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13 February 2025
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2025, 2005
12, 8.2005
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astro-ph/0508017 The All Sky Automated Survey. The Catalog of Variable Stars. V. Declinations 0 deg - 28 deg of the Northern Hemisphere
astro-ph/0508018 The stellar population and interstellar medium in NGC 6822
astro-ph/0508019 Heteroclinic orbit and tracking attractor in cosmological model with a double exponential potential
astro-ph/0508020 SAPAC: a SBF analysis pipeline for the astronomical community
astro-ph/0508021 Captures of Red Giant Stars by Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies: Feedback to the Hot Gas
astro-ph/0508022 Observational Constraints on the Role of the Crust in the Post-glitch Relaxation
astro-ph/0508023 A Gamma-Ray Bursts’ Fluence-Duration Correlation
astro-ph/0508024 Propagating Oscillatory Shock Model for QPOS in GRO J1655-40 During the March 2005 Outburst
astro-ph/0508025 Spitzer Observations Of The Supergiant Shell Region In IC 2574
astro-ph/0508026 The effect of grain size distribution on H$_2$ formation rate in the interstellar medium
astro-ph/0508027 Dissecting the spiral galaxy M83: mid-infrared emission and comparison with other tracers of star formation
astro-ph/0508028 HD 12098 and other results from NainiTal-Cape survey
astro-ph/0508029 On the distribution of the modulation frequencies of RR Lyrae stars
astro-ph/0508030 Initial Conditions for Massive Star Birth -- Infrared Dark Clouds
astro-ph/0508031 The thermonuclear production of F19 by Wolf-Rayet stars revisited
astro-ph/0508032 Planar Integrated Optics and astronomical interferometry
astro-ph/0508033 Isotopic abundances of carbon and nitrogen in Jupiter-family and Oort Cloud comets
astro-ph/0508034 Non-thermal Cosmic Backgrounds from Blazars: the contribution to the CMB, X-ray and gamma-ray Backgrounds
astro-ph/0508035 Probing the birth of the first quasars with the future far infrared mission
astro-ph/0508036 Anomalously Weak Dynamical Friction in Halos
astro-ph/0508037 Multiple CO lines in SMM J16359+6612 -- Further evidence for a merger
astro-ph/0508038 The aperture for UHE tau neutrinos of the Auger fluorescence detector using a Digital Elevation Map
astro-ph/0508039 High-speed, multi-colour optical photometry of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61 with ULTRACAM
astro-ph/0508040 Massive Coronae of Galaxies
astro-ph/0508041 New type of magneto-rotational instability in cylindrical Taylor-Couette flow
astro-ph/0508042 A COMPLETE Look at The Use of IRAS Emission Maps to Estimate Extinction and Dust Temperature
astro-ph/0508043 Discovery of a Magnetic White Dwarf/Probable Brown Dwarf Short-Period Binary
astro-ph/0508044 HST/Acs Weak-Lensing and Chandra X-Ray Studies of the High-Redshift Cluster MS 1054-0321
astro-ph/0508045 Measurement of Noisy Absorption Lines using the Apparent Optical Depth Technique
astro-ph/0508046 The many lives of AGN: cooling flows, black holes and the luminosities and colours of galaxies
astro-ph/0508047 On the large-angle anomalies of the microwave sky
astro-ph/0508048 Did Boomerang hit MOND?
astro-ph/0508049 Robustness of Discrete Flows and Caustics in Cold Dark Matter Cosmology
astro-ph/0508050 A 2.1 Solar Mass Pulsar Measured by Relativistic Orbital Decay
astro-ph/0508051 Transit Photometry of the Core-Dominated Planet HD 149026b
astro-ph/0508052 Observations of 51 Ophiuchi with MIDI at the VLTI
astro-ph/0508053 The dependence on environment of Cold Dark Matter Halo properties
astro-ph/0508054 Star Formation in Isolated Disk Galaxies. II. Schmidt Laws and Star Formation Efficiency
astro-ph/0508055 Cassini UVIS Observations of the Io Plasma Torus. III. Observations of Temporal and Azimuthal Variability
astro-ph/0508056 The Cooling of Compact Stars
astro-ph/0508057 On the Predicted and Observed Color Boundaries of the RR Lyrae Instability Strip as a Function of Metallicity
astro-ph/0508058 X-ray variability of NGC 3227 and NGC 5506 and the nature of AGN `states’
astro-ph/0508059 Young stars and dust in AFGL437: NICMOS/HST polarimetric imaging of an outflow source
astro-ph/0508060 Blazars and the emerging AGN/black hole X-ray binary paradigm
astro-ph/0508061 A Morphological Study of Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxies
astro-ph/0508062 Detection of neutral hydrogen in early-type dwarf galaxies of the Sculptor Group
astro-ph/0508063 Non-LTE neutral carbon spectral line formation in late-type stars
astro-ph/0508064 First detection of [CII]158um at high redshift: vigorous star formation in the early universe
astro-ph/0508065 RATAN-600 new zenith field survey and CMB problems
astro-ph/0508066 Polarization of Quasars: Electron Scattering in the Broad Absorption Line Region
astro-ph/0508067 Submillimeter Imaging of RCS022434-0002.5: Intense Activity in a High-Redshift Cluster?
astro-ph/0508068 Non-LTE modelling of the HeI 10830A line in early-type main sequence stars
astro-ph/0508069 Hierarchical Object Formation in the Peculiar Velocity Field
astro-ph/0508070 The Time Delays of Gravitational Lens HE0435-1223: An Early-Type Galaxy With a Rising Rotation Curve
astro-ph/0508071 The Swift X-ray Telescope
astro-ph/0508072 The Faint End of the HI Mass Function
astro-ph/0508073 Resolving the Extragalactic Background Light with gamma-ray spectra from distant blazars
astro-ph/0508074 The calm after the storm: XMM-Newton observation of SGR 1806-20 two months after the Giant Flare of 2004 December 27
astro-ph/0508075 The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks V: dust opacity, HI distributions and sub-mm emission
astro-ph/0508076 Level set simulations of turbulent thermonuclear deflagration in degenerate carbon and oxygen
astro-ph/0508077 The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks VII: the accuracy of galaxy counts as an extinction probe
astro-ph/0508078 Charge Exchange Spectra of Hydrogenic and He-like Iron
astro-ph/0508079 Metal abundances of RR Lyrae stars in the metal rich globular cluster NGC 6441
astro-ph/0508080 Panchromatic Studies of Distant Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0508081 Testing the Rate of False Planetary Transits due to Binary Star Blending
astro-ph/0508082 Kelu-1 is a Binary L Dwarf: First Brown Dwarf Science from Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
astro-ph/0508083 Definitive Identification of the Transition between Small- to Large-Scale Clustering for Lyman Break Galaxies
astro-ph/0508084 About the correlation between solar micro bursts and the change of the solar wind parameters
astro-ph/0508085 Numerical Galaxy Catalog -I. A Semi-analytic Model of Galaxy Formation with N-body simulations
astro-ph/0508086 Black hole X-ray binaries LMC X-1 and X-3: observations confront spectral models
astro-ph/0508087 Reverse Shock Emission as a Probe of GRB Ejecta
astro-ph/0508088 Detection of a young stellar population in the background of open clusters in the Third Galactic Quadrant
astro-ph/0508089 Cosmic infrared background from Population III stars and its effect on spectra of high-z gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0508090 The Large-scale and Small-scale Clustering of Lyman-Break Galaxies at 2.5 < z< 5.5 from the GOODS survey
astro-ph/0508091 Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars VIII: The Extended Structure of the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
astro-ph/0508092 A Wide-field Hubble Space Telescope Survey of the Cluster Cl 0024+16 at z=0.4. III: Spectroscopic Signatures of Environmental Evolution in Early Type Galaxies
astro-ph/0508093 Deep optical observations of the supernova remnants G 126.2+1.6, G 59.8+1.2 and G 54.4-0.3
astro-ph/0508094 Magnetic reconnection with anomalous resistivity in two-and-a-half dimensions I: Quasi-stationary case
astro-ph/0508095 New clues on outburst mechanisms and improved spectroscopic elements of the black-hole binary V4641 Sagittarii
astro-ph/0508096 Line bisectors and radial velocity jitter from SARG spectra
astro-ph/0508097 Multicomponent Decompositions for a Sample of S0 galaxies
astro-ph/0508098 The Circumstellar Environment of High Mass Protostellar Objects. III Evidence of Infall?
astro-ph/0508099 Violent star and star cluster formation in nearby and distant galaxies
astro-ph/0508099 Violent star and star cluster formation in nearby and distant galaxies
astro-ph/0508101 Spectral analyses of DO white dwarfs and PG1159 stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
astro-ph/0508102 XMM-Newton Surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey Fields - III: The Environments of X-ray Selected AGN at 0.4
astro-ph/0508103 2-D Monte Carlo simulations of H I line formation in massive YSO disk winds
astro-ph/0508104 The entrainment matrix of a superfluid neutron-proton mixture at a finite temperature
astro-ph/0508105 Constraints on the dense matter EOS from the measurements of PSR J0737-3039A moment of inertia and PSR J0751+1807 mass
astro-ph/0508106 Stellar Processes Near the Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0508107 Simulations of galactic winds and starbursts in galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0508108 Light and heavy metal abundances in hot central stars of planetary nebulae
astro-ph/0508109 On the potential of extrasolar planet transit surveys
astro-ph/0508110 Hierarchical Star Formation in M51: Star/Cluster Complexes
astro-ph/0508111 GRB Variability-Luminosity Correlation Confirmed
astro-ph/0508112 A Chandra X-Ray Survey of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/0508113 An infrared study of galactic OH/IR stars. II. The `GLMP sample’ of red oxygen-rich AGB stars
astro-ph/0508114 The Effect of Baryons on Halo Shapes
astro-ph/0508115 A Merger Origin for Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Inferred from the Afterglow and Host Galaxy of GRB 050724
astro-ph/0508116 Observations of Chemically Enriched QSO Absorbers near z ~ 2.3 Galaxies: Galaxy-Formation Feedback Signatures in the IGM
astro-ph/0508117 A High Resolution Mosaic of Molecular Gas in Stephan’s Quintet
astro-ph/0508118 Characterizing the Shapes of Galaxy Clusters Using Moments of the Gravitational Lensing Shear
astro-ph/0508119 Exploring Large-scale Structure with Billions of Galaxies
astro-ph/0508120 AGN heating, thermal conduction and Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in galaxy groups and clusters
astro-ph/0508121 High-Mass Cloud Cores in the eta Carinae Giant Molecular Cloud
astro-ph/0508122 Super-horizon primordial black holes
astro-ph/0508123 Searching for the Sources Responsible for Cosmic Reionization: Probing 7 < z < 10 and Beyond
astro-ph/0508124 The evolution of the ultraviolet and infrared luminosity densities in the universe at 0
astro-ph/0508125 Beryllium Enhancement as Evidence for Accretion in a Lithium-Rich F Dwarf
astro-ph/0508126 Gamma-ray bursts: Restarting the Engine
astro-ph/0508127 The bound $r leq 16epsilon$ on the primordial tensor perturbation
astro-ph/0508128 A Persistent High-Energy Flux from the Heart of the Milky Way : Integral’s view of the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0508129 Absorption and scattering by interstellar dust: XMM-Newton observation of Cyg X-2
astro-ph/0508130 The first wide ultracool binary dwarf in the field: DENIS-J055146.0-443412.2 (M8.5 + L0)
astro-ph/0508131 Two-dimensional Kinematics of a Bar and Central Disk in NGC5448
astro-ph/0508132 Observational constraints on the dark energy density evolution
astro-ph/0508133 Is There an Imprint of Primordial Stars in the Tev Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Blazars?
astro-ph/0508134 Directional Statistics for WIMP direct detection II: 2-d read-out
astro-ph/0508135 Development of a carbon fibre composite active mirror: Design and testing
astro-ph/0508136 Galaxy-Quasar correlations between APM galaxies and Hamburg-ESO QSOs
astro-ph/0508137 XMM-Newton Data Processing for Faint Diffuse Emission: Proton Flares, Exposure Maps and Report on EPIC MOS1 Bright CCDs Contamination
astro-ph/0508138 Mergers of neutron star black hole binaries with small mass ratios: nucleosynthesis, gamma-ray bursts and electromagnetic transients
astro-ph/0508139 Early Tracking Behavior in Small-field Quintessence Models
astro-ph/0508140 The effect of stellar evolution on SiC dust grain sizes
astro-ph/0508141 Gravitino, Axino, Kaluza-Klein Graviton Warm and Mixed Dark Matter and Reionisation
astro-ph/0508142 Interactions of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays with photons in the galactic center
astro-ph/0508143 Star Formation Rates in Cooling Flow Clusters: A UV Pilot Study with Archival XMM-Newton Optical Monitor Data
astro-ph/0508144 Induced two-photon decay of the 2s level and the rate of cosmological hydrogen recombination
astro-ph/0508145 Optimized Data Loading for a Multi-Terabyte Sky Survey Repository
astro-ph/0508146 On Rapidly Rotating Magnetic Core-Collapse Supernovae
astro-ph/0508147 Stellar Populations in the Local Group of Galaxies
astro-ph/0508148 Analysis of variability in the burst oscillations of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338
astro-ph/0508149 The 2MASS Wide-Field T Dwarf Search. V. Discovery of a T Dwarf via Methane Imaging
astro-ph/0508150 The 2MASS Wide-Field T Dwarf Search. IV Unting out T dwarfs with Methane Imaging
astro-ph/0508151 CCD photometric search for peculiar stars in open clusters. VI. NGC 1502, NGC 3105, Stock 16, NGC 6268, NGC 7235 and NGC 7510
astro-ph/0508152 Neutrinos from Supernovas and Supernova Remnants
astro-ph/0508153 A Dark Galaxy in the Virgo Cluster Imaged at 21-cm
astro-ph/0508154 First detection of dust emission in a High-Velocity Cloud
astro-ph/0508155 A hard X-ray survey of the Crux Galactic spiral arm tangent. A catalog of sources
astro-ph/0508156 Cosmological structure formation in a homogeneous dark energy background
astro-ph/0508157 Are WC9 Wolf-Rayet stars in colliding-wind binaries?
astro-ph/0508158 Star Formation and AGN in the Core of the Shapley Supercluster: A VLA Survey of A3556, A3558, SC1327-312, SC1329-313, and A3562
astro-ph/0508159 X-ray observations of Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0508160 Scalelengths in Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/0508161 The dynamical influence of cooling in the envelope of prestellar and protostellar cores
astro-ph/0508162 Newly Discovered Variable Stars in the Globular Clusters NGC 5634, Arp 2 and Terzan 8
astro-ph/0508163 The Radiative Transport of Dust in Primordial Galaxies and Second-Generation Star Formation
astro-ph/0508164 The Mystery of Kelu-1 Solved with Keck Laser Guide Star Observations
astro-ph/0508165 An 850 micron survey for dust around solar mass stars
astro-ph/0508166 The Bar--Halo Interaction--I. From Fundamental Dynamics to Revised N-body Requirements
astro-ph/0508167 Determining the Properties and Evolution of Red Galaxies from the Quasar Luminosity Function
astro-ph/0508168 Screening of the Magnetic Field of Disk Accreting Stars
astro-ph/0508169 Near-Infrared photometry and spectroscopy of NGC 6539 and UKS 1: two intermediate metallicity Bulge Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0508170 Using the seismology of non-magnetic chemically peculiar stars as a probe of dynamical processes in stellar interiors
astro-ph/0508171 A new single-dynamical-scalar-field model of dark energy
astro-ph/0508172 HI Signal from Reionization Epoch
astro-ph/0508173 Magnetic fields from reionisation
astro-ph/0508174 The Cosmic Near Infrared Background: Remnant Light from Early Stars
astro-ph/0508175 The Progenitor Stars of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0508176 A Potential Supernova Remnant/X-ray Binary Association in M31
astro-ph/0508177 Cosmological and astrophysical parameters from the SDSS flux power spectrum and hydrodynamical simulations of the Lyman-alpha forest
astro-ph/0508178 Stellar Winds and Embedded Star Formation in the Galactic Center Quintuplet and Arches Clusters: Multifrequency Radio Observations
astro-ph/0508179 Spectroscopy of i-Dropout Galaxies with an NB921-Band Depression in the Subaru Deep Field
astro-ph/0508180 Chemistry and Star Formation in the Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supervovae
astro-ph/0508181 Globular Clusters in NGC 4365: New K-band Imaging and a Reassessment of the Case for Intermediate-age Clusters
astro-ph/0508182 Detecting the Transition From Pop III to Pop II Stars
astro-ph/0508183 Fluorescence in damp air and comments on the radiative life time
astro-ph/0508184 Robust Reconstruction from Chopped and Nodded Images
astro-ph/0508185 A Data Exchange Standard for Optical (Visible/IR) Interferometry
astro-ph/0508186 The properties of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models
astro-ph/0508187 Five WC9 stars discovered in the AAO/UKST H-alpha Survey
astro-ph/0508188 Properties of five low-contrast open clusters in the third quadrant
astro-ph/0508189 The trail of discrete X-ray sources in the early-type galaxy NGC4261: anisotropy in the globular cluster distribution?
astro-ph/0508190 Gravitational signals due to tidal interactions between white dwarfs and black holes
astro-ph/0508191 A Millimeter Continuum Survey for Massive Protoclusters in the Outer Galaxy
astro-ph/0508192 Particle-In-Cell Simulations of a Nonlinear Transverse Electromagnetic Wave in a Pulsar Wind Termination Shock
astro-ph/0508193 Ejection of high-velocity stars from the Galactic Center by an inspiraling Intermediate-Mass Black Hole
astro-ph/0508194 On the Production and Survival of Carbon Fuel for Superbursts on Accreting Neutron Stars: Implications for Mass Donor Evolution
astro-ph/0508195 Globular Cluster Systems in Brightest Cluster Galaxies: Bimodal Metallicity Distributions and the Nature of the High-Luminosity Clusters
astro-ph/0508196 Astro-ph communication: Simulations of the WMAP Internal Linear Combination sky map
astro-ph/0508197 Gamma-Ray Burst Selected High Redshift Galaxies: Comparison to Field Galaxy Populations to z~3
astro-ph/0508198 VLBI phase-reference observations of the gravitational lens JVAS B0218+357
astro-ph/0508199 Morphology and kinematics of the ionised gas in early-type galaxies
astro-ph/0508200 Imaging redshifts of BL Lac objects
astro-ph/0508201 Spatial fluctuations in the spectral shape of the UV background at 2
astro-ph/0508202 Estimation of Carbon Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars. I. Application to the "Strong G-band" stars of Beers, Preston, & Shectman
astro-ph/0508203 The intriguing giant bow shocks near HH 131
astro-ph/0508204 The kinetic temperature of a molecular cloud at redshift 0.7: Ammonia in the gravitational lens B0218+357
astro-ph/0508205 Modes of star formation along the Hubble Sequence and beyond
astro-ph/0508206 Discovery of Fast X-ray Oscillations During the 1998 Giant Flare from SGR 1900+14
astro-ph/0508207 The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation with the ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey
astro-ph/0508208 A deeper understanding of white dwarf interiors
astro-ph/0508209 The energetic Universe
astro-ph/0508210 Protostellar holes: Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the protostellar binary IRAS16293-2422
astro-ph/0508211 Galactic and Cosmic Chemical Evolution with Hypernovae
astro-ph/0508212 Polarization in the inner region of Pulsar Wind Nebulae
astro-ph/0508213 GCRT J1745-3009 as a Transient White Dwarf Pulsar
astro-ph/0508214 A Multistep Algorithm for the Radiation Hydrodynamical Transport of Cosmological Ionization Fronts and Ionized Flows
astro-ph/0508215 The First Dark Microhalos
astro-ph/0508216 Galaxy Morphologies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Dominance of Linear Structures at the Detection Limit
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