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26 January 2025

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1503.0193 Ranking Templates for Linear Loops
1503.0194 Holonomic quantum computing with cat-qudits
1503.0195 Optimal Dynamic Capacity Allocation of HVDC Interconnections for Cross-border Exchange of Balancing Services in Presence of Uncertainty - Extended Version
1503.0196 Systematic entanglement concentration for unknown less-entangled three-photon W states
1503.0197 Emerging Methods and Tools for Sparking New Global Creative Networks
1503.0198 Universal quantum gates on electron-spin qubits with quantum dots inside single-side optical microcavities
1503.0199 Products of Farey Fractions
1503.0200 Anisotropic Young's Modulus for Single-Layer Black Phosphorus: The Third Principle Direction Besides Armchair and Zigzag
1503.0201 Is Bohmian Mechanics an empirically adequate theory?
1503.0202 On Integrating Information Visualization Techniques into Data Mining: A Review
1503.0203 Sharp Spectral Gaps on Metric Measure Spaces
1503.0204 Anomalous Hall effect and current spin polarization in Co$_2$FeX (X = Al, Ga, In, Si, Ge, and Sn) Heusler compounds: A systematic {it ab initio} study
1503.0205 A Game Theoretic Perspective on Self-organizing Optimization for Cognitive Small Cells
1503.0206 Graphdiyne as a Promising Substrate for Stabilizing Pt Nanoparticle Catalyst
1503.0207 Knowledge-aided Two-dimensional Autofocus for Spotlight SAR Polar Format Imagery
1503.0208 Google-based Mode Choice Modeling Approach
1503.0209 An integrated Josephson circulator and directional amplifier: the triple-pumped JPC
1503.0210 Topological T-duality is twisted Atiyah duality
1503.0211 High-efficiency quantum state transfer and quantum memory using a mechanical oscillator
1503.0212 Stacking dependence of carrier-interactions in multilayer graphene systems
1503.0213 Numerical solution of backward stochastic differential equations with jumps for a class of nonlocal diffusion problems
1503.0214 Matrix Completion with Noisy Entries and Outliers
1503.0215 Optimal mass transport over bridges
1503.0216 Fractional Hardy-Sobolev elliptic problems
1503.0217 Atomistic $k.p$ theory
1503.0218 Thermal Interpretation of Schwinger Effect in Near-Extremal RN Black Hole
1503.0219 Metasurfaces for suppressing reflection over broadband
1503.0220 Experimental measurements of fundamental and high-order spoof surface plasmon polariton modes on ultrathin metal strips
1503.0221 Generalized method of eigenoscillations for near-field optical microscopy
1503.0222 Local density of states on a vibrational quantum dot out of equilibrium
1503.0223 Derivation of Langevin equation of a Brownian particle in a harmonic oscillator bath with space-dependent damping
1503.0224 Cellular structures using $ extbf{U}_q$-tilting modules
1503.0225 Output feedback control of the linear Korteweg-de Vries equation
1503.0226 Adaptive estimation of the baseline hazard function in the Cox model by model selection, with high-dimensional covariates
1503.0227 Biological effects of long-term exposure to low dose-rate radiation -- Comparisons of WAM model and LQ model
1503.0228 Largest minimal inversion-complete and pair-complete sets of permutations
1503.0229 Gouy Phase for Relativistic Quantum Particles
1503.0230 How do chemical properties of the atoms change under pressure
1503.0231 Constellations of gaps in Eratosthenes sieve
1503.0232 High Temperature Superconductivity from Strong Correlation
1503.0233 Crossover transition in the Fluctuation of Internet
1503.0234 Scaling properties of multitension domain wall networks
1503.0235 Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheres of Topological Insulators
1503.0236 Enhancing parameter precision of optimal quantum estimation by direct quantum feedback
1503.0237 Task Allocation in Robotic Swarms: Explicit Communication Based Approaches
1503.0238 Geometric formulation of quantum mechanics
1503.0239 Implications and applications of the variance-based uncertainty equalities
1503.0240 Stability and Markov Property of Forward Backward Minimal Supersolutions
1503.0241 Direct Growth Graphene on Cu Nanoparticles by Chemical Vapor Deposition as Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrate for Label-Free Detection of Adenosine
1503.0242 Topological Spin Hall Effect
1503.0243 Engineering nuclear spin dynamics with optically pumped nitrogen-vacancy center
1503.0244 23-bit Metaknowledge Template Towards Big Data Knowledge Discovery and Management
1503.0245 Novel Metaknowledge-based Processing Technique for Multimedia Big Data clustering challenges
1503.0246 Production of mixed flavour heavy quarkonium pair $Upsilon(1S) J/psi$ at LHC
1503.0247 Laser-driven platform for generation and characterization of strong quasi-static magnetic fields
1503.0248 Explicit solver for the electronic V-representation problem
1503.0249 Improvement of Control System Performance by Modification of Time Delay
1503.0250 Sub-Poissonian and anti-bunching criteria via majorization of statistics
1503.0251 Vibronic resonances sustain excited state coherence in light harvesting proteins at room temperature
1503.0252 The observation of photon echoes from evanescently coupled rare-earth ions in a planar waveguide
1503.0253 A Simple Method for Finding the Scattering Coefficients of Quantum Graphs
1503.0254 Many-body critical Casimir interactions in colloidal suspensions
1503.0255 An Online Convex Optimization Approach to Blackwell's Approachability
1503.0256 Interpretable Priors for Hyperparameters for Gaussian Random Fields
1503.0257 Rings and Radial Waves in the Disk of the Milky Way
1503.0258 Decidable Horn Systems with Difference Constraints Arithmetic
1503.0259 Engineering of quantum dot photon sources via electro-elastic fields
1503.0260 Parameter Compilation
1503.0261 Universally Finite Gravitational & Gauge Theories
1503.0262 Realization of mutually unbiased bases for a qubit with only one wave plate: Theory and experiment
1503.0263 Error-compensation measurements on polarization qubits
1503.0264 Experimental verification of quantum precision limit in adaptive qubit state tomography
1503.0265 Multi-Server Coded Caching
1503.0266 Biased Online Parameter Inference for State-Space Models
1503.0267 Distributed Cloud Association in Downlink Multicloud Radio Access Networks
1503.0268 Cusp Summations and Cusp Relations of Simple Quad Lenses
1503.0269 Contrastive Pessimistic Likelihood Estimation for Semi-Supervised Classification
1503.0270 Microwave magnetoelectric fields: An analytical study of topological characteristics
1503.0271 On fractional Laplacians -- 3
1503.0272 Computing the maximum violation of a Bell inequality is NP-complete
1503.0273 Foliated backgrounds for M-theory compactifications (II)
1503.0274 Sharp Moser-Trudinger inequalities on Riemannian manifolds with Negative curvature
1503.0275 Comparator Circuits over Finite Bounded Posets
1503.0276 Particle-In-Cell Modeling of Plasma-Based Accelerators in Two and Three Dimensions
1503.0277 Analytical Energy Gradients in Range-Separated Hybrid Density Functional Theory with Random Phase Approximation
1503.0278 An Introduction to Temporal Graphs: An Algorithmic Perspective
1503.0279 Partial Derivative Automaton for Regular Expressions with Shuffle
1503.0280 The resolved star-formation relation in nearby active galactic nuclei
1503.0281 Resonance expansions of massless Dirac fields propagating in the exterior of a de Sitter-Reissner-Nordstr"om black hole
1503.0282 Constructive sparse trigonometric approximation for functions with small mixed smoothness
1503.0283 The nonlinear 2D supercritical inviscid shallow water equations in a rectangle
1503.0284 Relationships between charge density response functions, exchange holes and localized orbitals
1503.0285 $ au$-rigid finite algebras and $g$-vectors
1503.0286 Magnetic-dipolar-mode Fano resonances for microwave spectroscopy of high absorption matter
1503.0287 Estimating the principal components of correlation matrices from all their eigenvectors
1503.0288 Success factors for Crowdfunding founders and funders
1503.0289 Inverse spectral problem for GK integrable system
1503.0290 Constraining the Charm Yukawa and Higgs-quark Universality
1503.0291 First Passage processes in cellular biology
1503.0292 A combined first-principles and thermodynamic approach to M-Nitronyl Nitroxide (M=Co, Mn) spin helices
1503.0293 Renormalised solutions in thermo-visco-plasticity for a Norton-Hoff type model. Part I: the truncated case
1503.0294 Perturbations of Weyl sums
1503.0295 Regular realizability problems and context-free languages
1503.0296 Physical interpretation of point-like interactions of one-dimensional Schr"odinger operator
1503.0297 Theta functions of superelliptic curves
1503.0298 Jamison sequences in countably infinite discrete abelian groups
1503.0299 Statistical detection of movement activities in a human brain by separation of mixture distributions
1503.0300 Spinor Condensates on a Cylindrical Surface in Synthetic Gauge Fields
1503.0301 On Defining SPARQL with Boolean Tensor Algebra
1503.0302 From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion
1503.0303 Truth Finding on the Deep Web: Is the Problem Solved?
1503.0304 Some geometric interpretations of quantum fidelity
1503.0305 An upper bound for the probability of visiting a distant point by critical branching random walk in $mathbb{Z}^4$
1503.0306 Fusing Data with Correlations
1503.0307 How to best sample a solution manifold?
1503.0308 On 2-absorbing primary submodules of modules over commutative rings
1503.0309 Scaling up Copy Detection
1503.0310 Data Fusion: Resolving Conflicts from Multiple Sources
1503.0311 Reducing ADC Sampling Rate with Compressive Sensing
1503.0312 Matrix Lie groups as 3-dimensional almost contact B-metric manifolds
1503.0313 Comparing halo bias from abundance and clustering
1503.0314 Uncertainties in polarimetric 3D reconstructions of coronal mass ejections
1503.0315 Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries
1503.0316 Exploring the high-pressure behavior of the three known polymorphs of BiPO4: Discovery of a new polymorph
1503.0317 Analogy between the cyclotomic trace map $K ightarrow TC$ and the Grothendieck trace formula via noncommutative geometry
1503.0318 Constructing many atomic models in $aleph_1$
1503.0319 Moduli of vector bundles on higher-dimensional base manifolds - Construction and Variation
1503.0320 Excitation properties of galaxies with the highest [OIII]/[OII] ratios: No evidence for massive escape of ionizing photons
1503.0321 A Sampling Technique of Proving Lower Bounds for Noisy Computations
1503.0322 Personalized PageRank Solution Paths
1503.0323 Sparse Approximation of a Kernel Mean
1503.0324 On endo-prime and endo-coprime modules
1503.0325 $(s,p)$-Valent Functions
1503.0326 K"ahler-Einstein metrics with conic singularities along self-intersecting divisors
1503.0327 Computing in continuous space with self-assembling polygonal tiles
1503.0328 Nonlinear Young integrals via fractional calculus
1503.0329 Restricting invariants of unitary reflection groups
1503.0330 GPU Based Path Integral Control with Learned Dynamics
1503.0331 Guided design of copper oxysulfide superconductors
1503.0332 JUMP-Means: Small-Variance Asymptotics for Markov Jump Processes
1503.0333 Fully parameter-free calculation of optical spectra for insulators, semiconductors and metals from a simple polarization functional
1503.0334 Sparse regression and marginal testing using cluster prototypes
1503.0335 Interlayer tunnelling evidence for possible electron-boson interactions in $ m{Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+delta}}$
1503.0336 CLP(H): Constraint Logic Programming for Hedges
1503.0337 On partition functions for 3-graphs
1503.0338 Phase Transitions in Sparse PCA
1503.0339 Variation in the vocabulary of Russian literary texts
1503.0340 Envy-Free Pricing in Large Markets: Approximating Revenue and Welfare
1503.0341 Correcting the record on the analysis of IBEX and STEREO data regarding variations in the neutral interstellar wind
1503.0342 Beyond Mixing-length Theory: a step toward 321D
1503.0343 Generalized eikonal approximation for strong-field ionization
1503.0345 Exact upper and lower bounds on the difference between the arithmetic and geometric means
1503.0346 On the detection of point sources in Planck LFI 70 GHz CMB maps based on cleaned K-map
1503.0347 Pointwise-recurrent maps on uniquely arcwise connected locally arcwise connected spaces
1503.0348 On the H"older and Cauchy--Schwarz inequalities
1503.0349 A New Merging Double Degenerate Binary in the Solar Neighborhood
1503.0350 Colonization of a territory by a stochastic population under a strong Allee effect and a low immigration pressure
1503.0351 The combinatorial Mandelbrot set as the quotient of the space of geolaminations
1503.0352 Resonant excitation and photon entanglement from semiconductor quantum dots
1503.0353 Evidence for an interstellar dust filament in the outer heliosheath
1503.0354 Search for an emission line of a gravitational wave background
1503.0355 Inequalities detecting structural properties of a finite group
1503.0356 The contribution of L. G. Kov'acs to the theory of permutation groups
1503.0357 Consistency of Importance Sampling estimates based on dependent sample sets and an application to models with factorizing likelihoods
1503.0358 Topological nematic phase in Dirac semi-metals
1503.0359 Creation of quantized particles, gravitons and scalar perturbations by the expanding universe
1503.0360 Optical encryption for large-sized images using random phase-free method
1503.0361 Coauthorship networks: A directed network approach considering the order and number of coauthors
1503.0362 NEXP-completeness and Universal Hardness Results for Justification Logic
1503.0363 Observations of Binary Stars with the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument. V. Toward an Empirical Metal-Poor Mass-Luminosity Relation
1503.0364 Investigating the Impact of Global Positioning System Evidence
1503.0365 Random phase-free kinoform for large objects
1503.0366 A New Chaos-Based Cryptosystem for Secure Transmitted Images
1503.0367 Generalized robust toric ideals
1503.0368 Phylogenetic incongruence through the lens of Monadic Second Order logic
1503.0369 Heuristic Algorithm using Internet of Things and Mobility for solving demographic issues in Financial Inclusion projects
1503.0370 Neutron-proton effective mass splitting in neutron-rich matter and its impacts on nuclear reactions
1503.0371 Numerical results for gauge theories near the conformal window
1503.0372 Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in perpendicularly-magnetized Pt/Co/AlO$_x$ ultrathin films measured by Brillouin light spectroscopy
1503.0373 Foliated backgrounds for M-theory compactifications (I)
1503.0374 A Randomized Algorithm for Approximating the Log Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix
1503.0375 The lambda mechanism in lambda calculus and in other calculi
1503.0376 A solution to the finitizability problem for quantifier logics with equality
1503.0377 Electron scattering and transport in liquid argon
1503.0378 Holonomic gradient method for distribution function of a weighted sum of noncentral chi-square random variables
1503.0379 Renormalization group analysis of the pair-density-wave and charge order within the fermionic hot spot model for the cuprate superconductors
1503.0380 Dielectric Screening in Atomically Thin Boron Nitride Nanosheets
1503.0381 On Automorphisms of Biproducts
1503.0382 Nonlinear parallel momentum transport in strong turbulence
1503.0383 Automorphisms of Liouville Structures
1503.0384 A Formula for the Jones-Wenzl Projections
1503.0385 Atomic Scale Design and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Ionic Diffusive Nanofluidic Channels
1503.0386 Transient evolution of solitary electron holes in low pressure laboratory plasma
1503.0387 Disappearance of Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin): Gone with a Whimper, not a Bang
1503.0388 A Novel Image Steganographic Approach for Hiding Text in Color Images using HSI Color Model
1503.0389 Indiscriminate covers of infinite translation surfaces are innocent, not devious
1503.0390 Lateral Heterojunction Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 and its topological transport
1503.0391 Energy gaps in high-transition temperature cuprate superconductors
1503.0392 Graphene-Silicon Layered Structures on Single-crystalline Ir(111) Thin Films
1503.0393 Competitive interfacial charge transfer to graphene from the electrode contacts and surface adsorbates
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