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Articles rated:
09 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2011
12, 9.2011
1109.0248 Quantum gravity in the very early universe
1109.0249 Testing alternative theories of gravity using the Sun
1109.0250 Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Origins of the Proton Sea
1109.0251 Affine actions on Lie groups and post-Lie algebra structures
1109.0252 Light Clusters in Nuclear Matter - Excluded Volume vs. Quantum Many-Body Approaches
1109.0253 Spontaneous Coherence in a Cold Exciton Gas
1109.0254 Null Geodesics of Charged Black Holes in String Theory
1109.0255 Cosmic rays and the magnetic field in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC253 III. Helical magnetic fields in the nuclear outflow
1109.0258 Nonconvex proximal splitting: batch and incremental algorithms
1109.0259 Competing giant magnetostrictive effects in Gd$_{2/3}$Ca$_{1/3}$MnO$_3$
1109.0260 Order parameter fluctuations at a buried quantum critical point
1109.0261 Influence of energy exchange of electrons and ions on the long-wavelength thermal instability in magnetized astrophysical objects
1109.0262 Estimating Within-School Contact Networks to Understand Influenza Transmission
1109.0263 Leafwise homotopies and Hilbert-Poincare complexes. I. Regular HP-complexes and leafwise pull-back maps
1109.0264 Simple Regenerating Codes: Network Coding for Cloud Storage
1109.0265 Homotopy Colimits of Algebras Over Cat-Operads and Iterated Loop Spaces
1109.0266 Mercury and frame-dragging in light of the MESSENGER flybys: conflict with general relativity, poor knowledge of the physical properties of the Sun, data reduction artifact, or still insufficient observations?
1109.0267 Chandra observations of AGN-candidates correlated with Auger UHECRs
1109.0268 eta - eta’ Mixing -- From Electromagnetic Transitions to Weak Decays of Charm and Beauty Hadrons (presented at Hadron 2011)
1109.0269 Ultrafast photocurrent measurement of the escape time of electrons and holes from carbon nanotube PN junction photodiodes
1109.0270 Collinear and Soft Divergences in Perturbative Quantum Gravity
1109.0271 Non-perturbative Jet Quenching from Geometric Data
1109.0272 Test of OZI violation in vector meson production with COMPASS
1109.0273 Conduction mechanisms in biphenyl-dithiol single-molecule junctions
1109.0274 Solitons and Gibbs measures for nonlinear Schroedinger equations
1109.0275 Magnetic charge and ordering in kagome spin ice
1109.0276 The Relationship between Accretion Disc Age and Stellar Age and its Consequences for Proto-Stellar Discs
1109.0277 Demonstration of Design Verification Model of Rubidium Frequency Standard
1109.0278 Model for a dune field with exposed water table
1109.0279 Finite-temperature spectra and quasiparticle interference in Kondo lattices: From light electrons to coherent heavy quasiparticles
1109.0280 The influence of the turbulent perturbation scale on prestellar core fragmentation and disk formation
1109.0281 CO ice photodesorption: A wavelength-dependent study
1109.0282 A Simple Harmonic Universe
1109.0283 4d Index to 3d Index and 2d TQFT
1109.0284 Early-type galaxies at z~1.3. IV. Scaling relations in different environments
1109.0285 MOKA: a new tool for Strong Lensing Studies
1109.0286 Filling in CMB map missing data using constrained Gaussian realizations
1109.0287 Observational constraints on the physics behind the evolution of AGN since z ~ 1
1109.0288 The effect of stellar evolution uncertainties on the rest-frame ultraviolet stellar lines of CIV and HeII in high-redshift Lyman-break galaxies
1109.0289 The Elemental Shear Dynamo
1109.0290 The effective action of Double Field Theory
1109.0291 Encoded Universality of Quantum Computations on the Multi-Atomic Ensembles in the QED Cavity
1109.0292 Signatures of Supersymmetry from the Early Universe
1109.0293 Supergravity for Effective Theories
1109.0294 Extreme value and record statistics in heavy-tailed processes with long-range memory
1109.0295 Light-matter interaction in antiferromagnets: the exchange-induced magnetic dipole mechanism
1109.0296 Body mass index - a physics perspective
1109.0297 Lyman Alpha Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies: dichotomous twins?
1109.0298 A hypothesis for the color diversity of the Kuiper belt
1109.0299 Nonperturbative study of the ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole form factors
1109.0300 Trace dynamics and a noncommutative special relativity
1109.0301 Inelastic scattering of broadband electron wave packets driven by an intense mid-infrared laser field
1109.0302 Higher-point correlations from the JIMWLK evolution
1109.0303 Obstacles, Slopes, and Tic-Tac-Toe: An excursion in discrete geometry and combinatorial game theory
1109.0304 Boundedness of dyadic paraproducts on matrix weighted $L^p$
1109.0305 Compactness characterization of operators in the Toeplitz algebra of the Fock space $F_alpha ^p$
1109.0306 Invertible Toeplitz products, weighted norm inequalities, and A${}_p$ weights
1109.0307 Pseudospin Order in Monolayer, Bilayer, and Double-Layer Graphene
1109.0308 Excited-State Hadron Masses from Lattice QCD
1109.0309 Prospects for observation of double parton scattering with four-muon final states at LHCb
1109.0310 An infrared probe of the insulator-to-metal transition in GaMnAs and GaBeAs
1109.0311 Molecular effects in Charmonium Spectrum
1109.0312 Fully Retroactive Approximate Range and Nearest Neighbor Searching
1109.0313 Every finitely generated group is weakly exact
1109.0314 The G305 star-forming complex: the central star clusters Danks 1 and Danks 2
1109.0315 Collisionless filamentation, filament merger and heating of low-density relativistic electron beam propagating through a background plasma
1109.0316 Probing the Off-State of Cluster Giant Radio Halos
1109.0317 Laws of Granular Solids I. Geometry and Topology
1109.0318 Compressive Matched-Field Processing
1109.0319 Some properties of galaxy structures
1109.0320 Penalized maximum likelihood estimation and variable selection in geostatistics
1109.0321 Long-term magnetic activity of a sample of M-dwarf stars from the HARPS program I. Comparison of activity indices
1109.0322 Bayesian nonparametric multivariate convex regression
1109.0323 Proceedings IFIP Working Conference on Domain-Specific Languages
1109.0324 A qos ontology-based component selection
1109.0325 Quantum adiabatic machine learning
1109.0326 Quadrature rules with (not too many) derivatives
1109.0327 Infrared signatures of high carrier densities induced in semiconducting poly(3-hexylthiophene) by fluorinated organosilane molecules
1109.0328 Revisiting the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere model for sigma Ori E. I. Observations and Data Analysis
1109.0329 Band structure of a two dimensional metallic photonic crystal and the experimental observation of negative refraction in the microwave region
1109.0330 Noise Line Identification in LIGO S6 and Virgo VSR2
1109.0331 The Geometry of Stable Quotients in Genus One
1109.0332 Pade approximants for functions with branch points - strong asymptotics of Nuttall-Stahl polynomials
1109.0333 A KIF Formalization for the IFF Category Theory Ontology
1109.0334 A near real-time framework for extracting tip-sample forces in dynamic atomic force microscopy (dAFM)
1109.0335 Entanglement generation outside a Schwarzschild black hole and the Hawking effect
1109.0336 GL(p) x GL(q)-orbit closures on the flag variety and Schubert structure constants for (p,q)-pairs
1109.0337 On discrete cosine transform
1109.0338 Injection-locked diode laser current modulation for Pound-Drever-Hall frequency stabilization using transfer cavities
1109.0339 Topological Berry phase of a pumped three-level atom in the presence of dispersing and absorbing dielectric bodies: application to a half-space dielectric surface
1109.0340 Size Dependence of Current-Voltage Properties in Coulomb Blockade Networks
1109.0341 Inhomogeneous Superconducting State and intrinsic Tc : Near Room Temperature Superconductivity in the Cuprates
1109.0342 Symmetrizers and antisymmetrizers for the BMW algebra
1109.0343 The Stick-Breaking Construction of the Beta Process as a Poisson Process
1109.0344 Quantum critical behavior of ultracold atoms in two-dimensional optical lattices
1109.0345 Planar and Poly-Arc Lombardi Drawings
1109.0346 Uniform polyhedra: old and new
1109.0347 On Angular Correlations and High Energy Evolution
1109.0348 E-Determinants of Tensors
1109.0349 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-like correlation on a coherent-state basis and inseparability of two-mode Gaussian states
1109.0350 On surfaces in three dimensional contact manifolds
1109.0351 Directed Information, Causal Estimation, and Communication in Continuous Time
1109.0352 Simplicial resolutions and spaces of algebraic maps between real projective spaces
1109.0353 Spaces of equivariant algebraic maps from real projective spaces into complex projective spaces
1109.0354 Derived splinters in positive characteristic
1109.0355 Efficient terahertz emission from InAs nanowires
1109.0356 Almost direct summands
1109.0357 Unpolarized fragmentation function for the pion and kaon via the nonlocal chiral-quark model
1109.0358 A finite lattice identity for the honeycomb O(n) model in the presence of a boundary
1109.0359 Anonymity and verifiability in multi-attribute reverse auction
1109.0360 Forward Jet-like Event Spin-dependent Properties in Polarized p+p Collisions at $sqrt{s}=200$ GeV
1109.0361 Qubits from extra dimensions
1109.0362 Estimating the distribution of treatment effects
1109.0363 Strong uniqueness for stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert spaces with bounded measurable drift
1109.0364 Multi-parameter Tikhonov Regularisation in Topological Spaces
1109.0365 Thermoelectric properties of molecular nanostructures
1109.0366 Half-turn symmetric FPLs with rare couplings and tilings of hexagons
1109.0367 Linearized Alternating Direction Method with Adaptive Penalty for Low-Rank Representation
1109.0368 Sierpi’{n}ski curve Julia sets for quadratic rational maps
1109.0369 GMRT 333 MHz observations of 6 nearby normal galaxies
1109.0370 Dyck tableaux
1109.0371 Tree-like tableaux
1109.0372 Quantum Money with Classical Verification
1109.0373 Nonconventional limit theorems in averaging
1109.0374 Finite size lattice results for the two-boundary Temperley--Lieb loop model
1109.0375 Warranted Derivations of Preferred Answer
1109.0376 Optical Cherenkov radiation by cascaded nonlinear interaction: an efficient source of few-cycle energetic near- to mid-IR pulses
1109.0377 Convergence rates for dispersive approximation schemes to nonlinear Schr"odinger equations
1109.0378 Spectral calibration and modeling of the NuSTAR CdZnTe pixel detectors
1109.0379 Exact solutions for a quantum-mechanical particle with spin 1 and additional intrinsic characteristics in a homogeneous magnetic field
1109.0380 Fermi Surface Reconstruction in CeTe2 Induced by Charge Density Wave: ARPES Study
1109.0381 Where do flare ribbons stop?
1109.0382 A spin-4 analog of 3D massive gravity
1109.0383 On Quantum Effects in a Theory of Biological Evolution
1109.0384 Angle-resolved NMR: quantitative theory of 75As T1 relaxation rate in BaFe2As2
1109.0385 Sparse regularization in limited angle tomography
1109.0386 Equivalence between the Osserman condition and the Raki’c duality principle in dimension four
1109.0387 Spherical waves of spin 1 particle in anti de Sitter space-time
1109.0388 Near Infrared Angular Diameters of a few AGB variables by Lunar Occultations
1109.0389 A Space-Optimal Hidden Surface Removal Algorithm for Iso-Oriented Rectangles
1109.0390 Star-formation efficiency and metal enrichment of the intracluster medium in local massive clusters of galaxies
1109.0391 Fano Mechanism of the Giant Magnetoresistance Formation in a Spin Nanostructure
1109.0392 Context Tree Estimation in Variable Length Hidden Markov Models
1109.0393 Interferometric and noise signatures of Majorana fermion edge states in transport experiments
1109.0394 Nuclear bound state of eta’(958) and partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the eta’ mass
1109.0395 Optical Response and Ground State of Graphene
1109.0396 The $KD$, $eta D_s$ interaction in finite volume and the $D_{s^* 0}(2317)$ resonance
1109.0397 Auction-Based Resource Allocation in Digital Ecosystems
1109.0398 Compact Cryogenic Source of Periodic Hydrogen and Argon Droplet Beams for Intense Laser-Plasma Generation
1109.0399 Tangent Cones of Schubert Varieties for $A_n$ of lower rank
1109.0400 Symmetry Classification of Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
1109.0401 Study of Light Scalars, the learned Lessons
1109.0402 d=2 transverse-field Ising model under the screw-boundary condition: An optimization of the screw pitch
1109.0403 On the stability of kink-like and soliton-like solutions to the generalized convection-reaction-diffusion equation
1109.0404 Sobolev Metrics on Shape Space, II: Weighted Sobolev Metrics and Almost Local Metrics
1109.0405 History dependent metastability of the coexisting phases in a magnetic shape memory alloy
1109.0406 Luttinger-volume violating Fermi liquid in the cuprates
1109.0407 On Three-Dimensional Mirror Symmetry
1109.0408 Intrinsic noise induced resonance in presence of sub-threshold signal in Brusselator
1109.0409 The Z2 Two Higgs Doublet Model and the hierarchy problem
1109.0410 Measuring high-order photon-number correlations in multimode pulsed quantum states
1109.0411 Measurement of statistical nuclear spin polarization in a nanoscale GaAs sample
1109.0412 Bond disorder and breakdown of ballistic heat transport in the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain as seen in doped SrCuO2
1109.0413 The distribution of closed geodesics on the modular surface, and Duke’s theorem
1109.0414 Anti-Structure Problems
1109.0415 Arcsecond resolution images of the chemical structure of the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422
1109.0416 Adventures in Radio Astronomy Instrumentation and Signal Processing
1109.0417 An Analogue of Hilton-Milner Theorem for Set Partitions
1109.0418 Tropical Algebraic approach to Consensus over Networks
1109.0419 Bistable collective behavior of polymers tethered in a nanopore
1109.0420 Meta-song evaluation for chord recognition
1109.0421 Symmetry breaking and restoration in Lifshitz type theories
1109.0422 Malliavin calculus for fractional heat equation
1109.0423 Covalent bond symmetry breaking and protein secondary structure
1109.0424 The impact of quantum interferences between different J-levels on scattering polarization in spectral lines
1109.0425 Exact dynamical state of the exclusive queueing process with deterministic hopping
1109.0426 Complex 2D Matrix Model and Geometrical Map on Complex-Nc Plane
1109.0427 Planck’s Radiation Law in the Quantized Universe
1109.0428 A survey of fuzzy control for stabilized platforms
1109.0429 Multipliers and imaginary powers of the schr"odinger operators characterizing UMD Banach spaces
1109.0430 Measurements of the 48Ca({gamma},n) Reaction
1109.0431 Imaging the formation of a p-n junction in a suspended carbon nanotube with scanning photocurrent microscopy
1109.0432 Indirect Evidence for New Physics at the 10 TeV Scale
1109.0433 Helium sequestration in oxide dispersion strengthened steels: A first-principles study
1109.0434 Doppler-free frequency modulation spectroscopy of atomic erbium in a hollow cathode discharge cell
1109.0435 The string prediction models as application to financial forex market
1109.0436 Poincar’e recurrences of DNA sequence
1109.0437 Dispersive Quantum Systems: a class of isolated non-time reversal quantum systems
1109.0438 Tensorial slip of super-hydrophobic channels
1109.0439 A Lazard-like theorem for quasi-coherent sheaves
1109.0440 Heralded quantum entanglement between two crystals
1109.0441 Infinite dimensional non-positively curved symmetric spaces of finite rank
1109.0442 A Student-t based filter for robust signal detection
1109.0443 Modeling the optical spectrum of Romano’s star
1109.0444 Generalized Mirror Symmetry and Quantum Black Hole Entropy
1109.0445 Spectral Study of the WNL Star FSZ35 in the M33 Galaxy
1109.0446 The hyperbolic BC(n) Sutherland and the rational BC(n) Ruijsenaars-Schneider-van Diejen models: Lax matrices and duality
1109.0447 Spontaneous decay of resonant energy levels for molecules with moving nuclei
1109.0448 Tilted Ekpyrosis
1109.0449 Metastability in the dilute Ising model
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