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25 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2007
12, 1.2007
gr-qc/0701135 Quantization of massive scalar fields over axis symmetric space-time backgrounds
gr-qc/0701136 Evolution of magnetic component in Yang-Mills condensate dark energy models
gr-qc/0701137 Evaporating (2+1)-dimensional black strings
gr-qc/0701138 On the Stability of a class of Modified Gravitational Models
gr-qc/0701139 Report on the first round of the Mock LISA Data Challenges
gr-qc/0701140 New Energy Definition for Higher Curvature Gravities
gr-qc/0701141 On the Systematic Errors in the Detection of the Lense-Thirring Effect with a Mars Orbiter
gr-qc/0701142 Quantum gravity and cosmological observations
gr-qc/0701143 Gravitational recoil from spinning binary black hole mergers
gr-qc/0701144 Scalar and spinor solutions in the spacetimes of vacuumless defects
gr-qc/0701145 The Final Fate of Binary Neutron Stars: What Happens After the Merger?
gr-qc/0701146 Reply to "Iorio’s "high-precision measurement" of frame dragging with the Mars Global Surveyor’’, by Kris Krogh
gr-qc/0701147 Thermodynamics of Ideal Boson and Fermion Gases in the Static Taub Universe
gr-qc/0701148 Application of the Hilbert-Huang Transform to the Search for Gravitational Waves
gr-qc/0701149 Quantum healing of classical singularities in power-law spacetimes
gr-qc/0701150 Ricci identities in higher dimensions
gr-qc/0701151 Generalized true- and eccentric-anomaly parametrizations for the perturbed Kepler motion
gr-qc/0701152 `Mass without mass’ from thin shells in Gauss-Bonnet gravity
gr-qc/0701153 N-dimensional Vaidya metric with cosmological constant in double-null coordinates
gr-qc/0701154 Where are all the gravastars? Limits upon the gravastar model from accreting black holes
gr-qc/0701155 On the super-fluid property of the relativistic physical vacuum medium and the inertial motion of particles
gr-qc/0701156 Interaction of plane gravitational waves with a Fabry-Perot cavity in the local Lorentz frame
gr-qc/0701157 Dixon-Souriau equations from a 5-dimensional spinning particle in a Kaluza-Klein framework
gr-qc/0701158 General relativity, gravitational energy and spin-two field
gr-qc/0701159 Reply to ``On the Systematic Errors in the Detection of the Lense-Thirring Effect with a Mars Orbiter ’’, by Giampiero Sindoni, Claudio Paris and Paolo Ialongo
gr-qc/0701160 Differences between scalar field and scalar density solutions
gr-qc/0701161 Cylindrical gravitational waves in expanding universes: Models for waves from compact sources
gr-qc/0701162 Frequency noise and intensity noise of next-generation gravitational-wave detectors with RF/DC readout schemes
gr-qc/0701163 Getting a kick from equal-mass binary black hole mergers
gr-qc/0701164 Merger Recoils and Spin Flips From Generic Black-Hole Binaries
gr-qc/0701165 An upper wavelength cut off for the light absorption spectrum of black holes
gr-qc/0701166 Asymptotic properties of the development of conformally flat data near spatial infinity
gr-qc/0701167 Searching for Massive Black Hole Binaries in the first Mock LISA Data Challenge
gr-qc/0701168 Antigravity as the basis for a New Interpretation of the Planck Length
gr-qc/0701169 Comment to: Corrections to the fine structure constant in the spacetime of a cosmic string from the generalized uncertainty principle
gr-qc/0701170 An overview of the second round of the Mock LISA Data Challenges
gr-qc/0701171 Light Cone Structure near Null Infinity of the Kerr Metric
gr-qc/0701172 On the Onset of Inflation in Loop Quantum Cosmology
gr-qc/0701173 Quasi-normal mode analysis in BEC acoustic black holes
gr-qc/0701174 One common solution to the singularity and perihelion problems
gr-qc/0701175 Self-organized critical behavior: the evolution of frozen spin networks model in quantum gravity
gr-qc/0701176 The affine theory of gravitation and electromagnetism II
gr-qc/0702001 Scalar functions for wave extraction in numerical relativity
hep-ex/0701001 Study of the D^0 o pi^-pi^+pi^-pi^+ decay
hep-ex/0701002 The pi-pi mass spectrum in Y(4260) -> pi-pi-J/psi
hep-ex/0701003 Precision Electroweak Physics at the Tevatron
hep-ex/0701004 Measuring the mass of a sterile neutrino with a very short baseline reactor experiment
hep-ex/0701005 Timelike Form Factor of the Kaon for Q^2 =M^2(J/psi)
hep-ex/0701006 Beyond the Standard Model Searches at the LHC
hep-ex/0701007 Measurement of the charge asymmetry in semileptonic Bs decays
hep-ex/0701008 New results from KLOE
hep-ex/0701009 Hadronic Interaction Modelling in MINOS
hep-ex/0701010 The Construction of the BESIII Experiment
hep-ex/0701011 Pentaquark Searches in H1
hep-ex/0701012 Lifetime Difference and CP-Violating Phase in the B_s^0 System
hep-ex/0701013 Lateral Distribution for Aligned Events in Muon Groups Deep Underground
hep-ex/0701014 Spin asymmetry A_1^d and the spin-dependent structure function g_1^d of the deuteron at low values of x and Q^2
hep-ex/0701015 Measurement of CP Asymmetry in a Time-Dependent Dalitz Analysis of $B^0 o ( ho pi)^0$ and a Constraint on the CKM Angle $phi_2$
hep-ex/0701016 A Precision Determination of the D^0 Mass
hep-ex/0701017 Neutrino Oscillation Search at MiniBooNE
hep-ex/0701018 Charm Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays
hep-ex/0701019 Status and Commissioning of the CMS Experiment
hep-ex/0701020 Neutrino Oscillations with Reactor Neutrinos
hep-ex/0701021 Measurement of the Omega_c^0 lifetime
hep-ex/0701022 Flavor Tagging at Tevatron incl. calibration and control
hep-ex/0701023 Production of D* Mesons with Dijets in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
hep-ex/0701024 Rare K Decays
hep-ex/0701025 Cavity Microwave Searches for Cosmological Axions
hep-ex/0701026 CP Violation and K0 decays revelation: study and simulation of neutral Trigger in NA48 experiment -- Violazione di CP e rivelazione dei decadimenti del K0: studio e simulazione del Trigger neutro nell’esperimento NA48
hep-ex/0701027 Charm and beauty structure of the proton
hep-ex/0701028 LHCb strategies for gamma from B to DK
hep-ex/0701029 A Precision Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Angle theta_13 using Reactor Antineutrinos at Daya Bay
hep-ex/0701030 Top physics at the Tevatron Run 2
hep-ex/0701031 Measurement of alpha / phi_2 from B to pi pi decays
hep-ex/0701032 Charmless B Decays
hep-ex/0701033 Prompt Photons and Particle Momentum Distributions at HERA
hep-ex/0701034 Beauty 2006 -- Conference Summary and Future Prospects
hep-ex/0701035 Measurement of the B+ --> rho+ pi0 Branching Fraction and Direct CP Asymmetry
hep-ex/0701036 Measurements of the Top Quark at the Tevatron Collider
hep-ex/0701037 Jet properties from di-hadron correlations in p+p collisions at s**(1/2) = 200-GeV
hep-ex/0701038 WW and WZ Production at the Tevatron
hep-ex/0701039 Jet-radius dependence of inclusive-jet cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
hep-ex/0701040 The MiniBooNE Experiment : An Overview
hep-ex/0701041 Production of Mesons and Baryons at High Rapidity and High Pt in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV
hep-ex/0701042 Looking for Exotica at the B Factories
hep-ex/0701043 Tagged Neutron, Anti-neutron and K-Long beams in an Upgraded MIPP Spectrometer
hep-ex/0701044 Measurements of sin2Beta and cos2Beta from b --> ccbars decays at BaBar
hep-ex/0701045 Charge-Separated Atmospheric Neutrino-Induced Muons in the MINOS Far Detector
hep-ex/0701046 Search for B decays into eta’ rho, eta’ K*, eta’ phi, eta’ omega and eta’ eta(’) at Belle
hep-ex/0701047 Measurement of angle beta with time-dependent CP asymmetry in B0->K+K-K0 decays
hep-ex/0701048 Double Longitudinal Spin Asymmetry in Neutral Pion Production in Polarized p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV at PHENIX
hep-ex/0701049 First MINOS Results with the NuMI Beam
hep-ex/0701050 Events with Isolated Leptons and Missing Transverse Momentum in ep Collisions at HERA
hep-ex/0701051 Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section using the k_T algorithm in pp-bar Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV with the CDF II Detector
hep-ex/0701052 $K o 3 pi$ decay results by NA48/2 at CERN SPS
hep-ex/0701053 Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of the Ds+- meson
hep-ex/0701054 Searching for New Physics: Results from Belle and Babar
hep-ex/0701055 R-hadron at ATLAS -Discovery Prospects and Properties
hep-ex/0701056 First Observation of Bottom Baryon Sigma_b States at CDF
hep-ex/0701057 Measurement of charmless $B$ Decays to $eta K^*$ and $eta ho$
hep-ex/0701058 First search for $K_{L} opi^{0}pi^{0} uar{ u}$
hep-lat/0701002 QCD phase diagram: an overview
hep-lat/0701003 Understanding nucleon structure using lattice simulations
hep-lat/0701004 Chiral Lattice Gauge Theories and The Strong Coupling Dynamics of a Yukawa-Higgs Model with Ginsparg-Wilson Fermions
hep-lat/0701005 A constant contribution in meson correlators at finite temperature
hep-lat/0701006 Advances and applications of lattice supersymmetry
hep-lat/0701007 SU(3) Deconfining Phase Transition with Confined Boundary Conditions
hep-lat/0701008 Lattice measurement of $B_{B_s}$ with a chiral light quark action
hep-lat/0701009 QCD with light Wilson quarks on fine lattices (II): DD-HMC simulations and data analysis
hep-lat/0701010 Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Lattice QCD
hep-lat/0701011 Infrared-suppressed gluon propagator in 4d Yang-Mills theory in a Landau-like gauge
hep-lat/0701012 Dynamical Twisted Mass Fermions with Light Quarks
hep-lat/0701013 2+1 flavor domain wall QCD on a (2 fm)^3 lattice: light meson spectroscopy with Ls = 16
hep-lat/0701014 RG evolution for $N_f=2+1$
hep-lat/0701015 Decay constants of charm and beauty pseudoscalar heavy-light mesons on fine lattices
hep-lat/0701016 Critical Flavor Number in the Three Dimensional Thirring Model
hep-lat/0701017 Heavy quark thermodynamics in full QCD
hep-lat/0701018 The evil that is rooting
hep-lat/0701019 QCD thermodynamics at zero and non-zero density
hep-lat/0701020 The Stefan-Boltzmann law in a small box and the pressure deficit in hot SU(N) lattice gauge theor
hep-lat/0701021 Radially Excited States of 1P Charmonium and X(3872)
hep-lat/0701022 The density of states method at non-zero chemical potential
hep-lat/0701023 Diquark correlations in baryons on the lattice with overlap quarks
hep-lat/0701024 Phase diagram at finite temperature and quark density in the strong coupling region of lattice QCD for color SU(3)
hep-ph/0701006 Transversity and Collins functions from SIDIS and e+e- data
hep-ph/0701008 Microscopic quark study of the antikaon nucleon nucleon 8-quark systems with exotic hexaquark flavour
hep-ph/0701009 Radiative decays of bottomonia into charmonia and light mesons
hep-ph/0701010 Stuckelberg Axions and the Effective Action of Anomalous Abelian Models 1. A unitarity analysis of the Higgs-axion mixing
hep-ph/0701011 Gravitino and Axino SuperWIMPs
hep-ph/0701012 $B o eta^{(prime)} (ell^{-} ar u_{ell}, ell^{+} ell^{-}, K, K^*)$ decays in the quark-flavor mixing scheme
hep-ph/0701013 A spinorial perspective on massless photons
hep-ph/0701014 Constraints on SUSY Seesaw from Leptogenesis and LFV
hep-ph/0701015 Cronin effect in the Drell-Yan reaction
hep-ph/0701016 New Lepton Family Symmetry and Neutrino Tribimaximal Mixing
hep-ph/0701017 Lepton flavor violating signals of a little Higgs model at the high energy linear $e^{+}e^{-}$ colliders
hep-ph/0701018 A_4 Symmetry and Lepton Masses and Mixing
hep-ph/0701019 Universal Higher Order Singlet QED Corrections to Unpolarized Lepton Scattering
hep-ph/0701020 Decays of $J/psi$ and $psi^prime$ into vector and pseudoscalar meson and the pseudoscalar glueball-$qar{q}$ mixing
hep-ph/0701021 Clean Signals of CP-violating and CP-conserving New Physics in B->P V gamma Decays at B Factories and Hadron Colliders
hep-ph/0701022 X(1576) and the Final State Interaction Effect
hep-ph/0701023 Expectations on $B o (K^*_{0}(1430),K^*_{2}(1430))phi$ decays
hep-ph/0701024 Generating curvature perturbations with MSSM flat directions
hep-ph/0701025 Experimental status of the $pipi$ isoscalar S wave at low energy: $f_0(600)$ pole and scattering length
hep-ph/0701026 Decay rates of Quarkonia in the NRQCD formalism
hep-ph/0701027 Calculation of the two-photon decay width of the f_0(980) scalar meson
hep-ph/0701028 The diquark and elastic pion-proton scattering at high energies
hep-ph/0701029 Chemical Equilibrium in Heavy Ion Collisions: Rapidity Dependence
hep-ph/0701030 Inclusive radiative decays of charmonium
hep-ph/0701031 Decoherence of domains and defects at phase transitions
hep-ph/0701032 From Sakata Model to Goldberg-Ne’eman Quarks and Nambu QCD Phenomenology and "Right" and "Wrong" experiments
hep-ph/0701033 Pion Condensation at Finite Temperature and Density; the Role of Charge Neutrality
hep-ph/0701034 Group Theoretic Bases for Tribimaximal Mixing
hep-ph/0701035 Narrow Trans-TeV Higgs Bosons and $H o hh$ Decays: Two LHC Search Paths for a Hidden Sector Higgs Boson
hep-ph/0701036 Braneworld Quintessential Inflation and Sum of Exponentials Potentials
hep-ph/0701037 Joint Extraction of m_s and V_us from Hadronic Tau Decays
hep-ph/0701038 Ordinary and Extraordinary Hadrons
hep-ph/0701039 Chiral symmetry patterns of excited mesons with the Coulomb-like linear confinement
hep-ph/0701040 Little Higgs models with a light T quark
hep-ph/0701041 Tensor and vector formulations of resonance effective theory
hep-ph/0701042 Anomaly-Induced Inflaton Decay and Gravitino-Overproduction Problem
hep-ph/0701043 Bulk black hole, escaping photons, and bounds on violations of Lorentz invariance
hep-ph/0701044 Topological Physics of Little Higgs Bosons
hep-ph/0701045 Two gamma quarkonium and positronium decays with Two-Body Dirac equations of constraint dynamics
hep-ph/0701046 $B o K^*ell^+ell^-$ Forward-backward Asymmetry and New Physics
hep-ph/0701047 Y(2175): Distinguish Hybrid State from Higher Quarkonium
hep-ph/0701048 Coulomb force correction to the decay b -> c anti-c s in the threshold
hep-ph/0701049 Polarization puts a New Spin on Physics
hep-ph/0701050 Large volume behaviour of Yang-Mills propagators
hep-ph/0701051 Three-loop corrections to the lightest Higgs scalar boson mass in supersymmetry
hep-ph/0701052 $X(3872) o D ar D gamma$ decays and the structure of X(3872)
hep-ph/0701053 Cosmology and Dark Matter at the LHC
hep-ph/0701054 Testing the left-handedness of the b o c transition
hep-ph/0701055 Electroweak constraints on warped models with custodial symmetry
hep-ph/0701056 Phenomenological studies of double charged pion electroproduction from the CLAS data
hep-ph/0701057 On the D-term of the nucleon generalized parton distributions
hep-ph/0701058 Reply to Takamatsu’s paper on the Kappa
hep-ph/0701059 Axion beams at HERA?
hep-ph/0701060 Identifying the neutrino mass hierarchy with supernova neutrinos
hep-ph/0701061 Baryon resonances in large N_c QCD
hep-ph/0701062 Explaining dark matter, dark energy, neutrino masses and leptogenesis at the TeV scale
hep-ph/0701063 Right-chiral sneutrinos and long-lived staus: event characteristics at the Large Hadron Collider
hep-ph/0701064 Gauge Coupling Unification in the Exceptional Supersymmetric Standard Model
hep-ph/0701065 Vacuum Energy, EoS, and the Gluon Condensate at Finite Baryon Density in QCD
hep-ph/0701066 Conserving the lepton number $L_{e}-L_{mu}-L_{ au}$ in the exact solution of a 3-3-1 gauge model with right-handed neutrinos
hep-ph/0701067 Baryon semileptonic decays: the Mexican contribution
hep-ph/0701068 New Limits on Neutrino-Majoron couplings
hep-ph/0701069 Metastable SUSY breaking within the Standard Model
hep-ph/0701070 Neutrinos; Opportunities and Strategies in the Future
hep-ph/0701071 One-loop Radiative Corrections to the $ ho$ Parameter in the Left Right Twin Higgs Model
hep-ph/0701072 Exclusive $B o PV $ Decays and CP Violation in the General two-Higgs-doublet Model
hep-ph/0701073 Dispersion total photoproduction sum rules for nucleons and few-body nuclei revisited
hep-ph/0701074 Correlations and fluctuations: generalized factorial moments
hep-ph/0701075 The dipole form of the quark part of the BFKL kernel
hep-ph/0701076 Azimuthal Asymmetries in DIS as a Probe of Intrinsic Charm Content of the Proton
hep-ph/0701077 Axial anomaly and the precise value of the $pi^0 o 2 gamma$ decay width
hep-ph/0701078 Effect of H^pm on B^pm o au^pm u_ au and D^pm_s o mu^pm u_mu, au^pm u_ au
hep-ph/0701079 Aspects of matter-antimatter asymmetries in relativistic heavy ions collisions and Astroparticle Physics
hep-ph/0701080 Higher-order soft gluon corrections in single top quark production at the LHC
hep-ph/0701081 Restoration of chiral and $U(1)_A$ symmetries in excited hadrons
hep-ph/0701082 Chiral extrapolation of nucleon magnetic form factors
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