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13 February 2025

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0704.3825 Word length in surface groups with characteristic generating sets
0705.0003 XO-2b: Transiting Hot Jupiter in a Metal-rich Common Proper Motion Binary
0705.0005 Path Integration in QCD with Arbitrary Space-Dependent Static Color Potential
0705.0007 An Interferometry-Free Protocol for Demonstrating Topological Order
0705.0010 Critical phenomena in complex networks
0705.0016 A Covariant Holographic Entanglement Entropy Proposal
0705.0017 Checking Equivalence of Quantum Circuits and States
0705.0022 Exact half-BPS Type IIB interface solutions I: Local solution and supersymmetric Janus
0705.0025 Can the Internet cope with stress?
0705.0027 High-energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos from Semi-relativistic Hypernovae
0705.0028 Pion Leptonic Decays and Supersymmetry
0705.0029 EGT through Quantum Mechanics & from Statistical Physics to Economics
0705.0030 High Frequency QPOs in Neutron Stars and Black Holes: Probing Dense Matter and Strong Gravitational Fields
0705.0031 Swan conductors for p-adic differential modules, II: Global variation
0705.0032 Nonholonomic Algebroids, Finsler Geometry, and Lagrange-Hamilton Spaces
0705.0033 Ergodic Theory: Recurrence
0705.0034 Three remarks on one dimensional bi-Lipschitz conjugacies
0705.0035 Higgs boson production with one bottom quark including higher-order soft-gluon corrections
0705.0036 Enhancement of prompt photons at the LHC from nonlinear gluon evolution
0705.0037 Physisorption of positronium on quartz surfaces
0705.0038 Exponential Composition of Species and Prime Graphs
0705.0039 Cosmology and semi-conservation of computations in the universe
0705.0040 On the decay properties of solutions to a class of Schr"odinger equations
0705.0041 Cosmic rays from trans-relativistic supernovae
0705.0042 On Point-Determining Graphs
0705.0043 Joint Detection and Identification of an Unobservable Change in the Distribution of a Random Sequence
0705.0044 Reliable Memories Built from Unreliable Components Based on Expander Graphs
0705.0045 Disparities in the Josephson vortex state electrodynamics of high-Tc cuprates
0705.0046 Comment on "Conformal invariance and stochastic Loewner evolution processes in two-dimensional Ising spin glasses"
0705.0047 High photon number path entanglement in the interference of spontaneously downconverted photon pairs with coherent laser light
0705.0048 Horizon-Penetrating Transonic Accretion Disks around Rotating Black Holes
0705.0049 y-scaling in Quasielastic Electron Scattering from Nuclei
0705.0050 Brundan-Kazhdan-Lusztig and super duality conjectures
0705.0051 Radion stabilization from the vacuum on flat extra dimensions
0705.0052 Direct Measurement of 2D and 3D Interprecipitate Distance Distributions from Atom-Probe Tomographic Reconstructions
0705.0053 Mutual Fund Theorems when Minimizing the Probability of Lifetime Ruin
0705.0054 A simple one dimensional glassy Kac model
0705.0055 A general homological Kleiman-Bertini theorem
0705.0056 Meta-Stable Brane Configurations with Five NS5-Branes
0705.0057 Fifteen Years of High-Resolution Radio Imaging of Supernova 1987A
0705.0058 Exact Floquet states and spatiotemporal vortices of a driven condensate
0705.0059 Measurement of Ultra-Low Potassium Contaminations with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
0705.0060 Explicit construction of new Moishezon twistor spaces, II
0705.0061 Arithmetic progressions of primes in short intervals
0705.0062 Radiation Pressure in Lyman-alpha Forest Clouds
0705.0063 The Hot Inter-Galactic Medium and the Cosmic Microwave Background
0705.0064 Bright solitary waves and trapped solutions in Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions
0705.0065 Discovery of the Putative Pulsar and Wind Nebula Associated with the TeV Gamma-ray Source HESS J1813-178
0705.0066 An Imaging Survey for Extrasolar Planets around 45 Close, Young Stars with SDI at the VLT and MMT
0705.0067 An Embedding for General Relativity and its Implications for New Physics
0705.0068 Inflation by a spontaneous parity breaking field and consequences for nu-masses and B-asymmetry
0705.0069 Semiparametric efficiency in GMM models with auxiliary data
0705.0070 The Cox Ring of $ar{M}_{0,6}$
0705.0071 A note about the factorization of the angular part of the Laplacian and its application to the time-independent Schr"odinger equation
0705.0072 Low Mass Scalar Mesons and Related Topics
0705.0073 Fluctuation relation and pairing rule for Lyapunov exponents of inertial particles in turbulence
0705.0074 Revelations of the E_6/U(1)_N Model: Two-Loop Neutrino Mass and Dark Matter
0705.0075 Driven Spin Systems as Quantum Thermodynamic Machines: Fundamental Limits
0705.0076 Deterministic Factors of Stock Networks based on Cross-correlation in Financial Market
0705.0077 An analytic solution for one-dimensional quantum walks
0705.0078 Neural networks with transient state dynamics
0705.0079 Baryon Asymmetry in Heavy Moduli Scenario
0705.0080 Cosmological test of the Yilmaz theory of gravity
0705.0081 Constructions of q-Ary Constant-Weight Codes
0705.0082 Exact beta function from the holographic loop equation of large-N QCD_4
0705.0083 Are Advanced Potentials Anomalous?
0705.0084 Dynamical Friction of a Circular-Orbit Perturber in a Gaseous Medium
0705.0085 An efficient centralized binary multicast network coding algorithm for any cyclic network
0705.0086 About the domino problem in the hyperbolic plane, a new solution: complement
0705.0087 Percolation transition in networks with degree-degree correlation
0705.0088 Link concordance, homology cobordism, and Hirzebruch-type intersection form defects from towers of iterated $p$-covers
0705.0089 Bounding network spectra for network design
0705.0090 Lens surgeries on A’Campo’s divide knots
0705.0091 Visibility of graphene flakes on a dielectric substrate
0705.0092 Shear-rate dependent transport coefficients for inelastic Maxwell models
0705.0093 Modeling of torsion stress giant magnetoimpedance in amorphous wires with negative magnetostriction
0705.0094 A new Determination of the Extragalactic Background of Diffuse Gamma Rays taking into account Dark Matter Annihilation
0705.0095 Temperature dependence of coherent oscillations in Josephson phase qubits
0705.0096 Quiet Sun magnetic fields from space-borne observations: simulating Hinode’s case
0705.0097 Collective Oscillations in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensed Gases in the Presence of Weak Disorder
0705.0098 Gauss map on the theta divisor and Green’s functions
0705.0099 Fredholm determinants and the statistics of charge transport
0705.0100 On Hadwiger Conjecture
0705.0101 $chi_{c0,2}$ decay into light meson pairs and its implication of the scalar meson structures
0705.0102 Compact Cochain Objects in Triangulated Categories and Co-t-structures
0705.0103 Roughness of undoped graphene and its short-range induced gauge field
0705.0104 Relaxation dynamics in fluids of platelike colloidal particles
0705.0105 Influence of growth parameters on structural properties and bandgap of InN epilayers deposited in a showerhead MOVPE system
0705.0107 Sterile neutrino oscillations after first MiniBooNE results
0705.0108 Reconstructing weak values without weak measurements
0705.0109 An all-optical ion-loading technique for scalable microtrap architectures
0705.0110 Bistability of optically-induced nuclear spin orientation in quantum dots
0705.0111 Spectroscopic distinction between the normal state pseudogap and the superconducting gap of cuprate high T_{c} superconductors
0705.0112 Non-topological solitons in field theories with kinematical self-coupling
0705.0113 The Mathematics
0705.0114 Surveys of the Galactic Center and the Nature of the Galactic Center Lobe
0705.0115 Dynamical Computation on Coefficients of Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian from One-doublet and Topcolor-assisted Technicolor Models
0705.0116 Large underground, liquid based detectors for astro-particle physics in Europe: scientific case and prospects
0705.0117 Particle Motion in the Rotating Black Ring Metric
0705.0118 Homological Epimorphisms of Differential Graded Algebras
0705.0119 A search for X-ray counterparts of the millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster M28 (NGC 6626)
0705.0120 Effective inverse spectral problem for rational Lax matrices and applications
0705.0121 Magnetotransport properties of strained (Ga0.95, Mn0.05)As epilayers close to the metal-insulator transition: Description using Aronov-Altshuler three-dimensional scaling theory
0705.0122 Sensitivity of the spherical gravitational wave detector MiniGRAIL operating at 5 K
0705.0123 An Energy Efficiency Perspective on Training for Fading Channels
0705.0124 On the Low-SNR Capacity of Phase-Shift Keying with Hard-Decision Detection
0705.0125 The Complexity of Orbits of Computably Enumerable Sets
0705.0126 HAT-P-2b: A Super-Massive Planet in an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Bright Star
0705.0127 Radiative transfer in SPH and applications in the collapse of molecular clouds
0705.0128 Training Optimization for Gauss-Markov Rayleigh Fading Channels
0705.0129 Influence of the single-particle Zeeman energy on the quantum Hall ferromagnet at high filling factors
0705.0130 Performance Analysis for Multichannel Reception of OOFSK Signaling
0705.0131 Interaction of modulated pulses in the nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic potential
0705.0132 Error Probability Analysis of Peaky Signaling over Fading Channels
0705.0133 Generalized Effective Lagrangian from Non-Commutative Electrodynamics and Vacuum Birefringence
0705.0134 Semiclassical wave propagation for large times
0705.0135 Packing-Dimension Profiles and Fractional Brownian Motion
0705.0136 Angular distribution studies on the two-photon ionization of hydrogen-like ions: Relativistic description
0705.0137 Effect of a small disruption of the Ca site on the geometrically frustrated magnetic behavior of Ca3CoRhO6
0705.0138 Symmetry Relations for Trajectories of a Brownian Motor
0705.0139 Casimir Forces in a Piston Geometry at Zero and Finite Temperatures
0705.0140 Dynamical percolation on general trees
0705.0141 Are Superhumps Good Measures of the Mass Ratio for AM CVn Systems?
0705.0142 A Modest Proposal for the Astronomical Community
0705.0143 DSR and Canonical Transformations: A Comment on a ``A Lagrangian for DSR particle and the role of noncommutativity’’
0705.0144 Formality of function spaces
0705.0145 Photolytically generated aerosols in the mesosphere and thermosphere of Titan
0705.0146 Mid-infrared laser light nulling experiment using single-mode conductive waveguides
0705.0147 G"odel Incompleteness and the Black Hole Information Paradox
0705.0148 Superstatistics, thermodynamics, and temperature variations
0705.0149 Two components of depolarization currents in PVDF caused by relaxation of homo- and heterocharge
0705.0150 Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Wavelet Transforms
0705.0151 Strong CP, Up-Quark Mass, and the Randall-Sundrum Microscope
0705.0152 Criticality in inhomogeneous magnetic systems: Application to quantum ferromagnets
0705.0153 A Generic Test of Modified Gravity Models which Emulate Dark Matter
0705.0154 An Analysis of the Shapes of Interstellar Extinction Curves. V. The IR-Through-UV Curve Morphology
0705.0155 Accreting Neutron Stars in Low-Mass X-Ray Binary Systems
0705.0156 Emission and absorption noise in the fractional quantum Hall effect
0705.0157 Magnetosonic solitons in dusty plasmas
0705.0158 Thermal noise informatics: Totally secure communication via a wire; Zero-power communication; and Thermal noise driven computing
0705.0159 Numerical metric extraction in AdS/CFT
0705.0160 Fluctuation-enhanced sensing
0705.0161 Quantitative relations between corruption and economic factors
0705.0162 QED Electrical Conductivity using the 2PI Effective Action
0705.0163 Probing dark energy with cluster counts and cosmic shear power spectra: including the full covariance
0705.0164 Inflationary Cosmology
0705.0165 Is Modified Gravity Required by Observations? An Empirical Consistency Test of Dark Energy Models
0705.0166 Dark energy constraints from cosmic shear power spectra: impact of intrinsic alignments on photometric redshift requirements
0705.0167 A duality between pairs of split decompositions for a $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graph
0705.0168 Brownian subordinators and fractional Cauchy problems
0705.0169 Beyond Caustic Crossings: Properties of Binary Microlensing Light Curves
0705.0170 The spine which was no spine
0705.0171 Radiation hardness of diamond and silicon sensors compared
0705.0172 Topological insulators beyond the Brillouin zone via Chern parity
0705.0173 Interference between two independent electrons: observation of two-particle Aharonov-Bohm interference
0705.0174 Experimental realization of one-way quantum computing with two-photon four-qubit cluster states
0705.0175 The integrals in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. Part 3: Combinations of Logarithms and Exponentials
0705.0176 Line tension and structure of smectic liquid crystal multilayers at the air-water interface
0705.0177 Application of Corona Discharge for Poling Ferroelectric and Nonlinear Optical Polymers
0705.0178 Oblivious Transfer based on Key Exchange
0705.0179 The integrals in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. Part 4: The Gamma function
0705.0181 Is there contextuality for a single qubit?
0705.0182 Star formation at very low metallicity. I: Chemistry and cooling at low densities
0705.0183 Normalizers of Irreducible Subfactors
0705.0184 Quantum Phase Transition and Entanglement of Bi-Spin System
0705.0185 The stability of poloidal magnetic fields in rotating stars
0705.0186 No-passing Rule in the Ground State Evolution of the Random-Field Ising Model
0705.0187 RKKY interaction in bipartite lattices at half filling: graphene as an example
0705.0188 Geodesics on an ellipsoid in Minkowski space
0705.0189 Note on XMM-Newton observations of the first unidentified TeV gamma-ray source TeV J2032+4130 by Horns et al. astro-ph/0705.0009
0705.0190 Cohomology of line bundles on compactified Jacobians
0705.0191 On Solving General Linear Equations in the Set of Natural Numbers
0705.0192 Asymptotics for eigenvalues of a non-linear integral system
0705.0193 1-Factorizations of Cayley graphs
0705.0194 On the automorphism group of a possible symmetric $(81,16,3)$ design
0705.0195 Effect of temperature-dependent shape anisotropy on coercivity with aligned Stoner-Wohlfarth soft ferromagnets
0705.0196 Cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculation for Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates
0705.0197 Fault Classification in Cylinders Using Multilayer Perceptrons, Support Vector Machines and Guassian Mixture Models
0705.0198 Two Scenarios of Breaking Chaotic Phase Synchronization
0705.0199 The Parameter-Less Self-Organizing Map algorithm
0705.0200 On the Motion of Vortex Sheets with Surface Tension in the 3D Euler Equations with Vorticity
0705.0201 Neutral genetic drift can aid functional protein evolution
0705.0202 Air Shower Measurements in Karlsruhe
0705.0203 Topological Classification of Clusters in Condensed Phases
0705.0204 Using Images to create a Hierarchical Grid Spatial Index
0705.0205 Note on Breakup Densities in Fragmentation
0705.0206 Displacement Detection with a Vibrating RF SQUID: Beating the Standard Linear Limit
0705.0207 Chiral Equivariant Cohomology III
0705.0208 Periodicity and criticality in the Olami-Feder-Christensen model of earthquakes
0705.0209 Support vector machine for functional data classification
0705.0210 Un r’esultat de consistance pour des SVM fonctionnels par interpolation spline
0705.0211 Multilayer Perceptron with Functional Inputs: an Inverse Regression Approach
0705.0212 Attosecond electron pulses from interference of above-threshold de Broglie waves
0705.0213 Self-Assembly of Monatomic Complex Crystals and Quasicrystals with a Double-Well Interaction Potential
0705.0214 Riemannian level-set methods for tensor-valued data
0705.0215 Transit and secondary eclipse photometry in the near-infrared
0705.0216 Spin relaxation due to the Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism in intrinsic and $p$-type GaAs quantum wells from a fully microscopic approach
0705.0217 A new analysis of Poincar’e dodecahedral space model
0705.0219 Determining the Mass for a Light Gravitino
0705.0221 Non static Global monopole in Lyra geometry
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