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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2011
12, 6.2011
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1106.0040 Enhanced CMBR non-Gaussianities from Lorentz violation
1106.0042 Categorifying the KZ-connection
1106.0043 Complex k band diagrams of 3D metamaterial/photonic crystals
1106.0044 A Population of Accreted SMC Stars in the LMC
1106.0045 Main-Belt Comet 238P/Read Revisited
1106.0046 Second harmonic generation in GaP photonic crystal waveguides
1106.0047 Spatial Inhomogeneity in RFeAsO1-xFx (R =Pr, Nd) Determined from Rare Earth Crystal Field Excitations
1106.0048 Concentration of measure for the number of isolated vertices in the ErdH{o}s-R’{e}nyi random graph by size bias couplings
1106.0049 Ferroelectricity in noncentrosymmetric structures from centric polyhedral building blocks
1106.0050 Bonding and Electronic Properties of Ice at High Pressure
1106.0051 Rich phase transitions in step skew-products
1106.0052 Two Qubits Tavis-Cummings Model Beyond the Rotating Wave Approximation: Degenerate Regime
1106.0053 Thermodynamics for geodesic flows of rank 1 surfaces
1106.0054 Verification of high-energy transport codes on the basis of activation data
1106.0055 Functoriality and Homotopic Properties of the Exotic Characteristic Homomorphism for a Pair of Lie Algebroids
1106.0056 Kinetic k-essence ghost dark energy model
1106.0057 Absorbing Set Spectrum Approach for Practical Code Design
1106.0058 Unitarity of exclusive quark combination model: Exotic hadron production, entropy change and charmonium production for colour-singlet many-quark system
1106.0061 Error Probability Bounds for Binary Relay Trees with Crummy Sensors
1106.0062 Comment on "Quantification of Macroscopic Quantum Superpositions within Phase Space"
1106.0063 Non-adiabatic transitions in a non-symmetric optical lattice
1106.0064 Minimal models with light sterile neutrinos
1106.0065 Tests of Modified Gravity with Dwarf Galaxies
1106.0066 Pulling and Pushing a Cargo With a Catalytically Active Carrier
1106.0068 On the Minimal Length Uncertainty Relation and the Foundations of String Theory
1106.0069 A new method for estimating frequency-dependent core shifts in active galactic nucleus jets
1106.0070 Modeling and Information Rates for Synchronization Error Channels
1106.0071 Time-resolved measurement of photon states using two-photon interference with photons from short-time reference pulses
1106.0072 On graphs related to co-maximal ideals of a commutative ring
1106.0073 Noise, sign problems, and statistics
1106.0074 A Bound on the Variance of the Waiting Time in a Queueing System
1106.0075 Windowed Decoding of Spatially Coupled Codes
1106.0076 Lefschetz trace formula and l-adic cohomology of Lubin-Tate tower
1106.0077 Maximum VC families
1106.0078 Investigations of Double Parton Scattering: Example of $pp ightarrow b ar{b} m{jet~jet} X$
1106.0080 Logarithmic Corrections to N=4 and N=8 Black Hole Entropy: A One Loop Test of Quantum Gravity
1106.0081 A possible sequential star formation in the giant molecular cloud G174+2.5
1106.0082 The variational Poisson cohomolgy
1106.0083 Gap opening of single-layer graphene under the continuum model
1106.0084 Aggressive shadowing of a low-dimensional model of atmospheric dynamics
1106.0085 A Contribution to Seymour’s Second Neighborhood Conjecture
1106.0086 Generating Functional Analysis of Iterative Algorithms for Compressed Sensing
1106.0087 Perfect State Transfer in PT-symmetric Non-Hermitian Networks
1106.0088 Applications of Variational Analysis to a Generalized Heron Problem
1106.0089 Anomalous robustness of the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state near a sharp phase boundary
1106.0090 Multigrid preconditioning of linear systems for semismooth Newton methods applied to optimization problems constrained by smoothing operators
1106.0091 A new approach in stability analysis: case study: tachyon cosmology with non-minimally coupled scalar field-matter
1106.0092 The Role of Symmetry and Separation in Surface Evolution and Curve Shortening
1106.0093 The Fourier U(2) Group and Separation of Discrete Variables
1106.0094 Formation of Solar Filaments by Steady and Nonsteady Chromospheric Heating
1106.0096 The Phase Limit Set of a Variety
1106.0097 A deep radio survey of hard state and quiescent black hole X-ray binaries
1106.0098 Efficiency of light-frequency conversion in an atomic ensemble
1106.0099 Effect of isospin dependent cross-section on elliptic flow in heavy-ion collision at intermediate energies
1106.0100 Stopping of ions in a plasma irradiated by an intense laser field
1106.0101 Crossover from negative to positive shear rate dependence in granular friction
1106.0102 $f(T)$ Theories and Varying Fine Structure Constant
1106.0103 Branching Ratio and CP Asymmetry of B_s o K^*_0(1430) ho(omega,phi) Decays in the PQCD Approach
1106.0104 More nonlocality with less purity
1106.0105 A Proof of a Conjecture by Mecke for STIT tessellations
1106.0106 Beyond the Standard cosmological model with CMB
1106.0107 Handwritten Character Recognition of South Indian Scripts: A Review
1106.0108 Asymptotic Granularity Reduction and Its Application
1106.0109 Squeezed State and Relativistic Addition Law of Velocity
1106.0110 Non linear pseudo-bosons
1106.0111 The topological entropy of Banach spaces
1106.0112 Pseudo-bosons, so far
1106.0113 The BG-simulation for Byzantine Mobile Robots
1106.0114 Fractional counting of authorship to quantify scientific research output
1106.0118 1st International Workshop on Distributed Evolutionary Computation in Informal Environments
1106.0119 Ultrapure Multilayer Graphene in Bromine Intercalated Graphite
1106.0120 Analyzing Walksat on random formulas
1106.0121 The universal minimal space for groups of homeomorphisms of h-homogeneous spaces
1106.0123 Analytical Approximation for Non-linear FBSDEs with Perturbation Scheme
1106.0124 Varieties Connected by Chains of Lines
1106.0125 Robustness of quantum discord to sudden death in NMR
1106.0126 Hov{r}ava-Lifshitz Quantum Cosmology
1106.0127 A family of anisotropic integral operators and behaviour of its maximal eigenvalue
1106.0128 Quantum information processing in self-assembled crystals of cold polar molecules
1106.0129 Molecular spectroscopy for ground-state transfer of ultracold RbCs molecules
1106.0130 Differential geometric formulation of the Cauchy Navier equations
1106.0131 On Hankel-type operators with discontinuous symbols in higher dimensions
1106.0132 OSS (Outer Solar System): A fundamental and planetary physics mission to Neptune, Triton and the Kuiper Belt
1106.0133 A graph theoretic approach to graded identities
1106.0134 ProDiGe: PRioritization Of Disease Genes with multitask machine learning from positive and unlabeled examples
1106.0135 Toute forme mod’er’ement ramifi’ee d’un polydisque ouvert est triviale
1106.0136 Mapping Clouds and Terrain of Earth-like Planets from Photometric Variability
1106.0137 Optimal error estimates and energy conservation identities of the ADI-FDTD scheme on staggered grids for 3D Maxwell’s equations
1106.0138 Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics in quantum and classical systems
1106.0140 All-optical quantum computing with a hybrid solid-state processing unit
1106.0141 Counting or producing all fixed cardinality transversals
1106.0142 Effect of detuning on the phonon induced dephasing of optically driven InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots
1106.0143 Dynamic modeling of gene expression in prokaryotes: application to glucose-lactose diauxie in Escherichia coli
1106.0144 Monotone Operator Methods for Nash Equilibria in Non-Potential Games
1106.0145 Enhancement of the Curie temperature in small particles of weak itinerant ferromagnets
1106.0146 Direct Photon Production in Proton-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
1106.0147 On an algebraic formula and applications to group action on manifolds
1106.0148 Enhancement of magnetic anisotropy barrier in long range interacting spin systems
1106.0149 Tits compact CAT(0) spaces
1106.0150 Local Entropy Theory of a Random Dynamical System
1106.0151 Algorithm xxx: computing the Faddeyeva and Voigt functions
1106.0152 Vesta and Ceres: crossing the history of the Solar System
1106.0153 A recursive approach to the O(n) model on random maps via nested loops
1106.0154 Breathers and solitons of generalized nonlinear Schr"odinger equations as degenerations of algebro-geometric solutions
1106.0156 Three Body Resonance Overlap in Closely Spaced Multiple Planet Systems
1106.0157 Adsorption component of the disjoining pressure in thin liquid films
1106.0158 Possible mechanism responsible for observed impurity outward flow under radio frequency heating
1106.0159 Spherical harmonic transform on heterogeneous architectures using hybrid programming
1106.0160 From QCD color coherence to inclusive distributions and correlations in jets
1106.0161 Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dimer splittings in LaMn0.1Ga0.9O3
1106.0163 $Z’$ Phenomenology: A Novel Analysis and Fit in Combination of Chiral Effective Theory and Anomaly Cancellation
1106.0164 The variable Crab Nebula
1106.0165 Stationarity and Geometric Ergodicity of BEKK Multivariate GARCH Models
1106.0166 On the Tree-Level Structure of Scattering Amplitudes of Massless Particles
1106.0167 Low-Temperature Light Detectors with Neganov-Luke Amplification
1106.0168 Innovative observing strategy and orbit determination for Low Earth Orbit Space Debris
1106.0169 Generic approximation of functions by their Pad’{e} approximants
1106.0170 Bias-Controlled Selective Excitation of Vibrational Modes in Molecular Junctions: A Route Towards Mode-Selective Chemistry
1106.0172 Cosmic Bounces and Cyclic Universes
1106.0173 Dirac fermions in strong gravitational fields
1106.0174 A heterogeneous zero-range process related to a two-dimensional walk model
1106.0175 The Fermi view of gamma-ray bursts
1106.0176 Coupling between switching regulation and torque generation in bacterial flagellar motor
1106.0177 Quantum Optimal Control Theory in the Linear Response Formalism
1106.0178 Achievable Rates of MIMO Systems with Linear Precoding and Iterative LMMSE Detection
1106.0179 Spatially Resolved Dynamic Structure Factor of Finite Systems from MD Simulations
1106.0181 The ground state phase diagram of the diluted ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice model
1106.0182 The Distribution of the Elements in the Galactic Disk II. Azimuthal and Radial Variation in Abundances from Cepheids
1106.0183 Laser emission with excitonic gain in a ZnO planar microcavity
1106.0184 Detection of the Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1825-137 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
1106.0185 Spinless bosons embedded in a vector Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator
1106.0186 The central point source in G76.9+1.0
1106.0187 Thomas-Fermi approximation to pairing in finite Fermi systems. The weak coupling regime
1106.0188 Exploring the thermodynamics of a two-dimensional Bose gas
1106.0189 A correlation between host star activity and planet mass for close-in extrasolar planets?
1106.0190 Evolution of Things
1106.0191 Topology on rational points over higher local fields
1106.0192 The almost sure behavior of certain spatial repartitions of local empirical processes indexed by functions
1106.0193 Production of Triply Heavy Baryons at LHC
1106.0194 On the orbital parameters of Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud
1106.0195 Scaling theory of continuum dislocation dynamics: Self-organized critical pattern formation
1106.0196 Highly lopsided information and the Borel hierarchy
1106.0198 Analytic evaluation of diffuse flux at a refractive index discontinuity in forward-biased scattering media
1106.0199 Bose-Einstein Condensate in a light-induced vector potential using the 1064 $nm$ optical dipole trap lasers
1106.0200 Hausdorff dimension of visibility sets for well-behaved continuum percolation in the hyperbolic plane
1106.0201 Probability distribution function for a solid with vacancies
1106.0202 Quantum Entrained Measurements
1106.0203 On discrete fractional integral operators and related Diophantine equations
1106.0205 Generators and dimensions of derived categories
1106.0206 Magnetic Exchange Interactions in BaMn2As2: A Case Study of the J1-J2-Jc Heisenberg Model
1106.0207 Log canonical thresholds, F-pure thresholds, and non-standard extensions
1106.0208 Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
1106.0209 AEGIS at CERN: Measuring Antihydrogen Fall
1106.0210 Modular invariant Frobenius algebras from ribbon Hopf algebra automorphisms
1106.0211 A note on geodesic connectedness of G"odel type spacetimes
1106.0212 Dual doubled geometry
1106.0213 BMS charge algebra
1106.0214 Poisson Yang-Baxter maps with binomial Lax matrices
1106.0215 Multi-terminal magneto-transport in an interacting fractal network: a mean field study
1106.0216 Algorithms for Low-Dimensional Topology
1106.0217 Using Lotkaian Informetrics for Ranking in Digital Libraries
1106.0218 The Good Old Davis-Putnam Procedure Helps Counting Models
1106.0219 Identifying Mislabeled Training Data
1106.0220 Committee-Based Sample Selection for Probabilistic Classifiers
1106.0221 Evolutionary Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning
1106.0222 Markov Localization for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments
1106.0223 Decentralized Markets versus Central Control: A Comparative Study
1106.0224 Reasoning about Minimal Belief and Negation as Failure
1106.0225 Randomized Algorithms for the Loop Cutset Problem
1106.0226 Remarkable paramagnetic features of Fermi-Dirac plasmas
1106.0227 Identical temperature dependence of the time scales of several linear-response functions of two glass-forming liquids
1106.0228 Statistical Analysis of an AGN sample with Simultaneous UV and X-ray Observations with Swift
1106.0229 OBDD-based Universal Planning for Synchronized Agents in Non-Deterministic Domains
1106.0230 Planning Graph as a (Dynamic) CSP: Exploiting EBL, DDB and other CSP Search Techniques in Graphplan
1106.0231 Raman scattering study of Spin-Density-Wave order and electron-phonon coupling in Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$
1106.0232 Real and Virtual Compton Scattering: the nucleon polarisabilities
1106.0233 Space Efficiency of Propositional Knowledge Representation Formalisms
1106.0235 Robust Agent Teams via Socially-Attentive Monitoring
1106.0236 What you see is not what you get: how sampling affects macroscopic features of biological networks
1106.0237 On Deducing Conditional Independence from d-Separation in Causal Graphs with Feedback (Research Note)
1106.0238 What’s in an Attribute? Consequences for the Least Common Subsumer
1106.0240 Backbone Fragility and the Local Search Cost Peak
1106.0241 An Application of Reinforcement Learning to Dialogue Strategy Selection in a Spoken Dialogue System for Email
1106.0242 Nonapproximability Results for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
1106.0243 On Reasonable and Forced Goal Orderings and their Use in an Agenda-Driven Planning Algorithm
1106.0244 Asimovian Adaptive Agents
1106.0245 A Model of Inductive Bias Learning
1106.0246 Mean Field Methods for a Special Class of Belief Networks
1106.0247 On the Compilability and Expressive Power of Propositional Planning Formalisms
1106.0248 Technical Paper Recommendation: A Study in Combining Multiple Information Sources
1106.0249 Partial-Order Planning with Concurrent Interacting Actions
1106.0250 Planning by Rewriting
1106.0251 Speeding Up the Convergence of Value Iteration in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
1106.0252 Conformant Planning via Symbolic Model Checking
1106.0253 AIS-BN: An Adaptive Importance Sampling Algorithm for Evidential Reasoning in Large Bayesian Networks
1106.0254 Conflict-Directed Backjumping Revisited
1106.0255 Deligne pairing and determinant bundle
1106.0256 Grounding the Lexical Semantics of Verbs in Visual Perception using Force Dynamics and Event Logic
1106.0257 Popular Ensemble Methods: An Empirical Study
1106.0258 Asymmetric Berry-Phase Interference Patterns in a Single-Molecule Magnet
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