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26 January 2025

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cs/0701124 Group Secret Key Generation Algorithms
cs/0701125 Universal Algorithmic Intelligence: A mathematical top->down approach
cs/0701126 Optimal Throughput-Diversity-Delay Tradeoff in MIMO ARQ Block-Fading Channels
cs/0701127 A complete set of rotationally and translationally invariant features for images
cs/0701128 Interference Automata
cs/0701129 Space-time codes with controllable ML decoding complexity for any number of transmit antennas
cs/0701130 On the Correlation of Geographic and Network Proximity at Internet Edges and its Implications for Mobile Unicast and Multicast Routing
cs/0701131 Effective Beam Width of Directional Antennas in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
cs/0701132 Certifying controls and systems software
cs/0701133 The Case for Redundant Arrays of Internet Links (RAIL)
cs/0701134 Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications
cs/0701135 Complex networks and human language
cs/0701136 Citation Advantage For OA Self-Archiving Is Independent of Journal Impact Factor, Article Age, and Number of Co-Authors
cs/0701137 The Open Access Citation Advantage: Quality Advantage Or Quality Bias?
cs/0701138 Real-Time Model-Checking: Parameters everywhere
cs/0701139 Time and the Prisoner’s Dilemma
cs/0701140 Predicate Abstraction with Under-approximation Refinement
cs/0701141 The Fundamental Theorems of Interval Analysis
cs/0701142 Knowledge State Algorithms: Randomization with Limited Information
cs/0701143 Dirac Notation, Fock Space and Riemann Metric Tensor in Information Retrieval Models
cs/0701144 Trusted Ticket Systems and Applications
cs/0701145 Non-Repudiation in Internet Telephony
cs/0701146 Deterministic list codes for state-constrained arbitrarily varying channels
cs/0701147 A Generic Analysis Environment for Curry Programs
cs/0701148 Proceedings of the 16th Workshop in Logic-based Methods in Programming Environments (WLPE2006)
cs/0701149 Power-Bandwidth Tradeoff in Dense Multi-Antenna Relay Networks
cs/0701150 Contains and Inside relationships within combinatorial Pyramids
cs/0701151 Time- and Space-Efficient Evaluation of Some Hypergeometric Constants
cs/0701152 Characterization of Rate Region in Interference Channels with Constrained Power
cs/0701153 Online Bandwidth Allocation
cs/0701154 Logic Meets Algebra: the Case of Regular Languages
cs/0701155 Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab, and Sub-Totals
cs/0701156 Data Management: Past, Present, and Future
cs/0701157 A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels
cs/0701158 Queues Are Databases
cs/0701159 Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend, Part I: There is Life beyond Files
cs/0701160 Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend, Part II: Database Design and Access
cs/0701161 Thousands of DebitCredit Transactions-Per-Second: Easy and Inexpensive
cs/0701162 A Measure of Transaction Processing 20 Years Later
cs/0701163 Using Table Valued Functions in SQL Server 2005 To Implement a Spatial Data Library
cs/0701164 Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh
cs/0701165 Petascale Computational Systems
cs/0701166 Empirical Measurements of Disk Failure Rates and Error Rates
cs/0701167 Large-Scale Query and XMatch, Entering the Parallel Zone
cs/0701168 To BLOB or Not To BLOB: Large Object Storage in a Database or a Filesystem?
cs/0701169 A Framework for Designing MIMO systems with Decision Feedback Equalization or Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding
cs/0701170 Life Under Your Feet: An End-to-End Soil Ecology Sensor Network, Database, Web Server, and Analysis Service
cs/0701171 The Zones Algorithm for Finding Points-Near-a-Point or Cross-Matching Spatial Datasets
cs/0701172 Cross-Matching Multiple Spatial Observations and Dealing with Missing Data
cs/0701173 SkyServer Traffic Report - The First Five Years
cs/0701174 Using Course Constraints in Simulating Student Populations
cs/0701175 On the Software and Knowledge Engineering Aspects of the Educational Process
cs/0701176 Towards Practical Typechecking for Macro Tree Transducers
cs/0701177 Robust Pitch Tracking of Acoustic Signals based on Local Periodicity Index
cs/0701178 Distributed Detection in Sensor Networks with Limited Range Sensors
cs/0701179 Scatter of Weak Robots
cs/0701180 Ontology from Local Hierarchical Structure in Text
cs/0701181 A Note on Local Ultrametricity in Text
cs/0701182 Supplement to: Code Spectrum and Reliability Function: Binary Symmetric Channel
cs/0701183 Certification of the QR factor R, and of lattice basis reducedness
cs/0701184 Structure and Problem Hardness: Goal Asymmetry and DPLL Proofs in SAT-Based Planning
cs/0701185 Graph Operations on Clique-Width Bounded Graphs
cs/0701186 Generating certified properties for numerical expressions and their evaluations
cs/0701187 Verification Across Intellectual Property Boundaries
cs/0701188 Faster Inversion and Other Black Box Matrix Computations Using Efficient Block Projections
cs/0701189 A New Self-Stabilizing Maximal Matching Algorithm
cs/0701190 A Peer-to-Peer Browsable File Index using a Popularity Based Global Namespace
cs/0701191 The parallel implementation of the Astr’{e}e static analyzer
cs/0701192 The pitfalls of verifying floating-point computations
cs/0701193 A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software
cs/0701194 Menzerath-Altmann Law for Syntactic Structures in Ukrainian
cs/0701195 An Abstract Monte-Carlo Method for the Analysis of Probabilistic Programs
cs/0701196 On Universal Distributed Estimation of Noisy Fields with One-bit Sensors
cs/0701197 Delayed Sequential Coding of Correlated Sources
cs/0701198 Fitting the WHOIS Internet data
cs/0701199 A Virtual Logo Keyboard for People with Motor Disabilities
cs/0701200 Reasoning from a schema and from an analog in software code reuse
gr-qc/0701012 Cosmic acceleration, inflation, dark matter, and dark ’energy’ in one neat package
gr-qc/0701013 Varying Speed of Light, Modified Chaplygin Gas and Accelerating Universe
gr-qc/0701014 Generalized Hawking-Page Phase Transition
gr-qc/0701015 The Bazanski Approach in Brane Worlds: A Brief Introduction
gr-qc/0701016 Comparisons of binary black hole merger waveforms
gr-qc/0701017 Harmonic polynomials for expanding the fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background: The Poincare and the 3-sphere model
gr-qc/0701018 A Rigorous Treatment of Energy Extraction from a Rotating Black Hole
gr-qc/0701019 Self sustained traversable wormholes and the equation of state
gr-qc/0701020 Self sustained phantom wormholes in semi-classical gravity
gr-qc/0701021 Cosmology in the Solar System: Pioneer effect is not cosmological
gr-qc/0701022 Orbital evolution for extreme mass-ratio binaries: conservative self forces
gr-qc/0701023 Spontaneous excitation of an accelerated multilevel atom in dipole coupling to the derivative of a scalar field
gr-qc/0701024 Formation of closed timelike curves in a composed vacuum/dust asymptotically-flat spacetime
gr-qc/0701025 An Exact Cosmological Solution of the Coupled Einstein-Majorana Fermion-Scalar Field Equations
gr-qc/0701026 A comparison of methods for gravitational wave burst searches from LIGO and Virgo
gr-qc/0701027 Detailed comparison of LIGO and Virgo Inspiral Pipelines in Preparation for a Joint Search
gr-qc/0701028 Optical reference geometry and inertial forces in Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes
gr-qc/0701029 Dark energy as a massive vector field
gr-qc/0701030 Black hole evaporation in a heat bath as a nonequilibrium process and its final fate
gr-qc/0701031 Higher-Dimensional Bulk Wormholes and their Manifestations in Brane Worlds
gr-qc/0701032 Wormholes with varying equation of state parameter
gr-qc/0701033 Braneworld cosmological singularities
gr-qc/0701034 Strong cosmic censorship for surface-symmetric cosmological spacetimes with collisionless matter
gr-qc/0701035 Canonical Wave packets in Robertson-Walker quantum cosmology
gr-qc/0701036 Higher dimensional spacetimes with a geodesic, shearfree, twistfree and expanding null congruence
gr-qc/0701037 Analytical Representation of a Black Hole Puncture Solution
gr-qc/0701038 Are moving punctures equivalent to moving black holes?
gr-qc/0701039 Regular second order perturbations of extreme mass ratio black hole binaries
gr-qc/0701040 Dark Matter as a Consequence of Nonseparable Lagrangian
gr-qc/0701041 Fulling-Davies-Unruh effect and spontaneous excitation of an accelerated atom interacting with a quantum scalar field
gr-qc/0701042 High-precision measurement of frame-dragging with the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft in the gravitational field of Mars
gr-qc/0701043 On the gravitational radiation from the collapse of neutron stars to rotating black holes
gr-qc/0701044 General description of Dirac spin-rotation effect with relativistic factor
gr-qc/0701045 General relativistic galvano-gravitomagnetic effect in current carrying conductors
gr-qc/0701046 Ohm’s Law in General Relativity and Coriolis Force Effects in Rotating Conductors
gr-qc/0701047 Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation and equations of motion via direct integration of the relaxed Einstein equations. IV. Radiation reaction for binary systems with spin-spin coupling
gr-qc/0701048 The dynamics of scalar-tensor cosmology from RS two-brane model
gr-qc/0701049 Regularity at space-like and null infinity
gr-qc/0701050 How to Measure the Cosmic Curvature
gr-qc/0701051 Dynamical stability of fluid spheres in spacetimes with a nonzero cosmological constant
gr-qc/0701052 Escape of photons from two fixed extreme Reissner-Nordstr"om black holes
gr-qc/0701053 Non-singular inflation with vacuum decay
gr-qc/0701054 Areal Foliation and AVTD Behavior in T^2 Symmetric Spacetimes with Positive Cosmological Constant
gr-qc/0701055 Plane waves in a relativistic homogeneous and isotropic elastic continuum
gr-qc/0701056 Big-Rip, Sudden Future, and other exotic singularities in the universe
gr-qc/0701057 Phantom Dark Energy and its Cosmological Consequences
gr-qc/0701058 On Energy and Momentum of the Friedman and Some More General Universes
gr-qc/0701059 Interacting spinor and scalar fields in Bianchi cosmology
gr-qc/0701060 Energy and angular momentum densities of stationary gravity fields
gr-qc/0701061 The C-metric as a colliding plane wave space-time
gr-qc/0701062 Embedding the Schwarzschild Ideal Fluid Metric
gr-qc/0701063 Electrostatics and confinement in Einstein’s unified field theory
gr-qc/0701064 Heun equation, Teukolsky equation, and type-D metrics
gr-qc/0701065 Chaotic dynamics around astrophysical objects with nonisotropic stresses
gr-qc/0701066 The Relativistic Generalization of the Gravitational Force for Arbitrary Spacetimes
gr-qc/0701067 Quasi-Maxwell interpretation of the spin-curvature coupling
gr-qc/0701068 On the thermal boundary condition of the wave function of the Universe
gr-qc/0701069 Gravitational self force on a particle in circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole
gr-qc/0701070 The Ups and Downs of Cyclic Universes
gr-qc/0701071 A signature of quantum gravity at the source of the seeds of cosmic structure?
gr-qc/0701072 General Relativistic Thermoelectric Effects in Superconductors
gr-qc/0701073 The inertia of heat and its role in the dynamics of dissipative collapse
gr-qc/0701074 Particle vs. future event horizon in interacting holographic dark energy model
gr-qc/0701075 Bianchi spacetimes in noncommutative phase-space
gr-qc/0701076 Detectability of Mode Resonances in Coalescing Neutron Star Binaries
gr-qc/0701077 Possible Neutrino-Antineutrino Oscillation Under Gravity and its Consequences
gr-qc/0701078 Thermodynamic Properties of Spherically-Symmetric, Uniformly-Accelerated Reference Frames
gr-qc/0701079 The Electro-Weak model as low-energy sector of 8-dimensional General Relativity
gr-qc/0701080 Spinning particles in General Relativity
gr-qc/0701081 Slowly Rotating Homogeneous Stars and the Heun Equation
gr-qc/0701082 Braneworlds and Quantum States of Relativistic Shells
gr-qc/0701083 Brane world cosmology with Gauss-Bonnet and induced gravity terms
gr-qc/0701084 So you want to stop time
gr-qc/0701085 Bounded, asymptotically flat toroidal exteriors for cylindrically symmetric spacetimes
gr-qc/0701086 Mining information from binary black hole mergers: a comparison of estimation methods for complex exponentials in noise
gr-qc/0701087 The Einstein-Elko system -- Can dark matter drive inflation?
gr-qc/0701088 Quasinormal modes and late-time tails of scalar perturbations around a Schwarzschild black hole pierced by a cosmic string
gr-qc/0701089 Influence of Lorentz violation on Dirac quasinormal modes in the Schwarzschild black hole spacetime
gr-qc/0701090 Cosmologies with variable parameters and dynamical cosmon: implications on the cosmic coincidence problem
gr-qc/0701091 A covariant Quantum Geometry Model
gr-qc/0701092 Vector Field Induced Chaos in Multi-dimensional Homogeneous Cosmologies
gr-qc/0701093 Covariant Description of the Inhomogeneous Mixmaster Chaos
gr-qc/0701094 Classical and Quantum Aspects of the Inhomogeneous Mixmaster Chaoticity
gr-qc/0701095 Evolutionary Quantization of Cosmological Models
gr-qc/0701096 Quantum Radiation from Quantum Gravitational Collapse
gr-qc/0701097 WKB-type Approximation to Noncommutative Quantum Cosmology
gr-qc/0701098 General Formula for the Momentum Imparted to Test Particles in Arbitrary Spacetimes
gr-qc/0701099 Quasinormal Modes and Stability Criterion of Dilatonic Black Hole in 1+1 and 4+1 Dimensions
gr-qc/0701100 Classical Dark Matter
gr-qc/0701101 Towards a wave-extraction method for numerical relativity. V. Extracting the Weyl scalars in the quasi-Kinnersley tetrad from spatial data
gr-qc/0701102 The Laser Astrometric Test of Relativity: Science, Technology, and Mission Design
gr-qc/0701103 A New Way of Proving Black Hole Rigidity
gr-qc/0701104 Stationary Black Holes as Holographs
gr-qc/0701105 Scalar gravity: Post-Newtonian corrections via an effective field theory approach
gr-qc/0701106 New results at 3PN via an effective field theory of gravity
gr-qc/0701107 Euler-Poisson-Newton approach in Cosmology
gr-qc/0701108 Static Fundamental Solutions of Einstein Equations and Superposition Principle in Relativistic Gravityv
gr-qc/0701109 WhiskyMHD: a new numerical code for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics
gr-qc/0701110 Quasiequilibrium black hole-neutron star binaries in general relativity
gr-qc/0701111 The Cosmology of f(R) Gravity in Metric Variational Approach
gr-qc/0701112 Equatorial symmetry/antisymmetry of stationary axisymmetric electrovac spacetimes
gr-qc/0701113 Equatorial symmetry/antisymmetry of stationary axisymmetric electrovac spacetimes. II
gr-qc/0701114 Probing Noncommutativity with Inflationary Gravitational Waves
gr-qc/0701115 Schwarzschild Spacetime without Coordinates
gr-qc/0701116 Averaging Problem in Cosmology and Macroscopic Gravity
gr-qc/0701117 Bubbles and Quantum Tunnelling in Inflationary Cosmology
gr-qc/0701118 Dirac fermions in de Sitter and anti-de Sitter backgrounds
gr-qc/0701119 Approximative analytical solutions of the Dirac equation in Schwartzchild spacetime
gr-qc/0701120 A Spinor Theory of Gravity and the Cosmological Framework
gr-qc/0701121 Quantization of perturbations during inflation in the 1+3 covariant formalism
gr-qc/0701122 Nonradial oscillations of slowly and differentially rotating compact stars
gr-qc/0701123 Binary black holes on a budget: Simulations using workstations
gr-qc/0701124 Hubble Meets Planck: A Cosmic Peek at Quantum Foam
gr-qc/0701125 Entropy and anisotropy
gr-qc/0701126 Spin Angular Momentum Imparted by Gravitational Waves
gr-qc/0701127 A dark energy multiverse
gr-qc/0701128 Quantum-Mechanical Model of Spacetime
gr-qc/0701129 Exterior spacetime for stellar models in 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein gravity
gr-qc/0701130 On the Unruh Effect for General Trajectories
gr-qc/0701131 Thermodynamic Description of Inelastic Collisions in General Relativity
gr-qc/0701132 On the physical interpretation of states in loop quantum cosmology
gr-qc/0701133 A general class of braneworld wormholes
gr-qc/0701134 Benefits of Artificially Generated Gravity Gradients for Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors
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