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2024, 2005
12, 9.2005
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astro-ph/0509005 The missing metal problem: I. How many metals are in submm galaxies?
astro-ph/0509006 INTEGRAL and RXTE monitoring of GRS 1758-258 in 2003 and 2004. A transition from the dim soft state to the hard state
astro-ph/0509007 Probing Galaxy Formation with He II Cooling Lines
astro-ph/0509008 Dust grain dynamics in C-Type shock waves in molecular clouds
astro-ph/0509009 Discovery of a Light Echo from Supernova 2003gd
astro-ph/0509009 Discovery of a Light Echo from Supernova 2003gd
astro-ph/0509011 Discovery of kHz QPOs and shifted frequency correlations in the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807--294
astro-ph/0509012 Factorial moment studies of Cherenkov images
astro-ph/0509013 Search for multifractal features in Cherenkov arrival time
astro-ph/0509014 New insights on the complex planetary nebula Hen 2-113
astro-ph/0509015 Post-inflationary behavior of adiabatic perturbations and tensor-to-scalar ratio
astro-ph/0509016 Back to the basis - observations support spherically closed dynamic space
astro-ph/0509017 XMM-Newton observation of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy, MCG+8-11-11
astro-ph/0509018 INTEGRAL observations of recurrent fast X-ray transient sources
astro-ph/0509019 Linearly polarized X-ray flares following short gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0509020 New Optical and Near-Infrared Surface Brightness Fluctuations Models. II. Young and Intermediate Age Stellar Populations
astro-ph/0509021 Hydrostatic models for the rotation of extra-planar gas in disk galaxies
astro-ph/0509022 Processing challenges in the XMM-Newton slew survey
astro-ph/0509023 Optical Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 during August-September 2004 with the KVA telescope
astro-ph/0509024 The baryon fraction in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0509025 Pulsar Astrometry at the Microarcsecond Level
astro-ph/0509026 Detection of large scale intrinsic ellipticity-density correlation from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and implications for weak lensing surveys
astro-ph/0509027 X-Ray and Optical Flux Anomalies in the Quadruply Lensed QSO 1RXS J1131-1231
astro-ph/0509028 Going with the flow: can the base of jets subsume the role of compact accretion disk coronae?
astro-ph/0509029 Limits on non-Gaussianities from WMAP data
astro-ph/0509030 Interstellar Scintillation Observations of 146 Extragalactic Radio Sources
astro-ph/0509031 Getting Its Kicks: A VLBA Parallax for the Hyperfast Pulsar B1508+55
astro-ph/0509032 Constraining the photometric properties of MgII absorbing galaxies with the SDSS
astro-ph/0509033 Halo Model at Its Best: Constraints on Conditional Luminosity Functions from Measured Galaxy Statistics
astro-ph/0509034 Chemical enrichment of the complex hot ISM of the Antennae Galaxies: II. Physical properties of the hot gas and supernova feedback
astro-ph/0509035 Long-term trends in radiation damage of Chandra X-ray CCDs
astro-ph/0509036 Evidence for J and H-band excess in classical T Tauri stars and the implications for disk structure and estimated ages
astro-ph/0509037 Optical Morphology Evolution of Infrared Luminous Galaxies in GOODS-N
astro-ph/0509038 A refined ephemeris and phase resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the Geminga pulsar
astro-ph/0509039 Local Pancake Defeats Axis of Evil
astro-ph/0509040 New spectroscopic confirmations of high-redshift galaxy clusters
astro-ph/0509041 Spectra of High-Redshift Type Ia Supernovae and a Comparison with their Low-Redshift Counterparts
astro-ph/0509042 A Study of the Gravitational Wave Pulsar Signal with orbital and spindown Effects
astro-ph/0509043 The hard X-ray view of Giga-Hertz Peaked Spectrum Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/0509044 Planetary Nebulae as a Chemical Evolution Tool: Abundance Gradients
astro-ph/0509045 Spectral energy distributions of a large sample of BL Lacertae objects
astro-ph/0509046 Fast Optical Photometry of Galaxies: Observations of Short-Lived Flare Events
astro-ph/0509047 A toy model for coupling accretion disk oscillations to the neutron star spin
astro-ph/0509048 A sensitive search for CO J=1-0 emission in 4C 41.17: high-excitation molecular gas at z=3.8
astro-ph/0509049 An empirical temperature calibration for the Delta a photometric system. I. The B-type stars
astro-ph/0509050 The use of Planetary Nebulae precursors in the study of Diffuse Interstellar Bands
astro-ph/0509051 Why are massive O-rich AGB stars in our Galaxy not S-stars?
astro-ph/0509052 The Carina dSph galaxy: where is the edge?
astro-ph/0509053 The First Chandra Field
astro-ph/0509054 Cosmic Ray Acceleration by E-Parallel Reconnection of Force-Free Fields
astro-ph/0509055 HI 21cm probes of reionization, and beyond
astro-ph/0509056 Optical properties of the NGC 5328 group of galaxies
astro-ph/0509057 The outer disks of galaxies: "To be or not to be truncated?"
astro-ph/0509058 Millimeter observations of obscured Spitzer 24 micron sources
astro-ph/0509059 Specific Star Formation Rates
astro-ph/0509060 Swift-UVOT detection of GRB 050318
astro-ph/0509061 Chemical composition of evolved stars of high galactic latitude
astro-ph/0509062 Shapes of clusters and groups of galaxies: Comparison of model predictions with observations
astro-ph/0509063 A 3D Spectral Anelastic Hydrodynamic Code for Shearing, Stratified Flows
astro-ph/0509064 Magnetic collimation of the relativistic jet in M87
astro-ph/0509065 Quasars as Probes of Late Reionization and Early Structure Formation
astro-ph/0509066 L and T Dwarf Models and the L to T Transition
astro-ph/0509067 Discovery of Outlying, High-Velocity Oxygen-Rich Ejecta in Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/0509068 Detection of Giant Pulses in pulsar PSR J1752+2359
astro-ph/0509069 Dip in UHECR and Transition from Galactic to Extragalactic Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/0509070 High-energy emission of fast rotating white dwarfs
astro-ph/0509071 On One Model of the Geometrical Quintessence
astro-ph/0509072 Isolated and non-isolated dark matter halos and the NFW profile
astro-ph/0509073 3-D Models of Embedded High-Mass Stars: Effects of a Clumpy Circumstellar Medium
astro-ph/0509074 The Demographics of Long-Period Comets
astro-ph/0509075 Keck High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Outflows in Infrared Luminous Galaxies
astro-ph/0509076 Big-bang nucleosynthesis in Brans-Dicke cosmology with a varying $Lambda$ term related to WMAP
astro-ph/0509077 Kinematics of globular cluster systems and the formation of early-type galaxies
astro-ph/0509078 Conserved non-linear quantities in cosmology
astro-ph/0509079 Joint constraints on the lepton asymmetry of the Universe and neutrino mass from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
astro-ph/0509080 First limit on WIMP cross section with low background CsI(T$ell$) crystal detector
astro-ph/0509081 The HELLAS2XMM survey. VII. The hard X-ray luminosity function of AGN up to z=4: more absorbed AGN at low luminosities and high redshifts
astro-ph/0509082 Observational Constraints on a Variable Dark Energy Model
astro-ph/0509083 Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics III. Multidimensional tests and the div B = 0 constraint
astro-ph/0509084 MAMBO 1.25mm observations of 3CR radio galaxies and quasars at z=1.5: On the debate of the unified schemes
astro-ph/0509085 XMM-Newton X-ray and optical observations of the globular clusters M 55 and NGC 3201
astro-ph/0509086 A broadband leptonic model for gamma-ray emitting microquasars
astro-ph/0509087 Metallicities, relative ages and kinematics of stellar populations in omega Centauri
astro-ph/0509088 The Calar Alto lunar occultation program: update and new results
astro-ph/0509089 Best median values for cosmological parameters
astro-ph/0509090 The Dark Gravity model predictions for Gravity Probe B
astro-ph/0509091 DIM light on Black Hole X-ray Transients
astro-ph/0509092 Dark gravity and cosmology
astro-ph/0509093 The dark gravity model and the formation of large scale structures
astro-ph/0509094 The Remarkable Be Star HD110432
astro-ph/0509095 Spectral energy distribution of the gamma-ray microquasar LS 5039
astro-ph/0509096 Comment on "Damping of Tensor Modes in Cosmology"
astro-ph/0509097 Accretion mode changes in Centaurus X-3
astro-ph/0509098 Testing Primordial Non-Gaussianity in CMB Anisotropies
astro-ph/0509099 Observational Constraints on Silent Quartessence
astro-ph/0509099 Observational Constraints on Silent Quartessence
astro-ph/0509101 Critical Metallicity and Fine-Structure Emission of Primordial Gas Enriched by the First Stars
astro-ph/0509102 Chemical Abundances of DEEP2 Star-forming Galaxies at 1.0
astro-ph/0509103 Combined reconstruction of weak and strong lensing data with WSLAP
astro-ph/0509104 Submillimeter observations of Distant Red Galaxies: uncovering the 1mJy 850um-population
astro-ph/0509105 Probing Post-Newtonian Gravity near the Galactic Black Hole with Stellar Doppler Measurements
astro-ph/0509106 The Rest-Frame FUV Morphologies of Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 1.5 and z ~ 4
astro-ph/0509107 The Star Formation Threshold in NGC 6822
astro-ph/0509108 Some comments on the high energy emission from regions of star formation beyond the galaxy
astro-ph/0509109 The Low Quiescent X-Ray Luminosity of the Transient X-Ray Burster EXO 1747-214
astro-ph/0509110 Black Hole Spectral States and Physical Connections
astro-ph/0509111 Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars. I. Performances of radial velocity measurements, first analyses of variations
astro-ph/0509112 Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars. II. A planet found with ELODIE around the F6V star HD 33564
astro-ph/0509113 Abundances in the high-redshift Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/0509114 Oxygen Gas Abundances at 0.4
astro-ph/0509115 The nuclei of comets 7P/Pons-Winnecke, 14P/Wolf and 92P/Sanguin
astro-ph/0509116 Active Galactic Nuclei In Cosmological Simulations - I. Formation of black holes and spheroids through mergers
astro-ph/0509117 INTEGRAL three years later
astro-ph/0509118 Neutrons and antiprotons in ultrahigh energy cosmic rays
astro-ph/0509119 On the evolutionary status of Be stars. I. Field Be stars near the Sun
astro-ph/0509120 Discovery of Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/0509121 Rotation velocities of white dwarfs determined from the CaII K line
astro-ph/0509122 Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays Detection
astro-ph/0509123 INTEGRAL observations of AGN in the Galactic Plane
astro-ph/0509124 Most supermassive black hole growth is obscured by dust
astro-ph/0509125 Open clusters in the Third Galactic Quadrant. II. The intermediate age open clusters NGC 2425 and NGC 2635
astro-ph/0509126 The life-time of galactic bars: central mass concentrations and gravity torques
astro-ph/0509127 Molecular cloud evolution. I. Molecular cloud and thin CNM sheet formation
astro-ph/0509128 Deep spectroscopy of a young radio source at z=0.521
astro-ph/0509129 Outflows and shocks in compact radio sources
astro-ph/0509130 Analytic Solutions to the Constraint Equation for a Force-Free Magnetosphere around a Kerr Black Hole
astro-ph/0509131 The far-infrared properties of the most isolated galaxies
astro-ph/0509132 Deep Near-Infrared Imaging and Photometry of the Antennae Galaxies with WIRC
astro-ph/0509133 Outburst of the X-ray transient SAX J1818.6-1703 detected by INTEGRAL in September 2003
astro-ph/0509134 Radial velocity survey for planets and brown dwarf companions to very young brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars in ChaI with UVES at the VLT
astro-ph/0509135 A Snapshot Survey for Gravitational Lenses Among z>=4.0 Quasars: II. Constraints on the 4.0
astro-ph/0509136 XMM Spectroscopy of the Transient Supersoft Source RX J0513.9-6951: probing the dynamic white dwarf photosphere
astro-ph/0509137 Spherical Isothermal Self-Similar Shock Flows
astro-ph/0509138 The Radio Luminosity Function of the NEP Distant Cluster Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/0509139 On the evolutionary connection between AGB stars and PNe
astro-ph/0509140 Detection of inclined and horizontal showers in the Pierre Auger Observatory
astro-ph/0509141 Clustering of Primordial Black Holes: Basic Results
astro-ph/0509142 Do observed metallicity gradients of early-type galaxies support a hybrid formation scenario?
astro-ph/0509143 The Antennae Ultraluminous X-Ray Source, X-37, Is A Background Quasar
astro-ph/0509144 Optical emission from GRB 050709: a short/hard GRB in a star forming galaxy
astro-ph/0509145 van der Kruit to Spitzer: A New Look at the FIR-Radio Correlation
astro-ph/0509146 XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Highly Polarized and Luminous Broad Absorption Line Quasar CSO 755
astro-ph/0509147 Properties of Galaxy Groups in the SDSS: I.-- The Dependence of Colour, Star Formation, and Morphology on Halo Mass
astro-ph/0509148 The Evidence of Absence: Galaxy Voids in the Excursion Set Formalism
astro-ph/0509149 Ultraluminous Starbursts from SMBH-induced outflows
astro-ph/0509150 Near-Field Cosmology with Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals
astro-ph/0509151 Metal Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium and Production of Massive Black Holes
astro-ph/0509152 Galactic Open Clusters
astro-ph/0509153 Error Analysis for Dual-Beam Optical Linear Polarimetry
astro-ph/0509154 A new approach for constraining the Hubble constant from proper motions of radio jets
astro-ph/0509155 Probing the Coevolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Quasar Host Galaxies
astro-ph/0509156 XMM-Newton Observation of Diffuse Gas and LMXBs in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4649 (M60)
astro-ph/0509157 Preliminary Results from a Spectrosopic LyA Survey at Redshift 5.7 with IMACS
astro-ph/0509158 The Complex Symmetry Gravitational Theory as a New Alternative of Dark Energy
astro-ph/0509159 Tail Emission of Prompt Gamma-Ray Burst Jets
astro-ph/0509160 The X-ray emission properties and the dicothomy in the central stellar cusp shapes of early-type galaxies
astro-ph/0509161 Sulphur abundances in metal-poor stars
astro-ph/0509162 GQ Lup and its common proper motion companion
astro-ph/0509163 Do we Observe Quantum Gravity Effects at Galactic Scales?
astro-ph/0509164 Swift XRT Observations of the Breaking X-ray Afterglow of GRB 050318
astro-ph/0509165 Low Mass Companions to White Dwarfs
astro-ph/0509166 The limb darkening of alpha Cen B: Matching 3D hydrodynamical models with interferometric measurements
astro-ph/0509167 Some short-duration gamma-ray bursts originate in the low redshift universe
astro-ph/0509168 Identification of a new short-period comet near the sun
astro-ph/0509169 Evolution of Galactic Field be Stars
astro-ph/0509170 On the Frequency of Field Galactic Be Stars
astro-ph/0509171 The winds of the hot massive first stars
astro-ph/0509172 Accretion modes and jet production in black hole X-ray binaries
astro-ph/0509173 Achernar Can be a Differential Rotator
astro-ph/0509174 Primordial magnetic seeds from string cosmology
astro-ph/0509175 Zams Rotational Velocities of be Stars
astro-ph/0509176 An Observationally Motivated Framework for AGN Heating of Cluster Cores
astro-ph/0509177 Dark energy, curvature and cosmic coincidence
astro-ph/0509178 Properties of Regions Forming the FeII Emission Lines in Be Stars
astro-ph/0509179 Fast Rotation vs. Metallicity
astro-ph/0509180 The Long-Term H$alpha$ Emission Line Variation in $alpha$ Eri
astro-ph/0509181 Morphology of the coronal line region in active galactic nuclei
astro-ph/0509182 A Fabry-Perot Imaging Search for Lyman-alpha Emission in Quasar Absorbers at z ~ 2.4
astro-ph/0509183 Hierarchical Growth and Cosmic Star Formation: Enrichment, Outflows and Supernova Rates
astro-ph/0509184 Scalings between Physical and their Observationally related Quantities of Merger Remnants
astro-ph/0509185 Chandra and Hubble Study of a New Transient X-ray Source in M31
astro-ph/0509186 Enhancement of the $ar u_e$ flux from astrophysical sources by two photon annihilation interactions
astro-ph/0509187 Characterizing a cosmic string with the statistics of string lensing
astro-ph/0509188 Excess Infrared Radiation from a Massive DAZ White Dwarf: GD362 - a Debris Disk?
astro-ph/0509189 Broad-Band Imaging of a Large Sample of Irregular Galaxies
astro-ph/0509190 Radial Profiles of Star Formation in the Far Outer Regions of Galaxy Disks
astro-ph/0509191 Deeper Chandra Follow-up of Cygnus TeV Source Perpetuates Mystery
astro-ph/0509192 Fitting Formula for Flux Scintillation of Compact Radio Sources
astro-ph/0509193 A Dusty Disk Around GD 362, a White Dwarf With a Uniquely High Photospheric Metal Abundance
astro-ph/0509194 Estimation and reduction of the uncertainties in chemical models: Application to hot core chemistry
astro-ph/0509195 Gemini Spectroscopy of Supernovae from SNLS: Improving High Redshift SN Selection and Classification
astro-ph/0509196 Dark Matter in Many Forms
astro-ph/0509197 Specific star formation rates to redshift 5 from the FORS Deep Field and the GOODS-S Field
astro-ph/0509198 The Radio Quiescence of Active Galaxies with High Accretion Rates
astro-ph/0509199 Frequency of Debris Disks around Solar-Type Stars: First Results from a Spitzer/MIPS Survey
astro-ph/0509200 Is the Broad-Line Region Clumped or Smooth? Constraints from the H alpha Profile in NGC 4395, the Least Luminous Seyfert 1 Galaxy
astro-ph/0509201 Dynamical decay of a massive multiple system in Orion KL?
astro-ph/0509202 The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC): Survey Design and Deep Public UBVRIz’ Images and Catalogs of the Extended Hubble Deep Field South
astro-ph/0509203 Implications of the Cosmic Background Imager Polarization Data
astro-ph/0509204 Phase Lags in the Optical-Infrared Light Curves of AGB Stars
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