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Articles rated:
26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2011
12, 11.2011
. [
1111.0072 On Braneworld Inflation Models in Light of WMAP7 data
1111.0073 Diffusion and Contagion in Networks with Heterogeneous Agents and Homophily
1111.0074 Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in final states with $b$ quarks at the Tevatron
1111.0075 How Will Astronomy Archives Survive The Data Tsunami?
1111.0076 An exact solution to the Extended Hubbard Model in 2D for finite size system
1111.0077 Challenging the high-energy emission zone in FSRQs
1111.0078 Extinction of Fleming-Viot-type particle systems with strong drift
1111.0079 Dirichlet and Neumann problems for planar domains with parameter
1111.0080 Search for strong gravity signatures in same-sign dimuon final states using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
1111.0081 On the quasiconvex subgroups of the product of a free group and a free Abelian group
1111.0082 Statistical mechanics of fluids at a permeable wall
1111.0083 From Scattering Amplitudes to the Dilatation Generator in N=4 SYM
1111.0084 Lattice codes for the Gaussian relay channel: Decode-and-Forward and Compress-and-Forward
1111.0085 A Lambda Term Representation Inspired by Linear Ordered Logic
1111.0086 A Bigraph Relational Model
1111.0087 Multi-level Contextual Type Theory
1111.0088 Nominal Logic with Equations Only
1111.0089 Nominal Henkin Semantics: simply-typed lambda-calculus models in nominal sets
1111.0091 The Coset Spin-4 Casimir Operator and Its Three-Point Functions with Scalars
1111.0092 The Constancy of the Constants of Nature: Updates
1111.0093 Superluminal neutrinos from Lorentz-violating dimension-5 operators
1111.0094 Generalization of a few results in Integer Partitions
1111.0095 Weak Convergence of Spectral Shift Functions for One-Dimensional Schr"odinger Operators
1111.0096 An Abstract Approach to Weak Convergence of Spectral Shift Functions and Applications to Multi-Dimensional Schr"odinger Operators
1111.0097 Adaptive probabilistic neural coding from deterministic spiking neurons: analysis from first principles
1111.0098 High pressure transport properties of the topological insulator Bi2Se3
1111.0099 Baryons in the outskirts of the X-ray brightest galaxy cluster
1111.0100 X-ray Modeling of eta Carinae and WR140 from SPH Simulations
1111.0101 The Late Stages of Protoplanetary Disk Evolution: A Millimeter Survey of Upper Scorpius
1111.0102 Atomic parity violation in two-photon J=0-to-1 transitions
1111.0103 First Measurements of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections on Argon
1111.0105 Correlation energy of a homogeneous dipolar Fermi gas
1111.0107 Correlated multiplexity induces unusual connectivity in multiplex random networks
1111.0108 Convergence of mixing times for sequences of random walks on finite graphs
1111.0109 Unconditional security proof of a deterministic quantum key distribution with a two-way quantum channel
1111.0110 Parsec-Scale Behavior of Blazars during High Gamma-Ray States
1111.0111 Entropy and periodic orbits for equivalent smooth flows
1111.0112 Enhancement of shot noise due to the fluctuation of Coulomb interaction
1111.0113 Infinite Invariant Density Determines Statistics of Time Averages for Weak Chaos
1111.0114 Strange quarks and lattice QCD
1111.0116 Understanding hadronic $gamma$-ray emission from supernova remnants
1111.0117 Vanishing Thermal Mass in the Strongly Coupled QGP
1111.0118 A remark on the normal form method applied to the Dirac-Klein-Gordon system in two space dimensions
1111.0119 Trouble shooting for covariance fitting in highly correlated data
1111.0120 Darboux Integrals for Schr"odinger Planar Vector Fields via Darboux Transformations
1111.0121 Orbit Mode observation Technique Developed for VERITAS
1111.0122 The Determination of $sin^2 heta_W$ in Neutrino Scattering: no more anomaly
1111.0124 Chaotic and Predictable Representations for Multidimensional L’{e}vy Processes
1111.0125 Multi GPU Performance of Conjugate Gradient Solver with Staggered Fermions in Mixed Precision
1111.0127 Leptonic and Hadronic Models for the Extra Components in Fermi-LAT GRBs
1111.0128 Finite Volume Errors in $B_K$
1111.0129 Output Feedback Tracking Control for a Class of Uncertain Systems subject to Unmodeled Dynamics and Delay at Input
1111.0131 The group law on the tropical Hesse pencil
1111.0132 A Novel Method to Identify AGNs Based on Emission Line Excess and the Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: I - A Novel Method
1111.0134 Temperature dependance of the tunneling density of states in sub-micron planar metal / oxide / graphene junctions
1111.0135 Screening properties and phase transitions in unconventional plasmas for Ising-type quantum Hall states
1111.0136 Effective convergence bounds for Frobenius structures on connections
1111.0137 Electromagnetic priors for black hole spindown in searches for gravitational-waves from supernovae and long GRBs
1111.0138 Behavior of heat capacity of an attractive Bose-Einstein Condensate approaching collapse
1111.0139 Nucleation and evolution of false vacuum bubbles in scalar-tensor gravity
1111.0141 The XMM-BCS galaxy cluster survey: I. The X-ray selected cluster catalog from the initial 6 deg$^2$
1111.0142 Charm quark system on the physical point in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
1111.0143 Observation of the Perseus cluster of galaxies with the MAGIC telescopes
1111.0144 The near-critical planar FK-Ising model
1111.0146 Tilting Modules for the Symplectic Blob Algebra
1111.0147 Critical phenomena in Born-Infeld AdS black holes
1111.0148 Electronic transport in graphene-based structures: an effective cross section approach
1111.0150 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Weak Detonations
1111.0151 The Distribution of Mixing Times in Markov Chains
1111.0152 Markov chain properties in terms of column sums of the transition matrix
1111.0153 Gauge invariances of higher derivative field theories -- application of a new Hamiltonian approach
1111.0154 The vacuum induced Berry phase beyond rotating-wave approximation
1111.0155 The mode-coupling glass transition in a fluid confined by a periodic potential
1111.0156 A secure additive protocol for card players
1111.0157 The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey: The fastest rotating O-type star and shortest period LMC pulsar - remnants of a supernova disrupted binary?
1111.0158 Applying Fuzzy ID3 Decision Tree for Software Effort Estimation
1111.0159 Decoupled algorithm for transient viscoelastic flow modeling and description of elastic flow instability
1111.0160 New 20-CM Radio-Continuum Study of The Small Magellanic Cloud: Part II - Point Sources Catalogue
1111.0161 Chronology protection in stationary 3D spacetimes
1111.0162 The energy injection and losses in the Monte Carlo simulations of a diffusive shock
1111.0163 Rational Translates of Measures and Continued Fractions
1111.0164 Soliton equations and the Riemann-Schottky problem
1111.0165 Review of Heavy Quarkonium at weak coupling
1111.0166 Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): ugriz galaxy luminosity functions
1111.0167 Probabilist Set Inversion using free algebra based interval arithmetic framework
1111.0168 Time-dependent CP asymmetries in charm decays
1111.0169 First study of the abelian monopoles in finite temperature lattice SU(2) gluodynamics with improved action
1111.0171 Cosmological dynamics of fourth order gravity: A compact view
1111.0173 Assessment of correlation energies based on the random-phase approximation
1111.0174 A structural perspective on the dynamics of kinesin motors
1111.0175 Mechanical surface tension governs membrane thermal fluctuations
1111.0176 Flavour and Collider Interplay for SUSY at LHC7
1111.0177 Flux Tube Model Signals for Baryon Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions
1111.0178 Nonexistence of a non-trivial global weak solution for the nonlinear Schr"{0}dinger equation with a nongauge invariant power nonlinearity
1111.0179 Identification of Strongly Correlated Spin Liquid in Herbertsmithite
1111.0181 Revisiting the B { o} {pi} { ho}, {pi} {omega} Decays in the Perturbative QCD Approach Beyond the Leading Order
1111.0182 Effects of Anisotropy in (2+1)-dimensional QED
1111.0183 Latest oscillation results from T2K
1111.0185 Exploring phase diagram of $N_f=3$ QCD at $mu=0$ with HISQ fermions
1111.0186 Rapidly rotating plane layer convection with zonal flow
1111.0187 A three dimensional investigation of two dimensional orbits
1111.0188 Non-linear Compton scattering of ultrahigh-intensity laser pulses
1111.0189 Efficient Computation of Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions in Radio Astronomical Source Modeling
1111.0190 Poincar’{e} recurrence and topological entropy of spacing shifts
1111.0191 Absorption of Gamma-Ray Photons in a Vacuum Neutron Star Magnetosphere: I. Electron-Positron Pair Production
1111.0192 Absorption of Gamma-Ray Photons in a Vacuum Neutron Star Magnetosphere: II. The Formation of "Lightnings"
1111.0193 Two-dimensional phononic thermal conductance in thin membranes in the Casimir limit
1111.0194 Optimization of Convex Functions with Random Pursuit
1111.0195 Modeling disc non-axisymmetries: multiple patterns, radial migration, and thick disks
1111.0196 Stability of tangent bundle on the moduli space of stable bundles on a curve
1111.0197 Unified description of hadron-photon and hadron-meson scattering in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
1111.0198 On the perturbative generation of the higher-derivative Lorentz-breaking terms
1111.0199 Fermionic Casimir densities in a conical space with a circular boundary and magnetic flux
1111.0200 Entangled System of Squarks from the Third Generation at the Large Hadron Collider
1111.0201 The plasticity of TGF-beta signaling
1111.0202 Modulation of domain wall dynamics in TbFeCo single layer nanowire
1111.0203 Backaction of a driven nonlinear resonator on a superconducting qubit
1111.0204 The detection and treatment of distance errors in kinematic analyses of stars
1111.0205 Random attractors for singular stochastic partial differential equations
1111.0206 Calculation of the Structure Properties of Asymmetrical Nuclear Matter
1111.0208 Feshbach resonances and their interaction in light scattering off photonic crystal slabs
1111.0209 Disc outbursts in various types of binary systems
1111.0210 Finite Neutrosophic Complex Numbers
1111.0211 Schwinger term of neutron Hamiltonian measurable by polarization change in a spin-echo spectrometer
1111.0212 Magnetism, rotation and large-scale wind variability of O-type stars
1111.0214 Quantum vacuum radiation in optical glass
1111.0215 Microdroplet oscillations during optical pulling
1111.0216 The unusually large population of Blazhko variables in the globular cluster NGC 5024 (M53)
1111.0218 Electrostatic interaction of neutral semipermeable membranes
1111.0219 On Optimum Causal Cognitive Spectrum Reutilization Strategy
1111.0220 Status and Prospects of the DMTPC Directional Dark Matter Experiment
1111.0221 Adding particle collisions to the formation of asteroids and Kuiper belt objects via streaming instabilities
1111.0222 Gluon Fusion induced Zg and Zgg Productions in the Standard Model at the LHC
1111.0223 Observability of Dual AGN in Merging Galaxies
1111.0224 On a Generalization of Baer Theorem
1111.0225 The D to K and D to pi semileptonic decay form factors from Lattice QCD
1111.0226 Signatures of d-Wave Symmetry on Thermal Dirac Fermions in Graphene-Based F/I/d Junctions
1111.0227 Resonant control of polar molecules in an optical lattice
1111.0229 Diffusive instability of a Townsend discharge
1111.0230 On group actions with simple Lebesgue spectrum
1111.0231 Stability for the multi-dimensional Borg-Levinson theorem with partial spectral data
1111.0232 Geometric and thermodynamic properties in Gauss-Bonnet gravity
1111.0233 Gas turbine diagnostic system
1111.0235 New Methods for Handling Singular Sample Covariance Matrices
1111.0236 The F-Landscape: Dynamically Determining the Multiverse
1111.0237 Inflationary predictions in scalar-tensor DBI inflation
1111.0238 On the quark-mass dependence of the baryon ground-state masses
1111.0239 Projective dynamics on the dice lattice
1111.0240 A dimension formula for Gow’s modular representations of the symplectic group in the natural characteristic
1111.0241 Asymptotic expansion of the difference of two Mahler measures
1111.0243 Quantum energy decays and decoherence in discrete baths
1111.0244 The VERITAS Extragalactic Science Program
1111.0245 Generalized ordinary sums and $P$-partitions
1111.0247 Measurement of magnetic permeability of steel laminations of Booster gradient magnets
1111.0248 Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Finite Temperature QED
1111.0249 On realizing homology classes by maps of restricted complexity
1111.0250 On an iteration leading to a q-analogue of the Digamma function
1111.0251 Integrated liquid-core optical fibers --- ultra-efficient nonlinear liquid photonics
1111.0252 VERITAS Observation of M 87
1111.0253 Nearly Complete Graphs Decomposable into Large Induced Matchings and their Applications
1111.0254 Axial vector form factors in Ds to phi semileptonic decays from lattice QCD
1111.0255 Excited state contamination in nucleon structure calculations
1111.0256 Interquark potential for the charmonium system with almost physical quark masses
1111.0257 Lefschetz and Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formulas via noncommutative motives
1111.0258 The method of supersolutions for semilinear heat equations with unbounded initial data
1111.0260 Electrolytic Synthesis and Characterizations of Silver Nanopowder
1111.0261 Extended Lagrangian free energy molecular dynamics
1111.0262 Modern observations of Hubble’s first-discovered Cepheid in M31
1111.0263 Einstein Hair
1111.0264 Isoparametric hypersurfaces in Damek-Ricci spaces
1111.0265 Environment and properties of emitting electrons in blazar jets: Mrk 421 as a laboratory
1111.0266 Rugged free-energy landscapes in disordered spin systems
1111.0268 Topology on locally finite metric spaces
1111.0269 Limiting distribution of maximal crossing and nesting of Poissonized random matchings
1111.0270 Neutrino speed and temperature
1111.0271 Transfer and scattering of wave packets by a nonlinear trap
1111.0272 Multiparton interactions and multiparton distributions in QCD
1111.0273 The Minimal Dimensionless Standard Model (MDSM) and its Cosmology
1111.0274 Mathematics of Knowledge Refinement: Probabilistic Arithmetic, with no unknowns and no infinity. Part I. Generalized Probabilistic Arithmetic. Basic definitions and properties
1111.0276 Toward Higher Spin dS3/CFT2
1111.0277 Scattering for solutions of NLS in the exterior of a 2d star--shaped obstacle
1111.0278 Quasi-potentials and regularization of currents, and applications
1111.0279 Free Resolutions and Sparse Determinantal Ideals
1111.0280 Generating Functionals and Lagrangian PDEs
1111.0281 The Dual Potential, the involution kernel and Transport in Ergodic Optimization
1111.0282 Statistical model uncertainty and OPERA-like time-of-flight measurements
1111.0283 Panchromatic observations of the textbook GRB 110205A: constraining physical mechanisms of prompt emission and afterglow
1111.0288 Electronic band structure of ferro-pnictide superconductors from ARPES experiment
1111.0289 Detection of Outflowing and Extraplanar Gas in Disks in an Assembling Galaxy Cluster at z=0.37
1111.0290 Cosmological evolution of warm dark matter fluctuations I: Efficient computational framework with Volterra integral equations
1111.0291 Runaway massive stars from R136: VFTS 682 is very likely a "slow runaway"
1111.0292 Resolving astrophysical uncertainties in dark matter direct detection
1111.0293 On Symmetric and Asymmetric Light Dark Matter
1111.0294 Do all O stars form in star clusters?
1111.0295 Damping of tensor modes in inflation
1111.0296 Modeling Collisional Cascades In Debris Disks: Steep Dust-Size Distributions
1111.0298 Phase separation in low-density neutron matter
1111.0299 Identifying Non-Resonant Kepler Planetary Systems
1111.0300 Cosmological evolution of warm dark matter fluctuations II: Solution from small to large scales and keV sterile neutrinos
1111.0301 On ’Nothing’
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