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Articles rated:
13 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2007
12, 6.2007
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0705.4509 Comparison of coherence times in three dc SQUID phase qubits
0705.4511 The Age, Metallicity and Alpha-Element Abundance of Galactic Globular Clusters from Single Stellar Population Models
0705.4678 On Biology as an Emergent Science
0706.0001 Elastic theory of low-dimensional continua and its applications in bio- and nano-structures
0706.0017 Parton showers with quantum interference
0706.0023 The Cosmological Slingshot Scenario: Myths and Facts
0706.0024 Socioeconomic Networks with Long-Range Interactions
0706.0025 Matching WMAP 3-yrs results with the Cosmological Slingshot Primordial Spectrum
0706.0027 Orbifold cup products and ring structures on Hochschild cohomologies
0706.0028 Py-Calabi quasi-morphisms and quasi-states on orientable surfaces of higher genus
0706.0029 Simple approach for high-contrast optical imaging and characterization of graphene-based sheets
0706.0030 Similarity between the primary and secondary air-assisted liquid jet breakup mechanism
0706.0031 Natural SUSY Dark Matter: A Window on the GUT Scale
0706.0032 Bifurcations and bistability in cavity assisted photoassociation of Bose-Einstein condensed molecules
0706.0033 New constraints on dark energy from Chandra X-ray observations of the largest relaxed galaxy clusters
0706.0034 Fabrication and Performance Tests of a Segmented P-Type HPGe Detector
0706.0035 Universality of Mixed Action Extrapolation Formulae
0706.0036 A twisted FZZ-like dual for the 2D black hole
0706.0037 Evidence for single top quark production at D0
0706.0038 Weak amenability and 2-weak amenability of Beurling algebras
0706.0039 First Results from the XENON10 Dark Matter Experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory
0706.0040 Braided Sweedler cohomology
0706.0041 On cosmological constant in Causal Set theory
0706.0042 Meta-Stable Brane Configurations by Adding an Orientifold-Plane to Giveon-Kutasov
0706.0043 A perturbation theory for large deviation functionals in fluctuating hydrodynamics
0706.0044 Phase Transition of XY Model in Heptagonal Lattice
0706.0045 AKARI observations of circumstellar dust in the globular clusters NGC104 and NGC362
0706.0046 Symmetry Partition Sort
0706.0047 Conserved spin Hall conductance in two dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field
0706.0048 A Bayesian approach to strong lensing modelling of galaxy clusters
0706.0049 A filtered version of the bipolar theorem of Brannath and Schachermayer
0706.0050 Power-law Conductivity inside the Mott gap: application to $kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu_2(CN)_3$
0706.0051 Optimal consumption from investment and random endowment in incomplete semimartingale markets
0706.0052 Massive and Massless Neutrinos on Unbalanced Seesaws
0706.0053 Puzzles in charm spectroscopy
0706.0054 Evidence for ablated flows in the shell of nova DQ Her
0706.0055 On the width of cold fronts in clusters of galaxies due to conduction
0706.0056 Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas
0706.0057 Morse theory in path space
0706.0058 On higher level Green correspondence
0706.0059 Nodal metal behavior and transfer weight transfer in cuprate superconductors
0706.0060 The physics of strong magnetic fields in neutron stars
0706.0061 Electron Transport Through Mesoscopic Closed Loops and Molecular Bridges
0706.0062 Teleportation of massive particles without shared entanglement
0706.0063 N = 2 Supersymmetric QED equivalence of N = 2 Volkov-Akulov model
0706.0064 Nanocrystals in silicon photonic crystal standing-wave cavities as spin-photon phase gates for quantum information processing
0706.0066 The $(g,K)$-module structures of principal series representations of $Sp(3,R)$
0706.0067 Pair Correlation Functions and a Free-Energy Functional for the Nematic Phase
0706.0068 Far-infrared distributions in nearby spiral galaxies NGC2841 and NGC2976 observed with AKARI/FIS
0706.0069 From a unstable periodic orbit to Lyapunov exponent and macroscopic variable in a Hamiltonian lattice : Periodic orbit dependencies
0706.0070 In-orbit focal adjustment of the AKARI telescope with IRC images
0706.0071 On Gauge Symmetry Breaking via Euclidean Time Component of Gauge Fields
0706.0072 Fidelity and Quantum phase transition for the Heisenberg chain with the next-nearest-neighbor interaction
0706.0073 Modeling Hourly Ozone Concentration Fields
0706.0074 Gemini Observations of Disks and Jets in Young Stellar Objects and in Active Galaxies
0706.0075 The model equation of soliton theory
0706.0076 Free-Energy Landscape of Kinesin by a Realistic Lattice Model
0706.0077 A discrete time neural network model with spiking neurons. Rigorous results on the spontaneous dynamics
0706.0078 Magnetoelectronic states of a monolayer graphite
0706.0079 Delocalizing transition in one-dimensional condensates in optical lattices due to inhomogeneous interactions
0706.0080 Neutrino number asymmetry and cosmological birefringence
0706.0081 Comparative Direct Analysis of Type Ia Supernova Spectra. III. Premaximum
0706.0082 A mechanism for phase separation in copper oxide superconductors
0706.0083 Enumeration of curves via floor diagrams
0706.0085 Off-site continuums and methods of their mathematical description
0706.0086 Screening length and the direction of plasma winds
0706.0087 Superscaling and Neutral Current Quasielastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering beyond the Relativistic Fermi Gas Model
0706.0088 Spherical harmonics and the icosahedron
0706.0089 Sign refinement for combinatorial link Floer homology
0706.0090 The discovery of a massive supercluster at z=0.9 in the UKIDSS DXS
0706.0091 Anomalous magnetoresistance of EuB$_{5.99}$C$_{0.01}$: Enhancement of magnetoresistance in systems with magnetic polarons
0706.0093 The early evolution of tidal dwarf galaxies
0706.0094 Mean field theory of spin glasses: statics and dynamics
0706.0095 A novel L-band imaging search for giant planets in the Tucana and Beta Pictoris moving groups
0706.0096 Total singular value decomposition. Robust SVD, regression and location-scale
0706.0097 Multiparty quantum secret sharing with pure entangled states and decoy photons
0706.0098 Controlled Teleportation of an Arbitrary Multi-Qudit State in a General Form with d-Dimensional Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger States
0706.0099 An Algorithm for the Continuous Morlet Wavelet Transform
0706.0100 Evolutionary Dilemmas in a Social Network
0706.0101 Reading Off Kurosh Decompositions
0706.0102 Development of innovative micropattern gaseous detectors with resistive electrodes and first results of their applications
0706.0103 Four concepts and two logics of algorithmic reduction
0706.0104 Sensitivity of double resonance alignment magnetometers
0706.0105 Numerical approach to low-doping regime of the t-J model
0706.0106 Light emission patterns from stadium-shaped semiconductor microcavity lasers
0706.0107 Strongly modulated transmission of a spin-split quantum wire with local Rashba interaction
0706.0108 Searching for energetic cosmic axions in a laboratory experiment: testing the PVLAS anomaly
0706.0109 Spin-Polarized Tunneling as a probe of (Ga,Mn)As electronic properties
0706.0110 Spatially resolved observation of dipole-dipole interaction between Rydberg atoms
0706.0111 Flat modules over valuation rings
0706.0112 A Novel Ordered Phase in SrCu2(BO3)2 under High Pressure
0706.0113 Graph spectra as a systematic tool in computational biology
0706.0114 A New Template Family For The Detection Of Gravitational Waves From Comparable Mass Black Hole Binaries
0706.0115 Inflationary phase and late time acceleration in 3-brane Brans-Dicke cosmology
0706.0116 Harmonic G-structures
0706.0117 Reciprocal best hits are not a logically sufficient condition for orthology
0706.0118 DIA-MCIS. An Importance Sampling Network Randomizer for Network Motif Discovery and Other Topological Observables in Transcription Networks
0706.0119 Towards a Completion of Archimedes’ Treatise on Floating Bodies
0706.0121 Number of points of Prym varieties over finite fields
0706.0122 Granular Rayleigh-Taylor instability: experiments and simulations
0706.0123 The Astrophysics of Early Galaxy Formation
0706.0124 Influence of the Magnetic Coupling Process on the Advection Dominated Accretion Flows around Black Holes
0706.0125 Effect of Electron Interaction on Statistics of Conductance Oscillations in Open Quantum Dots: Does the Dephasing Time Saturate?
0706.0126 States of local systems can violate Bell’s conditions
0706.0127 The discrete spectrum of the Dirac equation in confining potentials
0706.0128 The Proton Elastic Form Factor Ratio at Low Momentum Transfer
0706.0129 Energy-minimizing two black holes initial data
0706.0130 Recent progress constraining the nuclear equation of state from astrophysics and heavy ion reactions
0706.0131 Luminosity determination at HERA-B
0706.0132 Magnification relations for Kerr lensing and testing Cosmic Censorship
0706.0133 Displacement convexity and minimal fronts at phase boundaries
0706.0134 Unveiling the broad band X-ray continuum and iron line complex in Mkr 841
0706.0135 Theory of New Quantum Oscillations in the Magnetoresistance of Graphene Layers
0706.0136 The largest eigenvalue of finite rank deformation of large Wigner matrices: convergence and non-universality of the fluctuations
0706.0137 Resurgent functions and splitting problems
0706.0138 A quasianalyticity property for monogenic solutions of small divisor problems
0706.0139 Primeval galaxies
0706.0141 The structure of hypersonic shock waves using Navier-Stokes equations modified to include mass diffusion
0706.0142 Quantum gravity phenomenology via Lorentz violations
0706.0143 A concentration of quasars around the jet galaxy NGC1097
0706.0144 Direct observation of quantum superconducting fluctuations in an insulating groundstate
0706.0145 Cluster structures in Oxygen isotopes
0706.0146 Recovery of small electromagnetic inhomogeneities from boundary measurements in time-dependent Maxwell’s equations
0706.0147 Conditional dynamics induced by new configurations for Rydberg dipole-dipole interactions
0706.0148 The radio properties of type II quasars
0706.0149 Using Fast-Switching Data to Characterize Atmospheric Phase Fluctuations at the Submillimeter Array
0706.0150 Existence and non-existence results for a logistic-type equation on manifolds
0706.0151 Central limit theorem, deformed exponentials and superstatistics
0706.0152 Nonequilibrium spin-dependent phenomena in superconductor-normal metal tunnel nanostructures
0706.0153 The M-estimator in a multi-phase random nonlinear model
0706.0154 Quantum simulation of interacting high-dimensional systems: the influence of noise
0706.0155 A simple hidden variable experiment
0706.0156 A Cross-disciplinary Framework for the Description of Contextually Mediated Change
0706.0157 Number of irreducible polynomials in several variables over finite fields
0706.0158 Charmonium singlets, open charm and exotic hadrons
0706.0159 Combination quantum oscillations in canonical single-band Fermi liquids
0706.0160 Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of surfaces and projective representations of groups
0706.0161 Electrical Neutrality and Symmetry Restoring Phase Transitions at High Density in a Two-Flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
0706.0162 Holographic spectral functions and diffusion constants for fundamental matter
0706.0163 Output Stream of Binding Neuron with Feedback
0706.0164 Cavity solitons in bidirectional lasers
0706.0165 (An)isotropy of the Hubble diagram: comparing hemispheres
0706.0166 A CLT for Information-theoretic statistics of Gram random matrices with a given variance profile
0706.0167 Extremal functions for the sharp $L^2-$ Nash inequality
0706.0168 Kullback-Leibler distance as a measure of the information filtered from multivariate data
0706.0169 Monge-Ampere measures on pluripolar sets
0706.0170 On the origin of the $lambda$-transition in liquid Sulphur
0706.0171 Persistent pods of the tree Acacia caven: a natural refuge for diverse insects including Bruchid beetles and the parasitoids Trichogrammatidae, Pteromalidae and Eulophidae
0706.0173 Teleportation of atomic states via position measurements
0706.0174 Entropy signature of the running cosmological constant
0706.0175 The ’t Hooft loop in the Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge
0706.0176 Charge inhomogeneities due to smooth ripples in graphene sheets
0706.0177 Spin Effect on the Resonant Tunneling Characteristics of a Double-Barrier Heterostructures Under Longitudinal Stresses
0706.0178 Sterile neutrino production in models with low reheating temperatures
0706.0179 Lattice Refining Loop Quantum Cosmology and Inflation
0706.0180 Weak measurement of quantum dot spin qubits
0706.0181 Switching of optical vortices in nonlinear annular couplers
0706.0182 The structure on the real field generated by the standard part map on an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field
0706.0183 Regge approach to charged-pion photoproduction at invariant energies above 2 GeV
0706.0184 Pressure induced Insulator-Metal transition in LaMnO$_3$
0706.0185 Excluded volume, local structural cooperativity,and the polymer physics of protein folding rates
0706.0186 Dark Matter from the Inert Doublet Model
0706.0187 Modelling Quasicrystals
0706.0188 Cascade of Gregory-Laflamme Transitions and U(1) Breakdown in Super Yang-Mills
0706.0189 Diagnostic tools for 3D unstructured oceanographic data
0706.0190 Quantum theory from a wave with space-time vibrations
0706.0191 VLBI observations of seven BL Lac objects from RGB sample
0706.0192 On factorizations of smooth nonnegative matrix-values functions and on smooth functions with values in polyhedra
0706.0193 Particle-in-cell simulations of fast collisionless reconnection in gamma-ray burst outflows
0706.0194 Comparing Classical Pathways and Modern Networks: Towards the Development of an Edge Ontology
0706.0195 Equivalence of operations with respect to discriminator clones
0706.0196 Atomic force microscopy (AFM) study of thick lamellar stacks of phospholipid bilayers
0706.0197 Prior entanglement between senders enables perfect quantum network coding with modification
0706.0198 Reply to Comment on "Dynamical corrections to the DFT-LDA electron conductance in nanoscale systems"
0706.0199 Approximate Killing Vectors on S^2
0706.0200 Leptogenesis With Many Neutrinos
0706.0201 A New Proof of the New Intersection Theorem
0706.0202 A non commutative sewing lemma
0706.0203 Universal quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces with hot trapped-ions
0706.0204 Asymptotic results on the length of coalescent trees
0706.0205 Remarks on initial conditions for scalar field driven inflationary models
0706.0206 On a class number formula for real quadratic number fields
0706.0207 No-ghost theorem for the fourth-order derivative Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator model
0706.0208 Dark matter halo abundances, clustering and assembly histories at high redshift
0706.0209 First Measurement of a Rapid Increase in the AGN Fraction in High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies
0706.0210 On the morphologies, gas fractions, and star formation rates of small galaxies
0706.0211 Red Sequence Cluster Finding in the Millennium Simulation
0706.0212 Breakdown of the adiabatic limit in low dimensional gapless systems
0706.0213 Energy disturbances due to a moving quark from gauge-string duality
0706.0214 Visualizing pair formation on the atomic scale in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d
0706.0215 Gravitational arcs as a perturbation of the perfect ring
0706.0216 Anatomy of bubbling solutions
0706.0217 Can String Theory Predict the Weinberg Angle?
0706.0218 Future of Chiral Extrapolations with Domain Wall Fermions
0706.0219 Random spatial growth with paralyzing obstacles
0706.0220 A Monte Carlo Study of the Irreducible Background in the EGRET Instrument
0706.0221 The Diffuse Galactic Gamma-Ray Emission Model for GLAST LAT
0706.0222 Non-solvable contractions of semisimple Lie algebras in low dimension
0706.0223 Two Erdos problems on lacunary sequences: Chromatic number and Diophantine approximation
0706.0224 Long-term tidal evolution of short-period planets with companions
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