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26 January 2025
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2025, 2011
12, 7.2011
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1106.6357 Flavor and CP Invariant Composite Higgs Models
1107.0074 Testing Machine for Expansive Mortar
1107.0075 Electronic structure of silicon-based nanostructures
1107.0076 KARMA: Kalman-based autoregressive moving average modeling and inference for formant and antiformant tracking
1107.0077 The Stellar Archeology of the M33 Disk: Recent Star-Forming History and Constraints on the Timing of an Interaction with M31
1107.0078 Optimization of UAV Heading for the Ground-to-Air Uplink
1107.0079 Critical Multitype Branching Systems: Extinction Results
1107.0080 Elliptic and triangular flow of identified particles at ALICE
1107.0081 Primal-dual splitting algorithm for solving inclusions with mixtures of composite, Lipschitzian, and parallel-sum monotone operators
1107.0082 A case of combination of evidence in the Dempster-Shafer theory inconsistent with evaluation of probabilities
1107.0083 Electrical Transport Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons Produced from Sonicating Graphite in Solution
1107.0085 Three-Fold Diffraction Symmetry in Epitaxial Graphene and the SiC Substrate
1107.0086 An Assessment of "What does photon energy tell us about cellphone safety" by Dr. William Bruno
1107.0087 Understanding diffusion and density anomaly in a coarse-grained model for water confined between hydrophobic walls
1107.0089 Towards a Reliable Framework of Uncertainty-Based Group Decision Support System
1107.0090 On dual equivalence and Schur positivity
1107.0091 Absence of Resonances near Critical Line for CC Manifolds
1107.0092 Lower bounds for volumes of nodal sets: an improvement of a result of Sogge-Zelditch
1107.0093 One-step error correction for multipartite polarization entanglement
1107.0094 Inverse Systems of Zero-dimensional Schemes in P^n
1107.0095 Effect of Co Impurities on Superconductivity of FeSe0.4Te0.6 single crystals
1107.0096 Derivative Formula and Applications for Degenerate Diffusion Semigroups
1107.0097 Force Induced Unzipping of DNA with Long Range Correlated Noise
1107.0098 A Probabilistic Attack on NP-complete Problems
1107.0099 Optical and Near-IR long-term monitoring of NGC3783 and MR2251-178: evidence for variable near-IR emission from thin accretion discs
1107.0100 Obliquely rotating pulsars: current screening
1107.0101 Existence of Dyons in Minimally Gauged Skyrme Model via Constrained Minimization
1107.0102 Acyclic embeddings of open Riemann surfaces into new examples of elliptic manifolds
1107.0103 Thermodynamics of (2+1) flavor QGP in quasiparticle model
1107.0104 Approximating Tverberg Points in Linear Time for Any Fixed Dimension
1107.0105 Superfluid/ferromagnet/superfluid-junction and $pi$-phase in a superfluid Fermi gas at finite temperatures
1107.0106 Calabi-Yau Problem for Legendrian curves in C^3 and applications
1107.0107 Bose-Einstein condensate in gases of rare atomic species
1107.0108 Observation of the antimatter helium-4 nucleus at RHIC
1107.0109 Graphene-Wrapped Sulfur Particles as a Rechargeable Lithium-Sulfur-Battery Cathode Material with High Capacity and Cycling Stability
1107.0110 Non-Markovian dynamics of system-reservoir entanglement
1107.0111 LiMn1-xFexPO4 Nanorods Grown on Graphene Sheets for Ultra-High Rate Performance Lithium Ion Batteries
1107.0112 Nonlinear Analysis of the Solutions of the Hasegawa-Wakatani Equations
1107.0113 Electric transport through circular graphene quantum dots: presence of disorder
1107.0114 Origin of the unconventional magnetoresistance in Sr2FeMoO6
1107.0115 Tunable metal-insulator transition in double-layer graphene heterostructures
1107.0116 Current induced magnetization reversal on the surface of a topological insulator
1107.0117 XMM-Newton observations of the supergiant fast X-ray transients XTEJ1739-302, IGRJ08408-4503 and IGRJ18410-0535
1107.0118 Optimal Folding of Data Flow Graphs based on Finite Projective Geometry using Lattice Embedding
1107.0119 Charge pumping due to triplet vector spin chirality in ferromagnet/triplet superconductor junctions
1107.0120 Coherent single-photon absorption by single emitters coupled to 1D nanophotonic waveguides (Chen, et al.)
1107.0121 Glass-like ordering and spatial inhomogeneity of magnetic structure in Ba3FeRu2O9 : The role of Fe/Ru-site disorder
1107.0122 Spin Hall effect in iron-based superconducting materials: An effect of Dirac point
1107.0123 Extremal ergodic measures and the finiteness property of matrix semigroups
1107.0124 A Gel’fand-type spectral radius formula and stability of linear constrained switching systems
1107.0125 Magnetic glasses and structural glasses: devitrification and a reentrant transition under CHUF protocol
1107.0126 Swap action on moduli spaces of polygonal linkages
1107.0127 A natural derivative on [0,n] and a binomial Poincar’e inequality
1107.0128 Experimental treatment of Quark and Gluon Jets
1107.0129 Exact Lagrangians in plumbings
1107.0130 Jet quenching and elliptic flow at RHIC and LHC within a pQCD-based partonic transport model
1107.0131 Isobaric yield ratios in heavy-ion reactions, and symmetry energy of neutron-rich nuclei at intermediate energies
1107.0132 Pointwise stabilization of discrete-time matrix-valued stationary Markov chains
1107.0133 On the distance between non-isomorphic groups
1107.0134 The Influence of Global Constraints on Similarity Measures for Time-Series Databases
1107.0135 Reduction of charge fluctuation energies in ultrathin NiO films on Ag(001)
1107.0136 Charmless $B_s o PP, PV, VV$ Decays Based on the six-quark Effective Hamiltonian with Strong Phase Effects II
1107.0137 Measurement of J/Psi production in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 and 7 TeV with ALICE
1107.0138 $k$-Conflict-Free Coloring and $k$-Strong-Conflict-Free Coloring for One Class of Hypergraphs and Online $k$-Conflict-Free Coloring
1107.0139 On the velocity distribution in homogeneous isotropic turbulence: correlations and deviations from Gaussianity
1107.0140 On continuous expansions of configurations of points in Euclidean space
1107.0141 Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the red fraction and radial distribution of satellite galaxies
1107.0142 Faraday Rotation Measure due to the Intergalactic Magnetic Field II: the Cosmological Contribution
1107.0144 The Universal Arrow of Time III: Gravitation theory
1107.0145 A CLT for Information-theoretic statistics of Non-centered Gram random matrices
1107.0146 Koszul duality of affine Kac-Moody algebras and cyclotomic rational DAHA
1107.0147 Riesz measures and Wishart laws associated to quadratic maps
1107.0148 Dissecting high-mass star-forming regions; tracing back their complex formation history
1107.0149 Deformable two-dimensional photonic crystal slab for cavity optomechanics
1107.0150 Gluonic profile of the static baryon at finite temperature
1107.0152 Global-in-time existence of perturbations around travelling-waves
1107.0153 Tight-binding study of the magneto-optical properties of gapped graphene
1107.0154 The properties of the ISM in disc galaxies with stellar feedback
1107.0156 Using Dark Matter as a Guide to extend Standard Model: Dirac Similarity Principle and Minimum Higgs Hypothesis
1107.0157 Quasi-stationary simulations of the contact process on quenched networks
1107.0159 Measurements of the CKM angle $gamma/phi_{3}$ at B-factories
1107.0160 High-pressure Raman spectroscopy and lattice-dynamics calculations on scintillating MgWO4: A comparison with isomorphic compounds
1107.0161 Conditions quadratiques pour des extr’emales bang-singuli’eres
1107.0162 Comparative study of many-body perturbation theory and time-dependent density functional theory in the out-of-equilibrium Anderson model
1107.0163 Bounds on the width, mass difference and other properties of X(3872) --> pi+pi-J/psi decays
1107.0164 One-yea reserve risk including a tail factor : closed formula and bootstrap approaches
1107.0165 A consistent first-order model for relativistic heat flow
1107.0167 Nonlinear transformation optics and engineering of the Kerr effect
1107.0168 Abelianity Conjecture for special threefolds
1107.0169 Human Activity Detection from RGBD Images
1107.0170 Revenue diversification in emerging market banks: implications for financial performance
1107.0171 Competing orders in one-dimensional half-filled multicomponent fermionic cold atoms: The Haldane-charge conjecture
1107.0172 Equation-of-motion approach of spin-motive force
1107.0173 Baryogenesis and neutron-antineutron oscillation at TeV
1107.0174 The symplectic topology of projective manifolds with small dual
1107.0175 A lower bound in Nehari’s theorem on the polydisc
1107.0176 How Not to Characterize Planar-emulable Graphs
1107.0177 On the Spectra and Pseudospectra of a Class of Non-Self-Adjoint Random Matrices and Operators
1107.0178 Photon production from the vacuum close to the super-radiant transition: When Casimir meets Kibble-Zurek
1107.0179 Jet Reconstruction with Particle Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions with CMS
1107.0180 Varying disc-magnetosphere coupling as the origin of pulse profile variability in SAX J1808.4-3658
1107.0181 Quantum simulation of the hexagonal Kitaev model with trapped ions
1107.0182 VLBI imaging of a flare in the Crab Nebula: More than just a spot
1107.0183 BSDEs in Utility Maximization with BMO Market Price of Risk
1107.0184 Regularity properties of Schr"odinger operators
1107.0185 Periodicity of Rauzy scheme and substitutional systems
1107.0186 The SKA and "High-Resolution" Science
1107.0187 Star Formation Properties in Barred Galaxies(SFB). I. Ultraviolet-to-Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopic Studies of NGC 7479
1107.0188 On the degree of a Kloosterman sum as an algebraic integer
1107.0189 The Lasso, correlated design, and improved oracle inequalities
1107.0190 The Stability of the Constrained Utility Maximization Problem - A BSDE Approach
1107.0191 Energy conversion in Purple Bacteria Photosynthesis
1107.0192 Multiple Space Debris Collecting Mission - Debris selection and Trajectory optimization
1107.0193 On ambiguity. Its locus in the architecture of Language and its origin in efficient communication
1107.0194 Law of Connectivity in Machine Learning
1107.0195 Chandra High Energy Grating Observations of the Fe Ka Line Core in Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies: A Comparison with Type 1 Nuclei
1107.0196 Interatomic potentials for the vibrational properties of III-V semiconductor nanostructures
1107.0197 On the distribution of cubic exponential sums
1107.0198 A mechanism of almost perfect energy transfer in Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex
1107.0199 Bootstrap approximation for the exchange-correlation kernel of time-dependent density functional theory
1107.0200 Diffuse emission measurement with INTEGRAL/SPI as indirect probe of cosmic-ray electrons and positrons
1107.0201 Unveiling the nature of IGR J17177-3656 with X-ray, NIR and Radio observations
1107.0202 Revealing Sub-Optimality Conditions of Strategic Decisions
1107.0203 Calculus of Tangent Sets and Derivatives of Set Valued Maps under Metric Subregularity Conditions
1107.0204 High frequency magnetic behavior through the magnetoimpedance effect in CoFeB/(Ta, Ag, Cu) multilayered ferromagnetic thin films
1107.0205 Large Variations of the coefficient $J_2$ of geopotential, and the dynamical Love number $k_2^d$ from the analysis of laser ranging to LAGEOS~1 and LAGEOS~2
1107.0206 Entanglement transfer between bipartite systems
1107.0207 Identifying codes in line graphs
1107.0208 Large Deviations for Non-Crossing Partitions
1107.0209 N-rho-rho and Delta-rho-rho molecules with $J^P=5/2^{+}$ and $J^P=7/2^{+}$
1107.0210 A fast 2D image reconstruction algorithm from 1D data for the Gaia mission
1107.0211 Optical control of one and two hole spins in interacting quantum dots
1107.0212 On the pulse-width statistics in radio pulsars. II. Importance of the core profile components
1107.0214 Pole-free solutions of the first Painlev’e hierarchy and non-generic critical behavior for the KdV equation
1107.0216 Influence of tubular initial conditions on two-particle correlations
1107.0217 Nonlinear elevation of liquid surface in strong axisymmetric electrostatic field
1107.0218 Functionals of the Free Brownian Bridge
1107.0219 Single Spin Asymmetries at COMPASS with transverse target polarization
1107.0220 Measurement of the gas-flow reduction factor of the KATRIN DPS2-F differential pumping section
1107.0221 Bimaximal mixing and large theta13 in a SUSY SU(5) model based on S4
1107.0222 Superstatistics of Blaschke products
1107.0223 A Multi-level Correction Scheme for Eigenvalue Problems
1107.0224 The deeply obscured AGN of NGC4945 I. Spitzer-IRS maps of [Ne V], [Ne II], H2 0-0 S(1), S(2), and other tracers
1107.0225 Mimicking the cosmological constant: constant curvature spherical solutions in a non-minimally coupled model
1107.0227 New Higgs signals from a multi-scalar model with flavor symmetry
1107.0228 From a kinetic equation to a diffusion under an anomalous scaling
1107.0229 Accurate determination of the Gaussian transition in spin-1 chains with single-ion anisotropy
1107.0230 Finite-size effects in transport data from Quantum Monte Carlo simulations
1107.0231 Nature, formation and evolution of High Mass X-ray Binaries
1107.0232 Simplicial Homeology and Homeotopy
1107.0234 Unbounded Contention Resolution in Multiple-Access Channels
1107.0235 Graphs and the (co)homology of Lie algebras
1107.0237 Quantum Decision Theory
1107.0238 Catastrophic quenching in alpha-Omega dynamos revisited
1107.0239 The Top Quark Forward Backward Asymmetry at CDF
1107.0240 On $L^p$ inequality for differential forms and $L^p$ cohomology of a semialgebraic set for $p>>1$
1107.0241 M_h in MSSM with Heavy Majorana Neutrinos
1107.0243 A simple proof of Sarkozy’s theorem
1107.0244 Negative index of refraction in a four-level system with magnetoelectric cross coupling and local field corrections
1107.0246 SuperWASP observations of pulsating Am stars
1107.0247 Ekpyrosis and inflationary dynamics in heavy ion collisions: the role of quantum fluctuations
1107.0248 A generalized Steinberg section and branching rules for quantum groups at roots of 1
1107.0249 Optimized hierarchical equations of motion for Drude dissipation
1107.0250 Magnetic model for A2CuP2O7 (A = Na, Li) revisited: 1D versus 2D behavior
1107.0251 Quasiparticle Renormalization and Pairing Correlations in Spherical Superfluid Nuclei
1107.0252 Charmonium production measured in PbPb and pp collisions by CMS
1107.0253 Ultrathin optical switch based on a liquid crystal/silver nanoparticles mixture as a tunable indefinite medium
1107.0254 Bound state nature of the exotic Z_b states
1107.0255 Slow magnetic dynamics and hysteresis loops of a bulk ferromagnet
1107.0256 Heavy-flavor dynamics in nucleus-nucleus collisions: from RHIC to LHC
1107.0257 Fluctuations of grains inside a discharging two-dimensional silo
1107.0258 Colloquium: Hidden Order, Superconductivity and Magnetism -- The Unsolved Case of URu2Si2
1107.0259 Wavepacket Dynamics in Nonlinear Schr"odinger Equations
1107.0260 Defect and solute properties in dilute Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic alloys: an ab initio study
1107.0261 A comparative study of Gaussian Graphical Model approaches for genomic data
1107.0262 Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Conformal Formulations of the Einstein Constraints
1107.0264 A Bloch-Wigner complex for SL_2
1107.0265 Intersecting branes and a standard model realization in matrix models
1107.0266 New physics searches in flavour physics
1107.0267 Variability in the CoRoT photometry of three hot O-type stars. HD 46223, HD 46150 and HD 46966
1107.0268 Simple Algorithm Portfolio for SAT
1107.0269 Short-period low-mass binary system CC Com revisited
1107.0270 Coarse-Grained Stochastic Particle-based Reaction-Diffusion Simulation Algorithm
1107.0272 Thermodynamical properties of interacting holographic dark energy model with apparent horizon
1107.0274 Quasi-particle continuum and resonances in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory
1107.0275 Multiresolution analysis for Markov Interval Maps
1107.0276 Thermal noise of whispering gallery resonators
1107.0277 Marginally low mass ratio close binary system V1191 Cyg
1107.0278 Completeness of Epistemic Coalition Logic with Group Knowledge
1107.0279 Sterile neutrino decay as a common origin for LSND/MiniBooNe and T2K excess events
1107.0280 Collisional rates for the inelastic Maxwell model. Application to the divergence of anisotropic high-order velocity moments in the homogeneous cooling state
1107.0281 Clarifications on the impact of theoretical uncertainties on the Tevatron Higgs exclusion limits
1107.0282 Expansion dynamics of the FFLO state
1107.0283 Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains Near the Heliopause
1107.0284 Closures of K-orbits in the flag variety for GL(2n)
1107.0285 Triggered di-hadron correlations in Pb--Pb collisions from the ALICE experiment
1107.0286 Vacuum polarization tensor in inhomogeneous magnetic fields
1107.0287 Steady-State Neutronic Analysis of Converting the UK CONSORT Reactor for ADS Experiments
1107.0288 Decay rates for topological memories encoded with Majorana fermions
1107.0289 Smearing Formulas for Density Matrices
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