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26 January 2025

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1506.0295 Decoherence of near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers due to electric field noise
1506.0296 Compressed self-avoiding walks, bridges and polygons
1506.0297 Localization length of nearly periodic layered metamaterials
1506.0298 Chow ring of the moduli space of stable sheaves supported on quartic curves
1506.0299 New scalar constraint operator for loop quantum gravity
1506.0300 How To Tame Your Sparsity Constraints
1506.0301 Interactive Knowledge Base Population
1506.0302 Fundamental Study of Hydrogen Segregation at Vacancy and Grain Boundary in Palladium
1506.0303 The AFLOW Standard for High-Throughput Materials Science Calculations
1506.0304 Universally Valid Error-Disturbance Relations in Continuous Measurements
1506.0305 Anomalous Coulomb drag in electron-hole bilayers as a signature of formation of excitonic molecules
1506.0306 A note on functional a posteriori estimates for elliptic optimal control problems
1506.0307 Efficient Iterative Processing in the SciDB Parallel Array Engine
1506.0308 Automatic Inference for Inverting Software Simulators via Probabilistic Programming
1506.0309 Isotropic Quenched Disorder Triggers a Robust Nematic State in Electron-Doped Pnictides
1506.0310 Using Graph Theory and a Plenoptic Sensor to Recognize Phase Distortions of a Laser Beam
1506.0311 Generalized non-commutative degeneration conjecture
1506.0312 Copeland Dueling Bandits
1506.0313 An Abstract Morimoto Theorem for Generalized $F$-structures
1506.0314 Semisimple Hopf Algebras via Geometric Invariant Theory
1506.0315 Subthermal switching with nanomechanical relays
1506.0316 Whispering gallery modes in optical fibers based on reflectionless potentials
1506.0317 Measurements of the ion fraction and mobility of alpha and beta decay products in liquid xenon using EXO-200
1506.0318 Kontsevich-Zagier Integrals for Automorphic Green's Functions. II
1506.0319 Path Integral for Off-Shell Supersymmetry
1506.0320 Hyper-luminous Dust Obscured Galaxies discovered by the Hyper Suprime-Cam on Subaru and WISE
1506.0321 Coherence and linewidth of a continuously pumped atom laser at finite temperature
1506.0322 K"ahler-Ricci flow with unbounded curvature
1506.0323 Robust PCA: Optimization of the Robust Reconstruction Error over the Stiefel Manifold
1506.0324 Localized direct CP violation in $B^pm ightarrow ho^0 (omega)pi^pm ightarrow pi^+ pi^-pi^pm$
1506.0325 The Antisymmetry of Distortions
1506.0326 Secure Personal Content Networking over Untrusted Devices
1506.0327 Imaging Time-Series to Improve Classification and Imputation
1506.0328 Contribution of Velocity Vortices and Fast Shock Reflection and Refraction to the Formation of EUV Waves in Solar Eruptions
1506.0329 Bohr compactifications of algebras and structures
1506.0330 Signaling Design of Two-Way MIMO Full-Duplex Channel: Optimality Under Imperfect Transmit Front-End Chain
1506.0331 Stick-slip instabilities in sheared granular flow: the role of friction and acoustic vibrations
1506.0332 Measurement of the Doubly-Polarized $vec{{^3}He}(vec{gamma},n)pp$ Reaction at 16.5 MeV and Its Implications for the GDH Sum Rule
1506.0333 Learning to Answer Questions From Image using Convolutional Neural Network
1506.0334 Remarks on Bernstein theorems for translating solitons
1506.0335 On gauged linear sigma models with torsion
1506.0336 Fermi points and topological quantum phase transitions in a model of superconducting wires
1506.0337 On Distributive Subalgebras of Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Calculi
1506.0338 Covariant Hamiltonian Field Theories on Manifolds with Boundary: Yang-Mills Theories
1506.0339 Towards effective topological field theory for knots
1506.0340 Integer representation of a positive-definite matrix
1506.0341 Quantum Crystals and Laughlin Droplets of Cavity Rydberg Polaritons
1506.0342 Gradient Ricci soliton warped product
1506.0343 On Polynomial Chaos Expansion via Gradient-enhanced $ell_1$-minimization
1506.0344 Error Threshold of Fully Random Eigen Model
1506.0345 Affine twist deformation of a sphere with holes
1506.0346 Measuring the speed of light and the moon distance with an occultation of Mars by the Moon: a Citizen Astronomy Campaign
1506.0347 Pionless Effective Field Theory in Few-Nucleon Systems
1506.0348 Enhanced Gravity Model of trade: reconciling macroeconomic and network models
1506.0349 Statistical properties and error threshold of quasispecies on single-peak Gaussian-distributed fitness landscapes
1506.0350 On the P'olya-Wiman properties of Differential Operators
1506.0351 On certain L-functions for deformations of knot group representations
1506.0352 Reconciling the light component and all-particle cosmic ray energy spectra at the knee
1506.0353 Nonpolar m-plane GaN/AlGaN heterostructures with intersubband transitions in the 5 to 10 THz band
1506.0354 Learning with hidden variables
1506.0355 Reconfiguration Dynamics in folded and intrinsically disordered protein with internal friction: Effect of solvent quality and denaturant
1506.0356 Inferring causal impact using Bayesian structural time-series models
1506.0357 Three Point Functions in the Large N=4 Holography
1506.0358 Effects of hidden nodes on network structure inference
1506.0359 Towards the Natural Gauge Mediation
1506.0360 Mixed model and estimating equation approaches for zero inflation in clustered binary response data with application to a dating violence study
1506.0361 The chromomagnetic operator on the lattice
1506.0362 Newton--Okounkov polytopes of flag varieties
1506.0363 Topological stability versus thermal agitation in a metastable magnetic skyrmion lattice
1506.0364 Second-order response theory of radio-frequency spectroscopy for cold atoms
1506.0365 Development of Low Temperature and High Magnetic Field X-Ray Diffraction Facility
1506.0366 Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery from Biological Data
1506.0367 Dark matter searches with asteroseismology
1506.0368 RBIR using Interest Regions and Binary Signatures
1506.0369 On properties of multiplication and composition operators between Orlicz spaces
1506.0370 Topology in QCD and the axion abundance
1506.0371 Theoretical models for NO decomposition in Cu-exchanged zeolites
1506.0372 Monodromy of rank 2 twisted Hitchin systems and real character varieties
1506.0373 Frequency landscape of tip-growing plants
1506.0374 High-pressure study of the Weyl semimetal NbAs
1506.0375 Unified equation of state for neutron stars on a microscopic basis
1506.0376 Soft-mask fabrication of gallium arsenide nanomembranes for integrated quantum photonics
1506.0377 Local decay for the damped wave equation in the energy space
1506.0378 Heat flux splitter for near-field thermal radiation
1506.0379 Modeling Relation Paths for Representation Learning of Knowledge Bases
1506.0380 Operational axioms for state diagonalization
1506.0381 The spreading behavior of quantum walks induced by drifted random walks on some magnifier graph
1506.0382 Classification of groups of central type of order $p^4$
1506.0383 Kolmogorov's Theorem for Low-Dimensional Invariant Tori of Hamiltonian Systems
1506.0384 The difficulty of measuring the local dark matter density
1506.0385 Variable metric inexact line-search based methods for nonsmooth optimization
1506.0386 Engineering flat electronic bands in quasiperiodic and fractal loop geometries
1506.0387 On the Yoneda Ring and Koszul Pairs
1506.0388 Changes in the spectrum of Z Ursae Majoris during its rise through a maximum in June 2014
1506.0389 A method for independent and continuous tuning of $N$ lasers phase-locked to the same frequency comb
1506.0390 Hawking Radiation of Massive Vector Particles From Warped AdS$_{ ext{3}}$ Black Hole
1506.0391 CCNCheck: Enabling Checkpointed Distributed Applications in Content Centric Networks
1506.0392 Further results on multiple coverings of the farthest-off points
1506.0393 From calls to communities: a model for time varying social networks
1506.0394 GraphVista: Interactive Exploration Of Large Graphs
1506.0395 Hierarchical structure-and-motion recovery from uncalibrated images
1506.0396 Good deal bounds with convex constraints
1506.0397 On a three-dimensional free boundary problem modeling electrostatic mems
1506.0398 Quantum from principles
1506.0399 Destabilization of rotating flows with positive shear by azimuthal magnetic fields
1506.0400 Electrical detection of magnetization reversal without auxiliary magnets
1506.0401 Mapping of Axial Strain in InAs/InSb Heterostructured Nanowires
1506.0402 Fermi surface of three-dimensional La1-xSrxMnO3 explored by soft-X-ray ARPES: Rhombohedral lattice distortion and its effect on magnetoresistance
1506.0403 A Bayesian regression tree approach to identify the effect of nanoparticles' properties on toxicity profiles
1506.0404 Oblique discord
1506.0405 Two-dimensional simply connected abelian locally Nash groups
1506.0406 Rebuilding Phrase Table Scores from Monolingual Resources Using Neural Networks Vector Representations
1506.0407 Backreaction effects on the matter side of Einstein's field equations
1506.0408 Hadron-Hadron Interactions from $N_f=2+1+1$ Lattice QCD: isospin-2 $pipi$ scattering length
1506.0409 The empty ring galaxy ESO 474 - G040
1506.0410 Mass generation via the Higgs boson and the quark condensate of the QCD vacuum
1506.0411 Detailed balance as a quantum-group symmetry of Kraus operators
1506.0412 Energy efficient D2D communications in dynamic TDD systems
1506.0413 Solving the dark matter problem by dynamic interactions
1506.0414 Functional partial canonical correlation
1506.0415 The search for 0nbb decay with the GERDA experiment: status and prospects
1506.0416 Numerical evidence of the double-Griffiths phase of the random quantum Ashkin-Teller chain
1506.0417 Probing Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe by Using Lepton Universality
1506.0418 The raising steps method. Applications to the $displaystyle L^{r}$ Hodge theory in a compact riemannian manifold
1506.0419 Dense Packings from Algebraic Number Fields and Codes
1506.0420 Rev^etements cycliques qui ne sont pas stablement rationnels
1506.0421 Electroosmotic flow rectification in conical nanopores
1506.0422 Relative Complexity of Random Walks in Random Scenery in the absence of a weak invariance principle for the local times
1506.0423 New performance guarantees for the greedy maximization of submodular set functions
1506.0424 A search for pair production of new light bosons decaying into muons
1506.0425 Hadoop Scheduling Base On Data Locality
1506.0426 Cosmological Selection of Multi-TeV Supersymmetry
1506.0427 Structural model for the dynamic buckling of a column under constant rate compression
1506.0428 Correspondence Principle as Equivalence of Categories
1506.0429 Modeling for seasonal marked point processes: An analysis of evolving hurricane occurrences
1506.0430 The accumulation and trapping of grains at planet gaps: effects of grain growth and fragmentation
1506.0431 Principles of a Second Quantum Mechanics - A concise and improved English version of the French text in arXiv:1310.1728v3
1506.0432 Improvement on Asymptotic Density of Packing Families Derived from Multiplicative Lattices
1506.0433 Percolation in suspensions of polydisperse hard rods : quasi-universality and finite-size effects
1506.0434 Effect of inertia on laminar swimming and flying of an assembly of rigid spheres in an incompressible viscous fluid
1506.0435 Deformed aerogels in the superfluid 3He
1506.0436 Optical injection and spectral filtering of high-power UV laser diodes
1506.0437 K3 surfaces with involution, equivariant analytic torsion, and automorphic forms on the moduli space IV: the structure of invariant
1506.0438 A New Method for Reconstructing Network Topology from Flux Measurements
1506.0439 Scaling of discrete element model parameters for cohesionless and cohesive solid
1506.0440 Conceptual design of elliptical cavities for intensity and position sensitive beam measurements in storage rings
1506.0441 Products in Equivariant Homology
1506.0442 Jacob's ladders, Riemann's oscillators, quotient of two oscillating multiforms and set of metamorphoses of this system
1506.0443 Quantum Implementation of Unitary Coupled Cluster for Simulating Molecular Electronic Structure
1506.0444 The third, fifth and sixth Painlev'{e} equations on weighted projective spaces
1506.0445 A structure theorem for sets of small popular doubling
1506.0446 Spin-echo spectroscopy with ultracold neutrons
1506.0447 Tight and stacked triangulations of manifolds
1506.0448 A structure theorem for sets of small popular doubling, revisited
1506.0449 Optimization and analysis of large scale data sorting algorithm based on Hadoop
1506.0450 A multivariate generalization of Prony's method
1506.0451 An analysis of the halo and relic radio emission from Abell 3376 from Murchison Widefield Array observations
1506.0452 Veronese subspace codes
1506.0453 A read-filtering algorithm for high-throughput marker-gene studies that greatly improves OTU accuracy
1506.0454 Fingerprints of energy dissipation for exothermic surface chemical reactions: O$_2$ on Pd(100)
1506.0455 Neutrino masses and mixing from flavour antisymmetry
1506.0456 Derivation of a viscous KP including surface tension, and related equations
1506.0457 Complementarity in Biphoton Generation with Stimulated or Induced Coherence
1506.0458 CLT for linear spectral statistics of normalized sample covariance matrices with the dimension much larger than the sample size
1506.0459 Negative Magnetoresistance in Amorphous Indium Oxide Wires
1506.0460 Thermometry of ultracold fermions by (super)lattice modulation spectroscopy
1506.0461 Hierarchical adaptive polynomial chaos expansions
1506.0462 On the shortest path game: extended version
1506.0463 Geometric theory of inversion and seismic imaging
1506.0464 Coupled normal fluid and superfluid profiles of turbulent helium II in channels
1506.0465 Spin-orbit coupling and proximity effects in metallic carbon nanotubes
1506.0467 Negative coefficients of Ehrhart polynomials
1506.0468 Estimating collective judgement of rumours in social media
1506.0469 Non-extensive distributions for a relativistic Fermi Gas
1506.0470 Global well-posedness of the 2D Boussinesq equations with fractional Laplacian dissipation
1506.0471 A Hydrochemical Hybrid Code for Astrophysical Problems. I. Code Verification and Benchmarks for Photon-Dominated Region (PDR)
1506.0472 24 extmu m length spin relaxation length in boron nitride encapsulated bilayer graphene
1506.0473 Estimation of Super-Resolved Video Dynamics
1506.0474 Bayesian nonparametric cross-study validation of prediction methods
1506.0475 Unbounded Supersolutions of Some Quasilinear Parabolic Equations: a Dichotomy
1506.0476 The based ring of the lowest two-sided cell of an affine Weyl group, III
1506.0477 Quenches and dynamical phase transitions in a non-integrable quantum Ising model
1506.0478 The rotation and translation of non-spherical particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
1506.0479 Constraint Satisfaction and Semilinear Expansions of Addition over the Rationals and the Reals
1506.0480 A Markov random field-based approach to characterizing human brain development using spatial-temporal transcriptome data
1506.0481 Robust Face Recognition with Structural Binary Gradient Patterns
1506.0482 Learning Regular Languages over Large Ordered Alphabets
1506.0483 Collective Modes in the Superfluid Inner Crust of Neutron Stars
1506.0484 Optimal Communication of States of Dynamical Systems over Gaussian Channels with Noisy Feedback: The Scalar Case
1506.0485 Cloud Services Brokerage: A Survey and Research Roadmap
1506.0486 Refined comparison theorems for the Dirac equation in d dimensions
1506.0487 Crystallization of space: Space-time fractals from fractal arithmetics
1506.0488 Is "L-valine ferric chloride" a new nonlinear optical material?
1506.0490 Cut-Set Bounds for Multimessage Multicast Networks with Independent Channels and Zero-Delay Edges
1506.0491 The structure of finite Morse index solutions to two free boundary problems in $R^2$
1506.0492 On the Spectral Gap of the antiferromagnetic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model
1506.0493 Spectral Collapse via Two-phonon Interactions in Trapped Ions
1506.0495 Chimera-Like Coexistence of Synchronized Oscillation and Death in an Ecological Network
1506.0496 Maximum efficiency of state-space models of molecular scale engines
1506.0497 Avoiding Ultraviolet Divergence by Means of Interior-Boundary Conditions
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