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26 January 2025

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1107.6046 The Progenitor Mass of SN 2011dh from Stellar Populations Analysis
1108.0208 Renormalization approach to constituent quark models of Quarkonium
1108.0209 Structure and Dynamics of Polynomial Dynamical Systems
1108.0210 Naked Singularity Explosion in Higher Dimensions
1108.0211 Conformal time in a black-hole universe with torsion
1108.0212 Reply to Comment on "Quantification of Macroscopic Quantum Superpositions within Phase Space"
1108.0213 Pre-dewetting transition on a hydrophobic wall: Statics and dynamics
1108.0214 Dynamical Symmetry Breaking with Four-Superfield Interactions
1108.0215 Zeeman Splitting of Polariton States in Ferrite Cylinder
1108.0217 Counterexamples to the regularity of Mane projections and global attractors
1108.0218 On extensions of a symplectic class
1108.0219 Gravitational wave emission from a magnetically deformed non-barotropic neutron star
1108.0220 Near-horizon hidden conformal symmetry from uplifting Rindler space to AdS space
1108.0222 An extended scalar sector to address the tension between a fourth generation and Higgs searches at the LHC
1108.0223 BQP and PPAD
1108.0224 Could AX J1841.0$-$0536 Be an Anti-Magnetar?
1108.0225 Solving Noether’s equations for gauge invariant local Lagrangians of N arbitrary higher even spin fields
1108.0226 SeCQC: An open-source program code for the numerical Search for the classical Capacity of Quantum Channels
1108.0228 Modelling and Simulation of Asynchronous Real-Time Systems using Timed Rebeca
1108.0229 A Verified Algebra for Linked Data
1108.0230 A State-Based Characterisation of the Conflict Preorder
1108.0231 Predicting global usages of resources endowed with local policies
1108.0232 Decoupled execution of synchronous coordination models via behavioural automata
1108.0233 On the continuity of two-dimensional stationary-harmonic multiple-valued functions
1108.0234 Principal bundles over a real algebraic curve
1108.0236 Inherent Stochastic Linearization of Random Laser Modes
1108.0237 On the study of phase-space analysis of fragments produced in heavy-ion collisions
1108.0238 Riesz Potentials, Bessel Potentials and Fractional Derivatives on Besov-Lipschtz spaces for the Gaussian Measure
1108.0239 Stability Criteria via Common Non-strict Lyapunov Matrix for Discrete-time Linear Switched Systems
1108.0241 Novel insights into the $gammagamma^* o pi^0$ transition form factor
1108.0242 Some remarks on D-branes and defects in Liouville and Toda field theories
1108.0243 Key Predistribution Schemes for Distributed Sensor Networks
1108.0244 On the Theta semigroup
1108.0245 Sn1-xBixO2 and Sn1-xTaxO2 (0 leq x leq 0.75): A first-principles study
1108.0246 Estimations of changes of the Sun’s mass and the gravitation constant from the modern observations of planets and spacecraft
1108.0247 Non-collapsing in mean-convex mean curvature flow
1108.0248 Astrophysical Censorship
1108.0249 A noncommutative geometric approach to the quantum structure of spacetime
1108.0250 Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in the chiral constituent quark model
1108.0251 Cortical current source connectivity by means of partial coherence fields
1108.0252 Finiteness Properties of Non-Uniform Lattices on CAT(0) Polyhedral Complexes
1108.0253 Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon cross-section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)= 7 TeV using 35 pb-1 of ATLAS data
1108.0254 The paraxial approximation: the intermediate-energy electron-impact ionization of the molecular hydrogen and nitrogen
1108.0257 Correlation energy of anisotropic quantum dots
1108.0258 On Monoid Graded Local Rings
1108.0259 Study of the strong $Sigma_b o Lambda_b, pi$ and $Sigma_b^{*} o Lambda_b, pi$ in a non-relativistic quark model
1108.0260 Lagrangian Floer homology of a pair of real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type
1108.0261 FIFA World Cup 2010: A Network Analysis of the Champion Team Play
1108.0262 Groups of Oscillating Intermediate Growth
1108.0263 Upper bounds on violation of Bell-type inequalities by a multipartite quantum state
1108.0264 Optical study of the multiple charge density wave transitions in ErTe$_3$
1108.0265 emph{Fermi}-LAT Detection of the Young SuperNova Remnant Tycho
1108.0266 Effect of nodes, ellipticity and impurities on the spin resonance in Iron-based superconductors
1108.0267 Grid Information Security Functional Requirement - Fulfilling Information Security of a Smart Grid System
1108.0268 M"ossbauer studies of powdered single crystals of FeTe0.5Se0.5
1108.0269 Multistep shell model description of spin-aligned neutron-proton pair coupling
1108.0271 Estimate of the Hausdorff Dimension of a Self-Similar Set due to Weak Contractions
1108.0272 Spin-fluctuations and the peak-dip-hump feature in the photoemission spectrum of actinides
1108.0273 Explicit formulas for GJMS-operators and $Q$-curvatures
1108.0274 Groups of p-deficiency one
1108.0275 Particle escapes in an open quantum network via multiple leads
1108.0276 Isometric embeddings of pretangent spaces in E^n
1108.0277 On the Size of a Largest Hole in Bipartite Powers
1108.0278 Theoretical study of magnetic properties and hyperfine interactions in $sigma$-FeV alloys
1108.0279 Entangled spin-orbital phases in the bilayer Kugel-Khomskii model
1108.0281 Reentrant behaviour in Landau Fermi liquids with spin-split Pomeranchuk instabilities
1108.0282 Minimal length elements of finite Coxeter groups
1108.0283 Electron spin relaxation in graphene with random Rashba field: Comparison of D’yakonov-Perel’ and Elliott-Yafet--like mechanisms
1108.0285 How well can we Measure the Intrinsic Velocity Dispersion of Distant Disk Galaxies?
1108.0286 Fast computation of Bernoulli, Tangent and Secant numbers
1108.0287 Path-Integral Bosonization of Massive Gauged Thirring Model
1108.0288 Acceleration of particles and shells by Reissner-Nordstr"{o}m naked singularities
1108.0289 Marry your Sister: Outbreeding Depression in Penna Ageing Model
1108.0290 Optimal realisations of two-dimensional, totally-decomposable metrics
1108.0291 The connection between radio halos and cluster mergers and the statistical properties of the radio halo population
1108.0292 First Search for Point Sources of High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
1108.0293 Topology of iterated $S^1$-bundles
1108.0294 Felix: Scaling Inference for Markov Logic with an Operator-based Approach
1108.0297 A new lower bound based on Gromov’s method of selecting heavily covered points
1108.0298 Network Model-Assisted Inference from Respondent-Driven Sampling Data
1108.0299 Critical analysis of a variational method used to describe the molecular electron transport
1108.0300 Combinatorial approach to Mathieu and Lam’e equations
1108.0302 What the information paradox is {it not}
1108.0303 QFT In Physical Systems: Condensed Matter to Life Sciences
1108.0304 Hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces in ice at ambient and high pressures
1108.0305 Primordial fluctuations and non-Gaussianities from multifield DBI Galileon inflation
1108.0306 New light curves and ephemeris for the close eclipsing binary V963 PER
1108.0307 The Euler-Maruyama approximation for the absorbtion times
1108.0308 New constraints on the Polarization of Anomalous Microwave Emission in nearby molecular clouds
1108.0309 Softening the "crystal-scaffold" for life’s emergence
1108.0310 Noise Sensitivity in Continuum Percolation
1108.0311 A Geometric Approach to Noncommutative Principal Bundles
1108.0312 Reducing the effect of seismic noise in LIGO searches by targeted veto generation
1108.0314 Finite-dimensional global attractor for a nonlocal phase-field system
1108.0315 Small witnesses, accepting lassos and winning strategies in omega-automata and games
1108.0317 Periodic flats and group actions on locally symmetric spaces
1108.0319 Transient and finite size effects in transport properties of a quantum wire
1108.0320 Unruh effect without entanglement
1108.0323 BPS Saturated String Amplitudes: K3 Elliptic Genus and Igusa Cusp Form chi_{10}
1108.0324 EBAC-DCC Analysis of World Data of pi N, gamma N, and N(e,e’) Reactions
1108.0325 Helical motion of elastic spheres
1108.0326 Biological implications of high-energy cosmic ray induced muon flux in the extragalactic shock model
1108.0327 Local invariant for scale structures on mapping spaces
1108.0328 Symplectic bifurcation theory for integrable systems
1108.0330 (Co-)Inductive semantics for Constraint Handling Rules
1108.0331 Hyperon forward spin polarizabilty gamma0
1108.0334 Ferrimagnetism, Antiferromagnetism and Magnetic Frustration in La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuRuO$_{6}$ (0 <= x <= 1)
1108.0335 Discovery of a Bright, Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarf in a Close Double Degenerate System
1108.0336 On the Creation of Scalar Particles in a Flat Robertson-Walker Space-time
1108.0337 Asymptotics for restricted integer compositions
1108.0338 On the cohomology of the Losev-Manin moduli space
1108.0339 Perfect state transfer of quantum walks on quotient graphs
1108.0340 Increased Cycling Efficiency and Rate Capability of Copper-coated Silicon Anodes in Lithium-ion Batteries
1108.0341 Quantum statistics and noncommutative black holes
1108.0342 Black-Box Complexities of Combinatorial Problems
1108.0343 Strong solutions for SPDE with locally monotone coefficients driven by L’{e}vy noise
1108.0344 Equiconvergence of spectral decompositions of 1D Dirac operators with regular boundary conditions
1108.0345 Technically Natural Cosmological Constant From Supersymmetric 6D Brane Backreaction
1108.0346 Dilaton in a soft-wall holographic approach to mesons and baryons
1108.0347 Entropy Semiring Forward-backward Algorithm for HMM Entropy Computation
1108.0349 UBV(RI)_C photometry of transiting planet host stars
1108.0350 Top forward-backward asymmetry and the CDF Wjj excess in leptophobic U(1)’ flavor models
1108.0352 Tensor products of Leavitt path algebras
1108.0353 Cross-moments computation for stochastic context-free grammars
1108.0354 Replica-Exchange Cluster Algorithm
1108.0355 Using Java for distributed computing in the Gaia satellite data processing
1108.0358 Transitive A_6-invariant k-arcs in PG(2,q)
1108.0359 A half-step in quantized conductance for low-density electrons in a quantum wire
1108.0361 Gluino Pair Production at the LHC: The Threshold
1108.0362 Propagation of Ultrahigh Energy Nuclei in the Magnetic Field of our Galaxy
1108.0364 Phase coexistence in consolidating porous media
1108.0365 Detection of infalling hydrogen in transfer between the interacting galaxies NGC 5426 and NGC 5427
1108.0367 Projective Representations of the Inhomogeneous Hamilton Group: Noninertial Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics
1108.0368 Szeg"o’s Theorem and its Probabilistic Descendants
1108.0369 Twistor Networks and Covariant Twisted Geometries
1108.0370 Max-Weight Scheduling in Queueing Networks with Heavy-Tailed Traffic
1108.0371 Prime ideals in nilpotent Iwasawa algebras
1108.0372 In Situ Measurements of Stress-Potential Coupling in Lithiated Silicon
1108.0373 Fast-rate and optimistic-rate error bounds for L1-regularized regression
1108.0374 A system equilibrates when diagonalizing its hamiltonian is sufficiently hard
1108.0375 K-motives of algebraic varieties
1108.0377 On Detecting Pollution Attacks in Inter-Session Network Coding
1108.0379 A new representation of the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities with applications
1108.0382 Grigori Kuzmin and Stellar Dynamics
1108.0383 Double-Peaked Narrow Emission Lines in AGN: The Role of Rotating Disks
1108.0384 Convergence rates for rank-based models with applications to portfolio theory
1108.0387 Standard Model Higgs boson production in association with a top anti-top pair at NLO with parton showering
1108.0389 When asymmetric cosmic bubbles betray a difficult marriage: the study of binary central stars of Planetary Nebulae
1108.0390 Tensile material properties of human rib cortical bone under quasi-static and dynamic failure loading and influence of the bone microstucture on failure characteristics
1108.0391 The Channel Capacity Increases with Power
1108.0392 Evolution of Structural and Physical Properties of Sr3(Ru1-xMnx)2O7 with Mn Concentration
1108.0393 Closing in on Supersymmetric Electroweak Baryogenesis with Dark Matter Searches and the Large Hadron Collider
1108.0394 Abstract analogues of flux as symplectic invariants
1108.0395 Charge redistribution and interlayer coupling in twisted bilayer graphene under electric fields
1108.0396 Slim accretion disks around black holes
1108.0397 On the steady viscous flow of a nonhomogeneous asymmetric fluid
1108.0398 One-Loop QCD and Higgs to Partons Processes Using Six-Dimensional Helicity and Generalized Unitarity
1108.0399 Standard Model with Partial Gauge Invarianc
1108.0400 Boundary stress tensor and asymptotically AdS3 non-Einstein spaces at the chiral point
1108.0401 Deep Radio Continuum Imaging of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC10: Tracing Star Formation and Magnetic Fields
1108.0402 The relationship between star formation rates, local density and stellar mass up to z ~ 3 in the GOODS NICMOS Survey
1108.0403 Production of dust by massive stars at high redshift
1108.0404 Exploiting Agent and Type Independence in Collaborative Graphical Bayesian Games
1108.0405 Microwave Schottky diagnostic systems for the Fermilab Tevatron, Recycler, and CERN LHC
1108.0406 Linear Algebraic Groups as Parameterized Picard-Vessiot Galois Groups
1108.0407 Critical fields, thermally-activated transport and critical current density of beta-FeSe single crystals
1108.0409 Impact of a Pioneer/Rindler-type acceleration on the Oort cloud
1108.0410 The Magnetic Field in Taurus Probed by Infrared Polarization
1108.0411 Moulting Black Holes
1108.0412 Efficient Generation of Jets from Magnetically Arrested Accretion on a Rapidly Spinning Black Hole
1108.0413 A Physical Model of FeLoBALs: Implications for Quasar Feedback
1108.0414 Large Scale Extragalactic Jets in the Chandra era I: data reduction and analysis
1108.0415 The Radio Activity-Rotation Relation of Ultracool Dwarfs
1108.0416 PTF10ops - a subluminous, normal-width lightcurve Type Ia supernova in the middle of nowhere
1108.0417 Out of equilibrium: understanding cosmological evolution to lower-entropy states
1108.0418 DXL: a sounding rocket mission for the study of solar wind charge exchange and local hot bubble X-ray emission
1108.0419 Majorana fermions emerging from magnetic nanoparticles on a superconductor without spin-orbit coupling
1108.0420 Luminous Starbursts in the Redshift Desert at z~1-2: Star Formation Rates, Masses & Evidence for Outflows
1108.0421 Semi-Holographic Quantum Criticality
1108.0422 Renormalisation group improvement of scalar field inflation
1108.0423 Model independent determination of the axial mass parameter in quasielastic neutrino-nucleon scattering
1108.0424 Small Orbits
1108.0425 Quantum phase transitions in semi-local quantum liquids
1108.0426 An Analytic Model for the Evolution of the Stellar, Gas, and Metal Content of Galaxies
1108.0427 A Methodology for assessing Agile Software Development Approaches
1108.0428 Charge and spin criticality for the continuous Mott transition in a two-dimensional organic conductor
1108.0429 Disordered Silicates in Space: a Study of Laboratory Spectra of "Amorphous" Silicates
1108.0430 Interaction of Fanaroff-Riley class II radio jets with a randomly magnetised intra-cluster medium
1108.0431 Lie tori of type B_2 and graded-simple Jordan structures covered by a triangle
1108.0432 Double-k phase of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya helimagnet Ba2CuGe2O7
1108.0433 Self-Dual metrics on Non-simply connected 4-Manifolds
1108.0434 Genuine quantum and classical correlations in multipartite systems
1108.0435 Modeling and control of entanglement dynamics in laser cooling of trapped atoms
1108.0436 The study of the microwave heating of bulk metals without microwave susceptors
1108.0437 Revealing the extended radio emission from the gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057
1108.0438 On the Deformation Parameter in SLq(2) Models of the Elementary Particles
1108.0439 On a theorem of Bombieri, Friedlander and Iwaniec
1108.0440 Bounding The Rate of Adaptation In A Large Asexually Reproducing Population With Fast Mutation Rates
1108.0441 Herschel Measurements of Molecular Oxygen in Orion
1108.0442 Diffusive Logistic Model Towards Predicting Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks
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