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13 February 2025

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0711.4878 New Supergravity Backgrounds Dual to N=1 SQCD-like Theories with N_f=2N_c
0711.4961 Bicartesian Coherence Revisited
0711.4969 EeV neutrinos associated with UHECR sources
0711.4982 Semiclassical Droplet States in Matrix Quantum Hall Effect
0711.4987 Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka-rule violation and $B o eta^{(prime)}K$ branching ratios
0711.4997 Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays and Hilbertian Repulsive Effect
0712.0003 The Galaxy Cross-Correlation Function as a Probe of the Spatial Distribution of Galactic Satellites
0712.0006 Solitary wave trains in granular chains: Experiments, theory and simulations
0712.0008 Neither black-holes nor regular solitons: a no-go theorem
0712.0011 Research of complexity of self-similar hierarchical ensembles
0712.0016 Light Higgses and Dark Matter at Bottom and Charm Factories
0712.0017 An analytic model for the bispectrum of galaxies in redshift space
0712.0021 Lessons about likelihood functions from nuclear physics
0712.0023 Non-linear force-free field modeling of a solar active region around the time of a major flare and coronal mass ejection
0712.0024 Super-Massive Neutron Stars
0712.0025 Equilibrium points for Optimal Investment with Vintage Capital
0712.0026 Deconstructing the High-Mass Star-Forming Region IRAS 23033+5951
0712.0027 A linear equation for Minkowski sums of polytopes relatively in general position
0712.0028 Pluripolarity of manifolds
0712.0030 Glass-forming liquids: One or more "order" parameters?
0712.0031 Combinatorial Genericity and Minimal Rigidity
0712.0032 Other Meta-Stable Brane Configuration by Adding an Orientifold 6-Plane to Giveon-Kutasov
0712.0033 The Environment on few Mpc scales of Infrared Luminous Galaxies at Redshifts z~1
0712.0034 Dark Energy Constraints from Galaxy Cluster Peculiar Velocities
0712.0035 On Myopic Sensing for Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access
0712.0036 Distributed delays stabilize neural feedback systems
0712.0037 Comparative study of strong coupling theories of a trapped Fermi gas at unitarity
0712.0038 Transition form factors of the N*(1535) as a dynamically generated resonance
0712.0039 Dynamical coupled-channels: the key to understanding resonances
0712.0040 Quantitative spectroscopy of Deneb
0712.0041 Observational approaches to understanding dark energy
0712.0042 On the Mutual Information Distribution of OFDM-Based Spatial Multiplexing: Exact Variance and Outage Approximation
0712.0044 Quantum Statistical Transition
0712.0045 PT-Symmetry Quantum Electrodynamics--PTQED
0712.0046 Taxonomy of asteroid families among the Jupiter Trojans: Comparison between spectroscopic data and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey colors
0712.0047 Effective slip boundary conditions for flows over nanoscale chemical heterogeneities
0712.0049 Fillings method in number theory
0712.0050 The stress-energy tensor of a quark moving through a strongly-coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma: comparing hydrodynamics and AdS/CFT
0712.0051 Effect of heavy-quark energy loss on the muon differential production cross section in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrtsNN=5.5 TeV
0712.0052 Phase diagram of nuclear ’’pasta’ and its uncertainties in supernova cores
0712.0053 Directional recoil rates for WIMP direct detection
0712.0054 Variational Principles for Water Waves
0712.0055 Description of current-driven torques in magnetic tunnel junctions
0712.0056 Periodic orbits of period 3 in the disc
0712.0057 On Precision - Redundancy Relation in the Design of Source Coding Algorithms
0712.0058 Elliptic solutions of the Toda chain and a generalization of the Stieltjes-Carlitz polynomials
0712.0059 Entanglement-induced Decoherence and Energy Eigenstates
0712.0060 Dark-State Polaritons for multi-component and stationary light fields
0712.0061 Feshbach shape resonance for high Tc superconductivity in superlattices of nanotubes
0712.0063 Suppression of the critical current of a balanced SQUID
0712.0064 Melting of Single Lipid Components in Binary Lipid Mixtures: A Comparison between FTIR Spectroscopy, DSC and Monte Carlo Simulations
0712.0065 Linear arrays of non homogeneous Cu sites in the CuO2 plane, a new scenario for pairing mechanisms in a currugated-iron-like plane
0712.0066 Extension of a Borel subalgebra symmetry into the sl(2) loop algebra symmetry for the twisted XXZ spin chain at roots of unity and the Onsager algebra
0712.0068 Janet’s Algorithm
0712.0069 Generalized Bochner theorem: characterization of the Askey-Wilson polynomials
0712.0070 Isospin Effects on Meson Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
0712.0071 Continuum Coupling Effects in Spectra of Mirror Nuclei and Binding Systematics
0712.0072 Coupling times with ambiguities for particle systems and applications to context-dependent DNA substitution models
0712.0073 Solitons in isotropic antiferromagnets: beyond a sigma model
0712.0074 A note on the phases of natural evolution
0712.0075 The non-perturbative equation of state for gluon matter
0712.0077 D-brane width
0712.0078 Birational geometry of Fano double covers
0712.0079 Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in turbulent thermal convection in ethane close to the critical point
0712.0080 Universal Landauer conductance in chiral symmetric 2d systems
0712.0081 Radiative Strength Functions for Dipole Transitions in 57, 59Co
0712.0082 Density perturbations in f(R) gravity theories in metric and Palatini formalisms
0712.0083 Smearing Distributions and their use in Financial Markets
0712.0084 The theory of mnesors
0712.0085 On some global problems in the tetrad approach of quasi-local quantities
0712.0086 Galaxy Formation
0712.0087 Scalar, vectorial and tensorial damage parameters from the mesoscopic background
0712.0088 Elliptic Flow in Central Collisions of Deformed Nuclei
0712.0089 Dynamical Coupled-Channels Model Analysis of pi-N Scattering and Electromagnetic Pion Production Reactions
0712.0090 The Geometry of Dyonic Instantons in 5-dimensional Supergravity
0712.0091 The hyperbolic mean curvature flow
0712.0092 Antiferromagnetic spherical spin-glass model
0712.0093 Symplectic Jacobi diagrams and the Lie algebra of homology cylinders
0712.0094 Zero diffusion-dispersion limits for scalar conservation laws
0712.0095 Collider Phenomenology of Gauge-Higgs Unification Scenarios in Warped Extra Dimensions
0712.0097 Redundancy Estimates for Word-Based Encoding of Sequences Produced by a Bernoulli Source
0712.0098 Global wellposedness in the energy space for the Maxwell-Schr"odinger system
0712.0099 Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in inhomogeneous anisotropic media
0712.0100 The UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey
0712.0101 Pancharatnam-Berry phase optical elements for wavefront shaping in the visible domain: switchable helical modes generation
0712.0102 Univoque numbers and a Thue-Morse’s avatar
0712.0103 A Construction of Quantum Stabilizer Codes Based on Syndrome Assignment by Classical Parity-Check Matrices
0712.0104 Symmetric Systems and their Applications to Root Systems Extended by Abelian Groups
0712.0106 Hessian estimates for the sigma-2 equation in dimension three
0712.0107 Morse-Novikov cohomology of locally conformally Kaehler manifolds
0712.0108 On the moduli of constant mean curvature cylinders of finite type in the 3-sphere
0712.0109 Recommended Practices for Spreadsheet Testing
0712.0110 Comment on "Group method analysis of magneto-elastico-viscous flow along a semi-infinite flat plate with heat transfer", by Helal and Abd-el-Malek
0712.0111 Random sampling of plane partitions
0712.0112 Atomic Diagnostics of X-ray Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks
0712.0113 Triaxial orbit based galaxy models with an application to the (apparent) decoupled core galaxy NGC 4365
0712.0114 Similarity of operators and geometry of eigenvector bundles
0712.0115 Vertical stratified turbulent transport mechanism indicated by remote sensing
0712.0116 Generalized Cohn’s Theorem
0712.0117 Color superconducting quark matter in compact stars
0712.0118 Reanalysis of the (0^+,1^+) states B_{s0}^* and B_{s1} with QCD sum rules
0712.0119 Measurement of Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Epitaxial Graphene
0712.0120 On the partition of numbers into parts of a given type and number
0712.0121 Efficient Binary and Run Length Morphology and its Application to Document Image Processing
0712.0122 Definition and stability of Lorentzian manifolds with distributional curvature
0712.0123 Global Gorenstein Dimensions and Cotorsion Dimension of Rings
0712.0124 Stability, convergence to the steady state and elastic limit for the Boltzmann equation for diffusively excited granular media
0712.0126 Global Gorenstein dimensions of polynomial rings and of direct product of rings
0712.0127 Rings over which all modules are Gorenstein (resp., strongly Gorenstein) projective
0712.0128 Pr"ufer-Like Conditions in Subring Retracts and Applications
0712.0129 A Low-Temperature Specific Heat Study of the Giant Dielectric Constant Materials
0712.0130 On the Relationship between the Posterior and Optimal Similarity
0712.0131 Learning Similarity for Character Recognition and 3D Object Recognition
0712.0132 On Uniqueness of supersymmetric Black holes in AdS_5
0712.0133 Mechanism of murine epidermal maintenance: Cell division and the Voter Model
0712.0134 Identifying the odd-frequency superconducting state by a field-induced Josephson effect
0712.0135 Decomposition of noncommutative U(1) gauge potential
0712.0136 Learning View Generalization Functions
0712.0137 View Based Methods can achieve Bayes-Optimal 3D Recognition
0712.0138 Symmetry p-adic invariant integral on Z_p for Bernoulli and euler polynomials
0712.0139 Direct definition of a ternary infinite square-free sequence
0712.0140 The von Neumann Entropy of EPR Spin Correlation for the Relativistic Multiple Pairs
0712.0141 Electrical detection of spin echoes for phosphorus donors in silicon
0712.0142 The Ring of Graph Invariants - Lower and Upper Bounds for Minimal Generators
0712.0143 Magnetic Complexity in Eruptive Solar Active Regions and Associated Eruption Parameters
0712.0144 Graded modules for Virasoro-like algebra
0712.0145 Constraints on Astro-unparticle Physics from SN 1987A
0712.0146 The Ring of Graph Invariants - Graphic Values
0712.0147 Coincidence limit and generalized interaction term structure in multigravity
0712.0148 A Brand-new Research Method of Neuroendocrine System
0712.0149 The Quantum Measurement Problem: State of Play
0712.0150 Klein’s Paradox
0712.0151 Top-Quark FCNC Decay t->cgg in Topcolor-assisted Technicolor Model
0712.0152 Necessary Optimality Conditions for Fractional Action-Like Problems with Intrinsic and Observer Times
0712.0153 Generating functional analysis of minority games with inner product strategy definitions
0712.0154 Bounding the top and bottom electric dipole moments from neutron experimental data
0712.0156 Generating functions of Cauchy-Stieltjes type for orthogonal polynomials
0712.0157 Conformal Field Theory In Four And Six Dimensions
0712.0158 Role of the conduction electrons in mediating exchange interactions in Heusler alloys
0712.0159 Boundary Ring: a way to construct approximate NG solutions with polygon boundary conditions: I. Z_n-symmetric configurations
0712.0160 The structure of 2D semi-simple field theories
0712.0161 Trial wave functions for High-Pressure Metallic Hydrogen
0712.0162 A multifrequency study of giant radio sources-II. Spectral ageing analysis of the lobes of selected sources
0712.0163 Branching of Hitchin’s Prym cover for SL(2)
0712.0164 On Decidability Properties of Local Sentences
0712.0165 On the Accepting Power of 2-Tape B"uchi Automata
0712.0166 Discovery of pulsational line profile variations in the delta Scuti star HD21190 and in the Ap Sr star HD218994
0712.0168 A novel numerical technique used in the solution of ordinary differential equations with a mixture of integer and fractional derivatives
0712.0169 A Study of the Evaporative Deposition Process: Pipes and Truncated Transport Dynamics
0712.0170 Non-equilibrium dynamics of gene expression and the Jarzynski equality
0712.0171 A Spectral Approach to Analyzing Belief Propagation for 3-Coloring
0712.0172 Spin resonance in the d-wave superconductor CeCoIn5
0712.0173 Magnetic fields in X-ray emitting A-type stars
0712.0174 Neutron and X-ray diffraction study of cubic [111] field cooled Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3
0712.0175 The Quasi-Reversibility Method for the Thermoacoustic Tomography and a Coefficient Inverse Problem
0712.0176 A search for pulsational line profile variations in the delta Scuti star HD21190 and the Ap Sr star HD218994
0712.0177 Systematic errors of bound-state parameters extracted by means of SVZ sum rules
0712.0178 Systematic errors of transition form factors extracted by means of light-cone sum rules
0712.0179 Rates of convergence for minimal distances in the central limit theorem under projective criteria
0712.0180 Spots on the surface of HgMn stars: Clues to the origin of Hg and Mn peculiarities
0712.0181 Circumstellar magnetic fields in Herbig Ae stars
0712.0182 Magnetic Flux Diffusion and Expulsion with Thin Conducting Sheets
0712.0183 Semiclassical theories of the anomalous Hall effect
0712.0184 Femtosecond Photodissociation of Molecules Facilitated by Noise
0712.0185 Deformation of electron holes in phase space as prerequisite for narrow band maser emission: A qualitative discussion
0712.0186 Two-photon decay of light scalars: a comparison of tetraquark and quarkonium assignments
0712.0187 The Broadband Spectrum of Galaxy Clusters
0712.0190 A Family of Non-Abelian Kitaev Models on a Lattice: Topological Confinement and Condensation
0712.0191 Magnetic fields in massive stars
0712.0192 The Non-Backtracking Spectrum of the Universal Cover of a Graph
0712.0193 First detection of polarized scattered light from an exoplanetary atmosphere
0712.0194 Computing High Accuracy Power Spectra with Pico
0712.0195 Quantum scattering at low energies
0712.0196 Robust Bayesian detection of unmodelled bursts
0712.0197 Pulsar Kicks With Sterile Neutrinos and Landau Levels
0712.0198 Screening-Limited Response of NanoBiosensors
0712.0199 Magnetism in pre-MS intermediate-mass stars and the fossil field hypothesis
0712.0200 2MASS Galaxies in the Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey
0712.0201 Reconstruction and Finiteness Results for Fourier-Mukai Partners
0712.0202 Vector bundles with Theta divisors I: Bundles on Castelnuovo curves
0712.0203 Some Nonlinear Equations with Double Solutions: Soliton and Chaos
0712.0205 Self-consistent equations of unitary fermion thermodynamics with elusive non-Gaussian correlations
0712.0206 The limits of nested subclasses of several classes of infinitely divisible distributions are identical with the closure of the class of stable distributions
0712.0208 Quintessential matter surrounding a global monopole
0712.0209 A closed-form solution in a dynamical system related to Bianchi IX
0712.0210 Quantum transport theory of anomalous electric, thermoelectric, and thermal Hall effects in ferromagnets
0712.0211 Student Behavior and Epistemological Framing: Examples from Collaborative Active-Learning Activities in Physics
0712.0212 The String Topology Loop Coproduct and Cohomology Operations
0712.0213 $^3_eta He$ nucleus modeling in the frame optical potential model
0712.0214 Upper bound for isometric embeddings ell_2^m oell_p^n
0712.0215 Validity of strong lensing statistics for constraints on the galaxy evolution model
0712.0216 Connecting the Galactic and Cosmological Scales: Dark Energy and the Cuspy-Core Problem
0712.0217 Exact Solution and Attractor Mechanism for Non-BPS Black Holes: the D2-D6 System
0712.0218 Spectral imaging of the Sagittarius B2 region in multiple 3-mm molecular lines with the Mopra telescope
0712.0220 A Birthday Paradox for Markov chains, with an optimal bound for collision in the Pollard Rho Algorithm for Discrete Logarithm
0712.0221 Tunable resonators for quantum circuits
0712.0222 2-photon ionization and necessary laser and vacuum systems for experiments with trapped strontium ions
0712.0223 Electron energy loss spectroscopy determination of Ti oxidation state at the (001) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface as a function of LaAlO3 growth conditions
0712.0224 Characteristic molecular properties of one-electron double quantum rings under magnetic fields
0712.0225 Residual Coulomb interaction fluctuations in chaotic systems: the boundary, random plane waves, and semiclassical theory
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