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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2015
12, 5.2015
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1505.0044 Incorporating Contact Network Structure in Cluster Randomized Trials
1505.0045 A stochastic system with infinite interacting components to model the time evolution of the membrane potentials of a population of neurons
1505.0046 Effective field theory approach to LHC Higgs data
1505.0047 Dynamical polynomial chaos expansions and long time evolution of differential equations with random forcing
1505.0048 PROPs for Linear Systems
1505.0049 Uncertainty Relations for Angular Momentum
1505.0050 An Online Tutor for Astronomy: The GEAS Self-Review Library
1505.0051 A New Resource for College Distance Education Astronomy Laboratory Exercises
1505.0052 Imaging the Oblique Propagation of Electrons in Germanium Crystals at Low Temperature and Low Electric Field
1505.0053 Detection attacks on cryptographic protocols and bound randomness
1505.0054 Differential game of many pursuers with integral constraints on a convex set in the plane
1505.0055 Chess players' fame versus their merit
1505.0056 Natural Dynamics for Combinatorial Optimization
1505.0057 Can galileons solve the muon problem?
1505.0059 Theory of second optimization for scan experiment
1505.0060 On well-covered, vertex decomposable and Cohen-Macaulay graphs
1505.0061 Context-Free Language Theory Formalization
1505.0062 Multi-probe consistent hashing
1505.0063 Constraining portals with displaced Higgs decay searches at the LHC
1505.0064 A mixing operator $T$ for which $(T, T^2)$ is not disjoint transitive
1505.0065 Hopping Conduction via Ionic Liquid Induced Silicon Surface States
1505.0066 Pose Induction for Novel Object Categories
1505.0067 A numerical study of the Regge Calculus and Smooth Lattice methods on a Kasner cosmology
1505.0068 Quantum Isothermal Reversible Process of Particles in a Box with a Delta Potential
1505.0069 The full CPT-even photon sector of the Standard Model Extension at finite temperature
1505.0070 Anomalous response in the vicinity of spontaneous symmetry breaking
1505.0071 Nash equilibrium and evolutionary dynamics in semifinalists' dilemma
1505.0072 Surface polarization and edge charges
1505.0073 Bijective Deformations in $mathbb{R}^n$ via Integral Curve Coordinates
1505.0074 Image Denoising using Optimally Weighted Bilateral Filters: A Sure and Fast Approach
1505.0075 A Cooperative Framework for Fireworks Algorithm
1505.0076 HetHetNets: Heterogeneous Traffic Distribution in Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks
1505.0077 Fast and Accurate Bilateral Filtering using Gauss-Polynomial Decomposition
1505.0078 Cyber physical modeling of distributed resources for distribution system operations
1505.0079 Leveraging History for Faster Sampling of Online Social Networks
1505.0080 Full-Duplex MIMO Relaying Powered by Wireless Energy Transfer
1505.0081 Approximation Algorithms for the Connected Sensor Cover Problem
1505.0082 Frequency-Asynchronous Multiuser Joint Channel-Parameter Estimation, CFO compensation and Channel Decoding
1505.0083 A uniformly accurate (UA) multiscale time integrator Fourier pseoduspectral method for the Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger equations in the nonrelativistic limit regime
1505.0084 On the BMV conjecture for 2 imes2 matrices and the exponential convexity of the function cosh(sqrt{at^2+b})
1505.0085 Graphs with the strong Havel-Hakimi property
1505.0086 Blow-up phenomena and local well-posedness for a generalized Camassa-Holm equation
1505.0087 The SOH Operator System
1505.0088 A Ricci flow proof of a result by Gromov on lower bounds for scalar curvature
1505.0089 Non-trivial translation-invariant valuations on $L^infty$
1505.0090 Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space
1505.0091 Performance of VUV-sensitive MPPC for Liquid Argon Scintillation Light
1505.0092 On the Effect of Human-Computer Interfaces on Language Expression
1505.0093 Gravitational Collapse and Black Hole Formation in a Braneworld
1505.0094 Programmable photonic signal processor chip for radiofrequency applications
1505.0095 Interface coupling in twisted multilayer graphene by resonant Raman spectroscopy of layer breathing modes
1505.0096 DKP Equation in a Rotating Frame with Magnetic Cosmic String Background
1505.0097 Cross sections of $alpha$-induced reactions for targets with masses $A approx 20-50$ at low energies
1505.0098 Contextuality, Pigeonholes, Cheshire Cats, Mean Kings, and Weak Values
1505.0099 Dual Pairs of Gauged Linear Sigma Models and Derived Equivalences of Calabi-Yau threefolds
1505.0100 Finite Density Matrix Renormalisation Group Algorithm for Anyonic Systems
1505.0101 The Infinite Square Well Is Subtle
1505.0102 On the zero divisor graphs of the ring of Lipschitz integers modulo $n$
1505.0103 Geodesic flows around charged black holes in two dimensions
1505.0104 Detector dependency of diffusive quantum monitorings
1505.0105 Optical bistability enabled control of resonant light transmission for an atom-cavity system
1505.0106 Spin-charge transport driven by magnetization dynamics on disordered surface of doped topological insulators
1505.0107 Non-Malleable Extractors and Codes, with their Many Tampered Extensions
1505.0108 Increasing stability for the conductivity and attenuation coefficients
1505.0109 Dark-matter bound states from Feynman diagrams
1505.0110 The Cross-Depiction Problem: Computer Vision Algorithms for Recognising Objects in Artwork and in Photographs
1505.0111 Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing: When Participatory Sensing Meets Participatory Social Media
1505.0112 On Global Solutions for Quasilinear One-Dimensional Parabolic Problems with Dynamical Boundary Conditions
1505.0113 The quantum complexity of approximating the frequency moments
1505.0114 Device-Relaying in Cellular D2D Networks: A Fairness Perspective
1505.0115 Do they agree? Bibliometric evaluation vs informed peer review in the Italian research assessment exercise
1505.0116 Stochastic growth rates for life histories with rare migration or diapause
1505.0117 Thermodynamics of static dyonic AdS black holes in the $omega$-deformed Kaluza-Klein gauged supergravity theory
1505.0118 Expansions of pseudofinite structures and circuit and proof complexity
1505.0119 Kinetics of premartensite to martensite transition and its implications on the origin of modulation in Ni2MnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloy
1505.0120 Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods on unstructured meshes for the wave equation
1505.0121 Factorization of the dijet cross section in electron-positron scattering with jet algorithms
1505.0122 Hierarchy of Scales in Language Dynamics
1505.0123 POVM construction: a simple recipe with applications to symmetric states
1505.0124 Magnetic Field Evolution in Superconducting Neutron Stars
1505.0125 A note on crystalline liftings in the Qp case
1505.0126 Exposure of the Hidden Anti-Ferromagnetism in Paramagnetic CdSe:Mn Nanocrystals
1505.0127 All-Optical Generation of Surface Plasmons in Graphene
1505.0128 Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter in a Scale Invariant Bright Hidden Sector
1505.0129 Courbure des tissus planaires d'efinis implicitement par une 'equation diff'erentielle polynomiale en y'. Programmation
1505.0130 Random Interruptions in Cooperation for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
1505.0131 Encoding field theories into gravities
1505.0132 Noncommutative geometry and physics
1505.0133 Geometry of Two-dimensional Self-shrinkers
1505.0134 Dark Matter with multi-annihilation channels and AMS-02 positron excess and antiproton
1505.0135 Real-time simulation of non-equilibrium transport of magnetization in large open quantum spin systems driven by dissipation
1505.0136 Modeling of microgrids - from fundamental physics to phasors and voltage sources
1505.0137 Verification of g-factors for lead monofluoride ground state, PbF
1505.0138 Compositional Distributional Semantics with Compact Closed Categories and Frobenius Algebras
1505.0139 Methane Planets and their Mass-Radius Relation
1505.0140 Electron Quantization in Broken Atomic Wires
1505.0141 The locality of surface interactions on colloidal probes
1505.0142 Structure of Helicity and Global Solutions of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation
1505.0143 Raman and Infrared spectra of (BaF2)n (n=1-6) clusters
1505.0144 Reachability of Consensus and Synchronizing Automata
1505.0145 Quality Control in Crowdsourced Object Segmentation
1505.0146 Thompson Sampling for Budgeted Multi-armed Bandits
1505.0147 Strictly Implicit Priority Queues: On the Number of Moves and Worst-Case Time
1505.0148 Quasi-Galois points
1505.0149 Applied Metamodelling: A Foundation for Language Driven Development (Third Edition)
1505.0150 Periodic solutions for nonlinear hyperbolic evolution systems
1505.0151 The Wigner-Yanase information can increase under phase sensitive incoherent operations
1505.0152 Krasnosel'skii type formula and translation along trajectories method for evolution equations
1505.0153 Structural identifiability of battery equivalent circuit models
1505.0154 Search-Enhanced Instantaneous Frequency Detection Algorithm: A Preliminary Design
1505.0155 Culinary evolution models for Indian cuisines
1505.0156 Periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations at resonance
1505.0157 Joint Wireless Information and Power Transfer for an Autonomous Multiple Antenna Relay System
1505.0158 Averaging principle and periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations at resonance
1505.0159 The many faces of brane-flux annihilation
1505.0160 Connecting orbits for nonlinear differential equations at resonance
1505.0161 Embedding Semantic Relations into Word Representations
1505.0162 A Modification of the Halpern-Pearl Definition of Causality
1505.0163 Symmetric powers of Nat SL(2,K)
1505.0164 An Algorithmic Framework for Labeling Network Maps
1505.0165 Nonproportionality in the scintillation light yield of bismuth germanate
1505.0166 Capture Dynamics of Ultracold Atoms in the Presence of an Impurity Ion
1505.0167 Many-Body Quantum Electrodynamics Networks: Non-Equilibrium Condensed Matter Physics with Light
1505.0168 Comparison Clustering using Cosine and Fuzzy set based Similarity Measures of Text Documents
1505.0169 Tunable asymmetric transmission of THz wave through a graphene planar chiral structure
1505.0170 Anisotropic magneto-capacitance in ferromagnetic-plate capacitors
1505.0171 SynthCam3D: Semantic Understanding With Synthetic Indoor Scenes
1505.0172 Technical Analysis of Security Infrastructure in RFID Technology
1505.0173 New approach on Supersymmetric Quantum Systems: Real and Complex Hamiltonians
1505.0174 Cosmological disformal invariance
1505.0175 Magneto-electronic properties of multilayer black phosphorus
1505.0176 High precision vector magnetometry with uniaxial quantum centers in silicon carbide
1505.0177 Bulk viscosity : a study from Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
1505.0178 Shortened regenerating codes
1505.0179 Non-Minimally Coupled Pseudoscalars in AdS_4 for Instantons in CFT_3
1505.0180 Effective interactions between fluid membranes
1505.0181 Molecular Communications with Longitudinal Carrier Waves: Baseband to Passband Modulation
1505.0182 Greenberg-Hastings dynamics on a small-world network: the collective extinct-active transition
1505.0183 Solitons for the inverse mean curvature flow
1505.0184 Instance Optimal Geometric Algorithms
1505.0186 On the class of distributions of subordinated L'evy processes
1505.0189 Optical diffraction for measurements of nano-mechanical bending
1505.0191 Cubic Tessellations of the Helicosms
1505.0193 Segmentation and Restoration of Images on Surfaces by Parametric Active Contours with Topology Changes
1505.0194 Somos-4 and Somos-5 are arithmetic divisibility sequences
1505.0195 On $A_p$-$A_infty$ type estimates for square functions
1505.0196 Invertibility of infinitely divisible continuous-time moving average processes
1505.0197 Thue Equations and Lattices
1505.0198 On the use of shapelets in modelling resolved, gravitationally lensed images
1505.0199 Theory of Optimizing Pseudolinear Performance Measures: Application to F-measure
1505.0200 An Effective Algorithmic Framework for Near Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning
1505.0201 Neighbors of knots in the Gordian graph
1505.0202 On the Flatland Paradox
1505.0203 Half-metallic state and magnetic properties versus the lattice constant in Zr2RhZ (Z = Al, Ga, In) Heusler alloys
1505.0204 Graphs with partial order competition dimensions greater than three
1505.0205 Chasing 5-sigma: Prospects for searches for long-duration gravitational-waves without time slides
1505.0206 Ising incommensurate spin resonance of CeCoIn$_{5}$: a dynamical precursor of the Q-phase
1505.0207 Symmetry dependent electron localization and optical absorption of polygonal quantum rings
1505.0208 Traveling Wave Solutions in a Chain of periodically Forced Couple Nonlinear Oscillators
1505.0209 Schedule path optimization for quantum annealing and adiabatic quantum computing
1505.0210 Three-dimensional super Yang-Mills with unquenched flavor
1505.0211 Finite-width Gaussian sum rules for $0^{-+}$ pseudoscalar glueball based on correction from instanton-gluon interference to correlation function
1505.0212 Combining Rewriting and Incremental Materialisation Maintenance for Datalog Programs with Equality
1505.0213 Khovanov homotopy type, Burnside category, and products
1505.0214 Penrose's quasi-local mass for asymptotically anti-de Sitter space-times
1505.0215 Realization of Holographic Entaglement Temperature for a Nearly-AdS boundary
1505.0216 X-ray Sources in the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Draco
1505.0217 The Fractured Nature of British Politics
1505.0218 Volumetric Bias in Segmentation and Reconstruction: Secrets and Solutions
1505.0219 Effects of large-scale non-axisymmetric perturbations in the mean-field solar dynamo
1505.0220 Derivations in Codifferential Categories
1505.0221 Multifield Dynamics in Higgs-otic Inflation
1505.0222 The Relative Lie Algebra Cohomology of the Weil Representation
1505.0223 Graphical method in loop quantum gravity: I. Derivation of the closed formula for the matrix element of the volume operator
1505.0224 The ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
1505.0225 Graphical method in loop quantum gravity: II. The Hamiltonian constraint and inverse volume operators
1505.0226 Cornering dimension-6 $HVV$ interactions at high luminosity LHC: the role of event ratios
1505.0227 Density functional versus spin-density functional and the choice of correlated subspace in multi-variable effective action theories of electronic structure
1505.0228 Criticality and Big Brake singularities in the tachyonic evolutions of closed Friedmann universes with cold dark matter
1505.0229 Remarks on the maximal operator and Hilbert transform along variable parabolas
1505.0230 Correlation between Galaxy Mergers and Luminous AGN
1505.0231 An Upper Bound on Neutron Star Masses from Models of Short Gamma-ray Bursts
1505.0232 On the Approximate Weak Chebyshev Greedy Algorithm
1505.0233 Local Versus Global Conditions in Polynomial Optimization
1505.0234 Exceptional points and unitary evolution of the physical solutions
1505.0235 Asymptotic Enumeration of $I_3$-free Digraphs
1505.0236 Discussion of various models related to cloud performance
1505.0237 Classical Fermionic Dynamics
1505.0238 Exceptional Cosmetic surgeries on $S^3$
1505.0239 Knot Complement Problem for L-space $mathbb{Z} HS^3$
1505.0240 A note on the convex infimum convolution inequality
1505.0241 Probabilistic Object Tracking using a Range Camera
1505.0242 Invariance under quasi-isometries of subcritical and supercritical behaviour in the Boolean model of percolation
1505.0243 Entropy and diffuse scattering: comparison of NbTiVZr and CrMoNbV
1505.0244 An Improved Private Mechanism for Small Databases
1505.0245 Local Spectroscopic Characterization of Spin and Layer Polarization in WSe$_2$
1505.0246 Nuclear War from a Cosmic Perspective
1505.0247 Probing neutrinoless double beta decay with SNO+
1505.0248 Black Holes and Scalar Fields
1505.0249 Image Segmentation by Size-Dependent Single Linkage Clustering of a Watershed Basin Graph
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