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26 January 2025

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1012.6045 Unitary and Non-Unitary Matrices as a Source of Different Bases of Operators Acting on Hilbert Spaces
1101.0307 (A Few) Recent Developments in Hadron Spectroscopy
1101.0308 Spin Squeezing and Quantum Correlations
1101.0309 Concrete Sentence Spaces for Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning
1101.0310 An inverse scattering problem for the Klein-Gordon equation with a classical source in quantum field theory
1101.0311 Yet Another Riemann Hypothesis
1101.0312 An Electronic Measurement of the Boltzmann Constant
1101.0313 Geometric Poincar’e Lemma
1101.0314 Generalized quantization condition in topological insulator
1101.0315 Ideas of Physical Forces and Differential Calculus in Ancient India
1101.0316 Bistatic SAR ATR
1101.0317 Generation of SAR Image for Real-life Objects using General Purpose EM Simulators
1101.0318 Fast and Modular Analog Rank Order Filter Using CMOS Technology
1101.0319 High-frequency behavior of w-mode pulsations of compact stars
1101.0320 From bulk invariants to edge modes via the entanglement spectrum
1101.0321 Rigidity of Commutative Non-hyperbolic Actions by Toral Automorphisms
1101.0322 Planets from the HATNet project
1101.0323 Topological Self-joinings of Cartan Actions by Toral Automorphisms
1101.0324 Lattice relaxation of dimer islands on Ge(001) during homoepitaxy by pulsed laser deposition
1101.0325 Non-Minimal Sneutrino Inflation, Peccei-Quinn Phase Transition and non-Thermal Leptogenesis
1101.0326 Trajectoire d’un satellite artificiel en chute autour de la terre
1101.0327 On the Performance of Selection Cooperation with Imperfect Channel Estimation
1101.0328 Irreversible Behaviour and Collapse of Wave Packets in a Quantum System with Point Interactions
1101.0329 An analytic approach to perturbations from an initially anisotropic universe
1101.0330 About the London penetration depth
1101.0331 Harmonic Analysis on chord arc domains
1101.0332 On the speed of convergence to stationarity via spectral gap: queueing networks with breakdowns and repairs
1101.0333 Strong Stationary Duality for M"obius Monotone Markov Chains: Unreliable Networks
1101.0334 Explicit formulas for some generalized Ramsey numbers
1101.0335 Fermionic quantum dimer and fully-packed loop models on the square lattice
1101.0336 Bulk matter fields on two-field thick branes
1101.0337 Electron Spin Precession for the Time Fractional Pauli Equation
1101.0338 Essential commutation of composition and integral-type operators
1101.0339 Lattice Sequential Decoder for Coded MIMO Channel: Performance and Complexity Analysis
1101.0340 A Round-Robin Tournament of the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma with Complete Memory-Size-Three Strategies
1101.0341 Effects of noise on synchronization phenomena exhibited by mean-field coupled limit cycle oscillators with two natural frequencies
1101.0342 Analytical Approach to Noise Effects on Synchronization in a System of Coupled Excitable Elements
1101.0343 Signature effects of spin clustering and distribution of spin couplings on magnetization behaviour in Ni-Fe-Mo and Ni-Fe-W alloys
1101.0344 Gametocytes infectiousness to mosquitoes: variable selection using random forests, and zero inflated models
1101.0345 Diffusion of Confidential Information on Networks
1101.0346 Stochastic phenomena of synchronization in ensembles of mean-field coupled limit cycle oscillators with two native frequencies
1101.0347 Observation of Kink Instability as Driver of Recurrent Flares in AR 10960
1101.0348 Anti-bacterial Studies of Silver Nanoparticles
1101.0349 Search for CP violation in tau -> K^0_S pi nu_tau decays at Belle
1101.0350 Graffiti Networks: A Subversive, Internet-Scale File Sharing Model
1101.0351 A physical interpretation for the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian
1101.0352 Equivariant Chow cohomology of nonsimplicial toric varieties
1101.0353 Euler characteristic of coherent sheaves on simplicial torics via the Stanley-Reisner ring
1101.0354 Quantum nondemolition measurements of a flux qubit coupled to a noisy detector
1101.0355 Second-order corrections to the non-commutative Klein-Gordon equation with a Coulomb potential
1101.0356 Hyperplane Arrangements: Computations and Conjectures
1101.0357 Data Intensive High Energy Physics Analysis in a Distributed Cloud
1101.0358 Highly coherent kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations from a neutron star X-ray binary
1101.0359 NLO corrections to WWZ and ZZZ production at the ILC
1101.0360 Resonant tunneling controlled by laser and constant electric fields
1101.0361 Current-voltage characteristics of tunnel Josephson junctions with a ferromagnetic interlayer
1101.0362 An Adaptive Quantum-inspired Differential Evolution Algorithm for 0-1 Knapsack Problem
1101.0363 The two dimensional Hubbard model:a theoretical tool for molecular electronics
1101.0364 The Kinetics Of Nonequilibrium Universe. I. The Condition Of Local Thermodynamical Equilibrium
1101.0365 A Two-Singlet Model for Light Cold Dark Matter
1101.0366 A Kinetics Of The Non-Equilibrium Universe. II. A Kinetics Of The Local Thermodynamical Equilibrium’s Recovery
1101.0367 Observables in the General Boundary Formulation
1101.0368 A Kinetics of non-equilibrium Universe. III. Stability of non-equilibrium scenario
1101.0369 Revisiting the abundance gradient in the maser host galaxy NGC 4258
1101.0370 Fluid and Magnetofluid Modeling of Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection
1101.0371 Ergodic and non-ergodic clustering of inertial particles
1101.0372 The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Array: Constraining a new pressure profile for fitting SZE observations of galaxy clusters
1101.0373 Note on basic features of large time behaviour of heat kernels
1101.0374 Gravimagnetic shock waves in the anisotropic plasma
1101.0375 Diffusion model of evolution of superthermal high-energy particles under scaling in the early Universe
1101.0376 Dynamic Coverage of Mobile Sensor Networks
1101.0377 Circadian pattern and burstiness in human communication activity
1101.0378 Universality and scaling limit of weakly-bound tetramers
1101.0379 New Formulae representing magnetic Berezin transforms as functions of the Laplacian on Cn
1101.0380 Critical behavior and correlations on scale-free small-world networks. Application to network design
1101.0381 No evidences against preformed pairs: from double gap mechanism
1101.0382 Reduction in Solving Some Integer Least Squares Problems
1101.0383 Topological Aspects of Differential Chains
1101.0384 Combining Neural Networks for Skin Detection
1101.0385 Generalizations of the Cauchy Integral Theorems
1101.0386 Gravitational Collapse in Generalized Vaidya Space-Time for Lovelock Gravity Theory
1101.0387 MCMC Using Ensembles of States for Problems with Fast and Slow Variables such as Gaussian Process Regression
1101.0388 Demystifying a divisibility property of the Kostant partition function
1101.0389 Cosmological Big Bounce Transition
1101.0390 On hypothesis testing, trials factor, hypertests and the BumpHunter
1101.0391 Bayesian inference for a class of latent Markov models for categorical longitudinal data
1101.0392 Temeprature-dependent Seeger’s liquid drop energy for nuclei up to Z=118
1101.0393 The Golden Ratio Prediction for the Solar Angle from a Natural Model with A5 Flavour Symmetry
1101.0394 A Classical Cepheid in a LMC eclipsing binary: evidence of shortcomings in current stellar evolutionary models?
1101.0395 Improving the Performance of K-Means for Color Quantization
1101.0396 Cosmic ray driven dynamo in barred and ringed galaxies
1101.0397 Non-equilibrium Quantum Many-Body Dynamics: Functional Integral Approaches
1101.0398 The contribution by Domenico Pacini to the Cosmic Ray Physics
1101.0399 Power-law tails in triple system decay statistics
1101.0400 Self-Duality of Green-Schwarz Sigma-Models
1101.0401 Decomposition of compact exceptional Lie groups into their maximal tori
1101.0402 Topological Charge in Two Flavors QCD with Optimal Domain-Wall Fermion
1101.0403 Impossibility of Succinct Quantum Proofs for Collision-Freeness
1101.0404 Nuclear spin quantum computing with trapped ions
1101.0405 Lattice QCD with Optimal Domain-Wall Fermion: Light Meson Spectroscopy
1101.0406 An Evolution Model of Complex Systems with Simultaneous Cooperation and Competition
1101.0407 Interconnecting bilayer networks
1101.0408 Initial value problem for cohomogeneity one gradient Ricci solitons
1101.0409 Experimental determination of correlations between spontaneously formed vortices in a superconductor
1101.0410 Equivalence Classes of Full-Dimensional 0/1-Polytopes with Many Vertices
1101.0411 How does a synthetic non-Abelian gauge field influence the bound states of two spin-$half$ fermions?
1101.0412 Rare Z-decay into light pseudoscalar bosons in the simplest little Higgs model
1101.0413 Unitary Quantum Error Correction without Error Detection
1101.0414 The Long-term Variability of the X-ray Sources in M82
1101.0415 Collective response of self-organised clusters of mechanosensitive channels
1101.0416 Quivers of monoids with basic algebras
1101.0417 Large deviations of empirical measures of zeros on Riemann surfaces
1101.0418 Removable Sets for H"older Continuous p(x)-Harmonic Functions
1101.0419 AdS/CFT and the dynamics of quark-gluon plasma
1101.0420 Hecke algebras, finite general linear groups, and Heisenberg categorification
1101.0421 Quasi one-dimensional transport in single GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires
1101.0422 A definition for second-order freeness in the real case and the asymptotic real second-order freeness of several real matrix ensembles
1101.0423 GPU-Based Conjugate Gradient Solver for Lattice QCD with Domain-Wall Fermions
1101.0424 Two-dimensional Id’eles with Cycle Module Coefficients
1101.0425 Hydrodynamic evolution and jet energy loss in Cu+Cu collisions
1101.0426 Mathematics Turned Inside Out: The Intensive Faculty Versus the Extensive Faculty
1101.0427 The Identity Crisis. Security, Privacy and Usability Issues in Identity Management
1101.0428 The Local Optimality of Reinforcement Learning by Value Gradients, and its Relationship to Policy Gradient Learning
1101.0429 Non-equilibrium thermodynamics.III. Thermodynamic Principles, Entropy Continuity during Component Confinement, Energy Gap and the Residual Entropy
1101.0430 Critical Behavior of Mutual Information
1101.0431 Non-equilibrium thermodynamics. IV: Generalization of Maxwell, Claussius-Clapeyron and Response Functions Relations, and the Prigogine-Defay Ratio for Systems in Internal Equilibrium
1101.0432 Probing the impact of stellar duplicity on the frequency of giant planets: final results of our VLT/NACO survey
1101.0433 The moduli space of sheaves and the generalization of MacMahon’s formula
1101.0434 Sparse recovery with unknown variance: a LASSO-type approach
1101.0435 Hom-dendriform algebras and Rota-Baxter Hom-algebras
1101.0436 Interference under Tunnel Barrier and Esaki-Zener-type I-V Characteristic in Bilayer Graphene p-n Junctions
1101.0437 Circle-valued Morse theory for complex hyperplane arrangements
1101.0438 Non-equilibrium thermodynamics. II: Application to inhomogeneous systems
1101.0439 Molecular zero-range potential method and its application to cyclic structures
1101.0440 Geometric distance-regular graphs without 4-claws
1101.0441 Certain Unitary Langlands-Vogan Parameters for Special Orthogonal Groups I
1101.0442 Determination of critical current density from arbitrary flux relaxation process
1101.0443 A Physical Approach to Polya’s Conjecture
1101.0444 Spaces of sections of Banach algebra bundles
1101.0445 Some exact joint laws associated with spectrally negative Levy processes and applications to insurance risk theory
1101.0446 Alternative approach to the optimality of the threshold strategy for spectrally negative Levy processes
1101.0447 On optimality of the barrier strategy for a general Levy risk process
1101.0448 Two-component spin uncertainty relations and multipartite entanglement criteria
1101.0449 Convexity of ruin probability and optimal dividend strategies for a general Levy process
1101.0450 Cosmological properties of a generic (cal R)^2-supergravity
1101.0451 Quantum dynamics of a four-well Bose-Hubbard model with two different tunneling rates
1101.0452 On the Affine Homogeneity of Algebraic Hypersurfaces Arising from Gorenstein Algebras
1101.0453 Sigmac Dbar and Lamdac Dbar states in a chiral quark model
1101.0454 Conformal flatness, non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein and the Quaternions
1101.0455 Compressible Turbulence: The Cascade and its Locality
1101.0456 On the center of mass in general relativity
1101.0457 Segmentation of Camera Captured Business Card Images for Mobile Devices
1101.0458 Asymptotically flat gravitating spinor field solutions. Step 2 - the compatibility of Dirac equations in a curve and a flat spaces
1101.0459 Tenth-Order QED contribution to Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment - Fourth-Order Vertices Containing Sixth-Order Vacuum-Polarization Subdiagrams
1101.0460 Steady gradient soliton with curvature in L^1
1101.0461 Distributive Network Utility Maximization (NUM) over Time-Varying Fading Channels
1101.0462 Superconductivity at 32K and anisotropy in Tl0.58Rb0.42Fe1.72Se2 crystals
1101.0463 Radial velocity follow-up of CoRoT transiting exoplanets
1101.0464 The Aluffi Algebra
1101.0465 Three-body interactions on a triangular lattice
1101.0466 The Farrell-Hsiang method revisited
1101.0467 Hydrodynamical models of Type II-Plateau Supernovae
1101.0468 Many-body Correlation Effect on Mesoscopic Charge Relaxation
1101.0469 The Farrell-Jones Conjecture for cocompact lattices in virtually connected Lie groups
1101.0470 B o K(*)l+l- from B-factories and Tevatron
1101.0471 Heun Functions and their uses in Physics
1101.0472 Support varieties of $(frak g, frak k)$-modules of finite type
1101.0473 Fermionic T-duality and Morita Equivalence
1101.0474 Analysis of the radiative decays among the charmonium states
1101.0475 Boundary effects in the gradient theory of phase transitions
1101.0476 The Gravitational Lensing Effect on the CMB Polarisation Anisotropy in the Lambda-LTB Model
1101.0477 Detection of convex combination of entangled states
1101.0478 Almost Everywhere Convergence of the inverse Jacobi Transform and Endpoint Results for a Disc Multiplier
1101.0479 The building blocks of magnonics
1101.0480 One-dimensional general forest fire processes
1101.0481 The Discussion about the Spin States, the Helicity States and the Chirality States
1101.0482 Dynamical Phenomena in an Optical-Wavelength Phonon Laser (Phaser): Nonlinear Resonances and Self-Organized Mode Alternation
1101.0483 Quantum information entropies of ultra-cold atomic gases in a harmonic trap
1101.0484 Mechanical model of the ultra-fast underwater trap of Utricularia
1101.0485 Derivations of the Cheng-Kac Jordan superalgebras
1101.0486 Shrinking targets in fast mixing flows and the geodesic flow on negatively curved manifolds
1101.0487 Observation of a first order phase transition in fluid iron at pressures of 3 to 5 GPa
1101.0488 Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on extrinsic J/psi production at sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76 TeV at the LHC
1101.0489 Lie Algebras with Prescribed sl3 Decomposition
1101.0490 A new model of correlated disorder in relaxor ferroelectrics
1101.0491 Quantization of general linear electrodynamics
1101.0492 Archimedes’ calculations of square roots
1101.0493 Monodromy of A-hypergeometric functions
1101.0494 Effect of size reduction on the ferromagnetism of the manganite La1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.33)
1101.0495 Irreducible holonomy algebras of odd Riemannian supermanifolds
1101.0496 Convexity of solutions and Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for Hessian equations in $R^3$
1101.0497 Resonant scattering of matter wave gap-solitons by optical lattice defects
1101.0498 Vacuum structure and chiral symmetry breaking in strong magnetic fields for hot and dense quark matter
1101.0499 Quasiequilibrium Mixture of Itinerant and Localized Bose Atoms in Optical Lattice
1101.0500 Domain Growth in Chiral Phase Transitions
1101.0501 Localization and delocalization of two-dimensional discrete solitons pinned to linear and nonlinear defects
1101.0502 Structure of wave operators in R^3
1101.0503 On the Quantum Structure
1101.0504 Phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model on a checkerboard superlattice
1101.0505 Chaotic instantons and enhancement of tunneling in double-well system with polychromatic perturbation
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