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09 February 2025

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0707.2700 Radiative decays with light scalar mesons and singlet-octet mixing in ChPT
0707.2814 Minimum Coverage Probability of Confidence Intervals
0707.2941 The BeppoSAX WFC X-ray source catalogue
0707.2959 Supersymmetric Unparticle Effects on Higgs Boson Mass and Dark Matter
0707.3000 Analytical solutions for black-hole critical behaviour
0707.3035 Dyon Death Eaters
0707.3088 A Positive-Weight Next-to-Leading-Order Monte Carlo for Heavy Flavour Hadroproduction
0707.3090 NNLO fermionic corrections to the charm quark mass dependent matrix elements in B -> X_s gamma
0707.3098 Rare K- (vs.) B-decays
0707.3125 Effective actions and N=1 vacuum conditions from SU(3) x SU(3) compactifications
0707.3323 Equidistribution of the real part of orbits in hyperbolic spaces
0707.3417 When almost all sets are difference dominated
0707.3648 T-Anomaly Induced LHC Signals
0707.3695 Weak values of electron spin in a double quantum dot
0707.3718 Seesaw mechanism in the sneutrino sector and its consequences
0707.3982 Interpretations for the X(4160) observed in the double charm production at B factories
0707.3992 Quantum Signatures of Solar System Dynamics
0707.4035 Submillimeter Array Observation of the Proto-Planetary Nebula CRL 618 in the CO J=6-5 Line
0707.4049 A Dark Energy Model Characterized by the Age of the Universe
0707.4052 Interacting Agegraphic Dark Energy
0707.4111 Dependence of spin dephasing on initial spin polarization in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system
0707.4172 Pairing states of a polarized Fermi gas trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice
0707.4181 Cosmological Perturbations on a Bouncing Brane
0707.4213 A Batalin-Vilkovisky Algebra structure on the Hochschild Cohomology of Truncated Polynomials
0707.4224 The $phi$ - Meson Physics in the Chirial Model
0707.4281 Central and Local Limit Theorems for RNA Structures
0707.4286 Symmetry Supporting a Transition to Zero Cosmological Constant State
0707.4334 Accelerating Cosmologies in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory with Dilaton
0707.4425 On the Hawking radiation as tunneling for a class of dynamical black holes
0707.4439 Weak productions of new charmonium in semi-leptonic decays of B_c
0707.4511 Can the gamma-gamma processes reveal the nature of the sigma ?
0707.4515 The Formation of the Oort Cloud in Open Cluster Environments
0707.4537 State-Relevant Maxwell’s Equation from Kaluza-Klein Theory
0707.4538 A Note on Polonyi Problem
0707.4540 The first high-amplitude delta Scuti star in an eclipsing binary system
0707.4570 A strong necessary condition for existence of S-matrix outside perturbation theory
0707.4585 Two-eigenfunction correlation in a multifractal metal and insulator
0707.4592 One loop corrections to the mass of self-dual semi-local planar topological solitons
0707.4657 On the photon spectrums of some monochromatic beams in Earth gravitation field
0707.4668 Atomic lattice excitons: from condensates to crystals
0708.0003 One-dimensional quantum wires: A pedestrian approach to bosonization
0708.0005 Colored Unparticles
0708.0007 The Sightline to Q2343-BX415: Clues to Galaxy Formation in a Quasar Environment
0708.0011 An Extremely Massive Dry Galaxy Merger in a Moderate Redshift Cluster
0708.0014 Cover slip external cavity diode laser
0708.0016 Nearing the Horizon of a Heterotic String
0708.0024 The Mirage of w=-1
0708.0027 The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters: M54 and Young Populations in the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
0708.0030 A Galaxy Photometric Redshift Catalog for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6
0708.0033 Survey Requirements for Accurate and Precise Photometric Redshifts for Type Ia Supernovae
0708.0035 Polarization probes of vorticity in heavy ion collisions
0708.0036 Unparticle Physics with Jets
0708.0037 The Immirzi Parameter as a topological quantization ambiguity
0708.0038 Tracking the Orbital and Super-orbital Periods of SMC X-1
0708.0039 Conformal invariance in random cluster models. I. Holomorphic fermions in the Ising model
0708.0040 An exact chiral spin liquid with non-Abelian anyons
0708.0041 Microscopic Wrinkles on Supported Surfactant Monolayers
0708.0042 A solid angle theory for real polytopes
0708.0043 Quantifying structural damage from self-irradiation in a plutonium superconductor
0708.0044 Exploring the Local Milky Way: M Dwarfs as Tracers of Galactic Populations
0708.0045 Persistence of Induced Wormholes in Brane Worlds
0708.0046 Sparse and stable Markowitz portfolios
0708.0047 High energy scattering in Quantum Chromodynamics
0708.0048 A renormalization approach to irrational rotations
0708.0049 Near-Field Focusing Plates and Their Design
0708.0050 Evidence for charged B meson decays to a1(1260)+/- pi0 and a1(1260)0 pi+/-
0708.0051 Evidence for a dynamic phase transition in [Co/Pt]_3 magnetic multilayers
0708.0052 An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. I. From Relativity to Dirac Equation
0708.0053 Periodic complementary sets of binary sequences
0708.0054 Designing Conducting Polymers Using Bioinspired Ant Algorithms
0708.0055 Banach spaces with polynomial numerical index 1
0708.0056 Structural and transport properties of GaAs/delta<Mn>/GaAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum wells
0708.0057 Effects of Compton scattering on the Gamma Ray Spectra of Solar flares
0708.0058 Direct Measurement of Periodic Electric Forces in Liquids
0708.0059 On the need to enhance physical insight via mathematical skills
0708.0060 The Nature of the Compact X-ray Source in Supernova Remnant RCW 103
0708.0061 Cross Validation for Comparing Multiple Density Estimation Procedures
0708.0062 On Information Theory, Spectral Geometry and Quantum Gravity
0708.0063 Information flow between composite stock index and individual stocks
0708.0064 The Effect of Variability on the Estimation of Quasar Black Hole Masses
0708.0065 Localization of Matters on Pure Geometrical Thick Branes
0708.0066 Symmetries of spatial graphs and Simon invariants
0708.0067 Pirogov-Sinai Theory With New Contours
0708.0068 Faithful qubit transmission against collective noise without ancillary qubits
0708.0069 Twisted Gauge and Gravity Theories on the Groenewold-Moyal Plane
0708.0070 Bohmian Mechanics at Space-Time Singularities. I. Timelike Singularities
0708.0071 Coulomb effects on the formation of proton halo nuclei
0708.0072 Vortex states in superconductors with strong Pauli-paramagnetic effect
0708.0073 Suzaku wide-band observations of SN 1006
0708.0074 Rational Solutions of the A_4^{(1)} Painlev’e Equation
0708.0075 A multi-objective optimization procedure to develop modified-embedded-atom-method potentials: an application to magnesium
0708.0076 Optical and radio survey of Southern Compact Groups of galaxies. I. Pilot study of six groups
0708.0077 Multi-Photon Interference and Temporal Distinguishability of Photons
0708.0078 Soft gamma-ray galactic ridge emission as unveiled by SPI aboard INTEGRAL
0708.0079 Semiparametrically efficient rank-based inference for shape II. Optimal R-estimation of shape
0708.0080 Farey Statistics in Time n^{2/3} and Counting Primitive Lattice Points in Polygons
0708.0081 d-alpha Correlation functions and collective motion in Xe+Au collisions at E/A=50 MeV
0708.0082 Measurement of the near-threshold $e^+e^- o D ar D$ cross section using initial-state radiation
0708.0083 2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization
0708.0084 Equivariant Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for the base change of elliptic curves: An example
0708.0085 X-Rays From Massive OB Stars: Thermal Emission From Radiative Shocks
0708.0086 Neutron star cooling after deep crustal heating in the X-ray transient KS 1731-260
0708.0087 Quantum toboggans with two branch points
0708.0088 Magneto-gyrotropic photogalvanic effects due to inter-subband absorption in quantum wells
0708.0089 Discussion of ``2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization’’ by V. Koltchinskii
0708.0090 Soret Motion of a Charged Spherical Colloid
0708.0091 A useful correspondence between fluid convection and ecosystem operation
0708.0092 Bistability and fluctuations of a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate
0708.0093 Note sur la d’etermination alg’ebrique du groupe fondamental pro-r’esoluble d’une courbe affine
0708.0094 Discussion of ``2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization’’ by V. Koltchinskii
0708.0095 Solving the cosmic lithium problems with primordial late-decaying particles
0708.0096 Abundances on the Main Sequence of Omega Centauri
0708.0097 SDSS J150722.30+523039.8: a CV formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary?
0708.0098 Discussion of ``2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization’’ by V. Koltchinskii
0708.0099 On the well-posedness for the Ideal MHD equations in the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces
0708.0100 Gamma-ray and neutrino diffuse emissions of the Galaxy above the TeV
0708.0101 Radiative and interelectronic-interaction corrections to the hyperfine splitting in highly charged B-like ions
0708.0102 Constraint Algorithm for Extremals in Optimal Control Problems
0708.0103 Time-dependent magnetotransport of a wave packet in a quantum wire with embedded quantum dots
0708.0104 Solutions to the nonlinear Schroedinger equation carrying momentum along a curve. Part II: proof of the existence result
0708.0105 Kinematical Constraints on QCD Factorization in the Drell-Yan Process
0708.0106 An evolutionary study of the pulsating subdwarf B eclipsing binary PG1336-018 (NY Vir)
0708.0107 Magnetized String Cosmological Model in Cylindrically Symmetric Inhomogeneous Universe with Variable Cosmological-Term $Lambda$
0708.0108 Geometric construction of metaplectic covers of $GL_{n}$ in characteristic zero
0708.0109 Principal values for Riesz transforms and rectifiability
0708.0110 Metropolis simulations of the manipulation of DNA strands in solution
0708.0111 Fluctuating semiflexible polymer ribbon constrained to a ring
0708.0112 Suppressing noise-induced intensity pulsations in semiconductor lasers by means of time-delayed feedback
0708.0113 Constraints on Dissipative Non-Equilibrium Dark Energy Models from Recent Supernova Data
0708.0114 Shintani Cocycles on $GL_{n}$
0708.0115 Nuclear matrix elements of neutrinoless double beta decay with improved short-range correlations
0708.0116 Fast computation of the Gauss hypergeometric function with all its parameters complex with application to the Poschl-Teller-Ginocchio potential wave functions
0708.0117 Resistance noise in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O$_{8+delta}$
0708.0118 Interacting holographic generalized Chaplygin gas model
0708.0119 Sum rules for B-->pi eta(’), K eta(’), eta(’) eta(’) decays
0708.0120 A case study of the Hirsch index for 26 non-prominent physicists
0708.0121 Discussion of ``2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization’’ by V. Koltchinskii
0708.0122 Cosmological Constraints on Radion Evolution in the Universal Extra Dimension Model
0708.0123 SuperAGILE: the hard X-ray Imager for the AGILE space mission
0708.0124 Discussion of ``2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization’’ by V. Koltchinskii
0708.0125 Solutions to the nonlinear Schroedinger equation carrying momentum along a curve. Part I: study of the limit set and approximate solutions
0708.0126 Monte Carlo simulations of the L10 long-range order relaxation in dimensionally reduced systems
0708.0127 Accuracy control in ultra-large-scale electronic structure calculation
0708.0128 The alternating marked point process of h-slopes of the drifted Brownian motion
0708.0129 Low temperature specific heat of La_{3}Pd_{4}Ge_{4} with U_{3}Ni_{4}Si_{4}-type structure
0708.0130 Lowest Weights in Cohomology of Variations of Hodge Structure
0708.0131 On the Density Dependent Nuclear Matter Compressibility
0708.0132 Discussion of ``2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization’’ by V. Koltchinskii
0708.0133 The clumpy structure of the chemically active L1157 outflow
0708.0134 LHC Physics and Cosmology
0708.0135 Rejoinder: 2004 IMS Medallion Lecture: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization
0708.0136 Harmonic morphisms from solvable Lie groups
0708.0137 Viscosity in the excluded volume hadron gas model
0708.0138 Self-similar branching Markov chains
0708.0139 Suppressed Decays of D_s^+ Mesons to Two Pseudoscalar Mesons
0708.0140 Optical and Near-Infrared Observations of the Highly Reddened, Rapidly Expanding Type Ia Supernova 2006X in M100
0708.0141 Using ultra-short pulses to determine particle size and density distributions
0708.0142 The 4th Concept Detector for the International Linear Collider
0708.0143 Nonparametric quasi-maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian locally stationary processes
0708.0144 Magnetic Field Structure in the Parsec Scale Jet of 3C273 from Multifrequency VLBA Observations
0708.0145 Programmable Quantum State Transfer
0708.0146 A Side of Mercury Not Seen By Mariner 10
0708.0147 Control of unstable steady states by extended time-delayed feedback
0708.0148 Modelling the behaviour of accretion flows in X-ray binaries
0708.0149 Modeling the spectral energy distribution of ULIRGs I: the radio spectra
0708.0150 Range-based attacks on links in random scale-free networks
0708.0151 Nonisomorphic Verdier octahedra on the same base
0708.0152 Non-standard neutrino interactions in reactor and superbeam experiments
0708.0153 The entropy of randomized network ensembles
0708.0154 Upper limit on the transition temperature for non-ideal Bose gases
0708.0155 Is D_s(2700) a charmed tetraquark state ?
0708.0156 Nucleosome Chiral Transition under Positive Torsional Stress in Single Chromatin Fibers
0708.0157 Matrix Factorizations, D-Branes and their Deformations
0708.0158 A Compton Thick AGN Powering the Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxy IRAS 00182--7112
0708.0159 Possible Way to Synthesize Superheavy Element Z=117
0708.0160 Colliding neutrino beams
0708.0161 Entanglement entropy in quantum spin chains with finite range interaction
0708.0162 Implication of the proton electric FF space-like behavior puzzle in various physical phenomena
0708.0163 How to Calculate Correctly the Bag Constant from First Principles in the Quantum Yang-Mills Theory
0708.0164 Biologically Inspired Nanomaterials: A Conference Report
0708.0165 Robust estimates in generalized partially linear models
0708.0166 Common origin of heta_{13} and Delta m^2_{12} in a model of neutrino mass with quaternion symmetry
0708.0167 On the limiting distributions of multivariate depth-based rank sum statistics and related tests
0708.0168 Topological Free Entropy Dimension in Unital C$^*$ algebras (II) : Orthogonal Sum of Unital C$^*$-algebras
0708.0169 Data-driven goodness-of-fit tests
0708.0170 On the radar method in general-relativistic spacetimes
0708.0171 Virtual screening with support vector machines and structure kernels
0708.0172 Zero-Mode Contribution in Nucleon-Delta Transition
0708.0173 K-minus Estimator Approach to Large Scale Structure
0708.0174 Miscoscopic derivation of the viscosity in quantum liquid
0708.0175 Convergence rates for Bayesian density estimation of infinite-dimensional exponential families
0708.0176 Extreme statistics of complex random and quantum chaotic states
0708.0177 Asymptotically minimax Bayes predictive densities
0708.0178 Theoretical gravitational lensing. Beyond the weak-field small-angle approximation
0708.0179 Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of Mg6Cu16Si7-type M6Ni16Si7, for M = Mg, Sc, Ti, Nb, and Ta
0708.0180 A Factorization Law for Entanglement Decay
0708.0181 Post-ischaemic treatment with the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor nimesulide reduces blood-brain barrier disruption and leukocyte infiltration following transient focal cerebral ischaemia in rats
0708.0182 Search for b--> u transitions in B- -> [K+pi-pi0]_D K-
0708.0183 First-principles thermal equation of state and thermoelasticity for hcp Fe under high pressures
0708.0184 Non-stationary quantum walks on the cycle
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