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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2011
12, 12.2011
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1111.7319 A note on high-energy scattering of open superstrings
1112.0049 Popularity-Driven Networking
1112.0050 Parametrically excited water surface ripples as ensembles of oscillons
1112.0051 QCD measurements at the Tevatron
1112.0053 The first determination of the viscosity parameter in the circumstellar disk of a Be Star
1112.0054 Improving the User Query for the Boolean Model Using Genetic Algorithms
1112.0056 Anomalous Suppression of Valley Splittings in Lead Salt Nanocrystals without Inversion Center
1112.0058 A Polynomial Bound on the Regularity of an Ideal in Terms of Half of the Syzygies
1112.0059 Local Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor for Image Classification
1112.0060 Multiscale Oscillator Interactions in Large Networks of Networks
1112.0061 On the Entropy Region of Gaussian Random Variables
1112.0064 Numerical simulation of thermal properties in two-dimensional Yukawa systems
1112.0067 An Inventory of UTC Dependencies for IRAF
1112.0068 Cosmic Ray transport in MHD turbulence: large and small scale interactions
1112.0071 Robustly Stable Signal Recovery in Compressed Sensing with Structured Matrix Perturbation
1112.0072 Numerical calculation of Bessel, Hankel and Airy functions
1112.0073 Folding a protein with equal probability of being helix or hairpin
1112.0074 Kottwitz’s nearby cycles conjecture for a class of unitary Shimura varieties
1112.0076 Bandit Market Makers
1112.0077 Immunization for complex network based on the effective degree of vertex
1112.0078 The Grushin plane and quasiconformal Jacobians
1112.0079 Scalar Casimir Energies of Tetrahedra
1112.0080 Performance data from the ZEPLIN-III second science run
1112.0082 The companion properties of SNe Ia from the single degenerate model
1112.0083 A Note on Temperature and Voltage Probes Far from Equilibrium
1112.0084 Imprints of Cosmic Phase Transition in Inflationary Gravitational Waves
1112.0085 Perturbations of moving membranes in AdS_7
1112.0086 Identify Charged Higgs Boson in $W^pm H^mp$ Associated Production at LHC
1112.0087 N-fold Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics with Reflections
1112.0088 Simple expressions for the long walk distance
1112.0090 Laser-driven accelerated growth of dendritic patterns
1112.0091 Right-handed current contributions in $B o K pi$ decays
1112.0092 On the Weil-’etale cohomology of the ring of $S$-integers
1112.0093 Multiplexity-facilitated cascades in networks
1112.0094 The core of adjoint functors
1112.0095 On speed of a photon in a dispersing medium
1112.0096 Uniqueness and regularity of steady states of the Boltzmann equation for viscoelastic hard-spheres driven by a thermal bath
1112.0097 1-D Coordinate Based on Local Information for MAC and Routing Issues in WSNs
1112.0099 A weak second differentiable structure on rectifiable metric measure spaces
1112.0100 On predictors for band-limited and high-frequency time series
1112.0103 Particle Monte Carlo simulation of string-like colloidal assembly in 3 dimensions
1112.0104 Recent progress on the Random Conductance Model
1112.0105 Approximated maximum likelihood estimation in multifractal random walks
1112.0106 Spectroscopic parameters for silacyclopropynylidene, SiC2, from extensive astronomical observations toward CW Leo (IRC +10216) with the Herschel satellite
1112.0107 Electrical Characterization of SiPM as a Function of Test Frequency and Temperature
1112.0108 Interferometric CO(3-2) Observations toward the Central Region of NGC 1068
1112.0113 Muon Capture on Deuteron and 3He: A Personal Review
1112.0114 VLBA determination of the distance to nearby star-forming regions V. Dynamical mass, distance and radio structure of V773 Tau A
1112.0115 Observational studies of Cepheid amplitudes. II Metallicity dependence of pulsation amplitudes
1112.0117 Top physics with 0.70-1.08/fb of pp collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
1112.0118 A restricted sum formula for a q-analogue of multiple zeta values
1112.0119 High temperature quark localization by Polyakov loops
1112.0120 Circular characteristics and fibrations of hyperbolic closed 3-manifolds
1112.0121 Stability and multi-attractor dynamics of a toggle switch based on a two-stage model of stochastic gene expression
1112.0122 A representation formula for the p-Energy of metric space valued Sobolev maps
1112.0124 FormCalc 7
1112.0125 Classifiyng metrically conical rational singularities
1112.0126 An automaton approach for waiting times in DNA evolution
1112.0127 The generalized edge-connectivity and generalized connectivity of graphs
1112.0128 Projective metric number theory
1112.0129 Boundary behavior of alpha-harmonic functions on the complement of the sphere and hyperplane
1112.0130 Multiplicative Maps from Hz to a Ring Spectrum R - a naive version
1112.0131 Bose-Hubbard model on two-dimensional line graphs
1112.0132 A Schreier Domain Type Condition
1112.0133 On the dynamics of roots and poles for solutions of the Polubarinova-Galin equation
1112.0134 Neutrino loops from neutrino mixing
1112.0135 $G$-algebras, group graded algebras, and Clifford extensions of blocks
1112.0136 Sampling High-Dimensional Bandlimited Fields on Low-Dimensional Manifolds
1112.0137 Quasi-classical trajectories study of Ne2Br2(B) vibrational predissociation: Kinetics and product distributions
1112.0139 Quantum-well states and discontinuities in opto-electrical characteristics of SCH lasers
1112.0140 Magnetically induced pumping and memory storage in quantum rings
1112.0141 M-dwarf metallicities - A high-resolution spectroscopic study in the near infrared
1112.0142 Volovik effect on NMR measurements of unconventional superconuctors
1112.0143 The extinction law for molecular clouds. Case study of B 335
1112.0144 Dissipation-driven generation of two-qubit entanglement mediated by plasmonic waveguides
1112.0145 Finite-temperature phase structures of hard-core bosons in an optical lattice with an effective magnetic field
1112.0146 A random graph model based on 3-interactions
1112.0147 Q-Adapted Quantum Stochastic Integrals and Differentials in Fock Scale
1112.0149 Sharpening the norm bound in the subspace perturbation theory
1112.0150 Measurement of Production Properties of Positively Charged Kaons in Proton-Carbon Interactions at 31 GeV/c
1112.0151 New Linear Theory of Hydrodynamic Instability of the Hagen-Poiseuille Flow
1112.0152 A Skew-t-Normal Multi-Level Reduced-Rank Functional PCA Model with Applications to Replicated ’Omics Time Series Data Sets
1112.0153 Photoproduction of $Lambda(1520)$ hyperons from nuclei near the threshold
1112.0154 Entire solutions for a class of variational problems involving the biharmonic operator and Rellich potentials
1112.0155 The mid-infrared extinction in molecular clouds Case study of B 335
1112.0157 Connected sums of simplicial complexes and equivariant cohomology
1112.0158 Fusion Frames and the Restricted Isometry Property
1112.0159 Multiple Q-Adapted Integrals and Ito Formula of Noncommutative Stochastic Calculus in Fock Space
1112.0161 An elementary, illustrative proof of the Rado-Horn Theorem
1112.0162 Time-dependent kinetic energy metrics for Lagrangians of electromagnetic type
1112.0163 Evidence of thermal effects in high power Er3+-Yb3+ fiber laser
1112.0164 Quasineutral limit of the Euler-Poisson system for ions in a domain with boundaries
1112.0167 Commutator methods for unitary operators
1112.0168 Statistical Sign Language Machine Translation: from English written text to American Sign Language Gloss
1112.0169 Non-Standard Neutrino Propagation and Pion Decay
1112.0170 Allan Sandage and the Cosmic Expansion
1112.0171 First-order coherence versus entanglement in a nano-mechanical cavity
1112.0172 The broad Fe K{alpha} line and supermassive black holes
1112.0175 Integration of short gold nanoparticles chain on SOI waveguide
1112.0176 A new super-soft X-ray source in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Discovery of the first Be/white dwarf system in the SMC?
1112.0177 Stochastic Stability for Flows with Smooth Invariant Measures
1112.0178 Local correlation method for metals: benchmarks for surface and adsorption energies
1112.0179 The inner Galactic bulge: evidence for a nuclear bar?
1112.0180 Track Reconstruction and b-Jet Identification for the ATLAS Trigger System
1112.0181 Composite Leptons and Quarks from Hexad Preons
1112.0183 Electronic structure and magnetic properties of metallocene multiple-decker sandwich nanowires
1112.0184 Maximum Matching in Semi-Streaming with Few Passes
1112.0185 Zero-divisor graphs of nilpotent-free semigroups
1112.0186 Recovery of state-specific potential of molecular motor from single-molecule trajectory
1112.0187 Around Gaia Alerts in 20 questions
1112.0188 BCS ansatz for superconductivity in the canonical ensemble and the Pauli exclusion principle
1112.0189 On-off intermittency over an extended range of control parameter
1112.0190 Low-lying dipole response: isospin character and collectivity in ${}^{68}$Ni, ${}^{132}$Sn and ${}^{208}$Pb
1112.0191 Compressible hydromagnetic nonlinearities in the predecoupling plasma
1112.0194 Witten spinors on nonspin manifolds
1112.0196 Mid-infrared sub-wavelength grating mirror design: tolerance and influence of technological constraints
1112.0197 Cooling, conductance and thermometric performance of non-ideal normal metal-superconductor tunnel junction pairs
1112.0198 Status of the GEO 600 squeezed-light laser
1112.0199 Free biholomorphic functions and operator model theory,II
1112.0200 Quantum Transitions in Terms of non-Adiabatic Dressed States
1112.0202 Fully Packed Loop configurations in a Triangle and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients
1112.0203 Existence of minimizers for spectral problems
1112.0204 Digital Ecosystems: Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures
1112.0205 Dynamic RKKY interaction in graphene
1112.0206 Discrete Breathers in a Nonlinear Polarizability Model of Ferroelectrics
1112.0208 A Dedekind Psi Function Inequality
1112.0212 Progress on Excited Hadrons in Lattice QCD
1112.0213 Supervised Learning of Logical Operations in Layered Spiking Neural Networks with Spike Train Encoding
1112.0214 Electronic structure of Pu and Am metals by self consistent relativistic GW
1112.0215 A Framework for Automated and Certified Refinement Steps
1112.0216 Lagrangian dynamics of submanifolds. Relativistic mechanics
1112.0218 Phenomenology of heavy fermion and vector resonances in composite Higgs models
1112.0219 Light neutralino in the MSSM: update with latest LHC results
1112.0220 Stable distributions
1112.0222 Philosophy and problems of the definition of Extraterrestrial Life
1112.0223 Origin and Detectability of coorbital planets from radial velocity data
1112.0224 Determination of PDFs and $alpha_{S}(M_{Z})$ from Inclusive and Jet Measurements in DIS @ HERA
1112.0226 Multivariate Semi-Markov Process for Counterparty Credit Risk
1112.0227 Boundary of the Relative Outer Space
1112.0228 k-Parameter geodesic variations
1112.0229 Effective three-particle interactions in low-energy models for multi-band systems
1112.0230 Rings of invariants for modular representations of elementary abelian p-groups
1112.0231 The doping dependence of superconductivity of (Ca1-xNax)Fe2As2
1112.0232 GIT Compactifications of M_{0,n} and Flips
1112.0233 Income Tax Evasion Dynamics: Evidence from an Agent-based Econophysics Model
1112.0234 Hyperons and massive neutron stars: vector repulsion and SU(3) symmetry
1112.0235 Ionization enhanced ion collection by a small floating grain in plasmas
1112.0237 Factorization of Heavy-to-Light Baryonic Transitions in SCET
1112.0239 Quantum exchange interaction of spherically symmetric plasmoids
1112.0240 Intersubband polaritonics revisited
1112.0241 Degree heterogeneity in spatial networks with total cost constraint
1112.0242 The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab
1112.0244 Is Cen A surrounded by tens EeV Multiplet?
1112.0245 Simultaneous PQ-Ordering with Applications to Constrained Embedding Problems
1112.0246 From Additional Symmetries to Linearization of Virasoro Symmetries
1112.0248 A needlet-based approach to the full-sky data analysis
1112.0249 Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics in one dimension
1112.0250 Mechanical cleaning of graphene
1112.0252 Non-Markovian Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems: Stochastic Equations and their Perturbative Solutions
1112.0253 Singularities and global stability of decentralized formations in the plane
1112.0254 Dynamical Gaussian state transfer with quantum error correcting architecture
1112.0255 On the Characterization of the Strong Envelope
1112.0256 Limit distributions for multitype branching processes of m-ary search trees
1112.0257 Generalised Longitudinal Susceptibility for Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice
1112.0258 Measuring nonadiabaticity of molecular quantum dynamics with quantum fidelity and with its efficient semiclassical approximation
1112.0260 On the Six-Dimensional Origin of the AGT Correspondence
1112.0261 Phonon softening near structural transition in BaFe2As2 observed by inelastic x-ray scattering
1112.0262 Fairness in society
1112.0263 Embedding universal covers of graph manifolds in products of trees
1112.0264 Constraints on Neutrino Velocities Revisited
1112.0265 Physical regularization for the spin-1/2 Aharonov-Bohm problem in conical space
1112.0266 Branching Brownian motion with selection of the N right-most particles: An approximate model
1112.0269 Explicit upper and lower bounds for the traveling wave solutions of Fisher-Kolmogorov type equations
1112.0271 Investigating the central diffractive meson production at ALICE
1112.0272 Identification of Spitzer-IRS staring mode targets in the Magellanic Clouds
1112.0273 New Oscillation Results from the T2K experiment
1112.0274 Understanding how planets become massive. I. Description and validation of a new toy model
1112.0276 Extraction of information from a single quantum
1112.0277 Towards precise calculation of transport coefficients in the hadron gas. The shear and the bulk viscosities
1112.0279 Spontaneous formation of flux concentrations in a stratified layer
1112.0280 Linear $q$-positive sets and their polar subspaces
1112.0281 The Initial-Final Mass Relation among White Dwarfs in Wide Binaries
1112.0282 Top Quark Production at the Tevatron
1112.0283 Skeleton Simplicial Evaluation Codes
1112.0285 The evolution of galaxy formation
1112.0286 Bernstein functions and rates in mean ergodic theorems for operator semigroups
1112.0287 Ab Initio Calculations of Medium-Mass Nuclei with Normal-Ordered Chiral NN+3N Interactions
1112.0288 Magnetic Field Strength in the Upper Solar Corona Using White-light Shock Structures Surrounding Coronal Mass Ejections
1112.0290 An absolute grading on Heegaard Floer homology by homotopy classes of oriented 2-plane fields
1112.0291 Isolated Horizons and Black Hole Entropy In Loop Quantum Gravity
1112.0292 The Rayleigh Quotient
1112.0293 Vortex density models for superconductivity and superfluidity
1112.0294 Trends, noise and reentrant long-term persistence in Arctic sea ice
1112.0295 ClustOfVar: An R Package for the Clustering of Variables
1112.0296 AWGN Channel under Time-Varying Amplitude Constraints with Causal Information at the Transmitter
1112.0297 RQA Application for the Monitoring of Financial and Commodity markets state
1112.0298 Ranks of 0-1 arrays of size 2 x 2 x 2 and 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
1112.0299 It’s Alive! The Supernova Impostor 1961V
1112.0300 Inflationary Cosmology and Superluminal Neutrinos
1112.0301 Orthogonal rotation in PCAMIX
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