synthetic spectra
astro-ph/0502048 Coronal Electron Scattering of Hot Spot Emission Around Black Holes
astro-ph/0502049 Earth-mass dark halos are torn into dark mini-streams by stars
astro-ph/0502050 Combined and Comparative Analysis of Power Spectra
astro-ph/0502051 Deposing the Cool Corona of KPD 0005+5106
astro-ph/0502052 Pure and loaded fireballs in SGR giant flares
astro-ph/0502053 Imaging of Radio Supernovae
astro-ph/0502054 Cosmological Constraints on the Very Low Frequency Gravitational-Wave Background
astro-ph/0502055 The Nature of Nearby Counterparts to Intermediate Redshift Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies II. CO Observations
astro-ph/0502056 Correcting systematic effects in a large set of photometric lightcurves
astro-ph/0502057 Energetics of Coronal Mass Ejections
astro-ph/0502058 A Distinct Structure Inside the Galactic Bar
astro-ph/0502059 The Nature Of Radio Continuum Emission At Very Low Metallicity: Very Large Array Observations of I Zw 18
astro-ph/0502060 Evolution of V838 Monocerotis during and after the 2002 eruption
astro-ph/0502061 Triggered Star Formation in the Orion Bright-Rimmed Clouds
astro-ph/0502062 Morphology of low-redshift compact galaxy clusters I. Shapes and radial profiles
astro-ph/0502063 Flare X-ray observations of AB Dor: evidence for Stellar Coronal Opacity
astro-ph/0502064 Bipolar jets growth and decline in Hen 3-1341: a direct link to fast wind and outburst evolution
astro-ph/0502065 Search for Sources of Primary Cosmic Rays at Energies Above 0.1 Pev at Tien Shan
astro-ph/0502066 The faint supernova remnant G 116.5+1.1 and the detection of a new candidate remnant
astro-ph/0502067 Attenuation law of normal disc galaxies with clumpy distributions of stars and dust
astro-ph/0502068 The Interiors of Giant Planets: Models and Outstanding Questions
astro-ph/0502069 Coupling Quintessence to Inflation in Supergravity
astro-ph/0502070 The efficiency of electron acceleration in collisionless shocks and GRB energetics
astro-ph/0502071 A detailed study of the rotating toroids in G31.41+0.31 and G24.78+0.08
astro-ph/0502072 HST/FOS Time-resolved spectral mapping of IP Pegasi at the end of an outburst
astro-ph/0502073 Detection of 75+ pulsation frequencies in the Delta Scuti star FG Vir
astro-ph/0502074 Discovery of NeVII in the Winds of Hot Evolved Stars
astro-ph/0502075 A dichotomy in the orientation of dust and radio jets in nearby low-power radio galaxies
astro-ph/0502076 Ultraviolet, X-ray, and Optical Radiation from the Geminga Pulsar
astro-ph/0502077 CO Line Emission and Absorption from the HL Tau Disk: Where is all the dust?
astro-ph/0502078 Disk-Halo-Disk Circulation and the Evolution of the ISM - 3D HD and MHD Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulations
astro-ph/0502079 Reduction Algorithms for the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer
astro-ph/0502080 Reduction Algorithms for the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer: 6 Months of Flight Data
astro-ph/0502081 Information content of the non-linear matter power spectrum
astro-ph/0502082 Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph Observations of a Red Star Forming Galaxy at z=2.225: Evidence for Shock-Ionization due to a Galactic Wind
astro-ph/0502083 Probing the Epoch of Early Baryonic Infall Through 21cm Fluctuations
astro-ph/0502084 Universal GRB jets from jet-cocoon interaction in massive stars
astro-ph/0502085 An energetic blast wave from the December 27 giant flare of the soft gamma-ray repeater 1806-20
astro-ph/0502086 A Possible Formation Scenario for the Ultra-Massive Cluster W3 in NGC 7252
astro-ph/0502087 QSO 0957+561 and other large-separated double quasars: some new results and a future observational project
astro-ph/0502088 Phase Correlations and Topological Measures of Large-scale Structure
astro-ph/0502089 The diffuse neutrino flux from FR-II radio galaxies and blazars: A source property based estimate
astro-ph/0502090 Dynamical and chemical properties of the "starless" core L1014
astro-ph/0502091 The first optical validation of an XLEO: a detection in the XMM-Newton observation of the CDFS
astro-ph/0502092 Envelope models for the supersoft X-ray emission of V1974 Cyg
astro-ph/0502093 Cosmic microwave background polarization analysis
astro-ph/0502094 Particle acceleration efficiencies in astrophysical shear flows
astro-ph/0502095 The SCORPIO focal reducer
astro-ph/0502096 Optical and Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectroscopy of the SCUBA Galaxy N2-850.4
astro-ph/0502097 Object classification and the determination of stellar parameters with Gaia
astro-ph/0502098 The broadening of Fe II lines by neutral hydrogen collisions
astro-ph/0502099 Design of the Gaia photometric systems for stellar parametrization using a population-based optimizer
astro-ph/0502099 Design of the Gaia photometric systems for stellar parametrization using a population-based optimizer
astro-ph/0502101 The 3-D shaping of NGC 6741: a massive, fast-evolving Planetary Nebula at the recombination--reionization edge
astro-ph/0502102 Alfven Wave Oscillation Mechanism For the Low and High Frequency QPO Correlations of X-ray Sources Among White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes
astro-ph/0502103 Projection of circumstellar disks on their environments
astro-ph/0502104 Multidimensional Hydrodynamical Simulations of radiative cooling SNRs-clouds interactions: an application to Starburst Environments
astro-ph/0502105 Exploring the Geometry, Topology and Morphology of Large Scale Structure using Minkowski Functionals
astro-ph/0502106 The Binarity of Eta Carinae Revealed from Photoionization Modeling of the Spectral Variability of the Weigelt Blobs B and D
astro-ph/0502107 The near-infrared excitation of the HH211 protostellar outflow
astro-ph/0502108 Mitigation of Pulsed Interference to Redshifted HI and OH Observations between 960 and 1215 MHz
astro-ph/0502109 Extreme X-ray Behavior of the Low-Luminosity Active Nucleus in NGC 4395
astro-ph/0502110 Cosmic Microwave Background, Accelerating Universe and Inhomogeneous Cosmology
astro-ph/0502111 Merger-Induced Starbursts
astro-ph/0502112 Non-linear X-ray variability in X-ray binaries and active galaxies
astro-ph/0502113 Fluctuating annihilation cross sections and the generation of density perturbations
astro-ph/0502114 A Multi-wavelength Study of the X-ray Sources in NGC 5018
astro-ph/0502115 Are quasar jets dominated by Poynting flux?
astro-ph/0502116 Rotochemical Heating in Millisecond Pulsars. Formalism and Non-superfluid case
astro-ph/0502117 The Colours of Elliptical galaxies
astro-ph/0502118 Dark Matter Halos: Shapes, The Substructure Crisis, and Indirect Detection
astro-ph/0502119 Nonsingular density profiles of dark matter halos and Strong gravitational lensing
astro-ph/0502120 The Mauna Kea Observatories Near-Infrared Filter Set. III. Isophotal Wavelengths and Absolute Calibration
astro-ph/0502121 Two-mirror Schwarzschild aplanats. Basic relations
astro-ph/0502122 Relativistic Binary Pulsars with Black-Hole Companions
astro-ph/0502123 Multi-epoch infrared photometry of the star forming region G173.58+2.45
astro-ph/0502124 Galactic Collapsed Objects
astro-ph/0502125 The stability of decelerating shocks revisited
astro-ph/0502126 Modeling star formation in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: a case for extended dark matter halos
astro-ph/0502127 Radial and vertical epicyclic frequencies of Keplerian motion in the field of Kerr naked singularities - comparison with the black hole case and possible instability of naked singularity accretion discs
astro-ph/0502128 Iron K Features in the Quasar E 1821+643: Evidence for Gravitationally Redshifted Absorption?
astro-ph/0502129 SINFONI in the Galactic Center: young stars and IR flares in the central light month
astro-ph/0502130 Quiescent Cores and the Efficiency of Turbulence-Accelerated, Magnetically Regulated Star Formation
astro-ph/0502131 AB Aurigae Resolved: Evidence for Spiral Structure
astro-ph/0502132 Galactic modulation of extragalactic cosmic rays: Possible origin of the knee in the cosmic ray spectrum
astro-ph/0502133 On the evolution of rapidly rotating massive white dwarfs towards supernovae or collapses
astro-ph/0502134 Cool Versus Ultracool White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0502135 Numerical Modelling of Dusty Debris Disks
astro-ph/0502136 Primordial Power Spectrum Reconstruction
astro-ph/0502137 The dust obscuration bias in Damped Lyman alpha systems
astro-ph/0502138 Spectrum and amplitudes of internal gravity waves excited by penetrative convection in solar-type stars
astro-ph/0502139 Cosmology and Astrophysics
astro-ph/0502140 Spin-up of the hyperon-softened accreting neutron stars
astro-ph/0502141 Interacting Phantom Energy and Avoidance of the Big Rip Singularity
astro-ph/0502142 ROMA: a map-making algorithm for polarised CMB data sets
astro-ph/0502143 Intermediate-mass Black Hole and stellar orbits in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0502144 Spitzer Observations of Optically "Invisible" Radio and X-Ray Sources: High Redshift AGN
astro-ph/0502145 Feedback from quasars in star-forming galaxies and the triggering of massive galactic winds
astro-ph/0502146 MHD Simulations of Relic Radio Bubbles in Clusters
astro-ph/0502147 An asteroseismic test of diffusion theory in white dwarfs
astro-ph/0502148 The distances of short-hard GRBs and the SGR connection
astro-ph/0502149 RFI Identification and Mitigation Using Simultaneous Dual Station Observations
astro-ph/0502150 The Concordance Cosmic Star Formation Rate: Implications from and for the Supernova Neutrino and Gamma Ray Backgrounds
astro-ph/0502151 Cyclotron Maser Emission from Blazar Jets?
astro-ph/0502152 Formation of Carbon Dwarfs
astro-ph/0502153 Measuring the Three-Dimensional Structure of Galaxy Clusters. I. Application to a Sample of 25 Clusters
astro-ph/0502154 Infrared Spectroscopy of U Equulei’s Warm Circumstellar Gas
astro-ph/0502155 The T Tauri Phase Down to Nearly Planetary Masses: Echelle Spectra of 82 Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
astro-ph/0502156 Gamma-Ray Burst Prompt Emission: Implications from Shock Acceleration Theory
astro-ph/0502157 A Photometric Redshift Galaxy Catalog from the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey
astro-ph/0502158 Using the ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue to find Counterparts for IBIS/ISGRI Survey Sources
astro-ph/0502159 Extra galactic sources of high energy neutrinos
astro-ph/0502160 Optical Studies of Isolated Neutron Stars and Their Environments
astro-ph/0502161 Exploring the relativistic regime with Newtonian hydrodynamics: An improved effective gravitational potential for supernova simulations
astro-ph/0502162 The stability of buoyant bubbles in the atmospheres of galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0502163 On the determination of the deceleration parameter from Supernovae data
astro-ph/0502164 Particle Swarm Optimization: An efficient method for tracing periodic orbits in 3D galactic potentials
astro-ph/0502165 Mutual information between geomagnetic indices and the solar wind as seen by WIND - implications for propagation time estimates
astro-ph/0502166 The Cusp/Core Problem in Galactic Halos: Long-Slit Spectra for a Large Dwarf Galaxy Sample
astro-ph/0502167 The Solar Neighborhood XIII: Parallax Results from the CTIOPI 0.9-m Program -- Stars with mu >= 1"/year (MOTION Sample)
astro-ph/0502168 A fresh look at the unstable simulations of Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion
astro-ph/0502169 Henry Kandrup’s Ideas About Relaxation of Stellar Systems
astro-ph/0502170 HST/WFPC2 morphologies and bar structures of field galaxies at 0.4
astro-ph/0502171 Analysis of Strong Outbursts in Selected Blazars from the Metsahovi and UMRAO Monitoring Databases
astro-ph/0502172 Discovery of a candidate protoplanetary disk around the embedded source IRc9 in Orion
astro-ph/0502173 Multi-frequency Polarization Imaging of Blazars with Cyclic Activity
astro-ph/0502174 Limits on the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at Multipoles up to l~2000
astro-ph/0502175 The velocity field of baryonic gas in the universe
astro-ph/0502176 SiO Maser Sources toward Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0502177 Observational Gamma-ray Cosmology
astro-ph/0502178 The baryon content of the Universe
astro-ph/0502179 Normal Gas-Rich Galaxies in the Far-Infrared: The Legacy of ISOPHOT
astro-ph/0502180 HST/WFPC2 Color-Magnitude Diagrams for Globular Clusters in M31
astro-ph/0502181 Aldebaran’s angular diameter: how well do we know it?
astro-ph/0502182 End-point of the rp process and periodic gravitational wave emission
astro-ph/0502183 Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 6251
astro-ph/0502184 Radial velocity-acceleration curve analysis of the spectroscopic binary stars by the nonlinear regression
astro-ph/0502185 Energetics - Spectral correlations vs the BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts population
astro-ph/0502186 Probing the existence of the E_peak-E_iso correlation in long Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0502187 EUSO In September 2004
astro-ph/0502188 Systematic Effects in CMB Polarization Measurements
astro-ph/0502189 The Substellar Mass Function: A Bayesian Approach
astro-ph/0502190 On the local birth place of Geminga
astro-ph/0502191 A possible new interpretation of the results of $Deltaalpha/alpha$ from QSO absorption lines
astro-ph/0502192 Discovery of a stellar system in the background of 47 Tucanae
astro-ph/0502193 Pulsations induced by deuterium-burning in young brown dwarfs
astro-ph/0502194 Third order effect of rotation on stellar oscillations of a B star
astro-ph/0502195 Helium self--enrichment and the second parameter problem in M3 and M13
astro-ph/0502196 New constraints on SN Ia progenitor models
astro-ph/0502197 Exploring the Structure of Galaxy Clusters: XMM-Newton observations of the REFLEX-DXL clusters at z~0.3
astro-ph/0502198 Evolution of Binary Supermassive Black Holes via Chain Regularization
astro-ph/0502199 Energy input from quasars regulates the growth and activity of black holes and their host galaxies
astro-ph/0502200 A Direct Method for Measuring Heat Conductivity in Intracluster Medium
astro-ph/0502201 Bulk Comptonization of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Extragalactic Jets as a Probe of their Matter Content
astro-ph/0502202 Metal Abundances of KISS Galaxies. IV. Galaxian Luminosity-Metallicity Relations in the Optical and Near-IR
astro-ph/0502203 A Search for Giant Pulses from Millisecond Pulsars
astro-ph/0502204 The Mass Assembly Histories of Galaxies of Various Morphologies in the GOODS Fields
astro-ph/0502205 The Effect of Spiral Structure on the Stellar Velocity Distribution in the Solar Neighborhood
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