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09 February 2025
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2025, 2005
12, 5.2005
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astro-ph/0505009 Core Overshoot: An Improved Treatment and Constraints from Seismic Data
astro-ph/0505009 Core Overshoot: An Improved Treatment and Constraints from Seismic Data
astro-ph/0505011 Statistics of phase correlations as a test for non-Gaussianity of the CMB maps
astro-ph/0505012 Numerical biases on IMF determinations created by binning
astro-ph/0505013 Collisionless Damping of Fast MHD Waves in Magneto-rotational Winds
astro-ph/0505014 3D Simulations of the ISM pollution by SNII and SNI in dwarf spheroidal galaxies
astro-ph/0505015 The Oxford-Dartmouth Thirty Degree Survey II: Clustering of Bright Lyman Break Galaxies - Strong Luminosity Dependent Bias at z=4
astro-ph/0505016 XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Starburst Dominated Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 6240
astro-ph/0505017 New constraints on MOND from galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0505018 Rigidly Rotating Strange Quark Star
astro-ph/0505019 109 new Galactic open clusters
astro-ph/0505020 The GRB of 1999 January 23: prompt emission and broad-band afterglow modeling
astro-ph/0505021 NGC 4254: a spiral galaxy entering the Virgo cluster
astro-ph/0505022 A Photometric Study of the Light Variations of the Triple System DG Leonis
astro-ph/0505023 Wave propagation in a weak gravitational field and the validity of the thin lens approximation
astro-ph/0505024 The Stellar Content of Nearby Star-Forming Galaxies. III. Unravelling the Nature of the Diffuse Ultraviolet Light
astro-ph/0505025 A Digital Archive of HI 21 cm Line Spectra of Optically-targeted Galaxies
astro-ph/0505026 GRB990123: multiwavelength afterglow study
astro-ph/0505027 Magnetic Tower Outflows from a Radial Wire Array Z-pinch
astro-ph/0505028 The Dynamics of Radiative Shock Waves: Linear and Nonlinear Evolution
astro-ph/0505029 Highly Clumpy Structure of the Thermal Composite Supernova Remnant 3C391 Unveiled by Chandra
astro-ph/0505030 Narrow Band Chandra X-ray Analysis of Supernova Remnant 3C391
astro-ph/0505031 Optical Sources Near the Bright X-Ray Source in NGC 1073
astro-ph/0505032 The Evolutionary Status of Be Stars: Results from a Photometric Study of Southern Open Clusters
astro-ph/0505033 The Hubble Slow Roll Expansion for Multi Field Inflation
astro-ph/0505034 The infrared-dominated jet of 3C401
astro-ph/0505035 The Radio Afterglow and Host Galaxy of the Dark GRB 020819
astro-ph/0505036 A Puzzling Merger in A3266: the Hydrodynamic Picture from XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0505037 A Hot Wind from the Classical T Tauri Stars: TW Hydrae and T Tauri
astro-ph/0505038 Evidence for dust reddening in DLAs identified through CaII H&K absorption
astro-ph/0505039 X-ray Bursts from the Transient Magnetar Candidate XTE J1810-197
astro-ph/0505040 Lyot Coronagraphy on Giant Segmented-Mirror Telescopes
astro-ph/0505041 Covariant Kinetic Theory with an Application to the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/0505042 The SAURON project - IV. The mass-to-light ratio, the virial mass estimator and the fundamental plane of elliptical and lenticular galaxies
astro-ph/0505043 Constraining the Spectrum of Supernova Neutrinos from Neutrino-Process-Induced Light-Element Synthesis
astro-ph/0505044 GRB Progenitors and Environment
astro-ph/0505045 A Highly Collimated, Young and Fast CO(2-1) Outflow in OMC1 South
astro-ph/0505046 A Statistically Robust 3-Sigma Detection of Non-Gaussianity in the WMAP Data Using Hot and Cold Spots
astro-ph/0505047 Environmental Dependencies in the Luminosity Function of Galaxies
astro-ph/0505048 The colours of Virgo dEs as seen by SDSS
astro-ph/0505049 Tracing the X-ray emitting intra-cluster medium of clusters of galaxies beyond r_200
astro-ph/0505050 The Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES) II. Spectroscopic analysis of the survey sample
astro-ph/0505051 Chandra’s tryst with SN 1995N
astro-ph/0505052 SN/GRB connection: a statistical approach with BATSE and Asiago Catalogues
astro-ph/0505053 Particle Effects on the ISGRI Instrument On-Board the INTEGRAL Satellite
astro-ph/0505054 Hot-Jupiters and hot-Neptunes: a common origin?
astro-ph/0505055 Tiny HI Clouds in the Local ISM
astro-ph/0505056 Similarity theory of stellar models and structure of very massive stars
astro-ph/0505057 Modeling complete distributions with incomplete observations: The velocity ellipsoid from Hipparcos data
astro-ph/0505058 $gamma$-ray flux from Dark Matter Annihilation in Galactic Caustics
astro-ph/0505059 Finding Young Stellar Populations in Elliptical Galaxies from Independent Components of Optical Spectra
astro-ph/0505060 Time variability of AGN and heating of cooling flows
astro-ph/0505061 A stability analysis of radiative shocks in the presence of a transverse magnetic field
astro-ph/0505062 Formation of Resonant Atomic Lines during Thermonuclear Flashes on Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0505063 511 KeV photons from superconducting cosmic strings
astro-ph/0505064 The environment of dwarf spheroidal satellites; ram pressure, tides and external radiation fields
astro-ph/0505065 Taxing the Rich: Recombinations and Bubble Growth During Reionization
astro-ph/0505066 Limits from the Hubble Space Telescope on a Point Source in SN 1987A
astro-ph/0505067 Latitudinal Shear Instabilities during Type I X-ray Bursts
astro-ph/0505068 Second Data Release of the 6dF Galaxy Survey
astro-ph/0505069 The giant H-alpha/X-ray filament in the cluster of galaxies A1795
astro-ph/0505070 On the nature of the X-ray source in GK Per
astro-ph/0505071 Global MHD Modelling of the ISM - From large towards small scale turbulence
astro-ph/0505072 Line profiles of molecular ions toward the pre-stellar core LDN 1544
astro-ph/0505073 Neutron Star Superfluidity, Dynamics and Precession
astro-ph/0505074 Redshift indicators for gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0505075 XMM-Newton spectroscopy of the metal depleted T Tauri star TWA 5
astro-ph/0505076 Observation and modeling of anomalous CN polarization profiles produced by the molecular Paschen-Back effect in sunspots
astro-ph/0505077 A Minor Axis Surface Brightness Profile for M31
astro-ph/0505078 The 1 - 50 keV spectral and timing analysis of IGR J18027-2016: an eclipsing, high mass X-ray binary
astro-ph/0505079 The Distribution of Bar and Spiral Strengths in Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/0505080 Spatial and Temporal Variations in Small-Scale Galactic HI Structure Toward 3C~138
astro-ph/0505081 Chandra Observation of the Unidentified TeV Gamma-Ray Source HESS J1303-631 in the Galactic Plane
astro-ph/0505082 Destruction of formic acid by soft X-rays in star-forming regions
astro-ph/0505083 Inertial Current Generators of Poynting Flux in MHD Simulations of Black Hole Ergospheres
astro-ph/0505084 Globally integrated measurements of the Earth’s visible spectral albedo
astro-ph/0505085 Magnetic White Dwarfs from the SDSS II. The Second and Third Data Releases
astro-ph/0505086 Limits of Adaptive Optics for high contrast imaging
astro-ph/0505087 GRACOS: Scalable and Load Balanced P3M Cosmological N-body Code
astro-ph/0505088 The Warped Circumstellar Disk of HD100546
astro-ph/0505089 Theoretical Isochrones with Extinction in the K Band
astro-ph/0505090 VLT/UVES shows no cosmological variability of alpha
astro-ph/0505091 Rotation of the cluster of galaxies A2107
astro-ph/0505092 The Spatial Orientation of Planetary Nebulae Within the Milky Way
astro-ph/0505093 CLASS B0631+519: Last of the CLASS lenses
astro-ph/0505094 Prompt Mergers of Neutron Stars with Black Holes
astro-ph/0505095 Modeling the formation of galaxy clusters in MOND
astro-ph/0505096 Curvature driven acceleration : a utopia or a reality ?
astro-ph/0505097 Evidence of polarisation in the prompt gamma-ray emission from GRB 930131 and GRB 960924
astro-ph/0505098 To see or not to see a Bow Shock: Identifying Bow Shocks with H-Alpha Allsky Surveys
astro-ph/0505099 Revised orbital parameters of the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
astro-ph/0505099 Revised orbital parameters of the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
astro-ph/0505101 Spitzer view on the evolution of star-forming galaxies from z=0 to z~3
astro-ph/0505102 General Astrophysics and Comparative Planetology with the Terrestrial Planet Finder Missions
astro-ph/0505103 Mapping the Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151
astro-ph/0505104 Extragalactic Globular Clusters in the Near-Infrared: V. IC 4051 and NGC 3311
astro-ph/0505105 Near-Infrared photometry of four metal-rich Bulge globular clusters: NGC6304, NGC6569, NGC6637, NGC6638
astro-ph/0505106 The thinnest cold HI clouds in the diffuse interstellar medium?
astro-ph/0505107 The Afterglows, Redshifts, and Properties of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0505108 Can a photometric redshift code reliably determine dust extinction?
astro-ph/0505109 Eclipsing binaries in the Galactic Bulge: candidates for distance estimates
astro-ph/0505110 The Redshift Distribution of Distant Supernovae and its Use in Probing Reionization
astro-ph/0505111 Absorption Systems In Radio-Selected QSO Surveys
astro-ph/0505112 Dust Scattering in Miras R Car and RR Sco resolved by optical interferometric polarimetry
astro-ph/0505113 The Influence of the Magnetic Field on the Properties of Neutron Star Matter
astro-ph/0505114 Large-Scale Sidereal Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Intensity Observed by the Tibet Air Shower Array
astro-ph/0505115 A Measurement of the Quadrupole Power Spectrum in the Clustering of the 2dF QSO Survey
astro-ph/0505116 Modulation of a Chirp Gravitational Wave from a Compact Binary due to Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/0505117 The XMM-LSS survey: The XMDS/VVDS 4 sigma catalogue
astro-ph/0505118 Chemical abundances in 43 metal-poor stars
astro-ph/0505119 The Las Campanas Infra-red Survey. V. Keck Spectroscopy of a large sample of Extremely Red Objects
astro-ph/0505120 Chandra observations of the millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 in quiescence
astro-ph/0505121 Acceleration of the universe with a simple trigonometric potential
astro-ph/0505122 The Connection Between Galaxies and Intergalactic Absorption Lines at Redshift 2
astro-ph/0505123 The CFHT Legacy Survey: The Morphology-Density Relation of Galaxies out to Z~1
astro-ph/0505124 Inhomogeneous distribution of mercury on the surfaces of rapidly rotating HgMn stars
astro-ph/0505125 Outflowing material in the CSS quasar 3C48: evidence of jet-cloud interaction?
astro-ph/0505126 Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Protoplanetary Disks
astro-ph/0505127 Blueshifted [O III] Emission: Indications of a Dynamic NLR
astro-ph/0505128 Improved Templates for Photometric Redshifts of Submm Sources
astro-ph/0505129 Spectral Formation in X-Ray Pulsars: Bulk Comptonization in the Accretion Shock
astro-ph/0505130 Multi-Phase Galaxy Formation and Quasar Absorption Systems
astro-ph/0505131 The Nature of Dark Matter
astro-ph/0505132 Anti-de Sitter curvature radius constrained by quasars in brane-world scenarios
astro-ph/0505133 Effective equation of state for dark energy: mimicking quintessence and phantom energy through a variable Lambda
astro-ph/0505134 Towards an Understanding of the Physical Nature of MgII Absorption Systems
astro-ph/0505135 Ionization fronts and their interaction with density fluctuations: implications for reionization
astro-ph/0505136 Black Hole Formation from Collapsing Dark Matter in the Background of Dark Energy
astro-ph/0505137 Near-Infrared Photometry of the High-Redshift Quasar RDJ030117+002025: Evidence for a Massive Starburst at z=5.5
astro-ph/0505138 Tightening Constraints from the Lyman Alpha Forest with the Flux Probability Distribution Function
astro-ph/0505139 Chemical Composition in the Globular Cluster M71 from Keck/HIRES Spectra of Turn-Off Stars
astro-ph/0505140 Transrelativistic Synchrotron Emissivity, Cross-Section, and Polarization
astro-ph/0505141 VLBA Identification of the Milliarcsecond Active Nucleus in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151
astro-ph/0505142 The phase-space distribution of infalling dark matter subhalos
astro-ph/0505143 The Temperature Distribution of Dense Molecular Gas in the Center of NGC 253
astro-ph/0505144 Evolving turbulence and magnetic fields in galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0505145 Discovery of a Radio Supernova Remnant and Non-thermal X-rays Coincident with the TeV Source HESS J1813-178
astro-ph/0505146 Radio Emission from Anisotropic Electron Distributions
astro-ph/0505147 Star Formation and Chemical Evolution of DLAs with Semi-Analytical Model
astro-ph/0505148 Full-Polarization Observations of OH Masers in Massive Star-Forming Regions: I. Data
astro-ph/0505149 Pulsation and evolutionary masses of classical Cepheids. I. Milky Way variables
astro-ph/0505150 UHE Leptons and Neutrons feeding Precessing gamma Jet in GRBs - SGRs: A SGR 1806-20 link to EeV C.R.?
astro-ph/0505151 Unifying XRFs and GRBs with a Fisher-Shaped Universal Jet Model
astro-ph/0505152 The Importance of Off-Axis Beaming in Jet Models
astro-ph/0505153 Likelihood Analysis of GRB Evolution with Redshift
astro-ph/0505154 Size dependence of solar X-ray flare properties
astro-ph/0505155 HST and UKIRT Observations of the Center of the Trifid Nebula: Evidence for the Photoevaporation of a Proplyd and a Protostellar Condensation
astro-ph/0505156 Jet Models of X-Ray Flashes
astro-ph/0505157 Second-order gravitational effects of local inhomogeneities on CMB anisotropies in nonzero-Lambda flat cosmological models
astro-ph/0505158 Precision of Inflaton Potential Reconstruction from CMB Using the General Slow-Roll Approximation
astro-ph/0505159 Phenomenological Analogies in TeV Blazars and Black Hole X-ray Binaries in low state
astro-ph/0505160 XMM-Newton View of PKS 2155-304: Characterizing the X-ray Variability Properties with EPIC-PN
astro-ph/0505161 Molecular gas and continuum emission in 3C48: Evidence for two merger nuclei?
astro-ph/0505162 Age spreads in star forming regions: The lithium test in the Orion Nebula Cluster
astro-ph/0505163 Spherical Collapse Model And Dark Energy(I)
astro-ph/0505164 Spherical Collapse Model And Dark Energy(II)
astro-ph/0505165 Mapping the Physical Properties of Cosmic Hot Gas with Hyper-spectral Imaging
astro-ph/0505166 Extracting energy from black holes: "long" and "short" GRBs and their astrophysical settings
astro-ph/0505167 Is There a Microlensing Puzzle?
astro-ph/0505168 Chemical differentiation along the CepA-East outflows
astro-ph/0505169 3-D Secular Dynamics of the upsilon Andromedae Planetary System
astro-ph/0505170 Unification in the low radio luminosity regime; evidence from optical line emission
astro-ph/0505171 Modeling the Physical Structure of the Low Density Pre-protostellar Core Lynds 1498
astro-ph/0505172 Fully Threaded Transport Engine: New Method for Multi-Scale Radiative Transfer
astro-ph/0505173 Measuring the Primordial Deuterium Abundance During the Cosmic Dark Ages
astro-ph/0505174 First and second-type self-similar solutions of implosions and explosions containing ultra-relativistic shocks
astro-ph/0505175 Effects of Rotation and Relativistic Charge Flow on Pulsar Magnetospheric Structure
astro-ph/0505176 Self-similar solutions for relativistic shocks emerging from stars with polytropic envelopes
astro-ph/0505177 A General Theory of Turbulence-Regulated Star Formation, From Spirals to ULIRGs
astro-ph/0505178 Evidence for an X-Ray Jet in DG Tau A?
astro-ph/0505179 Reconstructing the Triaxial Shapes of Dark Matter Halos from the Anisotropic Spatial Distributions of their Substructures in the Concordance Cosmology
astro-ph/0505180 Multi-epoch VERA Observations of H2O masers in OH 43.8-0.1
astro-ph/0505181 A cosmological "probability event horizon" and its observational implications
astro-ph/0505182 Signature of Galactic Outflows as Absorption-Free Gaps in the Ly-alpha Forest
astro-ph/0505183 Scaling variability from stellar to supermassive black holes
astro-ph/0505184 Multi-periodic oscillations of alpha Hya
astro-ph/0505185 Fractal Approach to Large-Scale Galaxy Distribution
astro-ph/0505186 The counterparts of Local Group dwarf spheroidals in nearby clusters
astro-ph/0505187 UCDs in Fornax and Abell 1689
astro-ph/0505188 Inflationary Solutions in Nonminimally Coupled Scalar Field Theory
astro-ph/0505189 VLTI observations of IRS~3: The brightest compact MIR source at the Galactic Centre
astro-ph/0505190 The initial conditions of isolated star formation - VI. SCUBA mapping of prestellar cores
astro-ph/0505191 INTEGRAL IGR J18135-1751=HESS J1813-178: A new cosmic high energy accelerator from keV to TeV
astro-ph/0505192 Periodic Variability During the X-ray Decline of 4U 1636-53
astro-ph/0505193 A first look with Chandra at SGR 1806-20 after the Giant Flare: significant spectral softening and rapid flux decay
astro-ph/0505194 The role of black hole mass in quasar radio activity
astro-ph/0505195 An Analysis of Fundamental Waffle Mode in Early AEOS Adaptive Optics Images
astro-ph/0505196 Cosmic Ray Spectral Deformation Caused by Energy Determination Errors
astro-ph/0505197 Fast electron slowing-down and diffusion in a high temperature coronal X-ray source
astro-ph/0505198 Slow-roll Inflation for Generalized Two-Field Lagrangians
astro-ph/0505199 An Asymmetric, Energetic Type Ic Supernova Viewed Off-Axis, and a Link to Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0505200 The Piecewise Parabolic Method for Multidimensional Relativistic Fluid Dynamics
astro-ph/0505201 Precise reddening and metallicity of NGC6752 from FLAMES spectra
astro-ph/0505202 Equation of state for Universe from the first principles
astro-ph/0505203 The enigmatic B[e]-star Henize 2-90: The non-spherical mass loss history from an analysis of forbidden lines
astro-ph/0505204 Tests of a Prototype Multiplexed Fiber-Optic Ultra-fast FADC Data Acquisition System for the MAGIC Telescope
astro-ph/0505205 Astrometric Discovery of GJ 802b: In the Brown Dwarf Oasis?
astro-ph/0505206 Relativistic Aberration Effect in Astrophysics and Cosmology
astro-ph/0505207 Haloes of k-Essence
astro-ph/0505208 Characterizing the Adaptive Optics Off-Axis Point-Spread Function. II. Methods for Use in Laser Guide Star Observations
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