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26 January 2025

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cond-mat/0701509 Doped Mott insulator as the origin of heavy Fermion behavior in LiV2O4
cond-mat/0701510 On the Symmetry of Low-Field Ordered Phase of PrFe4P12 : 31P NMR
cond-mat/0701511 Modeling microscopic swimmers at low Reynolds number
cond-mat/0701512 Is magnetoresistance in excess of 1,000 % possible in Ni point contacts?
cond-mat/0701513 Structural distortion and magnetism of BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films: a Raman spectroscopy and neutron diffraction study
cond-mat/0701514 Resistivity model based on iFDS theory in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As, La(1-x)Ca(x)MnO(3) and Mn(x)Ge(1-x)
cond-mat/0701515 Critical Binder cumulant for isotropic Ising models on square and triangular lattices
cond-mat/0701516 Finite-size scaling in complex networks
cond-mat/0701517 STM observation of initial growth of Sn atoms on Ge(001) surface
cond-mat/0701518 Thermo-kinetic approach of single-particles and clusters involving anomalous diffusion under viscoelastic response
cond-mat/0701519 Observation of a two-dimensional spin-lattice in non-magnetic semiconductor heterostructures
cond-mat/0701520 Electronic structure and magnetism in the frustrated antiferromagnet LiCrO2
cond-mat/0701521 Ultra long range plasmonic waveguides using quasi two dimensional metallic layers
cond-mat/0701522 Heteropolymer translocation through nanopores
cond-mat/0701523 Addendum to "Monomer motion in single- and double-stranded DNA coils" [arXiv: cond-mat/0509399]
cond-mat/0701524 Paramagnon-induced dispersion anomalies in the cuprates
cond-mat/0701525 Millimeter Wave Localization: Slow Light and Enhanced Absorption
cond-mat/0701526 Transport and Percolation Theory in Weighted Networks
cond-mat/0701527 Entanglement entropy of aperiodic quantum spin chains
cond-mat/0701528 Orbital order in ZnV$_2$O$_4$
cond-mat/0701529 Thermal dependence of the zero-bias conductance through a nanostructure
cond-mat/0701530 Influence of Point-like Disorder on the Guiding of Vortices and the Hall Effect in a Washboard Planar Pinning Potential
cond-mat/0701531 Self-Assembly of Patchy Particles into Polymer Chains: A Parameter-Free Comparison between Wertheim Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation
cond-mat/0701532 Generation of high-fidelity CNOT logic gates by coupled superconducting qubits
cond-mat/0701533 Thermopower of Kondo Effect in Single Quantum Dot Systems with Orbital at Finite Temperatures
cond-mat/0701534 Aharonov-Casher effect in a two dimensional hole ring with spin-orbit interaction
cond-mat/0701535 Duality, the Semi-Circle Law and Quantum Hall Bilayers
cond-mat/0701536 Intrinsic noise properties of atomic point contact displacement detectors
cond-mat/0701537 Observation of Spin Wave Soliton Fractals in Magnetic Film Active Feedback Rings
cond-mat/0701538 Thermodynamics with generalized ensembles: The class of dual orthodes
cond-mat/0701539 A new cross-streamline particle migration mechanism in a dilute suspension of spheres in shear flow confined by planar walls
cond-mat/0701540 Slow, non-diffusive dynamics in concentrated nanoemulsions
cond-mat/0701541 Super-poissonian noise in a quantum dot p-i-n junction
cond-mat/0701542 Modified Kubelka-Munk equations for localized waves inside a layered medium
cond-mat/0701543 Calculation of Elastic Constants of $gamma Ce$
cond-mat/0701544 Ab initio molecular dynamics study of manganese porphine hydration and interaction with nitric oxide
cond-mat/0701545 Electronic Structure of Spin-Chain Compounds: Common Features
cond-mat/0701546 Formation of optimal-order necklace modes in one-dimensional random photonic superlattices
cond-mat/0701547 Water on Pt(111): the importance of proton disorder
cond-mat/0701548 Binding energy of a Cooper pairs with non-zero center of mass momentum in d-wave superconductors
cond-mat/0701549 On the accuracy of first-principles lateral interactions: Oxygen at Pd(100)
cond-mat/0701550 Frustration with Fat Graphs
cond-mat/0701551 On the Two-Dimensionality of Magnetic Excitations on the Trellis Lattice
cond-mat/0701552 Transverse Averaging Technique for Depletion Capacitance of Nonuniform PN-Junctions
cond-mat/0701553 Balls-in-boxes condensation on networks
cond-mat/0701554 Optimal finite-time processes in stochastic thermodynamics
cond-mat/0701555 Molecular model for de Vries type smectic A - smectic C phase transition in liquid crystals
cond-mat/0701556 A high pressure calorimetric experiment to validate the liquid-liquid critical point hypothesis in water
cond-mat/0701557 Density functional approach to study structural properties and Electric Field Gradients in rare earth materials
cond-mat/0701558 A model of frictional elastic hard spheres for granular mixtures
cond-mat/0701559 Resonant spin polarization and spin current in a two-dimensional electron gas
cond-mat/0701560 Anomalous field effect and glassy behaviour in granular aluminium thin films: electron glass?
cond-mat/0701561 Lamellar order, microphase structures and glassy phase in a field theoretic model for charged colloids
cond-mat/0701562 Creep of a fracture line in paper peeling
cond-mat/0701563 Hyperfine Interaction in USb2 Crystal
cond-mat/0701564 Spin densities in parabolic quantum wires with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
cond-mat/0701565 Critical temperature and specific heat for Cooper pairing on a spherical surface
cond-mat/0701566 On the superconducting state of the organic conductor $(TMTSF)_2ClO_4$
cond-mat/0701567 Effect of entropy on the dynamics of supercooled liquids: New results from high pressure data
cond-mat/0701568 Short-range stationary patterns and long-range disorder in an evolution equation for one-dimensional interfaces
cond-mat/0701569 Hydrogen Absorption Properties of Metal-Ethylene Complexes
cond-mat/0701570 Numerical Renormalization Group Approach to a Quantum Dot Coupled to Normal and Superconducting Leads
cond-mat/0701571 Emergence of Spin-Half Fermion Vortices and The Vortex Metal
cond-mat/0701572 Dynamic Localization Effects in L-Ring Circuit
cond-mat/0701573 A new equivalence between fused RSOS and loop models
cond-mat/0701574 Decoherence under many-body system-environment interactions: a stroboscopic approach through a fictitiously homogenized interaction rate
cond-mat/0701575 High field level crossing studies on spin dimers in the low dimensional quantum spin system Na$_2$T$_2$(C$_2$O$_4$)$_3$(H$_2$O)$_2$ with T=Ni,Co,Fe,Mn
cond-mat/0701576 Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of Multiferroic $Ni_3V_2O_8$
cond-mat/0701577 Elucidation of the electronic structure of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes by electroabsorption spectroscopy
cond-mat/0701578 Heteropolymer Sequence Design and Preferential Solvation of Hydrophilic Monomers: One More Application of Random Energy Model
cond-mat/0701579 Charge and spin excitation spectra in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hopping
cond-mat/0701580 Granular Gas Cooling and Relaxation to the Steady State in Regard to the Overpopulated Tail of the Velocity Distribution
cond-mat/0701581 Non-markovian dynamics of double quantum dot charge qubit with static bias
cond-mat/0701582 Energy gap formation in a valence fluctuating compound CeIrSb probed by Sb NMR and NQR
cond-mat/0701583 Comment on "Raman spectroscopy study of NaxCoO2 and superconducting NaxCoO2 yH2O"
cond-mat/0701584 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional lattice gas models
cond-mat/0701585 Mott Transition and Strange Metal in Two Dimensions: A View from Cellular Dynamical Cluster Approximation
cond-mat/0701586 Static Disorder in a 1D Wire with Two Quantum Scattering Centers
cond-mat/0701587 Size-dependent properties of dithallium selenide
cond-mat/0701588 Dynamical Mean Field Theory of the Gutzwiller-projected BCS Hamiltonian: Phase Fluctuations and Pseudogap
cond-mat/0701589 Markov vs. nonMarkovian processes A comment on the paper Stochastic feedback, nonlinear families of Markov processes, and nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations by T.D. Frank
cond-mat/0701590 Critical properties and Bose Einstein Condensation in dimer spin systems
cond-mat/0701591 Nonlinear sigma model of a spin ladder containing a static single hole
cond-mat/0701592 Self-interaction in Green’s-function theory of the hydrogen atom
cond-mat/0701593 Model-Independent Sum Rule Analysis Based on Limited-Range Spectral Data
cond-mat/0701594 Temperature Effects on Exciton and Trion States in CdTe Quantum Well Structures
cond-mat/0701595 Magnetic Correlations in CoO2, the Parent Compound of Triangular Cobaltates
cond-mat/0701596 Particle redistribution and slow decay of correlations in hard-core fluids on a half-driven ladder
cond-mat/0701597 Lifting of Ir{100} reconstruction by CO adsorption: An ab initio study
cond-mat/0701598 Random Kondo Alloys
cond-mat/0701599 Graphene Nano-Ribbon Electronics
cond-mat/0701600 Commensurate-incommensurate transition in the stripe state of cuprates near the~1/8 hole-doping and associated collective modes
cond-mat/0701601 Damage Spreading and Criticality in Finite Random Dynamical Networks
cond-mat/0701602 Theoretical study of N-complexes in carbon nanotubes
cond-mat/0701603 Negative Spin Valve effects in manganite/organic based devices
cond-mat/0701604 The boundary element approach to Van der Waals interactions
cond-mat/0701605 A Numerical Renormalization Group for Continuum One-Dimensional Systems
cond-mat/0701606 Surface imaging of inelastic Friedel oscillations
cond-mat/0701607 The Effect of Nanoparticle Shape on Polymer-Nanocomposite Rheology and Tensile Strength
cond-mat/0701608 Fidelity and quantum phase transitions
cond-mat/0701609 Neutron Scattering Study on the Field-Induced $O_{xy}$-type Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering of Heavy-Fermion Superconductor $PrOs_4Sb_{12}$
cond-mat/0701610 Role of magnetic scattering in 0-pi transitions in a superconductor/ferromagnetic metal/superconductor junction
cond-mat/0701611 Doping of Mn$_2$VAl and Mn$_2$VSi Heusler alloys as a route to half-metallic antiferromagnetism
cond-mat/0701612 Spin-Hall effect and spin-coherent excitations in a strongly confined two-dimensional hole gas
cond-mat/0701613 Evidence for Point Nodes in the Superconducting Gap Function in the Filled Skutterudite Heavy-Fermion Compound PrOs4Sb12: 123Sb-NQR Study under Pressure
cond-mat/0701614 Spin-polarization coupling in multiferroic transition-metal oxides
cond-mat/0701615 Intervalley scattering and weak localization in Si-based two-dimensional structures
cond-mat/0701616 Transition from a two-dimensional superfluid to a one-dimensional Mott insulator
cond-mat/0701617 Contrast in transmission spectroscopy of a single quantum dot
cond-mat/0701618 Current-induced vortex-vortex switching in a nanopillar comprising two Co nano-rings
cond-mat/0701619 Switchable lasing in coupled multimode microcavities
cond-mat/0701620 Full counting statistics for noninteracting fermions: Exact results and the Levitov-Lesovik formula
cond-mat/0701621 Resonant Rayleigh Scattering in Ordered and Intentionally Disordered Semiconductor Superlattices
cond-mat/0701622 Central limit behavior of deterministic dynamical systems
cond-mat/0701623 Gallium self-interstitial relaxation in Gallium Arsenide: an {ab initio} characterization
cond-mat/0701624 Mesoscopic phase statistics of diffuse ultrasound in dynamic matter
cond-mat/0701625 Theory of the in-plane anisotropy of magnetic excitations in YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+y}
cond-mat/0701626 Slave bosons in radial gauge: a bridge between path integral and hamiltonian language
cond-mat/0701627 Quantum Spherical Spin Glass.Supersymmetry and Annealing
cond-mat/0701628 Van Hove singularity and spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in Sr3Ru2O7
cond-mat/0701629 Current-induced spin polarization and the spin Hall effect: a quasiclassical approach
cond-mat/0701630 The anisotropic XY model on the inhomogeneous periodic chain
cond-mat/0701631 Shape-induced phenomena in the finite size antiferromagnets
cond-mat/0701632 Time-dependent density functional theory for efficient calculations of dynamic (hyper)polarizabilities
cond-mat/0701633 Comparison of chain versus sheet crystal structures for cyanides $M$CN ($M$ = Cu-Au) and dicarbides $M$C$_2$ ($M$ = Be-Ba; Zn-Hg). Alternatives to graphene ?
cond-mat/0701634 Microscopic Current Dynamics in Nanoscale Junctions
cond-mat/0701635 Global phase diagram of the spin-1 antiferromagnet with uniaxial anisotropy on the kagome lattice
cond-mat/0701636 Theory of non-Fermi liquid near a diagonal electronic nematic state on a square lattice
cond-mat/0701637 Measurement of the 3-D Born-Oppenheimer Potential of a Proton in a Hydrogen Bonded System using Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering: The Superprotonic Conductor Rb3H(SO4)2
cond-mat/0701638 Counting solutions for the CDMA multiuser MAP demodulator
cond-mat/0701639 Quantum transport in quasicrystals and complex metallic alloys
cond-mat/0701640 The buckling of a swollen thin gel layer bound to a compliant substrate
cond-mat/0701641 Casimir force driven ratchets
cond-mat/0701642 Strongly renormalized quasi-two-dimensional electron gas in a heterostructure with correlation effects
cond-mat/0701643 Andreev bound states and tunneling characteristics of a non-centrosymmetric superconductor
cond-mat/0701644 Characterization of irradiated microstructure by X-ray diffraction line profile analysis
cond-mat/0701645 X-Ray diffraction studies on asymmetrically broadened peaks of heavily deformed Zirconium based alloys
cond-mat/0701646 Entrainment transition in populations of random frequency oscillators
cond-mat/0701647 Vortex instability, generation of new vortices, and onset of turbulence in superfluid 3He-B
cond-mat/0701648 Direct measurement of the effective charge in nonpolar suspensions by optical tracking of single particles
cond-mat/0701649 Cold Attractive Spin Polarized Fermi Lattice Gases and the Doped Positive U Hubbard Model
cond-mat/0701650 Upper critical field divergence induced by mesoscopic phase separation in the organic superconductor (TMTSF)2ReO4
cond-mat/0701651 Cooling down Levy flights
cond-mat/0701652 Calculations of giant magnetoresistance in Fe/Cr trilayers using layer potentials determined from {it ab-initio} methods
cond-mat/0701653 Levy Flights, Non-local Search and Simulated Annealing
cond-mat/0701654 The relaxation time of a chiral quantum R-L circuit
cond-mat/0701655 Zeno and anti-Zeno dynamics in spin-bath models
cond-mat/0701656 Nonthermal broadening in the conductance of double quantum dot structures
cond-mat/0701657 "0.7 anomaly" and magnetic impurity formation in quantum point contacts
cond-mat/0701658 Exotic gapless spectrum induced by frustration in quantum antiferromagnets
cond-mat/0701659 Crossover in the Slow Decay of Dynamic Correlations in the Lorentz Model
cond-mat/0701660 Competition of Fermi surface symmetry breaking and superconductivity
cond-mat/0701661 Towards a SU(4) Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/0701662 Stoichiometry of Electrostatic Complexes Determined by Light Scattering
cond-mat/0701663 Use of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle/Block Copolymer Electrostatic Complexes as Contrast Agents in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
cond-mat/0701664 Polymer translocation through a nanopore - a showcase of anomalous diffusion
cond-mat/0701665 Complete Wetting of Pits and Grooves
cond-mat/0701666 Thermo-mechanical behavior of surface acoustic waves in ordered arrays of nanodisks studied by near infrared pump-probe diffraction experiments
cond-mat/0701667 On the possibility that STS "gap-maps" of cuprate single crystals are dominated by k-space anisotropy and not by nano-scale inhomogeneity
cond-mat/0701668 Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Harmonic Trap Decorated with Dirac Delta Functions
cond-mat/0701669 Single-gap s-wave superconductivity in Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$
cond-mat/0701670 Transport Properties of Multiple Quantum Dots Arranged in Parallel: Results from the Bethe Ansatz
cond-mat/0701671 CVD of CrO2: towards a lower temperature deposition process
cond-mat/0701672 A Fast Algorithm to Calculate Density of States
cond-mat/0701673 Hindered rotators by off-site ions in solids: Optical conductivity by sombrero potentials
cond-mat/0701674 Two Dimensional Directed Lattice Walks with Boundaries
cond-mat/0701675 Microstructure, magneto-transport and magnetic properties of Gd-doped magnetron-sputtered amorphous carbon
cond-mat/0701676 Effects of lengthscales and attractions on the collapse of hydrophobic polymers in water
cond-mat/0701677 Reference levels, signal forms and determination of emission factor in DLTS
cond-mat/0701678 Spin blockade at semiconductor/ferromagnet junctions
cond-mat/0701679 Does changing the pulling direction give better insight into biomolecules?
cond-mat/0701680 Solving the De Prony’s Problem of Separation of the Overlapping Exponents in DLTS
cond-mat/0701681 Quantum charge pumping and electric polarization in Anderson insulators
cond-mat/0701682 Field Stability in Direct Modulation of Semiconductor Laser
cond-mat/0701683 Stationary State Fluctuation Theorems for Driven Langevin Systems
cond-mat/0701684 Nonlinear Energy Response of Glass Forming Materials
cond-mat/0701685 Slip avalanches in crystal plasticity: scaling of the avalanche cutoff
cond-mat/0701686 Weak localisation in bilayer graphene
cond-mat/0701687 Magneto and ferroelectric phase transitions in HoMn2O5 monocrystals
cond-mat/0701688 Nuclear spin diffusion in the semiconductor TlTaS3
cond-mat/0701689 Surface-acoustic-wave-driven luminescence from a lateral p-n junction
cond-mat/0701690 Influence of trigonal warping on interference effects in bilayer graphene
cond-mat/0701691 Nature of Intermediate States between Superfluid and Mott insulator for Interacting Bosons in One-dimension with a Harmonic Trapping Potential
cond-mat/0701692 Spinodal decomposition in polarised Fermi superfluids
cond-mat/0701693 Ferromagnetic 0-pi Josephson junctions
cond-mat/0701694 Possible vacancy induced supersolid in $ ^{4} He $
cond-mat/0701695 Extension of the Thomas-Fermi approximation for trapped Bose-Einstein condensates with an arbitrary number of atoms
cond-mat/0701696 Theory of Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Metals Based on the Multi d-Orbital Tight-Binding Model
cond-mat/0701697 Nanoscale data storage
cond-mat/0701698 Theory of 2D superconductor with broken inversion symmetry
cond-mat/0701699 Directed polymer in a random medium of dimension 1+3 : multifractal properties at the localization/delocalization transition
cond-mat/0701700 Comment on "Nonexistence of "Spin Transverse Force" for a Relativistic Electron" by Wlodek Zawadzki (cond-mat/0701387)
cond-mat/0701701 Quantum q-breathers in a finite Bose-Hubbard chain: the case of two interacting bosons
cond-mat/0701702 Carbon Based Superconductors
cond-mat/0701703 Interchain-Frustration-Induced Metallic State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Mott Insulators
cond-mat/0701704 Coherent phonon scattering effects on thermal transport in thin semiconductor nanowires
cond-mat/0701705 Superconducting critical temperature and singlet and triplet pair functions of superconductor/normal-metal/ferromagnet trilayers
cond-mat/0701706 Creation of multiple nanodots by single ions
cond-mat/0701707 Relaxation dynamics in strained fiber bundles
cond-mat/0701708 Parameters of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya type weak ferromagnetism for some perovskite compounds
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