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13 February 2025
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2025, 2005
12, 6.2005
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astro-ph/0506002 Low-Mass Runaway Stars from the Orion Trapezium Cluster
astro-ph/0506003 H_2 Pure Rotational Lines in the Orion Bar
astro-ph/0506004 The high-velocity clouds and the Magellanic Clouds
astro-ph/0506005 On the Steady Nature of Line-Driven Disk Winds: Application to Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/0506006 Characteristic QSO Accretion Disk Temperatures from Spectroscopic Continuum Variability
astro-ph/0506007 Development of an Electronic Readout System for the Detection of Radio Emission from Extensive Cosmic Ray Air Showers
astro-ph/0506008 Microquasars and Jets
astro-ph/0506009 Can the rotation of the dark matter halo of our galaxy be detected through its effect on the cosmic microwave background polarisation?
astro-ph/0506009 Can the rotation of the dark matter halo of our galaxy be detected through its effect on the cosmic microwave background polarisation?
astro-ph/0506011 Direct detection of exo-planets: GQ Lupi
astro-ph/0506012 The Canis Major dwarf galaxy as the progenitor of the Monoceros tidal stream
astro-ph/0506013 Determination of stellar shape in microlensing event MOA 2002-BLG-33
astro-ph/0506014 Encounters between spherical galaxies I: systems without dark halo
astro-ph/0506015 Encounters between spherical galaxies II: systems with dark halo
astro-ph/0506016 On the stratorotational instability in the quasi-hydrostatic semi-geostrophic limit
astro-ph/0506017 Low Luminosity Companions to White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0506018 The Diffuse Emission and a Variable ULX in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 3379
astro-ph/0506019 Boundary layer emission and Z-track in the color-color diagram of luminous LMXBs
astro-ph/0506020 Global properties of X-ray afterglows of GRB
astro-ph/0506021 ESTREMO: Extreme phySics in the TRansient and Evolving COsmos
astro-ph/0506022 The SDSS View of the Palomar-Green Bright Quasar Survey
astro-ph/0506023 Discovery of X-Ray Emission from Supernova 1970G with Chandra: Filling the Void between Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
astro-ph/0506024 Massive Star Outflows
astro-ph/0506025 Recovering Solar Toroidal Field Dynamics From Sunspot Location Patterns
astro-ph/0506026 The all-sky distribution of 511 keV electron-positron annihilation emission
astro-ph/0506027 Convective Dynamos and the Minimum X-ray Flux in Main Sequence Stars
astro-ph/0506028 Red giant branch stars as probes of stellar populations. II. Properties of the newly discovered globular cluster GLIMPSE-C01
astro-ph/0506029 Ultraviolet, Optical, and X-Ray Observations of the Type Ia Supernova 2005am with Swift
astro-ph/0506030 Systematic Errors in Future Weak Lensing Surveys: Requirements and Prospects for Self-Calibration
astro-ph/0506031 An X-ray Variable Millisecond Pulsar in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae: Closing the Link to Low Mass X-ray Binaries
astro-ph/0506032 Silicon Tetrafluoride on Io
astro-ph/0506033 Rates of Neutrino Absorption on Nucleons and the Reverse Processes in Strong Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/0506034 Application of an Equilibrium Vaporization Model to the Ablation of Chondritic and Achondritic Meteoroids
astro-ph/0506035 The effect of the Coriolis force on Kelvin-Helmholtz-driven mixing in protoplanetary disks
astro-ph/0506036 Optimizing CMB polarization experiments to constrain inflationary physics
astro-ph/0506037 ISO observations of the Wolf-Rayet galaxies NGC 5430, NGC 6764, Mrk 309 and VII Zw 19
astro-ph/0506038 The Evolution of the M-sigma Relation
astro-ph/0506039 Star Formation in HI Selected Galaxies. II. HII Region Properties
astro-ph/0506040 Rapid growth of high redshift black holes
astro-ph/0506041 The DEEP2 Redshift Survey: The Galaxy Luminosity Function to z ~ 1
astro-ph/0506042 A fresh view on Henize 2-10 with VLT/NAOS-CONICA
astro-ph/0506043 Number counts in homogeneous and inhomogeneous dark energy models
astro-ph/0506044 Galaxy Luminosity Functions to z~1: DEEP2 vs. COMBO-17 and Implications for Red Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/0506045 Prospects for Redshifted 21-cm observations of quasar HII regions
astro-ph/0506046 Limits on Turbulent HI Fluctuations Towards PSR B0329+54 On Scales Between 0.0025 and 12.5 AU
astro-ph/0506047 Radio Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South Region II: The 1.4 GHz Catalogue and Source Counts
astro-ph/0506048 VLA Imaging of the Intriguing HI Cloud HIJASS J1021+6842 in the M81 Group
astro-ph/0506049 X-ray emission from young brown dwarfs in the Orion Nebula Cluster
astro-ph/0506050 Comments on the structure and dynamics of magnetic fields in stellar convection zones
astro-ph/0506051 The First Detailed Abundances for M giants in Baade’s Window from Infrared Spectroscopy
astro-ph/0506052 The evolution of X-ray emission in young stars
astro-ph/0506053 Rotation in Gravitational Lenses
astro-ph/0506054 VLA 3.5 cm continuum sources in the Serpens cloud core
astro-ph/0506055 HS 0943+1404, a true intermediate polar
astro-ph/0506056 Primordial non-gaussianities from multiple-field inflation
astro-ph/0506057 The Molecular Accretion Flow in G10.6-0.4
astro-ph/0506058 Statistical characteristics of observed Ly-$alpha$ forest and the shape of linear power spectrum
astro-ph/0506059 An Infalling Torus of Molecular Gas Around the Ultra-Compact HII Region G28.20-0.05
astro-ph/0506060 Modelling the chromosphere and transition region of Epsilon Eri (K2 V)
astro-ph/0506061 Probing dark matter caustics with weak lensing
astro-ph/0506062 The Dust Depletion and Extinction of the GRB 020813 Afterglow
astro-ph/0506063 Numerical 3+1 general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: a local characteristic approach
astro-ph/0506064 Sh2-188: a model for a speedy PN
astro-ph/0506065 Cluster Baryon Fraction and Structure from the Convergence/SZ Effect Diagram
astro-ph/0506066 The Star Cluster Population of M51: III. Cluster disruption and formation history
astro-ph/0506067 H-alpha Imaging of Early-type (Sa-Sab) Spiral Galaxies II. Global Properties
astro-ph/0506068 A Spectroscopic Study of HL Canis Majoris
astro-ph/0506069 The Absence of Extra-Tidal Structure in the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
astro-ph/0506070 Co-existence of Gravity and Antigravity: The Unification of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
astro-ph/0506071 Mid-infrared imaging of NGC1068 with VISIR at the VLT
astro-ph/0506072 Revisiting Islands in the Lambda-Sea
astro-ph/0506073 The K-band spectrum of the Cataclysmic Variable RXJ 0502.8+1624 (Tau 4)
astro-ph/0506074 HD 172189: An eclipsing and spectroscopic binary with a Delta Sct-ttype pulsating component in an open cluster
astro-ph/0506075 A non-main-sequence secondary in SY Cancri
astro-ph/0506076 Dynamics of assisted quintessence
astro-ph/0506077 Infrared Surface Brightness Distances to Cepheids: a comparison of Bayesian and linear-bisector calculations
astro-ph/0506078 Photon-axion conversion as a mechanism for supernova dimming: Limits from CMB spectral distortion
astro-ph/0506079 Young, Jupiter-Mass Objects in Ophiuchus
astro-ph/0506080 Radio Quiet AGN
astro-ph/0506081 End-effects in rapidly rotating cylindrical Taylor-Couette flow
astro-ph/0506082 A Chandra HETGS Spectral Study of the Iron K Bandpass in MCG-6-30-15: A Narrow View of the Broad Iron Line
astro-ph/0506083 Spectroscopic Survey of the Galaxy with Gaia II. The expected science yield from the Radial Velocity Spectrometer
astro-ph/0506084 Interstellar 12C/13C ratios through CH+ ll 3957,4232 absorption in local clouds: incomplete mixing in the ISM
astro-ph/0506085 Optical and Infrared Signatures of ULX’s
astro-ph/0506086 Comparisons of an Evolutionary Chemical Model with Other Models
astro-ph/0506087 A Brighter Past: Galaxy Luminosity Function At High Redshifts
astro-ph/0506088 A VLT study of metal-rich extragalactic H II regions. I. Observations and empirical abundances
astro-ph/0506089 The Complex Wind Torus and Jets of PSR B1706-44
astro-ph/0506090 A CO Survey of Young Planetary Nebulae
astro-ph/0506091 Variable Chaplygin Gas
astro-ph/0506092 QPOs and firehose instabilities in neutron star magnetospheres in accreting systems
astro-ph/0506093 Fitting Non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Models to Gold SnIa Dataset
astro-ph/0506094 GRAPE-SPH Chemodynamical Simulation of Elliptical Galaxies II: Scaling Relations and the Fundamental Plane
astro-ph/0506095 Discovery and Monitoring of the likely IR Counterpart of SGR 1806-20 during the 2004 gamma-ray burst-active state
astro-ph/0506096 AGN-driven convection in galaxy-cluster plasmas
astro-ph/0506097 Regularized energy-dependent solar flare hard x-ray spectral index
astro-ph/0506098 Discovery of Non-radial pulsations in PQ Andromedae
astro-ph/0506099 Relation between the 16O(alpha,gamma)20Ne reaction and its reverse 20Ne(gamma,alpha)16O reaction in stars and in the laboratory
astro-ph/0506099 Relation between the 16O(alpha,gamma)20Ne reaction and its reverse 20Ne(gamma,alpha)16O reaction in stars and in the laboratory
astro-ph/0506101 On the Afterglow and Host Galaxy of GRB021004: A Comprehensive Study with the Hubble Space Telescope
astro-ph/0506102 The radial velocity dispersion profile of the Galactic halo: Constraining the density profile of the dark halo of the Milky Way
astro-ph/0506103 A Keck/DEIMOS Kinematic Study of Andromeda IX: dark matter on the smallest galactic scales
astro-ph/0506104 A compact binary merger model for the short, hard GRB 050509b
astro-ph/0506105 Transport and mixing in the radiation zones of rotating stars II. Axisymmetric magnetic field
astro-ph/0506106 Evaluating Gaia performances on eclipsing binaries. IV. Orbits and stellar parameters for SV Cam, BS Dra and HP Dra
astro-ph/0506107 Type Ia supernova diversity in three-dimensional models
astro-ph/0506108 The near-IR Surface Brightness Method applied to six Cepheids in the young LMC cluster NGC1866
astro-ph/0506109 The nature of Composite Seyfert/Star-forming galaxies revealed by X-ray observations
astro-ph/0506110 Galactic Gradients, Postbiological Evolution and the Apparent Failure of SETI
astro-ph/0506111 The excitation of water in the S140 photon dominated region
astro-ph/0506112 The Shear TEsting Programme 1: Weak lensing analysis of simulated ground-based observations
astro-ph/0506113 DDO 43: A Prototypical Dwarf Irregular Galaxy?
astro-ph/0506114 Ultra-Low Amplitude Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0506115 On quasar host galaxies as tests of non-cosmological redshifts
astro-ph/0506116 Mass Flows in Cometary UCHII Regions
astro-ph/0506117 A Study of Edge-On Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. II. Vertical distribution of the resolved stellar population
astro-ph/0506118 Luminosity-dependent evolution of soft X-ray selected AGN: New Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys
astro-ph/0506119 Investigating ionized disc models of the variable narrow-line Seyfert 1 PG 1404+226
astro-ph/0506120 Flux Modulation from Non-Axisymmetric Stuctures in Accretion Discs
astro-ph/0506121 Dynamical evolution of neutrino--cooled accretion disks: detailed microphysics, lepton-driven convection, and global energetics
astro-ph/0506122 UBVR and HST mid-UV and near-IR surface photometry and radial color gradients of late-type, irregular, and peculiar galaxies
astro-ph/0506123 GRB 050509B: Constraints on short gamma-ray burst models
astro-ph/0506124 Superstellar clusters and their impact on their host galaxies
astro-ph/0506125 Radial distribution and strong lensing statistics of satellite galaxies and substructure using high resolution LCDM hydrodynamical simulations
astro-ph/0506126 Cosmic gamma-ray background from Type Ia supernovae revisited: Evidence for missing gamma-rays at MeV
astro-ph/0506127 High Resolution Spectroscopy of X-ray Quasars: Searching for the X-ray Absorption from the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/0506128 GZK Photons as Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/0506129 Neutrino Processes in Strong Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/0506130 Bright X-ray Flares in Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
astro-ph/0506131 Self-Sustained Ionization and Vanishing Dead Zones in Protoplanetary Disks
astro-ph/0506132 Where Are The M Dwarf Disks Older Than 10 Million Years?
astro-ph/0506133 X-ray outburst of 4U 0115+634 and ROTSE Observations of its Optical Counterpart V635 Cas
astro-ph/0506134 Bright X-ray flares in Orion young stars from COUP: evidence for star-disk magnetic fields?
astro-ph/0506135 The Dwarf Nova PQ Andromedae
astro-ph/0506136 Realistic arrival time distribution from an isotropic light source
astro-ph/0506137 Parker-Jeans Instability of Gaseous Disks Including the Effect of Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/0506138 Spectral energy distribution of the metagalactic ionizing radiation field from QSO absorption spectra
astro-ph/0506139 A Reverse-Shock Model for the Early Afterglow of GRB 050525A
astro-ph/0506140 The effect of wavefront corrugations on fringe motion in an astronomical interferometer with spatial filters
astro-ph/0506141 Resonant absorption in dissipative flux tubes
astro-ph/0506142 Upper limits on gravitational waves emission in association with the Dec 27 2004 giant flare of SGR1806-20
astro-ph/0506143 Infrared Emission from Intracluster Dust Grains and Constraints on Dust Properties
astro-ph/0506144 Theoretical HDO emission from low-mass protostellar envelopes
astro-ph/0506145 Carbon Abundances in the Galactic Thin and Thick Disks
astro-ph/0506146 The chemistry of high-mass star formation
astro-ph/0506147 Jupiter’s Obliquity and a Long-lived Circumplanetary Disk
astro-ph/0506148 Rotational Widths for Use in the Tully-Fisher Relation. I. Long-slit Spectroscopic Data
astro-ph/0506149 The Near-UV Pulse Profile and Spectrum of the Pulsar PSR B0656+14
astro-ph/0506150 Red-sequence galaxies with young stars and dust: The cluster Abell 901/902 seen with COMBO-17
astro-ph/0506151 Stochastic Electron Acceleration During the NIR and X-ray Flares in Sagittarius A*
astro-ph/0506152 Nearby stars from the LSPM-north Proper Motion Catalog. I. Main Sequence Dwarfs and Giants Within 33 Parsecs of the Sun
astro-ph/0506153 Unstable quasi g-modes in rotating main-sequence stars
astro-ph/0506154 Near infrared and the inner regions of protoplanetary disks
astro-ph/0506155 Late internal shock model for bright X-ray flares in Gamma-ray Burst afterglows and GRB 011121
astro-ph/0506156 Masers and the Massive Star Formation Process: New Insights Through Infrared Observations
astro-ph/0506157 Inverse Compton X-ray Flare from GRB Reverse Shock
astro-ph/0506158 Strange star equations of state revisited
astro-ph/0506159 Wide-Angle Wind Driven Bipolar Outflows: High Resolution Models with Application to Source I of the Becklin-Neugebauer / Kleinmann-Low OMC-I Region
astro-ph/0506160 Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Thermal-Gravitational Instability in Protogalactic Halo Environment
astro-ph/0506161 Stellar evolutionary models: uncertainties and systematics
astro-ph/0506162 Lepton asymmetry and primordial nucleosynthesis in the era of precision cosmology
astro-ph/0506163 Report by the ESA-ESO Working Group on Extra-Solar Planets
astro-ph/0506164 Rotational modulation of X-ray emission in Orion Nebula young stars
astro-ph/0506165 Speckle observations of binary stars with a 0.5 m telescope
astro-ph/0506166 Late Arriving Particles in Cosmic Ray Air Showers and AGASA’s Determination of UHECR Energies
astro-ph/0506167 X-ray Emission from the Weak-lined T Tauri Binary System KH 15D
astro-ph/0506168 A Candidate Neutron Star Associated with Galactic Center Supernova Remnant Sagittarius A East
astro-ph/0506169 Radio, millimeter and optical monitoring of GRB030329 afterglow: Constraining the double jet model
astro-ph/0506170 Swift, INTEGRAL, RXTE, and Spitzer reveal IGR J16283-4838
astro-ph/0506171 Characterizing the Cluster Lens Population
astro-ph/0506172 The Long Term Optical Variability of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714: Evidence for a Precessing Jet
astro-ph/0506173 Impact of non-uniform surface magnetic fields on stellar winds
astro-ph/0506174 Simulation of the Gravitational Collapse and Fragmentation of Rotating Molecular Clouds
astro-ph/0506175 Statistics of Quasars Multiply Imaged by Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/0506176 The Intrinsic Properties of SMMJ14011+0252
astro-ph/0506177 Equilibrium Disk-Bulge-Halo Models for the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies
astro-ph/0506178 Advances in Multi-Dimensional Simulation of Core-Collapse Supernovae
astro-ph/0506179 Diffusive Acceleration of Ions at Interplanetary Shocks
astro-ph/0506180 Zn and Cr abundances in damped Lyman alpha systems from the CORALS survey
astro-ph/0506181 Gravitational waves from remnants of ultraluminous X-ray sources
astro-ph/0506182 The "Solar Model Problem" Solved by the Abundance of Neon in Stars of the Local Cosmos
astro-ph/0506183 Systematic Analysis of 22 Microlensing Parallax Candidates
astro-ph/0506184 Three routes to jet collimation by the Balbus-Hawley magnetorotational instability
astro-ph/0506185 X-ray Diagnostics of Grain Depletion in Matter Accreting onto T Tauri Stars
astro-ph/0506186 Infrared Echoes near the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/0506187 Circumstellar Dust Disks in Taurus-Auriga: The Submillimeter Perspective
astro-ph/0506188 Discovery of Three Wide-orbit Binary Pulsars: Implications for Binary Evolution and Equivalence Principles
astro-ph/0506189 Cluster Populations in Abell 2125 and 2218
astro-ph/0506190 Understanding our Origins: Star Formation in H II Region Environments
astro-ph/0506191 GRB-supernovae: a new spin on gravitational waves
astro-ph/0506192 Density-potential pairs for spherical stellar systems with Sersic light-profiles and (optional) power-law cores
astro-ph/0506193 Faint Radio Sources in the NOAO Bootes Field. VLBA Imaging and Optical Identifications
astro-ph/0506194 Fourier Phase Analysis of SDSS Galaxies
astro-ph/0506195 Probing 3-D matter distribution at z~2 with QSO multiple lines of sight
astro-ph/0506196 Kaon condensation in the quark-meson coupling model and compact stars
astro-ph/0506197 The stellar populations of local dwarfs
astro-ph/0506198 Two and a half years of GRB localizations with the INTEGRAL Burst Alert System
astro-ph/0506199 Is the Bursting Radio-source GCRT J1745-3009 a Double Neutron Star Binary ?
astro-ph/0506200 Dynamical quintessence fields Press-Schechter mass function: detectability and effect on dark haloes
astro-ph/0506201 RASS-SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey. IV. A ubiquitous dwarf galaxy population in clusters
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