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07 February 2025

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1508.0244 Asymptotic Shapes for Ergodic Families of Metrics on Nilpotent Groups
1508.0245 Femtosecond laser micro-processing with radially polarized beams
1508.0246 A note on double truncated (interval) weighted cumulative entropies
1508.0247 Multi-soliton solution to the two-component Hunter-Saxton equation
1508.0248 Weak Values from Displacement Currents in Multiterminal Electron Devices
1508.0249 Lepski's Method and Adaptive Estimation of Nonlinear Integral Functionals of Density
1508.0250 On the converse of Hall's theorem
1508.0251 A numerical study of pseudoscalar inflation
1508.0252 Space-time fractional diffusions in Gaussian noisy environment
1508.0253 About the reducibility of the variety of complex Leibniz algebras
1508.0254 The Origin of Superflares on G-Type Dwarf Stars of Various Ages
1508.0255 Ion assisted structural collapse of a single stranded DNA: a molecular dynamics approach
1508.0256 Volume of Metric Balls in High-Dimensional Complex Grassmann Manifolds
1508.0257 Canonical Hexagons and the $PSL(2,CC)$ Discreteness Problem
1508.0258 Cycles of magnetic activity in solar-type stars. The place of the Sun among the stars with different levels of coronal and chromospheric activity
1508.0259 Dissociative photoionization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules carrying an ethynyl group
1508.0260 Self-learning kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Self-diffusion of small Ag clusters on Ag (111) surface
1508.0261 Saturn's G and D rings provide nearly complete measured scattering/phase functions of nearby debris disks
1508.0262 Quantum Coherence and Its Distribution
1508.0263 Nebular dead zone effects on the D/H ratio in chondrites and comets
1508.0264 Schubert Quiver Grassmannians
1508.0265 A Simple Method for Computing Singular or Nearly Singular Integrals on Closed Surfaces
1508.0266 Quantum-Mechanical Description of Spin-1/2 Particles and Nuclei Channeled in Bent Crystals
1508.0267 Curves with many points over finite fields: the class field theory approach
1508.0268 New and old results on spherical varieties via moduli theory
1508.0269 Reconstructing inflationary paradigm within Effective Field Theory framework
1508.0270 Permanence and almost periodic solutions for a single-species system with impulsive effects on time scales
1508.0271 Recurrent Network Models for Kinematic Tracking
1508.0272 Motion of a helical vortex
1508.0273 The Two Subcultures: The teaching of theory and Physics' place in the college curriculum
1508.0274 Existence of standing waves solution for a Nonlinear Schr"odinger equations in $mathbb{R}^{N}$
1508.0275 On growth-optimal tax rates and the issue of wealth inequalities
1508.0276 Spherically symmetric Einstein-aether perfect fluid models
1508.0277 Unconditionally stable, second-order accurate schemes for solid state phase transformations driven by mechano-chemical spinodal decomposition
1508.0278 Dictionary and Image Recovery from Incomplete and Random Measurements
1508.0279 Efficient computation of Bayesian optimal discriminating designs
1508.0280 Learning from Pairwise Marginal Independencies
1508.0281 Model Selection versus Model Averaging in Dose Finding Studies
1508.0282 On Hyperspectral Classification in the Compressed Domain
1508.0283 Accurate and precise characterization of linear optical interferometers
1508.0284 Exact large ideals of B(G) are downward directed
1508.0285 Optimal Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting with Limited Energy Arrival Knowledge
1508.0286 Goodness of fit of logistic models for random graphs
1508.0287 Bounding the least prime ideal in the Chebotarev Density Theorem
1508.0288 SOFIA Infrared Spectrophotometry of Comet C/2012 K1 (Pan-STARRS)
1508.0289 Path-space variational inference for non-equilibrium coarse-grained systems
1508.0290 Optimal Control of the Multiphase Stefan Problem
1508.0291 Action Variable Quantization, Energy Quantization, and Time Parametrization
1508.0292 A Provably, Linear Time, In-place and Stable Merge Algorithm via the Perfect Shuffle
1508.0293 Limiting the spread of disease through altered migration patterns
1508.0294 Galerkin finite element method for generalized Forchheimer equation of slightly compressible fluid in porous media
1508.0295 The observation of light nuclei at ALICE and the X(3872) conundrum
1508.0296 Theory of Valence Transition in BiNiO$_3$
1508.0297 Divisibility properties of sporadic Ap'ery-like numbers
1508.0298 Two-Way Partial AUC and Its Properties
1508.0299 When Crowdsourcing Meets Mobile Sensing: A Social Network Perspective
1508.0300 Does P-type Ohmic Contact Exist in WSe2-metal Interfaces?
1508.0301 Curved Gratings as Plasmonic Lenses for Linearly Polarised Light
1508.0302 Generalized Sasakian space forms and Riemannian manifolds of quasi constant sectional curvature
1508.0303 Finite Linear Spaces, Plane Geometries, Hilbert spaces and Finite Phase Space
1508.0304 Multi Graphene Growth on Lead Pencil Drawn Sliver-Halide Print Paper Irradiated by Scanning Femtosecond Laser
1508.0305 Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables
1508.0306 SOARAN: A Service-oriented Architecture for Radio Access Network Sharing in Evolving Mobile Networks
1508.0307 Local Color Contrastive Descriptor for Image Classification
1508.0308 Magnetic moments of $J^P=frac{3}{2}^+$ decuplet baryons using effective quark masses in chiral constituent quark model
1508.0309 Electronic structure of Mu-complex donor state in rutile TiO$_2$
1508.0310 Statistical Emulators for Pricing and Hedging Longevity Risk Products
1508.0311 Topological and Hopf charges of a twisted Skyrmion string
1508.0312 A Quantal Tolman Temperature
1508.0313 Strongly connectable digraphs and non-transitive dice
1508.0314 Effect of the Charged Higgs Bosons in the Radiative Leptonic Decays of $B^-$ and $D^-$ Mesons
1508.0315 Low-rank spectral optimization
1508.0316 Toric degenerations and Gromov width of smooth projective varieties
1508.0317 Time-series modeling with undecimated fully convolutional neural networks
1508.0318 Four Variations on Graded Posets
1508.0319 On the Sumset Labeling of Graphs
1508.0320 A co-crystal between benzene and ethane, an evaporite material for Saturn's moon Titan
1508.0321 CHEOPS performance for exomoons: The detectability of exomoons by using optimal decision algorithm
1508.0322 A State-Space Estimation of the Lee-Carter Mortality Model and Implications for Annuity Pricing
1508.0323 Semi-positivity of fiberwise Ricci-flat metrics on Calabi-Yau fibrations
1508.0324 Characteristics of neutrons and proton beams arising from two different Beam Nozzles
1508.0325 A new characterization of $q_{omega}$-compact algebras
1508.0326 A paradifferential reduction for the gravity-capillary waves system at low regularity and applications
1508.0327 Way to crosscheck $mu$-$e$ conversion in the case of no signals of $mu o e gamma$ and $mu o 3e$
1508.0328 Effective diffusion rates and cross-correlation analysis of "acid growth" data
1508.0329 Functional Equations and the Cauchy Mean Value Theorem
1508.0330 On the Importance of Normalisation Layers in Deep Learning with Piecewise Linear Activation Units
1508.0331 Energetics and optical properties of $6$-dimensional rotating black hole in pure Gauss-Bonnet gravity
1508.0332 Variational problems on product spaces Different obstacle constraints
1508.0333 One-dimensional symmetry and Liouville type results for the fourth order allen-cahn equation in R^n
1508.0334 Triadic resonances in non-linear simulations of a fluid flow in a precessing cylinder
1508.0335 Bounds among $f$-divergences
1508.0336 Four-body calculation of elastic deuteron-deuteron scattering
1508.0337 Quantification of dipolar interactions in Fe$_{3-x}$O$_4$ nanoparticles
1508.0338 An autoencoder of stellar spectra and its application in automatically estimating atmospheric parameters
1508.0339 Photoproduction of hidden charm pentaquark states $P_c^+(4380)$ and $P_c^+(4450)$
1508.0340 Quantum Electron Transport and Duality in a One-Dimensional Interacting System
1508.0341 Quantum Cryptography: where do we stand?
1508.0342 Quantum Analysis of Subharmonic Generation Via First-Order Hamiltonian
1508.0343 Exploring possibly existing $q q ar b ar b$ tetraquark states with $q q = ud, ss, cc$
1508.0344 Scattering of particles by deformed non-rotating black holes
1508.0345 Calcul matriciel g'en'eralis'e sur les domaines de Pr"ufer
1508.0346 Optimal Local Multi-scale Basis Functions for Linear Elliptic Equations with Rough Coefficient
1508.0347 Orthotropic rotation-free thin shell elements
1508.0348 Green Sensing and Access: Energy-Throughput Tradeoffs in Cognitive Networking
1508.0349 On the Interference Alignment Designs for Secure Multiuser MIMO Systems
1508.0350 In defence of negative temperature
1508.0351 How far can one send a photon?
1508.0352 Spin orbit coupling controlled spin pumping effect
1508.0353 Non-Universality of Nodal Length Distribution for Arithmetic Random Waves
1508.0354 Significance of Maximum Spectral Amplitude in Sub-bands for Spectral Envelope Estimation and Its Application to Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis
1508.0355 Uniqueness of photon spheres in electro-vacuum spacetimes
1508.0356 The masses of $P_{c}^{*}(4380)$ and $P_{c}^{*}(4450)$ in the quasi particle diquark model
1508.0357 Generalized power domination in WK-Pyramid Networks
1508.0358 Optical nanoscopy of transient states in condensed matter
1508.0359 Automorphisms and cohomology
1508.0360 Classical and relativistic conservation of momentum flux in radio-galaxies
1508.0361 Stochastic equation of fragmentation and branching processes related to avalanches
1508.0362 Embeddings into Orlicz spaces via the modified Riesz potential
1508.0363 Non-local transport and the hydrodynamic shear viscosity in graphene
1508.0364 Entanglement Distillation using the Exchange Interaction
1508.0365 Trapped electrons in the quantum degenerate regime
1508.0366 Complete action of open superstring field theory
1508.0367 Discovery of new chemically peculiar late B-type stars: HD 67044
1508.0368 Violation of Bell inequalities in larger Hilbert spaces: robustness and challenges
1508.0369 Estimating stellar atmospheric parameters based on LASSO and support-vector regression
1508.0370 Pointwise estimates for solutions of fractal Burgers equation
1508.0371 Zeta functions of finite Schreier graphs and their zig zag products
1508.0372 The $a_{0}(980)$ revisited
1508.0373 Affine connections on complex manifolds of algebraic dimension zero
1508.0374 Anomalous behavior of trapping in extended dendrimers with a perfect trap
1508.0375 360 Quantified Self
1508.0376 Observation of Spin-Dependent Charge Symmetry Breaking in $Lambda N$ Interaction: Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of $^4_{Lambda }$He
1508.0377 Using Behavior Objects to Manage Complexity in Virtual Worlds
1508.0378 Dressing curves
1508.0379 Static magnetic proximity effect in Pt/Ni$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$ bilayers investigated by x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity
1508.0380 Generalized modulational instability in multimode fibers: wideband multimode parametric amplification
1508.0381 Trojan dynamics well approximated by a new Hamiltonian normal form
1508.0382 Effect of Ag doping on structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties of ZnO nanoparticles
1508.0383 Double Witt groups
1508.0384 G2 and Sgr A*: A Cosmic Fizzle At The Galactic Center
1508.0385 Novel Bounds for the Normalized Laplacian Estrada and Normalized Energy Index of Graphs
1508.0386 New Bounds for the Sum of Powers of Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs
1508.0387 Effect of weak measurement on entanglement distribution over noisy channels
1508.0388 Interplay between Phonon Confinement and Fano Effect on Raman line shape for semiconductor nanostructures: Analytical study
1508.0389 Lifting theorems for completely positive maps
1508.0390 Massive Pulsars and Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
1508.0391 Examining the stability of thermally fissile Th and U isotopes
1508.0392 Theory of bound-electron g factor in highly charged ions
1508.0393 Population imbalanced lattice fermions near the BCS-BEC crossover: I.The breached pair and metastable FFLO phases
1508.0394 Validity of the local self-energy approximation: application to coupled quantum impurities
1508.0395 Noncommutative Valiant's Classes: Structure and Complete Problems
1508.0396 A Linear Algorithm for Disk Conformal Parameterization of Simply-Connected Open Surfaces
1508.0397 Polyhedral geometry, supercranks, and combinatorial witnesses of congruences for partitions into three parts
1508.0398 Re-entrant Pseudogap in Population Imbalanced Fermi Superfluids
1508.0399 Capturing rogue waves by multi-point statistics
1508.0400 Hyperbolic plasmons on uniaxial metamaterials
1508.0401 A remark on the decomposition of the Jacobian variety of Fermat curves of prime degree
1508.0402 Effects of TMD evolution and partonic flavor on $e^+e^-$ annihilation into hadrons
1508.0403 On the Existence of $t$-Identifying Codes in Undirected De Bruijn Graphs
1508.0404 Hidden string order in a hole-superconductor with extended correlated hopping
1508.0405 X-ray Polarimetry - a Tool for the Galactic center diagnosis
1508.0406 Chain Integral Solutions to Tautological Systems
1508.0407 Effects of structural distortion on electronic and optical properties of defect CdGa_2X_4 (X = S, Se, Te) Chalcopyrite Semiconductor
1508.0408 Multimodal Factor Analysis
1508.0409 Shearlet approximation of functions with discontinuous derivatives
1508.0410 First results of a large-area cryogenic gaseous photomultiplier coupled to a dual-phase liquid xenon TPC
1508.0411 Pre-Inflationary Relics in the CMB?
1508.0412 Automatic learning of pre-miRNAs from different species
1508.0413 Identifying Emotion from Natural Walking
1508.0414 Spin-gap study of the spin-$frac{1}{2}$ $J_{1}$--$J_{2}$ model on the triangular lattice
1508.0415 Complex Langevin simulation in condensed matter physics
1508.0416 First results and future prospects for dual-harmonic searches for gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars
1508.0417 On flat polynomials with non-Negative coefficients
1508.0418 A sharp signature bound for positive four-braids
1508.0419 Connecting the dots II: Phase changes in the climate dynamics of tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets
1508.0420 Blueprint for a microwave ion trap quantum computer
1508.0421 Simplifying one-loop amplitudes in superstring theory
1508.0422 Photoproduction of $omega$ mesons off nuclei and impact of polarization on meson-nucleon interaction
1508.0423 Fixed points for bounded orbits in Hilbert spaces
1508.0424 Charge dependence of neoclassical and turbulent transport of light impurities on MAST
1508.0425 A proof of the integral identity conjecture, II
1508.0426 Theory for planetary exospheres: III. Radiation pressure effect on the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem and its implication on planetary atmospheres
1508.0427 A statistical search for a population of Exo-Trojans in the Kepler dataset
1508.0428 Rayleigh and acoustic gravity waves detection on magnetograms during the Japanese Tsunami, 2011
1508.0429 A three-threshold learning rule approaches the maximal capacity of recurrent neural networks
1508.0430 Kernelized Multiview Projection
1508.0431 Baryonic Matter Onset in Two-Color QCD with Heavy Quarks
1508.0432 General Injectivity Criteria for Weierstrass-Enneper Lifts
1508.0433 Speed limit in internal space of domain walls via all-order effective action of moduli motion
1508.0436 The correlation space of Gaussian latent tree models
1508.0437 A Cahn--Hilliard--Darcy model for tumour growth with chemotaxis and active transport
1508.0438 Thermodynamics of weakly measured quantum systems
1508.0439 Atomic and molecular complex resonances from real eigenvalues using standard (hermitian) electronic structure calculations
1508.0440 Thermodynamics of gravity favours Weak Censorship Conjecture
1508.0441 String duality transformations in $f(R)$ gravity from Noether symmetry approach
1508.0442 Training Schr"odinger's cat: quantum optimal control
1508.0443 Partial Decode-Forward Relaying for the Gaussian Two-Hop Relay Network
1508.0444 Smoothing estimates for non-dispersive equations
1508.0445 Seminatural Gauge Mediation from Product Group Unification
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