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Articles rated:
09 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2011
12, 9.2011
1109.0450 Further development of positive semidefinite solutions of the operator equation $sum_{j=1}^{n}A^{n-j}XA^{j-1}=B$
1109.0451 Decomposition of an integer as the sum of two cubes to a fixed modulus
1109.0452 Estimates for a class of oscillatory integrals and decay rates for wave-type equations
1109.0453 Hiding and Confining Charges via "Tube-like" Wormholes
1109.0454 Pump-induced Exceptional Points in Lasers above Threshold
1109.0455 Gradient-based kernel dimension reduction for supervised learning
1109.0456 Aligning component upgrades
1109.0457 Suzaku Studies of Wide-Band Spectral Variability of the Bright Type I Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 509
1109.0458 A Multi-Channel THz and Infrared Spectrometer for Femtosecond Electron Bunch Diagnostics by Single-Shot Spectroscopy of Coherent Radiation
1109.0459 Multilevel coarse graining and nano--pattern discovery in many particle stochastic systems
1109.0460 SU(3) breaking corrections to the $D$, $D^*$, $B$, and $B^*$ decay constants
1109.0461 A generalization of Noether’s theorem based on the virtual work functional
1109.0462 On the thermal peculiarity of the SC transition, precursor to specific heat’s "jump": its relation to the "paramagnetic" effect, precursor to Meissner ejection - both revealed in HTSC material by the super-high sensitive SFCO method
1109.0463 Nonlocal electron-phonon interaction as a source of dynamic charge stripes in the cuprates
1109.0464 LHCb time-dependent results
1109.0465 Dynamical Hurst exponent as a tool to monitor unstable periods in financial time series
1109.0466 Variation for the Riesz transform and uniform rectifiability
1109.0467 Star Formation in Molecular Clouds
1109.0468 Supersymmetron
1109.0469 On a class of degenerate parabolic equations with dynamic boundary conditions
1109.0470 Non Hamiltonian Chaos from Nambu Dynamics of Surfaces
1109.0471 Spatially modulated instabilities of magnetic black branes
1109.0472 Maximizing the statistical diversity of an ensemble of bred vectors by using the geometric norm
1109.0473 A Multi-Wavelength Analysis of Active Regions and Sunspots by Comparison of Automated Detection Algorithms
1109.0474 Hidden order and disorder in a quasi-two-dimensional frustrated hybrid magnet
1109.0475 QCD Phase Diagram with Imaginary Chemical Potential
1109.0476 Embeddings of general curves in projective spaces: the range of the quadrics
1109.0477 Note on a result of Kerman and Weit
1109.0478 Physical properties of SrSn4 single crystals
1109.0479 Spectral theory of a Neumann-Poincare-type operator and analysis of cloaking due to anomalous localized resonance
1109.0480 Transgression to Loop Spaces and its Inverse, III: Gerbes and Thin Fusion Bundles
1109.0481 Spin-resolved noise in transport through T-shaped double quantum dots
1109.0482 Shift-modulation invariant spaces on LCA groups
1109.0483 A Close Nuclear Black Hole Pair in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 3393
1109.0484 Schmidt-Kennicutt relations in SPH simulations of disc galaxies with effective thermal feedback from supernovae
1109.0485 Limit relations between $q$-Krall type orthogonal polynomials
1109.0486 The Binary Garrote
1109.0488 Optimal growth of frequently hypercyclic entire functions
1109.0489 A conjecture concerning optimality of the Karhunen-Loeve basis in nonlinear reconstruction
1109.0490 Lattice QCD and High Baryon Density State
1109.0491 Fermions in an AdS3 Black Hole Background and the Gauge-Gravity Duality
1109.0492 Dimensionless cosmology
1109.0493 Imaging of quantum Hall states in ultracold atomic gases
1109.0494 Sensitivity of CUORE to Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay
1109.0495 Analytical study in the mechanism of flame movement in horizontal tubes
1109.0496 Three-dimensional N=2 (AdS) supergravity and associated supercurrents
1109.0497 Levy ratchets with dichotomic random flashing
1109.0498 Evolution of symmetry and structure of the gap in Fe-based superconductors with doping and interactions
1109.0499 Asymptotics of Spinfoam Amplitude on Simplicial Manifold: Lorentzian Theory
1109.0500 Asymptotics of Spinfoam Amplitude on Simplicial Manifold: Euclidean Theory
1109.0501 A semi-coherent search strategy for known continuous wave sources in binary systems
1109.0502 Fermi-Einstein condensation in dense QCD-like theories
1109.0503 Generalized Kahler Geometry and the Pluriclosed Flow
1109.0504 Kinetic energy driven superconductivity and superfluidity
1109.0505 Tensor tomography on surfaces
1109.0506 Thermally Activated Magnetization and Resistance Aging of Co Nanoflakes in a Confining Semi-metallic Environment
1109.0507 How Open Should Open Source Be?
1109.0508 Totally Twisted Khovanov Homology
1109.0509 Threedimensional Matrix Superpotentials
1109.0510 Vortex-filament interactions
1109.0511 Tunable singlet-triplet splitting in a few-electron Si/SiGe quantum dot
1109.0512 Gravitino dark matter and neutrino masses with bilinear R-parity violation
1109.0513 A search for line intensity enhancements in the far-UV spectra of active late-type stars arising from opacity
1109.0514 The influence of Galactic aberration on precession parameters determined from VLBI observations
1109.0515 Further Results from the Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey: Rapidly Rotating Late ON Giants
1109.0516 The bifurcation locus for numbers of bounded type
1109.0517 Explicit Teichm"uller curves with complemetary series
1109.0518 Pair production of neutralinos and charginos at the LHC: the role of Higgs bosons exchange
1109.0520 The left invariant metric in the general linear group
1109.0521 Measurement of separate cosmic-ray electron and positron spectra with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
1109.0522 Graham’s Tree Reconstruction Conjecture and a Waring-Type Problem on Partitions
1109.0523 A simplified proof of the relation between scaling exponents in first-passage percolation
1109.0524 Simultaneous Inference of Covariances
1109.0525 Measurements of the electron and muon inclusive cross-sections in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
1109.0526 Discovery of Tantalum, Rhenium, Osmium, and Iridium Isotopes
1109.0527 Lagrangian-invariant sheaves and functors for abelian varieties
1109.0528 Static Anisotropic Solutions in f(T) Theory
1109.0529 Neutral Hydrogen Tully Fisher Relation: The case for Newtonian Gravity
1109.0530 Orthogonal Query Expansion
1109.0531 Symmetry Theory of the Flexomagnetoelectric Effect in the Bloch Lines
1109.0532 On Brane Back-Reaction and de Sitter Solutions in Higher-Dimensional Supergravity
1109.0533 Chiral helix in AdS/CFT with flavor
1109.0534 Giant increase in critical current density of KxFe2-ySe2 single crystals
1109.0536 Gravitational Waves and the Maximum Spin Frequency of Neutron Stars
1109.0537 Anomalous Narrow-Line Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
1109.0538 Chameleon Gravity, Electrostatics, and Kinematics in the Outer Galaxy
1109.0539 Three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the combustion of a neutron star into a quark star
1109.0540 Entanglement can completely defeat quantum noise
1109.0541 Single wall carbon nanotubes as coherent plasmon generators
1109.0542 New Sources of Gravitational Waves during Inflation
1109.0543 Stellar population models at high spectral resolution
1109.0544 Warped AdS3/Dipole-CFT Duality
1109.0545 Quality Up in Polynomial Homotopy Continuation by Multithreaded Path Tracking
1109.0546 Oppenheimer-Snyder Collapse in Moving-Puncture Coordinates
1109.0547 High-energy factorization and evolution with improved kinematics
1109.0548 Substructure in the lens HE 0435-1223
1109.0549 An Enhanced Cosmological Li6 Abundance as a Potential Signature of Residual Dark Matter Annihilations
1109.0550 Electroweak and QCD Results from the Tevatron
1109.0551 Validation of Phonon Physics in the CDMS Detector Monte Carlo
1109.0552 Three Dimensional Flow of Colloidal Glasses
1109.0553 Deconstructing the kinetic SZ Power Spectrum
1109.0554 Volovik effect in a highly anisotropic multiband superconductor: experiment and theory
1109.0555 The electrical resistance of spatially varied magnetic interface. The role of normal scattering
1109.0556 Effects of long-range links on metastable states in a dynamic interaction network
1109.0557 Triangles and groups via cevians
1109.0558 Free energy methods in Coupled Electron Ion Monte Carlo
1109.0559 Fermionic and scalar fields as sources of interacting dark matter-dark energy
1109.0560 Effect of degree correlations above the first shell on the percolation transition
1109.0561 The Initial Mass Function and Disk Frequency of the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud: An Extinction-Limited Sample
1109.0562 A tight bound on the length of odd cycles in the incompatibility graph of a non-C1P matrix
1109.0563 Modulare Koszul-Dualit"at
1109.0564 The crossover from collective motion to periphery diffusion for 2D adatom-islands on Cu(111)
1109.0565 A gamma-ray signature of energetic sources of cosmic-ray nuclei
1109.0566 Hypersurfaces in Mori dream spaces
1109.0567 Band invariants for perturbations of the harmonic oscillator
1109.0568 Pomeranchuk effect and spin-gradient cooling of Bose-Bose mixtures
1109.0569 Determination of $pipi$ scattering lengths from measurement of $pi^+pi^-$ atom lifetime
1109.0570 Thermal properties of a solid through q-deformed algebra
1109.0571 A proof of Catalan’s Convolution formula
1109.0572 The Chimera Scheme: Approximate Waveforms for Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals
1109.0573 Phase Retrieval via Matrix Completion
1109.0574 Detecting the Highest Redshift (z > 8) QSOs in a Wide, Near Infra-red Slitless Spectroscopic Survey
1109.0575 Degree Growth, Linear Independence and Periods of a Class of Rational Dynamical Systems
1109.0576 Combined CDF and D0 upper limits on Fermiophobic Higgs Boson Production with up to 8.2 fb-1 of ppbar data
1109.0577 Pseudospin of topological defects in Dirac systems
1109.0578 Half-lattice paths and Virasoro characters
1109.0579 Calabi-Yau manifolds and their degenerations
1109.0580 Multiscale BDDC for a saddle-point problem
1109.0581 Pseudoscalar-photon Interactions, Axions, Non-Minimal Extensions, and Their Empirical Constraints from Observations
1109.0582 The Optical and Near-Infrared Transmission Spectrum of the Super-Earth Planet GJ1214b: Further Evidence for a Metal-Rich Atmosphere
1109.0583 Solving Modular Model Expansion Tasks
1109.0584 Slowly balding black holes
1109.0585 On Convex Projective Manifolds and Cusps
1109.0586 Dimuons in pp and PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment
1109.0587 Low-temperature heat transport of the layered spin-dimer compound Ba_3Mn_2O_8
1109.0588 Vacuum-Induced Coherence in Ultracold Photoassociative Ro-Vibrational Excitations
1109.0589 Uncertainty principle for single particle lattice gas cellular automata models
1109.0590 Diffusion in Curved Tube
1109.0591 Recent advances in the study of the Equivariant Brauer Group
1109.0592 Constraining the near-IR background light from Population-III stars using high redshift gamma-ray sources
1109.0593 Error Estimation for Moments Analysis in Heavy Ion Collision Experiment
1109.0594 Weak boson production measured in PbPb and pp collisions by CMS
1109.0595 The Average Projected Area Theorem - Generalization to Higher Dimensions
1109.0596 Discrete Wigner Function Reconstruction and Compressed Sensing
1109.0597 Stealthy Traffic Analysis of Low-Latency Anonymous Communication Using Throughput Fingerprinting
1109.0598 Time Asymmetric Quantum Mechanics
1109.0599 Finite Volume Corrections to the SU(3) Deconfining Temperature due to a Confined Exterior
1109.0600 Paradoxical transitions to instabilities in hydromagnetic Couette-Taylor flows
1109.0601 Application of distributed constraint satisfaction problem to the agent-based planning in manufacturing systems
1109.0602 Almost all states are pretty lazy
1109.0603 Quantum statistics of photon from a semiconductor microcavity embedded with a graphene nanoribbon
1109.0604 Approximate Counting via Correlation Decay in Spin Systems
1109.0605 Non linear pseudo-bosons versus hidden Hermiticity
1109.0606 From microscopic taxation and redistribution models to macroscopic income distributions
1109.0607 Low-energy peak structure in strong-field ionization by mid-infrared laser-pulses: two-dimensional focusing by the atomic potential
1109.0608 Towards a model-independent partial wave analysis for pseudoscalar meson photoproduction
1109.0609 Coefficient Inequalities for Starlikeness and Convexity
1109.0610 Measurement of heavy-hole spin dephasing in (InGa)As quantum dots
1109.0611 On the rate of convergence to the semi-circular law
1109.0612 Equations describing the ramification of outer simple linear projections
1109.0613 The c-function expansion of a basic hypergeometric function associated to root systems
1109.0614 Framework to Integrate Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management in Banking Industry
1109.0615 Optimal Therapy of Hepatitis C Dynamics and Sampling Based Analysis
1109.0616 ATP and Presentation Service for Mizar Formalizations
1109.0617 Metadata Challenge for Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
1109.0618 Broadband spectral modelling of bent jets of Active Galactic Nuclei
1109.0619 Magnetic Fields Effects on the Electronic Conduction Properties of Molecular Ring Structures
1109.0620 Soliton on Unstable Condensate
1109.0621 Visual Inference Specification Methods for Modularized Rulebases. Overview and Integration Proposal
1109.0622 Operator solutions for fractional Fokker-Planck equations
1109.0623 Semi-Invariant Submanifolds in Metric Geometry of Affinors
1109.0624 Building Ontologies to Understand Spoken Tunisian Dialect
1109.0625 On the essential spectrum of magnetic Schroedinger operators in exterior domains
1109.0626 Algebraic supergroups of Cartan type
1109.0627 The host galaxy of the BL Lacertae object 1ES 0647+250 and its imaging redshift
1109.0628 The Weight Distributions of Cyclic Codes and Elliptic Curves
1109.0629 Analysis of discrete-to-discrete imaging models for iterative tomographic image reconstruction and compressive sensing
1109.0630 PKS 1814-637: a powerful radio-loud AGN in a disk galaxy
1109.0631 LWE-based Identification Schemes
1109.0632 A Phenomenological Theory of the Anomalous Pseudogap Phase in Underdoped Cuprates
1109.0633 Eliciting implicit assumptions of proofs in the MIZAR Mathematical Library by property omission
1109.0634 On the Dimension of Finite Point Sets I. An Improved Incidence Bound for Proper 3D sets
1109.0635 Limit theorems for von Mises statistics of a measure preserving transformation
1109.0636 On the Dimension of Finite Point Sets II. "Das Budapester Programm"
1109.0637 Thermomagnetic instability of standing flux-antiflux front in layered type-II superconductors
1109.0638 Translating Nondeterministic Functional Language based on Attribute Grammars into Java
1109.0639 Very Strong Emission-Line Galaxies in the WISP Survey and Implications for High-Redshift Galaxies
1109.0640 On the relativistic Lattice Boltzmann method for quark-gluon plasma simulations
1109.0641 A semi-analytical finite element method for a class of time-fractional diffusion equations
1109.0642 Pruning a Minimum Spanning Tree
1109.0643 An ultrafast quantum random number generator based on quantum phase fluctuations
1109.0644 Geometric uniqueness for non-vacuum Einstein equations and applications
1109.0645 Study of the OSV Conjecture for 4D N=2 Extremal Black Holes in Type IIB String Theory
1109.0646 A Characterization of hyperbolic potentials of rational maps
1109.0647 From nonlocal gap solitary waves to bound states in periodic media
1109.0648 Very Light Axigluons and the Top Asymmetry
1109.0649 Small-${it x}$ and Forward Measurements at STAR
1109.0650 AnDY : Overview and Plans Feasibility Test of Large Rapidity Drell-Yan Production at RHIC
1109.0651 Mathematical Analysis of the BIBEE Approximation for Molecular Solvation: Exact Results for Spherical Inclusions
1109.0652 Veroneseans, power subspaces and independence
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