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26 January 2025

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1104.0043 Capacity of Byzantine Consensus with Capacity-Limited Point-to-Point Links
1104.0044 An XMM-Newton view of the ’bare’ nucleus of Fairall 9
1104.0045 Rotation State of Comet 103P/Hartley 2 from Radio Spectroscopy at 1 mm
1104.0046 Review of minimum-bias jet systematics at RHIC
1104.0047 Enhanced diffusion by reciprocal swimming
1104.0048 On the origin of the gamma-ray emission from the flaring blazar PKS 1222+216
1104.0049 Coefficient of Restitution as a Fluctuating Quantity
1104.0050 Hypersurfaces making a constant angle with a closed conformal vector field
1104.0051 Band structures of bilayer graphene superlattices
1104.0052 Peer Effects and Stability in Matching Markets
1104.0053 Efficient Photon Upconverters with Ionic Liquids
1104.0054 A Link to the Past: Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Fitting to Constrain Fundamental Parameters of High-Redshift Galaxies
1104.0055 Group Theory and Dynamics of Neutrino Mixing
1104.0056 Occupation Time Fluctuations of Weakly Degenerate Branching Systems
1104.0057 Distributed Denial of Service is a Scalability Problem
1104.0058 A new moving frame to extract scattering phases in lattice QCD
1104.0059 Multivariate Operator-Self-Similar Random Fields
1104.0060 Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices I (ASTROD I) - A class-M fundamental physics mission proposal for Cosmic Vision 2015-2025: 2010 Update
1104.0062 On the role of complex phases in the quantum statistics of weak measurements
1104.0063 Graphene Nucleation on Transition Metal Surface: Structure Transformation and Role of the Metal Step Edge
1104.0064 Microcontroller interrupts for flexible control of time critical tasks in experiments with laser cooled atoms
1104.0065 Population study for gamma-ray pulsars: (III) Radiation characteristics and viewing geometry
1104.0066 Isospin symmetry in nuclear mass models
1104.0067 Inverse and Determinant in 0 to 5 Dimensional Clifford Algebra
1104.0068 Some remarks on pseudo-trace functions for orbifold models associated with symplectic fermions
1104.0069 Phase-space analysis of fragments formed in heavy-ion collisions
1104.0070 Equivalence of the measures of non-Markovianty for open two-level systems
1104.0071 Study of fragmentation and momentum correlations in heavy-ion collisions
1104.0072 Statistical properties of 12.2 GHz methanol masers associated with a complete sample of 6.7 GHz methanol masers
1104.0073 An integral expression of the first non-trivial one-cocycle of the space of long knots in R^3
1104.0074 Quantum unique ergodicity on locally symmetric spaces: the degenerate lift
1104.0075 Time-Dependent Searches for Point Sources of Neutrinos with the 40-String and 22-String Configurations of IceCube
1104.0076 Thin domains with extremely high oscillatory boundaries
1104.0077 The radio continuum structure of Centaurus A at 1.4 GHz
1104.0078 Lattice Boltzmann - Langevin simulations of binary mixtures
1104.0079 Quenching of Impurity Spins at Cu/CuO Interfaces: An Antiferromagnetic Proximity Effect
1104.0080 Plateaus of gamma-ray bursts and supernovae: A unified correlation?
1104.0081 Cayley graphs of order 16p are hamiltonian
1104.0082 Dynamics of a polymer chain confined in a membrane
1104.0083 A Revisit to Top Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry
1104.0084 A completeness study on certain 2 x 2 Lax pairs including zero terms
1104.0085 Adaptive Audio Watermarking via the Optimization Point of View on the Wavelet-Based Entropy
1104.0086 Calculation of nuclear-spin-dependent parity nonconservation in s-d transitions of Ba$^+$, Yb$^+$ and Ra$^+$ ions
1104.0087 Quantization Audio Watermarking with Optimal Scaling on Wavelet Coefficients
1104.0088 Local structure of self-affine sets
1104.0089 Frontier estimation with local polynomials and high power-transformed data
1104.0090 Partial mirror symmetry, lattice presentations and algebraic monoids
1104.0091 Nonlocal correlations and third-order interference
1104.0092 The Vortex Spirograph: Dipole Dynamics in Bose-Einstein Condensates
1104.0093 Finite Pressure Corrections to Nucleon Structure Function Inside a Nuclear Medium
1104.0094 Strongly Coupled Pion Superfluid
1104.0095 Dijet photoproduction of massless charm jets at next-to-leading order of QCD
1104.0096 The effects of cavity on the etendue of a light source
1104.0097 Fast multiwavelength variability from jets in X-ray binaries
1104.0098 A Note on Sliced Inverse Regression with Regularizations
1104.0099 Ferromagnetism of transition metals and screened exchange interactions
1104.0100 Quantum Hall effects in fast rotating Fermi gases with anisotropic dipolar interaction
1104.0101 Proton interactions with high multiplicity
1104.0102 A-infinity structures on the algebra of extensions of Verma modules in the parabolic category O
1104.0103 Initialization effect in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies
1104.0104 The orbital period of the eclipsing dwarf nova SDSS J081610.84+453010.2
1104.0105 Zitterbewegung, Bloch Oscillations and Landau-Zener Tunneling in a Quantum Walk
1104.0106 Relativistic diffusion in random gluon fields
1104.0107 Superhumps and post-outburst rebrightening episodes in the AM CVn star SDSS J012940.05+384210.4
1104.0108 On the limit distribution of Frobenius numbers
1104.0109 Effects of Long-Range Correlations on Nonmagnetic Mott Transitions in Hubbard model on Square Lattice
1104.0110 Analytical Model for Metamaterials with Quantum Ingredients
1104.0111 Decentralized Online Learning Algorithms for Opportunistic Spectrum Access
1104.0112 Truncated Levy Random Walks and Generalized Cauchy Processes
1104.0113 Magnetism and Charge ordering in TMTTF$_2$-PF$_6$ organic crystals
1104.0114 From su(2) gauge theory to spin 1/2 quantum mechanics
1104.0115 Spectral Evolution of the September 2010 gamma-ray flare from the Crab Nebula (V2)
1104.0116 Negative Energy Solutions and Symmetries
1104.0117 A phenomenological study on single transverse-spin asymmetry for inclusive light-hadron productions at RHIC
1104.0118 A Comparative Study of Relaying Schemes with Decode-and-Forward over Nakagami-m Fading Channels
1104.0119 p-jets Of p-isogenies
1104.0120 Differential overconvergence
1104.0121 Complex network analysis of water distribution systems
1104.0122 A Doubly Exponentially Crumbled Cake
1104.0123 ABC Effect in Basic Double-Pionic Fusion --- Observation of a new resonance?
1104.0124 The ring of differential Fourier expansions
1104.0125 Scaling Function, Spectral Function and Nucleon Momentum Distribution in Nuclei
1104.0126 U-Sem: Semantic Enrichment, User Modeling and Mining of Usage Data on the Social Web
1104.0127 The Decidability Frontier for Probabilistic Automata on Infinite Words
1104.0128 Towards an automated query modification assistant
1104.0129 Hecke operators on differential modular forms mod p
1104.0130 Correction factor in non-diffusive Hall magnetometry
1104.0131 Semi-Markov models of mRNA-translation
1104.0132 An approximate {kappa} state solutions of the Dirac equation for the generalized Morse potential under spin and pseudospin symmetry
1104.0133 Charles Lewis Brook: third Director of the BAA Variable Star Section
1104.0134 Peculiar Current Solar-Minimum - Structure of the Heliosphere
1104.0135 Non-factorization contributions in $D ightarrow pi K, KK$ decay
1104.0136 On Interference Alignment and the Deterministic Capacity for Cellular Channels with Weak Symmetric Cross Links
1104.0137 Superconducting and critical properties of PrOFe0.9Co0.1As: effect of P doping
1104.0138 Derivation of Nonlinear Schr"{o}dinger Equation
1104.0139 Tuning the magnetic properties of Co nanoparticles by Pt capping
1104.0140 Correspondence between $GammaGamma$ and ADM formulations for gravity: solution of the non-canonicity puzzle
1104.0141 On a class of differential-algebraic equations with infinite delay
1104.0142 Doubly Cognitive Architecture Based Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network
1104.0143 Solar cycle changes of large-scale solar wind structure
1104.0144 Two-Center Black Holes, Qubits and Elliptic Curves
1104.0145 Estimation procedures for a semiparametric family of bivariate copulas
1104.0146 A low-Reynolds-number treadmilling swimmer near a semi-infinite wall
1104.0147 Edge states and flat bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries
1104.0148 A dynamic network in a dynamic population: asymptotic properties
1104.0149 Ionized bubble number count as a probe of non-Gaussianity
1104.0150 Nesting of electron and hole Fermi surfaces in non-superconducting BaFe_2P_2
1104.0151 Effect of depreciation of the public goods in spatial public goods games
1104.0152 Solar System Constraints on Scalar Tensor Theories with Non-Standard Action
1104.0153 On the Scaling Limits of Determinantal Point Processes with Kernels Induced by Sturm-Liouville Operators
1104.0154 Quantum Quench in the Transverse Field Ising Chain
1104.0155 de Sitter Galileon
1104.0156 The intermediate pressure phases of cerium: a LDA+Gutzwiller method study
1104.0157 Minimal dissipation theory and shear bands in biaxial tests
1104.0158 Photon lifetime in a cavity containing a slow-light medium
1104.0159 Geometric quantum gates with superconducting qubits
1104.0160 Torsion, an alternative to dark matter?
1104.0161 The Milky Way Heart: Investigating molecular gas and gamma-ray morphologies in the Central Molecular Zone
1104.0162 Hamilton-Jacobi Diffieties
1104.0163 Dragging $D$ mesons by hot hadrons
1104.0164 The Jackiw-Pi model and its symmetries
1104.0165 Addendum to the paper "On determining the eigenprojection and components of a matrix" [arXiv:math/0508197]
1104.0166 Functional nonparametric estimation of conditional extreme quantiles
1104.0167 Gaussian queues in light and heavy-traffic
1104.0168 Evolution of transverse-momentum-dependent densities
1104.0169 Temperature can enhance coherent oscillations at a Landau-Zener transition
1104.0170 On Supersymmetric Effective Theories of Axion
1104.0171 How AGN feedback and metal cooling shape cluster entropy profiles
1104.0172 Weight enumeration of codes from finite spaces
1104.0173 Shear modulus of neutron star crust
1104.0174 Anthropogenic Renourishment Feedback on Shorebirds: a Multispecies Bayesian Perspective
1104.0175 Dynamical theory of superfluidity in one dimension
1104.0176 Intersection numbers of spectral curves
1104.0177 Wave and Klein-Gordon equations on hyperbolic spaces
1104.0178 Stability of dark matter from the dihedral D4 group
1104.0179 Ample thoughts
1104.0180 Corrector estimates for the homogenization of a locally-periodic medium with areas of low and high diffusivity
1104.0181 The tangent complex and Hochschild cohomology of E_n-rings
1104.0182 Quantum light by atomic arrays in optical resonators
1104.0183 Exact and Efficient Algorithm to Discover Extreme Stochastic Events in Wind Generation over Transmission Power Grids
1104.0184 Organic Molecules and Water in the Inner Disks of T Tauri Stars
1104.0185 Counting Homomorphisms and Partition Functions
1104.0186 Reconciling long-term cultural diversity and short-term collective social behavior
1104.0187 Cross-scale coupling at a perpendicular collisionless shock
1104.0188 K* vector and tensor couplings from Nf = 2 tmQCD
1104.0189 On the chaotic character of the stochastic heat equation, before the onset of intermitttency
1104.0190 Counting patterns in colored orthogonal arrays
1104.0191 Normal form backward induction for decision trees with coherent lower previsions
1104.0192 Limiting Sobolev inequalities for vector fields and canceling linear differential operators
1104.0193 Linear Dependent Types and Relative Completeness
1104.0194 Rainbow-free 3-colorings of Abelian Groups
1104.0195 Probabilistic Operational Semantics for the Lambda Calculus
1104.0196 From conjugacy classes in the Weyl group to unipotent classes, II
1104.0197 Spin waves cause nonlinear friction
1104.0198 Why The Results of Parallel and Serial Monte Carlo Simulations May Differ
1104.0199 Optimisations for quadrature representations of finite element tensors through automated code generation
1104.0200 Oxygen- and carbon-rich variable red giant populations in the Magellanic Clouds from EROS, OGLE, MACHO, and 2MASS photometry
1104.0201 Third Power of the Reversed Dickson Polynomial over Finite Fields
1104.0202 Cyclic mutually unbiased bases, Fibonacci polynomials and Wiedemann’s conjecture
1104.0203 Quantum critical behavior in the heavy Fermion single crystal Ce(Ni$_{0.935}$Pd$_{0.065}$)$_2$Ge$_2$
1104.0204 Astuce de Salberger et z’ero-cycles sur certaines fibrations
1104.0205 High-resolution radio study of SNR IC443 at low radio frequencies
1104.0206 Star product realizations of kappa-Minkowski space
1104.0207 Similarity results for operators of class C_0
1104.0208 Development of various methods for PrF3 nanoparticles synthesis
1104.0209 Phenomenological description of neutron capture cross sections at 30 keV
1104.0210 Thermodynamics of the Optical Feshbach Resonance Effect
1104.0211 Gamma Ray Signal from the Pulsar Wind in the Binary Pulsar system PSR B1259-63/LS2883
1104.0212 Physical properties of highly uniform InGaAs pyramidal quantum dots with GaAs barriers: Fine structure splitting in pre-patterned substrates
1104.0213 Simulation of supersymmetric models on the lattice without a sign problem
1104.0214 An Amplified Single NV Centre Sensor
1104.0215 Introduction to the model-free control of microgrids
1104.0216 On spherical twisted conjugacy classes
1104.0217 Joint Hilbert-Schmidt Determinantal Moments for the Two-Rebit and Two-Qubit Systems
1104.0218 Looking for magnetic monopoles at LHC
1104.0219 On the Decidability of Connectedness Constraints in 2D and 3D Euclidean Spaces
1104.0220 Pseudo diamagnetism of four component exciton condensates
1104.0221 Moderate deviations for the eigenvalue counting function of Wigner matrices
1104.0222 A Spectroscopic and Photometric Survey of Novae in M31
1104.0223 Separating the conjoined red clump in the Galactic Bulge: Kinematics and Abundances
1104.0224 Density Evolution Analysis of Node-Based Verification-Based Algorithms in Compressive Sensing
1104.0225 On the renormalisation group for the boundary Truncated Conformal Space Approach
1104.0226 Endotrivial modules for finite groups schemes II
1104.0227 Hydrogen-bonded supramolecular assembly of dyes at nanostructured solar cell interfaces
1104.0228 Direct Detection of Electroweak-Interacting Dark Matter in the Universe
1104.0229 Zero-frequency magnetic fluctuations in homogeneous cosmic plasma revisited
1104.0230 Separate Source-Channel Coding for Broadcasting Correlated Gaussians
1104.0231 The No-Scale Multiverse at the LHC
1104.0232 Determining an unbounded potential from Cauchy data in admissible geometries
1104.0233 Probing Plasmons in Graphene by Resonance Energy Transfer
1104.0234 Global and local regularity of Fourier integral operators on weighted and unweighted spaces
1104.0235 Gaussian Robust Classification
1104.0236 Minimally-destructive detection of magnetically-trapped atoms using frequency-synthesised light
1104.0237 Ergodic theorem for a Loeb space and hyperfinite approximations of dynamical systems
1104.0238 Violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality with a finite temperature ensemble
1104.0239 Unpolarized structure functions at Jefferson Lab
1104.0240 A nonlinear PDE-based method for sparse deconvolution
1104.0241 Motivic intersection complex
1104.0242 Enhanced Critical Current Density of KxFe2-ySe2 with S doping
1104.0243 A Z’ Model for the CDF Dijet Anomaly
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