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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2015
12, 1.2015
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1501.0220 Well-posedness for the two dimensional generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in weighted Sobolev spaces
1501.0221 Some results on Bessel functionals for GSp(4)
1501.0222 Collective Modes of Chiral Kinetic Theory in Magnetic Field
1501.0224 Coloring games and algebraic problems on matroids
1501.0225 Large deviations for the exclusion process with a slow bond
1501.0226 Cubic threefolds, Fano surfaces and the monodromy of the Gauss map
1501.0227 Global solvability of 3D inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity
1501.0228 On the Matrix Product Ansatz for Fermi Fields in One-Dimension
1501.0229 The construction and deformation of Hom-Novikov superalgebras
1501.0230 Spatio-temporal patterns in multi-electrode array local field potential recordings
1501.0231 Fundamental Groupoids in Quantum Mechanics: a New Approach to Quantization in Multiply-Connected Spaces
1501.0232 Neutrino in Standard Model and beyond
1501.0233 Scattering Suppression of Silica Microspheres with Semicontinuous Plasmonic Shell
1501.0234 Local state and sector theory in local quantum physics
1501.0235 Minimal genus for 4-manifolds with $b^+=1$
1501.0236 On the calculation of soft phase space integral
1501.0238 Thermodynamic Expression for Nonequilibrium Steady-State Distribution of Macroscopic Observables
1501.0239 Measurement theory in local quantum physics: Based on local state formalism in AQFT
1501.0240 Prediction of Superconductivity in Potassium-Doped Benzene
1501.0241 Quantum delocalization of protons in the hydrogen bond network of an enzyme active site
1501.0244 Attracting domains of maps tangent to the identity in $mathbb{C}^2$ with characteristic direction of multiple degrees
1501.0245 Weak-star convergence and a polynomial approximation problem
1501.0246 Mechanical reaction-diffusion model for bacterial population dynamics
1501.0248 On Berman-Gibbs stability and K-stability of $mathbb{Q}$-Fano varieties
1501.0249 Normality of Orthogonal and Sympletic Nilpotent Orbit Closures in Positive Characteristic
1501.0250 Kondo lattice and antiferromagnetic behavior in quaternary CeTAl$_4$Si$_2$ (T~=~Rh, Ir) single crystals
1501.0251 A Tutorial on Inverse Problems for Anomalous Diffusion Processes
1501.0252 Torsional Alfven Waves in Solar Magnetic Flux Tubes of Axial Symmetry
1501.0253 An analysis of the L1 Scheme for the subdiffusion equation with nonsmooth data
1501.0254 Spectral Dimension of kappa-deformed space-time
1501.0255 Speculative Approximations for Terascale Analytics
1501.0256 Comment on Quantum paraelectric glass state in SrCu3Ti4O12 [Appl. Phys. Lett.104, 262905 (2014)]
1501.0258 Instabilities and shape variation phase transitions in tubular lipid membranes
1501.0259 Cascade Model of an Anomaly in Blazar Spectra at Very High Energy
1501.0260 The collision between positronium (Ps) and muonium (Mu)
1501.0261 Single electron tunneling with "slow" insulators
1501.0262 Existence and uniqueness of weak solutions of the compressible spherically symmetric Navier-Stokes equations
1501.0263 Communication-Efficient Distributed Optimization of Self-Concordant Empirical Loss
1501.0266 Morse bifurcations of transition states in bimolecular reactions
1501.0267 Fast Generation of Random Spanning Trees and the Effective Resistance Metric
1501.0268 Quantum transport in 3D Weyl semimetals: Is there a metal-insulator transition?
1501.0269 Criterion of Hurwitz equivalence for quasipositive factorizations of 3-braids
1501.0270 Single and double polarization observables in timelike Compton scattering off proton
1501.0271 Takayasu cofibrations revisited
1501.0272 Intra-cavity gain shaping of mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser oscillations
1501.0273 A note on the spot-forward no-arbitrage relations in an investment-production model for commodities
1501.0274 Orthogonal jumps of wavefunction in white-noise potentials
1501.0276 The theta-exact Seiberg-Witten maps at the e3 order
1501.0277 Star Formation in Disk Galaxies. III. Does stellar feedback result in cloud death?
1501.0278 A search for optical counterparts of the complex Vela X system
1501.0279 Extremal functions for Trudinger-Moser inequalities of Adimurthi-Druet type in dimension two
1501.0280 Spline Galerkin methods for the Sherman-Lauricella equation on contours with corners
1501.0281 Observing Radio Pulsars in the Galactic Centre with the Square Kilometre Array
1501.0282 CMB Cold Spot from Inflationary Feature Scattering
1501.0283 A categorification of twisted Heisenberg algebras
1501.0284 Model dependence of the multi-transonic behavior, stability properties and corresponding acoustic geometry for accretion onto a spinning black hole
1501.0285 A topological approach to axiomatization of geometry
1501.0286 Muon spin rotation and neutron scattering study of the non-centrosymmetric tetragonal compound CeAuAl3
1501.0287 Consistent Classification Algorithms for Multi-class Non-Decomposable Performance Metrics
1501.0289 The role of pion exchange in $eta$ meson photo production on the deuteron
1501.0290 Chiral Thirring-Wess model with Faddeevian Regularization
1501.0291 Some challenges and directions for next generation accretion disc theory
1501.0292 Computation of the multi-chord distribution of convex and concave polygons
1501.0293 Continuous-time limit of dynamic games with incomplete information and a more informed player
1501.0294 The Milnor-Thurston determinant and the Ruelle transfer operator
1501.0295 Lifting curves simply
1501.0296 Constraining the Radiation and Plasma Environment of the Kepler Circumbinary Habitable Zone Planets
1501.0297 Complete Homology
1501.0298 Gromov width of polygon spaces
1501.0299 Sequence Modeling using Gated Recurrent Neural Networks
1501.0300 An almost flat manifold with a cyclic or quaternionic holonomy group bounds
1501.0301 A Liouville type result for bounded, entire solutions to a class of variational semilinear elliptic systems
1501.0302 An Event-Driven Approach for Studying Gene Block Evolution in Bacteria
1501.0303 Inferring Latent States and Refining Force Estimates via Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Modeling in Single Particle Tracking Experiments
1501.0304 Primal-Dual Representations of Planar Graphs and L-Contact Representations of Optimal 1-Planar Graphs
1501.0305 Massive MIMO and Waveform Design for 5th Generation Wireless Communication Systems
1501.0306 Phase structure and Higgs boson mass in a Higgs-Yukawa model with a dimension-6 operator
1501.0307 Coderivative characterizations of maximal monotonicity for set-valued mappings
1501.0309 Formulation of the relativistic heat equation and the relativistic kinetic Fokker-Planck equation using GENERIC
1501.0311 QANUS: An Open-source Question-Answering Platform
1501.0312 Statistical consistency and asymptotic normality for high-dimensional robust M-estimators
1501.0313 Dynamic rotor mode in antiferromagnetic nanoparticles
1501.0315 Filaments of the radio cosmic web: opportunities and challenges for SKA
1501.0316 Phenomenological modelling for Time-Resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in radical-triplet system
1501.0317 On the Origin of Bias, Scatter and Evolution in Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Scaling Relations
1501.0318 Contact Representations of Sparse Planar Graphs
1501.0319 Electronic structure and magnetic properties of $mathrm{CaCr}mathrm{O}_3$
1501.0320 A robust sub-linear time R-FFAST algorithm for computing a sparse DFT
1501.0321 Unravelling the origin of large-scale magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and beyond through Faraday Rotation Measures with the SKA
1501.0322 Electronic structure and magnetic properties of $mathrm{MnV}_2mathrm{O}_4$: a hybrid-exchange density functional theory study
1501.0323 A Semi-linear Energy Critical Wave Equation With Applications
1501.0324 A New Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication GPU Algorithm Designed for Finite Element Problems
1501.0325 The Host Galaxies and Narrow Line Regions of Four Double-Peaked [OIII] AGN
1501.0326 Decomposition approaches to integration without a measure
1501.0327 A splitter theorem for internally 4-connected binary matroids: small matroids
1501.0328 Fiber scrambling for high-resolution spectrographs. II. A double fiber scrambler for Keck Observatory
1501.0329 Multi-Access Communications with Energy Harvesting: A Multi-Armed Bandit Model and the Optimality of the Myopic Policy
1501.0331 On the kinetic foundations of Kaluza's magnetohydrodynamics
1501.0332 Mott-Kondo Insulator Behavior in the Iron Oxychalcogenides
1501.0333 Proof of Stembridge's conjecture on stability of Kronecker coefficients
1501.0334 Data-Discriminants of Likelihood Equations
1501.0335 A Data Transparency Framework for Mobile Applications
1501.0337 Application of uniform asymptotics to the connection formulas of the fifth Painlev'{e} equation
1501.0339 Variation of Mixed Hodge Structures associated to an equisingular one-dimensional family of Calabi-Yau threefolds
1501.0340 A polynomial time algorithm for finding an approximate shortest path amid weighted regions
1501.0341 On Pairwise paralindeloff Bitopological Spaces
1501.0342 Spaser as Novel Versatile Biomedical Tool
1501.0343 Bicoloring covers for graphs and hypergraphs
1501.0344 An impurity-induced gap system as a quantum data bus for quantum state transfer
1501.0345 Non-quasiparticle states in a half-metallic ferromagnet with antiferromagnetic $s-d(f)$ interaction
1501.0346 Quantum-Limited Spectroscopy
1501.0347 Nucleation of a three-state spin model on complex networks
1501.0348 The classification of radial or totally geodesic ends of real projective orbifolds I: a survey of results
1501.0350 On the definition of Kac-Moody 2-category
1501.0351 Thermally Induced Nonlinear Optical Absorption in Metamaterial Perfect Absorbers
1501.0352 The classification of ends of properly convex real projective orbifolds II: Properly convex radial ends and totally geodesic ends
1501.0353 The CH3CHOO ’Criegee Intermediate' and its anion: Isomers, Infrared spectra, and W3-F12 energetics
1501.0354 Efficient 2-Step Protocol and Its Discriminative Feature Selections in Secure Similar Document Detection
1501.0355 Poincare type inequalities for two different Bilateral Grand Lebesgue Spaces
1501.0356 Reactor Neutrino Flux Uncertainty Suppression on Multiple Detector Experiments
1501.0357 Tinkertoys for the Twisted $E_6$ Theory
1501.0358 Comprehend DeepWalk as Matrix Factorization
1501.0359 A Theoretical Study on the Vibrational Spectra of PAH Molecules with Aliphatic Sidegroups
1501.0360 Critical length limiting super-low friction
1501.0361 The radio afterglow of Swift J1644+57 reveals a powerful jet with fast core and slow sheath
1501.0362 Two-parameter regularization of ill-posed spherical pseudo-differential equations in the space of continuous functions
1501.0363 Interaction processes for unions of facets, a limit behavior
1501.0364 Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the SKA era
1501.0365 Self-Gravitating Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Scalar-Torsion Theories
1501.0366 Viscosity-Stratified Flow in a Hele-Shaw Cell
1501.0368 Self-consistent iteration procedure in analyzing reflectivity and spectroscopic ellipsometry data of multilayered materials and their interfaces
1501.0369 Measuring the Mass of Kepler-78b Using a Gaussian Process Model
1501.0370 The coloring of the regular graph of ideals
1501.0371 General Reynolds Analogy for Blunt-nosed Bodies in Hypersonic Flows
1501.0372 The DD$^G$-classifier in the functional setting
1501.0373 R'enyi Entropy of Free Compact Boson on Torus
1501.0374 Optimal escape from metastable states driven by non-Gaussian noise
1501.0375 Passing Expectation Propagation Messages with Kernel Methods
1501.0376 Well-posedness and numerical algorithm for the tempered fractional ordinary differential equations
1501.0377 The index of a string consisting of 4 blocks
1501.0378 Proofs of two conjectures on generalized Fibonacci cubes
1501.0379 The number of unit-area triangles in the plane: Theme and variations
1501.0381 Achieving Non-Zero Information Velocity in Wireless Networks
1501.0382 Periodic transmission peaks in non-periodic disordered one-dimensional photonic structures
1501.0383 Weak approximation of martingale representations
1501.0384 Approximate Marginalization of Absorption and Scattering in Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography
1501.0386 Computability on the countable ordinals and the Hausdorff-Kuratowski theorem
1501.0388 Breaking of ensemble equivalence in networks
1501.0389 Cluster magnetic fields through the study of polarized radio halos in the SKA era
1501.0390 Stacking for Cosmic Magnetism with SKA Surveys
1501.0391 The Structurally Dynamic Cellular Network and Quantum Graphity Approaches to Quantum Gravity - A Review and Comparison
1501.0392 Scattering Suppression from Arbitrary Objects in Spatially-Dispersive Layered Metamaterials
1501.0394 Conversion of recoilless gamma-radiation into a periodic sequence of ultrashort pulses in a set of dispersive and absorptive resonant media
1501.0396 Multipole matrix elements of Green function of Laplace equation
1501.0397 Some notes on the $k$-normal elements and $k$-normal polynomials over finite fields
1501.0398 An Improved Result on Rayleigh--Taylor Instability of Nonhomogeneous Incompressible Viscous Flows
1501.0399 Interband Coherence Induced Correction to Adiabatic Pumping in Periodically Driven Systems
1501.0400 Simple endotrivial modules for linear, unitary and exceptional groups
1501.0401 A generalization of manifolds with corners
1501.0402 A Maximal Inequality for $p$th Power of Stochastic Convolution Integrals
1501.0403 A high-flux BEC source for mobile atom interferometers
1501.0404 Coherency, free inverse monoids and free left ample monoids
1501.0405 Efficiently Discovering Frequent Motifs in Large-scale Sensor Data
1501.0406 Multi Detector Fusion of Dynamic TOA Estimation using Kalman Filter
1501.0407 Giant radio galaxies as probes of the ambient WHIM in the era of the SKA
1501.0408 Magnetic Field Tomography in Nearby Galaxies with the Square Kilometre Array
1501.0409 IR-UWB Detection and Fusion Strategies using Multiple Detector Types
1501.0411 A new semi-analytical approach for numerical solving of Cauchy problem for functional differential equations
1501.0412 Magnetism in Quasi-One-Dimensional A$_2$Cr$_3$As$_3$ (A=K,Rb) superconductors
1501.0413 Transport Signatures of Fermi Surface Topology Change in BiTeI
1501.0415 Statistical methods for the analysis of rotation measure grids in large scale structures in the SKA era
1501.0416 Measuring magnetism in the Milky Way with the Square Kilometre Array
1501.0419 Minimizing the Probability of Ruin in Retirement
1501.0420 Studies of Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with SKA
1501.0421 A Mathematical Model for Lymphangiogenesis in Normal and Diabetic Wounds
1501.0422 Characterizing the Haldane phase in quasi-one-dimensional spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnets
1501.0423 A Liouville type result for a degenerate Bellman operator in a bounded domain
1501.0424 Towards a Non-equilibrium Bethe ansatz for the Kondo Model
1501.0426 Decompositions and residue of meromorphic functions with linear poles in the light of the geometry of cones
1501.0429 Counting an infinite number of points: a testing ground for renormalization methods
1501.0430 The Unimodality Conjecture for cubical polytopes
1501.0432 Quantitative Function and Algorithm for Community Detection in Bipartite Networks
1501.0433 On the Uniform Computational Content of Computability Theory
1501.0434 Monetary Policy and Dark Corners in a stylized Agent-Based Model
1501.0435 Holography in a background-independent effective theory
1501.0436 An Experimental Analysis of the Echo State Network Initialization Using the Particle Swarm Optimization
1501.0437 Computational Feasibility of Clustering under Clusterability Assumptions
1501.0438 (Non-) asymptotic properties of Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics
1501.0439 The Imaginary Potential and Thermal Width of Moving Quarkonium from Holography
1501.0440 Efficient reduction of Kappa models by static inspection of the rule-set
1501.0441 A compactness result for a Gelfand-Liouville system with Lipschitz condition
1501.0442 Joint Rank and Variable Selection for Parsimonious Estimation in High-Dimension Finite Mixture Regression Model
1501.0443 Interplay between Fano resonance and $mathcal{PT} $ symmetry in non-Hermitian discrete systems
1501.0444 Inertia, diffusion and dynamics of a driven skyrmion
1501.0445 LND-Filtrations and Semi-Rigid Domains
1501.0446 A Simple Holographic Superconductor with Momentum Relaxation
1501.0447 How Perfect Offline Wallets Can Still Leak Bitcoin Private Keys
1501.0449 Regularization dependence on phase diagram in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
1501.0450 Flexible Online Repeated Measures Experiment
1501.0451 Polynomial Structure of Topological String Partition Functions
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