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26 January 2025

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1103.0051 Soft Carrier Multiplications by Hot Electrons in Graphene
1103.0052 The non-monotonicity of the KPP speed with respect to diffusion in the presence of a shear flow
1103.0053 On the formation and decay of a molecular ultracold plasma
1103.0054 Loops with exponent three in all isotopes
1103.0055 Fermi Bubbles: Evidence for a Possible Recent AGN Jet Activity in the Galaxy
1103.0056 Exact solutions for social and biological contagion models on mixed directed and undirected, degree-correlated random networks
1103.0057 Dislocation-induced superfluidity in a model supersolid
1103.0058 A Remarkable Identity Involving Bessel Functions
1103.0059 57-Fe Mossbauer study of magnetic ordering in superconducting K_0.85Fe_1.83Se_2.09 single crystals
1103.0060 Large deviations of the limiting distribution in the Shanks-R’enyi prime number race
1103.0061 The sine-Gordon equation in the semiclassical limit: dynamics of fluxon condensates
1103.0062 The Elementary Divisors of the Incidence Matrix of Skew Lines in PG(3,q)
1103.0063 Atom-molecule conversion with particle losses
1103.0064 Resonant alteration of propagation in guiding structures with complex Robin parameter and its magnetic-field-induced restoration
1103.0065 Interdisciplinary Collaboration through Designing 3D Simulation Case Studies
1103.0066 Finite Element Integration on GPUs
1103.0067 Cycle-saturated graphs with minimum number of edges
1103.0068 Linear characters and block algebra
1103.0069 Supersymmetry Breaking Scalar Masses and Trilinear Soft Terms From High-Dimensional Operators in E_6 SUSY GUT
1103.0070 Comment on "Bound states of edge dislocations: The quantum dipole problem in two dimensions"
1103.0071 Spacefilling Curves and Phases of the Loewner Equation
1103.0072 The clock number of a knot
1103.0073 Quark-hadron phase transition in Brans-Dicke brane gravity
1103.0074 Evidence Of Superposed Variability Components In GRB Prompt Emission Lightcurves
1103.0075 Anisotropy in Born-Infeld brane cosmology
1103.0076 Magnetic behavior of curium dioxide with non-magnetic ground state
1103.0077 Patterns in column strict fillings of rectangular arrays
1103.0078 On Multi-Dimensional Sonic-Subsonic Flow
1103.0079 On the relation between quantum walks and zeta functions
1103.0081 The exclusive rare decay b->s gamma of heavy b-Baryons
1103.0082 On Dynamic-order Fractional Dynamic System
1103.0083 Mining Target-Oriented Fuzzy Correlation Rules to Optimize Telecom Service Management
1103.0084 Short-Range Structural Transformations in Water at High Pressures
1103.0085 Measurement-induced disturbance and thermal negativity of qutrit-qubit mixed spin chain
1103.0086 A generic trust framework for large-scale open systems using machine learning
1103.0087 Cost effective approach on feature selection using genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic for diabetes diagnosis
1103.0088 Wildly Ramified Actions and Surfaces of General Type Arising from Artin-Schreier Curves
1103.0089 Capacity Bounds for Relay Channels with Inter-symbol Interference and Colored Gaussian Noise
1103.0090 Wavelet packets and wavelet frame packets on local fields
1103.0091 A quasi-particle description of $(2+1)$- flavor lattice QCD equation of state
1103.0092 What is typical?
1103.0093 Construction of n-Lie algebras and n-ary Hom-Nambu-Lie algebras
1103.0094 Tau lepton physics at Belle
1103.0095 Unveiling the quantum critical point of an Ising chain
1103.0096 Bubble size prediction in co-flowing streams
1103.0097 Nonlinear deterministic equations in biological evolution
1103.0098 Evidence of spin excitation gap in K$_{0.86}$Fe$_{1.73}$Se$_2$ superconductor as revealed by M"ossbauer spectroscopy
1103.0099 A classification of 5-dimensional manifolds, souls of codimension two and non-diffeomorphic pairs
1103.0100 Young’s Double Slit Experiment in Quantum Field Theory
1103.0101 Global X-ray properties of the O and B stars in Carina
1103.0102 Multi-label Learning via Structured Decomposition and Group Sparsity
1103.0103 Classification of Convex lattice polytopes
1103.0104 Observations of photon echo enhancement in an ultraslow light regime
1103.0105 Experimental Spin Ratchet
1103.0106 Hypergraph Partitioning through Vertex Separators on Graphs
1103.0107 Mixed means of commutators of central integral means and CMO
1103.0108 Anharmonic stabilization of the high-pressure simple cubic phase of calcium
1103.0109 Measurement of the electric dipole moments for transitions to rubidium Rydberg states via Autler-Townes splitting
1103.0110 Higher residue symbols
1103.0111 A nonhomogeneous boundary value problem in mass transfer theory
1103.0112 The echo-enabled harmonic generation options for FLASH II
1103.0113 Determining a first order perturbation of the biharmonic operator by partial boundary measurements
1103.0114 Embeddings of SL(2,Z) into the Cremona group
1103.0115 Gravitational wave astronomy of single sources with a pulsar timing array
1103.0116 An exact and O(1) time heaviest and lightest hitters algorithm for sliding-window data streams
1103.0117 A quantum delayed-choice experiment
1103.0118 Stieltjes Functions and Hurwitz Stable Entire Functions
1103.0119 Fighting with deterministic disturbances
1103.0120 Automatic Detection of Ringworm using Local Binary Pattern (LBP)
1103.0121 Multi-order interference is generally nonzero
1103.0122 Computation of the first Chow group of a Hilbert scheme of space curves
1103.0123 Time-Reversal-Symmetry-Broken Superconductivity Induced by Frustrated Inter-Component Couplings
1103.0124 Static and dynamic shear viscosity of a single layer complex plasma
1103.0125 Search-based software test data generation using evolutionary computation
1103.0126 Quantum Walk with a four-dimensional coin
1103.0127 Fuzzy Approach to Critical Bus Ranking under Normal and Line Outage Contingencies
1103.0128 High-speed data transfer with FPGAs and QSFP+ modules
1103.0129 Mott physics in $2p$ electron dioxygenyl magnet : O$_{2}$$M$F$_{6}$ ($M$=Sb, Pt)
1103.0130 Quantum Corrals and Quantum Mirages on the Surface of a Topological Insulator
1103.0131 Stochastic Lagrangian Particle Approach to Fractal Navier-Stokes Equations
1103.0133 Neighbor Oblivious and Finite-State Algorithms for Circumventing Local Minima in Geographic Forwarding
1103.0134 Discounted Continuous-time Markov Decision Processes with Unbounded Rates: the Dynamic Programming Approach
1103.0135 Capacity results for compound wiretap channels
1103.0136 On the central limit theorem for some birth and death process
1103.0137 Phonon-phonon interactions in transition metals
1103.0138 The Theory of Stochastic Pseudo-differential Operators and Its Applications, I
1103.0139 The stable phases of the Cs2CuCl4-xBrx mixed systems
1103.0140 The degenerate scenario in the NMSSM: Direct singlino-like neutralino searches with a gravitino LSP
1103.0141 Characterisation of red-giant stars in the public Kepler data
1103.0142 Momentum and Mass Fluxes in a Gas Confined between Periodically Structured Surfaces at Different Temperatures
1103.0143 Construction of the surfaces with horizontal tangential planes at given points
1103.0144 Controlled teleportation via photonic Faraday rotations in low-Q cavities
1103.0145 Unnoticed magnetic field oscillations in the very quiet Sun revealed by Sunrise/IMaX
1103.0146 Pseudogap-like phase in Ca(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ revealed by $^{75}$As NQR
1103.0147 Integrable dispersive nonlinear optical models from infinitesimal algebraic skeletons
1103.0148 Edge dislocation core structures in FCC metals determined from ab initio calculations combined with the improved Peierls-Nabarro equation
1103.0149 On the quantum ’ax+b’group
1103.0150 On the nodal lines of random and deterministic Laplace eigenfunctions
1103.0151 The orbifold cohomology of moduli of genus 3 curves
1103.0152 An Exact Conformal Symmetry Ansatz on Kaluza-Klein Reduced TMG
1103.0153 Binary Cumulant Varieties
1103.0154 Typical ranks of certain 3-tensors and absolutely full column rank tensors
1103.0155 High-Resolution Optical and Near-Infrared Images of the FS Tauri Circumbinary Disk
1103.0156 Lorentz Transformations
1103.0157 Spectral stability of vortices in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates via the Evans function and Krein signature
1103.0158 High orders of Weyl series for the heat content
1103.0159 The golden chain in the presence of free charges
1103.0160 A template of atmospheric O2 circularly polarized emission for CMB experiments
1103.0161 Inelastic Neutron and X-ray Scattering from Incommensurate Magnetic Systems
1103.0162 Hole Dispersions for Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 Two-Leg Ladders by Self-Similar Continuous Unitary Transformations
1103.0164 Unveiling the nature of out-of-equilibrium phase transitions in a system with long-range interactions
1103.0165 Stationary waves in a superfluid exciton gas in quantum Hall bilayers
1103.0166 Growing non-equilibrium length in granular fluids: from experiment to fluctuating hydrodynamics
1103.0167 Willmore minimizers with prescribed isoperimetric ratio
1103.0168 CPT Violation Does Not Lead to Violation of Lorentz Invariance and Vice Versa
1103.0169 Tipping points in open systems: bifurcation, noise-induced and rate-dependent examples in the climate system
1103.0170 Linear differential equations and Hurwitz series
1103.0171 The Optimal Density of Infinite Constellations for the Gaussian Channel
1103.0172 Inverse Queries For Multidimensional Spaces
1103.0173 The M"obius function of the consecutive pattern poset
1103.0174 Symmetric representations of distributions over $mathbb{R}^2$ by distributions with not more than three-point supports
1103.0175 Critical analysis of data concerning Saccharomyces cerevisiae free-cell proliferations and fermentations assisted by magnetic and electromagnetic fields
1103.0176 Traveling wavefronts for a model of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction
1103.0177 Feuilletage de Hirsch, mesure harmonique, et g-mesure
1103.0178 Electron-phonon scattering in topological insulators
1103.0179 About the Statistical Properties of Cosmological Billiards
1103.0180 The investigation of YAlO3-NdAlO3 system, synthesis and characterization
1103.0181 Why is the earth not burning ? The earth radiative energy balance
1103.0182 Neural Dynamics in Parkinsonian Brain:The Boundary Between Synchronized and Nonsynchronized Dynamics
1103.0183 Simultaneous monitoring of the photometric and polarimetric activity of the young star PV Cep in the optical/near-infrared bands
1103.0184 Conformal anomaly and the vector coupling in dense matter
1103.0185 Propagation of Time-Nonlocal Quantum Master Equations for Time-Dependent Electron Transport
1103.0186 Global small solutions to the critical radial Dirac equation with potential
1103.0187 Casimir effect from macroscopic quantum electrodynamics
1103.0188 Decoherence in the cosmic background radiation
1103.0189 Virial identity and dispersive estimates for the $n$-dimensional Dirac equation
1103.0190 Structural, magnetic and thermal properties of the substitution series Ce$_2$(Pd$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$)$_2$Sn
1103.0191 Uniqueness type result in dimension 3
1103.0192 Random walks in the quarter plane with zero drift: an explicit criterion for the finiteness of the associated group
1103.0193 Canonical transforms, quantumness and probability representation of quantum mechanics
1103.0194 Lower and upper bounds for the Lyapunov exponents of twisting dynamics: a relationship between the exponents and the angle of the Oseledet’s splitting
1103.0195 The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: XMMUJ005011.2-730026 = SXP214, a Be/X-ray binary pulsar
1103.0196 Relation between the 3D-geometry of the coronal wave and associated CME during the 26 April 2008 event
1103.0197 Ricci Bounds for Euclidean and Spherical Cones (revised/extended version)
1103.0198 On instability of some approximate periodic solutions for the full nonlinear Schr"odinger equation
1103.0199 An Analysis of Jitter and Transit Timing Variations in the HAT-P-13 System
1103.0200 Chow motives versus non-commutative motives
1103.0201 Characterizing interstellar filaments with Herschel in IC5146
1103.0202 Triaxiality and non-thermal gas pressure in Abell 1689
1103.0203 Eigenvectors of tensors and algorithms for Waring decomposition
1103.0204 Phonon Hall effect in ionic crystals in the presence of static magnetic field
1103.0205 Nearest Neighbour Decoding and Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation in Stationary Gaussian Flat-Fading Channels
1103.0206 Adding linear orders
1103.0207 Ellipticity of quantum mechanical Hamiltonians in the edge algebra
1103.0208 Scale-free percolation
1103.0209 Error Estimate for a Fully Discrete Spectral Scheme for Korteweg-de Vries-Kawahara Equation
1103.0210 Heat generation and transport due to time-dependent forces
1103.0211 Boundary behavior of the Kobayashi distance in pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains
1103.0212 Nonlinear conductance quantization in graphene ribbons
1103.0213 Calibration of BVRI Photometry for the Wide Field Channel of the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys
1103.0214 The longest excursion of a random interacting polymer
1103.0215 Reversible Circuit Optimization via Leaving the Boolean Domain
1103.0216 Analysis of the Equilibrium and Kinetics of the Ankyrin Repeat Protein Myotrophin
1103.0217 A New Representation Theorem for Many-valued Modal Logics
1103.0218 On the geometric nature of characteristic classes of surface bundles
1103.0219 Is Structural Relaxation During Vitrification the Inverse of the Glass Transition?
1103.0220 Satisfiability of General Intruder Constraints with and without a Set Constructor
1103.0221 A Superspace Formulation of The BV Action for Higher Derivative Theories
1103.0222 All-optical switching in planar metamaterial with a high structural symmetry
1103.0223 Norm convergence of continuous-time polynomial multiple ergodic averages
1103.0224 Spin-to-Orbital Angular Momentum Conversion in Semiconductor Microcavities
1103.0225 Water ice at low to midlatitudes on Mars
1103.0226 Study of 9Be+12C elastic scattering at energies near the Coulomb barrier
1103.0227 Stability of liquid crystalline phases in the phase-field-crystal model
1103.0228 Solar Corona Loop Studies with AIA: I. Cross-Sectional Temperature Structure
1103.0229 Convergence of solutions to the $p$-Laplace evolution equation as $p$ goes to 1
1103.0230 Complete hyperentangled-Bell-state analysis for quantum communication
1103.0231 A distance estimate based on angular expansion for the planetary nebula NGC 6881
1103.0232 The defect variance of random spherical harmonics
1103.0233 High resolution near-IR spectra of NGC 6624 and NGC 6569
1103.0234 Gravitational potential evolution in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies: an analytical approach
1103.0235 A hierarchical structure of transformation semigroups with applications to probability limit measures
1103.0236 Infrared scaling solutions beyond the Landau gauge: The maximally Abelian gauge and Abelian infrared dominance
1103.0237 Stochastic perturbations to dynamical systems: a response theory approach
1103.0238 Interacting non-Abelian anyons as Majorana fermions in the honeycomb lattice model
1103.0239 Avoiding Colored Partitions of Lengths Two and Three
1103.0240 LEP Shines Light on Dark Matter
1103.0242 From 3D to 2D Hydrodynamics in Interacting Micro-rods
1103.0243 Schwinger Pair Creation of Particles and Strings
1103.0244 Comment on "Constraining the smoothness parameter and dark energy using observational H(z) data"
1103.0245 Exploring the bose Kondo-Hubbard model in a non-separable optical lattice
1103.0246 Large Dimension Homomorphism Spaces Between Specht Modules for Symmetric Groups
1103.0247 Measurability in C(2^k) and Kunen cardinals
1103.0249 Strongly isospectral manifolds with nonisomorphic cohomology rings
1103.0250 A Hydrodynamical Mechanism for Generating Astrophysical Jets
1103.0251 Quantum phase transition between cluster and antiferromagnetic states
1103.0252 Custodial SO(4) symmetry and CP violation in N-Higgs-doublet potentials
1103.0253 DG Affinity of DQ-modules
1103.0255 A disintegration theorem
1103.0256 On low dimensional KC-spaces
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