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07 February 2025

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1109.0653 Geometric Exponents of Dilute Logarithmic Minimal Models
1109.0654 A new approach to nonlinear constrained Tikhonov regularization
1109.0655 Decoherence-free evolution of time-dependent superposition states of two-level systems and thermal effects
1109.0656 On the Eigenvalue Density of the non-Hermitian Wilson Dirac Operator
1109.0657 Control and Manipulation of Cold Atoms in Optical Tweezers
1109.0658 Fractional Euler-Lagrange differential equations via Caputo derivatives
1109.0659 Atmospheres of Hot Super-Earths
1109.0660 Mismatch and resolution in compressive imaging
1109.0661 Lepton flavor violating decay Z-> l_i l_j in the 331 model
1109.0662 Universal structure of blow-up in 1D conservation laws
1109.0663 Non-conventional Superconductors and diluted Ising Model
1109.0664 One temperature model for effective ovens
1109.0665 Pulsars: Gigantic Nuclei
1109.0666 The Lag-Luminosity Relation in the GRB Source-Frame: An Investigation with Swift BAT Bursts
1109.0667 Super duality for general linear Lie superalgebras and applications
1109.0668 Free arrangements and coefficients of characteristic polynomials
1109.0669 Quantum dynamics of OCS molecule doped in superfluid 4He nanodroplet
1109.0670 Ro-vibrational dynamics of N2O in superfluid 4He nano-droplets
1109.0671 On Disjointness of Mixing Rank One Actions
1109.0672 Semi-linear Degenerate Backward Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Associated Forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
1109.0673 MF-traces and a Lower Bound for the Topological Free Entropy Dimension in Unital C*-algebras
1109.0674 The Darboux transformation of the derivative nonlinear Schr"odinger equation
1109.0675 Doubly Optimal Secure Multicasting: Hierarchical Hybrid Communication Network : Disaster Relief
1109.0676 Trajectory around a spherically symmetric non-rotating black hole
1109.0677 Maser Emission toward the Infrared Dark Cloud G359.94+0.17 Seen in Silhouette against the Galactic Center
1109.0678 "Color-tripole ice" as a conceptual generalization of "spin ice"
1109.0679 Lattice map for Anderson T-motives: first approach
1109.0680 Beyond the Boundaries of Open, Closed and Pirate Archives: Lessons from a Hybrid Approach
1109.0681 Generic Optimization of Linear Precoding in Multibeam Satellite Systems
1109.0682 Preparation of Silver Nanoparticles Doped PVDF: Formation of Piezoelectric Polymorph
1109.0683 Development of the Schrodinger equation for attosecond laser pulse interaction with Planck gas
1109.0684 Stein method for invariant measures of diffusions via Malliavin calculus
1109.0685 On Primary Relations at Tree-level in String Theory and Field Theory
1109.0686 A Majorization Order on Monomials and Termination of a Successive Difference Substitution Algorithm
1109.0687 On some sufficient conditions for distributed QoS support in wireless networks
1109.0688 Inserting physics associated with the transverse polarization of the quarks into a standard Monte Carlo generator, without touching the code itself
1109.0689 Problem Reduction in Online Payment System Using Hybrid Model
1109.0690 Effects of Rotation on Pulsar Radio Profiles
1109.0691 Primordial magnetic fields generated by the non-adiabatic fluctuations at pre-recombination era
1109.0692 Parity nonconservation effect in resonance recombination of polarized electrons with heavy hydrogenlike ions
1109.0693 Transportation dynamics on networks of mobile agents
1109.0694 Multi-orientable Group Field Theory
1109.0695 Structure and dynamics of reentrant nematics: Any open questions after almost 40 years?
1109.0696 Hybrid Digital/Analog Schemes for Secure Transmission with Side Information
1109.0697 Traffic dynamics in scale-free networks with limited packet-delivering capacity
1109.0698 Simulations of Photon Detection in SiPM Number-Resolving Detectors
1109.0699 Topological Representation of Geometric Theories
1109.0700 Could quantum mechanics, and even gravity, be all about a correct resolution of the classical self-force problem?
1109.0701 Fibre-Generated Point Processes And Fields Of Orientations
1109.0702 Results from 730 kg days of the CRESST-II Dark Matter Search
1109.0703 The method of solving a scalar initial value problem with a required tolerance
1109.0704 Forward modeling of emission in SDO/AIA passbands from dynamic 3D simulations
1109.0705 Seismic modelling of the $eta,$Cep star HD,180642 (V1449,Aql)
1109.0706 Losing money with a high Sharpe ratio
1109.0707 A brief, simple proof of Vizing’s conjecture
1109.0708 A Novel Methodology for Thermal Analysis & 3-Dimensional Memory Integration
1109.0709 Follow the BAT: Monitoring Swift BAT FoV for Prompt Optical Emission from Gamma-ray Bursts
1109.0710 Super-massive binary black holes and emission lines in active galactic nuclei
1109.0711 Superconductivity - the first 100 years
1109.0712 Unitary dimension reduction for a class of self-adjoint extensions with applications to graph-like structures
1109.0713 Computing Chemical Potential using the Phase Space Multi-histogram Method
1109.0714 Feldman-Cousins Confidence Levels - Toy MC Method
1109.0715 Connection Problem of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation on Moduli Space ${mathcal M}_{0,5}$
1109.0716 Une lettre d’Henri Lebesgue ’a ’Elie Cartan
1109.0717 LTE model atmopsheres MARCS, ATLAS and CO5BOLD
1109.0718 Identification of Superfluid Phases of 3He in Uniformly Isotropic 98.2% Aerogel
1109.0719 Combinatorial models of rigidity and renormalization
1109.0720 Lipschitz regularity for inner-variational equations
1109.0721 Equivariant Equipartitions: Ham Sandwich Theorems for Finite Subgroups of Spheres
1109.0722 Updated SAID analysis of pion photoproduction data
1109.0723 Spectrum and Franck-Condon factors of interacting suspended single-wall carbon nanotubes
1109.0724 Throughput Maximization for the Gaussian Relay Channel with Energy Harvesting Constraints
1109.0725 Model Building with Multiple Dependent Variables and Constraints
1109.0726 Evaluation of New Density Functional with Account of van der Waals Forces by Use of Experimental H2 Physisorption Data on Cu(111)
1109.0727 Coherent quantum transport in a star graph
1109.0728 The Quantum Absorption Refrigerator
1109.0729 Statistics of Bipolar Representation of CMB maps
1109.0730 Variable Selection in High Dimensions with Random Designs and Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
1109.0731 Predictions for Neutrino Masses, $etaeta_{0 u}$-Decay and Lepton Flavor Violation in a SUSY $SU(5) imes T^{prime}$ Model of Flavour
1109.0732 Multilingual ontology matching based on Wiktionary data accessible via SPARQL endpoint
1109.0733 Isotope sensitive measurement of the hole-nuclear spin interaction in quantum dots
1109.0734 Resonant soft x-ray scattering from La(1-x)Sr(x)MnO(3) quantum wire arrays
1109.0735 Daily Modulation of the Dark Matter Signal in Crystalline Detectors
1109.0736 Compression Aware Physical Database Design
1109.0737 Coherent rho and J/psi photoproduction in ultraperipheral processes with electromagnetic dissociation of heavy ions at RHIC and LHC
1109.0738 Pricing Derivatives on Multiscale Diffusions: Simplicity through Spectral Theory
1109.0739 The Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg isomorphism for quantized analytic cycles
1109.0740 Observables in gravity: a review
1109.0741 Improved nonuniform Berry--Esseen-type bounds
1109.0742 Problems in Modern High Performance Parallel I/O Systems
1109.0743 Stochastic modeling of p53-regulated apoptosis upon radiation damage
1109.0744 Biomolecular transitions: efficient computation of pathways, free energies, and rates
1109.0745 Generalization of Bertrand’s theorem to surfaces of revolution
1109.0746 Numerical simulations of relativistic magnetic reconnection with Galerkin methods
1109.0747 Ideas of E.~Cartan and S.~Lie in modern geometry: $G$-structures and differential equations. Lecture 2
1109.0748 The Hadamard circulant conjecture
1109.0749 Ideas of E. Cartan and S. Lie in modern geometry: $G$-structures and differential equations. Lecture 1
1109.0750 Ideas of E.~Cartan and S.~Lie in modern geometry: $G$-structures and differential equations. Lecture 3
1109.0751 Ideas of E.~Cartan and S.~Lie in modern geometry: $G$-structures and differential equations. Lecture 4
1109.0752 An improved distributed routing algorithm for Benes based optical NoC
1109.0753 Transmission of Successful Route Error Message(RERR) in Routing Aware Multiple Description Video Coding over Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
1109.0754 Groups of Order 2048 with Three Generators and Three Relations
1109.0755 Intelligent Bees for QoS Routing in Networks-on-Chip
1109.0756 Phase Diagram for Magnetic Reconnection in Heliophysical, Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
1109.0757 Analog of selfduality in dimension nine
1109.0758 Exploring Social Influence for Recommendation - A Probabilistic Generative Model Approach
1109.0759 Completing the Massive Star Population: Striking Into the Field
1109.0760 Measuring Parton Energy Loss at RHIC compared to LHC
1109.0761 A Second Order Algebraic Knot Concordance Group
1109.0762 Tunable Dual-band IFA Antenna using LC Resonators
1109.0763 Combined Analysis of all Three Phases of Solar Neutrino Data from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
1109.0764 Numerical solutions of the symmetric regularized-long-wave equation by trigonometric integrator pseudospectral discretization
1109.0765 An efficient and accurate numerical scheme for coupled nonlinear Klein--Gordon equations
1109.0766 Cooperative Secret Key Generation from Phase Estimation in Narrowband Fading Channels
1109.0767 A short note on simplified pseudospectral methods for computing ground state and dynamics of spherically symmetric Schrodinger--Poisson--Slater system
1109.0768 Testing Lorentz symmetry with atoms and Light
1109.0769 Phase diffusion in graphene-based Josephson junctions
1109.0770 Stochastic instability of synchronisation of oscillators on networks
1109.0771 Kinematics of Internal Space associated with the TEGR
1109.0772 Particle collisions near the cosmological horizon of a Reissner-Nordstr"om de Sitter black hole
1109.0773 Nonlinear Instability in a Semiclassical Problem
1109.0774 Adaptation-Based Programming in Haskell
1109.0775 A Domain-Specific Language for Incremental and Modular Design of Large-Scale Verifiably-Safe Flow Networks (Preliminary Report)
1109.0776 SAGA: A DSL for Story Management
1109.0777 Efficient and Correct Stencil Computation via Pattern Matching and Static Typing
1109.0778 Building-Blocks for Performance Oriented DSLs
1109.0779 MELT - a Translated Domain Specific Language Embedded in the GCC Compiler
1109.0780 A DSEL for Studying and Explaining Causation
1109.0781 Tutorial on Online Partial Evaluation
1109.0782 Maximum Segment Sum, Monadically (distilled tutorial)
1109.0783 Specific "scientific" data structures, and their processing
1109.0784 Implementing Explicit and Finding Implicit Sharing in Embedded DSLs
1109.0785 Resumption-based big-step and small-step interpreters for While with interactive I/O
1109.0786 Accurate Programming: Thinking about programs in terms of properties
1109.0787 Rooted-tree Decompositions with Matroid Constraints and the Infinitesimal Rigidity of Frameworks with Boundaries
1109.0788 The 2008 outburst of IGR J17473--2721: evidence for a disk corona?
1109.0789 Relations among Besov-Type Spaces, Triebel-Lizorkin-Type Spaces and Generalized Carleson Measure Spaces
1109.0790 Photon phonon entanglement in coupled optomechanical arrays
1109.0791 Smooth Fano polytopes whose Ehrhart polynomial has a root with large real part
1109.0792 Trimming the Multipath for Efficient Dynamic Routing
1109.0793 Consistent 3D Quantum Gravity on Lens Spaces
1109.0794 Lifting representations of finite reductive groups II: Explicit conorms
1109.0795 On the power quantum computation over real Hilbert spaces
1109.0796 Geometrical Clausius Equality for Steady States Thermodynamics
1109.0797 Thermodynamic formula for the cumulant generating function of time-averaged current
1109.0798 A class of torus manifolds with nonconvex orbit space
1109.0799 Quark Number Susceptibility and Thermodynamics in HTL approximation
1109.0800 Quantized Compute and Forward: A Low-Complexity Architecture for Distributed Antenna Systems
1109.0801 Limit of Universality of Entropy-Area Law for Multi-Horizon Spacetimes
1109.0802 Achieving the Han-Kobayashi inner bound for the quantum interference channel by sequential decoding
1109.0803 Statistical thermodynamics of polymer quantum systems
1109.0804 Dynamics of a flexible polymer in planar mixed flow
1109.0805 Simulation Study on neutrino nucleus cross section measurement in Segmented Detector at Spallation Neutron Source
1109.0806 The intriguing HI gas in NGC 5253: an infall of a diffuse, low-metallicity HI cloud?
1109.0807 Harmonic Analysis of Boolean Networks: Determinative Power and Perturbations
1109.0808 Exceptional points in bichromatic Wannier-Stark systems
1109.0809 Pure spinor superfields and Born-Infeld theory
1109.0810 The validity of the analog of the Riemann hypothesis for some parts of $zeta(s)$ and the new formula for $pi(x)$
1109.0811 A new geometric flow with rotational invariance
1109.0812 Pulsars and Gravitational Waves
1109.0813 On Universal Tilers
1109.0814 Carleson measures for Besov-Sobolev spaces with applications in the unit ball of $C^n$
1109.0815 Finding Descriptions of Polytopes via Extended Formulations and Liftings
1109.0816 $L^p$-maximal regularity of nonlocal parabolic equation and applications
1109.0817 {Coherent Dissociation $^{12}$C~$ ightarrow$~3$alpha$ in Lead-Enriched Emulsion at 4.5 GeV/$c$~per Nucleon
1109.0818 Entanglement beyond tensor product structure: algebraic aspects of quantum non - separability
1109.0819 Ricci Coefficients in Covariant Dirac Equation, Symmetry Aspects and Newman-Penrose Approach
1109.0820 ShareBoost: Efficient Multiclass Learning with Feature Sharing
1109.0821 Evaporation/condensation transition of the two dimensional Potts model in microcanonical ensemble
1109.0822 External Electromagnetic Fields of a Slowly Rotating Magnetized Star with Gravitomagnetic Charge
1109.0823 Einstein-Aether Theory as an Alternative to Dark Energy Model?
1109.0824 Charge-transfer excitations in molecular donor-acceptor complexes within the many-body Bethe-Salpeter approach
1109.0825 Fixed point forms of the parallel symmetric sandpile model
1109.0826 Non-Equilibrium Ionization State and Two-Temperature Structure in the Bullet Cluster 1E0657-56
1109.0827 A Trellis Coded Modulation Scheme for the Fading Relay Channel
1109.0828 The Product Life Cycle of Durable Goods
1109.0829 Role of local duality invariance in axion electrodynamics of topological insulators
1109.0830 Carrier mediated interlayer exchange, ground state phase diagrams and transition temperatures of magnetic thin films
1109.0831 Constraints on magnetic field strength in the remnant SN1006 from its nonthermal images
1109.0832 The need for speed : Maximizing random walks speed on fixed environments
1109.0833 Block Copolymer Films with Free Interfaces: Ordering by Nano-Patterned Substrates
1109.0834 Systematic effects in the estimate of the local gamma-ray emissivity
1109.0835 The topology and polarization of subbeams associated with drifting subpulse emission of pulsar B0943+10 - VI. Analysis of an 8-hour GMRT observation
1109.0836 A new macroscopic model derived from the Boltzmann equation and the discontinuous Galerkin method for solving kinetic equations
1109.0837 The Multiple Continuum Components in the White Light Flare of 16 January 2009 on the dM4.5e Star YZ CMi
1109.0838 A central limit theorem for stationary random fields
1109.0839 Percolation on correlated random networks
1109.0840 General Solution for the Static, Spherical and Asymptotically Flat Braneworld
1109.0841 Reconstruction Formulas for Photoacoustic Sectional Imaging
1109.0842 Universal Property of Quantum Gravity implied by Uniqueness Theorem of Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy
1109.0843 Scattering mechanism in a step-modulated subwavelength metal slit: a multi-mode multi-reflection analysis
1109.0844 Law of corresponding states for osmotic swelling of vesicles
1109.0845 Secondary electron emission due to Auger de-excitation of metastable nitrogen molecules at metallic surfaces
1109.0846 The mechanism of the polarization dependence of the optical transmission in subwavelength metal hole arrays
1109.0847 Robust Transceiver with Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding for Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relaying Systems
1109.0848 A necessary condition for brane solutions to have their origins in string field theory
1109.0849 Ergodic properties of Viana-like maps with singularities in the base dynamics
1109.0850 Galaxy cluster searches based on photometric redshifts in the four CFHTLS Wide fields
1109.0851 Analysis of discrepancies in Dalitz plot parameters in eta to 3 pion decay
1109.0852 Revisit of Local X-ray Luminosity Function of Active Galactic Nuclei with the MAXI Extragalactic Survey
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