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astro-ph/0503003 Early structure in LCDM
astro-ph/0503006 Can Dark Matter Annihilation Dominate the Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Background?
astro-ph/0503007 Relativistic SPH Calculations of Compact Binary Mergers
astro-ph/0503008 Spitzer Mid-Infrared Imaging of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/0503009 Soft X-ray and Ultraviolet Emission Relations in Optically Selected AGN Samples
astro-ph/0503009 Soft X-ray and Ultraviolet Emission Relations in Optically Selected AGN Samples
astro-ph/0503011 Quasi-periodic oscillations: Resonant shear Alfv`en waves in neutron star magnetospheres
astro-ph/0503012 Neutrino Absorption: In the magnetic field of GRB In the Fireball Model
astro-ph/0503013 Parker Instability in a Self-Gravitating Magnetized Gas Disk: I. Linear Stability Analysis
astro-ph/0503014 Predicting the CMB power spectrum for binary polyhedral spaces
astro-ph/0503015 "4n multipole periodicity" of the Galaxy image in the WMAP data
astro-ph/0503016 High-Energy pulse profile of the Transient X-ray Pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545
astro-ph/0503017 Cosmic Infrared Background: Resolved, Unresolved and Spitzer Contributions
astro-ph/0503018 Reconstruction of the microlensing light curves of the Einstein Cross, QSO2237+0305: possible evidence of an accretion disk with a central hole
astro-ph/0503019 COSMOGRAIL: the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses I. How to sample the light curves of gravitationally lensed quasars to measure accurate time delays
astro-ph/0503020 The interaction of a jet-like pulse with a wind from a stellar companion
astro-ph/0503021 Nucleosynthetic signatures of the first stars
astro-ph/0503022 Flares observed with XMM-Newton and the VLA
astro-ph/0503023 Effects of Unstable Particles on Light-Element Abundances: Lithium versus Deuterium and He3
astro-ph/0503024 The X-ray Emissions from the M87 Jet: Diagnostics and Physical Interpretation
astro-ph/0503025 The Outward Radial Offset of Neptune Ring Arcs
astro-ph/0503026 Metal Abundances in a Damped Lyman-alpha System Along Two Lines of Sight at z=0.93
astro-ph/0503027 Radiation Pressure Supported Starburst Disks and AGN Fueling
astro-ph/0503028 INTEGRAL observations of V0332+53 in outburst
astro-ph/0503029 Discovery of Extremely Embedded X-ray Sources in the R Coronae Australis Star Forming Core
astro-ph/0503030 Gamma-Ray Observations of a Giant Flare from The Magnetar SGR 1806-20
astro-ph/0503031 A Radio Study of the Mouse, G359.23--0.82
astro-ph/0503032 Spectroscopic Studies of Very Metal-Poor Stars with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph. III. Light Neutron-Capture Elements
astro-ph/0503033 Constraints on the solid dark universe model
astro-ph/0503034 HST and UKIRT imaging observations of z~1 6C radio galaxies - II. Galaxy morphologies and the alignment effect
astro-ph/0503035 Mass loss from red giants in the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/0503036 Dark Matter and Dark Energy from a single scalar field and CMB data
astro-ph/0503037 The IRAC galaxy correlation functions from SWIRE
astro-ph/0503038 The element abundance FIP effect in the quiet Sun
astro-ph/0503039 Effect of component separation on the temperature distribution of the CMB
astro-ph/0503040 A Survey for Planetary Transits in the Field of NGC 7789
astro-ph/0503041 Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.X
astro-ph/0503042 Instabilities of Galactic Disks in the Presence of Star Formation
astro-ph/0503043 Polarized Diffuse Emission at 2.3 GHz in a High Galactic Latitude Area
astro-ph/0503044 Effect of entrainment on stress and pulsar glitches in neutron star crust
astro-ph/0503045 QSO Narrow [OIII] Line Width and Host Galaxy Luminosity
astro-ph/0503046 Simulation of a population of isolated neutron stars evolving through the emission of gravitational waves
astro-ph/0503047 Magnetic fields in neutron stars: A theoretical perspective
astro-ph/0503048 The Configuration of Fraternite-Egalite2-Egalite1 in the Neptune Ring Arcs System
astro-ph/0503049 Afterglow emission from pair-loaded blast waves in gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0503050 X-ray Outburst in Mira A
astro-ph/0503051 Detection of Ne VIII in the Low-Redshift Warm-Hot IGM
astro-ph/0503052 A powerful bursting radio source towards the Galactic Centre
astro-ph/0503053 On the Spectrum of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
astro-ph/0503054 An upper limit to [C II] emission in a z ~= 5 galaxy
astro-ph/0503055 An interferometric CO survey of luminous submm galaxies
astro-ph/0503056 Infrared Properties of AGN in the GOODS Fields: AGN in Stellar Dominated High-z Galaxies
astro-ph/0503057 Infrared Number Counts of AGN in the GOODS Fields
astro-ph/0503058 The Geometric Distance and Proper Motion of the Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
astro-ph/0503059 Hyperfine splitting of [Al VI]3.66um and the Al isotopic ratio in NGC6302
astro-ph/0503060 Magnetic Fields in Gamma-Ray Bursts: A Short Review
astro-ph/0503061 Spatially Resolved Low Frequency VLA observations of the Supernova Remnant 3C 391
astro-ph/0503062 Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of the E+A Galaxies in the z=0.32 Cluster AC114
astro-ph/0503063 Multi-wavelength carbon recombination line observations with the VLA toward an UCHII region in W48: Physical properties and kinematics of neutral material
astro-ph/0503064 Reconstruction of the One-point Distribution of Convergence from Weak Lensing by Large-scale Structure
astro-ph/0503065 TASI Lectures on AstroParticle Physics
astro-ph/0503066 One-armed spiral structure of accretion discs induced by a phase-dependent mass transfer in Be/X-ray binaries
astro-ph/0503067 A Field Programmable Gate Array Spectrometer for Radio Astronomy
astro-ph/0503068 Modeling optical properties of cosmic dust grains using a distribution of hollow spheres
astro-ph/0503069 On the stellar populations in NGC 185 and NGC 205, and the nuclear star cluster in NGC 205 from Hubble Space Telescope observations
astro-ph/0503070 New H2O masers in Seyfert and FIR bright galaxies
astro-ph/0503071 The Mass Spectrum of X-Ray Binaries
astro-ph/0503072 Coupled Quintessence in a Power-Law Case and the Cosmic Coincidence Problem
astro-ph/0503073 Echo Tomography of Sco X-1 using Bowen Fluorescence Lines
astro-ph/0503074 Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Parallel Relativistic Shocks
astro-ph/0503075 Statefinder diagnostic for coupled quintessence
astro-ph/0503076 The Herbig Ae star HD 163296 in X-rays
astro-ph/0503077 Photometric and Obscurational Completeness
astro-ph/0503078 Thermal and non-thermal energies in solar flares
astro-ph/0503079 Multiwavelength Spectral Models for SNR G347.3-0.5 from Non-Linear Shock Acceleration
astro-ph/0503080 An Atlas of Warm AGN and Starbursts from the IRAS Deep Fields
astro-ph/0503081 How To Distinguish Neutron Star and Black Hole X-ray Binaries? Spectral index and Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Frequency Correlation
astro-ph/0503082 Modelling of aspherical nebulae. I. A quick pseudo-3D photoionization code
astro-ph/0503083 Direct determination of the spiral pattern rotation speed of the Galaxy
astro-ph/0503084 Measuring High Moments of Galaxy Angular Distribution in the First Look Survey using Infrared Array Camera
astro-ph/0503085 Spectrum of Very High Energy Gamma-Rays from the blazar 1ES1959+650 during Flaring Activity in 2002
astro-ph/0503086 The uBVI Photometric System. I. Motivation, Implementation, and Calibration
astro-ph/0503087 The uBVI Photometric System. II. Standard Stars
astro-ph/0503088 266 E+A Galaxies Selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2: The Origin of E+A Galaxies
astro-ph/0503089 Velocity Dispersion of 335 Galaxy Clusters Selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Statistical Evidence for Dynamical Interaction, and Against Ram-Pressure Stripping
astro-ph/0503090 Evidence for Planet-Induced Secular Changes in the Turbulent Disk of a Be Star in the LMC MACHO Database
astro-ph/0503091 The Chandra X-Ray Observatory: Five Years of Operation
astro-ph/0503092 On the deficit of calculated muon flux at sea level for energies $>100$ GeV
astro-ph/0503093 The Deepest Supernova Search is Realized in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey
astro-ph/0503094 The Star Formation Rate-Density Relationship at Redshift Three
astro-ph/0503095 The alpha-effect and current helicity for fast sheared rotators
astro-ph/0503096 Optical spectroscopy of X-Mega targets in the Carina Nebula - V. The spectroscopic binary HD93161A and its visual companion HD93161B
astro-ph/0503097 Using radio emission to detect isolated and quiescent accreting black holes
astro-ph/0503098 Ages, metallicities and $alpha$-element enhancement for galaxies in Hickson compact groups
astro-ph/0503099 The dark energy-dominated Universe
astro-ph/0503099 The dark energy-dominated Universe
astro-ph/0503101 Solid state components of varying compositions in the outflow of the Red Rectangle
astro-ph/0503102 Passively Evolving Early-type Galaxies at 1.4
astro-ph/0503103 Elliptic CMB Sky
astro-ph/0503104 Testing MOND with VirgoHI21
astro-ph/0503105 Spatially resolved PAH emission in the inner disks of Herbig Ae/Be stars
astro-ph/0503106 Initial conditions to cosmological N-body simulations, or how to run an ensemble of simulations
astro-ph/0503107 Analysis of DA White Dwarfs from the McCook & Sion Catalog
astro-ph/0503108 The effective temperature scale of FGK stars. I. Determination of temperatures and angular diameters with the infrared flux method
astro-ph/0503109 Can black hole MACHO binaries be detected by the Brazilian spherical antenna?
astro-ph/0503110 The effective temperature scale of FGK stars. II. Teff : color : [Fe/H] calibrations
astro-ph/0503111 Comparison of White Dwarf Mass Determinations
astro-ph/0503112 Detailed Spectroscopic and Photometric Analysis of DQ White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0503113 An Initial Look at the FIR-Radio Correlation within M51a using Spitzer
astro-ph/0503114 X-ray Observations of the Boundary Layer in Dwarf Novae at Low Accretion Rates
astro-ph/0503115 A Northern Survey of Gamma-Ray Blazar Candidates
astro-ph/0503116 Constraints on z~10 Galaxies from the Deepest HST NICMOS Fields
astro-ph/0503117 A Self-Absorption Census of Cold HI Clouds in the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
astro-ph/0503118 Primordial Gravitational Waves and Inflation: CMB and Direct Detection With Space-Based Laser Interferometers
astro-ph/0503119 An Automated Method for the Detection and Extraction of HI Self-Absorption in High-Resolution 21cm Line Surveys
astro-ph/0503120 Signatures of Cosmic Strings in the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/0503121 Polarization from a Strongly Magnetized Accretion Disks: Asymptotic Wavelength Behaviour
astro-ph/0503122 Neutrino Astrophysics in the cold: Amanda, Baikal and IceCube
astro-ph/0503123 Constraint on Cosmological Model with Matter Creation Using Type Ia Supernovae and Gamma-ray Bursts Observations
astro-ph/0503124 Intra-day Variability of Sagittarius A* at 3 Millimeters
astro-ph/0503125 Resolving the mystery of the dwarf galaxy HIZSS003
astro-ph/0503126 Reconstruction of Objects by Direct Demodulation
astro-ph/0503127 Open Cluster Birth Analysis and Multiple Spiral Arm Sets in the Milky Way
astro-ph/0503128 The Classical and Quantum Inflaton: the Precise Inflationary Potential and Quantum Inflaton Decay after WMAP
astro-ph/0503129 Runaway collisions in young star clusters. I. Methods and tests
astro-ph/0503130 Runaway collisions in young star clusters. II. Numerical results
astro-ph/0503131 The Chandra Observation of the Shell of Nova Persei 1901 (GK Persei): Detection of localized Non-thermal X-ray Emission from a Miniature Supernova Remnant
astro-ph/0503132 A Deep Chandra Survey of the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae: Catalog of Point Sources
astro-ph/0503133 X-ray Binaries in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae
astro-ph/0503134 The Southern Galactic Plane Survey: HI Observations and Analysis
astro-ph/0503135 Simulations of Dust in Interacting Galaxies I: Dust Attenuation
astro-ph/0503136 The Intrinsic Alignment of Dark Halo Substructures
astro-ph/0503137 Evaporation and Condensation of HI clouds in thermally bistable interstellar media: semi-analytic description of isobaric dynamics of curved interfaces
astro-ph/0503138 RApid Temporal Survey - RATS I: Overview and first results
astro-ph/0503139 A Bayesian approach to filter design: detection of compact sources
astro-ph/0503140 Near-Infrared Observations of RR Lyrae variables in Galactic Globular Clusters: I. The case of M92
astro-ph/0503141 Star formation in unbound giant molecular clouds: the origin of OB associations?
astro-ph/0503142 Electromagnetic waves with negative phase velocity in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime
astro-ph/0503143 An Extended Grid of Nova Models: II. The Parameter Space of Nova Outbursts
astro-ph/0503144 X-rays from accretion shocks in T Tauri stars: The case of BP Tau
astro-ph/0503145 Temporal Correlation of Hard X-rays and Meter/Decimeter Radio Structures in Solar Flares
astro-ph/0503146 Galaxy Clusters and Dark Matter Properties
astro-ph/0503147 Statistical Properties of Dissipative MHD Accelerators
astro-ph/0503148 Filter design for the detection of compact sources based on the Neyman-Pearson detector
astro-ph/0503149 Detection of point sources on two-dimensional images based on peaks
astro-ph/0503150 X-ray sources in globular clusters of other galaxies
astro-ph/0503151 QPOs in Cataclysmic Variables and in X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/0503152 MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments - I. First-Epoch 15 GHz Linear Polarization Images
astro-ph/0503153 A Virgo high-resolution Halpha kinematical survey: I. NGC 4438
astro-ph/0503154 A deep Chandra observation of the Centaurus cluster: bubbles, filaments and edges
astro-ph/0503155 Properties of galactic B[e] supergiants. IV. Hen3-298 and Hen3-303
astro-ph/0503156 Tracing the Nuclear Accretion History of the Red Galaxy Population
astro-ph/0503157 Seismic constraints on open clusters
astro-ph/0503158 Radial Velocities of Newly Discovered Globular Clusters in NGC 5128
astro-ph/0503159 Cepheid Calibrations from the Hubble Space Telescope of the Luminosity of Two Recent Type Ia Supernovae and a Re-determination of the Hubble Constant
astro-ph/0503160 Second Order Geodesic Corrections to Cosmic Shear
astro-ph/0503161 On the variation of the fine-structure constant in Friedmann Universes
astro-ph/0503162 A Thermal Graviton Background from Extra Dimensions
astro-ph/0503163 Gravitational cooling and density profile near caustics in collisionless dark matter haloes
astro-ph/0503164 The Assembly History of Field Spheroidals: Evolution of Mass-to-light Ratios and Signatures of Recent Star Formation
astro-ph/0503165 Comparative Direct Analysis of Spectra of Type Ia Supernovae. I. SN 1994D
astro-ph/0503166 The influence of non-uniform reionization on the CMB
astro-ph/0503167 Turbulence driven by outflow-blown cavities in the molecular cloud of NGC 1333
astro-ph/0503168 Stellar and total mass in early-type lensing galaxies
astro-ph/0503169 The Phantom of the OPRA
astro-ph/0503170 Large Scale Structure at 24 Microns in the SWIRE Survey
astro-ph/0503171 Constraints on the distance to SGR 1806-20 from HI absorption
astro-ph/0503172 Is the Number of Giant Arcs in LCDM Consistent With Observations?
astro-ph/0503173 Non-Thermal Emission from AGN Coronae
astro-ph/0503174 Effects of a solid surface on jet formation around neutron stars
astro-ph/0503175 Generating cosmological perturbations with mass variations
astro-ph/0503176 A concise reference to (projected) Sersic R^{1/n} quantities, including Concentration, Profile Slopes, Petrosian indices, and Kron Magnitudes
astro-ph/0503177 Core depletion from coalescing supermassive black holes
astro-ph/0503178 Prospects for Extrasolar "Earths" in Habitable Zones
astro-ph/0503179 86 GHz SiO maser survey of late-type stars in the Inner Galaxy III. Interstellar extinction and colours of the SiO targets
astro-ph/0503180 Monitoring of the prompt radio emission from the unusual supernova 2004dj in NGC2403
astro-ph/0503181 Tentative detection of warm intervening gas towards PKS 0548-322 with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0503182 Axial Symmetry and Rotation in the SiO Maser Shell of IK Tauri
astro-ph/0503183 An Assessment of the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX Line Ratios from the Chandra Grating Observations of Capella
astro-ph/0503184 The depolarisation properties of powerful extragalactic radio sources as a function of cosmic epoch
astro-ph/0503185 Cross Correlations of X-ray and Optically Selected Clusters With Near Infrared and Optical Galaxies
astro-ph/0503186 Probing the precession of the inner accretion disk in Cygnus X-1
astro-ph/0503187 One-armed Spiral Instability in a Low T/|W| Postbounce Supernova Core
astro-ph/0503188 Massive young clusters in the disc of M31
astro-ph/0503189 Galaxy mergers with various mass ratios: properties of remnants
astro-ph/0503190 High Mass Star Formation I: The Mass Distribution of Submillimeter Clumps in NGC 7538
astro-ph/0503191 A Search for Unresolved Double Degenerates Using IUE Archives
astro-ph/0503192 Influence of the Coriolis force on the instability of slowly pulsating B stars
astro-ph/0503193 An upper limit to the masses of stars
astro-ph/0503194 The very early optical afterglow of GRBs, revealing the nature of the ejecta
astro-ph/0503195 Luminous X-ray Flares from Low Mass X-ray Binary Candidates in the Early-Type Galaxy NGC 4697
astro-ph/0503196 Growth of Linear Perturbations before the Era of the First Galaxies
astro-ph/0503197 Electron-Ion Recombination Rate Coefficients and Photoionization Cross Sections for Astrophysically Abundant Elements. IX. Ni XXVI and Ni XXVII for UV and X-ray modeling
astro-ph/0503198 An Extremely Large Excess of 18O in the Hydrogen-Deficient Carbon Star, HD 137613
astro-ph/0503199 Nonthermal X-radiation of SNR RX J1713.7-3946: The Relations to a Nearby Molecular Cloud
astro-ph/0503200 Dark Energy Stars
astro-ph/0503201 The effects of feedback in simulations of disk-galaxy major mergers
astro-ph/0503202 Imaging of SDSS z>6 quasar fields: gravitational lensing, companion galaxies and the host dark matter halos
astro-ph/0503203 An X-ray study of magnetic field strengths and particle content in FRII radio sources
astro-ph/0503204 The Origin of the Spatial Distribution of X-ray luminous AGN in Massive Galaxy Clusters
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