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1110.0041 Semiclassical lukewarm black holes
1110.0042 The Boltzmann equation near a rotational local Maxwellian
1110.0043 Bayes Multiple Decision Functions
1110.0044 Recent BaBar Studies of Bottomonium States
1110.0045 Indirect electron doping in BaFe2As2 using metastable cation doped epitaxial films
1110.0046 Local well-posedness of the KdV equation with almost periodic initial data
1110.0047 An Occultation Event in Centaurus A and the Clumpy Torus Model
1110.0048 Status of the Upsilon Polarization Measurement at CDF
1110.0049 Quasi-compactons in inverted nonlinear photonic crystals
1110.0050 Investigating the Effectiveness of the Tutorials in Introductory Physics in Multiple Instructional Settings
1110.0051 On the polarization of nonlinear gravitational waves
1110.0052 Pairing mechanism in Fe-based superconductors
1110.0053 Global Existence of Weak Solution to Navier-Stokes Equations with Large External Potential Force and General Pressure
1110.0054 Nonexistence of Self-Similar Singularities in the Ideal Viscoelastic Flow
1110.0055 Novae and accreting white dwarfs as progenitors of Type Ia supernovae
1110.0056 Why Supersoft X-ray Fluxes are So Weak in Early-type Galaxies? -- A Clue to Type Ia SN Progenitors --
1110.0057 Multipartite electronic entanglement purification with charge detection
1110.0058 A Lanczos Method for Approximating Composite Functions
1110.0060 First Results from Pan-STARRS1: Faint, High Proper Motion White Dwarfs in the Medium-Deep Fields
1110.0061 Learning image transformations without training examples
1110.0062 Identification of Demand through Statistical Distribution Modeling for Improved Demand Forecasting
1110.0063 Violation of the holographic bulk viscosity bound
1110.0064 Thermodynamics of Third Order Lovelock-Born-Infeld Black Holes
1110.0065 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Vacuum Energy in Cosmology
1110.0066 B Physics at the TeVatron
1110.0067 Imaging of the Coulomb driven quantum Hall edge states
1110.0068 A genus 2 family with 226 sections
1110.0069 Are dynamical quantum jumps observer-dependent?
1110.0070 Enhance accuracy in Software cost and schedule estimation by using "Uncertainty Analysis and Assessment" in the system modeling process
1110.0071 Long-range and frustrated spin-spin interactions in crystals of cold polar molecules
1110.0072 Time-dependent pointer states of the generalized spin-boson model and consequences regarding the decoherence of the central system
1110.0073 Hamming Compressed Sensing
1110.0074 Two-component Coulomb Glass in Disordered Superconducting Films
1110.0075 Hydrogen bond relaxation dynamics of frozen H2O under compression
1110.0076 Measurements of the Top Anti-Top Cross Section and the Top Quark Mass in the Hadronic tau + Jets Decay Channel at CDF
1110.0077 Microwave-Enhanced hopping-conductivity; a non-Ohmic Effect
1110.0078 The distribution of the maximum of character sums
1110.0080 Ziggurats and rotation numbers
1110.0081 Photon Trajectory in the Human Cornea
1110.0082 On rectifiable spaces and paratopological groups
1110.0083 A full parametrization of the 6 X 6 flavor mixing matrix in the presence of three light or heavy sterile neutrinos
1110.0084 Wireless Bidirectional Relaying and Latin Squares
1110.0085 Higgs search and flavor-safe fermion mass generation
1110.0086 Observational studies of mass loss from AGB stars
1110.0087 KATRIN: an experiment to determine the neutrino mass
1110.0088 On the Minimum Time Function Around the Origin
1110.0089 Achieving Fast Reconnection in Resistive MHD Models via Turbulent Means
1110.0090 Universal variance bounds for the Pearson family
1110.0091 A Banach algebraic Approach to the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem
1110.0092 Differential-thermal analysis around and below the critical temperature Tc of various low-Tc superconductors: A comparative study
1110.0093 Nature of the antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition on the honeycomb lattice
1110.0094 Colliding plane wave solution in F(R)=R^{N} gravity
1110.0095 On Subvarieties of Abelian Varieties with degenerate Gauss mapping
1110.0096 Low-energy limit of QCD at finite temperature
1110.0097 Supersymmetric oscillator as a model for the Hodge theory
1110.0098 Exact quasiclassical asymptotics beyond Maslov canonical operator
1110.0099 Two-part set systems
1110.0102 The Diamond SQUID
1110.0103 After LUX: The LZ Program
1110.0104 Moduli Stacks of Bundles on Local Surfaces
1110.0106 Geometry and Arithmetic of Maschke’s Calabi-Yau Threefold
1110.0107 Learning to relate images: Mapping units, complex cells and simultaneous eigenspaces
1110.0108 Fast approach to the Tracy-Widom law at the edge of GOE and GUE
1110.0109 Relativistic Two-Body Coulomb-Breit Hamiltonian in an External Weak Gravitational Field
1110.0110 $epsilon$-Strong Simulation of the Brownian Path
1110.0111 p-Adic Heisenberg Cantor sets, 2
1110.0112 NOvA: Present and Future
1110.0113 Electrical measurement of antivortex wall eigenfrequency
1110.0114 Spin-orbital phase synchronization in the magnetic field-driven electron dynamics in a double quantum dot
1110.0115 Propagation of sound on line vortices is superfluids: role of ergoregions
1110.0116 Phase diagram of the strongly correlated Kane-Mele-Hubbard model
1110.0117 Investigating the properties of granulation in the red giants observed by Kepler
1110.0118 Competing Interactions and Magnetic Frustration in Yb4LiGe4
1110.0119 On the Variance of the Index for the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble
1110.0120 Computations for Coxeter arrangements and Solomon’s descent algebra: Groups of rank three and four
1110.0121 Particle-yield modification in jet-like azimuthal di-hadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV
1110.0122 Polynomially bounded cohomology and discrete groups
1110.0123 Effects of the anomalous density in two-dimensional homogeneous Bose gases
1110.0124 On Broadcast Channels with Side-Information
1110.0125 A Mutual Chern-Simons Superconductor
1110.0126 Discovery of a new Wolf-Rayet star using SAGE-LMC
1110.0127 Filtrations of simplicial functors and the Novikov Conjecture
1110.0128 Velocity and Heat Flow in a Composite Two Fluid System
1110.0129 CSI-aided MAC with Multiuser Diversity for Cognitive Radio Networks
1110.0130 A Life Expectancy Study based on the Deterioration Function and an Application to Halley’s Breslau Data
1110.0131 Determining the Drift Time of Charge Carriers in P-Type Point-Contact HPGe Detectors
1110.0132 Limiting velocities as running parameters and superluminal neutrinos
1110.0133 Cosmic Ray in the Northern Hemisphere: Results from the Telescope Array Experiment
1110.0134 AKSZ construction of topological open p-brane action and Nambu brackets
1110.0135 Seismic analysis of four solar-like stars observed during more than eight months by Kepler
1110.0136 The Ghost of Stochastic Resonance: An Introductory Review
1110.0137 Investigating stellar activity with CoRoT data and complementary ground-based observations
1110.0138 Evolution of normal and superconducting properties of single crystals of Na$_{1-delta}$FeAs upon interaction with environment
1110.0139 Behavior of bivariate interpolation operators at points of discontinuity of the first kind
1110.0140 Extracting waves and vortices from Lagrangian trajectories
1110.0141 On the fields generated by the lengths of closed geodesics in locally symmetric spaces
1110.0142 Exact Thermodynamics of a Polymer Confined to a Lattice of Finite Size
1110.0143 Evidence for WZ/WW->l nu + Heavy Flavors Vector Boson Production in 7.5 fb^-1 of CDF Data
1110.0144 New methods of particle collimation in colliders
1110.0145 Scalar Quantum Field Theory on Fractals
1110.0146 Reputation- and Trust-Based Systems for Wireless Self-organizing Networks
1110.0147 Cross-Layer Protocols for Multimedia Communications over Wireless Networks
1110.0148 CMS Computing: Performance and Outlook
1110.0149 Ultrafast Internal Conversion in Ethylene. II. Mechanisms and Pathways for Quenching and Hydrogen Elimination
1110.0150 Secure and Privacy- Aware Searching in Peer-to-Peer Networks
1110.0151 Explict isomorphisms between differential K-theories
1110.0152 W and Z Boson Cross Section and W Asymmetry at CMS
1110.0154 Search For A Permanent Electric Dipole Moment Using Atomic Indium
1110.0155 Anisotropic distribution of nucleon participating in elliptical flow
1110.0156 Assesment of multifragmentation under the effect of symmetry energy and cross-section
1110.0157 Entanglement, the quantum formalism and the classical world
1110.0158 Isospectral graphs with identical nodal counts
1110.0159 Hedging strategies with a put option and their failure rates
1110.0160 A pattern theorem for random sorting networks
1110.0161 Four-manifolds admitting hyperelliptic broken Lefschetz fibrations
1110.0162 On computation of the characteristic polynomials of the discriminantal arrangements and the arrangements generated by generic points
1110.0163 Cosmic Rays during BBN as Origin of Lithium Problem
1110.0164 Homotopy Obstructions to Rational Points
1110.0165 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: From The Four Basic Operations
1110.0166 On the Condition Number of the Total Least Squares Problem
1110.0167 On exponential decay rate of semigroup associated with second order linear differential equation in Hilbert space with strong damping operator
1110.0168 Construction and sharp consistency estimates for atomistic/continuum coupling methods with general interfaces: a 2D model problem
1110.0169 Robust artificial neural networks and outlier detection. Technical report
1110.0170 Dramatic impact of pumping mechanism on photon entanglement in microcavity
1110.0171 Realising higher cluster categories of Dynkin type as stable module categories
1110.0174 Group Actions on Real Cubings and Limit Groups over Partially Commutative Groups
1110.0175 Metastable magnetic domain wall dynamics
1110.0176 Universal behavior of extreme value statistics for selected observables of dynamical systems
1110.0177 A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Implementation of a Classical Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
1110.0178 Properties of Carry Value Transformation
1110.0179 Nonlinear maximum principles for dissipative linear nonlocal operators and applications
1110.0180 An efficient algorithm to find a set of nearest elements in a mesh
1110.0181 Forward Energy Flow, Central Charged-Particle Multiplicities, and Pseudorapidity Gaps in W and Z Boson Events from pp Collisions at 7 TeV
1110.0183 Probing the CR positron/electron ratio at few hundreds GeV through Moon shadow observation with the MAGIC telescopes
1110.0184 Obstructions to the deformations of curves to other hypersurfaces
1110.0186 Counting regular coverings of Seifert fibered manifolds
1110.0187 Parameterized complexity in multiple-interval graphs: domination, partition, separation, irredundancy
1110.0188 Active Polymers Confer Fast Reorganization Kinetics
1110.0189 Eulerian pairs on Fibonacci words
1110.0190 A simple proposal for a physiological-optical solution to the accommodation-vergence mismatch problem of the 3D displays
1110.0192 Photoproduction of mesons off nuclei
1110.0193 Spatial distribution of electrons on a superfluid helium charge-coupled device
1110.0194 Rate-Dependent Analysis of the Asymptotic Behavior of Channel Polarization
1110.0195 Subaru Studies of the Cosmic Dawn
1110.0196 Self-Adjusting Networks to Minimize Expected Path Length
1110.0197 Energy Requirement of Control: Comments on Maxwell’s Demon and Szilard’s Engine
1110.0198 Specific viscosity of neutron-rich nuclear matter from relaxation time approach
1110.0199 The Hua operators on homogeneous line bundle on Bounded Symmetric Domains of Tube Type
1110.0200 NP is not AL and P is not NC is not NL is not L
1110.0201 Classical and quantum mechanics of the nonrelativistic Snyder model in curved space
1110.0202 Dielectric properties of Granodiorite partially saturated with water and its correlation to the detection of seismic electric signals
1110.0203 Sur les Automorphismes de Groupes Libres et de Groupes de Surface
1110.0204 A note on Pr"ufer-like coding and counting forests of uniform hypertrees
1110.0205 Asymptotically Optimal Tests when Parameters are Estimated
1110.0206 Effects of a New Triple-{alpha} Reaction on the S-process in Massive Stars
1110.0207 Analysing complexity of XML Schemas in geospatial web services
1110.0208 All-sky Search for Periodic Gravitational Waves in the Full S5 LIGO Data
1110.0209 Dealing with large schema sets in mobile SOS-based applications
1110.0210 The Epsilon Expansion of Feynman Diagrams via Hypergeometric Functions and Differential Reduction
1110.0211 Measurement of energy flow at large pseudorapidities in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9 and 7 TeV
1110.0212 Many-Electron Effects on Optical Absorption Spectra of Strained Graphene
1110.0213 Rates of Jets Produced in Association with W and Z Bosons
1110.0214 Eclectic Extraction of Propositional Rules from Neural Networks
1110.0215 Completion Time in Broadcast Channel and Interference Channel
1110.0216 Weak convergence of stochastic integrals driven by continuous-time random walks
1110.0217 Reciprocal Properties of Pythagorean triangles
1110.0218 Multipartite nonlocality swapping
1110.0219 Bayesian Quantile Regression for Single-Index Models
1110.0220 Risk Premia and Optimal Liquidation of Defaultable Securities
1110.0221 Neutrino quasielastic interaction and nuclear dynamics at MiniBooNE energies
1110.0222 The DRIFT Dark Matter Experiments
1110.0223 Ultrafast Quantum Gates in Circuit QED
1110.0225 Green’s function asymptotics near the internal edges of spectra of periodic elliptic operators. Spectral edge case
1110.0226 Geometry of curves in parabolic homogeneous spaces
1110.0227 On the possible common nature of the ground state in cuprates and pnictides
1110.0228 Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type
1110.0229 Twisted modules for N=2 supersymmetric vertex operator superalgebras arising from finite automorphisms of the N=2 Neveu-Schwarz algebra
1110.0230 The Langlands-Kottwitz method and deformation spaces of $p$-divisible groups
1110.0231 {it Ab initio} $^{27}Al$ NMR chemical shifts and quadrupolar parameters for $Al_2O_3$ phases and their precursors
1110.0232 On the cohomology of compact unitary group Shimura varieties at ramified split places
1110.0233 Maximal selectivity for orders in fields
1110.0234 Superluminal neutrinos
1110.0235 The Stanford RNA Mapping Database for sharing and visualizing RNA structure mapping experiments
1110.0236 Observation of the BL Lac objects 1ES 1215+303 and 1ES 1218+304 with the MAGIC telescopes
1110.0237 Insights into vortex merger using the core growth model
1110.0238 Function expansion methods for solving autonomous nonlinear partial differential equations
1110.0240 De Sitter Symmetry and Quantum Theory
1110.0241 Superluminal Neutrinos at OPERA Confront Pion Decay Kinematics
1110.0242 On geometry of curves of flags of constant type
1110.0243 Using an Einstein’s idea to explain OPERA faster than light neutrinos
1110.0244 Analysis of Laser & Detector Placement in MIMO Multimode Optical Fiber Systems
1110.0245 OPERA neutrinos and superluminal helical motion
1110.0246 Computing $p$-adic $L$-functions of totally real number fields
1110.0247 Radiative transfer effects during primordial helium recombination
1110.0248 A Behavioral Distance for Fuzzy-Transition Systems
1110.0249 A non-hyponormal operator generating Stieltjes moment sequences
1110.0250 Structural and magnetic characterization of the complete delafossite solid solution (CuAlO2){1-x}(CuCrO2){x}
1110.0251 Three-state majority-vote model on square lattice
1110.0252 Universal Codes for the Gaussian MAC via Spatial Coupling
1110.0253 Conjectures and experiments concerning the moments of $L(1/2,chi_d)$
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