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08 February 2025

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1109.0853 The direct relation between the coefficient of the low temperature resistivity T^2 term and the superconducting transition temperature Tc
1109.0854 Factorizations of Linear Relations
1109.0855 Multiphoton processes due to XPM nonlinearities in EIT systems:a basic description
1109.0856 Efficient Large Scale Electromagnetics Simulations Using Dynamically Adapted Meshes with the Discontinuous Galerkin Method
1109.0857 Electrical field induced shift of the Mott Metal-Insulator transition in thin films
1109.0858 A note on flat noncommutative connections
1109.0859 Generalized non-associative structures on the 7-sphere
1109.0860 Suzaku broad band observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxies Mrk 509 and Mrk 841
1109.0861 On a class of complete non-compact gradient Yamabe solitons
1109.0862 Quantum Grothendieck rings and derived Hall algebras
1109.0863 Identifying differentially expressed transcripts from RNA-seq data with biological variation
1109.0864 Schatten $p$ class commutators on the weighted Bergman space $L^2_a (mathbb{B}_n, dv_gamma)$ for $frac{2n}{n + 1 + gamma} < p < infty$
1109.0865 Quantum non-equilibrium approach for fast electron transport in open systems: photosynthetic reaction centers
1109.0866 Valence change of praseodymium in Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
1109.0867 Mean Value from Representation of Rational Number as Sum of Two Egyptian Fractions
1109.0868 Structural Evolution of One-dimensional Spin Ladder Compounds Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 with Ca doping and Related Hole Redistribution Evidence
1109.0869 Verification of the Kepler Input Catalog from Asteroseismology of Solar-type Stars
1109.0870 Effect of Piezoelectric Polarization on Phonon Relaxation Rates in Binary Wurtzite Nitrides
1109.0871 Vacuum behaviors around rarefaction waves to 1D compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity
1109.0872 Classical integrability of Schrodinger sigma models and q-deformed Poincare symmetry
1109.0873 Model-Independent Reconstruction of the Expansion History of the Universe from Type Ia Supernovae
1109.0874 Core-collapse model of broadband emission from SNR RX J1713.7-3946 with thermal X-rays and Gamma-rays from escaping cosmic rays
1109.0875 Conformal Courant Algebroids and Orientifold T-duality
1109.0876 Optical pumping and non-destructive readout of a single magnetic impurity spin in an InAs/GaAs quantum dot
1109.0877 Analytic varieties as limit periodic sets
1109.0878 Strong and weak chaos in nonlinear networks with time-delayed couplings
1109.0881 Measuring gamma with B -> K pi pi and B -> K K Kbar Decays
1109.0882 Moving Object Detection by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in the Low-Rank Representation
1109.0883 I = 0 C = +1 mesons from 1920 to 2410 MeV
1109.0884 Dirac boundary condition at the reconstructed zigzag edge of graphene
1109.0885 Electron-phonon coupling in the C60 fullerene within the many-body GW approach
1109.0886 Arrays of waveguide-coupled optical cavities that interact strongly with atoms
1109.0887 Learning Nonlinear Functions Using Regularized Greedy Forest
1109.0888 Conformal mapping of rectangular heptagons
1109.0889 On the decay of turbulence in plane Couette flow (long version)
1109.0890 Limits on leptophobic W’ after 1 fb^{-1} of LHC data: a lesson on parton level simulations
1109.0891 Statistical ensembles for money and debt
1109.0892 Analysis of ellipsometric data obtained from curved surfaces
1109.0893 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Molecules and Nanostructures
1109.0894 Generalized duality for k-forms
1109.0896 First principles derivation of NLS equation for BEC with cubic and quintic nonlinearities at non zero temperature. Dispersion of linear waves
1109.0897 Toward a Generalization of the Leland-Toft Optimal Capital Structure Model
1109.0898 Detection of a sparse submatrix of a high-dimensional noisy matrix
1109.0899 Very Early Photometry of SN 1998S: Physical Parameters and Date of Explosion
1109.0900 Multiple stellar populations in 47 Tucanae
1109.0901 Embeddings of algebraic groups in Kac-Moody groups
1109.0902 Relativit’e g’en’erale: solutions exactes stationnaires
1109.0903 Exceptional Dehn surgery on the minimally twisted five-chain link
1109.0904 India’s tryst with modern astronomy
1109.0905 Transition metal impurity-induced generation of plasmonic collective modes in small gold clusters
1109.0906 The isomorphism problem for almost split Kac-Moody groups
1109.0907 Classical Dynamics of Quantum Entanglement
1109.0908 Increasing Physical Layer Security through Scrambled Codes and ARQ
1109.0909 Gribov pendulum in the Coulomb gauge on curved spaces
1109.0910 A probability-conserving cross-section biasing mechanism for Monte-Carlo variance reduction with application to Geant4
1109.0911 Observation of the Xi_b^0 Baryon
1109.0912 The dynamic of diffractive structure functions
1109.0913 SUSY-breaking as the origin of flavour violation
1109.0914 Critical phenomena in the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on decorated planar lattices with a magnetoelastic coupling
1109.0915 Drawing Sound Conclusions from Unsound Premises
1109.0916 Ranking of Wikipedia articles in search engines revisited: Fair ranking for reasonable quality?
1109.0917 Arithmetics of 2-friezes
1109.0918 Boolean logic gate design principles in unconventional computers: an NMR case study
1109.0919 ATLAS and CMS evidence for a mirror Higgs boson
1109.0920 The HSE hybrid functional within the FLAPW method and its application to GdN
1109.0921 The X-ray emission of local luminous infrared galaxies
1109.0922 Corrigendum to "On the divisibility of C(n-i-1,i-1) by i" [Int. J. Number Theory 3 (2007) 119]
1109.0923 Reliability in Source Coding with Side Information
1109.0924 New off-lattice Pattern Recognition Scheme for off-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations
1109.0925 Coefficient Conditions for Harmonic Univalent Mappings and Hypergeometric Mappings
1109.0926 $Z^0$ Decay into Two Photons
1109.0927 Concept and status of the CALICE analog hadron calorimeter engineering prototype
1109.0928 Compact stars in alternative theories of gravity. Einstein-Dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
1109.0929 Gutzwiller theory of band magnetism in LaOFeAs
1109.0930 Spectral theory of damped quantum chaotic systems
1109.0931 An Empirical Study on variants of TCP over AODV routing protocol in MANET
1109.0932 Spatial matter density mapping of the STAGES Abell A901/2 supercluster field with 3-D lensing
1109.0933 Least squares estimator for the parameter of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck sheet
1109.0934 Searches for high mass dilepton resonances in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment
1109.0935 The correlation between Voronoi volumes in disc packings
1109.0936 Prospecting transit duration variations in extrasolar planetary systems
1109.0937 Impact of the Evolution of Smart Phones in Education Technology and its Application in Technical and Professional Studies: Indian Perspective
1109.0938 $2^{++}$ glueball
1109.0939 Neckpinch dynamics for asymmetric surfaces evolving by mean curvature flow
1109.0940 Entropy rate of non-equilibrium growing networks
1109.0941 Direction dependence of the acceleration in type Ia supernovae
1109.0942 Deterministic chaos in government debt dynamics with mechanistic primary balance rules
1109.0943 Lower bounds for Gromov width of coadjoint orbits in U(n)
1109.0944 The bispectrum covariance beyond Gaussianity: A log-normal approach
1109.0945 Heavy flavor physics with CMS
1109.0946 Fermi Observations of Blazars: Implications for Gamma-ray Production
1109.0947 The simplest model of polymer crystal exhibiting polymorphism
1109.0948 Photometric selection of Type Ia supernovae in the Supernova Legacy Survey
1109.0949 Concerning the Representability of Self-Reference in Arithmetic
1109.0950 Role of aspiration-induced migration in cooperation
1109.0951 Bistable systems with Stochastic Noise: Virtues and Limits of effective Langevin equations for the Thermohaline Circulation strength
1109.0952 Discrete Quantum Gravity Is Not Isometric
1109.0953 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: ACT-CL J0102-4215 "El Gordo," a Massive Merging Cluster at Redshift 0.87
1109.0954 Fundamental Speed Limits on Quantum Coherence and Correlation Decay
1109.0955 Survey of mathematical foundations of QFT and perturbative string theory
1109.0956 Complements on Furtw"angler’s second theorem and Vandiver’ s cyclotomic integers
1109.0957 The nonrelativistic limit of the Majorana equation and its simulation in trapped ions
1109.0958 Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with future galaxy surveys
1109.0959 Tightening the eavesdropping accessible information for continuous variable quantum key distribution protocols that involve non-maximally entanglement
1109.0960 Mapping degrees of self-maps of simply-connected manifolds
1109.0961 Adaptive estimation of functionals in nonparametric instrumental regression
1109.0962 Modelling Kepler Observations of Solar-like Oscillations in the Red-giant Star HD 186355
1109.0963 Observation of $J/psi$ pair production in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}=7 TeV$
1109.0964 On quantum interactive proofs with short messages
1109.0965 The Kakimizu complex of a connected sum of links
1109.0966 How dense can one pack spheres of arbitrary size distribution?
1109.0967 A Fulling-Kuchment theorem for the 1D harmonic oscillator
1109.0968 Uniform and Pointwise Shape Preserving Approximation by Algebraic Polynomials
1109.0969 An infrared origin of leptonic mixing and its test at DeepCore
1109.0970 Nucleon resonances in the fourth resonance region
1109.0971 X-Vine: Secure and Pseudonymous Routing Using Social Networks
1109.0972 Topological recursion relations in the symplectic field theory of mapping tori and local symplectic field theory
1109.0973 Bimodality of light and s-elements in M4 (NGC 6121)
1109.0974 Anisotropic MHD Turbulence
1109.0975 The stabilizer subgroups of the automorphism group of certain real exceptional Jordan algebra
1109.0976 A new class of stable $(2+1)$ dimensional thin shell wormhole
1109.0977 Rescaling multipartite entanglement measures for mixed states
1109.0978 Theory of volumetric capacitance of graphene supercapacitors
1109.0979 Superconductivity in the topological semimetal YPtBi
1109.0980 An analog fluid model for some tachyonic effects in field theory
1109.0981 Swift Observations of X-ray supernovae
1109.0982 Detections of X-ray emissions from Type Ia Supernova 2003lx
1109.0983 The Information Flow Framework: New architecture
1109.0984 The Near-Infrared Coronal Line Spectrum of 54 Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei
1109.0985 First order and stable relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics
1109.0986 The dynamical state of stellar structure in star-forming regions
1109.0987 Very Early Ultraviolet and Optical Observations of the Type Ia Supernova 2009ig
1109.0988 Disorder by order in graphene
1109.0989 The Dynamical and Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies with GEAR
1109.0990 Connecting the Gamma Ray Burst Rate and the Cosmic Star Formation History: Implications for Reionization and Galaxy Evolution
1109.0991 Burst and Persistent Emission Properties during the Recent Active Episode of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045
1109.0992 X-Shooter GTO: Chemical analysis of a sample of EMP candidates
1109.0993 Towards a unified model of stellar rotation
1109.0994 UV-continuum slopes at z~4-7 from the HUDF09+ERS+CANDELS observations: Discovery of a well-defined UV-color magnitude relationship for z>=4 star-forming galaxies
1109.0995 The CKM matrix with maximal CP violation from Z(12) symmetry
1109.0996 The Luminosity Profiles of Brightest Cluster Galaxies
1109.0997 Evidence for cosmic evolution in the spin of the most massive black holes
1109.0998 Testing General Relativity on Horizon Scales and the Primordial non-Gaussianity
1109.0999 The Spitzer Spectroscopic Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (S4MC): Probing the Physical State of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Low-Metallicity Environment
1109.1000 Fluctuating geometries, q-observables, and infrared growth in inflationary spacetimes
1109.1001 Bipartite Fluctuations as a Probe of Many-Body Entanglement
1109.1002 Fractionalization noise in edge channels of integer quantum Hall states
1109.1003 Long-range quantum gates using dipolar crystals
1109.1004 Dendroidal sets and simplicial operads
1109.1005 The Star Formation Rate Density and Dust Attenuation Evolution over 12 Gyr with the VVDS Surveys
1109.1006 Real interpolation and transposition of certain function spaces
1109.1007 Kondo effect in a single wall carbon nanotube with pressure inducing pseudogaps
1109.1008 Rotational predissociation of extremely weakly bound atom-molecule complexes produced by Feshbach resonance association
1109.1009 Mesoscopic Thermovoltage Measurement Design
1109.1010 Supernova-driven gas accretion in the Milky Way
1109.1011 Diagnostics of non-thermal distributions in solar flare spectra observed by RESIK and RHESSI
1109.1012 Quantum Phase Transition in an Antiferromagnetic Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate
1109.1013 Spectrum evolution in binary pulsar B1259-63/LS 2883 Be star and gigahertz-peaked spectra
1109.1014 Astronomy Career Profiles from the AAS Newsletter Archives
1109.1015 High-resolution measurements of face-to-face contact patterns in a primary school
1109.1016 Can a polarization scrambler really depolarize light?
1109.1017 Observation of an Anisotropy in the Galactic Cosmic Ray arrival direction at 400 TeV with IceCube
1109.1018 Sqrt{shat}_{min} resurrected
1109.1019 Mathisson’s helical motions for a spinning particle --- are they unphysical?
1109.1020 77Se NMR Investigation of Fe0.05Bi1.95Se3
1109.1021 Attack Prevention for Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
1109.1022 Colossal Negative Thermal Expansion Coupled to Magnetic and Orbital Orders in Ca2Ru1-xMxO4 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe and Cu)
1109.1023 Intersections of translated algebraic subtori
1109.1024 Trace formulas for Schr"odinger operators on the half-line
1109.1025 Searches for Fourth Generation Fermions
1109.1026 Careful calculation of thermodynamical functions of tachyon gas
1109.1027 A Two-Step High-Order Compact Scheme for the Laplacian Operator and its Implementation in an Explicit Method for Integrating the Nonlinear Schr"odinger Equation
1109.1028 On A New Class of Tempered Stable Distributions: Moments and Regular Variation
1109.1029 Entanglement enhancement of a noisy classical communication channel
1109.1030 An Algorithm for Detecting Intrinsically Knotted Graphs
1109.1031 Buffon’s needle estimates for rational product Cantor sets
1109.1032 Tech Report A Variational HEM Algorithm for Clustering Hidden Markov Models
1109.1033 Modeling Techniques for Measuring Galaxy Properties in Multi-Epoch Surveys
1109.1034 Optical Spectra of Candidate Southern Hemisphere International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) radio sources
1109.1035 Electron Transport Properties of Bilayer Graphene
1109.1036 Ground-state Wigner functional of linearized gravitational field
1109.1037 A Constrained Tectonics Model for Coronal Heating
1109.1038 Low Field Magnetic Susceptibility and the Hidden Order Transition in URu2Si2
1109.1039 Generalizations of a Nonlinear Fluid Model for Void Formation in Dusty Plasmas
1109.1040 Quadrupole moment of a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star: effect of the equation of state
1109.1041 Joint Network Coding and Opportunistic Transmission for Two-Way Relay Fading Channels
1109.1042 Characteristic polynomials, $eta$-complexes and freeness of tame arrangements
1109.1043 Phantom Accretion onto the Schwarzschild de-Sitter Black Hole
1109.1044 Proceedings Third International Workshop on Computational Models for Cell Processes
1109.1045 On the Linear Precoder Design for MIMO Channels with Finite-Alphabet Inputs and Statistical CSI
1109.1046 Xenon purity analysis for EXO-200 via mass spectrometry
1109.1047 G-Bounce
1109.1048 Tangles, trees, and flowers
1109.1049 Effect of Transmission Loss on The Fundamental Security of Quantum Key Distribution
1109.1050 Blindly detecting orbital modulations of jets from merging supermassive black holes
1109.1051 Problems of Existing Unconditional Security Proofs in Quantum Key Distribution
1109.1052 Fermionic T-duality in the pp-wave limit
1109.1053 An approximately truthful-in-expectation mechanism for combinatorial auctions using value queries
1109.1054 Explicit formulas for Masses of Ternary Quadratic Lattices of varying determinant over Number Fields
1109.1055 Limitations of randomized mechanisms for combinatorial auctions
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