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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2007
12, 1.2007
cond-mat/0701709 Peculiarities in the properties of some rare-earth compounds with orthorhombic structures
cond-mat/0701710 Alloying mechanisms for epitaxial nanocrystals
cond-mat/0701711 Thermodynamics of a Heavy Ion-Irradiated Superconductor: the Zero-Field Transition
cond-mat/0701712 Long-term Correlations and 1/f^alpha Noise in the Steady States of Multi-Species Resistor Networks
cond-mat/0701713 Bose glass and superfuid phases of cavity polaritons
cond-mat/0701714 Magnetotransport and thermoelectricity in disordered graphene
cond-mat/0701715 Statistical Interparticle Potential between Two Anyons
cond-mat/0701716 Effective triplet interactions in nematic colloids
cond-mat/0701717 Magnetic Anisotropy, Spin Pinning and Exchange Constants of (Ga,Mn)As films
cond-mat/0701718 A Numerical Treatment of the Rf SQUID: I. General Properties and Noise Energy
cond-mat/0701719 A Numerical Treatment of the Rf SQUID: II. Noise Temperature
cond-mat/0701720 Linear Response Theory and the Universal Nature of the Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of the Cuprates
cond-mat/0701721 Investigation of the Tunneling Spectra in HgBr2-Intercalated Bi-2212 Single Crystals below and above Tc
cond-mat/0701722 Spreading in narrow channels
cond-mat/0701723 Analytical approach to directed sandpile models on the Apollonian network
cond-mat/0701724 Excitons in QED3 and spin response in a phase-fluctuating d-wave superconductor
cond-mat/0701725 Nano-DMFT for molecules, ultrasmall particles and inhomogeneous materials in the strong correlation regime
cond-mat/0701726 Magnetoresistance Oscillations in Two-dimensional Electron Systems Induced by AC and DC Fields
cond-mat/0701727 Strong Correlation Effects in the Fullerene C20
cond-mat/0701728 Conditional statistics of electron transport in interacting nanoscale conductors
cond-mat/0701729 Exciton Ionization, Franz-Keldysh and Stark Effects in Carbon Nanotubes
cond-mat/0701730 Efficient DMFT-simulation of the Holstein-Hubbard Model
cond-mat/0701731 Dynamics Analysis Of Plasmon Resonance Modes In Nanoparticles
cond-mat/0701732 Local density of states and Friedel oscillations around a non-magnetic impurity in unconventional density wave
cond-mat/0701733 Phase transitions in systems of self-propelled agents and related network models
cond-mat/0701734 Theory of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Dissipation in High-Tc Josephson Junctions
cond-mat/0701735 Drude Weight of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model -- Reexamination of Finite-Size Effect in Exact Diagonalization Study --
cond-mat/0701736 Magnetic Impurity States and Ferromagnetic Interaction in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
cond-mat/0701737 DNA toroid condensation as analytic solutions
cond-mat/0701738 Effect of interaction shape on the condensed DNA toroid
cond-mat/0701739 Accurate determination of the superfluid-insulator transition in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
cond-mat/0701740 Dynamical scaling in branching models for seismicity
cond-mat/0701741 The route of frustrated cuprates from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains: Li2ZrCuO4 as a missing link near the quantum critical point
cond-mat/0701742 Electrodynamics near the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in V3O5
cond-mat/0701743 Thermodynamic Theory of Sintering and Swelling
cond-mat/0701744 Universal thermodynamics of strongly interacting Fermi gases
cond-mat/0701745 Quantum Mechanical Treatment of the Problem of Constraints in Nonextensive Formalism Revisited
cond-mat/0701746 Interface dependence of the Josephson-current fluctuations in short SNS junctions
cond-mat/0701747 Single molecule pulling with large time steps
cond-mat/0701748 Subgap tunneling by a quantum interference effect with a collective channel: charge density waves in connection with insulators and crossed transport in superconductors
cond-mat/0701749 Influence of chemical and magnetic interface properties of Co-Fe-B / MgO / Co-Fe-B tunnel junctions on the annealing temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance
cond-mat/0701750 Magnetic Excitations in the Spin-1 Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain System NiCl$_2$-4SC(NH$_2$)$_2$
cond-mat/0701751 Excitonic condensation under spin-orbit coupling and BEC-BCS crossover
cond-mat/0701752 Self-bound droplet of Bose and Fermi atoms in one dimension: Collective properties in mean-field and Tonks-Girardeau regimes
cond-mat/0701753 Entropy, non-ergodicity and non-Gaussian behaviour in ballistic transport
cond-mat/0701754 Low-temperature phase transformations of PZT in the morphotropic phase-boundary region
cond-mat/0701755 Itinerant in-plane magnetic fluctuations and many-body correlations in Na$_x$CoO$_2$
cond-mat/0701756 From Feshbach-Resonance Managed Bose-Einstein Condensates to Anisotropic Universes: Some Applications of the Ermakov-Pinney equation with Time-Dependent Nonlinearity
cond-mat/0701757 Dynamic first-order phase transition in kinetically constrained models of glasses
cond-mat/0701758 Shiva diagrams for composite-boson many-body effects : How they work
cond-mat/0701759 Stability of Jahn Teller distortion in LaMnO3 under pressure: An x-ray absorption study
cond-mat/0701760 Chiral Gauge Theory for Graphene
cond-mat/0701761 Competition between Vortex Unbinding and Tunneling in an Optical Lattice
cond-mat/0701762 Anisotropic spin transport in GaAs quantum wells in the presence of competing Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-orbit-coupling strengths
cond-mat/0701763 Probability currents as principal characteristics in the statistical mechanics of non-equilibrium steady states
cond-mat/0701764 Ground-state properties of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. Extension of the Thomas-Fermi approximation
cond-mat/0701765 Nonperturbative Dynamical Theory and A Scheme for Nonequilibrium Transport
cond-mat/0701766 Vortex structures in few-electron quantum dots with spin degree of freedom
cond-mat/0701767 Optical properties of extit{n}- and extit{p}-type ZnO thin films -- two different approaches to the impurity distribution inhomogeneity
cond-mat/0701768 Entropy of entanglement and correlations induced by a quench: Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the quantum Ising model
cond-mat/0701769 Composition and reactivity on Pd/Au(111) surface: A first-principle study
cond-mat/0701770 The ensemble effects on adsorption and dehydrogenation of ethylene on PdAu(001) bimetallic surfaces
cond-mat/0701771 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Ultrananocrystalline Diamonds
cond-mat/0701772 On the existence of stationary states during granular compaction
cond-mat/0701773 Wigner-Kirkwood expansion for semi-infinite quantum fluids
cond-mat/0701774 On the macroion virial contribution to the osmotic pressure in charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions
cond-mat/0701775 Strong Coupling Effects with Quantum Metamaterials
cond-mat/0701776 Hourglass of constant weight
cond-mat/0701777 CO oxidation at Pd(100): A first-principles constrained thermodynamics study
cond-mat/0701778 Elastic constants and high-pressure structural transitions in lanthanum monochalcogenides from experiment and theory
cond-mat/0701779 Conical intersections induced by the Renner effect in polyatomic molecules
cond-mat/0701780 Scaling of resistivities and guided vortex motion in MgB2 thin films
cond-mat/0701781 Polymer Nanofibers and Nanotubes: Charge Transport and Device Applications
cond-mat/0701782 Coupled spin-charge drift-diffusion approach for a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
cond-mat/0701783 Nos’e-Hoover and Langevin thermostats do not reproduce the nonequilibrium behavior of long-range Hamiltonians
cond-mat/0701784 Macroscopic quantum tunneling in "small" Josephson junctions in magnetic field
cond-mat/0701785 Preferential Behaviour and Scaling in Diffusive Dynamics on Networks
cond-mat/0701786 Thermodynamics of a Trapped Unitary Fermi Gas
cond-mat/0701787 Elementary Electronic Excitations in Graphene Nanoribbons
cond-mat/0701788 Flat bands and Wigner crystallization in the honeycomb optical lattice
cond-mat/0701789 Recent advances in the internal functionalization of carbon nanotubes: synthesis, optical, and magnetic resonance studies
cond-mat/0702001 Rapidly driving a nanoparticle magnetic moment: Mean first-passage times and magnetic relaxation
cond-mat/0702002 Mixtures of Bose gases under rotation
cs/0701001 On High Spatial Reuse Link Scheduling in STDMA Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
cs/0701002 Relay Assisted F/TDMA Ad Hoc Networks: Node Classification, Power Allocation and Relaying Strategies
cs/0701004 A machine model for data stream computation
cs/0701010 Determining the Applicability of Agile Practices to Mission and Life-critical Systems
cs/0701011 Infinite-Alphabet Prefix Codes Optimal for $eta$-Exponential Penalties
cs/0701012 $D$-ary Bounded-Length Huffman Coding
cs/0701013 Attribute Value Weighting in K-Modes Clustering
cs/0701014 A Reply to Hofman On: "Why LP cannot solve large instances of NP-complete problems in polynomial time"
cs/0701015 Asynchronous Implementation of Failure Detectors with partial connectivity and unknown participants
cs/0701016 The Second Law and Informatics
cs/0701017 Energy-Efficient Power Control in Impulse Radio UWB Wireless Networks
cs/0701018 Performance Analysis of Algebraic Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes
cs/0701019 Flow-optimized Cooperative Transmission for the Relay Channel
cs/0701020 A nearly optimal and deterministic summary structure for update data streams
cs/0701021 The Unix KISS: A Case Study
cs/0701022 Definable functions in the simply typed lambda-calculus
cs/0701023 A Polynomial Time Algorithm for 3-SAT
cs/0701024 Secure Communication over Fading Channels
cs/0701025 Free deconvolution for signal processing applications
cs/0701026 Analysis of Sequential Decoding Complexity Using the Berry-Esseen Inequality
cs/0701027 The source coding game with a cheating switcher
cs/0701028 Statistical keyword detection in literary corpora
cs/0701029 The Inhabitation Problem for Rank Two Intersection Types
cs/0701030 New Constructions of a Family of 2-Generator Quasi-Cyclic Two-Weight Codes and Related Codes
cs/0701031 On the implementation of construction functions for non-free concrete data types
cs/0701032 Programs as polygraphs: computability and complexity
cs/0701033 A Counterexample to a Proposed Proof of P=NP by S. Gubin
cs/0701034 Performance of Rake Receivers in IR-UWB Networks Using Energy-Efficient Power Control
cs/0701035 Finding Astronomical Communities Through Co-readership Analysis
cs/0701036 Compression-based methods for nonparametric density estimation, on-line prediction, regression and classification for time series
cs/0701037 User-Level Socket-Based Checkpointing for Distributed and Parallel Computation
cs/0701038 Approximate Eigenstructure of LTV Channels with Compactly Supported Spreading
cs/0701039 On the Complexity of the Numerically Definite Syllogistic and Related Fragments
cs/0701040 Curve Tracking Control for Legged Locomotion in Horizontal Plane
cs/0701041 A Coding Theorem for a Class of Stationary Channels with Feedback
cs/0701042 Sending a Bivariate Gaussian Source over a Gaussian MAC with Feedback
cs/0701043 Adaptive Alternating Minimization Algorithms
cs/0701044 New ID Based Multi-Proxy Multi-Signcryption Scheme from Pairings
cs/0701045 Polygon Convexity: Another O(n) Test
cs/0701046 Cooperation Between Stations in Wireless Networks
cs/0701047 On vocabulary size of grammar-based codes
cs/0701048 Energy Conscious Interactive Communication for Sensor Networks
cs/0701049 On the Complexity of a Deriviative Chess Problem
cs/0701050 A Simple Proof of the Entropy-Power Inequality via Properties of Mutual Information
cs/0701051 Coding, Scheduling, and Cooperation in Wireless Sensor Networks
cs/0701052 Time Series Forecasting: Obtaining Long Term Trends with Self-Organizing Maps
cs/0701053 A Case For Amplify-Forward Relaying in the Block-Fading Multi-Access Channel
cs/0701054 Nearly-Exponential Size Lower Bounds for Symbolic Quantifier Elimination Algorithms and OBDD-Based Proofs of Unsatisfiability
cs/0701055 Bounds on Space-Time-Frequency Dimensionality
cs/0701056 Space-Time-Frequency Degrees of Freedom: Fundamental Limits for Spatial Information
cs/0701057 Cooperative Optimization for Energy Minimization: A Case Study of Stereo Matching
cs/0701058 Probabilistic Behavior of Average Transmit Energy in Broadcast Systems with Precoding
cs/0701059 Enhancing Sensor Network Lifetime Using Interactive Communication
cs/0701060 Duadic Group Algebra Codes
cs/0701061 Conjugate Gradient Projection Approach for Multi-Antenna Gaussian Broadcast Channels
cs/0701062 Network Coding over a Noisy Relay : a Belief Propagation Approach
cs/0701063 Hierarchical Decoupling Principle of a MIMO-CDMA Channel in Asymptotic Limits
cs/0701064 Causing Communication Closure: Safe Program Composition with Reliable Non-FIFO Channels
cs/0701065 Can Punctured Rate-1/2 Turbo Codes Achieve a Lower Error Floor than their Rate-1/3 Parent Codes?
cs/0701066 Non-binary Hybrid LDPC Codes: Structure, Decoding and Optimization
cs/0701067 On Four-group ML Decodable Distributed Space Time Codes for Cooperative Communication
cs/0701068 Distributed Space-Time Codes for Cooperative Networks with Partial CSI
cs/0701069 Finding low-weight polynomial multiples using discrete logarithm
cs/0701070 On formulas for decoding binary cyclic codes
cs/0701071 A bounded-degree network formation game
cs/0701072 Tagging, Folksonomy & Co - Renaissance of Manual Indexing?
cs/0701073 A decision procedure for linear "big O" equations
cs/0701074 On the robustness of the h-index
cs/0701075 Open-architecture Implementation of Fragment Molecular Orbital Method for Peta-scale Computing
cs/0701076 Time-complexity semantics for feasible affine recursions (extended abstract)
cs/0701077 Asynchronous Distributed Searchlight Scheduling
cs/0701078 Low SNR Capacity of Fading Channels -- MIMO and multipath
cs/0701079 Practical Binary Adaptive Block Coder
cs/0701080 Analysis of the Sufficient Path Elimination Window for the Maximum-Likelihood Sequential-Search Decoding Algorithm for Binary Convolutional Codes
cs/0701081 Fingerprinting Logic Programs
cs/0701082 Recurrence with affine level mappings is P-time decidable for CLP(R)
cs/0701083 A Backtracking-Based Algorithm for Computing Hypertree-Decompositions
cs/0701084 Pseudo-codeword Landscape
cs/0701085 Variations on the Fibonacci Universal Code
cs/0701086 Loop Calculus and Belief Propagation for q-ary Alphabet: Loop Tower
cs/0701087 Artificiality in Social Sciences
cs/0701088 A Theory and Calculus for Reasoning about Sequential Behavior
cs/0701089 Extractors and the Constructive Dimensions of Weak Truth-Table Degrees
cs/0701090 Ergodic Capacity of Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels with Correlated Scattering
cs/0701091 Iterative LDPC decoding using neighborhood reliabilities
cs/0701092 The Multiplexing Gain of MIMO X-Channels with Partial Transmit Side-Information
cs/0701093 Throughput Scaling Laws for Wireless Networks with Fading Channels
cs/0701094 Maximizing the Probability of Delivery of Multipoint Relay Broadcast Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with a Realistic Physical Layer
cs/0701095 Propositional theories are strongly equivalent to logic programs
cs/0701096 About the domino problem in the hyperbolic plane, a new solution
cs/0701097 MacWilliams Identity for the Rank Metric
cs/0701098 Packing and Covering Properties of Rank Metric Codes
cs/0701099 On the Feedback Capacity of Power Constrained Gaussian Noise Channels with Memory
cs/0701100 Delayed Feedback Capacity of Stationary Sources over Linear Gaussian Noise Channels
cs/0701101 Citation advantage of Open Access articles likely explained by quality differential and media effects
cs/0701102 Coding Solutions for the Secure Biometric Storage Problem
cs/0701103 Analysis and design of raptor codes for joint decoding using Information Content evolution
cs/0701104 Why is a new Journal of Informetrics needed?
cs/0701105 A Delta Debugger for ILP Query Execution
cs/0701106 On using Tracer Driver for External Dynamic Process Observation
cs/0701107 JavaTA: A Logic-based Debugger for Java
cs/0701108 Towards Execution Time Estimation for Logic Programs via Static Analysis and Profiling
cs/0701109 ExSched: Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with the Spreadsheet Paradigm
cs/0701110 A Web-based Tool Combining Different Type Analyses
cs/0701111 Some Issues on Incremental Abstraction-Carrying Code
cs/0701112 (l,s)-Extension of Linear Codes
cs/0701113 On factorisation forests
cs/0701114 The Problem Determination of Functional Dependencies between Attributes Relation Scheme in the Relational Data Model. El Problema De Determinar Dependencias Funcionales Entre Atributos En Los Esquemas En El Modelo Relacional
cs/0701115 Browser-based distributed evolutionary computation: performance and scaling behavior
cs/0701116 The Impact of CSI and Power Allocation on Relay Channel Capacity and Cooperation Strategies
cs/0701117 Maximum Entropy in the framework of Algebraic Statistics: A First Step
cs/0701118 Optimal Order of Decoding for Max-Min Fairness in $K$-User Memoryless Interference Channels
cs/0701119 The framework for simulation of dynamics of mechanical aggregates
cs/0701120 Algorithmic Complexity Bounds on Future Prediction Errors
cs/0701121 Signature Sequence of Intersection Curve of Two Quadrics for Exact Morphological Classification
cs/0701122 Applications of Polyhedral Computations to the Analysis and Verification of Hardware and Software Systems
cs/0701123 Feasible Depth
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