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21 September 2024
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2024, 2005
12, 4.2005
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astro-ph/0504003 Concentration of toroidal magnetic field in the solar tachocline by eta-quenching
astro-ph/0504004 Large Scale Cosmological Inhomogeneities, Inflation and Acceleration Without Dark Matter
astro-ph/0504005 Constraints on backreaction in a dust universe
astro-ph/0504006 Virtual Observatory: From Concept to Implementation
astro-ph/0504007 CMB Anisotropy Due to Tangled magnetic fields in re-ionized models
astro-ph/0504008 A Chandra Survey of Early-Type Galaxies, I: Metal Enrichment in the ISM
astro-ph/0504009 Modified Newtonian Dynamics In Dimensionless Form
astro-ph/0504009 Modified Newtonian Dynamics In Dimensionless Form
astro-ph/0504011 Discovery of multi-seeded multi-mode formation of embedded clusters in the Rosette Molecular Complex
astro-ph/0504012 Is the emerging massive cluster NGC 2244 a twin cluster?
astro-ph/0504013 Applying Machine Learning to Catalogue Matching in Astrophysics
astro-ph/0504014 The EUV variability of the luminous QSO HS 1700+6416
astro-ph/0504015 Fluorescent Ly-alpha emission from the high-redshift intergalactic medium
astro-ph/0504016 Multi-seeded multi-mode formation of embedded clusters in the RMC: Clusters baked in swept-up shells
astro-ph/0504017 Constraints on the sound speed of dark energy
astro-ph/0504018 GRS 1915+105: the distance, radiative processes and energy-dependent variability
astro-ph/0504019 Discovery of 10 pulsars in an Arecibo drift-scan survey
astro-ph/0504020 Magnetars
astro-ph/0504021 On the Eccentricities and Merger Rates of Double Neutron Star Binaries and the Creation of "Double Supernovae"
astro-ph/0504022 Applications of Bayesian Model Selection to Cosmological Parameters
astro-ph/0504023 Sub-arcsec imaging of the AB Aur molecular disk and envelope at millimeter wavelengths: a non Keplerian disk
astro-ph/0504024 Magnetorotational Instability around a Rotating Black Hole
astro-ph/0504025 Vigorous star formation in a bulge-dominated ERO at z = 1.34
astro-ph/0504026 Very compact radio emission from high-mass protostars. II. Dust disks and ionized accretion flows
astro-ph/0504027 Studying the Variation of the Fine Structure Constant Using Emission Line Multiplets
astro-ph/0504028 Quantitative Spectroscopy of Photospheric-Phase Type II Supernovae
astro-ph/0504029 A low-absorption disk zone at low Galactic latitude in Centaurus
astro-ph/0504030 Early Re-brightenings in GRB Afterglows as Signatures of Low-to-High Density Boundary
astro-ph/0504031 An old quasar in a young dark energy-dominated universe?
astro-ph/0504032 Stellar Populations in Ten Clump-Cluster Galaxies of the Ultra Deep Field
astro-ph/0504033 Central Blue Clumps in Elliptical Galaxies of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
astro-ph/0504034 Primordial Black Holes - Recent Developments
astro-ph/0504035 Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars VIII: The Velocity Dispersion Profiles of the Ursa Minor and Draco Dwarf Spheroidals At Large Angular Separations
astro-ph/0504036 Gemini and Chandra observations of Abell 586, a relaxed strong-lensing cluster
astro-ph/0504037 Radiative equilibrium in Monte Carlo radiative transfer using frequency distribution adjustment
astro-ph/0504038 The First Generation of Star-Forming Haloes
astro-ph/0504039 Early photon-shock interaction in stellar wind: sub-GeV photon flash and high energy neutrino emission from long GRBs
astro-ph/0504040 Hot Cores : Probes of High-Redshift Galaxies
astro-ph/0504041 Proper Motion of H2O Masers in IRAS 20050+2720 MMS1: An AU Scale Jet Associated with An Intermediate-Mass Class 0 Source
astro-ph/0504042 On the origin of the drifting subpulses in radio pulsars
astro-ph/0504043 Asteroseismology of the planet-hosting star $mu$ Arae. I. The acoustic spectrum
astro-ph/0504044 uvby-Hbeta CCD photometry and membership segregation of the open cluster NGC 2548; Gaps in the Main Sequence of open clusters
astro-ph/0504045 The inflationary prediction for primordial non-gaussianity
astro-ph/0504046 Detecting a small perturbation through its non-Gaussianity
astro-ph/0504047 Star counts in the Galaxy. Simulating from very deep to very shallow photometric surveys with the TRILEGAL code
astro-ph/0504048 Search templates for stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds
astro-ph/0504049 Exact solution of the standard transfer problem in a stellar atmosphere
astro-ph/0504050 A possible bright blue SN in the afterglow of GRB 020305
astro-ph/0504051 Testing MOND with Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxies
astro-ph/0504052 A New Relation between GRB Rest-Frame Spectra and Energetics and Its Utility on Cosmology
astro-ph/0504053 Stellar dynamo driven wind braking instead of disc coupling
astro-ph/0504054 The Sensitivity of Multidimensional Nova Calculations to the Outer Boundary Conditions
astro-ph/0504055 The effect of a finite mass reservoir on the collapse of spherical isothermal clouds and the evolution of protostellar accretion
astro-ph/0504056 The gamma-ray giant flare from SGR1806-20: Evidence for crustal cracking via initial timescales
astro-ph/0504057 Multicolour photometry of Balloon 090100001: linking the two classes of pulsating hot subdwarfs
astro-ph/0504058 Kinematics of the Galactic Halo from Horizontal Branch stars in the Hamburg/ESO Survey
astro-ph/0504059 The GRB 030328 host: another case of a blue starburst galaxy
astro-ph/0504060 Formation of Kuiper-belt binaries through multiple chaotic scattering encounters with low-mass intruders
astro-ph/0504061 Accretion in dipole magnetic fields: flow structure and X-ray emission of accreting white dwarfs
astro-ph/0504062 Relativistic r-modes and Shear viscosity: regularizing the continuous spectrum
astro-ph/0504063 A simple method to construct exact density-potential pairs from a homeoidal expansion
astro-ph/0504064 Faint Fuzzies and the Formation of Lenticular Galaxies
astro-ph/0504065 Amplification of Interstellar Magnetic Fields and Turbulent Mixing by Supernova-Driven Turbulence Part II - The Role of Dynamical Chaos
astro-ph/0504066 The Size of the Radio-Emitting Region in Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0504067 Absorption and scattering properties of arbitrarily shaped particles in the Rayleigh domain: A rapid computational method and a theoretical foundation for the statistical approach
astro-ph/0504068 Metal Enrichment Processes in the Intra-Cluster Medium
astro-ph/0504069 RXJ0142.0+2131: I. The galaxy content of an X-ray-luminous galaxy cluster at z=0.28
astro-ph/0504070 Estimating the initial Lorentz factor and the corresponding rest frame spectral peak energy of gamma-ray bursts with the opening angle of jets
astro-ph/0504071 On the Comment by Palle (astro-ph/0503562) on the vorticity and shear of the Universe
astro-ph/0504072 A simple parameterization of the consequences of deleptonization for simulations of stellar core collapse
astro-ph/0504073 A Parameter-free Statistical Measurement of Halos with Power Spectra
astro-ph/0504074 High-spatial-resolution observations of NH3 and CH3OH towards the massive twin cores NGC6334 I & I(N)
astro-ph/0504075 Skyrmion Stars: Astrophysical motivations and implications
astro-ph/0504076 Variability of Broad and Blueshifted Component of [OIII]$lambda$5007 in IZWI
astro-ph/0504077 Magnetars
astro-ph/0504078 Exploring a deep meridional flow hypothesis for a circulation dominated solar dynamo model
astro-ph/0504079 On the nature of the S stars in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0504080 Optical Properties of 4248 IRAS Galaxies
astro-ph/0504081 What Can the Distribution of Intergalactic Metals Tell us About the History of Cosmological Enrichment?
astro-ph/0504082 First Results from the CHARA Array. II. A Description of the Instrument
astro-ph/0504083 J-resolved He I emission predictions in the low-density limit
astro-ph/0504084 XBootes: An X-Ray Survey of the NDWFS Bootes Field - Paper I Overview and Initial Results
astro-ph/0504085 A cross-calibration between Tycho-2 photometry and HST spectrophotometry
astro-ph/0504086 The Vega Debris Disk -- A Surprise from Spitzer
astro-ph/0504087 Why Are Radio-Galaxies Prolific Producers of Type Ia Supernovae?
astro-ph/0504088 GZK cutoff distortion due to the energy error distribution shape
astro-ph/0504089 Superadiabatic-type magnetic amplification in conventional cosmology
astro-ph/0504090 Slinky Inflation
astro-ph/0504091 10^{-7} contrast ratio at 4.5Lambda/D: New results obtained in laboratory experiments using nano-fabricated coronagraph and multi-Gaussian shaped pupil masks
astro-ph/0504092 Thermal and non-thermal nature of the soft excess emission from Sersic 159-03 observed with XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0504093 Long-term Periodicities in the Flux from Low Mass X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/0504094 The Unified Equation of State for Dark Matter and Dark Energy
astro-ph/0504095 PPPM and TreePM Methods on GRAPE Systems for Cosmological N-body Simulations
astro-ph/0504096 Gamma-Ray Background from Neutralino Annihilation in the First Cosmological Objects
astro-ph/0504097 Simulating the joint evolution of quasars, galaxies and their large-scale distribution
astro-ph/0504098 Predicting Single-Temperature Fit to Multi-Component Thermal Plasma Spectra
astro-ph/0504099 Core Structure of Intracluster Gas: Isothermal Hydrostatic Equilibrium
astro-ph/0504099 Core Structure of Intracluster Gas: Isothermal Hydrostatic Equilibrium
astro-ph/0504101 X-Ray Spectra of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Ton S180 in Comparison with Galactic Black Holes
astro-ph/0504102 C,N,O in lambda Boo stars and in composite spectra
astro-ph/0504103 ELT Observations of Supernovae at the Edge of the Universe
astro-ph/0504104 Doppler imaging of Speedy Mic using the VLT, Fast spot evolution on a young K-dwarf star
astro-ph/0504105 Towards a physical model of dust tori in Active Galactic Nuclei - Radiative transfer calculations for a hydrostatic torus model
astro-ph/0504106 Fe XI emission lines in a high resolution extreme ultraviolet spectrum obtained by SERTS
astro-ph/0504107 Localizing Plages on BO Mic, First steps towards chromospheric Doppler imaging
astro-ph/0504108 The Devil is in the Details: Compact Structures in Pulsar Wind Nebulae
astro-ph/0504109 Structure in the motions of the fastest halo stars
astro-ph/0504110 Chandra Observation of an X-ray Flare at Saturn: Evidence for Direct Solar Control on Saturn’s Disk X-ray Emissions
astro-ph/0504111 Enhanced X-ray variability from V1647 Ori, the young star in outburst illuminating McNeil’s Nebula
astro-ph/0504112 The Small-Scale Power Spectrum of Cold Dark Matter
astro-ph/0504113 Comment on Hervik’s comment (astro-ph/0504071) on evidence of vorticity and shear of the Universe (astro-ph/0503213)
astro-ph/0504114 SN 1998A: Explosion of a Blue Supergiant
astro-ph/0504115 Constraining dark energy with cross-correlated CMB and Large Scale Structure data
astro-ph/0504116 Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of SN IIn 1995N
astro-ph/0504117 VLA observations of broad 6-cm excited state OH lines in W49A
astro-ph/0504118 Mid-Infrared Imaging of Active Galaxies: Active Nuclei and Embedded Star Clusters
astro-ph/0504119 Variability of Optical ion{Fe}{ii} Complex in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4051
astro-ph/0504120 Discovery of extended VHE gamma-ray emission from the asymmetric pulsar wind nebula in MSH 15-52 with H.E.S.S
astro-ph/0504121 Relic abundance of mass-varying cold dark matter particles
astro-ph/0504122 The Dog on the Ship: The "Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy" as an Outlying Part of the Argo Star System
astro-ph/0504123 On the Size Distribution of Close-In Extrasolar Giant Planets
astro-ph/0504124 Tracing the Nature of Dark Energy with Galaxy Distribution
astro-ph/0504125 The Difference Between the Amati and Ghirlanda Relations
astro-ph/0504126 X-ray States of Black Hole Binaries in Outburst
astro-ph/0504127 Evolution of field early-type galaxies: The view from GOODS/CDFS
astro-ph/0504128 Robust determination of optical path difference: fringe tracking at the IOTA interferometer
astro-ph/0504129 X-ray States of Black-Hole Binaries and Implications for the Mechanism of Steady Jets
astro-ph/0504130 Can Relativistic MOND Theory Resolve Both the Dark Matter and Dark Energy Paradigms?
astro-ph/0504131 The [Fe IV] Discrepancy: Constraining the Iron Abundances in Nebulae
astro-ph/0504132 The Amplitude of Dark Energy Perturbations
astro-ph/0504133 On the nature of Lithium-rich giant stars: constraints from Beryllium abundances
astro-ph/0504134 Proper Motions of the BN Object and the I Radio Source in Orion: Where and When Did BN Become a Runaway Star?
astro-ph/0504135 Consequences of Disk Scale Height on LISA Confusion Noise from Close White Dwarf Binaries
astro-ph/0504136 A high sensitivity HI survey of the sky at delta < -25 deg Final data release
astro-ph/0504137 The broad-band X-ray spectrum of the blazar PKS B1830-211 by Chandra and INTEGRAL
astro-ph/0504138 X-ray synchrotron emission from the oblique shock in the jet of the powerful radio galaxy 3C 346
astro-ph/0504139 Restframe I-band Hubble diagram for type Ia supernovae up to redshift z ~0.5
astro-ph/0504140 The Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) Survey of Galactic HI: Final data release of the combined LDS and IAR surveys with improved stray-radiation corrections
astro-ph/0504141 Efficient Monte Carlo methods for continuum radiative transfer
astro-ph/0504142 The properties of Galactic globular cluster sub-systems
astro-ph/0504143 Advances of plasma diagnostics with high-resolution spectroscopy of stellar coronae
astro-ph/0504144 Sidebands to the lower kilohertz QPO in 4U1636-53
astro-ph/0504145 X-ray properties of active M dwarfs as observed by XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0504146 The value of density measurements in stellar coronae
astro-ph/0504147 Nonthermal hard X-ray excess in the cluster Abell 2256 from two epoch observations
astro-ph/0504148 X-ray Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei and the Flare Model
astro-ph/0504149 Diffusion coefficient and acceleration spectrum from direct measurements of charged cosmic ray nuclei
astro-ph/0504150 Precision X-ray Timing of RX J0806.3+1527 with CHANDRA: Evidence for Gravitational Radiation from an Ultracompact Binary
astro-ph/0504151 On the He II Emission In Eta Carinae and the Origin of Its Spectroscopic Events
astro-ph/0504152 Low-Luminosity AGN as analogues of Galactic Black Holes in the low/hard state: Evidence from X-ray timing of NGC 4258
astro-ph/0504153 Early decline spectra of Nova SMC 2001 and Nova LMC 2002
astro-ph/0504154 Spectroscopic metallicities for planet-host stars: extending the samples
astro-ph/0504155 On the periodic clustering of cosmic ray exposure ages of iron meteorites
astro-ph/0504156 X-ray Emission from Disk Galaxies During Major Mergers
astro-ph/0504157 Abundances of Na, Mg and Al in stars with giant planets
astro-ph/0504158 Cosmic Rays from Gamma Ray Bursts in the Galaxy
astro-ph/0504159 Super-solar Metallicity in the NLS1 Galaxy Markarian 1044
astro-ph/0504160 The origin of intergalactic metals around Lyman-break galaxies
astro-ph/0504161 A galaxy-halo model of large-scale structure
astro-ph/0504162 Searching for Transiting Planets in Stellar Systems
astro-ph/0504163 The effect of the 19F(alpha,p)22Ne reaction rate uncertainty on the yield of fluorine from Wolf-Rayet Stars
astro-ph/0504164 On the accretion origin of a vast extended stellar disk around the Andromeda galaxy
astro-ph/0504165 Early optical-IR emission from GRB 041219a: neutron-rich internal shocks and a mildly magnetized external reverse shock
astro-ph/0504166 Fluorescent Molecular Hydrogen Emission in IC 63: FUSE, HUT, and Rocket Observations
astro-ph/0504167 Preliminary Analysis of Cosmic Far-IR Background Fluctuations in Spitzer 160 Micron Maps
astro-ph/0504168 Super-critical Accretion Flows around Black Holes: Two-dimensional, Radiation-pressure-dominated Disks with Photon-trapping
astro-ph/0504169 High Mass Triple Systems: The Classical Cepheid Y Car
astro-ph/0504170 The same physics underlying SGRs, AXPs, and radio pulsars
astro-ph/0504171 Magellanic Stream: A Tool for Studying the Halo Model of Milky Way
astro-ph/0504172 Measuring the Halo Mass of z=3 Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers from the Absorber-Galaxy Cross-correlation
astro-ph/0504173 Anti-solar differential rotation
astro-ph/0504174 Oxygen isotopic ratios in galactic clouds along the line of sight towards Sagittarius B2
astro-ph/0504175 Which Massive stars are Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors?
astro-ph/0504176 High-Resolution Molecular Line Observations of the Environment of the Class 0 Source B1-IRS
astro-ph/0504177 Inferences from pulsational amplitudes and phases for multimode $delta$ Sct star FG Vir
astro-ph/0504178 Friedmann cosmology on codimension 2 brane with time dependent tension
astro-ph/0504179 Spectra of black-hole binaries in the low/hard state: from radio to X-rays
astro-ph/0504180 Millimeter-wave emission during the 2003 low excitation phase of eta Carinae
astro-ph/0504181 The application of a Trous wave filtering and Monte Carlo analysis on SECIS 2001 solar eclipse observations
astro-ph/0504182 Iron-line and continuum flux variations in the RXTE spectra of the black-hole candidate XTE J1650-500
astro-ph/0504183 Multiband Optical Photometry and Bolometric Light Curve of the Type Ia Supernova 2004S
astro-ph/0504184 The updated E_peak - E_gamma correlation in GRBs
astro-ph/0504185 Black Hole States: Accretion and Jet Ejection
astro-ph/0504186 The lives and deaths of positrons in the interstellar medium
astro-ph/0504187 Chandra Detection of the First X-ray Forest along the Line of Sight To Mkn 421
astro-ph/0504188 POINT-AGAPE Pixel Lensing Survey of M31 : Evidence for a MACHO contribution to Galactic Halos
astro-ph/0504189 The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect from Reionization
astro-ph/0504190 Black Holes in Galaxy Mergers: Evolution of Quasars
astro-ph/0504191 A Simple Model for Quintessential Inflation
astro-ph/0504192 Type Ia supernovae tests of fractal bubble universe with no cosmic acceleration
astro-ph/0504193 Elemental Abundance Ratios in Stars of the Outer Galactic Disk. I. Open Clusters
astro-ph/0504194 Models of class II methanol masers based on improved molecular data
astro-ph/0504195 Merging Galaxies in Goods-s: First Extragalactic Results from Keck Laser Adaptive Optics
astro-ph/0504196 Geometrical Effect of Supercritical Accretion Flows: Observational Implications of Galactic Black-Hole Candidates and Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
astro-ph/0504197 Interpretation of the Radio/X-ray Knots of AGN Jets within the Internal Shock Model Framework
astro-ph/0504198 The dynamical fingerprint of intermediate mass black holes in globular clusters
astro-ph/0504199 Evidence for a long duration component in the prompt emission of short Gamma-Ray Bursts detected with BeppoSAX
astro-ph/0504200 Observation of small scale structure using sextupole lensing
astro-ph/0504201 The AMIGA project. I. Optical characterization of the CIG catalog
astro-ph/0504202 Growth of Intermediate Massive Black Holes in the Hierarchical Formation of Small Spiral Galaxies in the High-z Universe
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